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She's hot
that is a man
How are you going to fight with earrings? Your enemy can just pull on them
did she always have huge tits
why are chink faces so wide and flat? even more so than other asians...
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why did they change the name
the word "dread" implies negative emotions of some sort which are highly triggering to our target demographic.
the target demographic*
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>our target demographic
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They changed the name because the game won't be about Solas, the Dreadwolf. Instead they wanted to bring attention to the companions.
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oh boy, this is gonna be gud rage bait
My waifu
>me in half of the threads on /v/
i hate that all the factions you can choose in this game are described as the best of the best goody 2 shoes. Why are current devs incapable of making your playable character or companions anything BUT lawfull good characters.

For fuck sake one factions is about being assassing and they are still describe as if they are nice and good
It’s been going pretty slow. Guess the anons aren’t so easily taking the bait.
She seems like she'll have an annoying personality
No, especially not with her voice actress

It’s because Dragonage Deadname memes scared them. You see executives are borderline retarded boomers who are easily swayed.
Yes that thing may seem hot when you are blind.... deaf... and paralysed.
Yet another manic pixie dream girl. Wonder why BioWare seems to gravitate towards that archetype in its recent games?
She would look decent if it wasn't for her retarded hairstyle
That hair bun is ridiculously large.
If you see it from the side it looks like one of those workplace brooms that's been so worn out it's frazzled at the ends
How big are her tits wtf? They look fucking massive
It’s shopped.
Not particularly. She's not ugly either. She's just kinda average-looking. The hair brings her down though.

I want to say it started with Liara in ME1, though you could argue Tali too. Thing is that you don't need to be particularly attractive for that to work. Plain women go a long way by acting cutesy, often moreso than traditionally hot women.
>end of Inquisition
>Solas wants to destroy the world to redeem elves
>we must stop them but he knows us too well
>so we get people he doesn't know
>enter a faggot tranny squad worse than the faggot tranny squad of Inquisition
>nah let's just be cringe avengers and defeat Solas in a sidequest
It will be babysitting the cringe team just like Mass Effect 2 was
not playing dei slop go shill elsewhere
Think we gonna explore the Black City? I for one am mildly excited.
Nice looking mobile game
its just more elven ruins
That bald motherfucker is about 100 times more interesting than any of these hipster dipshits.
Solas is no longer the main antagonist, please understand.
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>She's hot
They'll forget that the Qunari blundered an invasion that absolutely would result in retaliation by a Thedosian war council, they'll forget that Elves are justifying their own genocide yet again by both serving Qunari and Solas.
Bellara more like Fel assan this bitch will betray you mark my words
because Solas dies in the first hour
He doesn't even try to put effort into the act, also as predictable as ever the tranny wrpg Dev is actually a jrpg fan that ruins everything they touch.
Even worse, he gets the Silverhand treatment.
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So their typical M.O when they have no fucking clue about a character they've inherited into their story.
Big chin chink elf warrior actually sounds like a fun companion concept.
Without a doubt. Look at that chin.
No way on earth her tits are that big in game I will pre order right now if they are.
Ain't that just Fenris? Oh wait you said chink not twink
Like the other anon says it's literally just another elfy place, inquisition did everything in its power to homogenise the entire setting into a boring elf driven mess, even dwarven history is most notably influenced by the elves at this point.
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Good Lord!
The Antivan crows went from corrupt assassins with too much political power to "Antiva's protectors".
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Woof, I bet he's gonna be whiny as fuck compared to poser rockerboy, how much you wanna bet Johnny actually ends up having a better character arc?
Please give me your odds on Davrin getting the Wyll treatment. Despite being a Grey Warden, an order known for recruiting the literally lowest of the low who have no worth left in their disgusting pathetic lives except throwing it away to kill Darkspawn to save everyone else, he will somehow be the goodest of good boys who dindu nuffin.
He will be the Jacob of dragon age
He won't be whiny he will see your pathetic group of faggots and be reinvigorated and reinforced in his belief that none of you are even real people and go full trickster God on you and manipulate you into killing every potential ally you meet.
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Stick a fireball in your mouth and cast the spell.
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I have a growing lack of disgust for you.
>an order known for recruiting the literally lowest of the low
Once again retards watched game of thrones and now mix up the Night's Watch and the Grey Wardens
Not everyone is the grey wardens is a fucking criminal. They just don't turn away recruits. Origins showed this very well, with your fellow recruits being a pickpocket and a knight of some renown
Shill thread.
Once again retards who have played DAO and nothing else and thing their Hero of Ferelden is the rule of the Wardens instead of the exception. You can't name a single other one who wasn't a total faggot. Besides Stroud.
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Nta but anything after DAO is non canon fanfics for women and faggots.
Alright you stupid faggot then why are you posting in a fanfic thread?
Alistar is king of Fereldan.
Loghain is a milatary commander.
>Alistar is king of Fereldan.
and a total faggot
>Loghain is a milatary commander.
He was that way before he was a Warden and totally fucked up by becoming one.
>and a total faggot
Why does everyone say this?
why are you shilling your faggot games on /v/ ? nobody here is going to buy it anyway.
Play Dragon Age Origins and find out.
so much amazing set up with Trespasser and all of it is wasted lol. Talk about taking a huge shit on a great DLC
>Why does everyone say this?
Because Alistair refuses to have sex with men.
Hurf durf
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I cannot believe this dude had any renown whatsoever.
Played through it multiple times.
Well then you probably really relate to Alistair
mongol admixture
I think Alistair is fine. Like any other character, he isn't without faults. While his admiration for Duncan does make sense. It does cloud his perception of the Wardens and the dubious actions they take in the name of sacrifice for the greater good.
Honestly now that you mention it a bbeg probably would just hose himself at the sight of the veil patrol.
The only thing anyone considers good about that paid ending is the cliffhanger, and it's a retarded one at that.
Grey Wardens as a whole are not smart, sensible, thoughtful or intelligent. They do what they're told because they've been told by others to do it who were told by others to do it because they were told they have to and have no choice. Not to sound like Solas but seriously, they're all retarded. Canon fodder made to think they're important.
>Canon fodder made to think they're important
They are important until the last archdemon is killed
It's mainly the books and DAI that set them up as that. The original set up was much closer to them being opportunistic and more multifaceted, from politics to mercenary tactics they ran a gamut of schemes and motivations.
2 Wardens can kill an archdemon. Maybe even 1 by himself. The rest of them are just faggot criminals getting gibs until they either get killed by Darkspawn or their Calling happens.
Doesn't affect me.
>Potion seller
It's Peebee again, they took Peebee from Andromeda and inserted her into Veilguard.
The deep roads will probably still be an issue once the last one is gone and we don't really know how many magisters are left, probably not many but if their smart enough to cause shit like the architect they probably know how to keep up appearances.
>I saw a Mudcrab the other day, horrible creatures.
>Maybe even 1 by himself
Then who will kill the next archdemon?
Some actual hero will decide to kill it and it doesn't have to be from the ranks of fucking cowards who signed up for a long death sentence to avoid an immediate noose.
They have an asian demon race in Dragon Age now? Very weird design.
Does she actually have gigantic doujin level boobs or am I just horny?
Doesn't the archdemon only truly die if it is by someone who has the taint within them?
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I can't unsee
Does that apply to Archdemons only or something? Seems like you're able to kill other darkspawn perfectly fine without the taint. Even if you do, there's no reason to amass an army of blighted inividuals who may or may not be able to kill an archdemon when you could just have a specialized group of trusted soldiers ready to do so if you're the king
Don't be fooled. >>683839982
grrl power, obviously
>Does that apply to Archdemons only or something?
I'm no expert on Dragon Age lore so I might be wrong. But I remember from playing Origins, the whole big revelation of why the Wardens are necessary. Are because they are the only ones who can kill them. Doing so would also kill themselves in the process.
A Warden can still sense darkspawn when they're in large number. At the same time they deal with getting covered in darkspawn blood much better than non infected individuals.
they'll also drop the important allegories to the actual real-world time period that DA clearly took inspiration from. The Qunari as islamic communist dragon-people formed from experiments by ancient elves
Yeah, only a warden in close proximity can kill an Archdemon, they don't have to deal the killing blow but they have to be there to absorb the soul.
Play the game you retarded secondary nigger

Because the soul will jump into a soulless darkspawn and it'll just reform. Wardens have the taint and when it jumps into a body with a soul it kills them both but the archdemon for good.
White men who prefer Asian or brown women disgust me
Thinking or caring about what other men like is incredibly gay.
The Qunari were closer to a mix of Ottoman and communist servitude and role oriented cultures. The islamic aspect came through in how prone they were to use allegory while preaching their beliefs.

As of right now they are a really conflicting culture because some writers want them to be a good boy association(Rivaini Qun advocates) whereas others want them to remain the insane slave doctrine(their treatment of mages and "converts").

The genetic engineering thing is a really piss poor retcon because the only reason the darkspawn in Thedas have had ogres is because the "kossith" landed on the continent many years ago.
The dragon traits Bull refers to could most likely just stem from the changes reavers undergo through the consumption of dragon blood which considering humans have been doing it for about the same length of time would beg the question as to why they haven't taken on draconic traits.
To exist is to be gay
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>you'll never find out what happened to the black city
>you'll never discover why the old gods all wanted to go there and why they stopped talking afterwards
>red lyrium will never be explained
>the titans will remain unexplored
Just because Bioware wants to focus on brown faggots sucking each other off.
Thank you both for clarifying.
>red lyrium will never be explained
Lyrium is Titan blood and Red Lyrium is tainted with the blight.
>the titans will remain unexplored
Pretty much, beyond them being the source of Lyrium. That's all we'll get. Enjoy hearing how Elves are responsible for just about everything for the umpteenth time.
Isn't there tons of red lyrium in that shut off thaig? How did the blight ever get to it?
Titans were used by the elves to power their orbs
Thanks to DAI there's red lyrium literally everywhere now.
As for how it to the lyrium, it was more than likely always supposed to be lyrium that dwarves experimented on thus making it a rarity or one off macguffin, instead by making it blighted you can just say that some blight got to it thanks to darkspawn, we also k ow that elves had things of their own now so maybe it was theirs, Bartrand does say it looks different.
>Once again retards who have played DAO and nothing else
There's literally nothing else to play
There's one unfinished sequel, and a homosexual propaganda game
>You can't name a single other one who wasn't a total faggot
I can't name a single one beyond Alistair and Duncan and player choices like the Hero or Carver
It's a big plot point that they all die in Origins
I don't like the blight explanation cause it retcons too much shit from the previous games, but I guess I should be used to that when it comes to Bioware.

There was a cool fan theory I read before that tried to explain how red lyrium was tied to the real source of the darkspawn/blight which was interesting.
>Red Lyrium is tainted with the blight.
That makes zero sense
Lyrium is found in the deep roads and underground, places crawling with Darkspawn and which have had Darkspawn for hundreds of years, yet you don't find a single vein of red lyrium while you transverse the deep roads in Origins and more, logically red lyrium should be more common
It doesn't make sense but that was the explanation given in Inquisition.
Mods will fix her
I just don’t wanna see it
>DA2 sets up mage rebellion
>Excited to see it unfold in the next game
>Inquisition opens with the rebellion half way done and then solves what's left in the first couple hours, rest of the game focuses on a new bad guy
>Inquisition ending and DLC set up Solas making elves great again
>Veilguard has you beat him during the first mission and then presumably has the real bad guy for the game show up
Hate this. I get they want each game to be its own thing but in that case they need to stop teasing interesting plots at the end of the games if they're just never going to deal with them.
At this point I'm expecting the game to end with a Black City teaser, only for DA5 to have you beat the Maker during the tutorial and then go focus on something else.
Corypheus, red lyrium, mage vs templar would have been resolved in DA2's cancelled final DLC. By not making it they have a game's or several DLCs worth of "debt" they don't even acknowledge is there.
Are those her gigantic gazongas???!!!
Blasians can be hot.
>zero sense
you didn't explore everywhere in the deep roads though, and Varric and his brother tells you its an old and forgotten dwemer ruin that hasnt been accessed in years. far fetched, maybe, but it absolutely can make sense
I lose any respect for a man if he’s white and I find out he’s dating or married to an Asian or black chick
I think a lot of it has to do with the unreasonably long dev cycles for games now and those usually meaning almost everyone who was in any way involved with the old plot is long gone
I don't think you understand what he's saying. Both lyrium and darkspawn are so common in the deep roads that the stuff simply wouldn't be as rare as what's shown in 2 if red lyrium was "blighted".
It doesn't make sense that it would be some unknown concept if that were the case, the blight is something that spreads aggressively to such an extent that it terraforms entire landscapes for generations after a considerable darkspawn incursion occurs there.
Modern high fantasy is such garbage
Yeah it was a pretty unnecessary addition especially when you consider that lyrium was already an insanely dangerous material to begin with that also contributed to mental deterioration.
The inspirations right now aren't exactly stellar examples to follow.
i disagree.
its rare, as they say it is. to completely write it off because the first iteration didnt mention it when lyrium wasn't really a focus, and technically neither was the deep roads, cant claim it doesnt make sense. it isnt as if its going against established lore that claims lyrium cannot, in anyway, change
maybe that was amongst the first, or the amount of darkspawn near that lyrium, or a lot of dead darkspawn caused it to speed up its deterioration?
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>our target demographic
Who? Please tell us, we still have time to save them.
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People who like romance?
Nta, I'm the original guy but
>its rare, as they say it is
How? The taint corrupts everything it touches and we see effects of that all through the game. We see it in the Deep Roads, but not with lyrium, how come?
>because the first iteration didnt mention it when lyrium wasn't really a focus
It's not about it being a focus or not. Antiva wasn't a focus, but it's government is mentioned, the importance of the Antiva Crows is shown, the accents are all established. If the sequel were ti pretend none of that matters and starts contradicting it, then it's the sequel's fault.
>it isnt as if its going against established lore that claims lyrium
Then why isn't most lyrium changed? Why isn't there red lyrium in the first game?
>maybe that was amongst the first, or the amount of darkspawn near that lyrium, or a lot of dead darkspawn caused it to speed up its deterioration?
Which one is it? Cause the dead trenches have all of those and still no red lyrium in it
Bogged granny looking at
Firstly, lyrium had a lot of focus put on it in the first, from it's processing to its trade the game made an effort to explain it.
Secondly, lyrium being a wholly living substance as is stated in inquisition would leave it open to the blight as much as trees or water tend to be, the various reclaimed mines and thaigs would have blighted lyrium and as such it would be a recorded phenomena of common occurrence.
Thirdly, it hasn't been stated that the entire world is actually the interior of a cosmic rats anus, would that revelation be fine or without critique just because it wasn't out right stated word for word?

Red lyrium was a shit plot device in the first place that then got worse with inquisition showing how easily it can spread and implying that it is blighted.

It's a shitty retcon that happened because the writers didn't look left and right before crossing that narrative road.
Wardens resist the taint (which will otherwise ghoulify anyone that regularly comes in contact with Darkspawn blood), can detect their presence, and are the only ones that can truly kill an Archdemon because otherwise they'll just go body hopping with other Darkspawn once slain.
She does kinda look like the type to give out hardboiled candies.
Because it is, anon. We don't know every little scientific thing about lyrium, and it's magic to begin with. Not to be rude, but asking for this kind of information is borderline autism, and quite frankly, even if we had the information, it's not like the entire game falls apart.
>Why isn't there red lyrium in the first game?
Because it wasn't relevant.
>Which one is it?
I don't know, could be all of three, could be none. It could be the Dead Trenches does have it, it's just we didn't see any while we were there. There was also a demon down in the Deep Roads Expedition, perhaps he had a hand in it? It's been a long time since I played the game, so I can't remember every detail. Hell, maybe the game actually explains why.

>Lyrium had a lot of focus
And red lyrium was something newly found in Dragon Age 2, and so either a secret they found in that we the player didn't need to know until the sequel, or the NPC didn't need to tell us.
>Dragon Age Inquisition
Then it's a problem in that game, not how it is introduced in Dragon Age 2. Again, it's magic. We don't have all the knowledge of a lot of things in the game, and it doesn't need to be explained either. Knowing this kind of information doesn't magically transform the game.
>interior of a cosmic rats anus
Don't strawman me. There is a fine difference between unbelievable gibberish and plausible elements.
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Vincent Price has the same expression I had when seeing these other companions.
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Emmrich definitely doesn't want any part of this.
>Because it is, anon
That's not an answer
>We don't know every little scientific thing about lyrium
I'm not asking you the composition of lyrium or the mathematical equation of its corruption, I'm applying logic to two very basic facts, a) red lyrium is normal lyrium corrupted by the taint and b) lyrium exists in places super mega high with taint corruption
It's a very logical conclusion to ask why isn't most lyrium tainted.
>Because it wasn't relevant.
Again, Antiva wasn't relevant yet other games don't contradict what the original established
Plus, Darkspawn corruption is a huge part of Origins and Awakening, yet it's not relevant to how it affects lyrium?
>I don't know
Not very convincing then
>It could be the Dead Trenches does have it, it's just we didn't see any while we were there
And also it was never mentioned or referenced anywhere?
>There was also a demon down in the Deep Roads Expedition, perhaps he had a hand in it?
How, what did he do?
>Hell, maybe the game actually explains why.
It doesn't. Because Red Lyrium was a new element brought in 2 with an inexplicable origin. And then Inquisition retcons it into corrupted lyrium, even though that makes zero sense
I think you are projecting a personality on him, that won't be representative of him in the game.
Just because he is old, and white, you think he will be palatable. Instead, he will be just as much shit, as everyone else in the party, with just an unfortunate facial expression. And if we're talking Bioware, unfortunate and facial expression go hand in hand.
>It's magic we don't have all the knowledge
>Dont strawman me
Uh huh, and yet you immediately default to the strawman argument of sense and continuity being pointless when magic is involved
It's basically Marvel shit with a different coat of paint, how does the white man break away from the nose and its influence? The lack of any actual art in every medium is fucking astounding, how don't more people notice just how much of a cultural void 'entertainment' has become?
>I'm not asking you the composition of lyrium or the mathematical equation of its corruption
>why isn't most lyrium tainted.
Anon, that is what you're asking. We do not know exactly how much corruption is required, and until you get that answer, which is irrelevant, you aren't going to be happy. There's no reason to even continue this conversation.
>relevant yet other games
So everything needs to be mentioned in the first entry, and anything after is complete hogwash? Where do you draw the line?
>never mentioned or referenced anywhere
Because it wasn't relevant to the story. As I have said many times. What would change during The Grey Wardens or Hawke's story line if we find out this piece of information?
>I'm not asking you the composition of lyrium or the mathematical equation of its corruption

>then Inquisition retcons it
And that's Inquisitions problem and doesn't have anything to do with Dragon Age 2's introduction to Red Lyrium.
Honestly, it's like talking to a child who keeps going 'Why?' over and over again. I'm done, don't bother replying.
Because they're diverse, diverse people can't be portrayed as anything but flowers sunshine and rainbows
Looks gay af
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Any more than him?
>Anon, that is what you're askin
It demonstrably isn't
>We do not know exactly how much corruption is required
Unless a precise amount is required, because otherwise the Lyrium would magically return to its original state, then it doesn't matter. We visited parts of the Deep Roads lost in different eras, but all lost a long time ago. The corruption rate is already maxed out
So everything needs to be mentioned in the first entry, and anything after is complete hogwash?
Actually what you should be saying is "blatantly contradiction what was shown before is a retcon?" to which the answer is yes
>Because it wasn't relevant to the story
Corruption was relevant
>And that's Inquisitions problem
>and doesn't have anything to do with Dragon Age 2's introduction to Red Lyrium.
Yeah it does because it makes its existence nonsensical retroactively
>Honestly, it's like talking to a child who keeps going 'Why?' over and over again.
That's because you're not answering anything, just repeating the same retarded notions since this conversation started
"It didn't matter"
"We don't known"
"We didn't see"
>I'm done, don't bother replying
I'd figure you'd throw a tantrum and leave after being forced to repeated the same non answers again and again
Please refrain from posting ever again, it would save everyone time
>how don't more people notice just how much of a cultural void 'entertainment' has become?
People are idiots and consoom without thinking
Why are Western devs so obsessed with this?
Laugh lines? I don't know. Maybe they think it makes the characters look more endearing or likeable?
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It just makes them more ugly. Atleast the East know how to make their women more appealing.
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This exactly looked like korean-american
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Watch Solas end up as pic related.
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It obvious can't be for the whole game
We'll see but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that is the case.
>generic plastic doll with no jawbone
You wouldn't? How could they possibly conclude the game without having him actually do something? He's trying to tear down the Veil.
>Nigger elf
>Asian elf
but I agree with it
I've been more than used to disappointment from BioWare. Especially with this franchise alone constantly building up things only to disregard them in favor of something else. They've all but confirmed Solas isn't the main antagonist. We will be facing against the other two Elven gods.
As long as his goal doesn't change as far as I'm concerned he's still the main antagonist. The Evanuris are complications due to his fuckup that have to be handled before he can continue. The fact that he's once again forced to pretend to be nice to people he would sooner put down like dogs is a fun concept to me.
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Actually it's not even pretending, he is a nice person. But he must be so tired of failing at this point.
>Perpetual fuck up that pisses himself if he's even mildly challenged manages to fuck up even further despite having an army of elf terrorists and teleportation tech
Perhaps it's for the best that they just put him down at this point, lord knows he can't make his mind up.
They feared being called Dickwolf online
He did. And failed. And then got assraped by two niggers that broke outta prison.
Was Dickwolf that much worse than Deadname?
I mean, The Failhard just rolls off the tongue, by comparison.
I look forward to them razzing him
>Oh look it's Mythal's retarded dog who was so scared WE would destroy the world and then went and did it himself through sheer incompetence
I really dislike that we've had two games now about a character that is extremely underwhelming.
Like, imagine if Wuk Lamat gets another FFXIV expansion.
And I get there are people that like Solas, like there are people that like Kamala Khan, and all these failed millennial writing characters. Their audience cannot sustain them.
Arguably, the best thing DA could have done, was bring down the veil, Solas dies, the world gets fucked, and you just have to live with it, and in it. The setting is bland and fucked, at this point.
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Are you trying to say DAI was "about" Solas? Sure Trespasser was but come on. Corypheus sucked but that's not Solas' fault. I think there'a still a lot od potential wifh Solas if they decide to take advantage of it. And I also want the Veil to be destroyed and the whole status quo to reset but I ain't holding my breath.
it's funny how they ripped off her design from porn
And you know that how?
>Are you trying to say DAI was "about" Solas?
DA:I was all about setting him up. Corypheus is barely in the game. And, listen, if setting up Solas didn't get you interested in his autistic gay ass, why would you want a sequel about him, that even has him whispering in your ear about how "there's a veil rift nearby, Rook".

>I think there'a still a lot od potential wifh Solas if they decide to take advantage of it. And I also want the Veil to be destroyed and the whole status quo to reset but I ain't holding my breath.
I don't think there's any potential in Solas. And if I had to rely on current year Bioware to take advantage of it, I'd rather neck myself. I just don't care about this plotline. I grew out of it, while playing Inquisition. We're literally just playing the same game twice, just with someone I know I have no interest in. Not only that, none of the things that will happen in this game will matter, because, as you say, the status quo needs to be maintained. So skipping this game means nothing in the long, or short run. It just doesn't matter, and it is inconsequential.
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>why would you want a sequel about him, that even has him whispering in your ear about how "there's a veil rift nearby, Rook".
Well I'm kind of hoping on the fact that he will whispering way more fucked up things in your ear and they will deliver on all the stuff they bothered setting up about him. But yeah if they don't go in that direction, I will be bored. I feel like I "get" him and am kind of over him too. At this point the most compelling thing is the Solavellan angle. That's really the last cliffhanger I'm actually invested in.
>Well I'm kind of hoping on the fact that he will whispering way more fucked up things in your ear and they will deliver on all the stuff they bothered setting up about him
I seriously doubt that. He's going to be Andromeda SAM again. Do you realize how much running around with "veil rifts" is going to happen? You're going to hate every time you hear his voice, because "there's a veil rift nearby, Rook" will be hammered into your brain, it's insane. You already know this. The fucking poster, much like DA:I's, shows you shutting rifts with Solas' dagger. This is 90% of what the gameplay will be.

>At this point the most compelling thing is the Solavellan angle
That is a very, very tiny market audience. This shit cost upward of $300m. And, even then, you won't be in control of your Inquisitor. So have fun watching this disassociated person making their own dialogue choices, that won't even change the outcome of Solas' fate. Dude's gotta die.
>This is 90% of what the gameplay will be.
Will it? DAI had the same poster and closing the rifts amounted to basically collectathon side bullshit. I mean I'm sure there will be some aspect of him being like "I sense an artifact nearby" but that's nothing new. Pic related is the side I'm hoping we will finally see of him. He's smart enough to take advantage of the fact that he's literally in your head to try to manipulate you. Idk.

Also I don't mind if I don't have a lot of control over my Inquisitor, I'm happy she's in the game at all and apparently matters enough that they let you customize her appearance.
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>He's smart enough to take advantage of the fact that he's literally in your head to try to manipulate you. Idk.
90% of the time, is going to be you wishing he'd shut the fuck up, because he's unconvincing as fuck. You think he's going to be like Kreia from KotoR 2. Meanwhile, even she got grating at times, with her bullshit.
I sincerely feel sorry for you.
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If he's annoying then that'll be all the more fun to kill him in the end. I sont really think anything is GOING to happen or be a certain way I'm just basically saying how I would do it.
why did they make the elf so chinky?
Here's the thing, I don't think killing Solas is such a big payoff, either. Even as a villain, I would have to have some level of investment in him. I'd feel less in killing him, than I'd feel about killing off Sera, if given the chance. This is something that Tresspasser should have concluded, 9 years ago. And it'd be fine, if at least this was an adventure that you could go on with people that you actually want to go on, but this is probably a worse cast than even Anthem's.
Because they wanted to get Awkwafina.
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They have a whole ass game to get you invested in killing him. Remember they're making this game with people who have never played Dragon Age in mind. They can't just coast on Trespasser.
I don't see the merit of this argument. People who will play this game, and have never played Inquisition, didn't need Solas as a villain in this game to begin with. Factually, if you've not played Inquisition, with Tresspasser, then this game is completely worthless to you. In fact, this entire setting is worthless to you, because there's nothing appealing to it. The gameplay reveal showed a theme park ride, with fades to black, so you won't get bored of the gameplay. Your teammates don't actually do any damage during combat (exaggeration, they do, it's just minuscule), and none of them look any more appealing than the Concord cast. If this game didn't have the Dragon Age name on it, nobody would be buying it. And, to be honest, at this point, even with the name Dragon Age on it, I don't understand why you would buy it. It had one good game, it's not a franchise. The only reason to buy this, is because your Inquisitor fucked an elf with autism, and this is a non-sequel to that. So even in that aspect, it makes no sense why you would want this game. Dragon's Dogma 2 has no story, or companions, and it is a better game alternative than this.
why do they all have fortnite proportions
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You dont see the merit of the argument that a $300 million dollar Dragon Age game would be made with that mandate that even people who don't know who Solas is could enjoy it? I mean, okay.
>even people who don't know who Solas is could enjoy it?
For starters, Solas is going to be this annoying bitch that's talking to you about veil rifts all the fucking time. So, if that's $300m well spent for you, I'm not going to take any financial advice from you. Second, this game looks like a worse Risen 2. Without the pirate theme, and companions that don't actually do anything. And it's not like Risen had a great, memorable cast, but holy shit, it wasn't this bad. Third, if you played Inquisition, with Tresspasser, and romanced Solas, this game isn't for you. Because the Inquisitor coming back, isn't going to be your Inquisitor, because it won't be you playing that Inquisitor. Fourth, who Solas was set up to be in the previous game(s) matters to no one, that wasn't around playing Inquisition, 10 years ago. This isn't a big draw, he isn't the Reapers of Mass Effect. Dragon Age isn't Mass Effect, even as they tried to make it play like one. A worse one. In fact, like I said, the similarities it has to being just Risen 2, but 12 years later, is just insane to me.
I don't see the merit that you see. It comes off as wishful thinking.
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>wishful thinking
I feel the same way about you. I'm not as emotionally invested in the whole meta surrounding this game as you seem to be either way. I'm not EA or one of the developers so I have the privilege of not caring. I'll check the game out and see if it sucks or not and move on with my life.
>I'm not as emotionally invested
You definitely do, to me. From the moment you started about the valasalele-what the fuck you call it.
No coverage of this game, by people that actually play games, that aren't journos, or in the DA bubble, has been positive this far. And simply calling someone else invested, just because I call it like I see it, you can call me invested in AC: Shadows and Concord, as well. This is a shit product.
>is because your Inquisitor fucked an elf with autism
Also they didn't fuck and that's half the reason I care. I need them to bang. I've been waiting.
I dont want to stay with these characters for 5 minutes let alone for 30h+ "rpg"
Jesus christ what is wrong with bioware
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looks like mayli
>>Also they didn't fuck and that's half the reason I care. I need them to bang. I've been waiting.
You can commission a blender/sfm artist to do that for you. It may cost more than $60, but you will also get a better result than anything Bioware could give you. Like, if 10 of you got together, for $600 you could commission a 5 minute clip of explicit egg busting. You could even ask for specific things you want to see. You wanna rub your cooch on his smooth bald head? Done.
Even then, if you're not playing the Inquisitor, which you won't be, you're not going to see explicit elf fucking. Unless you fuck Don Lemonlas.
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Man.....you just don't get it.
>Unless you fuck Don Lemonlas.
Excuse you his name is Tuvok
I'm tired of this guy.
You ever meet someone and think they're just not worth your time?
This is him. Nothing to offer, unless it's party night and someone forgot the disco ball.
Don't insult Tuvok like that. Tuvok is a cool guy, and a good character. He is a husband and a father. Deshaun DaQuanius here is going to be none of those things.
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>You ever meet someone and think they're just not worth your time?
Yeah you're right. But on the other hand: var lath vir suledin.
>ugly bug faced East Asian mystery meat
Your standards are in the gutter
>var lath vir suledin.
Ching chong nig nog to you, too.
Not a single character there looks interesting.
from left to right
>just a black guy with pointy ears
>fortnite face guy with horns
>Asian grandmother
>old guy
>le heckin suave black man in suave cloths.
>5/10 short fat chick
>the "hot" one
Abysmal corpo design by committee.
>fortnite face guy with horns
That's supposed to be a girl.
>Made epic rpg game but target audiences are people who like romance?
Well they can do whatever they want with their money.
So women and fags who don't even like RPG's or gaming at all?
Pretty much. The same people who ate up Inquisition I guess. It's just more of the same, just even more woke.
Look for yourself.
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That's an unfortunate face
>EA Bioslop
Not even once.
It kinda shocked me when even they didn't like the trailer for this slop

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