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Post weaponfu
Rosus's Axe. I love summoning skeletons.
Ew clean it up
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is cold better than str in almost every case? frost for 20% extra dmg vs a little higher base damage seems like a no brainer
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>Guard counter talisman
>Sekiro guard juice
>Two handing
Yep, it's gaming time
into the trash it goes
I still have no idea what fucking build to run
>use magic
>it's shit outside of bosses due to FP mechanic
>use melee
>haha you'll get shit on without ranged abilities
use carian sorceries for fun magic
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I really really wish light greatswords actually staggered anything and didn't have animation commitments measured with a calendar because they're otherwise my favourite weapon class by far.
mixed is better late game when the numbers are big enough to get through the dual defences but cold status is goated
they're not mutually exclusive. Most of the best weapons are magic
Base game was Nightrider's Flail with frosty stomp. DLC was Milady with Storm Blade.
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only faggots level int.
Just use the ARC build? Blood weapon with ARC scaling, dragon seal with S arcana scaling, a few points in faith and you get a super strong and versatile build that deals tons of damage in melee and has access to a huge arsenal of incantations.
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im a simple man
just slap stormblade on your weapon
just use chilling mist on your heavy infused wpn
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Just look how beautiful it is
Trying a dex/fth build. Been using Leda's sword, but not sure what incantations to actually use, any recommendations?
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black flame is always worthwile
flame grant me strenght
golden vow
flame protect me
black flame protection
frenzy flame
howl of shabriri
death dragonbolt
>not a single black flame spell in the DLC
i don't believe it...
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Unironically this. Solid, not flashy, still stylish and realistic. Can be infused however you want. Better reach than most other curved swords. What's there to hate?
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It's one of the best, but it just makes me upset we don't have a kriegsmesser in the game also.
Its just so fucking awesome, I wish its AOW worked like darkmoon blade
most disappointing weapon in the game, the enemy has an awesome moveset with a ball and chain and the player version is just a generic great axe
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Dual wielding these things or even just one as a sidearm, so fucking dope especially if you rock some shortrange weapon in the main hand
Ol' reliable bass cannon. Might not have the pancake r2 anymore, but I love it just as much.
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Dual wielding paired weapons aka bloody toes kicking build
What are you, fucking Daniel Fortesque?
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>most disappointing weapon in the game
that's not Marais Executioner's Sword
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Don't know why, but these things just speak to me.
This was pre DLC Convergence.
that has a unique ash of war at least, theres literally nothing unique about the duelist greataxe
I'm so glad that we got another colossal with this one's moveset. I don't like how it widens towards the tip and has no cutting edge, makes it more like a club than a sword.
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Lemme guess? Pure str bonkstick monkey? Get some standards, pleb.
You can just be a mage and make a cold infused Morningstar with Lion's Claw as the ash. Now you can spam Night Comet and if anything gets close, you have a weapon that deals more stance damage than the Guts cosplay sword with the same ash and triggers 2 status effects.
>equip Millicent's prosthesis
>equip Rotten winged sword insignia
>equip Alexander's shard
>use the Thorny cracked tear
>press L2 and initiate the blender

Sounds like a you problem.
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Haven't had this much fun with a colossal for a long time.
Just finished radahn with this hammer with bleed
I love this fucking weapon so much
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For me, it is this weapon.
>impossible to find without a guide
>drops from a single enemy
>looks like it should inflict bleed but doesn't
>can only be farmed near the end of the game
>already outclassed by weapon you found 40 hours earlier
The moveset is fun, but these never clicked for me. It felt like most DLC enemies would just poise through my hits and smack me down
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>level int
>don't have enough int irl to choose one of the many int weapons
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Got magnetically attached to my hand from the moment I picked it up. Nothing else I tried could last long before it came back. Partly because of getting bottlenecked by certain smithing stones due to being too stubborn to continue base game until Farum Azula (fresh run), but moveset was just too fresh and satisfying for much else to tempt me anyway. Though would maybe have used Dryleaf or Falx if they had dropped earlier.
This is so fucking stupid jesus chrsist anon
Keep a dagger that has a ranged Ash of War on you. Easy peasy.
Love this blade but hate the AoW.
What were they thinking?
>point out that FP limitation is the problem oustide of bosses

bro your blewdew talisman?
>gladiators dual wield them
>can only get one per playthrough
>this + fingerprint shield
luv poking things to death
simple as
>oustide of bosses
Shift most reds to blue. If you stand back and spam to kill mobs you take a lot less damage
Is that the scale sword that is like 4% drop from one guy in the game?? Looks way cooler than I thought it would
>fp is a limitation against mobs
Bro how? I can esily go from grace to grace genociding everything inbetween spells only.
You know mind is an attribute you can raise yeah? A caster should aim for at least mid 20s.
>endgame item from the dlc
Are you fucking retarded

Great, do a playthrough, FP use only, all mobs killed
I'll wait for the youtube upload
you can farm them in leyndell
If you don’t have 35 mind your build is troll
It's this one.
This plus that one weapon art that gives you a huge damage reduction for a few seconds so you can just pop the art and go unga bunga with the club. The club move set is so good.
>what is NG+
come on brah
just go to the guy, kill him, kill radahn with it and have a blast in NG+
I accept your concession.
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it has low stat requirements, high poise damage, does well with cold infusion, has intrinsic bleed, does decent damage and its attacks have decent range.

its not overpowered or crazy good, but i always come back to it when using builds with high int
I only go above 20 when I'm done levelling everything else tb h.
does the shockwave part of the guard counter also apply bleed? might try that if it does
imo having beaten the DLC twice now it's a lot easier to get by on a build with no ranged options than a build with bad melee options (or really even just any build that can't guard well)
If you really need ranged options then go to the merchant at the area right before the run to Castle Morne and just buy a shit ton of knives. That's more than enough to deal with any annoying mages you might come across.
Also like some other people have pointed out there are plenty of strong ranged ashes of war and several very good weapons that also have unique, powerful ranged attacks.
The DLC fire greatsword (which is actually a colossal sword) is so good.
>regular attacks are like the Godslayer sword
>also has a poke like the Zweihander
>can be infused with everything
>absolute giga AR with flame infusions
>works with all the best buffs
>doesn't have 20+ weight

STR/FAI is eating so good in the DLC.
Yeah, they're weirdly slow for how fast they look. I like the concept behind them but imo combat with them usually just boils down to "jumping r2 into r1, then repeat". There just isn't really another string that works better than that in a vast majority of scenarios.
Zwei + a shield purely for aesthetics
>You cant wield 2 of them like the kratos
If the enemies can do it why can't I?
My two favorite weapons, I'd give a slight edge to the spear but I really do love them both.
I got that by accident and realized it was worse than like every other curved GS I had.
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Their unique ash of war combo move is also worse than just using Lion's Claw on it which feels really weird.
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I love dual-wielding miladies
I am not sure but I imagine the actual hammer strike itself will proc bleeds
If you're using Milady you should basically always be leading with R2s, it comes out as fast as the R1 but with 2 hits and you can follow up with the R1 combo with no startup time
The jumping R2 is also a great approach, it staggers anything that would be staggered by a greatsword jump attack and the R1 follow up kills basically any normal enemy before they can react
You can even do this with the Wing Stance, if you just keep holding L2 you can keep throwing them out
This thing is so cool.
That's not the Velvet St. Trina Sword which inflicts a new status effect that works on almost nothing that you would actually want to be eternally asleep, often turns into regular sleep if it does work and takes so long to inflict that most enemies are just dead before it procs.
Power stanced Blasphemous blade and ordovis strong.
Just a reminder if you want to cheese the game or just mess around in a run, the Mimic can drink the Divine Blessing type item from the DLC and has an infinite amount of them since the game only limits crimson drinks as far as healing items go.
Why do so many fucking niggers play as blues, shouldn’t even be in the game
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They were smoking fucking crack when they made this weapon, what if we made a Curved Sword that was like powerstanced daggers but better in every way and without sacrificing any power or reach?
God bless them for it this shit fucking rules
>sacrificial axe, blue dagger talisman, blue dew talisman, blue drinks, mind stat.
skill issue
Did I mention the Backhand Blade has a weight of fucking 2.0
Literally less than actually wielding two daggers, less than the Ornamental Straight Sword, 0.5 more than most seals
You can just have that shit ready to go in your pocket or feel free to carry some big guns when you're fighting a guy you actually need to stagger
What is this? The image is making me feel like a retard, it looks like the scimitar but isn't, and I can't find it on the wiki.
Backhand Blades
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sleep and madness in general are both really poorly executed as status effects. madness is useless in pve and sleep is more work than its worth.
you must have had an extremely shit mage build because this shit melts the bosses
This feels like it might be the best weapon in the game to me.
>cheap ash of war version of an incant with decent requirements and cost
This carried me through a level 50 run of the entire game on my low level troll invader before CE was able to spawn stuff in.
Man people smack talk this thing but I kinda love it, I don't see the issue it still hits pretty hard.
Sleep and Madness both suck because they're worthless in pvp and are either worthless or broken in pvp with no real inbetween. At the very least, I wish Madness actually did something in pve and I wish there was a sleep themed weapon that isn't shit.
It's a mixed bag. The charged heavy is fucking hilarious and the damage overall isn't too bad, but the damage drop off over distance is fucking atrocious and needs to be buffed (or at least they need to change it so the arrow's reach talisman works on thrown weapons)
yeah I love the knaifu, the AoW is so good and the floating flip is too damn stylish.
Does this only work on PC
I can see that I guess, I don't really use the throw against bosses or really mobile enemies but it's very convenient for picking off opponents without having to risk anything.
No, radahn teleported back because the mimic tear used a dragon communion incantation that made him airborne. Radahn's spaghetti code requires his target to be on the ground for his meteor attack to work, otherwise it spazzes out and just pops him back into the arena to avoid crashing the game.
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It's like 55:45 dex:str so I forgive it
or, you know 11:20, if you like reducing
It's like B in dex and D in str
No other game has it been this bad a bias. DS2 even had it STR focused. There are still too many dex halberds tho despite halberds being the slowest possible option for a dex user with no feasible advantage over other options (especially Great Katana now)
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I want a comically large strength weapon that also is great at causing bleed. What should I be using?
Glintstone kris
deformed chikem leg
bloodfiend's arm
That's not crystal spear
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i do wish the ash of war could be changed but at least it has a good one and does insane damage
i also wish the large club moveset from dark souls 1 was brought back
Your could do it in DS3 and you can do it in ER too
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it's really quite good
It's even better with the DLC, because the weapon art arbitrarily has the word "dance" in its name it gets an additional 2.5% damage boost from every piece of the Dancer's Set you currently have equipped.
Granted, it's probably strictly better to just use the Rakshasa set instead. It's only a 2% increase per piece but you also get better damage negation and way more poise, plus the bonus applies to all damage instead of just your art. I guess if you really want to use Marais on a fast roll build Dancer's Set is your best bet.
How the fuck do you build with this?
Currently doing a cave man and this weapon passes me of so much, it's a fucking club, why is it locked to a holy ash of war? Why did they change the damage typing? As a long time from soft enjoyed, fuck this shifty retard game. Miyazaki is a fucking nigger.
original webm poster
wanted to clarify that the mimic tear popped his incantation after radahn teleported back down
I triggered the bug by just doing regular jumps which also does the same thing as the incantation trick
Just use the brick hammer
just go 54 strength and however much faith you want since you're only ever going to be 2 handing it anyways. if you're like 150 level range you can get it to like 2700 AR with golden vow, flame grant me strength, and holy order blade or w/e the holy buff is called. but you really don't even have to lean into the faith scaling at all since it's 95% a strength weapon
It was way worse on release when it had zero faith scaling.
Actually, now that it scales with faith it has a unique privilege of being the biggest stick that has innate holy damage that can still be buffed, making it solid on a faith centric build with Order's Blade.
Set up cheat engine or a lol merchant mod then you can play through the game with the DLC items on a new character.
Mohg's spear
I got two of these by pure accident. They look cool and are a good weapon THEMATICALLY, but as the other anon said, they’re kinda just the worst curved greatsword because it’s outclassed hard. Still, it’s a curved greatsword. Not bad, you could make it work. Not like you’re using a broken straight sword hilt.
Yeah you're right about that except for a few things:

>holy ash of war locked
>giant fucking rock
>want to be able to the biggest, blackest, nigger gorilla no brain monkey nigger smack ash of war
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Loved using this and the twin axes against everything except radahn though I don’t blame the weapons for that. Still had some cool openings for blinkbolt.
just use the large club or curved great club then, but they're nowhere near as strong and don't stagger bosses in 2 charged r2s
use giant crusher. it looks like a sword in a stone that a 60+ strength chad couldn't be bothered figuring out how to pull out, so he just picked up the whole stone and started swinging that around like a club. it's good with savage lion claw or royal knights resolve if you just want to spam jump attacks. it has some of the best block for a non-shield, so you don't even need anything in your other slots except maybe beast talisman if you want some utility spells or throw rocks like a caveman too
Yeah...fuck from soft. Last time I buy their shot games.
peak warfare tool. Respect, anon.
>verification not required
St. Trina’s torch is fine for sleep in pvp, the real problem with sleep builds are the limited resources (St. Trina lilies)
>St. Trina’s torch is fine for sleep in pvp
There's no way.
How do you like Elden Ring Reforged compared to the regular game? It's the biggest mod but I think nobody on the vg general plays it
>He doesn’t know
Why do people call asset dumps mods? Especially when it comes to souls games, there's no creativity, they just reuse assets from other souls games plus some faggy over the top dragon ball z shit. It's stupid.
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Best axe in the game. I dual wield them with occult for a double axe bleed build. NO it's not meta, but it's fun to RP a roaring barbarian guy. Until NG+ with two highland axes to get that mega roar buff.
bleed infused greatsword is S tier
you mean bleed? occult doesn't do anything if the weapon doesn't have innate bleed already
Do not care. Give me Elmer's moveset, you boring faggots.
this thing is pretty great. wish the dlc had introduced another shield like it.
It actually adds some rhythm to the gameplay, at the end of each attack or roll there's a little spark, and if you use another move in that exact frame, it comes off faster and costing less stamina.
Also a perfect block closer to Sekiro, if you block at the exact perfect frame you don't take damage and lower the enemy posture.
So the gameplay should be more dynamic than regular game, there's even classes you can equip such as spellblade that charges your next physical attacks when landing a number of spells.
So far that's cool, but the bosses have improved IA and stuff so it might get bullshit hard at some point to compensate
They do actually, their R2 poise damage is close enough to be functionally the same
hell if you add in cragblade, regular hammers and flails do too
It's fantastic, it's just not as brainless as darkmoon's aow
Basically only useful on the giant crayfish
oops you're right. Also, dual highland axes don't stack.
I like how this trivializes most of the game's annoying ass trash mobs like basilisks or rot boys.
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My trashmob clearer is this, I know it's not a weapon but it saved my ass a million times.
>NO it's not meta
It's a really good choice tho. It has great innate str scaling making it a perfect candidate for bleed infusion. Consider giving the stone club a try. It's a ridiculously stupid bleed blender R1 beat stick. Other notable mentions: iron greatsword, knightrider glaive, and executioner's greataxe
I will, thanks anon.
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The Old Reliable
the claymore is too based for this world
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She has been by my side in all my adventures. I look forward to seeing her again in the next one.
I'm looking for a new straight sword for a str/faith build, I swapped to the new lightning axe for a while but I like the utility of a shield more than the cool gap close weapon art.
Sword of Light isn't amazing but it's probably going to be best in slot if you specifically want a straight sword for a str/faith build.
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always loved the flamberge for being a pretty good quality greatsword with the added bonus of having bleed on it, then I found milos' and saw that sick uppercut. I enjoy
The complaint was of the moveset not the damage idiot.
I suppose I'll try it out, It has a cool looking weapon art at least. I've been running the miquellan knight sword but have been rocking it so long I want a change of pace.
fth+dex or fth+str
The scaling is pretty bad but the weapon art gives a 20% boost to holy damage which makes its damage solid especially for the weapon class. It doesn't have anything that really makes it feel amazing (mostly because the weapon art is kind of mediocre outside of the buff utility) but it's solid.
Used a flame art naginata with a brass shield to take down radahn. Using the new flame skewer ash for extra firedamage and the fire damage plus oil tears in the physique bosses would just melt.
The sword of light? Does it at least have better than D/D/D scaling like the Miquellan knight sword on Str/Dex/Faith?
wash your hands
Only barely with C/D/D. That said, both the Strength and Faith scaling are better despite both having D in faith, the SoL has far worse Dex scaling but who cares.
But like I said, if your Str and Faith are even decently close in value SoL should get the highest total AR of any straight sword you could pick.
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Raduvia easily. Used it from start to Consort
sick, guess I hunt down the altar for the it and swap to a new sword and board. Thanks anon.
I can't stop using it. Any of the halberds with this slash moveset are so much fun
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I don't even care about the shit scaling, love me pointy stick
Gotten really into arcane lately, big fan of misericorde with blood slash
STR/FTH/ARC or DEX/FTH/ARC are the single most fun builds in the entire game, especially STR/FTH/ARC with the DLC adding the Meteoric Greatsword and the Death Knight weapons.
The dual wield moveset is bugged btw, the final slash deals pitiful damage compared to the previous ones.
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I see enemy I punch enemy. Simple as.
Have you considered the new melee moveset that has punching AND flying kicks?
Well I haven't even played this game, I'm just assuming it works like dark souls 3 caestus.
I like its moveset the most, same with the Crescent Axe 2H weapon from the knights in the Stormveil Castle.
Knight's Lightning Spear.
Discuss of Light.
Giant Golden Arc.
Crucible: Tail.
Pest-Thread Spears.
Messmer's Orb.
Scarlet Aeonia.
Golden Vow.
Ansbach was the most based character in the dlc and he even leaves you a gift
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Love the clean and simple look.
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Block with a rock and poke with a fork
One stab three holes baby
Do a faith build, intelligence sucks ass if you don't know what you are doing, but you can get lots of powerful faith things consistently throughout the game. Preferably get the fireball from corhyn.
Gigabased kek
I’m at the point where I’m over level 300 on this character and I still haven’t put a single point into int.
What are some underrated strength weapons?
IDGAF that's it's mid as fuck, has poor INT scaling and gets outclassed by a sword you find 5 minutes into the game, this thing is beautiful and I love the battle mage LARP you can do in this game
I still can't let go Blasphemous Blade because of the healing
I'm saving so much potions that I can just put it all in blue
Not to mention the insane AOE that can kill packs in 1 hit
No matter what run, no matter weapon I'm currently using. I always got this bad boy in my second slot.

Lightweight too so if I don't slap RKR on it then anything with utility is great.
Dualwield the rot one and the normal one
I used the blood katana. I couldn't beat the last boss so I changed all my shit and used some cheese strat. I haven't played the DLC and don't plan on it.
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Great Stars
it's literally the best str weapon in the game
I think great katana is pretty great
too cheesy
This is literally as meta as you can get
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You just fucking win.
You might have won but you didn't beat the game
dunno man I got the achievement and I can proceed to new journey
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my love
I wish they never ruined the Sword of Night and Flame because of meme youtube videos. Now it's unusable. Stupid fags.
Yeah! You tricked me! That's not a cute asian girl at all! That's a jewish woman sucking a black penis!
slap chilling mist to get a proper Vordt cosplay, really fucking strong with frost
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Gotta be noble slender sword
Does RKR apply to riposte damage? that seems retarded
I hate that there';s no way to sheath your weapons and draw therm. You look so dumb when your weapon is always pulled out.

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