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/v/ - Video Games

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Looks Kino

the 2006 live action was better
this looks like fucking dogshit. why aren't they raping the dislike button on it?
The fuck is Like a Dragon? Some chink gacha shit?
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god he's such a fucking loser
and tell us how ring of power and wheel of time turned out?
it's fine, this slop has the backing of redditards and twitter troons willing to fellate it to no end without any questions raised or criticism levied against it. it'll do well.
looks like trash for normies
This is an adaption of 1? i guess that's jingu, why the fuck is he on the poster and not Nishki? anyway it looks decent from what i can tell, but it probably is gonna take itself too seriously judging from the tone of the trailer, i hope they keep haruka and pick a good majima
I literally have the same bodytype and i'm a lazy fucker, what's he so proud of
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he's proud of this
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Will Majima be in it?
Of course. Ain't no they he's not there
>skinnyfat fag does ab workouts once a week
Stop posting my pics thank you very much
Its expanded in some ways, apparently it will jump between 95 and 05
Which mini-games will it have?
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Japan's favorite it would be pretty retarded otherwise
>this is the buffest jap they coudl get
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Kiryu isn't exactly Kenshiro you know, he's pretty lean
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Yakuza 1 is a game that scream to be adapted into a B tier action movie, but no we are cursed with dorama prime series
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he's literally personification of this
>Director teased a original female character
>There's a huge twist at the end of episode 1

Kiryu will die in episode 1 and then this new original female main character who will be better than Kiryu in every possible way will take over the main character role and you will be GLAD.
Tattoos are cringe.
if you are not sailor, yes
I don't have tattoos or care much for them but I wonder what causes this type of autism where you need to make your dislike of tattoos known anytime you see one. I see it more and more on this site.
Trad larpers, personally i don't like them, but i can get why a lot of people do
why is the MC so skinny?
Yeah but Kiryu's still pretty fucking big in the games kek. This guy looks so skinny it's really hard to take it seriously. In the games Kiryu's physical presence is part of what makes him cool, everyone knows he's a big dude and there's a reason he can beat down 100s of dudes by himself. This guy in the show though? kek. I get that Kiryu's body in the game is "unrealistic" but come on, it doesn't even really look like they tried to make the actor bulk up at all.
Eh i guess he could use a few pounds more
was never going to watch and I'm not surprised
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I get the reference.
Standard asian size please understand

would asians lose a race war if they had to go against a couple of average sized indians
Anon, chinks have literally won every single conflict they had with indians

The guy in the right is... Nishiki? He doesn't look like him at all. I actually thought that is Ryo Aoki. The soundtrack sounds like a shitty techno remix of Amon's theme. It could still be good or bad, but I think that once we see Majima in a trailer then we can definitely be sure of its quality. Either he is cringe and annoying or great, no middle ground at all.
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the modern asian not those of old
It has to be Nishiki... but initially I thought it was fucking Yagami. Expectations for this are rock bottom, I expect nothing good to come of this.
Could go either way
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Wasn't this supposed to be an adaptation?
Why the fuck are they introducing "new and original characters" that never existed before in the game' story?
whyd they get shinji pencilneck to play kiryu lmao
Indians are mostly emaciated manlets, what are you on about?
I thought that was a deep diver helmet at first
thats my point, both are huge nerds
Who still plays this garbage franchise? lol
right looks like a rotisserie chicken
Both /v/ and /tv/ are 90% waifufags and coomers so they'll gladly watch a shit show to worship a new woman
this! so much this!
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>japanese """"""acting""
That is perfect acting for the tone they're going for. Zoomers can't understand comedy if it doesn't have an insufferable faggot delivering a 'witty' line while smirking at the camera.
Zero admitting that Garou is stronger than him to the dying demon samurai in Makai Senki is legitimately good acting

is that supposed to be nishiki on the right?
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Yes he will be played by pic related
fr no cap??? bussin
The game already had enough sjw cringe leaking in i can only imagine how bad infinite wealth is. It's jover. Normies found out about yakuza
i do not regret watching that with a friend of mine, she loved it.
does he have a small box to stand on when he's talking to adults?
yeah, ya mama's coffin
Sorry, what? I can't hear you. You're gonna need a bigger box than that
Anons I think I'm gay, the boy is cuter than the girl.
I have met buffer japs in my judo class hes a nepo hire.
>Yakuza 1 is a game that scream to be adapted into a B tier action movie,
but bro just imagine being in that situation haha, like this dude just imposing himself on you physically haha

what do you think his lip gloss tastes like???
too wacky
congrats on learning to suck your gut in I guess
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These are your irl Kazuma Kiryu and Takayuki Yagami as chosen by japan.
ya ngl, kinda looks alright.
aren't they both suppose to be kiryu but different years? It says 1995 and 2005 on the poster.
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i want gaiden 2
That’s what I’m thinking too.

But the outfit is a huge miss.
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millennium tower kek
Amazon licensed it, they were already in production in Japan
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So he just sucked his gut in
oh, thank god. it might be fine then.
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What the fuck did they do to my baby
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Haruka will be a Half black just like in the Last of Us show
jesus christ
why tho?
Yakuza or SMT:IV?
Same energy
>literally who (cop?) on the right
Yep, this will literally have nothing remotely similar to the game itself, just like that halo show.
those tattoos are cringe
That was actually an MS support team vs Apple support team battle. The fight was over the ms workers stole a cow from the apple guys or something like that iirc.
Yakuza already went to shit when they go full westoid pandering
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Yakuza 8 flopped in the West

>sales in Japan and Asia seem to have made up a big part of this momentum, as Yokoyama notes, “The game is incredibly strong in Japan. Sales in (the rest of) Asia are also quite strong, but the momentum in Japan is even greater than in the past.”

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>here comes a new challenger!
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The director for the yakuza drama did this previously btw
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Maybe Date's getting a bigger role in the story
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my mum and i have been watching a shitton of azn movies and tv lately, mostly focusing on korean cinema with the occasional nip flick thrown in there. it's baffling how much korea mogs japan in this medium. not just performance-wise but in general production as well. jap live action looks so cheap 95% of the time. you have the outliers which are all pretty old like kurosawa, kitano, and godzilla movies, but damn outside of that they suck.

when it comes to entertainment anime/manga and vidya truly are the best they got, huh?
Because Amazon. It's the same reason Wheel of Time aged up 19 year olds to 27 and gave every important story beat to a woman. And then replaced the redheaded love interest in a tribe of redheads with a black woman.
>Tokyo Vice

Are we in a Yakuza fad era?
Good, hopefully they stop pandering.
Japan mogs Korea in every decade before the 2000s. Only in the 90s Korea picked up and eventually surpassed Japan, but historically Japan is much much bigger in filmmaking.

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