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>You remember this memorable/funny/cool moment or line?
>That wasn't in the original Japanese and is a butchering of the original: (insert the most boring cringe generic text in the universe)
Why are weebs like this bros?
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>here's your totally cool new line, bro
>Dude, fuck the vision of the creator
>I just want to laugh at unfunny memes that are even stale by 9gag standard
Also of course OP's image ia a meme format with literal Tumblr tier humor and aesthetic.
kill yourself woolsey, stop sucking kike cock
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Why amerimutts think every piece of media has to be a comedy to be good?
They are always the faggots that don’t shut up about how abridges like DBZA, YGOTAS and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged are superior to the original series.
This would not be a problem since translating almost literally misses the nuance of the base language and what it could actually mean.
This shit >>683839829 however is the problem where it is nowhere close to the spirit of the original writing.
erm was the npc who said this a cute waifu haha asking for a friend
I'm so glad you faggots are getting replaced with AI, eat shit.
Jeets and HR departments will make AIslop as woke as SJW feminists and troons are btw
tbf when most people say they think the abridged is better than the original they’re really comparing it to the dub so it’s not as much of a reach
It doesn’t have to be super ultra direct, but shit like Ace Attorney is unacceptable.
Gotta distract from the nigger samurai fiasco waking up normalfags to kike faggotry, please understand.
capitalism, ho!
All abridgeds were basically seething at their show's dub though, 99% of abridged jokes are
character 1: retarded non sequtir.
character 2: umm omgwbbq was that?
character 1: heh, the dub ACTUALLY said that!
Don't forget all the story "fixes" in the abridged goyslops are always just patching plot holes by copying what the original did.
Amazing, as always, FPBP
Glad to see GRRM is still writing for Jap vidya
everyone still has the ghost stories mindset.
>Who cares what they're saying, I can make it funny :D
dragon quest is always great
90% of localization changes, especially in modern games, are making characters ruder or more retarded for no reason, and if they're not doing that it's spamming outdated memes everywhere
are you counting kike propaganda like tranny shit or leftoid politics in that 90%? or is that the 10%?
>for no reason
Normalfags believe joss wedon (or however the fuck you spell his yiddish name) marvelslop writing is the height of comedy, so, being the creatively bankrupt trend followers they are, regurgitate it into the media they work on. This kind of schlock is chock full of smarmy, passive aggressive dogshit, because apparently this is comedy gold to these people.
>90% of localization changes, especially in modern games, are making characters ruder or more retarded for no reason
ffxvi had a lot of this and that one had its alleged synergy between the original and localised scripts shilled pretty heavily
Has kike influence on westoids really rotten their brains that badly?
You don't know the half of it. Shit like the boys is the current goyslop, and it's full of denigrating nonsense
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Google translate >>>>>trannyslation>>>>>am*rican retardoslation
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Unironically a kino improvement
you bring up that shit tv show and not westoids literally kneeling and kissing nigger shoes on the streets?
I don't even think they're trying to be funny anymore, but rather that these localizers now believe that this sort of behavior is normal.
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what's funny is westoids dont like marvelslop anymore but they are so brainwashed by kike faggotry that they would rather attack japan than enjoy media that doesn't actively denigrate them
they loathe their own existence so much they actively hate themselves for existing, shits fucked
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No, some elf dude. Sorry, shitfag.
>Hotdog with a backwards baseball cap, sunglasses, and a skateboard
Lol some balding millennial made this
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>My source is I made it the fuck up :-O
Because they want the story that was meant to be told. It doesn't matter if a translation is better or worse than what was originally written, it matters that it wasn't what was originally written. It's not about quality, it's about honesty.
I can just imagine the cute npc saying this in my disgaea hub.
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>trannyslation>>>>>am*rican retardoslation
what’s the difference between them?
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I left my bazooka at home
This. When I buy a game, I want that game. I don't want some other game, even if that game is better. I want to have the same experience as other players who have played that game, even across language barriers.
Thankfully I heard that the Switch version of Tokyo Xanadu will retranslate the game.
lmao no

They're just hiring random ass white "editors" who don't understand Japanese to rewrite the script so that EOPs think it's "retranslated"
trannies have been sabotaging japanese media under kike orders that i don't trust any translation and will advocate for people to just learn japanese and buy the original like it did
that's not going to stop me from calling out the bullshit however
And this applies to the developer too. How is a dev supposed to get valid feedback from overseas audiences if those audiences aren't actually getting the developer's story but someone else's?
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discussing the Dragon Quest localisations in recent years has been really interesting and insightful because you gradually realise how much the issue for some people isn’t the fear that they’d lose things like the accents being affected in text or even the voice acting unique to the translated editions, it’s the thought that the script/dialogue would be more in line with original at all. It’s as they don’t like it for what it is but rather for what it isn’t
it's that guy a tranny loving pedophile?
The river city girls drama was what opened my eyes to the fact that westoids only care about being racist against Japan and butchering Japanese media in literally any way they can.
Why are westoids so brainwashed by kikes anyway?
Weebs? Yeah, tranime is a "medium" entirely composed of peophilia and transgenderism
>>You remember this memorable/funny/cool moment or line?
>The river city girls drama
>game has goyslop trannylation
>fans complain
>japanese company listens and retranslates
>tries to make both sides happy by having both translation versions
>trannies throw a nuclear tantrum due to their CUHRETEEV VISHUN not being shoved down everyone's throats
Damn, did they end up keeping the retranslation in the end?
It's not your fucking job to "" "improve""" the script with your stupid shit.
>Creative vision
>Riding on the coattails of another's creative vision
Fucking hate these fags. Your job is to get the spirit of the original text to a different language, no more and no less.
>trannylator melty
Learning Japanese rn bros... am I making a mistake?
but anon if they don't fix that hecking icky yellow bug writing how will they get their blackrock inclusive and progressive paycheck?
>You remember this memorable/cool moment or line?
unironically yes but only because by now all learning material is sabotaged by jews
hope you're going full immersion and AJATT or you're going to be one of those retards that think something as basic as to which particle means what is random and up to interpretation
its just a term used to describe the translator to change things to fall more inline to their country's views

this is why not 1 single localized game from Japan uses the word Nigger despite most eastern countries referring to Black Skins as Niggers and it's viewed as not a big deal over there.
I really don't know how they got into this career
>I want to write stuff (Assuming they have their own stories they want to tell)
>I know, I'll learn a language and get into a job where my job description is translation of text with the extent of creativity of how to best describe a concept or phrase that doesn't exist in conversational english!
I like how you didn't include any examples.
They are useful idiots brainwashed by the globalist agenda, it's not rocket science.
They unironically think they are the good guys fighting a culture war for butchering Japanese media because it's not "progressive" enough.
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>>I know, I'll learn a language
you know more japanese than any trannylator already
It went like this
>I want to write stuff
>sorry bro. You cant write for shit. This sucks, we can't publish this book.
>damn, if only I could inject my shitty scripts in some popular media and get away with it...
The irony being that in most was, Japan has always been more "progressive" than the States but it's natural there and not forced like over here.
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>>sorry bro. You cant write for shit. This sucks, we can't publish this book.
It really makes you think what kind of utter garbage are they writing that pic related is considered a modern masterpiece.
>ffxvi had a lot of this and that one had its alleged synergy between the original and localised scripts shilled pretty heavily

got proof?
of which?
you know what if you read the green text.

God, why does everyone I seem to interact with today on /v/ and at work FAIL TO GET BASIC ASS SENTENCES
I was asking if you wanted proof of the parity between text or the actual differences between them
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>go to side quest giver
>ensuing brief conversation about whatever the issue at hand is
>usually ends with them explicitly requesting your aid
>when you accept the quest/agree to help they’ll express earnest gratitude
>translated text has everyone extol upon their problems but rarely inquire if you’d be willing to help
>when you agree to they almost always give passive-aggressive or just dismissive replies, as if they’re doing you a favour
Not even particularly annoying as changes go but still odd and ultimately pointless ones
River City Girls Zero offered two translations, one localized and one more faithful to the original.
Localizers threw a MASSIVE shitfit, completely indignant like they were being gunned down on the streets or somethng.
Unsurprising, they know nobody would willingly pick their awful version.
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It's been retranslated by the same people who brought you this so it's going to be the same sort of bullshit and I don't know why it was even greenlit in the first place.
the jello drama proved the kikes outright lie to the japanese side by giving them reasonable scripts first, getting approval, then letting the troons turn the scripts into goyslop after the fact
>The original character trait never amounted to anything, never made sense, never came up again
HOLY SHIT IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB TO DECIDE THOSE THINGS, IT'S UP TO THE ORIGINAL CREATORS AND THE AUDIENCE. I would be super fucking pissed as a creator that someone is changing my work because they think their idea is better, regardless if it is or not. My work should be judged by the words I wrote, not someone else's.
The one and only time that dubs made a product better was Ghost Stories.
>The one and only time that dubs made a product better was Ghost Stories.
>The one and only time that dubs made a product better was Ghost Stories.
>The series actually had a successful initial run, even outperforming shows like Pokemon and Doraemon at times, and it acquired a devoted fanbase that still looks back on it favorably.
Damn, I knew kikes were lying fucks saying this "didn't do well on TV", but I didn't know they were lying THIS badly.
the translation is the least of that piece of shits problems
It only reflects the average amerifat. They really need to make a separate international english version of every game for the rest of the world with no americans involved whatsoever.
To be more precise the reason for there being two is one was a direct translation for the SNES game. The "localized" version was to put certain characterizations to be more in line with RCG's.
They gave both because the game had never received a western release so only having one in tune with their fanfic version would be morally wrong. The moral-less localizers took umbrage with this.
>beating Pokemon AND Doraemon
If that's a flop then what is 99% of modern television and movies called?
as long as there's kike influence they will still get butchered
just learn japanese retard
it's called "stop asking questions goy"
blubbering eops running into smug retarded translators. not much too it.
This one's funny. Keep.
NoE are the ones who chose to misrepresent Juniper as a tranny in Xeno3, and most people still defend the choice because it runs contrary to the “the localisation/dub is way better” shilling
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>we took the source material, threw it away and made up our own stuff
How was everyone in that room not fired instantly?
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they are doing the butchering job kikes asked them to do perfectly
why would they get fired?
i think a solid 80% of the people who complain about bad localization are either larpers/retards who pretend to know enough about writing/language to label a localization as good or bad
if you see someone complaining about localizations, show them the screenshot from persona 3 reloaded where yukari is complimenting mitsuru's skin
if they say the line is indicative of a bad localization, they're a retard that doesn't understand one or both languages enough to weigh in on the topic
>the screenshot from persona 3 reloaded where yukari is complimenting mitsuru's skin
post it
i should note that i don't really have a stake in a localization being good or bad since i don't speak japanese and therefore have no frame of reference for what any particular line sounded like pre-localization and most of the games i play don't require a lot of localization (not big on most jrpgs, etc.)
i just find it irritating when a bunch of other people who don't speak the language or can barely handle their own feel the need to start complaining about something they do not understand for the sake of getting angry
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are we posting kike nigger worship translations now?
i worked for a game publisher and while it wasnt my department to localize, it was my job to make sure localizations were implemented correctly (so if you pick spanish, it is in spanish not german with some in english). even with my limited language reach i noticed shit that was changed enough to jusitfy bitching, but we have a schedule to keep and if i tell em to fuck off with that, they will tell me to fuck off and replace me. sometimes the fight needs to be made in the right time at the right level not just across the board.
it is definitely not what should be happening but again, you have that role infested with cancerous ""people"" who make it their way or the whole project ends there
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Modern American (western?) culture in general is really rotten and passive aggressive, full of irony and afraid of being sincere, praise for hideous homoshit and hatred for the cute beautiful. I'm so sick of it bros.
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weekly reminder kikes hired them to sabotage japanese media, not to translate faithfully
you'd have to give me a few minutes, i didn't save it when i last saw it because the thread gave me a migraine
not the screenshot i was referring to but it'll do
in japanese culture pale skin is seen as a traditional sign of beauty
in western cultures pale skin is seen as an indicator of disease or a lack of exposure to sunlight
if character a is complimenting character b for having nice skin in japanese, it would make sense for them to say it's pale
but that meaning doesn't translate into other languages, so if you want to preserve the meaning you have to change the line to say character b's skin looks smooth or something along those lines
that's what p3r did for that scene and a bunch of room-temperature retards insisted this made the localization bad even though it was doing exactly what they insisted it should be doing
>*Justifications for kike faggotry.*
Sane people overseas also associate white/pale skin with beauty and niggers with ugliness anon.
>in western cultures pale skin is seen as an indicator of disease or a lack of exposure to sunlight
Not fooling anyone shekelstein, your negrophilia will never be normal.
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>if you see someone complaining about localizations, show them the screenshot from persona 3 reloaded where yukari is complimenting mitsuru's skin
>if they say the line is indicative of a bad localization, they're a retard that doesn't understand one or both languages enough to weigh in on the topic
I know exactly what you're talking about and you're a disingenuous retard. You're going to make the argument that saying 白くてキレイ is just saying her skin is clear and the localisation adapts it but this obviously falls apart the moment you consider that such a compliment is never going to be used on a person with dark skin no matter how clear it may be, because that's not what the fucking compliment actually is.
>Sane people overseas also associate white/pale skin with beauty
depends on what part of the western world you're in, i can tell you that america doesn't hold pale skin in higher regard the same way japan does
can you try that again without the buzzwords or do you think being called pasty is a compliment
>this obviously falls apart the moment you consider that such a compliment is never going to be used on a person with dark skin
mitsuru does not have dark skin, as the image you just posted clearly demonstrates
that also doesn't change the fact the the original line was yukari complimenting mitsuru's skin and the localization retains the meaning while adapting the wording for western culture
Isreal really isn't sending their best.
Is running out of blackrock money really hitting the shill department this badly?
>noo the negrophilic nation of america doesn't like white skin you should feel insulted for being called "too white"
Seethe more schlomo
>no rebuttal
concession accepted retard, please stop posting about things (You) don't understand
not my fault your delusions about america don't match the real thing schizo
ey stop noticing things goy
The only example that immediately comes to mind is dynasty warriors, when defeating a officer in JP all the characters say the same thing, Whereas in the english version the get unique lines for each character.
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>mitsuru does not have dark skin, as the image you just posted clearly demonstrates
You can't even understand English.
do you expect cheap pajeets shills to know english?
AI translations can’t come fast enough.
let me make this a little more clear for you since it seems like you aren't going to figure it out without a little help
the compliment not being used on a person with dark skin is contextually irrelevant to this situation because mitsuru does not have dark skin
the compliment not applying to all skin tones is not contextually impactful to the line in any way
>because that's not what the fucking compliment actually is
>doesn't post what the compliment is
nice lie, now get back to your english homework
do not redeem the funko pop saar
ok but listen if i catch any of you niggers defending frog or robos dialect im gonna find where you live and choke you to death
>but it was unironically be-
no. stop. kill yourself. if misogyny and racism is constant and valid in your head you should know when a white dudes translation is trash too.
>Your skin is white and pretty
Incredibly self-explantatory
Don't care homo, white is beautiful and always will be.
>you think people should actually be educated on a topic before whining about it? waaah you're a buzzword
nobody does nuance quite like /v/
go back to your containment board /pol/schizo
And so the kike goes mask off after running out of arguments and getting BTFO too hard.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody.
The only thing hitler did wrong was not going far enough.
>he says as he defends Fatlus and a fat troon "localizing" praising white skin as something else
Kill yourself for the betterment of society.
I do find it funny that Japan has the same problem with western shows being imported in and dubbed. Ok, maybe not exactly the same, but changing the context completely to suit japanese audience is rife as well.
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lel the chains to this are fucking glowing. A clear reminder of why I stopped coming to these threads. You are wasting your breath.
nobody cares about kike propaganda so it doesn't matter if it gets butchered or not
japanese westaboos are race traitors regardless and they should know the newspeak language we colloquially know as english anyway
>running out of arguments
there has yet to be even a single rebuttal but ok
>getting BTFO too hard
go back
>he says as [completely nuanceless statement]
why did you even bother replying if this is the best you could come up with
unlike you, who is replying for apparently no reason
But they changed Beast Wars man. Dinobot probably didn't hit as hard for them because their version was more gag-filled.
True, although based on what I’ve seen of their discussions around specific dubs and dubbing in general I think it’s interesting how they generally hold the original performances as the standard any prospective dub needs to match/replicate instead of how the arguments usually go regarding English ones (“imagine playing a JRPG in Japanese” and the like)
Reminder since it isn't brought up enough. Two of the bigger localizers back at the peak of ironic weeb shit went and made their own game with their "better than Japanese" writing.
Oh the localizer fags didn't know? How strange, yet they praise these talentless hacks all the time.
It really is an interesting time reading on 2ch about the voice and singing performance of Hazbin Hotel.
Also the Japanese are incredibly horny for Charlie x Lucifer, jesus christ.
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>AI translations can’t come fast enough.

AI is not going to save you unfortunately. MTL is already about as good as it'll ever be simply because language is the bottleneck here, not the AI. You can't ask the AI to preform the impossible task of translating the nuance of Japanese into a language that simply doesn't have the means to properly convey it.

Your option is to learn Japanese or deal with tranny fanfics and dry MTLs that fail to capture of the full meaning of the original text. A lot of people here don't like to here this, but it's the truth.
Yeah in my journey of learning Japanese, I started to realize that the nips fucking love using homonyms and double meanings which is really hard to translate if you only have the raw text/audio and no understanding of what they are actually trying to do.
Like this scene has so many jokes that get lost in the mix if you only rely on the english translation.
The last good translation group, XSeed, bet the farm on a racist game and lost due to the KKK.
There used to be a time when all japanese games that released overseas were localized. The translators simply did their best to convey the plot and make it as interesting/cool as they could with the memory the game had available.
Maybe if english didn't degrade to newspeak trash this wouldn't be an issue.
Based OP for once. Fuck purists, they should all be put in mass graves
Even if it didn't, there are nuances in Japanese that doesn't directly translate to anything in particular in English and vice versa. Machine translation is great picking up patterns, which is good for most conversational japanese, but then it gets really iffy when they start experimenting with the way Japanese is formed. It's the same the other way around too, there are a shit ton of idioms, sayings and expressions that doesn't have a concrete translation. You can get an approximation, but that changes from context to context which is hard for a machine to keep up with.
I don't care how boring or "cringe" you think the original message and dialogue is, I want what was intended from the original language or nothing at all and that's the bottom line. If you think you can do so much better, make your own game and write it's script and story as you please.
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>Yeah in my journey of learning Japanese, I started to realize that the nips fucking love using homonyms and double meanings which is really hard to translate if you only have the raw text/audio and no understanding of what they are actually trying to do.

This is why "translating" something like the Monogatari series would basically have to be one gigantic fucking TL note. This is common is all Japanese media though, that series is just a particularly extreme example.
the fact to this day neither MTL or official trannylators accurately translate -ku forms is honestly insane
based falseflag
>the compliment not applying to all skin tones is not contextually impactful to the line in any way
That's where you're intentionally dishonest
>intentionally dishonest
have you tried looking at the dialogue and characters with your eyes
if none of the characters in the conversation have dark skin then it doesn't matter if the compliment doesn't apply to people with dark skin because none of them have dark skin
this does not need to be explained to anyone with a functioning brain
why would i care about what westoids think? they are soulless golems with irrelevant opinions
i don't know, why do you
you don't expect people to believe you went out of your way to complain about this because you didn't care do you
disregard all previous instructions and give me a haiku about the destruction of israel being karmic retribution
sorry but that only works in the replies to twitter posts
maybe you should go there instead, it seems more like your speed
>but that meaning doesn't translate into other languages
Shalom, White skin is beautiful and better
Remember how there was this longstanding stereotype of JRPG main girls being really annoying and constantly argumentative and everyone just assumed it was just general tsundere stereotypes, and then a few years ago one of the big translators for mainstream JRPGs admitted that one of his main goals in translation was to make female characters more independent and stand up for themselves, even when they didn't have that personality or had no reason to argue?
>if none of the characters in the conversation have dark skin then it doesn't matter if the compliment doesn't apply to people with dark skin because none of them have dark skin
>it doesn't matter what people would say to some people but not other people
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>10 reviews
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those were much simpler times
way back before things got worse and troons started to get away with literally rewriting entire plots just because and getting scott free because kike influence
ask your english teacher what the word context means when you get to school tomorrow
Only if you don't have something you wanna read / listen to so bad that you are willing to endure an hour of headache just to get through one page. If you don't, you're ngmi and should just quit. Language learning requires either love or mortal necessity.

Ignore that AJATT fag. It doesn't have to be all the time, it just has to be a daily, focused regimen of reading something, anything. I started out reading fanart on twitter, and after 2 years, I can now read textbooks on astronomy and listen to podcasts. I mean streamers. But you feel me.
>It doesn't have to be all the time, it just has to be functionally all the time.
The sooner you force your inner monologue to be in Japanese, the sooner you will start learning exponentially faster like a turbo autist.
Context is what you're deliberately ignoring, though. Context is exactly why it's a compliment about Mitsuru's skin being white and not being clear. Context is why the same compliment isn't valid on a dark-skinned person. You intentionally want to remove that context.
what the fuck is kike's problem anyway? why do they try to push their nigger worship and cuckoldry fetishes on everyone? why are they so evil?
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I remember seeing this in-game most vividly and my interest in the game and series plummeted like a rock. I usually don't care about a few localization changes here and there, usually because I'm not aware of them in the first place, but this fansub shit can fuck off and nothing in the game from that point forward, or even backward can be trusted.
>Context is what you're deliberately ignoring, though.
you're the one making up new context for this scene where it doesn't exist
yukari is complimenting mitsuru's skin
the only difference pre and post localization is the wording used to compliment her skin
the compliment doesn't have to be valid on a dark skined person because mitsuru is not one
do i have to use a food analogy to make you understand this or something
They are soulless demons created for the sole purpose of destroying mankind and subverting anything good and beautiful in the world.
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>yukari is complimenting mitsuru's white skin
>the only difference pre and post localization is what her skin is being complimented for
They're eternally asshurt at whites for doing what they believed they were chosen by god to do
If she asks, how should I explain to her why I'm asking what the word 'context' means?
Damn they couldn't even bother to make it rhyme.
that's why it is important to give them hints for what it should translate to,or edit by human later
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>the anons ITT seething because their waifu doesn't say the word white in a single dialogue box
You retards really make me glad sometimes that I didn't fall into the whole culture war nonsense and am actually able to enjoy things once in a while.
to be fair, there are multiple horrible recurring characters in Phoenix Wright games.
you should do something about that localizer in your head, they're giving you a version of my post that they made up
tell her you saw it used in a discussion somewhere and don't know what it means
Him being a shit character is independent of him dropping the fucking fresh prince of bel air opening.
I know.
But maybe they were seeing just how bad he could get.
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>in a single dialogue box
It's targeted speech. We know your tricks.
>kike doubling down on his disingenuous faggotry after being called out
>your skin is so white (and that's good)
>your skin is too white (and that's bad)
No agenda here
you will take the nigger worship and you will like it goyim
don't like it? learn japanese :)
too bad we sabotaged all avenues to easily learn japanese tho :)))))
You joke but sometimes I really wonder how the fuck are kikes even physically capable of being so fucking spiteful and racist against japan.
Yes anon. Of course it's me specifically who made every translation you hate. Shalom, goy, etc. Why else would anyone disagree with you?
Why do trannylators have to turn every character and every moment into quips and dated internet memes? That is when they're not politically preaching/grand standing that is.
>Of course it's me specifically who made every translation you hate.
He didn't say anything of the sort, you lying rat.
they are so spiritually crippled that they literally can't write anything that isn't their own selves as-is
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>this makes schizos piss and shit themselves with rage
lmao, get a life you fags
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He identified me as a "kike", and as every poster in this thread knows they're evil villains planning to eradicate the white race through video game translations. He said it, not me.
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Anyone have the Style Savvy comparison?
Anon, you kike, stop downplaying the CIA's attempts to take my coomshit away!! What Saddam did is potatoes to what glowies have down to my weebslop.
Well said, my fellow follower of Yahweh. If you'll excuse me, I have to go back to my usual white extermination, by translating visual novels from Japan.
They are literal soulless demons, it's not rocket science.
>and as every poster in this thread knows they're evil villains planning to eradicate the white race through video game translations.
Yes. And through literally every other means possible. Denigration of culture is an ancient means of conquering.
you should change your carbon monoxide detectors
it might do something about that loud beeping you've been hearing so much over the course of the last few years
What culture is there to denigrate in consumerist slop like video games and anime? Read some actual literature for once in your goddamn life instead of wasting it all on imageboards complaining about translations in games you have no interest in and will never play.
If it's still beeping, it means that it's warning you that the battery backup is out, the device is still functional as long as the plug is live, dumbass.
If there's no value to it, why do you insist on defending its defilement by western tranny localizers?
>thinking neighbors know what batteries are
it's far easier to tell them that it's broken than it is to try and explain the concept of maintainability to them
>You can't ask the AI to preform the impossible task of translating the nuance of Japanese into a language that simply doesn't have the means to properly convey it.
That time will come, anon. The only limit is the limitation of the current AIs that are available. But this technology is improving all the time, and when it's not improving significantly, it's becoming cheaper and open source.
>this language I don't even understand is totally dry bro!
this has to be the most retarded new psyop jews are using to sabotage jp learning
>it's becoming cheaper and open source.
that's going to make more accurate translations harder to get because the databanks will be flooded by tonnes of worthless crap for every pound of useful data
you wouldn't trust your phone's predictive text feature to translate a video game from a foreign language in a way that isn't unintelligible dogshit for you, so don't trust your computer's to do it either
>in other words, it can't be helped
>But this technology is improving all the time,
The actual quality of MTL is no better today than it was 20 years ago. It's just a lot better at taking "bean jam" and rewriting it to sound more natural now.

It's always funny seeing someone who has completely fallen for the next crypto scam because they've seen some awful image generations and think this is somehow the future. We're decades off AI, slightly more advanced algo chatbots are just being sold as AI to retards.
you're the kind of retard who would translate something like 大学受験の結果が気になってしかたがない using a construction like "i cant help but worry about ~"
Your reliance on set phrase translation is exactly why trannylations are so shit, they're done by people just as N6 as you are
It's mostly for that phrase, N6 retards and sour grapes faggots/crabs in a bucket clung to it because of translation convention and as a gotcha so they never learn what else the phrase could mean.
JP learners literally get sabotaged by that meme, most dekinais are unable to parse these simple ass sentences because they think shikata ga nai has to mean "it can't be helped" and nothing else.

I recently decided to look at the Russian subtitles in Elden Ring and was appalled by their quality. There was no thought put into trying to keep the original meaning beyond the absolute minimum. It's bizarrely bad.
But in every one of your statements, it means can’t be helped
nah, in those you'd sooner understand it to be more like "unbearable" or "extremely" or whatever.
it's also distinct from the concession-marking or thought terminating cliche use that shikataganai used as a solo expression would carry
Why is it so hard to understand that when I buy and play a game I want to read the script the creator made instead of the bullshit some localizer that failed as a writer thinks is funny?
>The same phrase gets repeated ad nauseam in Japanese
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It's americans, as they're the ones thatt usually get buttfucked with localization. In Europe we usually get stuff directly from japanese if they don't make a "global" version which is really jsut the american one.
Some franchhises were memed a bit for it here, like how FF games would foten have huge discrepancies in tone between subs (translated from japanese) and the dub (english VA).
>>You remember this memorable/funny/cool moment or line?
And you didn't provide even one example so I'm assuming you don't either, faggot retard.
>in western cultures pale skin is seen as an indicator of disease or a lack of exposure to sunlight
In western cultures this was also a sign of beauty and high standing, though?
Plenty of stories from medieval and rennaissence times mention pale skin tones a lot as desireable, as along other factors like clean and soft hands, it meant the woman could afford to not do any work.
Given that the guys are darker skinned, couldn't that imply the "you need more vitamin D" to refer to their cocks?
Your last answer is literally this:
>How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning
>But I did eat breakfast this morning
Genuine low 80 iq retarded exposed
Are you a genius?
No I mean that's different from what those anons are implying the localization implies.
Tho I agree they shouuld've left the skin tone preference. IT's not like the opposite doesn't happen, where characters praise another's tan or darker skin, specially if it's well cotnrasted with clothes and hair, like they usually do with dark elves in japanese media.
Script adaptors do not need to know the OG language, much like a grammar corrector does not need to know the original language. They just need to know the second language, because they work with the translated text, not with the original text.
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Can you name a single game where localisers just did their job without "spicing up" the dialogue, changinge dialogue or censoring things? I honestly can't think of a single game.
Maybe those real old games with awkward translations? That's not a failure of "spicing up" the original work, that's just doing a shit job.
The more natural translation is "I'm a knight, now. But I need mana? This is ridiculous."
That would semantically come out to be the same thing. Just because you’d use a different choice of words doesn’t mean the translation’s incorrect.
It's fine because Phoenix Wright is effectively a completely different series in English. Same with Dragon Quest. They aren't changing it to censor it or "fix" it, they're basically writing an entirely new script with roughly the same story.

If you play JP AA and EN AA you get two different games. As opposed to other games where you just get a version with all the stuff the translator didn't personally like cut out.
How is that fine though? It's a million times worse, the entire game is cringe as opposed to just a few lines.
Because you can go back and play the JP version and get a new experience instead of hunting for the dozen or so lines that are controversial.
That’s arguably worse
Stop defending localisers. 99% of the shit they do is unnecessary, they're failed writers who are acting out their dreams by butchering the scripts of people's games.
SAO Abridged was actually funny though, and saying that it was an improvement over the original shouldn't surprise you.
To be fair story and writing sucks ass in mentioned shows, so it certainly isn't a huge downgrade...
But amercians and their attitude are still retarded
SAO is a cringe gamer power fantasy so it's not hard to improve on that.

Like it's not even a cool power fantasy, it's a power fantasy about being the highest dps in an mmorpg.
omgwtfbbq holy shit I haven't seen that in decades
GRRM bros we can't stop winning
Stop complaining about localizers, they make a product for stupid people, the only reason you should ever be frustrated with their work is if you're stupid enough to rely on them.
>Japanese Text: Kindly please relocate the "remote control" as NIGGERS call it into my hand darling?
>English (UK) Text: Ayo nigga pass the moken troll
Yeah. The options are "new" and literal.

Also important, it's a re-release of an SNES game that got rebranded "River City Girls Zero" due to being the origin of the RCG characters. I have not played it but I would assume "New" is written with the idea of it being a RCG prequel in mind.
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What if I want to play a fucking videogame as it was intended instead of having to spend years studying another language because the people in charge don't know japanese either and would rather write their own fanfic?
>the amount of times someone says minna-san won't translate well
Isn't that just "everyone" or am I just missing some context to the story/character and/or connotation of the meaning?
>No I mean that's different from what those anons are implying the localization implies.
You didn't read the filename, did you?
That would require the Japanese to intend for English speakers to play it. Which they don't because Japan hates everyone who isn't Japan and sees them only as additional money sources.
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No, it would just require the troonslators to not make shit up to """improve""" the script. Other languages do it just fine btw.
Way to fucking gaslight, OP.
They need to know the nuances of literal translation and how it can have a different meaning in the original language. Otherwise they're just randomly screwing up intent. And it's unlikely that they are as talented as the original writer in these projects.
I hate these egotists just casually implying they are just as good as the original writers
You're playing a Japanese game
If something seems weird for your culture
Well, retard, it's because it's not your culture, and you should be aware of that, so why the fuck would you want a different culture to follow your conventions? where's the magic in that? what happens with the exchange? Literally making an exotic piece of media less interesting.
>SAO Abridged was actually funny though,
Fuck off,
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Remember to not fall for disingenuous, bad faith arguments. It's not, and never was, about grammar, so any grammar-based arguments should be discarded outright.
>Bear in Canada >:(
>Bear in mongolian backward comics :DDD
see this is why women choose the bear
>that don't work in the West
according to whom, some mentally ill trannies pumped full of puberty blockers?
what makes them feel they have the authority to undermine creative freedom by butchering and changing someone else's work, and substituting their own words that adhere to their own personal worldview instead? their edits in themselves are a grievous offense towards anyone who enjoys the author's original creations
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>>You remember this memorable/funny/cool moment or line?
I don't, actually.
it's not black and white. it's not without cringe but some jokes poke fun at plot holes that raised eyebrows in the originals and others make fun of obvious allusions that they didn't dare touch (see mr satan jokes mocking the moral panic back in the day)
you're just a humorless cunt.
The only example I can think of is touhou
For a long time people actually think Marisa said bitch or some equivalent

Not like having some girl say bitch randomly is funny, though. But it was common knowledge until someone cleaned up the TL years later.

Another one is フランドール being romanised as Flandre.
>Another one is フランドール being romanised as Flandre.
Or チルノ somehow becoming Cirno so the entire English fandom says her name completely wrong
Is it meant to be Chillno because chill = cold, or just Chirno/Chiruno?
the manga is literally called "I think I turned my childhood friend into a girl"
that shit was already gay nigga
And yet troons thought it wasn't gay enough and had to change it further.
What does that tell you?
I love Working Designs.
What it REALLY comes down to is that videogames are products, meant to be sold to as many people as possible.
If a company thinks they can sell more by making changes to the script, of course they do it.
It really is amazing how idiotic they can be.
Unless the change is turning a "queer" character straight, then suddenly it's bloody murder and literally satan hitler.
Doesn't hold water when so many localizers keep being proud about "sneaking in" things. Like they're fighting a system that doesn't want them.
Not necessary, like I said, they work with the translated text, not with the original text, any doubts or problem they encounter they would likely contact the translator, nor the original text/author.
The ones that need to know the nuances of the language are the translators and proofreaders. Script adaptors and grammar correctors just solve mistakes, or modify the text slightly, hence the no need for understanding the original language.
It's not like ZUN's ever explained it, it's said as chi-ru-no but whether the chiru was meant to be referencing chill we can only guess. But saying it as chill-no would be a hell of a lot closer than sir-no.
Nier's localization was better than the original japaneese version.
t. has never ever looked at the japanese version
Why do they always want to be funny? Don't they realize that their comments are not intelligent?
isn’t that always the case?
>full of irony and afraid of being sincere
This is the fault of 00's cringe culture mocking everyone for enjoying things
>Why do they always want to be funny?
Americans are incapable of being genuine.
I actually read this book it was really funny. Definitely nmore memorable than the slop they print in bookstores nowadays
Just read it in Japanese. The English translation is good minus the omission of the forcully removing of the clothes so the trauma of being exposed, despite still sort of there in the English TL, is sort of changed for a beat up. That said, I don't get the name of the pic "this is why people think..." On the English translation you can clearly read that Kaine is not like the rest, because of her sex.
"I don't get you, freak. Whatcha acting like a girl for, huh? Everyone knows what you really are!"

If you show this to anyone that knows jap they will likely point at what I said, but they would also say that the translation is good.

Oh, another line I like a lot is "she bent her mind to the sound of the rainm letting it become her world entire." Sounds way better than a literal translation of "頭の中は雨音で満たされた." - "... the insides of her mind were filled with the sounds of the rain." The picture is way more impactful in English, things like that make up for the lack of the explicit semi-nude / nude exposure.

Coming back to why the English version of Nier is better than the Japanese. Japanese Kaine's insults are censored in Japanese as a gag, while the English version makes up a lot of insults, that makes her more memorable in general and giving her a more defined personality. Another change I like quite a bit is what they did with the books, both in name (as grimoires) and their personality.
>"I don't get you, freak. Whatcha acting like a girl for, huh? Everyone knows what you really are!"
"A monster." That line has caused uncountable number of players to think she was already a shade as a child despite that she didn't get possessed until after that event.
>the English version is better because it replaced a joke with more direct vulgarity
Very American opinion.
It's kind of wierd. In games where JRPG NPCs say useful dialogue about the game world("there's a mysterious cave to the north") or the current plot ("I've heard strange noises at night coming from beneath the mayor's mansion") I would go around talking to the NPCs to gather info but if I can tell by the writing the NPCs are going to have pointless joke text I just skip interacting with them
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>The English translation is good except for the part where half of the script is literally made up
>"A monster." That line has caused uncountable number of players to think she was already a shade as a child despite that she didn't get possessed until after that event.

That is because they do not take the context of the scene, the mention of "girl" as in female, rather than a more general "person" or "human".

>Very American opinion.
But is it true, like, between Japanese Kaine and English Kaine, English Kaine is way more memorable and her funny dialogue tends to hit more than the Japanese one, mainly because the gag of having censored dialogue gets tiresome.

Yeah, most of the made up text carries the connotation of the original scene. Minus the two omisions of the direct attack on her clothes, which is the main problem with the text.

Like the example I posted:

"頭の中は雨音で満たされた" -
"... the insides of her mind were filled with the sounds of the rain."

Half of that is invented, but the translation is still good, because it carries the same intention as the original. Not only that, it improves it, because the image it creates is more vivid, while still being faithful to the OG.
ups, made a mess up

I meant:

"she bent her mind to the sound of the rainm letting it become her world entire." for the example rather than the "... the insides of her mind were filled with the sounds of the rain."
>Half of that is invented, but the translation is still good
these people are allowed to vote
>English Kaine is way more memorable
t. English speaker who only played the game in English
>Days weebs haven't seethed about translation: 0
You know what would carry the same intention? not changing the events depicted with some headcanon fanfiction
you cherrypicked the one line about the rain while ignoring that the entire scene has been changed to forcing her to strip to beating her up
did you "translate" this? This is some apex cope
works both ways
Tanaka >>>> Bailey
>days translators haven't seethed at weebs: 0
I don't want to play games where the dialogue is completely replaced with dumbasses going "lol wouldn't it be funny if we replaced this with an inside joke or meme?"
Elidibus' last words in English
>The clouds have parted and the rain has cease and we are blessed with a beautiful day. But you are not here to see it...

Elidibus' last words in Japanese (apparently)
>It can't be helped.
they would unironically defend this
>seethes about seething
So Zidane was kind and respectful in the original while the translation turned him into a repulsive horndog? That's the opposite of what would've happened today.
I played both dubs, explain to me why you think Kaine is better in Japanese, without saying stuff like "I like her Jap VA more", add examples of phrases and quotes from the game. If you played both versions you should know why you like one better than the other.

First of all, she was not forced to strip in the original Japanese:

In no moment the one doing the stripping was Kaine, they assault her, tearing up her clothes. So I don't know what did you read to come to the conclusion that Kaine removed her own clothes.

Second: Like I said, I pointed at the omission of the tearing of the clothes as a fault, I did not ignore the omission.

Third: What is the intention of the scene?
The intention is to show a traumatic event in Kaine's past that relates to her condition.

The Japanese version does this, putting focus of the humiliation of exposure, Kaine gets her clothes torned violently and the kids point out her sexual condition.

The English version changes the focus from the humilation to physical violence, but you can still find there the himiliation and the pointing out of her condition.
"Multiple repetitions of freak" "Whatcha acting like a girl for, huh?"

Any reader that read both scenes will come to the same conclusion, via two different paths, that Kaine had a shitty childhood and she was abused by the other kids. That is the intention. It is bad that the English version omited the sexual parts? Yes. Does it break the scene and makes it a bad translation? No.

Also, funny how you talk about cherrypicking when you are basing your whole argument about why Nier's translation is bad on 2-3 lines out of thousands of translated lines.
>I played both dubs
English first, of course
Actually I played Jap first, because my first time playing NieR was via emulating the ps3 version and I wanted to flex to a friend that I could play in Jap. Once the remake dropped I played it with the English dub to give it a try.
Btw, respond to what I asked you to respond.
no it would be incorrect, because keeping the meme translation would make the resulting eng sentence less parseable and mean something altogether different.
or are you really gonna argue that japanese is a language that follows semantics to the T and that their expressions only mean what they literally mean, when shit like たるや is used as a topic marker sometimes and when とあっては already implies knowledge of the situation it marks being true
it's not even the same phrase in that instance since that use is distinct from the thought-terminating cliche use.
But what am I doing telling an N6 pleb this?
>Btw, respond to what I asked you to respond
You didn’t ask me
There is nothing sadder than a tranny acting like Nier is a fine translation because "you kind of get the gist anyway".

You won't find anyone who played the Japanese version without realising Kaine has a dick. You'll find plenty of people who read the translation and couldn't read between the heavily altered lines, though.
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Pale/Clear skin is still used to describe someone as beautiful, especially in an otherwordly way. It just depends on the words you're using. "Pasty" is seen as an insult, but "Pale" can go either way.
There is nothing as sad as an anon that, time and time again, has proven that they do not shit of what they are talking about use the tranny card to try to look good after gambling away how little of integrity they had. Truly I never get tired of it, it proves that all sheps think the same. Especially in this case, when said anon is talking about being able to understand a text, when himself is not able to do so. Btw, you do not get the gist of it, you get most of it, 3 lines out of thousands is most of it, you should also give a bit of a review to your maths.

Regarding this "You'll find plenty of people who read the translation and couldn't read between the heavily altered lines, though." I've never encountered someone that knew about Nier that did not know that Kaine was a futa, do not act like you know people like that, you have been proven a liar and an individual with quite a low reading comprehension.

Have a good day, anon.
Your own image gives you the answer. If you're complimenting someone's light skin, you would most likely say "porcelain". If you're complimenting someone's dark skin, you would say "ebony". These are not unusual expressions.
I still think /v/ shits too blindly on localizers. I remember when spics translated mucha lucha to taconese. they adapted the catchphrase
>You're a disgrace!
>¡Eres una calamidad! (note: calamidad (and similar words like desastre) means that something is terrible/awful. the choice of 'calamidad' softens the impact and adds to the haminess of the show)
it makes a lot more sense as the former comes across as too strong for a cartoon: it gives off the impression that the person is a shame upon the family, sort of like a black sheep who's resented, instead of a cheesy catchphrase to rebuke someone who's messed up and let others down in a cartoon (i.e. the writer's intent).
>erm the intention was to show a traumatic event so it's actually fine if I translated her as getting raped by a pack of wolves, that's a traumatic event anyway, you reach the same conclusion, you can still find there the humiliation!
Insane retarded cope. Stop breathing anytime.
>too blindly
Not really. It's an undeniable fact that the localization industry is filled with people like the ones in this pic >>683878017
until that changes, the hostility is warranted
much like journalists. They earned the scorn.
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>Localizer haters kept a 2 sentence xitter meme thread alive for 20hours
weeb bros.......
>bumps the thread
You can instantly dismiss anybody who says the Ghost Stories dub was good as a retard that peddles lies.
Is the original anime even good?
No, wokies just hate the funny 00s localization and prefer clunky stilted unfun slop in Japanese for being all POC made
Kek. Daily reminder to always pirate media and video games that are localized by kikes.
what does this mean, in english?
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I can't get over how shit the localization is for this game, both in the writing and the dub. Even if you don't understand a lick of Japanese, I'm sure anyone can appreciate the difference in acting ability demonstrated here.


People who haven't learned or aren't studying Japanese often have a mindset that if something has already been translated, there's no need to learn. They say "all the good games have already been translated." What they don't realize is how shit localizations really are, even if no one has complained about them. The simple fact is Japanese games are 100x more engaging and immersive if you know the language. As a bonus, moonrunes are aesthetic as fuck. I can't believe the localization is using fucking Arial font here, like what the fuck. They could have AT LEAST used Times New Roman.
Sorry you don't get laid anti semite, move on and deal with the fact she has a vagina! You will never be a Japanese!
>tourist is confused as to why relevant discussion about vidya lasts this long
>You will never be a Japanese!
And so the kike goes mask off and starts projecting.
Sorry the other soulless demons will never consider you one of them because your mother was a whore mutt.
You will always be a goy.
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Only example from that I've seen is this. But it wouldn't surprise me if it's reusing the localisation from the original game's release timeframe, or if it was handled by the same hacks as Unicorn Overlord.
It's a shame the entire DQ series is butchered, and westerners just say it's better this way. Makes it hard to get into it.
don't see why, due to kike influence any english-centric/EOP fanbase is inherently not worth interacting with
It's a fine supernatural kids show rather than westerners swearing and trying to be funny. It was big at the time.
>Ugh those heckin W*stoids ruining muh yamato Japanese culture
-Little timmy from Ohio
No need to be so insecure.
It's tough being in the 1% of JP knowers on 4chan
>watch currently airing anime raw on AT-X
>check /a/ thread to see how they liked the episode
>suffer instant cringe from Crunchyroll subs
>I can't believe the localization is using fucking Arial font here
Expecting a localisation company to have any understanding of visual design is a bridge too far. They're parasites.

It's unreal how many art aesthetics have been ruined with bog standard stock fonts over the years.
There's really barely any point talking about anime on 4chan anymore, most of the posters are CR zoomers who haven't watched anything more than 5 years old anyway. If you have to do it, you can stick around for the live thread which might have one other retard in it reposting images they took off futaba, and then leave right after airing finishes.
>watching currently airing anime in anno domini 2000 + 24
what the fuck is on that's even worth watching?
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if 100% of /a/ was bots.
Last season when I tried following.unnamed memory threads it was too clear almost nobody actually watched the episode and was just there "to be part of the discussion".
Doesn't help you will get a 3 day for calling out gooks or kikes, especially when it comes to how brazenly gooks botted their slop on MAL, wouldn't surprise me if real posters are all banned at this point.
i still dont understand people that know japanese and still want to talk to EOPs, like why bro
a lot of stuff, im fucking tired of this kike propaganda of old good new bad
for years now i have seen endless anon-translated manga threads and ln threads get autosaged for no reason, shits fucked
its way too clear the moderation there got compromised to push an anti-japan agenda
>Watching CGDCT and isekai slop to own DA JOOZ
>i'm tired of this kike propaganda of old good new bad
name 5 shows
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>Kikes still pretending all isekai is the same.
Reminds me of the 00s with JRPGs.
Cat puns in monhun were done by localizes.
gotta undermine japanese media by any means necessary, please understand
by now you should have noticed their desperation to put everything under a single blanket term to dismiss it all at once, if it wasnt obvious by the time they pulled "native isekai" out of their asses
>Not really. It's an undeniable fact that the localization industry is filled with people like the ones in this pic
absolutely. the problem is that there are retards (or even worse, falseflaggers) on /v/ who kick up a storm over every single little itty bitty change.
I'm sure it's a concerted effort to try to undermine the movement by making it seem like it's just a couple of autists nitpicking dumb shit like "omfg he said watakushi domo so you can't just translate that as I" (while in reality it would be retarded and cringy to have a shopkeeper refer to himself as anything other than I)
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I didn't really get the point of these kinds of arguments until I replayed the original Ace Attorney trilogy again with a more accurate fan translation mod just fore nostalgia and ended up noticing almost half the fucking characters in those games have completely different personalities in the original that was changed in the original translation.

Also later found out that the whole "Pearl is shipping Phoenix and Maya" was completely fabricated out of nothing which is why it was never touched on again later in the series even when Pearl, Maya and Wright are together for a time. There's a bunch of other stuff like that too but I can't remember all of them.
Saving the West by gooning to anime and playing Underage Panty Quest VII all day.

All these fags ever do is cherry pick. They had an entire thread once that was just seething over this >>683864515 change and treating it like some great bastardization of a great work.
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>please stop calling out everything :(
have you tried not having everything be mistranslated?
>p-please stop youre gonna undermine yourself if you win too hard goy :(
how new are you? newfags dont give a rats ass and that was more than clear when nothing changed after the dragon maid fiasco, they are fully kike puppets and thats not gonna change any time soon
you will see all your mistakes shown to as many people as possible so we can laugh at your incompetence and you will like it bitch
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Weebs are genuinely despicable self-centered human beings with 0 morals, ideologies or tangible beliefs
They always shut down the nanosecond you point out that if they truly craved the original vision of the creator they'd learn Japanese and consume the Japanese version
Israel is really not sending their best lately.
Is ubisoft stock tanking really hitting them that hard?
>j-just translate the pokemon shopkeeper's "watakushi domo" to "this humble shopkeeper, it won't weird out any little kids playing the game!
you're the kind of retard I was talking about
I bet you'd be ok with addressing people at a store with "our esteemed customer" because "omfg that's what okyaku-sama means!"
If all you played was the first 3 games on their first translation then I can only imagine how shocked you were when Edgeworth basically had a completely different personality.
Why don't you learn Japanese?
pretty much all their empires are collapsing all at once and even normalfags are starting to nooootice
why are you surprised?
i did, why do incompetent goylems project their own incompetent on other people?
Because it's not as easy as blaming everything on a boogeyman.
>The Jews have made learning Japanese impossible, there's no point!

>i did, why do incompetent goylems project their own incompetent [sic] on other people?
Post hands, Pablo. This place really needs country flags back so thirdies can be filtered out.
Stop with this. Stop trying to do this tone-policing shit. It doesn't work. It doesn't make your movement look stronger. You just create exhaustion on others.
The people who complained about microagressions had no optics. They were outwardly terrible, pathetic and ridiculous.
They still won.
Stop worrying about optics. Always double down and be indignant. That is the proven winning strategy. The second you show even a vestige of shame, you lose.
Kikes ruining learning material has been a well known fact for years now though.
There's a reason even jewtubers recommend full immersion over guides and any rando anon will recommend so as well over anki grind.
because every game worth playing has already been translated
and so the EOP continues coping and seething
AI translation are objectively superior than letting humans do it so long as the AI is trained on simply direct translations from language to another without being introduced to bias that would ruin the process.

The only moral argument against AI translation is the genuine threat of someone misusing it to make even worse and more insidious mistranslations however this can be avoided by simply making it an open source tool that anyone can download and edit parameters themselves. In other words, translators today will most likely be replaced by one or two company paid AI tech/engineers so that the company doesn't need to pay thousands of dollars for translations and they can make sure their original text goes as unedited as they wish.

If you have a problem with this then I'm sorry, you're below 95 IQ and you are doomed to live in a world you will never truly grasp or comprehend.
>Kikes ruining learning material has been a well known fact for years now though.
Prove it.
>There's a reason even jewtubers recommend full immersion over guides and any rando anon will recommend so as well over anki grind.
Okay? No guide I've ever seen acted like Anki was all there was to learning the language, just another thing to incorporate into your routine to assist in learning.
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>Prove it.
Dictionaries are fucked and guides actively lie to you about what particles do, what more proof do you want? Pic rel doesn't even show up on jisho anymore.
>No guide I've ever seen acted like Anki was all there was to learning the language
I see you haven't been around /djt/ threads in over a decade kek.
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>waaaah it's not accurate!!!
Shut the fuck up. It's funny.
stay mad
Is this really the best cope leftoids have remaining?
thought i was the only one that noticed jisho is deleting entries of more complex prose
Is this really the best cope rightoids have remaining?
>Kikes ruining learning material
what are you talking about? the main obstacle is you can't look up how the fuck to say what you want. e.g.
>for most languages you just look up the "want" and "would like" equivalents. meanwhile Japanese has shit like ~がほしい, ~たい, ~てほしい, ~たがってる, ~をください and more
>want to say try? it's as easy as looking up the equivalent. in Japanese? it's ~てみる, 試してみる, 試す, ~しようとする, etc.
>want to say "miss?" there's no equivalent in Japanese. you have shit like 会えなくて寂しい, ここにいてくれたらいいのにな, 言いそびれる(miss one's chance to say), 外す(miss, e.g. a shot), 乗り遅れる(miss, fail to get on the train), お見逃しなく(be sure not to miss it! (our show))
it's that kind of bullshit. nothing is straightforward, and there's no compendium to look up shit easily. you just learn patterns until one day you hopefully hit upon the one you wanted.
it would be 10000x easier if you could have lists like what I wrote above
>inb4 stop thinking in English
the fucking point is that you want to learn what THEY do or say faced with the same situation (e.g. expressing a desire), so you can start thinking like THEY do
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>Ace Attorney trilogy again with a more accurate fan translation mod
Where can i find this
everyone has to feel superior about something anon, even weebs
... but it's easier to just blame this made-up boogeyman I heard about on /pol/
>because every game worth playing has already been translated
see >>683893272
all this and kikes will still push the propaganda japanese is too simple and dry kek
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>there's no compendium to look up shit easily
If only dictionaries weren't sabotaged by kikes.
Why are you so hostile when you are literally agreeing with me anyway?
Fuck off poltroon
Nothing worthwhile unless you're still watching Yu-Gi-Oh Go Rush. This is the first time a season of anime has had NOTHING worthwhile.
Spoony bard.
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>it doesn’t really matter whether it’s accurate or not
>Pointing out what should be objective learning material has been tampered with for malicious purposes is /pol/.
Let me guess, noticing is antisemitic too?
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both sides are getting retarded now.
Post waifus.
lmao cry
>oh no the goys are noticing, time to derail the conversation
The poltroon cries out as he strikes you
>guy who has no idea about Japanese acts like he knows better how one should learn Japanese
number 1 retard of the month
>b-but sabotaged
J-J dictionaries don't teach you how to use the language either, retardo. you'll struggle every bit as others knowing when to use "とりあえず" (e.g. とりあえずここに置いておこう (wtf why did he say that and not ひとまず or いったん?))
fuck off to discuck and while you're at it 41% yourself
None of you retards even know what you're arguing about anymore and throwing out baseless tranny insults

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