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Will we ever see another good Halo game???
>implying a good Halo game exists somewhere
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It's finished.
hating halo has never made you seem cool or cultured
Yes we will. But the truth is it's in another timeline.
liking halo has never made you seem cool or cultured
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Halo not only has good games, it has great ones.

I might get shit for this, but I don't care. Halo Reach is among them.
>Halo player pretends to have standards
>replying to the lowest-effort bait currently on /v/
I hope not
I can't believe this is tucked away in one moment of one game.
>Halo comes to PC
>Finally, I get to see the hype
>it's fucking awful

Half life (1998) was unrionically, in every single conceivable way, better than Halo.
I'm not even trying to be contrarian, I genuinely do not understand why people consider Halo to be good.
The crosshair is half the size of my screen and I just need to nudge the mouse in the general direction of the fucking midget lads and them other bellends with their laser swords
the sonic of fps gentlemen
I love how as more and more time passes this image still gets used.
another 5 years from now and there still will be anons posting this thing.
what makes halo bad?
>2 weapon limit
>no aiming required (massive crosshair that auto aims for you)
>does nothing better than what countless fps games did for years on the PC, but because it's a passable fps for console babies so gets 10/10s

What makes Halo good?
They can make another Reach game I don't mind them rereretconning the Fall of Reach into the best Halo ever with mean green Mark V's no Bioncles
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seething pc fag still seething from 2001 lol. halo ce when it came out was incredible. you should replay it with rubys rebalance mod, it's the definitive experience.

no more chief campaigns. we need something new and refreshing. they have yet to do a battlefield style game, and many people would be onboard to enjoy playing as marines vs. covenant with spartan/elite general heroes. it would be amazing. but please don't let 343 make it.
not unless they release something that actually pushes the genre forward in a meaningful way like the first two
It's not quake, that's it.
>it's good because you're a seething pc fag who played better years before it released therefore it was incredible
I understand, thanks anon - I now accept that halo was actually always good but only if I install a mod
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You will play destiny 2 and you will be happy
Halo is never coming back and that's fine to be honest. It's formula is old and dated, and even the best games of the franchise (1-3) were released on PC via the master chief collection and hardly anybody plays it. Let halo go, its for the best.
If they quit hiring people who hate the series, then hopefully we will. Otherwise, we're stuck with shit writing, shit gameplay, and disrespectful excuses of a continuation of the series
>2 weapon limit which every major FPS after copied
>Complaining about autoaim when you can actually turn it off if you actually cared
>Does nothing better than countless FPS games other than doing exactly the same as every fps game while also not looking like dogshit

I dunno anon.
it was probably the mounted combat.
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>>2 weapon limit
Oh no, the game encourages me to ppick up whatever weapon works better instead of just spamming the super shotgun
>>no aiming required (massive crosshair that auto aims for you)
The only weapons with a big crosshair are close ranged weapons
>>does nothing better than what countless fps games did for years on the PC, but because it's a passable fps for console babies so gets 10/10s
Literally says nothing
>they have yet to do a battlefield style game
end yourself.
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lol no
under 343's supervision the series will never be good.
Bonnie Ross, Frank O'Connor, and Kiki Wolfkill have already done irreparable damage to the series. Management will probably not be the problem anymore going forward, the problem is 343's cancerous studio work-culture, every single fucking person in that company is a liability to future Halo games, 99% of them were hired by the terrible management who hated Halo and it is without a doubt that 99% of them hate the idea of Halo not innovating and reforming to be more like Bungie era stuff. Microsoft would have to drop a fucking nuke and hit the reset button on everything to get a maybe a decent game out.
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>either go full reboot or keep making spin offs/prequels, the story is retarded and beyond salvation at this point
>Keep a slightly modified version of Infinite's movement (maybe replace sprint and slide with evade and remove climbing)
>Return to CE's Alien and 80s anime inspired aesthetics instead of retreading Reach
>and for the love of god use other characters instead of Chief
>use other characters instead of Chief
I want to play as Private First Class Chips Dubbo
Definitely not. Once Bungie left and we saw Halo 4 it was pretty obvious the series was finished. At this point it can't recover after 12 years worth of abject shit. The Xbox brand is doomed to shut down in the near future anyway.
>CE's 80s anime inspired aesthetics
You have full blown media illiteracy as well as meme-induced cultural brainrot.
You fucking moron, Bungie had a lot of weebs back in the day
Yes but not in the way you think.
After 1 and 2, 3 was a colossal disappointment and a bad game. But after seeing how bad 4, 5, and infinite are it has come to be seen as good by comparison.

So as they continue to make worse and worse Hako games eventually people may start to think 4 is good too.
>they have yet to do a battlefield style game
that wouldn't be halo at that point you would just be playing a reskin of an entirely different game
dumbed down generic console shooter for babies
>You have full blown media illiteracy as well as meme-induced cultural brainrot.
Fr fr no cap ong
half life aged like ass and many don't have a problem admitting black mesa mod is the definite experience. halo ce aged much better, but because of rushed development rubys rebalance mod added a lot of cut features while revamping later campaign missions to include more what originally was intended or may have been. it's incredible. but you wouldn't know because you're a spiteful platform warring fat.

why would I? I'm handsome, married and have money. I'm also right. a Halo battlefield or arma style game would be terrific. how many more chief campaigns do we honestly need, or spinoff campaigns rehashing the same shit since 2001.
halo haters arw primarily pc boomers and euros who were buttmad when halo moved from pc to xbox.

they unironically praise half life, quake, eoom, etc with their cookie clicker depth gameplay, where AI is just run straight at the player like serious sam and level design by toddlers
3 was better MP wise than both prior, between balance and customs/forge. campaign was disappointing yes but it ended fairly well. and no 2 wasn't better because it was more skilled, spamming BXR isn't fun.
oh so I guess star wars wasn't star wars anymore with battlefront? how fucking stupid are you.
Chief was never the problem.
The problem is how they wrote 3.
After 3 the covenant is basically defunct, this is why ODST was set parallel to 3 and reach was a prequel.
Nobody really wanted a halo game with a completely different enemy list, so the only options are
>This is an isolated part of the covenant that doesn't know about the events of 1-3 and are openly hostile to chief and it's another halo-like weapon
>Make a prequel/ side story with no HALO using other characters that happen during 1/early 2
Campaign wise i think 3 is the best one, while its best moments aren't as good as CE's or 2's, its worst moments sure as shit aren't as bad CE's or 2's, though the Brutes were too much of a pushover in my opinion
or go star wars thrawn trilogy style (which they attempted) where you fight a remnant, but 343 fucked up so hard and halfassedly shoved in forerunner trilogy shit, which ended up being not pure shit but then they fucked it further by bringing back cortana in 5 and making a generic "evil AI" plot and killing off their thrawn in the first level.
Halo is trash.

Even Perfect Dark Zero when it came out was better.
>better mp
dont even know which game youre comparing it to but lol
Reach, ODST, and 1 were all better than 3
1-3 are it.
I never even played Reach.
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star wars didn't start as a vidya franchise you disingenuous shmuck. Halo did. Halo has a very specific feeling and balanced around fast paced slow moving combat in an arena style. Making diet battlefield with a halo skin would be about as successful as Halo 4 was trying to ape cod but atleast cod and halo has a similar player count per server.

Just let the damn franchise die ffs
>3 was a colossal disappointment
It was the most hyped up game release of all time, it was bound to disappoint people to some degree.
The big downer with 3 is the second half is kinda scuffed and some of the levels are just ass, but overall it's an improvement on 2, especially the multiplayer.
You're fucking stupid, just stop talking.
those are all after 3 faggot, we were talking about 2. and no CE MP isn't good outside of the fun you had on custom edition. the netcode is garbage and most of it consisted of long range magnum duels.
3 is the worst campaign outside of 343 games.

its the final fantasy 13 of halo, all corridors and hallways wrapped in invisible wall vubble wrap with some of the worst levels in the series (cortana)
Halo was a trilogy.
Eh, i will play Cortana over CE any day
wow man you really showed me
Halo is currently suffering from the same thing Disney Star Wars is. The people in charge have this massive universe with unlimited story potential, but are hyper fixated on one thing and they can't seem to get that one thing right. Bungie did a good job with ODST. 343 could just keep branching out any doing more Reach-esque stories of various squads during the human/covenant war. Let us play as a marine. A pilot. Or anything. Literally anything man, just move on from Chief. They already fucked it all up and they're trying to rebuild on a rotted out foundation.
Fuck i meant the Library, sorry i had a brain fart
>rather play a game with sniper flood and shitty shotgun in flood levels
what a shit taste
>a Halo battlefield or arma style game would be terrific
No it would suck fucking dick because battlefield isn't a real FPS.
>rehashing the same shit since 2001.
How can you say this about halo, when EA has rehashed battlefront being the same game since 2002 but with better graphics.
everything outside of 1 is not that great. 3 was really humdrum and 2 was a rushed mess. I wish they just created a short chief focused campaign with multiplayer and released an arbiter side campaign with multiplayer dlc a year or so later. best parts of 2 were all in new mombasa.
it was a colassal disappointment precisely because it was hyped up. the protozoomer generation who never played 1 or 2 or games in general started gaming on wii and 360 praised it.

it is a huge stepdown from 2 in every aspect, sp, mp, gameplay, weapons, writing, music
I'm not implying Chief is a bad character, but his story is done, he was a weapon, he shot up the bad guys and got shelved, and he was ok with it, he knew what his role was in this whole thing. But 343's obsession with keeping him around is stupid, specially when he's practically a totally new character in 343's games
explain, unless you are a comp fag it was better in every way.
Why did the guns and enemies get worse with every halo game?
CE had an awesome shotgun and the elites were scary, aggressive and sometimes funny, H2 was kind of bland with all of the redundant weapons and cardboard cutout enemies that just stand there and soak up damage (brutes especially)
There was nothing more to be said after this >>683846635.

You don't explain why and you keep thinking for whatever reason it has to be exactly like battlefield of today or back in 1942. I'm talking Marines vs. Covenant. Battlefront, battlefied, battallion wars esque, I dont fucking care you fantastically retarded mother fucker, I'm talking a warfare type game. Modders have already made shit like this, it's obviously something people would enjoy and enjoy on a primitive level on forge.

It would be really fun, and everyone is sick of these shitty enter-room-and-clear and sometimes go vroom campaigns. I'm right, fuck you.
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>black mesa mod is the definite experience
My ideas that'll never happen under 343:
>Halo: Zealot
Takes place early on during the human war. You play as an elite zealot forerunner artifact hunting. It's somewhat open world on a primarily agricultural human planet with ONI facilities and what not. RPG elements of building/upgrading/customizing your zealot. You can go all in on stuff like stealth cloak, heavy energy shields, etc you get the idea.
>Halo: Helljumpers
Literally just like Helldivers 2 except ODST and it actually has a narrative. It all takes place on one planet, and you're fighting over continents which have regions and stuff. You could fully customize your guy, from race/gender, tattoos, painting cool shit on your armor, etc. It'd even be complete with giving players specific titles/medals for participating in certain campaigns to push the self contained stories even further. Regions that turned into serious clusters of fights where tons of ODST players died would even be marked on the map with monuments and shit. Basically, everything the Helldiver community pretends the devs care about would actually be a thing.
No, you were talking about 2 without telling anyone and assumed everyone else was you schizophrenic retard. 1,2, Reach, and ODST are all miles better than 3 in every category

Forge was dogshit in 3 and every Halo game. Its a terrible game mode with terrible tools for level creation that was never useful outside of meme bullshit. Every "custom" game that got popular in 3 like zombies or hide in seek was developed by Halo 2 players without forge.
3 took away lock-on rockets, smgs, etc and instead gave us dogshit equipment like bubble shields that just slow down gameplay and have no benefit to fun or gameplay at all, and mines that boil down to last second suicide attempt to take a warthog or ghost out with you.

The level designs of 3 in both SP and MP were horrendous diarrhea, and like every other aspect of 3 that is praised all its best levels were adapted levels from 1 and 2
2's mp is better than every way other than forge.
We know you have brain issues if you choose Cortana over Library, yes you dont need to tell us
is what it is. and I enjoy the originals.
>3 took away SMGs
are you retarded? lock on rockets? is this really the selling point of halo 2 MP? halo 2 MP had like 3 good levels just like every halo game.
>2 was rushed mess
>i saw a documentary and heard people talking about deadlines and cut content
welcome to every game ever made. 2 had the most content of all the games; longest campaign, biggest levels, most mp maps, etc
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Thanks for being so understanding, means a lot
better maps
better weapon mechanics
better weapons
better vehicles
no equipment
great argument zoomie
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>There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. -Book of john 1 1-7
>better maps
arguable, maybe but most are not great in both
>weapon mechanics
this doesn't mean anything, both had dual wield and both had useless weapons due to dual wield existing
>better vehicles
it's a pickup and it's fun and adds dynamism to the sandbox.
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MP fags are not too be listened to, they're like quakefags, nostalgiafagging about their dead MP that will never have players again.
I can play the campaigns right now, you will never have a full MP match again except for in shitfinite
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>Fire all DEI hires and remove 343’s current leadership
>No banished or endless. They’re gay and don’t belong
>Fire and blacklist contrannians like >>683840351
>Tar and feather any 343 employee who thought the show was good
>Introduce unused covenant factions like tamed Sharqois
>No more forerunner BS either, nor the created
>Make surviving population of humanity the new threat to the galaxy
>The race realized halsey’s; every proto-human naturally grows stronger than Spartan 2s
>Technology and strength forces ex-covenant, SoS, and UNSC into alliance
>Flood graveminds emerge
>So does the remaining precursors
>No open world gameplay, return to mission based campaigns
>Emphasize that Forge on release is non-negotiable
>Add all previous and new vehicles to forge
There, it’s that easy
The only way is if Halo becomes a dormant IP, forgotten and relegated to history books. And then they get a team together of people who actually play games, who are passionate and talented, to create a revival of the series which is entirely different from prior entries, but bucks current trends as well.
Tldr, it needs a dirt nap and have a Doom 2016 type revival.
I have a better way.
>Establish all media after Reach is non-cannon
>MCs story has ended with Halo 3
>It's okay for stories to end and heroes to die instead of being milked for eternity
>Any future games should be in the same universe, with power scaling leaving MC unchallenged as GOAT
>New stories can be told without increasing universes careful power balance(ODST)
Even easier than yours.
>There was nothing more to be said after this
Look me dead in the eyes and tell me that 343 or whatever 3rd party company making a diet battlefield knock off would be in any way good for feel like a halo game.

DO you really think large open maps with vehicles would play anything at all like the first 3 halo games or even reach. Then think about the balancing between weapons and races. battlefornt works because droids v clones or rebels v clones aren't fundamentally that different and boil down to dudes with blasters.

That style wouldn't work when Elites or grunts or any covenant alien function so much differently from their human counterparts. How that style would work when so many of the weapons in halo's sandbox are designed around spartan on spartan combat. What people would that attract? No one who plays battlefield would enjoy it and halo boomers aren't going to want to play it because it isn't anything like halo.
It's a fun thought experiment for a few seconds but you try to actually come up with any design and it falls flat
I though Reach's campaign was really good but the multi-player was just as bad as any 343 halo.
Most likely no. Microsoft won't allow it and will force what ever hot new trend into it even if that trend was a three year fad. I doubt it will have much capital since Microsoft has bigger brand FPS to ruin. Best we can hope is one of the fan projects being great, have high hopes for Branching Sickness

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