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Which Bloodborne boss took you the most attempts?
Probably the first one
it wasn't the actually hard ones like gascoigne, gherman or logarius it was the goofy annoying ones like micolash with his call from beyond and rom with her diving headbutt spiderlings
Orphan took me like two days of attempts.
have you played sekiro? (wondering how difficult you found it)
Yeah I had a really frustrating time with micolash too. I beat O&S on my second attempt in my first run through DS1, and fucking Micolash stumped me for an afternoon.
Yeah, I'd probably say Sekiro was on average a little easier than Bloodborne, but only after I beat Genichiro and really got into the rhythm of the game. With Bloodborne I could never really get that same rhythm down. And SS Isshin still took about as long as Orphan to beat.
not a whole lot. thing with BB is that you can doing the level 4 and level 5 dungeons gives you SO MANY souls you get OP as fuck for NG and NG+
never had a problem with any boss in bloodborne, although on my second playthrough it took me 6 attempts to beat rom which was annoying cause I did it first try originally
drunkard in sekiro took me 6 hours because I wanted to learn to parry every single attack he did
I'm right now 5 hours into the dancing lion fight in elden dlc and I'm not even trying to learn anything perfect I just cannot beat him with my build
that god damn instant bite you can't react to that chains into 4 other attacks is fucking bullshit
the fucking lightning on the ground urgh
That one, for some reason.
Orphan was 39 tries, felt like taking a cigarette afterwards. Beat him on the first try in NG+ and almost jizzed my pants. I think once you clock he telegraphs certain attack variations by screams, you're good.
From memory cursed Amygdala and Laurence took the most tries after Orphan.
Only From bosses that rivaled Orphan were Isshin and Father in Sekiro. With experience they're relatively straightforward, Orphan always has an element of randomness and panic to him.
Elden Ring bosses are in their own category as they're utter fucking tedium without procs, shields, or stagger. Malenia was over 100 tries and two respecs for me solo.
Nowadays I just mimic and summon every npc available to beat on obnoxious ER bosses like the cops did Rodney King.
git gud
the dogshit tainted chalice versions of bosses that require you don't get hit
I think it was the chalice Amigdala
Defiled Hotdog in the chalice dungeons. Took me two straight weeks of constant attempts and getting oneshot.
I'm too old to git gud. Can't spare the time anymore. You'll feel the same when you're older.
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took me 3 tries, most other bosses are jokes
didn't play the dlc
>I'm too old to git gud.
Feels. Late 30s with kids and work. Maybe a few hours a week to bash my head against the wall that is SotE.
Probably Ebrietas. She has a number of attacks which can basically one-shot you if you're timing is off, and I couldn't seem to build up enough damage to stagger her consistently enough despite using LHB.
By comparison I had no trouble with Ludwig. Only recently I got him first try at BL50. His attacks seem more telegraphed and fair, whilst still being a challenge. Top tier boss.
Lawrence I also had no trouble with - from memory I got him first try.
Rom catches me out more often than not - again she's got some one-shot attacks which feel a little cheap.
Gerhman still catches me out on new runs from time to time.

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