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What went so fucking right
Shiny hunting Arceus
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>"remake" that looks worse than the games they're remaking and are outright worse than Platinum
Literally fucking nothing.
Now that's out of the way more care will be put into the BW remakes.
lol with how lazy GF is you'll be getting outsourced ports
which is honestly the best outcome for BW
>oras remake
>bdsp remake
Why do they keep omitting the third game?
Emerald and Platinum are the definitive editions
They could remake those two at a later date when Nintendo actually produces more powerful hardware. Hopefully the Switch 2 is capable of running games like Elder Ring.
I'm glad they're not demaking gen 5 and are skipping straight to 6, means BW/2 gets to remain the untainted peak of the franchise.
Because the third games will be getting Let's Go style wagglan demakes further pokémon go audience.
Oh, they'll get to it, don't worry.
Its spaghetti code being so bad that it makes it one of the easiest Pokemon games to decompile.
and yet... not a single good romhack has come from it
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I unironically enjoyed the absolute glitch fest during the ~3 months of BDSP launch. I did so many goofy shit and felt so satisfying breaking the game to that extent.
And the fact that they were forced to make Pokemon Home better (split movesets between games, clone detection etc.), because of all the cloned and broken shit from BDSP that would be getting transferred into it makes BDSP a net positive in my book.
The new grand underground, the HM system and >>683842961
The absolute worst part of BDSP is knowing what it could've been if ILCA had been allowed to make an actual remake instead of a glorified port.
Nothing. That's my favorite gen and it stings knowing it'll never get a true remake now.
>b-but Legends
Not really a remake, boring as fuck, and for some reason shills everything else lol. Like you don't even pick a Sinnoh starter.

Easier to remake the base versions so you can resell them in two.
Gen 4 is where Pokemon went to die, thanks blackrock
there aren't any niggers or fags in gen 4 though
>Easier to remake the base versions so you can resell them in two.
They could just add the third version enhancements into the base games like they did with Crystal content in HGSS
This game pisses me off because I actually really like the art style and its faithfulness to the original even though others don't, and a lot of the new changes are great additions...

But for some retarded reason it doesn't have the platinum additions so you're better off playing that. What a fucking waste.
It's weird because Let's go pikachu, the other remake on the switch, has the Pokemon yellow content added in.
>It's weird because Let's go pikachu, the other remake on the switch, has the Pokemon yellow content added in.
Not all of it, it doesn't have FRLG content either, and it's lacking several baseline mechanics found in all the other games to pander to toddlers and the normies who played GO.
I can't believe they literally made dick and pussy pokemon as the version mascots. how unbelievably fucking ballsy. they really weren't ever publicly called out about this either...
Not having FRLG is normal because that was a full scale remake. I wouldn't expect a future gold and silver remake to have the HGSS content. But if they remake a game it should remake the best version of it, not the original one. Remaking diamond and pearl and not having platinum content makes the game worthless, because I'll just play platinum instead.
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The graphics for BDSP are so ugly, they were ruined for me from day 1.
Then they go and ruin the secret bases, dumb contests down into a boring rhythm minigame, use DP's fucked up dex and NPC teams.

Other than bare mininum QoL features like faster HP bars and no HMs, these are straight up demakes.
The addition of the wild pokemon underground is a massive improvement. But no plat ontent is a deal breaker.
>Not having FRLG is normal because that was a full scale remake. I wouldn't expect a future gold and silver remake to have the HGSS content.
>But if they remake a game it should remake the best version of it
What did Crystal really have other than the Suicune shit?
Emerald and Platinum added a lot more to their base games
I'm going to spoonfeed you just this once, but next time you can look this info up yourself.
fippy bippy
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I’m so fucking glad we didn’t get a BW remake after seeing what happened to ORAS and BDSP.

Could you imagine a Unova game with no Battle Frontier, gutted contests, and gutted secret bases? The modern nugen remakes have gotten so fucking lazy that they might even cut basic features like berry farming, ribbons, and fishing rods. I don’t want Game Freak to tarnish the absolute peak of their ambition and effort that they accomplished in Gen 5.
>no mareep
it's shit, jim
>yawnfag's not getting (you)'s on vp so he's come here
SageBULL called. He wants your ass.
Kek yeah, most good things from Gen V are in BW2. BW are shit on their own.
damn yawnfag is spitting for once. nuremakes are complete shit.
can't you already do that in pla
>Shittier version with none of platinum fixes.

Fuck off.
PLA Arceus is shiny locked
>buy our shitty spin-off and soulless demake so you can catching something that's already in the spin-off
fucking kikes lol
It's standard fare for plot relevant Pokemon to be shiny locked.
I'm honestly shocked they let you shiny hunt it in BDSP at all.
That's just the concept art effect, the scenes in it will never be fully realized
Because they did the same with the FRLG and HGSS remakes and no one complained.
Sorry for replying late but what I mean is that the third versions in each gen are more like revisions than remakes. They just take the game and add some extra content. The remakes are more radically different and since they're pandering to nostalgia here I understand wanting to remake the originals rather than the remakes.

It's just that even people who are nostalgic would prefer the best version of the original game.
Let's Go Pikachu shows that Gamefreak can still make a good remake, they just chose not to here.
GF didnt even make it, they outsourced it to some nigger studio that made ugly ports
Not a single thing
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BDSP is unironically the 2nd best remake after HGSS. With a much faster engine, streamlined HMs, stronger bosses (go compare them to DPPT, BDSP adds better moves and held items), and other little things like more pokemon in the Underground it has addressed practically every flaw people had with DP. FRLG and ORAS are just rather bland overall gameplay-wise.
Let's go Pikachu is the best Pokemon remake. It's Pokemon yellow, but
-Random encounters removed
-Best Shiny hunting system in the series
-Extra Pokemon added in (alola forms)
-Ride Pokemon, some look really cool
-Extra battles added to each area, that are more challenging for special rewards
-Best graphics in the series, way better than Sword or Scarlet
-Megaevolutions added in
-The ONLY game in the entire series with 2 player
-Clothes added to dress up your character and Pokemon

The only significant downside is no safari zone, which does suck but I understand it since the whole game is basically the safari zone now.
Streamlined HMs and the faster engine are EXPECTED, you fucking retard. it's literally the bare minimum and every game after Gen IV has this.
And who gives a shit about le harder bosses when you have FORCED EXP SHARE AND AFFECTION MECHANICS on you at all times. Every fight in the game is piss easy until you hit the Elite 4.

And no one cares about your dumb Battle tower sets , the Frontier in Platinum has much more variety in gameplay because of the different gimmick facilities like the Arcade and Factory.
It gave us those chibi Dawn memes and I will forgive them for it.
>Streamlined HMs and the faster engine are EXPECTED, you fucking retard.
Engine sure, not HMs. Still doesn't change the fact every anti-Sinnoh fag constantly bitches about these things and BDSP fixed it.
>And who gives a shit about le harder bosses when you have FORCED EXP SHARE AND AFFECTION MECHANICS on you at all times.
I switched my party a bit so I never felt either of those things until later. I found Maylene to be a much stronger fight since Lucario now has Bulk Up and carries Big Root to boost the effect of Drain Punch.
>And no one cares about your dumb Battle tower sets
Cringe argument. The trainer sets obviously matter.
>I’m so fucking glad we didn’t get a BW remake
The DP remakes just came out. Or did you think for some reason they would be skipped?
Yawnfag's joke is BW don't have those things anyway. Things like PWT and the Movie Studio are in the sequel which probably won't be in the remake, seeing how they ignored most of Emerald and Platinum.
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gave us black dawn too
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ILCA isn't some literally who studio that makes shitty ports. Don't know where the fuck you heard that from. They're a support studio that worked on high profile games like DQXI and Nier Automata. They even go to develop better looking games like One Piece Odyssey and Sand Land. Whatever happened to BDSP was entirely on Mashitda himself the game's director.
>those games
>not literally who slop
Now I want an Idolmasters game with pokemon trainers and no MasterS EX doesn't count.
>Now that's out of the way more care will be put into the BW remakes.
That's cute that you think GF will try.
the graphics have been ugly since gen 5, retard. the moment they moved away from the chibi models (which themselves were an amazing stylistic return to form btw) is the moment the franchise died. pokemon peaked with HG/SS and will never hit those highs again. if you wanna play cringe jprg monster collector games play smt5. don't infect pokemon with your horrendously bad taste.
Glad the devs were faithful enough to the original to include tweaking
Being exactly what it advertised with much needed quality of life.
Pokemon fans literally eat up anything huh
Models aren't a issue, issue is models having fuck all animations.

Something that stadium games got right.
This was the start of box art legendaries looking like poop. Haven't had a good one since.
The origin forms for Dialga and Palkia are so fucking laughably bad. What were they thinking?
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giratina is cool
because they can't sell you the same game twice if they adapt the third game

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