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Food Terrorism Archive
no, but I do need abydos for S.Hoshino next week
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Wait Makoto also has a black streak like Kayoko
I hate all of the food terrorists.
I keep them purposefully underleveled
That smells like girl piss and farts
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Imagine groping Neru's flat chest
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Haruna grew on me, and I like the fatso and Akari. Junko is really boring, though.
I feel like Haruna never gets her comeuppance for being a fuckwad who just does whatever the hell she wants. I don't like Izumi's hair and Akari is too boring of a blonde.
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Cuisine is NOT a crime!
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oh fuck I forgot to farm the elephs
She saved my bacon during Blue Kaiten
Let them ROT!
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>I feel like Haruna never gets her comeuppance for being a fuckwad who just does whatever the hell she wants
Doing whatever the fuck you want is considered righteous in Gehenna.

That said, I thought it was really rude when she just said "eat whatever you want and just don't get fat lol" right in front of Hasumi, during the sports event.
So is Ibuki actually used anywhere? Is she even a good body to throw for a 3T or 4T clear?
Perorodzilla with iroha
There is an Indoor Pero coming at dome point
How did you farm her elephs?
>Makoto gets openly laughed at by her own club for her mind-numbing idiocy and frequently pays the price. Even in her own EX skill animation
>Kasumi at the very least gets fucking wrecked by Ichika
>Haruna never has had any reprimanding
I hate her so much
finish the story and then click the combat button on the bottom when going into the Hina free roam thing
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Izumi is innocent, so she gets a pass from me. I also got her fat titties on my lobby for free.
What sound does she make again?
>flesh fang
>No one cared who I was until I put on the mask
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Fill your crystals health to full by killing mobs, which revives dAko first, Iori after. Every thirty seconds at X:30 and X:00 a nade will blow up half the crystals max hp. Stun the boss to interrupt the nade toss. Pic rel is what I used.

The other one is pretty straight forward, heal the mobs so Fuuka does get food raped, kill the boss lady. In the top left of your character select screen you can see what teams people have beat that stage with and can try them out with a click.
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>I thought it was really rude
Sensei's canon reaction.
I actually need those Millenium blurays damn
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What's actually really rude is this thing hogging up all the sweets.
Thanks, I healed the mobs, but still failed the stage so I couldn't understand what I was doing wrong.
are her momotalks the most canonically horny Sensei's ever gotten?
hebe archive
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Sorry, but Hina is simply the best.
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Who does she appeal to?
>Dork lovers
Aru's a better and more likeable dork.
contrarian dork lovers
Yeah, as you can see I have no healing in my team whatsoever. Your side's mob spam should be enough to prevent your team from taking damage.
Dork appreciators that like silver hair
She's cute but she's such a cunt
Less dork and more like profound mental retardation
I can fix her. I don't need to fix Aru, she's perfect the way she is
>I can fix her.
When has Sensei EVER fixed a student before?
Not fixed, still racist.
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The event was such a slog to get through.
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She's the brand of retardation that an old showa tokusatsu villain is. She's like Skeletor.
Easily my favorite student, enough so to overpower my usual disinterest in hags.
I liked it a lot
Pandemonium Society bits were great, the Hina sections made me want to die.
I haven't finished reading the event story yet and I don't have Hina yet, but why is Hina projecting this idea of "I CAN'T LET SENSEI DOWN HE WANTS TO SEE MY PERFORMANCE!"? He's said at least 3 times that she doesn't have to give into Makoto's whims.
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Neru Marriage
They were great. Hina domination
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>Who does she appeal to?

Me. The answer is me.
chippi chippi chappa chappa
is this real?
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>heal the mobs so Fuuka does get food raped
Shet gets food raped and I lose.
>Kayoko has ties to Pandemonium Society
>Similar hair colors to Makoto
what did they mean by this?
So, are Problemsolver 58 Gehenna dropouts, or?
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why is the gourmet club like this?
Because when Ako and Hina ruined a building Makoto told her Sensei was looking forward to it and he chimed in more or less agreeing.
She's fixated on that and every one of her story arcs is just her overworking herself, she's not going to stop just because sensei tells her to take it easy. She rarely does at the best of times, let alone when she thinks Sensei is looking forward to a party.
Makoto after I give Ibuki a new sister
Oh I got to kill everyone bery fast. It's impossible for me.
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I mean... she eats alot and not get fat, and her Vice Chair Akari literally eats everything still not get fat... they have no idea what Hasumi is in...
The event made me a hinawanker.
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It's a shame you can't borrow a Mika for these challenges. She just runs over that one in particular.
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It took 2 Senseis to fix her...
I think it's cute that gifting her the Useless Item is canon
don't know who this is but I love panty offerings
those arent panties, theyre truffle holders
Hina game.
I had truffle flavored popcorn in Japan and it was vile.
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Hina is cutest when she's suffering
she likes sensei and wants to impress him
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Why is she wearing a cuff with a chain?
It's an acquired taste.
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Hanae makes me uncontrollably horny I thought it would be a passing feeling but it's been 3 months since I got both her L2Ds, how do I fix it?
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I love my choco elf student wife.

Also can anyone tell me how exactly I should be doing crafting? Or is it something I should ignore until I've played a little longer and gotten my account level higher? I'm scared to put anything into it since I feel like I'm just gonna waste resources if I do.
With this
Same reason her normal outfit has a cow bell
there's no real right way of crafting
just focus on gifts or furniture, always go for 3 nodes
Live stock that got loose
There's no way you can do 2nd and 3rd node without having a huge stockpile of crap you don't need anymore. Like there's a very limited pool of students that use valkyrie bd/notes so people often use them for crafting. But that's only possible because they've been playing for a long time. You can just craft the 1st node and pick gold node > gift/furniture.
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>starts playing again yesterday
>isakusan announced he's stepping down
What the fuck bros, is it my fault?
DO NOT do 3 nodes, just do the first one if you're starting out.
Ako is a fat bitch
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Cool, it's good to know I'm just overthinking it then. Thanks anons.
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And that's a good thing
Ako's tits are just too big in her portrait art. At least her chibi gives her hips to match, but her portrait gives her the the hips of an underdeveloped boy
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It's always your fault
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Buruaka chibi artists are one of the few major eastern devs that understand the importance of hips and ass
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She's going for that Japanese goblin look.
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I'm sorry...
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That's a maybe.
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sensei's have no rights
Why the fuck won't this bitch show up? Not even a fucking dupe?
Don't fuck me on this one Makoto. I only have 60k gems and now I need Terror and Hoshino too.
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is the double exp already on? please reply
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Yep, started about 2 hours ago.
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They prove in their interactions to be just retarded, not bad, innocent in a way
alone each are reasonable even, but together they encourage their own stupidity
Panties are only good if worn. Unworn panties are just piece of fabric
>green border
But what about freshly worn ones, the ones you could still feel the warmth of the owner?
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>Actually retarded
>Cares for a loli
>Has a cat despite being alergic
She is perfect don't you think?
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There is a time factor in the stage of healing mobs that i just don't get
Even if i heal every mob i find sometimes i just die at the final part like out of a time out despite having good enough time
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Being hina is suffering
what is she going to do to that mob?
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thank you, i can finally unload my hoarded ap
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>there's double XP
Wtf...why did nobody tell me...
Neru's a slut
Hina's pure
Neru indifference
Hina indifference
simple as that
Sex with Hina, Iroha, Fuuka, Momoi, Midori, Alice, Neru, Ein, Sof, Ohr, Arona and Plana.
I only sex Makoto. Because i'm not a manslut like you, whore.
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you didnt ask
Hina supremacy
>pedo archive
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Fuck you
kek why is Koyuki a pig
>hebe archive
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Toki Sex
Neru Sex
Hina Sex
simple as
Rememeber /a/?
Me neither.
Press S to spit on grave.
Neru Love
You're probably blind like me and didn't see Fuuka's health bar right at the bottom. You lose when it reaches zero, which is why you need to kill everything fast.
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Excuse me, we love bru/a/ca here.
Nowru love
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But how do we feel about /v/aca?
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We also love /v/aca here. Friendship, not hate.
Mating press neru
deep throat karin
anal kirino
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If 'unko says so, then so be it.
>double xp didn't start at the same time as the daily reset
well that's fucking retarded
I really, really liked every moment
I hate Hina with all my being. Nothing will make me like her. She's so ugly and unlikable.
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What the FUCK
Don't attack the guy with the T.Yuuka profile and Yuuka bond banner
Get off the internet, Makoto
Another sensei's rights were respected today.
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>willingly exposing yourself
How brave of you d-san.
>wearing panties
It made me a HinaTruther. Before I was indifferent.
I HATE Makoto even more now.
Yuuka Iori Shun Marina?
Or Yuuka NYHaruna Shun Marina?

Those are just the meta comps, get used to them as you climb the ranks
The counter pick tends to be a mirror
ooooohhh that makes a lot of sense
>4* supports
man I wish I had your bracket
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Yeah, I use the latter. I've reached rank 1 many times this season.
Atsuko counters both of those teams since Haruna can't nuke her and S.Shiroko struggles to hit her at all.
>S.Shiroko struggles to hit her at all
Only yours, the enemy hits every time

And Iori hard counters Atsuko if you position right
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Spicy reminder
>Making hina believe you took haruna's used panties for self pleasure
>Hina gets jealous and gives you hers
4D chess anon
>Only yours, the enemy hits every time
I feel like this is unironically true for attacking teams. I have a shit horrible team comp but I keep somehow winning defenses with teams way better than mine
they're our sister thread...
quit trying to make it a thing when it's clear the exact same people who browse these threads not only populate those threads, but make thosr threads
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no pictures please
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Finally, Kivotos is at peace
But that's why it's funny, and also why they're our sister thread.
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not true.
im fine with /a/ as long as its not as unusable as /vg/
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The /a/ threads had quite a few people that mostly only posted there though.
I am one of them.
I post on all 4 threads but /vg/ is the worst by far
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You're not making a convincing point here.
actually I lied I dont post on the /a/ threads because I havent watched an anime in years but /vg/ still sucks
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>all four threads
/a/, /v/, /vg/, and /trash/ right?
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One of these is not like the other.
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I know, /vg/ is a pretty awful board in general.
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All the fanarts of Mari I've seen over the last two years has made her one of my favorites.
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I don't understand. You claim that the same people who lurk / post in these threads are the same people that also do so in the /a/ threads, and that's not entirely true.
The /a/ threads had people there that solely posted on /a/. People that don't lurk or even post on /v/, much less /vg/, and yet, posted a lot on each /a/ thread.
I for one hadn't visited /v/ in years and mostly only lurked /bag/ on more quiet nights. The fact that I now lurk these threads is by mere chance and most of my activity here on 4chan is still (as it always has been) on /a/.
I liked the /a/ threads quite a bit...
theres also a thread on /bant/
bant is aids because its not even blue archive anymore its just a chatroom with a BA flavor like /vg/ is most of the time
better than trash you fucking erptrannynigger
/bant/ still exists?
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Also, reminder:
We love Hina here.
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Unironically no, the /trash/fags are good folk
trash is trash, does that even need to be said? even the board's name is trash
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that shading looks like pubes, carpet doesn't match the drapes
the /bant/ thread is like one or two guys circlejerking and necrobumping the thread
>the /trash/fags are good folk
The two ""trashfolk"" i've seen are one tranny that prostituted themselves on one of the generals there and now trolls on gacha generals with random anime girls and some furry avataring wtih furshit eternally seething about loli and anime girls but still posts in gacha generals for whatever reason

I don't think any of them could be called "good folk" and should stay in the dumpster that is /vg/
I just noticed it.
That's hot though.
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Your mind is in the gutter, it's just a shadow. It's even safe on pixiv!
best stage to farm event points?
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I thought she was fun in this story. She's such a colossal fuckup but her persistent failures never seem to get her down. She's like the super-retarded version of Deathnote Kira.
t. prancing lala homoman
how many more days of free rolls
Is it still rape if I enjoy it?
its not rape if I enjoy it
You have to be a special kind of sicko to feel anything even remotely sexual about ibooke. She's has total daughter aura.
She's not my daughter, she's someone elses.
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Ibuki is a literal succubus
She has the horns, she has the tail and she's a demon
Succubi need sustenance and you happen to be the sole male in Kivotos
I bet this DUMB HORNY ANIMAL listened to the filename.
Doesn't really matter, event currency comes out to roughly the same so pick the stages that will let you buy out the shop faster then pick the stage that gives you the purple mat you need.
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just give me the führer already you damn bratty tablet!
yoooo sensei time to make some fucking hotsprings
Fucking footfag.
Ohhhhhhhh, That is what that is for.
Ibuki is by far the hottest girl in this entire game and one of the hottest in the medium. The only way she could be hotter is if her age matched her appearance (like every girl in BA she's listed as being about 5 years older than she clearly is)
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I think nexon is extremely based for being the first game to actually have the balls to make a loli succubus character
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you forgot about /ck/ and /d/
After playing this event I can confirm most Ghennans are retarded.
I'm about to side with Mika and just wipe them from the earth.
but Erika...
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I'm going after your ass.
please do not the Aru
why would she do that. gross

Problem Solver 68 gets spared.
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>the first game to actually have the balls to make a loli succubus character
She fucking shot you, she can do what she wants with you.
he probably meant gacha game
>4* students
>13th place
is this the legendary noob bracket
dude etna was in fucking 2003

Games since then are deathly afraid of loli and think everything needs giant tits along with the new generation of gamers that also think that every character needs to have their big tits out or they're trash
>D-San is a pvp autist
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So I've resetted my account and am rerolling now, this starting roll is good right?
>he probably meant gacha game
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Which one should I keep between those 2?
wait 3 days then reroll on the main banner for dress hina
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It's alright, I guess. Shun is nice.
But you'll have easier time clearing stages with the artillery dog.
Go ask other's opinion though, I haven't played for months.
listen to >>683856853 but if I had to pick, the second one
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I like this one better.
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listen to d.hina guy but if i have to choose between those 2 then none, just reroll lol
Now I need an ai voice of Momoi saying "Nigga get your black ass home"
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But wont I lose the 100 pulls?
best way to not lose the 100 rolls is to start a ton of accounts and pick the one that rolls better
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I want pyros
>send out dAko
>she gets ACK'd in 5 seconds
Is this supposed to happen?
Yes, so don't wait 3 days like that retard is saying
Yes but D.Hina is literally so busted it doesnt even matter. You also get so much free permanent pyros that you should be able to at least get yourself some basic units from that alone
skill issue
Ako puta
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Here's my 3 stars hope they work well
>no himari
>no eroha
Should've rolled for iroha instead, but that's pretty good still
To be fair they are sent to prison a lot, like during trinity arc with the tuna, this event, their group event, etc., and they also help us at different points in the story, also junko won the big race. They are neat group.
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hey guys i did the tutorial pull and got this, i didn't get and 6-stars, should I reroll?
trash it
I finally managed to beat that level 57 nigger and can now proceed with the story.
Skipping is for faggots.
I used this team, got super lucky with the Mutsuki roll.
bricked as fuck
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>isakusan announced he's stepping down
is this actually a big deal?
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yeah EoS in 3 weeks and 4 days
would be gehenna be at peace if makoto disbanded both pandemonium and the prefect team?
no lol
I got into anime again after many years. Streaming it off my PC onto an amoled tablet and watching in bed.
nice! I'd like to hear more, where can I subscribe to your blog?
did you watch the BA anime?
too bad it's trash
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>Gourmet Research Club kidnaped Fuuka AGAIN
>In the middle of moment with huge movement for the party
HOW? For fuck sake everybody has a gun, how the hell they can never defend this poor girl???
it's a princess peach situation, she's into it
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How do they have time to eat every single piece of food out of every restaurant, and still kidnap fuuka?
>how the hell they can never defend this poor girl?
cant beat the nyHaruna bro
Who are the biggest terrorists? The Gourmet Research Club or the Hot Spring Development Department?
The prefect team and Hina. Gehenna would be perfect without them.
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Kivotos has a serious issue of dork overload. How do we fix it?
This post was made by a terrorist.
based fuck those prefect scumbags
Depend on what you are seeing, in success rates it's Gourmet but by the amount of colateral damage caused definitely Hot Springs
maybe check the water supply? Someone must be putting dork juice in the water.
Every time I see Makoto it's like watching an American cartoon villain like Brain or Dr Doofenshmirtz, it's amazing!
I hate Koyuki

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Pandemonium has so much more synergy between their members than the perfect team. If they had a chapter for them instead of more hinawank, i bet it would have been more enjoyable. Maybe something with ibuki being in danger and having makoto showing she can actually be competent when serious.
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Because Fuuka gets wet everytime she gets kidnapped
There's no other explanation
what the fuck is that
miku from the diva games
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I miss Uiposters
I don't. thread smells nicer without them.
I miss senaposters... jk they dont exist lmao
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You mean the bodies?
Makoto would be better if her evil deeds were more just slight irritations and not the bullshit that could destroy Kivotos or at least Gehenna. I have no sympathy for her.
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Sena cute but she doesn't really do a whole lot.
striker himari when
Sorry it's only relegated to this thread. I am watching Detroit Metal City right now, after which I'll continue watching some newer shows.
what she reading
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Mika love
Love Mika
So the last Hina stage, Curtain Call, doesn't have an ending, you play those 2 missions and become exploration?
Yeah, no ending. It will refresh with new stuff to do at reset.
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>use 50 pulls from the free pulls
>only 3 star student I pulled so far are Shun and loli Shun

I'm getting the feeling I'm gonna have to spark for Ako.......
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did you like Vol5?
how many pyros sensei?
Nagusa is up there as one of the cutest girls in the whole game
If I catch up on the momotalks Id have enough for half a spark... I really want d.hina too after seeing the story
then you shouldn't even be considering sparking the current banner...
But I want ako more than hina.... her boobs got my name written on em
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you ain't getting shit
Total Yuuka Love
if that's what you want then that's what I want but walking into the anniversary banner without a spark, let alone half is not that great of an idea

dress ako will rerun in 1 year but dress hina won't be seeing a banner rerun until 1.5 years from now on another potential 2 new students bluefes banner
Why is arona so fucking stingy... isnt she supposed to be on my side
more pics like this please
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only when you buy the pakejis
noob bracket. stop bullying children
You guys meta calculate this shit way too much. If he wants to try his luck getting Ako then let him do it.
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well considering that she is wearing it in all her outfits my guess is that she was having some kinky fun one day, lost the key to that cuff and now is too embarrassed to ask for help
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He wrote vol 1 3 and F
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Why would he leave after writing the best volumes in the game? Wtf
nexon wanted him to make the game more jewish to make people spend more, but he didn't want to. now that he left you will get 2 anni students every 6 months plus more kike stuff to milk whales dry
How so? I see plenty of discussion about the game there.
I love Renge.
Daughterwife material
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They need to make this cow playable already
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Kurokage was the best part, I think BA story mode needs more boss fights in general
I'm not too familiar with this game or lore, but from what I gather, are all the girls capable of becoming terrors?
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I should have farmed more S.Koharu elephs. Turns out shes goated
Every student is a Mystic, just varying levels of strength, and every Mystic is capable of turning into Terror.
Everyone does their part.
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How come shiroko always does 0 damage unless she's against me. Fuck this mandatory piece of shit.
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It's comical how Yuuka is unable to even chip away at other Tanks. She's amazing at taking hits but can't kill any other frontliner to save her life.

Her accuracy is pretty terrible I think.
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just finished hina's event, that piano performance was a letdown
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i genuinely do not understand why people pick yuuka in PvP
>susceptible to common threats like iori, mika and s.ayane
>no damage
>no support skills for her team
>her sub skill is useless in PvP which means no sustain
the only reason i can think of is having the highest evasion in the game at 1890 but then you have mika in the second place at 1867and suddenly it doesn't look that valuable anymore
i remember when you just started playing... they grow up so fast...
it's funny how most of her skills are almost useless

EX is okay up to level 4, but level 5 is just a wate of 10 million credits
normal does pitiful damage
normal+ is fine but the increase in dodge rate is very little (26->33%)
passive is pointless, she has no def
passive+, cover where???
sub, cover where???????
you want tanks to be alive the longest time possible so your supports can kill the other team. it's not rocket science
ayane is barely used, mika is easily killed by a lot of red supports and iori is a matter of not matching yuuka with her, overall she dodges and tanks a lot. Blue tanks are as susceptible as yuuka to iori but they can also get oneshot by shiroko or get easily killed by iroha. Then there's Marina.
compared to the amazing in-engine cutscenes of vol F this was so cheap and lame. if they didn't even bother animating the keys sink in when pressed, then why the absolute fuck did they have close-up shots of her fingers clipping through the solid brick keyboard? could've at least made it look more presentable by having the camera fly around her at a distance
Because I love her.
>susceptible to common threats like iori
iori/nyharuna are the common pvp picks, iori melts yellow/blue tanks and nyharuna melts red tanks
rare as hell occurrence and dies pretty easily
almost never see her and you can just not use yuuka if you see her as she's a special student and thus visible in the pvp screen
all my fellas!
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Love Love Mika
woman's used panties are so SO fucking disgusting
Better than Vol 1 and 2 for sure.
Nagusa is up there as one of the most retarded girls in the whole game.
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Yes, it wasn't vol 3/F tier good, but it was pretty enjoyable with a nice cast. I want to bully Nagusa until she cries.
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>Clogyou Nagusa the Yucky Onna
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