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my wife and i are 33 and 32, and we don't have these. does fluoride cause the?
brushing your teeth and flossing and fluoride all do this so stop it all at once, go nattytoothpilled bro
wtf bros
I have this
I didn't use to
Aging sucks
What a shit thread.
You get laugh lines when you smile or laugh a lot naturally. It's the same as getting a wrinkled forehead if you frown a lot.
It's when you have a habit for nervous smiles.
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>4chan has literally ruined my face
Fuck you faggots
they're not even wrinkles though. your cheeks just bend like that when you smile. if they're there even when you're not smiling then they actually are wrinkles
Uhm... Ok sure kid. I will let them know as soon as I see them.

They're called NASOLABIAL FOLDS you ILLITERATE piece of SHIT
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Exhibit A
she cute tho
>15 posts
>no mention of them being chud lines
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Exhibit B without laughlines
cut it with the antisemitism goy
dimples are hot

verification not required
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Its not age related, if you have a crocrodile or a dog face you dont have these lines.
If you have a pancake face you have these lines
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Holy fuck lmao
I have these and I'm only 20.
Yeah that other anons right - she's cute.
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She's not even smiling and she has the annoying lines
Those lines are not what a dimple is.
A dimple are those circles on peoples cheeks that go in when they smile
The Maggie Gyllenhaal look
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without laughlines
this is what we're talking about now? /v/ really is full of trannies and women
thats the point
I have one on the left side of my face and not the right side
I cant wait until Bioware dies
>"laugh lines"
stop it, I told you they're nasolabial folds, all other names are wrong
That's an Android
...I'm puzzled at what exactly what you mean. The lines that appear on people of all ages when they smile? Huh?
I'm in my early 30s and I have them around the nose now but nowhere else. Feels like the worst of both worlds.
Too much sugar in my diet
Just say you want everyone to be an anime character you'll save a lot of effort
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There's a reason why people rather play Overwatch and Marvel Rivals over Concord
Everyone has these under certain conditions like lighting and smiling. But If you can see the lines without those then you're OLD
you only get these from snorting cocaine
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Hag lines
Don't take this the wrong way, but you sound like a gay homosexual faggot.
>without laughlines

You mean hag lines
What do you do for anti aging /v/?

I'm on a calorie restricted vegetarian diet, I wear sunscreen on my face every day and moisturise and apply retinol to my face every night.
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I don't. I am caiusmaxxing
Blood and meat daily
I eat anything that contains collagen and sleep well.
No you yellow bastard. Shut up.
Any collagen you eat won't make it to the places that matter(your face), it will go to your stomach and get broken down into regular ass proteins like everything else you eat. If you specifically go out of your way to eat products marketed as "with collagen" then you are getting scammed.
Why the hell would I care about aging. I'm not a woman entering 40
thats right anon, anything you eat just gets sent to your stomach to be broken down. and then it gets sent around your body to where its needed. thats how digestion works.
I never understood americans obsession with these laugh lines or whatever they're called
hahaha get a load of this fag
they're so prominent on Baldur's Gate 3 characters
You and your wife aren't fat.
only fatties have those.
If you don't get the smile bones then you don't get the pussy bones.
Your choice.
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Good thread. I never understood the West's obsession with unnecessary details and ugly wrinkles.
Western devs will laugh at Japanese games for having lots of hair customization as if that's somehow fucking negative. While they WD will add 50 pimples, scars and blemishes and wrinkles to a character creator, as if THAT'S what people want
Yeah but the collagen specifically gets broken down into component amino acids which then gets rebuilt into collagen your body uses. So it literally doesn't matter that you're specifically eating collagen, as long as you were eating shit that can be broken down into those amino acids you'll be making the exact same amount of collagen anyway.
「何かを残して 何かを捨てていくのだろう」
Nothing, because it's a useless and stupid struggle. You will age and you will die, that's it.
Nothing. Unless you're going bald, men age well until like 70 when you go from possibly attractive to elderly.
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Are you balding or do you just fear twinkdeath enough to project? Men age like wine, women age like milk; people have known this for millennia and statistics back it up.
Cope harder
>men age well until like 70
I don't even know what you're accusing me of. I'm under 30 so whatever you're thinking of probably doesn't apply to me.
do what niggers do and use shea butter and coco butter get plenty of collogens and fish oil and stay in shape youre gunna age no matter what
LMAO that's a dude and leftist girls look like shit.
Look at your own graph you retard. As your virgin as age, unless you're filthy rich or genuinely handsome like a movie actor you'll only get a slim chance at hags as old as you
>This is typically the result of loss of skin elasticity, descent of the facial soft tissues, and loss of volume in the cheeks. Because we smile often, these lines can develop relatively early, even in your 20s and 30s. Deep laugh lines are very likely to be caused by genetics, especially if they appear when you're young.
Well there you have it, I guess there's a good reason then for women to get mad when you tell them to smile more.
just means you lived joyless lives without much laughter or sun exposure

or you have an insane skincare routine but cmon now this is /v/ we know that's not happening
> As your virgin as age,
holy esl
American Haru is real.
Putting your ESLism aside, why would I want a woman the same age or older than me? The graph tells me women younger than me would rather be with me than men their age.
Threads like these are just more proof that most /v/irgins literally are attracted to aliens and not humans.
>this motherfucker is 52 years old
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Resting-bitch-face enjoyers we fucking won.
What is it with ESL thirdies and their 3 fucking jokes?
>muh fluoride
>muh cornstarch
>muh muhricanss
>Unless you're going bald
That's a big thing to leave out.
Yeah he's an actor so he can afford cosmetic treatments.
Why do westoids obsess over beautiful people irl but purposefully make everything ugly in fiction.
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More like "nasolabial foids"!
there are no cosmetic treatments to reverse aging you fucking retard
KEK the lookism incels are all mutts and 3rd worlders. Never seen anyone in Europe ever obsess over this kind of shit.
>Deep laugh lines are very likely to be caused by genetics
>there are no treatments to erase wrinkles and make your skin clear
anon what do you think rich women spend their money on? it's not just shoes
Why would a man care about anti aging methods? like unless you are a fag or have some defect where you look like Gollum at a young age its whatever
its better to work out if anything so you don't overall feel like shit as you get older
Based beyond measure, outlander.
you are the end boss of /v/ faggots
It's just the typical weebspic delusions. Tranime and their hate for the west has melted their little brain.
you can inject baby foreskin underneath your cheeks to keep your face smooth and youthful
My dad ate an extremely healthy vegan/pescatarian mix diet for 30+ years (no dairy or meat besides fish what he did eat was extremely clean). His health was great and he did bald slower compared to all his brothers, but visually he looked old as shit by comparison in all other ways. Cashiers thought he was my grandpa when I was like 6. That's anecdotal of course and was maybe more caused by the lack of eggs/dairy.
I rub my cum on my face
Not everyone goes bald and for those who do it is unavoidable so it is moot point to even care about it.
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Retinol every other day. Toner every other day. SPF50 face moisturiser during sunlight hours.
Need to get more sleep and balance my diet more though.
I've no problem with aging characters in games, but they don't all have to be ugly freaks. The vitiligo trend was far more egregious to be honest.
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Oh my goshhhh stop being so hagphobic
I watched some long ass video the other day about this dude and that does not look like a very enjoyable life. also nice fucking shirt lmao
is this john cena?
33 and still on the whatever the fuck I want diet and I still get carded for cigarettes and alcohol on occasion. though i think im going to have to change something soon as my metabolism is starting to go
what this guy said
None of any "anti-aging" methods work. Maybe sunscreens but that's it.
don't you niggas like hags doe?
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Sexy hags
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I know this is a shit post but I would actually argue they do. The folds are caused by you smiling and you have to stretch your mouth into a smile if you want to clean your teeth properly, so, yeah anon your right.
and also 15
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Yet she could be better.
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>Be happy and laugh a lot
>Get uglier
What the FUCK
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[Calling all units!] PLEASE ST0P PUTTING THIS IN YOUR [Hot Singles In Your Area]! IT MAKES THEM #&@! [Gorgeous within minutes]!
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This is how you spot a western female character.
Western developers hate females and female beauty, they're not capable of creating a.............................................. nice female, yup. Just a simple, pretty female character that's... nice to you, that doesn't yell every 5 seconds that she's used goods and how many dicks she fucked and tells you to FUCK OFF AND SUCK MY DICK (hehe cause I'm a woman get it?) *humiliates male character for no reason and randomly mentions her girlfriend as if it's the most normal thing in the world and definitely wouldn't get you beheaded in 90% of the world.*
I'm struggling to remember any good, western female characters from any game in the past 10 years could you help me out?
Can you name a single female character from a western game that:
Doesn't have a permanent cunt scowl
Doesn't mention her past boyfriends
Doesn't curse every 5 seconds
Doesn't humiliates male character and treats him with respect he deserves
Is nice

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