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What's your final purchase going to be?
the halo 2 maptacular pack of course
what is this? I own an Xbox SeX and haven't bought Deadly Premontion but I want to play it. Do I need to purchase it now or is this just for purchases made from the 360 itself?
Downloading all of my 360 games on PC
Fuck Microsoft
Only the marketplace on 360 consoles is being shut down. Any backwards compatible 360 games are still purchasable on Xbox One.
DMC4 was like $2 so I got that. Always wanted to play it. I also picked up Panzer Dragoon Orta, Dead Rising, Dead Island, and Too Human
Deadly Premonition is backwards compatible on the newer Xbox consoles so it's fine, you can still buy and download it from your Series X, even after the Xbox 360 store closes.

This is just Xbox 360 marketplace that's going away. Microsoft is shutting it down. So all the games only on Xbox 360 which aren't backwards compatible can no longer be purchased. Stuff like The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai
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>Too Human
That one has been permanently free for a while. Crackdown 1 and 2 are free as well.
Unironically are their any worthwhile games still only on the 360
an RGH chip
None that are still on the store no. Anything good is either back compat already or was delisted long ago, or the third option, was never available digitally to begin with.
This whole thing is a cluster fuck. It's this pissing off anyone else?

All I want is a fucking list of things that will not be available after the 29th. Thats all is needed. I don't care if it's available on series x market place. Things like bubble bobble neo, burnout crash. What will be gone come the 29th so I can fucking buy it?
You say that but i don't see sonic fighters or fighting vipers on the series x store.. This is as clear as mud.
Is the XBLA version of Symphony of the Night still regarded as the best?
Radiant Silvergun
please understanding the limited team and time limiting...
you should see them in dev mode with all your other retro games anon
best 20 bucks you can spend on any console really, but i got dev mode for free like a decade ago
Playing Gamecube games on my SeX is gonna be insane.
Kek, quite
I haven't bought them yet on 360, but are they playable on series x?
Are they going to be gone come the 29th? It's such a joke
Pissi Riggitini
it works really well

reading comprehension
If this bothers you RGH your console or buy an RGH console.
Only if you like intermittent stutter here and there. No one mentions it because, you know, delusion
>reading comprehension
>talking about gamecube emulation on series consoles in a thread about the 360 marketplace

>mentions series x store
>get answer on how to play 'em on series x
i was just trying to help, anon
yeah yeah i was being a cheeky fuck get over it
That's backwards compatible, so not going away, on Steam, Switch and the Saturn version is easily emulated. I don't think you could have chosen a worse example.
Import Tuner Challenge. But I don't think you can buy that digitally.
I bought a disc copy of it before I found out.
>Stuff like The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai
This is the only game I bought. I tried some demos of other games that are going away, but they didn't really grab me.
Will this mean all the digital stuff on there will dissappear forever?
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Mate I apologise. I'm not explaining this correctly (pretty much due to the cluster fuck of the store close), I just want to know for clarity, is there some fucking list anywhere of just games that will be lost forever so I know what to get?

I ask this because I search for this exact thing and see lists without bubble bobble neo or burnout crash on, which is fucking nonsense because I know damn well you can't get that shit playing via backwards compat AAAAHHHHHHHHH HELP ME FFUCKSAK
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The bolded games in this list might require Xbox 360 Kinect or the old Xbox Live Vision Camera, not completely sure.
>bolded games in this list
the bolded games there are ONLY available on the 360 marketplace, and nowhere else.
Is bubble bobble neo available anywhere else? That shit is not on series or one.

Or is this because it's on the fucking ps3
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One of the best shmups ever made was only released on the 360. It has an even better arrange mode dlc that will be delisted on Monday.
It was on the Wii eshop but that's long gone.
>arrange mode dlc
Hmm it's not on sale though.
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>buying video games
You silly boys!

>the Xbox marketplace is going to get shut down on monday
And nothing that has any value was lost.

This is an exhaustive list of everything on the store. You can filter out backwards compatible games and thier associated dlc. The only thing you can't do is find edge cases where a game is backwards compatible, but you can't buy it's dlc on the xbox one store(sonic generations casino night zone for example).
This is what I mean, there seems to mad confusion as to what the hell is gonna be lost to the world or not come Monday

Anyway is there any recommendations to get before this shit is gone for good? So much of it looks like shovel ware shit lol
Thread theme:

If you don't care about dlc, this list is just the digital only games that will be delisted on monday:
>Diabolical Pitch
All these lists being posted

Street fighter vs tekken not on anything even though that fucker isn't found on the series consoles... Brothers.. I'm finding these lists very hard to trust...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
Sony is 100% pulling the plug on the PS3's store next year now that Nintendo and Xbox have killed their stores.
Remasters exist
They didn't put any DLC on sale annoyingly. No Taito games either even though they give quite a few XBLA titles.
If you like the batman arkham games, there is a 2d one on sale. Not great, but worth considering for the novelty:

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>havent played xbox one since it came out
>plug it in for first time in years
>wont update through internet for some stupid reason(because last update was in 2014, but the should still have a way to update the OS through the net), have to do offline update with USB
>its been stuck at applying update for an hour now
>factory reset it
>still no progress, another hour now on the applying update screen.

I love how it's easy to see why Microsoft got its ass kicked in the gaming sector. This console is borked isn't it? It's a day one xbox one if that helps.
So there's no way to get any of these future delisted games and dlc's off the 360?
Duke Nukem 360 Edition, couple of capcom games like Darkstalkers, 3rd strike, and RE Revelation.

It's on here. Filter out all the backwards compatible entries and you will have a list of every game and dlc that will be delisted on monday.
The Xbox Series X is also having an Ultimate Game Sale thing, so I bought Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and the Need for Speed Collection (which normally goes for $60, but got it for $6, with Rivals, Need for Speed 2015, and Payback, which makes that arguably the biggest deal out of this entire sale).
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I just downloaded underground, ug2, most wanted, carbon, pro street and undercover for free from a torrent site. I can play all of them without some niggerlicious EA server connection.
Whats on the Duke 360 edition
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Never bought anything.
Never will.
Nothing new, every release was the same until the cursed Randy version in 2016.
The best console version before Randy Bobandy got his hands on it.
>They're still charging for shit like Virtua Fighter 5: Non Final Showdown's character customizations
so Crackdown is abandonware come monday?
Are Ninja Gaiden games worth getting on 360 over the new collection?
Duke it out in DC, and a few other things that weren't the one Randy Bobandy expansion that later ports got. It's basically the LAST Duke 3D port of 3D Realm ownership.


Basically this.
MS owns the I.P. and can renew it, but in an essence: Yeah.

The NG games on the marketplace are Vanilla 2 (I prefer Sigma for better balance but /v/tards think this one is better, and the post-360 consoles that run it don't have slowdown like the original 360 release) and 1 is Black (the best verison of 1). So... depends on how you look at it.

There is no 3, BTW.
Retarded Itemcuck
Razor's edge will always be the best, just for the difficulty.
>A polished turd edition
3 still sucks, BTW.
I have been trying to put my credit card on the site in order to make the purchases I want but for some reason it now doesn't want to allow the card to go through despite the fact I was able to put it with no problems only a couple of months ago. I removed it after I bought a few things. This was before I knew of the sales.
i haven't owned a 360 in a very long time, my last purchase was probably like the ohio players DLC for rock band
I've already spent way too much and I still have a lot more to go. Tons of arcade games, a lot of RE shit. There's already so much gone from the store, and I'm trying to download updates that were released as "Free" DLC as they will be unobtainable after the shutdown.
Here u go m night fagotron

I bricked mine because of xbox's stupidity combined with my own laziness
>be playing xbox
>be lazy and leave it on home screen without shutting it off assuming it will go to sleep
>update gets pushed, doesn't allow it to go to sleep without user interaction
>go on vacation for a week
>come back and notice it was on and the screen is all fucked up
>try restarting it, it runs for a minute then dies
>never played it again
So that's the story of how I switched from xbox to playstation. Thanks for reading my blog.
Stupid how Street Fighter x Tekken's dlc is still like 20 bucks.
DLC for Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Just bought Lost Odyssey physical off ebay, so I'll be starting that soon. Played Blue Dragon way back (but no DLC) and been wanting to replay it for a while now.
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I have a modded 360 im gonna transfer my account to , earn achievements, then transfer my account back onto an unmodded 360 to sync the achievemetns online
burnout 3 and street fighter 3rd strike online edition
Holy shit, is that legal?
I'm more worried about the avatar stuff, did the hacking "community" backed up those? There were some nice stuff in there

For 360 chads this means nothing. Buying it on Xbox store means the 360 will download it, this is important?
yeah it do be. play pirated games on modded box, transfer accdount back with usb stick to good console, go online, sync your achievements
Ska studio games, DMC4, Duke Nukem 3D, Bastion, Rez HD, the rest has been delisted like Afterburner climax, castle crashers, shoot many robots, etc.... Very few games though, most had re-release years later. Also, all those cave jpn only shmups

Frionel Missee
Why are you doing this? I know for a fact blue dragon is on the Xbox market place not just 360 so that's not going to disappear
>in the era when they are inferior version

Blue Dragon has framerate issues on 360 like the demo?
I don't have an Xbox One or Series and no plan to buy either. I already owned Blue Dragon on the 360. So ~5$ for a few DLC, and 25$ for Lost Odyssey physical because I like physical over digital when available.
No clue. I played it back in 07'ish. Either the fps issues weren't bad, or I just didn't care.
There are still 360s that have yet to get RRoD?
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>winchester board still doesn't have a hack
My slim is a fucking beast, dude. Where'd you get that joke? 2006?
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Somehow I have 2 near launch period 360s that still work. Like I actually used em to play games earlier this year.
>Avatar store has Green Ranger outfit
Based and dragonzordpilled
I bought gears of war 1-3 + judgement and Lost odyssey
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Thanks anon
Some of the ones I want off that list aren't on Steam so I might get them before the deadline.
I still have mine. I did have one get red ring'd a good 10 years ago, but not since.
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>What's your final purchase going to be?
a JTAG/RGH console so i can sail the high seas
I already have FIFA 19 so I am good
If your console died from running one week then it had bigger problems than an update.
how is this even legal
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Black Knight Sword
why are there no hacks or exploits for Xbox one?
>What's your final purchase going to be?
Perfect Dark probably
Was gonna buy BF 1943 but that one is p much dead
though i checked the marketplace on my console and i didnt see any sales going on, why is that?
1, People take hacks granted when many times in the past it was due to luck if something got out
2, Microsoft got really really good in defending their system (every game runs in their own sandbox, you can't even put a profile on One/Series without an Xbox Network handshake)
3, Every XBO/Series console can be turned into a developer console so homebrew doesn't see challenge in it.
4, Xbox becoming irrelevant and might not exist in a few years so no bragging rights.
Give it to me straight. Is there anything worthwhile that will be made unavailable, either because there wasn’t a physical release or it’s absurdly expensive on the secondhand market?
There are around 150 games discounted but the 360 can't handle global sale promotions so there is really no advertisement for it on the system.
Define worthwhile. There are a handful of 360 digital only arcade titles, a handful of digital only 360 titles and you can bet discs will become crazy expensive after the store closure. Also some games never released their DLCs on disc and you won't be able to redeem codes either so any super duper edition that doesn't have the extras on a physical bonus disc will be worthless.
Here is a list of digital only 360 games, some of them is not available anywhere else: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1hxTr0R6EO--X34hqIt3i7fJJge6AU6ReG3z2JVSLVzY/mobilebasic

There are a bunch of games on top of these but they delisted it ages ago (just like on PS3, both storefronts are pretty empty now).
Thanks for the list. I’ll fire my old one up tomorrow if anything looks interesting
Black Knight Sword
Minecraft 360
Classic CoD
Dishwahser dead samurai
Rez HD
Dead Rising OTR DLC
Dead Rising og + its own DLC
SFxTekken + DLC on disk lol
Darkstalker collection
SF3 online (best version afaik)
The fancypants adventures
Metro games
Dead Island games
Eternal sonata
Way of Samurai 3
Batman Assylum and City
SF2HDTurbo remix
Deathspank games
Mark of the Ninja
Penny arcade ep 1 and 2
Some piece of morsel of best game ever made called Bullestorm (KILL WITH SKILL!)
Where wild things are
Terraria 360
Hell yeah
MGV tech demo and TPP
99 nights 2
Resonance of Fate
Ridge racer unbounded
That Riddick game
Motherfucking Anarchy Reigns

And of course the trilogy of Kuso: MN9, Sonic 06 and DmC+Vorgil's downfall

Not all worthwhile but decent games lost there
a lot of these had a physical release
There's some games that were once multiplat but are now effectively only 360
Black Knight Sword was on PS3 as well but has since been delisted there, and it's not back compat on Xbone either
Warp is a fun puzzle action game that's also available on Steam but the PC version is completely busted because the EA account integration is broken so you can't even play it
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Don't assume physical copies are as avaiable as these in digital form, that's the only perk digital has; availability.

>Some marketplace games have geo lock
>you neep a vpn to even buy them
I love Melina
This isn't to criticize just inform about other versions
>Black Knight Sword
Worth it
>Minecraft 360
Obviously on every other console too plus PC. This also had a physical releas
>Classic CoD
Worth but it's pretty pricey for some reason and think a PS3 version exists
>Dishwasher dead samurai
Worth. Just a shame it isn't on sale
No physical but it's on other consoles and PC anyway
>Rez HD
Not my cup of tea so idk
>Dead Rising OTR DLC
>Dead Rising og + its own DLC
>SFxTekken + DLC on disk lol
>Darkstalker collection
>SF3 online (best version afaik)
Basically everything by Capcom is good because the prices are a steal. DLC's not on sale sadly and some of these games have better versions on newer gens like Revelations, plus physicals exist, but for the price you're paying this is absolutely worth it plus the HD Resident Evils
>The fancypants adventures
I don't think this exists elsewhere and it's cheap so worth
>Metro games
Wouldn't bother too much but the price is good. Imo not a fan of the console versions, I like the m+k controls.
>Dead Island games
Idk these really aren't worth it to begin with and physicals are always cheap
>Eternal sonata
This has been on collector speculation lists for over a decade so I guess worth it
>Way of Samurai 3
Not really, it's better on PC
>Batman Asylum and City
I believe the PC versions come with all the DLC's so don't bother
>SF2HDTurbo remix
It's worth it but gonna be honest and say I wasn't the biggest fan of this
>Deathspank games
>Mark of the Ninja
>Penny arcade ep 1 and 2
Sorta nothing indie titles, do your own research
>Some piece of morsel of best game ever made called Bullestorm (KILL WITH SKILL!)
Physicals are cheap and next gen version is better because Duke DLC babey
>Where wild things are
Nigga no
>Terraria 360
>Hell yeah
Very meh game, on Steam too
>MGV tech demo and TPP
Absolutely TF not. This is the worst way to play these games, massive downgrades in visuals
AFAIK Minecraft on 360 was a complete diferent beast than later releases.

Ska Studio games are discounted, the three of them at $1 each. They actually tweeted MS asking them to

Eternal Sonata isn't on sale, sadly. But it's like $15 so it's not that bad.
>AFAIK Minecraft on 360 was a complete diferent beast than later releases.
I still recommend the physical just because you can choose not to update it and play the soul that is Minecraft 360 version 1.0
>Ska Studio games are discounted, the three of them at $1 each. They actually tweeted MS asking them to
Oh shit I didn't know this, thanks for the heads up
>Eternal Sonata isn't on sale, sadly. But it's like $15 so it's not that bad.
For $15 that's a absolute steal. Prices are going a bit loopy for 360 games at the moment and I doubt they're gonna drop any time soon.
Can you still download already purchased games after that or are microshit complete jews?
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all the kinect games.
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>mfw finally manage to dl a geo locked game
The time has come and so have I
You can though some individual downloads might be busted. So far it has been very very few though and nothing relevant. If the download works today, it should work in the future as they're basically freezing the store on Monday.
Note that you can't redeem codes you got with games or even get free DLC after that so it's worth taking a peek at what's available even if you're not planning to buy anything. A lot of games have free multiplayer compatbility packs for example that are required when playing with someone who owns paid DLC packs for example.
Title updates will also continue to be available as normal.
So how long do you think the PS3 store will still be up? I can't imagine it has much longer either
I'm probably going to sell all my shit instead.
I'm getting too old to be attached to videogames, physical belongings even, so selling for profit is probably the best decision I could make right now.
You'll regret it
I'd bet it's going down as soon as some EU financial regulation or other law requires all online stores to comply with something and Sony just says "Nope, can't update that so we're pulling the plug!"
I'm absolutely certain they're not just gonna randomly announce it again because of the backlash last time, and there's also like a weirdly large amount of consumers still on PS3 and Vita. Over a million monthly users last they released the numbers.
xbox 360 prices will go up from now on you should wait a bit.
A lot of Capcom games went on sale, so I picked up all the resident evil games and dead rising.


this is a list of some of the sales as of 7/16
I dont have an Xbox anymore, gave it back to my bro-in-law that was modded and don’t plan on getting a One/X (lmao). I missed out on a lot of Xbox titles, and sad that Jet Set Radio Future isn’t available.
What I’m getting so far:
>Blinx 1
>Burnout 3 & Revenge
>Conker Live and Reloaded
>Dead Rising 1 & 2
>Max Payne 1 & 2
>Midnight Club Complete
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>Red Dead Revolver (already have Redemption)
>Sonic Free Riders
Bought Arkham Origins: Blackgate
not sure if it's any good though
I have an incurable disease in my head that absolutely tanked my quality of life the past 10 years. Having shit stuck in my shelves that I don't even play anymore never helped me achieve happiness.
There are only a few things that do, which is actually improving my skills and worth as a person and my own achievements (not the ones on Xbox, the ones that come from my labor)

You're probably right.
God damn what a mess the 360 store backend must be
Some games were supposed to be on sale but they couldn't figure out how to get them to be on sale at all like Burnout 3. Then some other stuff like Fight Night Round 3 is only on sale in some regions because of technical difficulties
Doubtful. That meme doesn't work with xbox and ps
heh there's so many xbox 360 games spiking in prices right now
Also if you haven't, GET DLC. You won't be able to purchase dlc on the Xbox 360 after the store is closed. Some of it is on sale or free
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>stuck on 7th gen forever
>already delisted
Yeah, speculation. It doesn't align with quality unlike the reality where the vast majority of gen 7 games were meh at best and the actual oustanding ones were comercial failures.

>fatal inertia
I wonder why such a good idea had such a shitty game but then you notice it was a Koei game from Canada
I never got to play the second game. I bet Its going to become expensive as fuck now.
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>the vast majority of gen 7 games were meh at best
for you
millennials are in their 30s now and getting extremely nostalgic of the 7th gen
Why are you posting a pic of one of the few good games 360 had? Are you under the impression people stopped playing Halo 3 or don't know about the MCC? They have access to it rendering the speculation as moot
well you can play it with xenia
Can I still download DLC for 360 games I own?
mcc it's absolute garbage and yes people have stopped playing halo this franchise is completely irrelevant today
My brother, the days of people thinking MGS4, Uncharted and TLOU even come close to what the 360 was offering at the time are well behind us. If you had a PS3 back then you were eating actual shit.
You could say it's CONDEMNED to be trapped there haAHAHAH
>DLC I own, for 360 games
to be clear
Not at all, people still plays Halo 3 on 360 and Reach just had a resugernce there as well. Also, one of the same argument of people defending microsoft's "close" of 360's matchmaking was "but just consoom the new version fag" so there's even MORE people that also plays Halo 3 in there despite being shit. Your point is useless and has no ground

As long a game is accessible it'll stay cheap. Otherwise you'll have overpriced glorified trash hoarded under an impression of value
I ordered a rgh console a few days ago. Tried doing rgh myself and almost managed it but couldnt get the x-clamp back on so i raged and threw the thing in the trash.
You should just either mod your console or buy a modded one because thats the only way to truly enjoy the xbox 360.
>If you had a PS3 back then you were eating actual shit.
Until the slim model release when ps3 began, too late but it did. Also xbox shitting the bed
I wasn't implying Halo will explode in price I was just showing you the player count in 2007.
Also there's like 50 people playing on Sunrise this is completely irrelevant nonetheless.
Began what? Feeding you diarrhea in disc format like Heavy Rain and TLOU?
is ninja gaiden 2? ive been wanting to pick up a digital copy of that forever
Don't leave out the people playing the MCC, fag. Don't try to save face, you brought the shitty mcc yourself. Your nostalgia angle doesn't stand
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>As long a game is accessible it'll stay cheap.
>Began what?
having games released after years of mgs4 and motorstorm
Also by being shit = 0 value. Get a better example like Blue Dragon or so
Yeah, boring garbage that not even you like anymore. Uncharted, TLOU, Heavy Rain etc.
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>implying I have a ps3
>blue dragon
Extremely overrated, no wonder this shit flopped and is only relevant in pathetic 3x3 circlejerk threads.
Cod4 will always be the best one. Anyone that was there between 6-12th grade knows its the best. What a legendary game at the time. Still has the best maps and feels amazing to play.
i can't believe the xbox store is shutting down before the ps3s. fucking jews
Sony now has an excuse to do the same.
Isn't classic cod like 20 big ones. Fuck that
Which was the good gen 7 Alien game?

The most hilarious thing is 1) Sony can do it just fine as well and 2) this puts an expiration date on 360's xbox live

I'll enjoy the seething of the handful of paid online enablers left in there
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>people still play halo 3 and mw online
This AAA era is unthinkable today and will never happen ever again.
I'm getting all the dance central dlcs for my future wife.
I'm scared this shit will fuck up something like the licences and half the games you own won't be downloadable again.
As if that wasn't happening already. With Forza games especially.
Bros... my xbox is smoking from all the games and trial versions I'm downloading. 420gb out of 500gb...
Was the design in the OP screenshot the original design of the marketplace in 2006?
Not a zoomer, just used to have a PS3. Simple as.
Sounds like the perfect /v/ game
It's the current main menu. They revamped it like 3 times.
Mate, no way. At that point MS were the ones force feeding their fans with kinect shit. How ironic
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>revamp main menu 3 times
>each time worse
>revamp avatar as well
>not a single fucking blip in india
>yet they're now everywhere in this board
Not on sale, it's quite expensive
Because it's on the xbone store it shouldn't be delisted.

It never fucking goes on sale.
As good as that ps2 pic that shows all that aaa shit. It'll never happen again
Bros I miss the good days in 2007 when only Europe and america had Internet. This pic really shows how the other counties didn't have access to it, better times.
It was once. Like $10 at digital
>SF3 online (best version afaik)
Is it better than the ps3 version and do either of them have an active online community?
I know brother. It's shit. Thankfully I have it physical. One of my small wins over the years. I had sf3 alpha on dreamcast and returned it because it looked like a 'snes game'. What a moron lol
Any multiplat game was better on 360.

>for you
No, in general. If you didn't notice gen 7 had games casualization where everything became shallow and more walkingalley-y
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>one guy on yt managed to get a lobby with 6 people in CastlemineZ in 2024
>Dorito's carsh course with over 5 million times recorded and still seeing people online
Soul. It's ony us, the real ones still playing the games. See you tomorrow on Doritos fags
Is there a separate UK/EU marketplace from US ver? The Xbox store on the official site are all in $ so I wonder if buying those is a bad idea?
My 360 is struggling with it's disc drive... bros. I don't want picrel to just be a digital slopbox. It seems to be alright if I take the disc out and put back in again but after returning to the dashboard it just does not load the game disc.
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>mfw slim e disc drive refuses to read disc
>makes weird noises
>disconnect online from it
>works like nothing happened
I do wonder why happens...
>Slim E
Isn't that the last model they made? I recall something after the slim model but I don't fully remember.

>makes weird noises
Yeah, when I am done playing a disc and return to the dashboard or just boot up for the first time it makes a 'hardly reading the disc' type of nice. Take it out and in and boom it just works.
They throttled the download speed for the 360 servers so hard it took me hours to download a 6GB game and half an hour for a title update.
It's put me off buying anything else from the marketplace desu
type of noise*
the 360 servers might just be full of dust anon
Yeah, the last. Also called the Xbone 360, those have a hackable board and Winchester boards

You could totally pull off a code generator in there
>Xbone 360
Now that rings a bell, weird in-between model, just looked it up, and yep has design elements from the xbone. The 360 really is microsofts PS2 isn't it?
>The 360 really is microsofts PS2 isn't it?
>the best selling xbox they had
Peter Moore was really onto something and was the soul of that era
I meant with how late people moved on from it to the next. I remember how long the PS2 was still on the go into the PS3's run.
>follow up system is a flop
>people just kept with the previous one
sounds like this will be the trend for xbox and ps from now on
Alright, I actually got to talk about this now. <700 people have ever beaten this game on the hardest difficulty, not because it's hard but because it's so obscure. This is a really good game, and it will disappear completely now so let me shill it once.
There's a rare kind of game where the player faces unavoidable damage but has a long healthbar to compensate, so if you play skillfully you'll never die even if you take damage. On the other hand you can doom a run and still see what's next -reducing trial and error- or bring it back with a moment of luck or skill. The only other known game I can think of that does this is Demonophobia. But people hate the signal that they've made a mistake, even if it doesn't matter, so they'd naturally say the game plays poorly.
The player's toolset is really damn interesting, and higher difficulties there's a filter moment that forces you to realize you can move faster backwards than forwards; I honestly don't think even those who try to play this game appreciate it, as evidenced by if you look up gameplay you won't see anyone backflipping around like a madman. People also don't seem to realize you can damage the final boss when her shield is down.
The game comes with three versions of the campaign and a challenge mode, and the difficulties actually change the mechanics to provide an intended experience instead of just altering stats. This game came out before Dark Souls so it's a very rare case of a game in that style still innocent and untainted by the Soulslike plague, though your backflip has brief I-frames. You also won't see footage of people turning backwards and flipping into an attack while charging a slash.
Besides that the presentation is unique and screenshots don't do it justice, and the soundtrack is done by Akira Yamaoka.
It's a story about a madman going on a rampage to cut out the heart of evil in Disneyland.
Are you retarded?
This affects the 360 store itself. You can still buy backwards compat games on the SeX.
How well archived/available are 360 games? Is most of the store just going to become lost media once this shit gets killed?
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>Which was the good gen 7 Alien game?
You're thinking of Alien Isolation? There's no reason to buy it digitally from the 360 marketplace since it's not on sale there, and physical copies are still quite cheap.
Lost Odyssey
Condemned 1 and 2
GTA San Andreas
Magna Carta 2
The Darkness (1 specifically)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 1 & 2

Prithee, anon, purchase these titles lest they fall out of your reach.
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>Was the design in the OP screenshot the original design of the marketplace in 2006?
This was what it used to look like. The 360 marketplace when it first launched was overrated in terms of its functionality. Microsoft forced you to buy their Microsoft Points in order to buy anything on the storefront.
Sony tried shutting down PS3 store first a few years ago but the backlash or whatever stopped them, temporarily.
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I think they silently took down the UK store website last week. I could never buy anything on it anyway. It would bug out every time you went to buy something.
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>I'm scared this shit will fuck up something like the licences and half the games you own won't be downloadable again.
That's already been happening over the last few years. Check your download history and see how many "content not available" items you have listed.

Microsoft says you'll still be able to download games you previously purchased, but chances are a lot of things have already been removed from your history and once it's gone there's no way to check or redownload that item. If you want to download games to your Xbox 360 you should have been doing that years ago.
I see, thanks for info. Guess I'm going to have to boot up the ol' reliable and check the store from there. I only need to worry about digital only games anyways because I prefer to buy physical versions if available.
how tf is that legal
I don't even own a 360
I was never into Xbox
Everyone thinks that Sony noticed an uptick in profits after people started panic buying, and that it convinced them that it's worth it to just leave the servers on life support.

I don't think they'll support the PS3/PSP/Vita store forever obviously, but I doubt they'll just arbitrarily shut it down without good reason.
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>This is a really good game, and it will disappear completely now so let me shill it once.
Yeah, some time ago I dl the trial because Suda game but then was pleasantly surprised how good this game was for the 3ish star rating it had and for being basically a twinstick game. Can't think on many games that pulled off attacking with your right stick... Too Human... fuck you lmao
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I'm just HAVE to give my opinion
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Read the services agreement. You agreed to this when you made an Xbox account. Microsoft has no obligation to let you redownload the games you purchased.

>GTA San Andreas
Wasn't that the 2014 version, based on the mobile port? Why would you buy that?
Isn't there a weird Tenchu arcade game from the 360? I happen to have it but been a while since I checked the 360 digital library.
Why are they doing this when in terms of service and servers its the exact same store as the one for the current gen xbox and PC? It would be like sony closing down PSN for PS3.
Not even gonna give you a proper You.
Nigga thinks he's an ascetic monk. Can't wait to sell shit so I can... buy modern shit instead! Or yummy goyslop!
Tenchu Z?
No timestamps though
Because it has only two games.
>bought 1 on iOS
>could be played vertically so I could fake doing something normal during commute
>Apple updates the OS
>old games like Mushihimesama and SMT1 stolen
My mistake for buying apparently.
OK quick question. All games that are reachable through the regular store and are backwards compatible will remain there and will continue to be purchasable, right ?

Or are there Games and DLC that will be delisted from all storefronts ?
name 5 games you can't redownload right even tho you purchased it
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No I have a physical copy of Tenchu Z. I checked and it turns out it's backward compat supported.

It's backwards compatible so not being delisted on monday.
anon you just have to wait longer. they are pieces of shit and take hours
get usb stick
put xbox account from legit console onto it
stick usb stick in rgh console
make sure u dont get now shit like XeXMenu in your games history just in case
play pirated games
earn achievements
put account back on usb stick when u done
put usb stick back into legit console
go online
sync achievements from games u didn't have to buy
it be like that
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>Anon *cough* wa-was i *wheeze* was i a good console?... my time *coughs blood* is almost up...
Just buy it on the turkish store. I paid less than 2€ for it.
If it's on the xbox one/series storefront its not going anywhere, and you will still be able to download games bought from that storefront onto the 360.
I miss playing Tenchu Z with the homies and speedrunning full clears.
>sync achievements from games
That kills it for me. At least on PS3 you can pirate offline and still get timestamps on your trophies.
>implying most xbox 360 lived past 2015 with the rrod
true. did you know the new xbox consoles can't earn offline at all? pure jewry
No not really.
With 360 emulation picking up, nothing is really "lost" and most games have a pc port or can be found dirt cheap on disc
if anyone buys an xbox past 360 they deserved every bit of hell they get
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>What's your final purchase going to be?
Nothing because it wont let me buy anything no matter what I do.
Instead, I'll be playing Zombie Estate all day.
kinect will never be emulated ever tho
It's apparently really good for mocap.
kek yeah you had a good run old man

mind if I save this meme?
oneechabara and arkham origins
You were amazing but you had a midlife crisis and never really recovered.
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Late gen release, backwards compatible, still better than remaster, NOT digitally available.
Aside from all the technical breakdowns and dogshit support towards the end, I still very much love the 360. I'll never forgive Microsoft for taking down the Indie shop.
If you are buying on console, you can put money onto your Microsoft account externally then use that. If you are using the website, you have to be American and you need a credit/debit card associated with your 360 account.
Don't forget bros you can also access the Japanese store on an American system mushi mushi pork/pink sweets, one of the dodanpachi games, ginja force, arcade version of virtual on, gamer pics and themes are region free
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unironically the last great generation, piss filters, bald space marines and all
>need a credit/debit card associated with your 360 account.
You mean like a card that's saved to the system? Because neither of my accounts will let me add a card on the system, not even the one I made recently specifically in America.
really? i was only aware of Mushihimesama Futari's black label DLC being available to buy on any store. Cool
It really is sad how the 7th gen ushered in the most godawful dogshit that plagues the modern era to this day. The 360 and PS3 still has so much good shit about them that I look back super fondly on.
Unironically needs the Saints Row demo added
>You mean like a card that's saved to the system?
yeah, it's easier if you do it from the microsoft account website or a One/series console, the 360 store and menus are all becoming more and more broken due to the incoming closure of the service
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nearly all of the good 7th gen games were 2007 or earlier. It was more of an extension of the 6th gen rather than a whole new thing.
It's a bit of a pain to do but it's possible, make a japanese account on Microsoft's website, make sure location is set to japan, make a bullshit billing address, buy yen cards on codecards.com (or cardcodes I forget) download the Japanese account to your 360, download games - enjoy
>buy yen cards on codecards.com
if only that hurdle could be dodged
you can get the jap only Virtual On for the 360 that way too, i believe
>There's a japan exclusive virtua striker port
I know they take forever and you have to use PayPal but they delivered everytime, also make sure you set up the Japanese account with xbox live
>Does that work on the Xbox 360 marketplace, too?
Nah - disc only, I tried
Lost Oddyssey, Blue Dragon and Project Sylpheed all have some DLC you might be interested in.

There's also Nin-2-Jump and I'd recommend Omega Five but sadly it's already delisted a long time ago.
there is a site called mtcgame.com that sells cards from other countries, japan included, and in my experience it is much better
i got a puzzle game called Meteos Wars, sequel to the DS games Meteos, that game is not on steam and it is not backwards compatible. It plays a bit like panel de pon and it's very fun, check it out if you like puzzle games
Why is Gunwage backwards compatible but not Akai Katana or Mushihimesama?
okay, what are all the cave stgs on 360 that I need to buy before monday?
i'm glad Konami put N3-2 on sale but pissed that Otomedius excellent is not. one mirrion troops.
>but not Akai Katana or Mushihimesama?
at least those got modern re releases so there are options
i got puzzle bobble live and bubble bobble neo
Give me a list of games that are
>360 exclusive (or defacto exclusive if you can't buy it anywhere else)
>digital only or else the physical copy is very rare
>games with important or good DLC that you should get before it's too late
I will buy some of them
Not really. You can go through the hoops to buy the game, but you wouldn't be able to play it due to region locking. Xbox one/series is region free.
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Futari didn't unfortunately and I'm pretty pissed my physical Akai Katana doesn't work with my Xbox One while they are selling the Akai Katana Shin on the Xbone store. What's the point of backcompat if you're forcing me to buy it again anyway?
>the burger king games
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I realized I never bought the digital Sonic 06 when it got relisted. So doing that now. Oddly, the 360E I have will freeze if I keep the Downloads menu open.
Damn is that yours? Looking at >$2000 right there. Make sure any downloadable codes included are used before Monday. I know Mushihimesama Futari has a code for the arcade mode at least.
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Which btw I've already 100% 15 years ago.
Good to know, thanks! I'll eat the burger pricing then for the 360 exclusive stuff.
Fable 2 is still stuck on the RROD system
Nope, is from an old 4chan thread.
>the 360E I have will freeze if I keep the Downloads menu open.
I literally think its the dashboard itself on all consoles. I'm sure the previous Xbox dashboards ran a lot better/smoother than the final one we finally ended up with.
I miss the blades bros
Is it true that some of the silver medals are only obtainable by tails during the 5 mins you have access to him in the hub world? Love the engrish they used for the achievement descriptions lol.
I wanted to buy 06 for the lulz but the store is so broken that it doesn't let me
I've made one but I'm not sharing it :)
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amazing, what's your gamerscore bro?
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Don't think so, only in his sections in stages. Because those shoe abilities for Sonic let him do like infinite double jumping or some shit.
The Download history is so dumb, because it takes forever to scroll to find certain things, like the digital version of OG San Andreas, which was delisted when the garbage mobile version was released. This version was always my favorite.
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Barely anything. I dropped Xbox stuff by the time Xbox One came around. Got into PC in 2010 (FF14 1.0 launch), so I think the last thing I really played was Skyrim. After that was getting a PS4 and Wii U, then Switch.
When I did get an Xbox One X and replaced the hard drive with a SSD, all I have on there is the Ninja Gaiden trilogy, Splinter Cell games (before they got delisted AGAIN) and Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon.
Only 1000 points comes from Xbox One or later. Hell, I forgot that Xbox "Series" is a thing.
Anybody else who has this problem? On the old xbox 360 marketplace website where you can still buy non backwards compatibable games over the internet, when you need to confirm the purchase by scanning a qr code, a box opens up with the qr code but the qr code itself is too small for the box so you can't properly scan it.
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Meant for >>683887062
Actually, scratch that about Skyrim. GTA5 was probably the last "new" Xbox game I played on release. I liked GTA5's story mode, at least then. Fucking hell, 11 years ago.
It's sad, because this was the last IRL game launch I was in line for with friends. Aside from the Switch but I was already playing BotW when it leaked on Wii U lol.
not gonna lie bros, i'm feeling bad for all those kinect games that are going to be gone forever
sounds like a skill issue to me anon

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