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Do the miyazaki bootlickers actually like these? Yet another complete waste of time hp bar where you can only see the legs of the enemy and it has broken hit box grab that one shots you wasting even more of your time
They're easy to kill tho
Whack the legs until it falls down and then crit it, what a riverting gameplay
Honestly not a huge fan of it. Erdtree avatars were a better fight for the tears you'd get.
Like 90% of the enjoyment comes from trying to figure how how the fuck to even deal with it, but once you get that down it is sort of more of an annoyance.
I looked up what they dropped and decided they weren't worth the effort and went on with my day.
I hit the first one I saw like three times and never bothered to try killing one again
I'm currently 70 hours into my first playthrough and honestly I wish there was more enemy/boss variety. Like, this is the third time you've thrown a giant gyargole at me, the red dog, I fought the first boss again with a different name, etc.
Hate to say something like this, but even games like DS2 never had you fight the same dude more than once, except for Pursuer and maybe the cats from DLC3.
I like big and slow enemies
Elden Ring has more enemy and boss variety than every previous Souls game by far, it's just a larger game.
brevity is the soul of
good video game design
Elden Ring has the best enemy variety but with terrible placement. You can fight a rare enemy like 3 times at most but others you see them 1000 times through the game
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>more enemy and boss variety than every previous Souls game by far
Clearly doesn't matter when everyone that plays it notices the incessant recycling
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>DS2 never had you fight the same dude more than once
what is this image supposed to be
There’s versions of these with guarded legs, how tf do I kill them?

I’d still say kill them to make the area around them easier to explore.

Elden Ring has more variety and more areas than ever before to explore, but previous Souls games had better placement and usage of their enemies because sometimes one was only found in a certain area or dungeon, this was even true with a lot of common enemies. The game would benefit from being smaller and just making each legacy dungeon bigger with less mini-dungeons and open world shit.
lmao I think it’s the same groups of enemies but copy pasted with different colours overlayed onto them to show how repeated most of the open world enemies are.

I kek’d ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Enemy and location variety in the greatest game ever made
He took the same screen shots and then put a colored filter of them to make a "point" about recycled content.

Shazam trannyery is pretending Souls reached a point beyond every other videogame by never recycling their content and Elden Ring failed to live up to that.

It's extremely dishonest shitposting.
name 1 game you like
pest thread spear through both legs and they die in 20 seconds
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>Dark Souls recycled Asylum Demon 3 times
>we all groaned.
>Elden Ring recycled it 20 times
>"deal with it chud, souls has always been this way"
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>The game would benefit from being smaller
Honestly, I agree. As cool as it is to explore, there's only so much cool shit in the world to see, and most of the time that col shit is just another dungeon or cave where you'll fight variations of the same bosses/enemies.
Not to mention that often times, you'll spend 30 minutes dicking around in a cave only to get a helmet you'll never equip or a weapon you can't use.
ER is a fantastic game that's a bit rough around the edges, if Miyazaki realizes what he did right and what he did wrong, the next souls game will probably be 'it'.
>legs can only be hit
>later golems have armored legs that can't be hit
What now, /v/?
>say anything not good about game
>removes every cock from his mouth to scream about shazam
Pretty much. It's not wrong to ask for more, but it's wrong to berate a game as total dogshit for the same thing its predecessor did.

>lol OMG "Godefroy the Zanzibart!"
>[ignores mini pinwheels and army of Taurus and Capra Demon]
>6th times the charm!
please be joking
>the same thing its predecessor did
mini pinwheels are cause pinwheel kept trying to split himself back into 3 people but kept failing and ended up cloning himself
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>X did something wrong, therefore Y dindu nuffin'
It was an issue in the past games, and it remains an issue in the following entries, inbred-kun
That's cope anon.
Every videogame does it. You don't see people bitching daily about Devil May Cry's enemy diversity.
Maybe, but we're talking about Elden Ring so I don't see how that's relevant.
The game should have more boss variety.
I like them as scenery and it's cool to see them far off in the vistas, but unless I want that guardian's specific tear I won't bother killing it. It is quite the chore to kill one.
>nobody bitches about it in this game therefore they shouldnt in this one
*throws 4 bombs in the head*
You're just retarded
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>dying is a waste of my time!
I don't have to like that enemy to like the game itself. You have an infant's brain OP, you see one bad thing and you don't want the game anymore
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Fucking Yo Momma In The Ass 2: Munch's Odyssey
no one likes them, no
>There’s versions of these with guarded legs, how tf do I kill them?
throw furnace pots in the top of them.

PSA you only need to knock these guys down once, then hit their face and throw a furnace pot in them before they get back up. for the ones that cant be knocked down make it follow you to a ledge where you can look down on it
i actually kinda like fighting things more than once. if you actually learn how to fight a boss its sort of satisfying to beat it over again. the tree avatars for instance are pretty good repeat mini bosses. THey are dangerous but not so much so i cant beat the lvl 80 one in caelid on a fresh character.
>>Dark Souls recycled Asylum Demon 3 times
>>we all groaned.
speak for yourself, i didnt care. the last one even has new moves. it was just a mini boss each time. i also thought the people complaining that tauros and capra demon being regular enemies late game were giant faggots
Ah yes, the daily DS2 apologist rants
>the only complaint about elden ring is that it reused enemies
it truly is the greatest game of all time. Other games have much worse issues, but elden ring? Oh it reused enemies in various places. That's it.
>run into one with armored legs
>literally impossible to fight normally
>you need to ride your horse and jump up on a small platform at his eye level to actually fight him
>you can ONLY damage him with FIRE pots
>you need to throw like four in there and if you miss you're shit out of luck because you can't craft more while you're in combat lmao
>the entire time you're doing this he's shitting out fireballs like it's the Fourth of July and every one of them tracks you and will kill you in about two seconds if you're not constantly moving around on this small area while you're supposed to be lining up a throw (did I mention there's so much fire and shit on the screen you also can't see anything while this is happening)
Anyway I just put on the Tree Sentinel armor and used Flame Protect Me and other shit to get like 90% Fire negation which completely trivialized it, but it's still an unfun dogshit encounter
The regular ones are also shitty, just a way more slow and obnoxious version of the Golem fights, but at least they don't make me change my whole loadout to deal with them
Nah. Erdtree avatars are just reskinned asylum demons. furnace golems are one of the best enemy designs fromsoft has ever made.
It still baffles me they haven't figured out how to do giant enemies
Instead of an epic david vs goliath moment, it's always scuttling around their ass and feet, fighting the camera, can't see shit, while getting little pokes in here and there.
It's not hard, it's not fun, it's tedious and unengaging.
Yeah fighting a Goliath is going to involve a lot of scuttling around their feat if youre melee in a game that doesn't have monster climbing. Dont know why this is even a surprise to you. That's how it works. The guy you responded to just laid out how you dont even do that for some of them.
fuck are you on about? since demons souls they've had iconic giant bosses.
>another cope thread by Ds1 "veterans" who don't have the brain speed to keep up with elden ring combat
I'll give you that they were on the right track with Demon's Souls, but somehow they have been regressing backwards ever since
they're a neat design bogged down with shit mechanics
The brain kept up, the player character did not.
Literally feels like you are playing a character meant foe a different game.
all 100 of them can't be iconic. You popped your giant boss cherry and the newcomers aren't given a fair shake.
The problem is they just treat giant enemies the same as regular enemies, when they should have special mechanics implemented to defeat them, but that would require creativity and programming competence.
They almost got it right with the ones you have to use the environment to get to their heads and bomb them, but the endless homing fireballs just ruins the experience.
I like souls games. I have been playing them for a long time, since demon's souls. I do not like these things. they are disappointing. you just jump over their aoe fire slams repeatedly until you break their posture, then deal a visceral attack to their faces. it's gay.
It's obvious they have no clue how to do giant enemy combat so they just made every giant fight the tower knight.
Even dragons follow this same "poke their feet till you can crit" philosophy
Theyre never gonna upgrade their combat for things like that too many people just blindly buy whatever they make. Hell people paid 50 bucks for half-assed DLC with reskinned enemies and zones from the previous game.
These stopped being scary the second I found out they were just beefier, slower golems with fire magic. Hit legs twice, jump, repeat.
marge if she black.
the side areas repeat alot of bosses, but DS2 is hardly better at this. DS2 just simply adds 2 to 3 more copies of the same boss in one encounter.
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>getting a mouthful of gross, nappy niggerhair
that poor dog.

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