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>People still think that Ultimecia (Rinoa) is the real antagonist of the game and not the God Hyne

FF VIII still keeps blowing my mind

people still believe that debunked R=U theory?
The only FF8 theory I stand by is that Rinoa made Squall for in love with her with magic.
>For in love
I meant to say Fall in love, but if you say it with an asian accent it's fine.
>but a guy who cleaned the toilets at square enix hq said this was fake!!!! deboonked!!!!!!!!!!
It's real
It's the only way the game makes sense and has an actual tragic love story and Kitase is an idiot that also said if they remade FFVIII that they may entertain Squall is dead theory.
r=u makes sense and everything falls into place
squall is dead is retarded and involves record breaking mental gymnastics and a longer fanfic than that smash bros thing. ill never understand how people talk about squall being dead is worthyvof discussion.
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>Ultimania confirms that Ultimecia's goal with time compression was to gather all of Hyne's fragments that were scattered throughout time inside various sorceresses
>She was planning on gathering all his powers in order to become a Goddess herself
>People don't know that during the final boss fight, Hyne takes over Ultimecia's body thanks to time compression returning all the fragments of his power and their personalities get mixed up
>Pic related, they literally show Ultimecia chained up and becoming Hyne's missing lower body that he had cast off in the past.

Deepest lore
Its a 200 year old game, nobody cares.
me when people talk about the bible
no one cares about this awful slop schitzo game
take your fucking meds it isnt 1999 anymore
>The Final Fantasy VIII director, Sakaguchi, made a single comment when off-handedly asked about "R=U" saying, "nah."
>Shortly after, he rescinded his statement when asked again, claiming he wasn't certain of the details from the writing staff and, "maybe."
It's almost like the people who played the game could infer the game and discuss it with their friends.
i care
hyne last boss moon king
artemisia the witch
Sakaguchi didn't direct FFVIII, he was a producer by that point. The last FF he directed was V. VI, VII, VIII, and X were directed by Kitase.
R=U gang looking good
This, that's the whole point of art forms is that they're meant to be subjective with open ended stuff like that and for people to infer their own meanings when it comes to vague story bits. That on top of the fact that most of them don't honestly remember some of the finer details of FFVIII says enough. Kitase making the comments he did about R=U and Squall is dead just hurts the game and people's interpretations of it as a whole, even if you believe in none of them and just think its a bad game, it's a bad look by Kitase and a better one by Sakaguchi. Hell Kitase even retracted that idea even later. Really only Nojima and Nomura know the finality of it. Even then, they've talked about it at length even in team when making Dissidia according to Kujiraoka.

It's very clearly an internal discussion and who wants what and where they want to take it. Ultimately if enough fans want it, they'll go that route, if not, they wont. It's the whole point of the game was to be open-ended to a degree and let people decide for themselves.
So is there a reason why the name Hyne is shared with the wizard in III and the army general in Spirit's Within?
3 and 8 connect, same as 7 and 10.
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R=T=Aoyama Misao from eroge きゃんきゃんバニー エクストラ(1993)
Also, Star Wars connects. It's all the same universe.
yeah, I can see that. Thinking about it, Hyne in VIII reminds me of something I read about or made an observation of in a movie, especially him splitting in two and possessing human women, but I can't fully remember it. The specification on human women though reminds me of the sons of God, with the witches as Nephilim. That also reminds me of Grendal's mother from Beowulf.
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Why does basically every FF plot always go off the fucking deep end about halfway through?
Actually, I looked through my notes of III and found this.
>The darkness stopped time. This stopping of time is a theme in VIII too. So there is a thematic connection between darkness and the lack, or freezing, of time. And Xande being frozen in time inside the Crystal Tower, which was his way of gaining immortality. This is reminiscent of XIII, in which L'cie who complete their focus gain immortality through being turned into crystals.
So I did make that connection when playing through it.
Because Japan you retard. Why do you think?
It got rebunked by the same guy who debunked it.
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>We decided to keep the story simple and make the characters more involved because previous stories in the series got very complicated
- Yoshinori Kitase, 1999
and then nomura picked up a pen
It's also the entire premise of Eden in FFXIV with Gaia being part of Darkness, but in this case it's caused the reverse and a Flood of Light by distorting the balance.
Rule of Cool supercedes all things in Japanese stories/games. If they think of something cool, it gets added. Simple as that, everything else gets worked (or not) around that cool thing.
this is basically the reason anime is good
Thats how you make something fun
WRPGs get boring as fuck halfway through because youve seen everything already
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>18, at the end of ther chidhood
certified american moment
Don't forget that Kitase has also said that he wasn't aware of the question and that Nojima or Nomura might have added it in there. Nojima also added Shrina in FFX-2, which is also in the FFVII remakes in the Shinra Building as a picture of the founder.
Confusing and cool aren't the same thing.
Sometimes true.
Tell that to Japan, not me.
fair enough
Oh for fuck’s sake. This stupid fucking shit again. Yes, the one time in franchise history SE decided they were gonna be Kubrick or Lynch.
You idiots seriously need to fuck off.
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Dialogue of the Squall-Ultimecia Confrontation in Ultimecia's Castle Dissidia which leads to the Squall-Rinoa relationship.

>Squall : i only came to turn my promise (I only came to fulfill my promise)

>Ultimecia : Shall we dance? (Are we going to dance?)

Well, it's as if Squall wants to keep his promise even though he has never made an agreement with anyone other than Rinoa, especially at Ultimecia who just met at the end of the game. There also gives the impression that Ultimecia remembers that they have danced together, even though it is clear that the only one who has ever danced with Squall is only Rinoa. Dissidia is not part of the story of FFVIII, but Square certainly does not just write the Squall-Ultimecia dialogue like other FF characters when it comes to confrontation with the main enemy in the series.
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Isnt the bottom screenshot from like Dissidia or some shit? Written by a completely separate writer from ff8?
Ultimecia has a widows peak
Rinoa does not
Lenore has Squall
Squall dies and Lenore becomes a widow
Lenore now goes by the name of Artemisia and has a widow's peak
R = U
Just the fact that conversations like this constantly, happen, testifies to how what a goddamn shit-splattered mess FF8 actually was.
FF13 was a crap game too, but noone gets confused what the fuck was going on in it just why it was going on to start with.
no it testifies how the game is ambiguous and doesn't spell everything out to you like you're 5 years old. you were literally filtered because you're retarded
looks like Anima
FF reuses a lot of elements
Lunatic Pandora is the crystal tower, FFVIII's moon is a "world of darkness" covered in monsters
R=U makes this a top 5 FF game if true.
Squall's Dead > R=U
If anything its more of a testament to the amount of subjective art and quality that the story actually has where people are actively willing to argue about it 25 years later. People still argue about the Zelda timeline, and yes both are a mess, but the amount of dedication and sheer ability to do so speaks volumes for the story and worldbuilding in order for that to be done. There's no discussion or anything really to be had about say FFX for instance, it's pretty cut and dry. It's a fantastic game, but for different reasons.
I always ship male protag x female villain, so I support R=U. Ultimecia just needs marriage and pregnancy correction
selphie and squall are a better couple tbqh
It sounds like you HATE mystery and feel much more comfortable when "the author" explicitly tells you what to think.
Like anything other than "completely obvious" is waaaaaaaay too much to handle, and therefore stupid.
the compressed world is the world of darkness, the SEEDs that die fighting Ultimecia are effectively the Warriors of Darkness paving the way to her castle
>Actually, I looked through my notes of III and found this.
Oh, it's you. Haven't seen you for a while. Did you get bullied off /vrpg/ or have I just missed your threads?
Yeah, but good couples don't make for great dramas.
I have never posted there. you're probably thinking about someone else. I just like taking notes about movies I've watched and books I've read. Final Fantasy games are the only video games I've taken notes on.
All this baked in lore and easily expandable story actually fits in with whatever the fuck they're doing in the VII remake trilogy and it wouldn't come out of left field like it does there.
They both can be true, Squall dies, Rinoa conjures up a fake version of him using magic, goes crazy, comes back in time to time compress and constantly loop things to be with him and prevent his and her death
R=U is just too cool to be denied. The game plot would be shit otherwise
also Im trans, forgot to mention
What an insufferable faggot you are
It's absolutely insane a game like FF8 and something like Mario Party are considered part of the same of medium
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Everyone knows Rinoa is Sakura.
>ultimicia summons griever... but the only people in the world who would know about it or know its name are squall and rinoa
turbo retarded. How did he get the pendant depicting the motherfucker if no one else ever knew about it? do you people think he commissioned the ring and pendant from zell?
I'm not watching all that
There's an insane amount of missable dialogue in FFVIII. If you don't visit the right town at the right moment you'll miss key backstory.

There's a whole sub arc about Seifer staging a coup against the Galbadian Army Generals that you miss if you don't visit Deiling City often in Disc 2/3
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I hope this guy gets someone to do voicr narrations for his videos cause that's some good shit.

I can't believe Ultima Weapon was Hyne this whole time. I always wondered about both. The shit about him being split in half by the torso was a great catch cause Ultimecia is a little more obvious.
Final Fantasy VIII is the Final Fantasy for Artists.
God I need to replay FF8 and do this. What other places should I go back and check often for missable dialogue?
>hastily written story with many loose ends would be shit if not for my headcanon
Huh. I guess it's shit then.
Hyne was part of the world and human creation myth in FF8. The legend goes Hyne was a God who made people for tools to fight and labour and killed their children due to overpopulation when he was asleep. The humans all united to kill him but he offered them the ability to use magic. He split himself in two and surrounded his magical side to the humans. But it was really just his physical side and his magical side escaped. His magical side posessed women who became witches, and eventually Ultimecia which is why in her final fight you see that weird shit above her. Its Hyne's Torso. Ultima Weapon is his physical power side which is why ite beefy fuck huge legs with a crotch face. A human fused with it to make the top half.
Why is it shit though?
Ultimania is officially licensed fanfiction and frequently contradicts things in game.
Reminder you'll only heard Hyne IF YOU READ the help section.
>the message on the video board in timber is adel
i have never heard a good reason why people say this
la illaha illahlah
>the ring maker knows what name squall gave it
some of you people genuinely are missing part or all of your cerebrums
>Seifer coup
theres not much of this

most of the missable dialogue comes from zell in balamb town or with his love quest, and then when partys split up (missile base eapecially)
>7 and 10
Fuck off with this stupid bullshit
If you rename squall to gaypenislover, how will edea know your name
wait til you hear about Cid
>Mobius Final Fantasy
I choose to believe this is canon because it means that Valefor following Tidus into the afterlife and being "Maybe I can be your girlfriend tonight" is also canon.
Theres missable back story next to zell's house, and then hyne is mentioned few times, but that's all. On the video some people are commenting "what about omega weapon then?" But the thing is you meet omega in the time compressed world, so it could as well be hynes lower body junctioned with someone else, from past, or future.
Ackshully, the story of Hyne is told by the grandpa in Balamb Town, and only appears in the help menu after that
No can turn the valve with Squall alone without cheating
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>20 years later
>people still dont understand ff8

This is why its the best final fantasy. Normies wont get it and neither will you if youre a zoomer.
People understand it, it just isn't as deep and well constructed as you pretend it is
nor is it anywhere as bad you redditors think
It sucked eggs
Why are these threads still prevalent then nigger?
Because people pretend it was deeper than it actually was?
Fuck maybe you people really are that poor at understanding things
No you just dont have much intelligence
Sack of gooches is a retard that didn't actually refute it
That would still make Ultimecia the villain, she just fucked up and underestimated Hynes power
Literally confirmed multiple times, seething nigger
Ok so what the fuck was Eden
Staple of a FF plot? You're retarded for hating it, go play another series
It's not certain how long in the future VIII's future takes place. Queen of Cards is still alive, but I always thought that was an anomaly since everyone else is dead. I always thought that Ultimecia was a distant descendant of Rinoa and Squall and I wish that theory gained more ground.
my dad while drunk
They had le epic twist with the first game, followed it up with the ridiculousness of the Emperor dying and going to hell and then conquering hell in the second game, and decided they needed to keep the trend going. FFVII had some convoluted plot lines and they doubled-down after that in the information age; crazy plot lines, obfuscation of plot details, and unclear villain motivations drive up engagement in online discussion and you'll see people talking about it to this day. A zoomer sees people still talking about an old ass game and might be curious enough to buy whatever is the latest digital release for it.
> the whole point of art forms is that they're meant to be subjective with open ended stuff
you don't get to decide that
The Ultimania book or whatever it was called said Witches age like regular humans, and Ulti is from a far future. Rinoa can't be the evil time witch simply because of that.
The R=U theory does makes a lot of sense, but it's been disproven. SE wants their romantic happy ending, and they got it.
>FF13 was a crap game too, but noone gets confused what the fuck was going on in it just why it was going on to start with.
Shame that you all didn't spend dozens of hours turning Archylte Steppe into a turtle graveyard to be strong enough to fight the hidden bosses and unlock the datalog entries that have the FRIGGIN MOTIVATIONS OF THE ANTAGONIST locked away
It’s a huge appeal of the series, I don’t know how you can sit here and say all the plots, settings and crazy villain schemes are just an old habit, final fantasy games are highly renowned for their exotic and bizzare stories
Considering she can time travel, the whole age an d time period thing are kind of irrelevant in all honesty. Plus we have Esthar technology, for all we know they can extend human life into the future, but Squall dies before that at some point and Rinoa loses it after that and extends her life to figure out time magic and it just keeps getting extended.

There's definitely things for and against it, which I think is good for fans of the game, they get to enjoy it in their own way.
I feel like there was some huge power gap I just couldn’t cross for that part of the game. Like the entire Steppes area is a grinding puzzle you have to learn
Q=U was literally proven though
It's only timetravel in the sense she can possess people in the past
It was rebunked like a year or 2 ago the same person who originally debunked it
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>fan theory hinges on a finger gesture
that's exactly it
but honestly the best thing is to do just a small bit of it after Taejin's Tower and then just finish out the main game to get your last ATB gauge. I think after that running faultwarrens until you kill every boss in it is like a forced grind because you can't choose which boss shows up and you jump between doing that and killing the smaller turtles and some of the other Cieth stones until you're strong enough to kill the big turtles and just keep doing that until Vercingetorix. Yeah, what a pain.
They should remake 8 into a tv series.
That's only because of the Junction Machine Ellone, Ultimecia does still know the Time Compression Spell, which implies she has some knowledge of time/space magic.
Doesn't Barthandelus say several times that he wants to drop Cocoon as a sacrifice and hope god comes back? I don't think you need much more than that.
literally confirmed by the remake
a Crystal Tower analogue appears in a few of the FF games, one of the slightly less obvious ones is the Ridorana Lighthouse in 12
7 doesnt really go that crazy
He says he wants to genocide Cocoon, you never know why.
When I played the game a couple years a go I couldn't help but associate the two weapons with Hyne, though I don't know why there would be two of them.
>forgetting the entire argument of whether Sephiroth was actually dead and it was a Jenova projection or not
The remake is a non-canon fanfiction spin-off.
There are 2 NPC that talk of Hyne, one in Balamb and the other on the white SEED ship.
It was also confirmed long before the remake.
8 is surprisingly popular with women. Its probably the one women like the most.
There's an "iconic" tower in almost every game since 3, idk if they're all supposed to be CT references.
Shouldn't be an argument. Ignoring extended universe bullshit you kill Jenova and Sephiroth is still trying to summon Meteor.
Nope, that would be 9.
Its vague and open ended enough. Rinoa is Ultimecia because it would be stupid if she wasn't considering all the other subtle things that are not flat out told to the player but hinted at. You can believe ever the fuck you want. You can be a boring asshole and believe they are not connected.
I never got the impression it was an actual spell, I'm slightly confused on how it triggered but I do know that it was something of a trap by the party.
I know it involved the junction machine and Ellone and Rinoa all being close to each other.

Anyway, might point being that I think Time Compression is actually more of some kind of time breaking phonemena rather than a spell. Though maybe that could be considered semantics
I mean I disagree with it too, but Jenova's Head is still in the Lifestream and merging with it, which was the whole idea originally for her. We only ever fight specific parts of her, not the whole, it is The Thing after all. That's part of the whole reason Geostigma or whatever it was became a thing in ACC.

Plus we have the whole fact that since they confirmed 7/10, Lifestream/Farplane are pretty similar, so you could easily have it just be Sephiroth and he functions like Auron/Seymour basically, or hell even Jenova herself just using that to it's advantage. The point is that people still argue this, it's not as wild as FFVIII, but even VII has stuff to argue about with theories.
It's been a decade since I played so I can't say otherwise, but I swear I remember a voiced line saying something about a creator
It was definitely a spell, they make a note of it. Basically Ultimecia is trying to compress all of time and space into a singularity using said spell in order to stop everything from moving and prevent her death. It just ends up in a loop where she causes her own death, which she knows about but realizes that she can't change it. Unironically if she never bothered trying to change her death and compressing time and space, it never would have happened.

But it's definitely a spell, so she definitely has some high level magic of an insane degree. Now I don't think she'd have time travel magic per say or she'd have just used it to travel back further in time like she wanted in the first place, but I wouldn't put it past her that she isn't capable of it if learned.
Compressing time is ironically what rinoa also wanted to do. He wanted to be forever in that moment with squall.
I'm also not going to claim to remember every line in the game, but even if he said it in some unhinged speech at some point there'd be no context in such a line for his specific plan of killing enough people to burst open the gate's to heaven to reunite with said creator. You don't see that this is what he wants to do until you kill the last Cieth stone. If a creator is mentioned, there's little way for the player to use the standard hints of NPC dialogue or other datalog entries to connect Barthandelus planned genocide of Cocoon to said creator (and that's if they were mentioned to begin with)
I seem to recall that Junction Machine Ellone couldn't let you junction yourself to people from before its creation, and what happened was that she hopped from the machine into Ellone or something like that. Even though Ellone's power should only let her jump backwards a few decades at most.

I wouldn't be surprised if she could actually cast something like it after absorbing all the other witches (and therefore Hyne).
I do seem recall feeling that XIII's story is actually really simple, its just bogged down by jargon that is really easy to bounce off of.
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>classmates, partners, and roommates at the same school
>the only girl Squall acts nice towards all the time
>depressed loner boy + cheerful genki girl dynamic works way better
>both met in the most traditional Japanese romantic way possible
>even Amano saw it as an infinitely better ship since day one
it's not mystery. It's sad that Rinoa is the worst girl despite being the main heroine
Nomura had nothing to do with the writing. you people are genuinely obsessed with him to the point where he lives rent free in your heads
Engrish ESL garbage
Could it be the "Apocalypse" spell?
>In conclusion Selphie is god Hyne because she has The End
>An almost hour long video with no narration
Eat shit, just write a fucking blog post
No it isn't retard, you can make that theory work in most games/movies
Some schizo alawite gnostic on /x/ claims that when a man dies the demiurge splits his divine spark and he reincarnates as two different human women. When the human women die their spark, in turn, gets split even further down and they reincarnate as insects.
They so desperately wanted all that new terminology to be some sort of foundational lexicon for future games to rely on, it's kind of pathetic. They start throwing around those terms in Type-0 and none of them mean the same things they do in XIII. What a fucking disaster.
Another subhuman retard posting schizo delusions. There is no time travel. Ellone proves you can't change the past
Nice explanation, you're just a failed troll
Bullshit, no one thinks about FF8
Nta but I played FFXIII with no guide or extra materials when it came out, and I knew Barthandelus was sacrificing cocoon to summon the old god, that’s definitely directly in dialogue and possibly a cutscene. I somehow knew orphan was trying to sacrifice itself to summon the old god too, that was definitely stated in the game
Man the end of that game where you attack cocoon again was pretty fucking cool. Maybe I should reinstall and play again in my steam deck
>Nta but I played FFXIII with no guide or extra materials when it came out, and I knew Barthandelus was sacrificing cocoon to summon the old god, that’s definitely directly in dialogue and possibly a cutscene. I somehow knew orphan was trying to sacrifice itself to summon the old god too, that was definitely stated in the game
this is all bullshit and the game is bullshit

because this is kinda the main story but it only written in some menu in some documents. but you play not as this stuff, you play as lightning, niger, snow, and other useless guys
Listen buddy I didn’t have to do any obscure shit and I got the context. The bosses even yell their motivations at you while you fight them. Look I get the game is shoddy in places but the story is all there
Another one filtered by 3 words
Not many smart people in the thread.
Ultimecia shows what she does when she junctions griever to herself, who isn't even real. That's what GFs are, just like summons and eidolons in ff7 and ff9. Energy given shape by human imagination and memory. Ultimecia uses her power to create a GF out of nowhere using squall's imagination. By the time Ultimecia is doing time compression she is junctioning every witch to herself, multiplying her power, just like she did to griever and just like Adel did to Rinoa. Little problem is that memories are literally used to make GFs in proportion to the strength of the GF.
What ellone does is junctioning herself. Ellone has no energy comparable to a witch, so she becomes a new memory in the person, but has no power to change anything unlike GFs do. That's why ellone can't change the past, she never went there. She just inserted herself in the memories of the people she used her power on instead of consuming them to create a GF. Odine creates a machine that can affect the memories of the whole world by using ellone as a model, which is equivalent to controlling the world. But what obviously happens isn't that the party kills god, it's that the party can stay themselves just by knowing time compression is happening and rejecting the false memory by simply focusing on memories that are not Ultimecia. Then they defeat the multi-witch junctioned Ultimecia who is just dreaming about a reality she made up, making herself into some sort of GF agglomerate and scrambling her own memories in the process, which is why her dying dialog is so helpless. In short Ultimecia was desperate and deluded she could change the paste just like ellone was, when the past can't be changed, just the memories forgotten.

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