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It's been six months.
How's he been doing with the change?
He comes off as an even bigger twat
I can't believe this guy is still making these fucking videos.
unironically feels like he's even more kike sponsored these days
Better. He sounds a little bit more free to speak his mind. He even called something "gay" in a recent vid.

Now that said, Yahtzee might be doing fine but everybody else is still the tranny-worshipping leftist faggots they always were back at Escapist.
His style is the same except now he doesn't have to censor himself, and he occasionally has to an ad read or Patreon plug. He really didn't miss a beat which isn't surprising since he's been making these videos consistently for 17 years. I don't think he's EVER missed more than 1 week. Even when he left the Escapist, his first video on the new channel was uploaded two weeks after the last ZP.
Still amazed he hasn't been sued into the ground for this "original show donut steel"
He used to never read the ads for The Escapists (unless it was for his book), but he does for Second Wind.
I wonder why he didn’t do this sooner. He was the only thing on Escapist people watched. It was basically his channel to begin with.
Even though Yahtzee doesn't have the rights to Zero Punctuation, Second Wind DOES have the rights to several of the other shows they used to do on the Escapist, which use the same art style, so legally there's really nothing stopping them from using it for a new show.
is it still short form non analytical content?
that's the point, being around kikes makes shit practices like that stick with you
Yes, zoomie, he still makes concise 5 minute reviews instead of 5 hour pseudo-intellectual "analysis" videos
He tried to do heckin wholesome gaym deseeng videos but he says as much as any rando eceleb would about game design.
That being jack shit due to knowing nothing about game design.
It's nice that he wants to support his friends and all, but they're clearly an albatross around his neck.
All of his videos now either have ads or patreon begging added in post production by one of the flunkies because their videos aren't paying the bills.
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>All of his videos now either have ads or patreon begging added in post production
not just post production, they go as far as begging in the comments lmao
Are your actually retarded? Anyone who wants to make a living off of Youtube has to do sponsorships, Patreon, or both. Anyone who isn't doing those things either doesn't care about the money or has an actual job. Even if Yahtzee went solo he'd still have to do them.
maybe he should get a real job instead, game journos are a blight in the industry
You're doing Olympic mental gymnastics to apply zoomers to long form content opposite to what they're normally attributed too: short form short attention span videos with fast dialogue.
what do you expect from kike brainwashed consoomers?
Why would he get sued for something he owns?
you know there is a middle ground right? Most "video essays" are typically in the 20min to 1hr mark and can say a lot more than "game bad game feel bad to play now look at my funny png's move on screen" that you get with yahtzee's slop
Yahtzee is basically the same. Good content.
Cold Take is fine.
I would watch Design Delve if he cut out the fake spaz episodes and just talked like a normal person.

There was some other guy I watched 1min of and turned off because he opened with a coffee shop anecdote.
At the time I just wanted to air my grievence with how much content they're spammihg, but the fucking pussy manager looked at the single bit of criticism he got as some personal attack and jerked off to his Reddit Mob defence force. Then painted me as some nazi stalker on twitter, all because I suggested they take break from posting videos that only get 100 views. Then Yahtzee liked the post. It would have been fine if it was just beef with the manager, but Yahtzee backing up this decision made me pissed off. Now I'm an ex fan. Fuck em both.
>I would watch Design Delve if he cut out the fake spaz episodes and just talked like a normal person.
Early episodes didn't have that, it feels like he started trying to ape Yahtzee
Not videogames. Fuck off.
He has a secondary series that's short form, but focused more on analyzing general industry trends or following up on an aspect of a game he reviewed in more detail. There's also the podcast focused generally on a given topic, but there's probably too much waffling from fags people hate and donation reading for most people
Why should he? That sounds retarded.
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I just watch the Yahtzee videos, and the new ones will pop up in my recommended videos every week.
>or following up on an aspect of a game he reviewed in more detail
thx anon
Yahtzee made several video games.
>dude penises and feces lmao
Same, YouTube algorithm knows that nobody's cares about anything not made by Yahtzee. But at this point I'm too disgruntled by their reaction to criticism that I just don't give a shit about them anymore.
The series is called semi ramblomatic, and it follows in line with extra punctuation back on the Escapist, both the written columns and the videos later on, if you ever saw those
I understand why the leeches are clinging to Yahtzee, but I really wonder what he thinks he's getting out of that.
Go back
Still a twat, still going to fuck up his kid's head, and still not relevant.
>here's my first impressions of the first 10 minutes of a game where I don't understand the mechanics and insult the game because I missed the very obvious clues like a stereotypical retard gaming journalist
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I still miss let's drown out lads.
I think he'd probably do fine solo on just ad revenue.
Based in his tenure at Escapist and now here it's pretty clear he wants no part of actually running a business though and is happy to just do his thing.
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Is he still paid by blackrock kikes to be racist against japan?
He's said it pretty clearly, especially during the interviews around the move from the Escapist. He doesn't give a shit about doing all the overhead and business stuff, and wants to focus his attention on the parts where he actually makes videos and writes, so he's fine having other people handling that for him as long as it doesn't affect his ability to work
Every single FROMSOFTWARE review he's done has just been Yahtzee barely reaching the second boss before releasing his half-baked retard review. He didn't know where the shop was in Bloodborne and thought he had to farm the first area. He got stuck on renalla in Elden ring. Despite because dogshit and not even enjoying the games, he thinks he's some ambassador for souls games.
What's the issue here?
Check the channel once every week, watch the new Yahtzee ones, ignore the rest. It's not hard.
He hates triple A slop and microtransactions. This makes him better than at least 50% of /v/.

Honestly there does seem to be an element of friendship in there too
This is "Dane Cook let's his brother handle all his finances out of good will, but realizes said brother is frauding him out of millions" levels of stupidity.
The content manager is a dumbass who thinks spamming a video everyday will help grow the channel but it's just been an obnoxious barrier for everyone.
>he doesn't know
in the same year he made a similar joke about jews running the world if that makes you feel better
Literally nothing else even comes close. Maybe the Ricky Steve and Karl stuff. Or Jon-era Grumps.
Believe it or not, back at the escapist that same person was the one pushing back against higher-ups to stop them from tripling the video output and using AI to spam as many videos as possible
>still going to fuck up his kid's head
he's phoning it in at this point I think. he does it because he has done it consistently for 15 years or some shit. doubt he gives a shit about it anymore. most of the shit he covers is indieslop these days, and I'm not saying that AAA is somehow better in quality, what I am saying is that he's got an odd eccentric taste in the shit he covers on the weekly. I don't care about most of the stuff he covers. his editorial opinion piece videos are a bit better because they talk about general topics in games and the industry, but even that shit is hit or miss, and it's really obvious the guy's something of an armchair game dev (I mean, most of us on /v/ are too, but we're just shitposting into the void, while this dude is publishing it for all to see, to scrutinize, to internalize if you agree with him).

I don't hate the guy, I wish him well, but I think he'd do well to do something else at this point. I guess he must still get paid well enough for it, that's the real incentive here, isn't it.
does it count as being an armchair game dev if you also actually make games?
>watch one about a game I haven't played or know little about
>no problems
>watch one of a game I've played even for a few hours
>realize he's a hack that only does the bare minimum and gives surface level critiques
Really eye opening to see him talk shit about a game he barely played
Is he still going on random anti-Trump tirades?
>it's really obvious the guy's something of an armchair game dev
He's actually made games, though. Small little personal projects, sure, but it's more than 99.9% of /v/.
Its a 5 minute video thats 3 minutes of talking shit and 2 minutes of any actual game discussion. Even if he wasn't a midwit stuck up his own ass its not like there is alot of depth to squeeze in there
anyone can make games these days, so just because you've made a few indie projects doesn't mean you're some industry guru or you've got an especially keen insight into what would make a good game. that being said, sometimes I agree with him, other times not. I said it was hit or miss.
>but it's more than 99.9% of /v/.
>these days
He was making them 15-20 years ago
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>watch one about a game I played and hated
>he also hated it and rips it to shreds
It's not just that he made and published a game, it's that he also did videos where he talked about his own game critically to point out his own flaws in his game development process, which is more self-awareness than the majority of game devs these days.
what's your point? it's like you think I'm trying to delegitimize his accomplishments or something. I'm just saying, his takes can be hit or miss.
shit taste and not really that funny
videos only good for eating breakfast
The second wind logo is completely gay. It hardly screams game reviews too.
Secondary retard, if you played Bloodborne you would know that it is much faster for a significant chunk of the game to farm blood vials via doing the cleric/gascoigne run and killing the werewolves, giants and pig (guaranteed vial drops from all) than to farm blood echoes to buy overpriced vials. Buying vials only becomes viable when you're actually mid-late game with easy higher-valued farm (eyeball pigs, etc.) or when you have echoes to burn when you can't afford a level and don't care about saving for another.

Why kill a tough enemy for the echoes to buy 2 vials when you can borderline oneshot like five (giants, werewolves, pig) easy enemies and get almost 15? You are right that its not the only way to get blood vials but until lategame it's genuinely less effort and easier to just do the cleric beast run.
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He sounds better than ever.
>cold take
He's been having quite a few hot takes lately, especially the one about letting journalists cook
>when the smaller company has to resort to methods that the bigger company didn't :O
>Cold Take is fine.
Hell no, that faggot is the worst. No idea whose idea it was to emulate the noir pulp era of style but they didn't have to emulate the shitty writing, as well.
>does it count as being an armchair game dev if you also actually make games?

Sort of. His own games are all generally single person low budget projects he makes on his own whims. He's not really responsible for managing larger teams, budgets or the responsibility of making sure thousands of people keep their jobs. Not to defend the AAA bullshit but it's a more complex issue than it seems at first glance.
>he didn't bother with the latest er because it's more of the same and he's sick of it
He's ok in my book
>not joking about gassing the jews
not comparable lmao
After watching that I kind of agreed with him, though it definitely doesn't apply to every journo. There's garbage out there for sure, but people are quick to deride journos for no reason besides their profession.
Design Delve needs to come up with his own shtick instead of using Yahtzee's clip art and dog with a stupid name.
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Same. Dunno why it was so good but never found any sort of let's plays like it.
Gabe would probably get to a point faster if Yahtzee didn't interrupt his waffles.
This is technically true but also levels in Bloodborne barely matter after you meet requirements unless you are playing BLT or ARC and are trying to hit the late-stage superscaling, so you are free to spend on vials if you want.
>There's garbage out there for sure, but people are quick to deride journos for no reason besides their profession.
The 2% of journalists that actually have integrity and put the work in aren't going to make me suddenly have good faith in the profession.
That's like asking me to have good expectations for an Indian customer support rep.
Yeah I think Yahtzee was just trying to antagonize him for the podcast
>That one time Yahtzee got incensed that Gabe didn't agree bioshock infinite was good

It's actually funny watching him react to people who disagree with him.
>i made a shit microwave instant meal, let me tell you why 5 star chefs are wrong and im right
You sound vaccinated
>the goty rant
I still don't know why he got so pissed
i rewatched some of this recently and it's just awful. I used to be on Gabes side but in retrospect he's crap. He just waffles on with the most milquetoast takes. Often he just discusses the question in lieu of anything meaningful
For an ausfag he's pretty mild honestly
>Often he just discusses the question in lieu of anything meaningful
Because the question is the interest part and he's trying to have an actual discussion. If it was up to Yahtzee you'd just get a blunt answer with no explanation because he's an autistic cunt who can't talk to anyone.
damn he's so based for that
He only lived in Australia he was born in England so he's naturally just a passive aggressive cunt.
Literally nothing but not-Zero Punctuation gets views.
So I'd say it's doing just as well as The Escapist.
>hes based for bringing politics to vidya discussion
why are kikes going so mask off recently?
Probably better because they can at least brag, to this point, they haven't hired Moviebob.
he's just making fun of some old retard that happens to be a politician, relax
There have been enough Cold Take and Dungeon Delve vids that do views on par with most Fully Ramblo videos that it's not a complete one-trick pony show like with the Escapist. The main difference is that most Fully Ramblo videos don't do the same views that most Zero Punctuation videos did. There was a large chunk of ZP's audience that didn't follow them to Second Wind, which they probably anticipated, so the existing FR viewerbase are mostly people who are more likely to check out the rest of the videos.
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Most of their money is in patreon, by design so they don't have to worry about chasing views for steady income. Not even as speculation, they've said it outright and release actual financial statements quarterly about their earnings and spending on their youtube channel
This is the best way to enjoy Reviewers.
You're not going to let one change your mind so you might as well enjoy when they agree with you.
I mean the idea should always be to find someone who has enough overlap with your own tastes so you can judge if you might like something. If someone doesn't like JRPGs I'm really not gonna watch any of their videos on them.
This doesn't work if you aren't a mindless goylem, I have never seen any reviewer that doesn't have generic soiboi taste.
It's not really surprising or unprecedented, but the difference between his written material and his off-the-cuff takes is so fucking stark. The podcasts they do with some of the other creators is so fucking hard to listen to.

I also really, really dislike the guy who does the Cold Take in his unscripted content. I am whatever when it comes to The Cold Take itself, but in the unscripted material, he still tries to talk in that laid back drawl and it's so fucking grating because it feels so inauthentic given the rest of the conversation going on around it.
All I really want from a reviewer is a break down of how the mechanics work and if there are any notable bugs. I can pretty much work everything else out myself fairly decently.
Cold take is good, everything else besides fully ramblomatic is shit
Frankly I haven't seen a single journo that does that.
Not even basic mechanics, whenever a journo tries to explain gameplay they always get shit wrong and say so little I can get more information than whatever they say off gameplay trailers alone.
Getting them vaccines and shit
>half hour review
>5 minutes telling you to like and subscribve
>10 minutes explaining that a long running series is a long running series
>Another 5 minutes of unfunny comedy
>5 minute break down of the game
>repeat like and subscribe
Boomstick Gaming does that, a bit. The trick with doing in depth mechanic breakdowns is that shit takes time and Excel proficiency, which most journos won't have so it winds up in Youtube videos from autists with the free time and will to go deep into numbers and do testing for edge cases and stuff.

Not that there's any excuse for shitters like... was it Fextralife or IGN that just posted up a broken PvP build for Elden Ring and bragged about how you could proc bleed with a spell that clearly wasn't supposed to? It was part of a dedicated PvP build video.
Cold Take spends too much time with flowery language making an argument that's both too relevant, and too standard to give a shit about
So most parents today?
>6 Hour long retrospective.
>Opening 10 minutes are wasted pretending to be a serious documentary with serious cinematography to justify wasting money on a 5000 dollar camera.
>10 Minutes are spend explaining what even is the series with the shallowness of TV tropes if not worse, full with TV tropes misinfo and wrong facts.
>A mixture of 4 hours are spent doing a poorly scripted narration of the skeleton of the plot copied off a wiki (errors and all), describing the mechanics with less depth than the in-game tutorial would, and fawning over some character they can interpret as LGBTWFGWERTGWD and how their headcanon is totally real.
>A total of an hour will be wasted on how this series totally changed the reviewer's life and saved them as a crippled nigger pajeet disabled retarded lesbian cuck bisexual tranny.
>A total of 10 minutes will be wasted in random unfunny skits across the entire video, sometimes involving their sponsorships.
>After the script ends there's HALF A FUCKING HOUR left in the video that's just thanking all the goylems they scammed for money on their patreon, unfunny skits and shilling random garbage.
People still watch this dude? He stopped being en vogue like 14 years ago
Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas
His Persona 3 Reload review was basically "wahh it's not Persona 5", so I stopped there
yahtzee fights for his friends
same, his other show with his troon friend is hit or miss, mostly miss. the chemistry between gabe and yahtzee was so much better
Sorry, Total Biscuit died 12 years ago. Now you'll get a 4 hour retrospective about some shit you don't care about
all the good reviewers post once a year or have below 10,000 subscribers and quit after their third consecutive year of poor performance
I'm surprised yahtzee still has good viewership after all these years.
>Now you'll get a 4 hour retrospective about some shit you don't care about
written with such shallow wikipedia/tv tropes information that the eceleb could have done it without playing the games at all no less
you forgot ' yathzee gets on gabe for a pendantic misstep, but then when gabe gets on yathzee for the same thing he loses his shit."

That would always fall under 'they have a big fight'.
Sometimes you do the same thing once a week for a few hundred times and suddenly you've been doing it for 15 years
Yes and Yahtzee promptly clowns on him whenever he does that. Gabe is negative IQ while Yahtzee is negative EQ. This is why they complemented each other really well.
Design Delve isn't a bad watch either imo. That said Cold Take has been having some really shit takes recently, I still can't believe that 'its time to trust game journos again' one got past the planning step.
this is a pretty gay post but i feel you
P5 is the only JRPG he could ever get into and I don't know why.
people like p5 for the dating sim portions but won't admit it.
Ad revenue on youtube dropped significantly in recent years, which is why sponsorships and patreon became more common. Ads also have the problem that they can demonetized for many reasons and youtube won't always allow you to appeal if they demonetized you for something stupid.
He really liked Earthbound
it's really funny how kikes managed to brainwash westoids into hating a strawman of japanese games being dating sims for neets but westoids like games that are literally that
Didn't he say he liked FF6 too?
I genuinely like Design Delve in addition to Yahtzee, but the other stuff on the channel has not personally been to my taste.
Design Delve is absolute ass, that faggot has no idea what he's talking about
I don't remember if he was a huge fag before the change, but checking his stuff out after the change he is definitely an obnoxious fag.
Blocked the channel so I'd never have to see anything from it again, him sharing the channel with even bigger retards didn't help either.
mid 2000's was a wild time for hating on japanese games, which is why the japanese viewed games being called jrpgs as offensive.
>ben yahtzee "buy starstruck vagabond" crosshaw
>not a retarded faggot
>which is why the japanese viewed games being called jrpgs as offensive.
It's still a derogatory term mind you.
i can see that for sure but it was especially bad in the mid 2000s
Yeah guess kikes moved on to "too sexualized", then "muh self inserting" and eventually now "not progressive enough".
>It's still a derogatory term mind you.
It's a matter of perspective, for the Japanese it was offensive, for me it was an important detail to tell me the game was actually colorful and fun.
honestly, it's now like a combination of the three
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>Watch a few episodes to see if he has improved
>That one where Jim Sterling says he will accuse anyone he doesn't like of raping him and getting him pregnant.

I hope yahtzee never comes back to Australia.
only because kikes are going into fucking schizo overdrive for whatever reason
But looking at those quarterly number above I think he could do it.
Can't tell me most of those incomings. aren't due to him and his videos.
it's kikes who want brownie points for having niggers in their games for muh representation and niggers who buy shit like the ps5 and view miles morales as the 2nd coming of christ despite being a peter parker clone with a shade of black, i'm just pissed that insomniac is stuck doing capeshit for the next few years cause i want a new ratchet game
What's it like to suck cock for a living anon?
>That one where Jim Sterling says he will accuse anyone he doesn't like of raping him and getting him pregnant.
To be fair that really wasn't yahtzee's fault, you can tell from his reaction that he wasn't expecting that shit.
>he abandoned pc master race
wasn't expecting to see a banjo poster here
Wait what happened to Zero Punctuation?
Have you considered the idea of stopping the video after the main content is done and the credits are playing, or even better, just installing sponsorblock so you aren't a complete neanderthal?
Escapist got greedy, tried to force the editor in chief to start greenlighting even more crap and AI-produced content, he walked, most of the talent walked with him. The workers had seen this coming and had already been laying the groundwork for making their own media company, so they did. Bunch of the same shows/articles with the serial numbers filed off.
There's literally nothing wrong with this.
Fragile ass little bitch. Cope.
>The Escapist gets bought out
>New parent company demands absurd measures
>The guy in charge says it can't be done
>Guy gets fired
>Like half or more of the staff including yahtzee leave with him out of solidarity and make their own off-brand version on their own
Something like that anyway.
So The Escapist is truly dead. There's absolutely no way to recover without Yahtzee. It's over.
Wonder what got kikes so pissy as of late.
>wait 9 years after the release of Consuming Shadow only to get some mid space game
He's good at horror, he's not good at being Douglas Adams
yahtzee was the only talent on the website for like 7 years or something before that point because escapist junked pretty much everyone except yahtzee and like two guys in the mid 2010s
It was quite smart of the editor in chief guy to ensure that all the newer Escapist people who left with him had a clause in their contract that their ZP-style OCs belonged to them personally so that they could keep them if they switched platforms.
Consuming Shadow was fun. I wish he'd try an expansion or sequel
>he's not good at being Douglas Adams
Eh, I liked WStGFC and the sequel. It's not within spitting distance of Adams or Pratchett at their best but with both of them being very dead I'll take anything I can get these days.
being funded and kept afloat by fans with patreon and ad reads>>>being funded by your Jewish overlords

That shrimple. It's why Mega64 still exists. Get a devoted fan base and be independent from a Jewish superior and you'll be fine.
I remember watching his streams with other Escapist fags, and they were all trying to teach him ze woke. I don't think he ever fully caved tho. Only a lil bit.
Yahtzee is unironically too intelligent to be woke. Being a woke leftist is unironically reserved for the unintelligent.
Hey, Copyright lawyer here to explain a few bits and bobs of copyright law theory (why? cause I like to talk about my niche profession)

While names can be copyrighted. Artstyle as a general rule cannot be. same with ideas or concepts. This is true worldwide due to the fact that 1. Artstyle is VERY subjective and everyone can claim they own their own artstyle. the alternative is the entirety of the anime artstyle being owned by the fucking tozuka estate 2. Ideas exist in the same category. there's nothing new under the sun, as such, the law won't protect an ideas man. the law wants REAL tangible PROOF of work

As far as plagiarism goes, it's very much a case by case basis with the BIGGEST point of debate being "Is there an ACTUAL element from the original product being copied wholesale" this is why Pokemon fangames get sued to the ground while palworld doesn't. because no one would be able to confuse palworld with pokemon (Mind you, brands and copyright are VERY different in practice and brands have a lot more leeway in claiming something is copying them)

as for Yahtzee's case. you cannot copyright the concept of "british man says smarmy things about videogames for 5 minutes with cartoon people walking around" and you also cannot copyright the Artstyle of "white pill simplistic cartoonish limbless people" (Otherwise who's to say The escapist wouldn't su madness combat?) and Lastly. but definetely not least. they'd have to PROVE that Yahtzee's creation actively contains elements of the old show (excluding himself and everything previously stated)

There's no imp

There's no computer

Everyone has glasses now so it's not LITERALLY the same asset

Yahtzee's in the clear
Yeah, but he can teeter between woke and classical liberal for years. That's so long as actual societal pressure doesn't come, when it does he can either cave or go into entrenched resistance. Anyone can subordinate themselves, smart or not. To actually buy into leftism horizontal/abstract thinking does need to be stunted tho...
I feel like shit like this hurts them in the long run, because all these channels want you to subscribe and turn on notifications and I'm not going to fucking do that if you blow up my phone every 20 minutes and fill up my home page with shit I don't care about. I'd rather just miss out on the thing I actually care about.
I unironically prefer Yahtzee censoring his swears.
Copyright lawyer man.
Please explain wtf was with Bethesda suing Mojang for calling their next game Scrolls, or ABK sending c&ds to various mobile games for using either king or candy in the title. I forget.
Ironic that both got eaten up by MS.
I heard somewhere (it might've actually been Yahtzee that said it I can't remember) that sometimes censored swears are funnier depending on the context
He's right. Conkers Bad Fur Day for instance
who are those 5 hours essays appealing to then? millennials?
If Conker's Bad Fur Day pioneered the art of funny censor noises, ATHF mastered.

The only let'splay type series I have and will ever watch. I don't know Gabe personally, but I was raised in Brisbane as he was and so much of the shit he rambles on about is quite accurate. Plus everybody has a friend like him.
Don't have the full context but here's me going off from just what you told me

like I mentioned before. Copyright and Brands? they exist in the same ballpark but are VERY different in practice

Copyright is for your works of art and passion projects, stuff you put artists to work on, a book gets copyrighted, a song gets copyrighted, etc. etc.

Brands. BRANDS. those are purely for commercial purposes. that carry no artistic value whatsoever. Coca Cola, Converse, Lenovo. both this and copyright serve the same purpose of protecting the product from copy and plagiarism. but a brand has a lot more freedom defending their rights

Now you see. a brand doesn't need plagiarism to sue you to the ground. it needs CONFUSION. All it needs is definite proof that your product. which exists in the same market as theirs will succesfully fool someone into buying your product. thinking they're buying someone ELSE's product. if they can prove you're doing that? and that your actions are actively huring their sales? off you go

now. I did just said videogames are works of art and thus copyright. but if you create a BRAND that represents the commercial interests of your work? well there you go

Is Bethesda and ABK right for suing the game companies for using the names in their titles? well it needs to meet a few criteria

1. is their original brand in danger of losing revenue (no idea, I'm going without context here)
2. is the market the brand exist the same? (yes. videogames)
3. is the brand name ICONIC enough to be protected regardless of if the creator made the name without intent to steal or monetize from it? (This is a special exception that extremely massive brands like Nike, or Pepsi may have. gotta ask the judges if Elder Scrolls fits. but Candy Crush? definetely)
4. Every little minutiae the case might have cause I'm not the lawyer doing this case and my ass is not being paid for that

imo the names are too generic to be counted as brands. but that's the judge rule
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Yahtzee's been dead to me ever since he left every single chunk of the internet filled with the people he joke-farmed off of
*catches a glimpse of his face in the Zoom thumbnail and hangs himself*
I enjoy the podcast Yahtzee participates in, because you can tell the other nerds fear him like he's their alcoholic dad and every time he intentionally provokes them with his unmoderated rants you can practically hear the spinchters clenching but they have to allow it because Yahtzee is 90% of the channel's traffic.
Not the copyright lawyer and I am probably going to mess up something in the explanation its been years since I looked up all this stuff but here you go.

Abk owns the trademark on Candy for their brand of games so If you make a game similar to theirs and name it something like Candy smasher you are infringing on their Trademark same thing goes for king and they were taking a shotgun approach to trademark so almost anything with candy and king in title got hit.

Bethesda did not sue mojang it was their parent company zenimax and they did it for trademark reasons Involving the elder scrolls name. this ended with a settlement them allowed to use the scrolls name for their card game as long as they don't use it to make a elder scrolls competitor. hope that answers your questions If i got anything wrong I apologize.
It's actually quite annoying how he'll want to go on about how he dislikes JRPGs but then try to argue that Persona 5 is different because it just is okay.
It's the same guy? I saw the channel in the recommendations and thought it was a bootleg copycat and blocked it using the Blocktube browser extension that allows you to filter out videos and whole channels from being shown ever again.
pretty colors and constantly moving UI elements shuts my brain off and I feel like I'm having fun
technically Fully Ramblomatic is older than Zero Punctuation
and yes they're both made by the same guy
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>wall of greentext
>I made a fucking Reddit post
yahtzee has to use a different (and much worse) avatar
Still for as often as he calls him self a story gamer it's weird to see him praise a game whose story is non existent. I'm sorry but Chie is not a well written character.
>yahtzee has to use a different (and much worse) avatar
Which is a exactly how I would describe his current videos.
Yeah, it feels like this would have been a good chance to actually make something new. Something actually interesting and different. Instead it's the same shit with a different avatar and it just feels OLD. He doesn't have to review new games. Hell you can barely call what he does reviews anyways.
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I miss the imps
kinda funny how much the android logo looks like the imps
Does he still toss in random shitlib one liners in places they don't really fit in?
Now and again. I can't think of any pertinent examples off hand though.
isn't that the whole gimmick?
There is an art to swearing. Like a perfectly placed "fuck" or loud beep, like in a horror movie you dont get to see the kill but your mind conjures up whatever horrible thing might've happend, same thing here, someone gets suddenly emotional starts shouting followed by beep after beep after beep. IT Crowd nailed this aswell.

care to give us a specific example of what grinds your gears?
I think I have a perfect example of this: After Bethesda had bought the Fallout IP, they only had the rights to make new ones, not sell the old ones. So when Fallout 3 released, Interplay had tried to sell the "Fallout Trilogy" pack with 1, 2 and Tactics. And Bethesda sued on the grounds people would buy the "Trilogy" thinking they'd get 3 aswell.
Venture bros is way funnier when they bleep the fucks
He stopped being funny after he became a father.
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When all the new shit for the escapist came out a few years back I was hoping there'd be a return of LDO. Sadly it wasn't. Except for the couple of streams they made when Gabe visited Yahtzee in America
well I would show you a funny example of censoring, but it's currently deleted off of youtube because it features gay sex
Same deal with a new coat of paint. Like before, some jokes doesn't always land, but every video is collection of new analoges accompanied by with a visual representation of the gag before visiting the introductory joke at the end. Also, he still gets across his points and criticism in about five minutes, which is a godsend with all these reviewers/essayists who can't even make a single point in hour long videos.
It's annoying cause they said they didn't want to do them through streams, but his streams now he does with someone online
They probably just don't like each other anymore. Yahtzee is on dad mode and probably a pain in the ass to work with. Just look at all his reviews. He clearly hasn't finished any of the games he reviews if a while
>Yahtzee is on dad mode and probably a pain in the ass to work with.
He seemed like a giant pain in the ass to work with then. Honestly I wonder how anyone could have had the patience to put up with him at all sometimes.
I was surprised by how much he like Yi.
well gabe did describe yahtzee as a vaguely autistic shut-in in one of the drown outs
People eat them up, not that hard to understand.
>all my friends at Escapist get fired
>quit my comfy job because I want to help them
>actually nevermind I will abandon them
It's not his job or responsibility to pay for his friends jobs. Quitting escapist is a nice show of solidarity but he doesn't owe them a free ride.
He specifically said he quit because the owners of Escapist fired Nick, the guy who gave Yathzee a break and brought him on the team back in 2007, so he had nothing else tying him down there.
He could have stayed if he wanted
clearly he wants to work with these people for whatever reason
Who actually owns the escapist anyways? Because honestly it's weird they even managed to stay afloat at all.
has anyone ever told you you might be emotionally retarded? like having trouble understanding social cues and stuff?
why the fuck would he stay
>clearly he wants to work with these people for whatever reason
congratulations alien/severe autist/severely autistic alien, you just discovered what professional relationships and friendships are
>He could have stayed if he wanted
Yes, and he was probably right to leave. But my point is just because he leaves for what they did to his friends, doesn't mean he actually has to form a company with them. He could have left, and then made out on his own because these people quite clearly need him more than he needs them.
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>>They're trying to be like Rooster teeth where they scout for upcoming talent to expand their own brand
They always want to do this to expand potential audience. Even back in the day TGWTG had the same idea.
>get to hang out with your friends and play vidya gayms as a job
>make enough money to live
>get enough time off to tend to your wife and child
>get the satisfaction of providing the same cushy life to your pals via being the most successful dude in your friend group
Why would he do anything other than exactly what he is doing?
His job is to make a simple 5 minute a week power point presentation for playing video games. He's not some works 60 hours a week forced over time crunch developer or laborer. He is not wanting for the time to spend with his family. He is constantly selling himself short by tying himself down with a bunch of rando nobody cares about.

>>get the satisfaction of providing the same cushy life to your pals via being the most successful dude in your friend group
Well that just makes you a pretty shitty friend.
It currently is Gamurs, an "esports media and entertainment publisher". Before that they were owned by Enthusiast Gaming, "a Canadian digital media company specializing in video game journalism." What this all means is Escapist is just a brand owned, sold and traded between groups, who specialize in content geared toward people playing games. The current owners, Gamurs, had a bit too much of the "line must go up" and pressured Nick into "make us more money", Nick said "we are working on it, but at a pace where we dont burn ourselves out", Gamurs said "Ok, you are fired." And Second Wind happend.

Escapist is still around though, they had someone get in and start making videos some three months after everyone left.
That "same fucking escapist manager" is the whole reason ZP got off the ground in the first place and him getting fired from Escapist was the whole reason for Yathzee packing his bags too.
>A top 10 Souls enemies list
Oh yeah they're totally bringing on a winner.
from what he's said on streams i think he hates dealing with administrative stuff and is happier to let nick calandra handle that.
Whenever I feel down or disappointed with my life I am reminded this fucker has been doing his stupid series for almost 20 years now and he stopped being funny immediately after 2009.

Really the living image of the incompetent critic that cannot break into the industry. What a pathethic clown.
I at least keep up with Fully Ramblomatic, Cold Take and Design Delve. They can be overly smarmy at times, but overall their opinions seem pretty on point.
Tried their indie spotlight thing "Bytesized Reviews" but honestly it seemed insufferable even by their standards.
Im not sure if projecting your own life troubles onto someone who has been allowed to do what he loves for almost two decades is healthy, anon. How are you doing?
He's spending the same amount of time doing his job working at the company as he would as an independent, with the added bonus of probably being able to offload some of his research/asset development/editing to other people. He might make slightly more money by himself but he prefers working with other people and he gets to work with people he likes. I really don't get how you see this as a problem.
>that makes you a shitty friend
Giving your buds free jobs doing shit thet want to do makes you a bad friend? I'd hate to see what a good friend would do.
Didn't Nick only join escapist like five years ago or something? Pretty sure he wasn't around when ZP started out.
Really? I checked the Wiki and you are correct. I was sure Yathzee mentioned his reason for leaving Escapists was because Nick is who brought him on, was it maybe someone else.
I think he brought on most of the newer crowd
He's also the published author of five novels.
is starstruck vagabond worth playing
Has anyone read any of these? Is he even a good writer?
>Has anyone read any of these
his stalker wife, and nobody else
I read Mogworld and Jam. They were okay, Mogworld a little better
She's not a stalker, she just happened to be reading his book while in his bar and also happened to not know who he was alright
He's even more of a fedora wearing f4ggot, but he's the only good voice in the review industry now that totalbiscuit is dead so I keep watching
I posted >>683857752 so yeah, the sci fi comedy ones are kind of fun if you're into that sort of thing.
>It's STILL up
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It's basically identical. You could probably mix 2007 episodes with 2024 ones and the main non-artstyle difference will be audio quality
TB's reviews were trash actually.
I still kinda follow but he never reviews anything that I care about anymore
>the villain's trying to redeem himself
>but he said nigger once, TIME TO DIE
Truly a game worth shitting your pants so hard your mother screams at you for 90 seconds
His taste diverges so far from mine that when he actually reviews anything I play much less games I like it's always kind of awkward to watch. Like how he claimed Ys has always been a casual, unchallenging series after showing the cover for OiF, suggesting he either never played it or only beat the easiest difficulty. He's still funny though so whatever.

I did.
His writing was mostly palatable for the first two books, then took a nosedive in Will Destroy the Galaxy for Cash. Even at his best, it was a very schitzo experience - here's someone heavily inspired by Douglas Adams and Pratchett, but with a comedic toolkit of someone brought up on a steady diet of Simpsons and 2000s webcomics.

Eventually, all the reference-as-a-content, popular-thing-people-like-is-le-sillybad, let-me-tell-you-about-my-problems-via-a-strawman became increasingly tiresome, and that was before he got hit with a case of Cali Leftie Brainrot.

His early books were better, and I'd say he's at his best when he's not trying to write comedy, which is rather sad, because he's fully committed to the bit.
He openly admits to playing games on easy because MUH TIME.
No seriously literally what is forcing you from closing the tab after the video is done. Are you retarded and think that you're held hostage?
He's always done that but against Thatcher, that felt personal. The trump ones are performative as a commiefornian.
He likes it.
I'm a jew because I value my time and don't engage with ads when its needless? Okay retard.
You aren't a janitor faggot
Gabe honestly seemed like he had some kind of sadomasochistic thing going on and probably liked the humiliation. When i first found LDO i legitimately thought they were gay.
Not like vee could ever understand committing to anything except wasting their lives on 4chan anyway.
sol elements and design of p5 outweigh the awful rock-paper-scissors pokemon fighting system. Don't outweigh it enough for me to finish it, mind you, since i dropped it when mandatory mementos was introduced
Yahtzee figured out how to live with and make money in the content creation world
A lot of people making funny internet videos have delusions of future grandeur like AVGN thinking he'll make the videos for a few years then transition to movies, only to fuck up badly and now be forever stuck making shitty internet videos or risk ending up homeless and in debt
Meanwhile Yahtzee just treats ZP/Fully Ramblomatic as a regular paycheck. This isn't something to expand on or build his future on, this is a dayjob. His actual creative output goes into his novels and indie games. Yahtzee could make a living with his novels and occassional freelance writing only, but making a funny video once a week is so profitable there's no reason not to.
Read Differently Morphous, feels like Terry Pratchett's night watch books but worse. Not bad, but not amazing.
The multiple colors per video is kind of annoying and over-produced.
But James succeeded in making a movie which is what he wanted to do. It doesn't really matter that it was dumb as fuck he accomplished his goal. I don't think the intention was to ever make some kind of extended universe parade of films.

I wish he would just stop doing AVGN for the paycheck all the same, because it doesn't inspire the same interest to me anymore.
AVGN situation is just sad. The guy literally gives 0 shits about what he does or his fans, he's here solely for the paycheck. Outsources everything he can, puts in minimal effort and it shows.
Six months and there still are terfs on the internet, his fight isn't going well bros.
The visuals are just slightly inferior, but not enough to matter.

He covers more interesting small games and less AAA slop. All in all, this specific change is for the better.

Unless anyone prefers censored ZP woth minute long promotions
Mogworld was the only one I read because it was dogshit.
Yahtzee is a libtard. He sucks jew cock for free.
Still good. I think he’s been doing it so long now that you hardly feel a change from the rebrand. Oh and apparently he stopped using windows movie maker when going from ZP to FR

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