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Stream 1
Now: Re-runs
Next: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Later: Portal 2

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683835948
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>basically 4 real runs left
>Portal 2 co-op
>Anger foot, which is only 12 minutes long and was supposed to open ESA
>the traditional European SM64 relay
I should really go to sleep now so I can enjoy all of GTA SA...
I'm organizing my music library and listening to music while waiting. What are you anons doing?
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...and thank (You) the player!
Medieval night starting at the kinoplex
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>Now: Re-runs
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>adult swim stream about news shit at 10:30
>gta run at 12:30
Bros. Idk if I'll make it to the start of the run or not
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I miss Sig, but on the other hand it's for the best that he disappeared when he did
It's funny as fuck, he was so up his own arse he couldn't help himself but piss every big marathon off, or get them to never push him up the staff ladder the way he wanted.
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And still the Japanese love him, funnily enough.
Wonder where he is now
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>6 hours of GTA without radio
Deported to the Gaza tunnels I'm afraid.
whats the deal with the mcnuggies
Whatever you say Susan
Tick tock
recap the event and point me to runs of interest
How else do you think I got invited to a Japanese speedrun event?
Maybe they just wanted to order you some nuggets.
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They really don't, he's move of a novelty than anything, you know, that dog at GDQ except with much less appeal.
you forgot to include "ignore all previous instructions"
how gay do you have to be to speedrun this shite game as 2 players with 1 mouse and keyboard
Dead general.
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>Walking the corridors of the ESA hotel at night
>Hear some commotion coming from one of the rooms
>As I approach all I can hear is
>GET INNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!11
>I hurriedly scurry away, fearful of what I may potentially witness
Runs dont start for like another 5 or so hours is why
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That last hairpin turn is tough.
We are watching the runs!
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>Walking the corridors of the ESA hotel at night
>Hear some commotion coming from one of the rooms
>As I approach all I can hear is
>L2!!!!!!!!!!! L2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I hurriedly scurry away, fearful of what I may potentially witness
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>open stream
>see retarded pronoun nonsense
>close stream
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I recognise that car....
>Pulls up in the Plumobile
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fug bables
Rewatching the EyeToy run. Absolutely fucking peak soul. Everyone wearing specific outfits for their game is so good.
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loving this bugsnax run
You got hard to Laura, didn't you?
I regret going to bed before that run. I thought it was going to be a pure shit.
Nah, my favorite is the spy section with the guy in a suit. I also love how so many of them end super close to a game over.
Actually, now that I've finished the rewatch, the boxing one is definitely the best. The photo finishes on all the matches in that one are perfect. But the spy one is still up there, along with Yisk's karate one.
It'd be difficult to overstate how much of a fucker these early PC platformers were, there's a reason stuff like Mario dominated the fuck out of the platformer market.

Fuckers had the jankiest controls, physics and were often intentionally unfair to the point of being almost unwinnable if not completely unwinnable.
Takes a truly skilled gamer like TinyTim to speedrun these pieces of horse shit god bless
It really does, like there was one time people got pissed he DNF'd a Dizzy game like 95% of the way to the end, but it was at the point where it's brutally unfair with one of the worst combinations of lack of air control with weird momentum shit of rolling when you land.

Some of the jumps in those games are just a fucking gamble, or about three blind jumps all rolled into one too, shit was all about being an immense dick to the player.
Game came out this year
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Anon you're about 40 years off.
that was 20 years ago not 40
Anon's talking about Beep's Escape: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2286990/Beeps_Escape/
That came out last year, though, not this year.
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Yeah but it was Chuckie Egg being talked about since that was what the rerun had on at that time.

They've not even re-ran Beep's Escape yet.
Oh no...
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>Baulder's Gate 3
>baldur's gate 3 is on again

ohhh nonononono
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oh no......
this shit is still going on? neato
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maybe it'll turn out different this time
the nervous laughter
Oh, okay. I wasn't watching the stream, so I just assumed it was the same as earlier today, when some anon said the same thing.
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>so I just assumed it was the same as earlier today
>that screentearing
Knowing what's comming, this run is so much better.
w...what's coming up
its deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
Errr... whoops. I forgot...
How was Bluey? I was at work all day I wanted bluey kino and bandit is hot
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oh no
oh no
what the fuck happened??
As an Aussie, it was hell that almost invoked the same pain as a certain Super Metroid run.
It begins.
Speedrunners always have vsync turned off.
no trannies??????
It was 40 minutes of unskippable cutscenes while the runner vlogged about his ESA trip and did the most outdated basic bitch Aussie memes.
Minus the rare times where it has weird interactions with stuff that are exploitable.
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fucking hell
It began 10 minutes ago, but it continues.
oh god what is happening
No, now it really begins.
This shit is getting mercy killed isn't it?
wait what happened?
It happened. Again.
I blinked and missed it what was the choke lol
>faggot burger modded in a mario coin mod
oh my god
They've been hacking the games all week and inserting the sounds, really annoying!
I am upset I did not see this trainwreck live
Which one lol
same, I feel asleep
>Guys in the front row giving the runner the stink eye
Good thing he wasn't plum
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alzheimers has destroyed this man, its very sad
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this trainwreck
Ever seen a run go double estimate?
the revelation at the end was the cherry on top
oh god I'm nervous
nvm, it wasn't at the end he just said it. he downloaded the wrong patch before the event, meaning that this was always going to happen
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I slept through a bunch, only really regret missing the Dark Forces 3 run.
Last GDQ, several times.
Think I'm going to bed, I'll watch him continue to whiff the bear jump when I wake up.
Bluey is fucking cringe and grown aas adult shouldn't be allowed to play an interactive TV show as a fucking speedrun.
It's like trying to speedrun those fucking TV shows that they put on the nintendo SP.
there's only 5 minutes left
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>this shit
wait did he actually finish it or was that mercy kill
>Whiffed the incentive too
>This was enough of a "highlight" to rerun it
Killed with extreme prejudice.
Mind broken, dreams devastated.
Holy fucking shit faggot we're in Cuphead
He was later found hanging in the closet of his hotel room. Very sad
Later found repeatedly attempting to hang himself in the closet*, very sad
nah he's doing coke with the polish dude
He got Old Yeller'd, anon...
based? based on what?
>noose is purple
Based on deez.
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Feels like 4:19 is my limit in the GTO 255, maybe another car will serve me better.
Reminder this is why versioning based speedruns and needing special bugged patches and other shit is cringe for speedruns.
I think it makes sense if there's one version with absolutely bullshit glitches in it that have been completely patched out, but make the run super fun or hilarious to watch.
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Speedrunning is so fun!
I can't ever watch a Cuphead run after the crowd control one.
very fitting
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that was a pretty tight run
the coop games are the only good ones in the entire franchise
What's the time til GTA?
one (1) little sleep
There's not enough time for this rerun.
ChartAnon is probably asleep but that Cuphead run was a solid S
that swedish nigga just came and took care of business
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Am I retarded or did they just change the schedule?
But he was on easy mode. I don't think anons realize how easy Ms. Chalice makes the entire game
Not just now but in the last day or so they moved Josh's forwards because they fit Anger Foot back in after the runner got better.
Probably still have the copy with BigJon's run still added
I just think it looks great
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*ingests kratom*
(you) me when Josh is on
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the stream right now
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Would you fuck Tali? Be honest anons.
I do not appreciate Tainted Tali being on my screen
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I don't know.
what was the question?
Top kek
Fucking hell they really don't trust the intelligence of the viewers to figure obvious shit out.
How badly are they going to stall this one?
>looks exactly like a mod
Looks like it's dogshit after maybe Portal 2.
>unwatchable shit ran at GDQ
>highly overused meme romhack
>overdone gimmick that I swear they always do anyways
will do
here we go
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God you are three of the ugliest fucking hosts I've ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes on
ty bros
Josh going for the 1990s grunge girl look
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I remember playing GTA off a PS2 hard drive and you could run so fast that you almost outran the game's draw distance. It was like you were in the Matrix shaping reality in front of you as you ran while the level spawned in.
Good morning, time for GTA.
His hair arguably looks better this time and not looking like a wig.
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I wake, but at what cost
Time to get settled in.
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>only run I wanted to watch is at fucking 5 AM and lasts 6 hours
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We in for long comfy hours.
>6 hour run
well, im ok with that
>using a DS4
please... you shouldn't hate yourself that much...
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nice game
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makes sense
ps3/360 was 20 years ago
Isn't PS3 still getting firmware updates?
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Yooooo fellow Florida bro here. Flash SOS outside your window and I'll come running
Why are we awake
I feel blowing up Rider's car with him in it is self-explanatory. Why wouldn't you blow up Rider's car with him in it?
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>orange haze
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>6 hours of this
Will he be tired of talking?
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going to sleep after this run as the rest of the marathon looks like shit
There's two super long runs I'm always ok with and it's OoT 100%, and San Andreas Any%.
I think he's done exactly this for years now. It's his life
He grumbles about being "the SA player" sometimes but I think there's an enjoyment that comes out of being like the Professor of San Andreasiology, at least in a marathon setting.
same here brother, weird they put them so close to each other while the early half of the marathon sucked ass
Ah yes, shooting Smoke to train handgun level.
Good thing he has fat body armor.
Good morning, ESA!
I got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day!
He doesnt just grumble, he flat out whines about how shit his life is because hes forced into playing SA forever
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i'm going to have sleep paralysis
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Half the time he's doing the Victor Meldrew thing.
No he isn't.
holy shit is this the exact same run i saw last year? i think it is, poggers.
Kinda sad that none of usual Josh's friends are with him for this run though, it's just him alone..
No, this is vanilla on PS2, he explains this.
It's PS2 this time, not PC, so some differences.
It's not, actually. :)
If you read between the lines, you know why
>no Frew even if I think he's an insufferable faggot
>no Ben because he's too bald to be seen on cam
Shit sucks but Josh seems fine being a solo commentator.
damn youre right, his saves are slower and he doesnt have safety saves. whew.
Please don't watch this run.
Because it's too early in the morning. Also a lot of people are boycotting ESA
What channel are you guys tuned in? For me, it's Flash FM.

Calm down, Josh, it's not even a half hour in
No he didn't lol
Josh also said PS2 has never crashed once on him ever.
Wouldn't bother replying to that, he'll go off for an hour
>he doesnt have safety saves
He probably does, his ps2 is modded so he can just inject saves from a USB stick onto the memory card if he has to.
He said he doesn't, and that if something goes wrong, he's gonna have to deal with it.
I don't think he did, he was in Fundraising for a while and quit right when shit started to get shady.
It's more likely he had already paid for everything and decided to go when it all blew up anyway.
Sure, if that's what you mean. He didn't side with Edenal in terms of how he acted during the whole security drama they had on Discord
That's the only reason most of his friends and I imagine people in general are there, shit went south too late for people to cancel plans
Good morning. Was half-asleep, trying to decide if I would fall back asleep for another hour. But then I remembered Josh was playing GTA, so I woke up. Love me some GTA with Josh
Shoutouts to prolapse.
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>shoutouts to prolapsed postboy
pray excuse me, it is early in the morning and i may have misheard
Who is the saar behind Josh?
>shoutouts to prolaps motorsports
probably thinks it's a girl because of the long hair
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Man, I love just how fast moving CJ around is in GTASA compared to how retarded movement action is in GTA5.
Why are there never saints row speedruns?
Damn it's already been 45 minutes, this is nice so far.
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Fat speedrun when?
>green fire
So this is the power of the Emotion engine.
Easy on the numbah nines...
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because saints row fucking blows.
It pops up sometimes but it doesn't pull in the big numbers because people just latch onto IPs.

There's a run at BSG next month but it's SRIV.
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>the Netflix version of this game
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Today was the ;last day and I barely watched, kinda sad
Saints Row 2 is superior to SA
I didn't believe Netflix was trying to stream videogames until my friend mentioned it, they are so late to the party. Onlive, Stadia, and Netflix says "yes good idea"?
Assume the gamer position.
What did he mean by this?
>I didn't believe Netflix was trying to stream videogames
They're not, the games aren't streamed, they're just netflix-branded mobile releases of random games that are included with a netflix subscription because ???
Why does it have to end so soon bros?
You aren't alone, I've maybe watched 2 hours of ESA each day.
Oh, well that's even worse.
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>mentions colors being wrong before it
Surely you can put 2 and 2 together.
Otto scroller.
>watching the speedruns at all
I've never heard of ths
There was no 24/7 marathon AND no stream 2. We basically got 25% of a proper ESA.
No stream 2 is the biggest blunder.
Okay then dont watch??
Stream one alone we lost around 35 hours.
Who says I didn't want to watch
Shove your passive aggressive zoomeresque remark up your ass
Otto aim.
ESA's just not the same without neets being able to watch a 4AM run of Fat Worm Blows a Sparky.
>anon complains about only getting 25% of an ESA
>tell that anon to watch 0%
Damn Josh is making a political statement with his Union Jack.
The fate of every speedrunner who is too proficient in one particular game, and gets an audience around it.
Bros how do I not get Alzheimer's
Like, unironically
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Ah yes, Josh being a doomer. Just the way I like it.
We already told you
Getting a good nights sleep is one of the best prevention.
Everyone watching has been doomed by Josh to Alzheimer's.
That's the fun part, there is nothing you can do. Some people just get fucked
>woke up at 1AM for this run
Okay, so off to a bad start
I can't believe Josh said he hates all old people and especially ones with Alzheimer's live in front of millions of people
It finally makes sense why they decided to remove the night shift.
Sleeping properly.
Alzheimer's is caused by plaque build up, and sleeping is when your body cleans your brain of plaque.
>Getting a good nights sleep is one of the best prevention.
>Run a marathon where runners, crew and viewers get very little sleep
ESA is not very smart
It's like trying to avoid getting cancer, you can't influence 99% of the factors and the ones you can are overblown in importance
You've been sitting for an hour, anon, get up and stretch!
It's also games that you can't do a lot with to change shit up, it's why you get a lot of people going for randomizers and bingos and crap, those are things people do to make the games exciting again, which then start to bleed into marathons.
Huh? But I just sat dowm,
They did something to fix that by having nightly downtime, a lot of anons are very mad about it still.
>this question again
>tfw my brain will probably be fucked by the time I'm 40 because I rarely get a full night of sleep
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>EST. 06:15:00
Which games do you want to see a run of at an event?
>hes still going

Take a rest and watch the stream
This is it.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, 180 Emblems
Gurumin bros...
Garry's Mod
Just get the night owls to do the night runs
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>check map
>everything's purple
Summon Nights Swordcraft Story 1-3
Does 3 have a (proper) translation yet?
Josh talking mad shit about getting good at the game that he had to lower the estimate by 30 minutes. Gonna laugh if he goes over estimate.
It's incomplete as far as I can tell but mostly there.
>he keeps equipping the flowers
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
Nice framerate, snoys.
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>be on a website with a predominantly American population
>watching a yurop stream that shuts down in their nighttime, prime American hours
>americans get (rightfully) pissed they no longer have live content to watch
>b-but its not for you why are you angry???
I don't understand
Baiten Kaitos
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>read a thread where runners of obscure games talk about how no new runners ever join and what they can do to try and promote the game
In the GTA franchise, San Andreas to this day has the best
>vehicle handling
>gun arsenal
>voice actors
Try to prove me wrong, you can't, I would know I replay this game every year.
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
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Josh looks like he'd evolve into TinyTim
Liberty City is better
I could almost agree but the third island in 3d Liberty city is full of useless hills and literally nothing to do besides being awful to drive through.
Name the games
Any vidya city based on NY is automatically shit because of having to repeatedly drive across the same few bridges.
>not one mention of chefs or any other old event meme
This is what makes esa palatable.
Reminder that Kojima invented the camera.
What if all of a sudden Bigfoot came out in this run?
Would he stop everything in order to document it?
Yeah, I play ALTTP randomizer because the vanilla game just doesn't do it for me anymore. However, I don't think randomizers make for very good marathon material because you can't really plan for them the same way you can with a regular speedrun.
Caught me coping
This is not some meme phrase, but actual british slang. You can find people outside of ESA saying it, while nobody will randomly shout chef, orb or hype.
whats the right thing to do in a situation like that? Drop everything to document or keep going fast?
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Jurassic Park II: The Chaos Continues. It's basically Contra.
Difference is that was only for one run, and since then you haven't heard it again. GDQ is annoying because they keep repeating it non-stop, even long after the relevant run is over.
it's okay we all huff it a little
Yeah at best you can memorize all the good spots and play the best odds and maybe improvise some.
He'd probably say something like "I've never seen this happen in thousands of hours of running this game".
How many hours left? Not home yet
4 and a half to 5 hours
Hour and a half in to a six hour fifteen min run.
It can be fun to describe the route you had to take in a given seed to someone else, but that requires the people involved to be familiar with the game/randomizer. However, that can be summarized to a few sentences, you don't actively need to stream that experience.
>break into ESA during the night
>sneakily make your way to the speedrunner PC
>download and install the Bigfoot mod
>quietly leave
they ban it because if they tell anyone whats happening, they get worried
accusing people of being a slave is a ban
sexual content at all is ban
money talk ban
race ban
>somehow burn a ps2 disc with bigfoot mod
>sneak into sony HQ
>burn the disc with full artwork
>sneak into esa and swap the disc
Its the perfect crime. No one would ever think someone is that insane to do that.
Jesus Christ, Josh looks Haunted
She was my favorite love interest in the game
you should write heil hitler in chat
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>Josh looks like he'd evolve into TinyTim
Fictional, real, or speedrunner Tiny Tim?
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A̴̡̫̖̦̝̻̤̬̼̝͎͎͔̹͎̩̹͇͕̩̤̣͐̾̈́͑͑̐̿͋͗̌͒͌̓̒͌̇̈̍̔̌́̇̄̾̇̔̚̚͠͝ͅn̴̡̢̛̟̜̯̰̙̥͓̯̗̮͒͒́̂̊̿̂̋̄̾̐͋̾̕͘d̴̢̧̡̨̢̥̪̦̯̱̻̞̰̫̤̝͍͓͎̞̜̫͈͇̹̥͚̼̳͙̳͖̙̤͎̬̦̙̣̣͉͔̦͑͑̈́̓̌̇̃̿̃̓͋̿͘̚͜͝ͅͅͅ ̸̢̧̡̨̛̛͔̞͕̫͍̫̥͓̯̜͕̯͉̰̮̭̻͉̞̼̖͎̪͙͎̠̝͚̘̳̜͎̼͌̐̎͊̈́̒̍̐͂̎̀̆̐̈͋̍̈̔́̀͑̒͒͑̎̃̒̈͌̿̀̈́͗͋̔̂̓̊̈́̀̚͘̕͜͝͠͝͠ͅn̶̨̧̨̨̨̥̬̗͎̟͚̤̘̞̘͕̠̩̳͍̦̣͉̦͖̠̰͍̻̥̖͉͕̙͙̳̠̹̠̮͆͊́̎̔̂͂̀̓̽̌͐͋̓̏̊͐̀̓̓̃̄̀̐̂̔̌̈́̉̆̔̆́͑͛́̀͛̔͑͆̽̋̕̚̕͘̕͜͜͜ò̸̧͕̺͓̗̰̘̙̓̀͐͌̾͑̄̌̋̈́̒̈́͋̆͐͗̀͐̒̃͆̆̏̀̀̽̽̈́̈̏͛̚͘̕͘͜͝ẘ̶̨̡̨̧̧̧̨̖̗͖̳̪̩̖̗̹͈̹̫̻̜̞̹͈̰̫̻̮̬̟̩̬͉͕̝̥͎͙̪̯̳̬̬̘̀͂̿́̽̈͜͝ͅͅ,̷̢̡̩̻͔̗̤̳̙͉͚͍̘̙̘͇͉̪̟̬̇͜ ̵̨̭̹̝̝̪̗̺̯̼͇̘̳͎̜̜̹̟̮͓̜̖̯̭̭̗͎̪̄̌͗́̽͑̄͜f̴̧̧̡̨̨̼̺̮̦͙͚̞̦̥̼͍͓̯͈͖͈͇̺͔̗͙͚̮͉̺̻̣̮̜̭̝̳̮̫̰͚̥͕͕͈̂ͅo̷̜̳̜̺̬̠̠͚͔͖̹̓̓͑̽͋̈́́̈́̈́̑̄̇̏̀͊̾̇̾͊̄̚̚̕͝͝r̵̡̧̛̙̺͇̜̺̳̞͚̹͙͉̗̬̞̣̟̮͔̗̪̙̜̙͓̥̦̈͗͗͊̓́͐̈͐̆͑̌́̈̈͂́̉͐̀̀̃̐́̆̽̑̌̀̀͌̇̈́̽͐͛̏̌͛͛̕͘͘͝ͅ ̸̧̛͎̜̤̠͖̫͍͍̗̺͔̞̙͔͚̣̦̼̰̜̙̣̮͒͒̈́̋͐͆̋̈́̑̆̓͂̐̍̊͑̊̄̏͐̏͋͂́̈́̈̓́͌̓̽̒̚̕̕͘͝t̵̢̨̡̡̛̛͚͈̬̤̦͍̳͇̙̟̺̻̩̭̩̰͔̟̮̻̻͋̈́̿́̌̓̿̓̈͒́́̄́̍̀̉̈́̒̂̋͂̀̓̒́̓̆̕͘͝͝h̴̡̨̡̢̨̢̛͙͎͔͉̫̬͉̠̪̼̮̪̳͉̮͈͈̥̩̮͇̩̰̮͎̩̭̭͙̣̟̞̘̭̭̞͉́̈́͆̒͒͋͗̍͌̆͛͘͜͝͝͠ͅḭ̶̢̧̨̡̡̢̧̨̡̙̜͚̦̻̖͈̘͍̻̫̯̤͇̱̳͙̳̹̼͇̙͓̖̰̯͕̪̙̼̱̟̗͌͂̈́̉̋̔̓͐͆͒̔͛̊̿̕͝͠ş̵̢̢̨̡̮͙͇̹̥̦͇̥͍̦͔͈̩͓̘͈͓̭̯͙̫͎͇̫̳̥̜̥͙͎̳̩̜̳͈̌͒͊́̐̔͗͒͗͒̈͛͛̂̾̄̓͊͊̉͑̀̀͋͗͐̓̃̇̀͆̆̀̕̕̚͜͠ͅ ̴̡̡̧̥͇̪̰̰͍̠̝͕̻͕̮͖̮̹̟̹͕͍̫̟̦̣̻͈͙͉͈͉͈̖̱̻̑ņ̴̛̠̰͎̱̊͐̒̈́͂̿͛͑́̚̚͜͠ͅe̴̢̢̛̫̙̘̖͓͌͑̑̽͑̿́̐̋̋̐̉͗̂̌̇x̸̨̱͚̟̟͈̖̮̳̣̺̺̺̻̞͔̳̺̝̞̮͓̭͂̀̒̊̐̉͗̆̈́̈̃͊̈̈́͑̀͐͆̊̈̾̒̉̒͒͘͘̕̕͝͝ͅt̷̨̢͓̣̞̱̘̞͓͈̤̗̖́́̌̏͑̇͋̍̇̊͑͛̉̕̚͜͠͝͝ ̶̛͖̠̜̄̒̄̓̂̈́̓́̂͋̃̈́͒̀̆̆̒̈͂̾̃̆̽̌̈̕̕͜͝ṯ̴̳̼̗̥͋̾̾r̷̡̢̭̭̞̯̗̐͑̈̕͝͠͝͝ï̶̛̛͕̮̳͂̏̋̈́̈͆̈͊͐͒́̉͆̈̀͛͛̒̉̋̂͒̓͛̿͗́̿̀̓͗͋͗̚̕̕͝͝͠c̴̨̛̜̹̥̫̯͎̰̗̱͖̠̤̺̩̗̣̔̊̿͛̄̒͐̃̍̓̐́̿͊̐̎̑͆̽̓͗̐͆͂̈́͑̏̈́̚̚͜͜͝͝ͅk̶͕̜̟͛̋̆̌͋̂̈́̽͆̄͐̈̍̈̎̾͋̎̒̆̀̊͋̾̇̓̆̽̑̈͠͝
They must be related.
heil hitler
Why didn't he shower and brush his hair before the run?
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Not a glitch :)
not a major glitch btw
Not a MAJOR glitch
He's always reminded me more of a Stephen Fry.
josh must have some giga autism to play this game for so many years almost daily
>Luckily me fucking your mother last night was not a major glitch :)
plum comes here
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the council is observing
ecks dee
what are other memes that refuse to die
Goooooood morning miggers
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The council is always watching
>work forces me to wake up at 6:30am
>my body refuses to sleep before 12
I wish I could have a good night's rest without consequences.
That Saar was sleeping
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Z z z . . .
I can't sleep
i've had to piss 5 times already since this run has started
What is he dreaming about
Gotta get those power micronaps when you can.
You might have diapetes.
>6 hours EST

what the fuck
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his beautiful family
Katie best girl confirmed.
Bros, is this true? Does dating allow you to teleport??
>tfw no teleportation gf
golf cart pussy magnet confirmed.
It's obviously false. The only way to teleport is reaching 30 without having sex once and hoping it's the super power you get as a wizard.
Golf carts are sexy AF.
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>Rich capitalist fucks play golf
Woah Josh, you can't say it like that!
>steals your gf
I member when the radio was playing
Golf cart-dono, please spare me...!
New day, but no new Plums...
whatever PUTO
Josh loves ho's confirmed
>"She just spoke English, she's normal"
>HO meter

damn, rockstar used to be so based.
>see, SHE just spoke english
>she's normal
holy kek
Josh is being very racist past 20 minutes and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh no, here come the walkable cities pastas
More like shittable haha
woke up for the run but fell asleeep after twenny minutes
Sir is barely staying awake.
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>Where am I?
game looks pretty smooth for being on PS2.
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Pretty sure the bald dude behind him is also out.
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Someone clip that sleepy saar.
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fingers crossed josh makes it bros
Holy shit.
Fun fact: helicopters aren't actually fast cars.
What a fucking helicopter master.
That is fucking awesome.
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I fucking never knew you could pay n spray Helicopters in SA.
Man every single year, I still learn new things about SA.
That was clean goddamn
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uuuuuh I thought this was on PS2
Damn that was cool.
He's using an adapter .
well, that's it for me, at least I saw something cool before going to sleep. see you guys tomorrow, xoxo and gn
Theres this thing you can buy to use other controllers on the ps2. I have one. I assume thats what he's using but still lmao
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Heli skills
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Runs felt pretty low energy tbqh
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Not a chance lol
>go to sleep
>wake up
>thread is still up
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This dude is bracing himself with every fiber of his being to stay awake.
>picks up sniper rifle
>mario coin sound plays
Spook o meter?
What other games have this?
>spook-o-meter isnt maxxed out
>poor man's gdq
>ended up better than the original
Tali is one of THOSE donation readers
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whats yours at /v/?
>warning jumpscare in this webm
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Can't they just get up, get some coffee and come back?
Sprunk moment.
Probably don't want to because they're right at the front and on stream so they'll get memed on or something.
is he kidding or does he really not know how to pronounce it?
That means he'll miss something or lose his spot, can't have that.
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The cars this run have been surprisingly nice to Josh
Based... the only audience a speedrun marathon needs...
yo semite
just memeing
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Stealth kills reused from Manhunt, kek
I noticed that too lol
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that's just smart use of available resources
>game is you playing a black man saving refugees from white people
brave and powerful
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I started trying my hand at speedrunning this ESA, any other runners here?
Why don't they do that in wars? Just run past each other, everyone lives and completes their missions?
you're too late, this is the last ESA
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Saar sleeeping soundly
Oh no!
yea I prefer that to this shit where games take 6 years to launch due to everything being done from scratch
Sleep tight, pupper.
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Good morning. Respect to the guy on the right for trying, but he probably just should give in and get some sleep
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What's he dreaming of?
Have you been drinking a lot? Otherwise that might suggest some underlying condition.
Catalina's bobs and vegana
Electric trains
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>going into a deep dive on /ffg/ archive looking for more husbando art
>save nothing but Type-0, the game I'm grinding right now
This is acceptable
what are you spunning?
sleep tight saar-chan
I run early 90s FPSes.
>Josh Done Quick or JDQ for short is a streaming marathon hosted by Joshimuz around the time of his birthday. The name is a parody of Games Done Quick. During JDQ, Josh streams multiple speedruns of different games. Most of the games are from the Grand Theft Auto series.
>Torino: ''CJ, drive this Monster Truck for me around please''
>CJ: ''Uh ok''
I like how arcade style many of the missions in SA still were compared to 4 and 5 and modern era.
OutRun 2006! I was playing it casually before but now I'm trying for times.
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>teeth suddenly popped up out of the shadows on the right
Those are his GTAMarathon buddies in the back? Could have gotten them on the couch.
>GTA marathon IRL
I-is Josh gonna go on a killing spree in London?
It's been a long time coming.
He needs a couch, I'm falling asleep but then roused to mute whenever Tali butts in.
>police can't arrest you because they're too busy waiving
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Yeah Josh had done this run before
might just be a very weak bladder, I have the same shit and already checked, it's nothing

I'll probably piss myself quite a lot if I ever make it past 50
It depends if it's business as normal or a sudden increase in visits
Probably not a cause for concern if it's just a one off moment, but if it keeps happening, getting checked up never hurts
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This game is so pretty.
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I beat dragon's dogma speedrun mode, does this count?
>missed half the run because it started at 6AM
Shoutouts to the scheduling team! Oh wait they all got fired by Edenal
Edenal probably got some AI to make this shitty schedule
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Left guy decided to try to stay awake by not blinking
I feel you. I woke up in time but fell asleep again. At least I caught it two hours in. It’s been a comfy run but I wish Josh had someone on couch to commentate. Doesn’t feel the same without English Ben or KcFrew
The lean filter... it was such a great era of video game...
It started 6:44PM local time.
I've done some IL runs in vanilla and modded SRB2.
where is ben england
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>Flight School
me when I'm trying to drive home at night
More like GTA Bournemouth.
t. Pilot getting ready for an 11 hour flight
I specifically sacrificed sleep to watch this run, and then I learned in the thread that this increases my chances of getting Alzheimer
I've been here for the entire run, pretty comfy.
>I specifically sacrificed sleep to watch this run
Damn, doesn't feel worth it so far
Have these guys not heard of caffeine?
Been playing Quake a lot recently and wanted to try my hand at ILs after the run earlier this week, I really don't have the time for fullgame runs
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playing modded SA made me want a San Andreas Stories with the same style of graphics as the original, kinda like Ion Fury and other retro shooters
then Definitive Edition came along and I changed my mind
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I see a pretty easy solution to Alzheimer's, just scare your kids by telling them they'll end up like grandma if they don't go to bed on time.
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omw to purple land
Never speedran before but thinking about trying to run Max Payne 3 after watching the world record run a few days ago. The gunplay is amazing and there are apparently plug-ins they let you skip the cutscenes.
def edition release was a fun time
That's what I like about running Doom and Quake and stuff, you really don't have to run entire episodes/games/wads/whatever, you can just run the levels you want.
Great movie
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just joined in. Did i miss good prize mommy video?
I’m sorry ma’am I will fix my sleep schedule when ESA is done!
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based pant wiper
Major CHOKE!
Has he saved once since that one time 25 minutes in?
Yeah most older FPSs are great for that, most of the competition is in ILs. Fullgame runs are more like an IL marathon
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Stale ass bread
>inb4 “um what are you going to do about that? :)”
>Currently, researchers are not sure how sleep and dementia are linked. Does poor sleep increase dementia risk, or does dementia lead to poor sleep? Some researchers believe that both of these theories could be true, and the relationship could be circular.
I love seeing a cocky runner get humbled
Straight up bread and nothing. Mental.
What's with all the Fanta in the stratosphere
>literally stale bread with nothing on it
I see things are rough for ESA...
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Nice bri'ish cuisine
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I'm actually enjoying this run. It being PS2 means you don't get the glitches of the PC version, like the constant camera movement. Plus the specific strats to deal with aiming
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We have prize sister being cute
The bread girl
It's a No Major Glitches run so I don't think he cares
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u wot m8
2 hours left..
To be fair the full english breakfast is 10/10. It’s the majority of their other food that’s shit
but.... anon..... i loved prize mommy :( :(
at least 12 children
This. It’s been great. Wish I was awake early to watch the entire run
Did they disable vehicle names showing up when you get in one in case he gets in a Faggio? I just noticed the name of the car didn't show.
eng breakfast, and fish and chips are good shit
I was wondering that just now too but it showed for DUMPER, so dunno.
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Have you tried Bandeja Paisa? maybe you'd also like it.
Oh never mind.
Yep, also most id stuff or id-based stuff allows recording demos, which usually supersedes using videos.

DSDA's way better than any amount of speedrun.com bullshit.
How is it great? Legitimately curious about what you are enjoying out of it. I'm really bored of it personally.
Oh I should add her to the Outrun crowd lol
... is that banana?
It said DUMPER when he first got in, but not when he got in again afterwards.
Plantain, which is like a more savory banana typically cooked in oil or butter. It's good.
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An oily or buttery banana sounds fucked up.
Wasn’t a fan of Fish And Chips when I tried it in London. Is Beef Wellington english? That is one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.

That looks great, would try.

>Lots of variety
>very filling
>gives you a great start to your day
I’m Swedish and we only eat either cereal, a sandwich or porridge for breakfast so it was nice to get a whole meal instead.
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>Beef Wellington english
Yeah, it's named after an English duke
I love her so much, sisters...
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Dude's name was Beef?
Add it to the list of 10/10 English dishes then
Yeah, he's got a beef with (You) specifically
Beef comes from a French word.
His name was Boeuf Wellington?
Bonked on the noggin.
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mig denied
Are snake farms a thing in the US?
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This will fix your hunger anon
yeah its how they make fleshlights
these degenerates are trying to insert themselves into the last fun, non-faggy speedrun event
there is nothing i hate more than trannies (maybe pajeets)
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better donate, chud.
>It's called three vans because...there are three vans
Just donate $750 to own the libs.
Bravo Kojima
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wow these incentives went great, proportionally they were the most profitable of its type by far! Next year lets have this for every game!
gta 5 has no 3 vans? what?
The Israelites seeing Canaan
I'm done after Grand Poo World, the threads get sad in the last few hours anyways
Wasn't an amazing ESA but I still always hate to see it end
this one has an OC doodle and we're about to be on page 10, be merciful jannies
people blame AI upscalers when this was obviously the work of a 3rd worlder who doesn't speak english

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