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>Japanese Historian Says There Is "No Doubt" That Assassin's Creed Shadows' Yasuke Was A Samurai.
LMAO YIKES. What are the chuds going to do now, kill themselves? Lets review their accomplishments:
1. Advertised AC Shadows for free, probably worth millions in exposure.
2. Reaffirmed to the world that Yasuke was a samurai, introducing it to many people who had never heard of him.
3. Wasted your time.
This is why the right always loses
black twitter do your thing
early life?
>hip hop music starts playing
wasn't that the literal commie whose only source was the kike that is now in hiding?
I told you fags this but you ignored me
A stipend means he was technically a samurai

Don't get me wrong, he's a literal footnote in history. There were like 4 short paragraphs total mentioning him. There are literally tens of thousands of samurais in history that were far more relevant in their time than Yasuke was.

But people saying Yasuke wasn't a samurai were opening themselves up to getting BTFO.
incelsisters, how do we respond without sounding mad?
Yep, literal commie party member too.
Wait till everyone finds out they made him gay lmao
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Never forget the japanese slave trade, never forget Korea, never forget Nanking, never forget Pearl Harbor.
its sad how you this keeps getting posted despite getting exposed as fake already
The source is the same it's been for centuries. Luis Frois, a missionary from Portugal, shared a fuckload of letters to Lorenço Mexia, 0.005% of which briefly talked about Yasuke (calling him "the moor") and confirmed he was a samurai
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That time of the day again, huh?
For anyone still uninformed, Yu Hirayama is a former communist party member who's talked about having a Marxist analysis of history that doesn't use actual evidence. His academic credentials as a historian are also very lacking. He is simply not a reliable source.
WW3 when?
Amerimutts need to pay for getting the world pozzed
Is this the same "japanese historian" who they just stripped of all his titles and accolades for being a fraud?
>Japanese Historian
A communist from a nursing school who had to retract his statement because it made him look retarded.
>still coping after you got BTFO
No. Lockley isn't in hiding and the jap historian isn't citing Lockley. His statement is in the article.
>"nooooooooooo it's not supposed to be historically accurate"
look dude I really don't give a shit if niggers invented the katana at this point I'm never going to buy your shitty fucking game anyway.

I guess this has to do with the globalists working in tandem with the CCP to assert control over the taiwan and the south china sea. The elites really don't like Japan getting in the way of that. Knew there was something sinister behind this AC game. It's just fifth generational warfare. At least that explains why they are using black people to insult Japanese culture.
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Ubisoft has already changed their stance and says "we are just creating a fiction"
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>ad-hominems after an actual jap historian shits on you because you incels wouldn't STFU
You got destroyed. Take the L like a man instead of going into delusion-tier denial. You are no different than a fat feminist, just the alt-right version.
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Not an argument /pol/tard, Yasuke was a samurai and had a stipend.
Don’t care
Don’t believe it anyway
Not gonna play it, much less buy it.
And there’s not a goddamn thing shills can do about it.
but he wasn't. he was a jester.
>Lockley isn't in hiding
why can nobody get in contact with him then?

The Japanese translation of the Portuguese letters isn't entirely accurate, but what the Portuguese letters specifically tell us is
>Yasuke had a stipend
>Yasuke was a sword carrier and then on top of that had his own sword
Those two alone mean he was a samurai by definition
AC games were always fictional you midwit retard. They have magic in them. Ubisoft hasn't changed anything. They issued a boilerplate statement and essentially told the snowflakes to pound sand and stop crying.
>b-b-but MARXISM!!!!
/pol/cels sure do love their ad hominems
She's right, there's never been any Japanese person that was conservative or disliked gays. Nope. Not one.
He was a male prostitute
If Yasuke's historical accuracy is important, they should properly represent him as Nobunaga's gay mistress.
>Those two alone mean he was a samurai by definition
They do not.
This was debunked, the guy literally walked back because there's no consensus. Literally the only source about yusuke being a samurai is from a European lmao.
then why doesn't it call him a samurai
>no sources provided
>I'm a historian
>no links to peer reviewed papers
>I believe that, without a doubt, my guess is correct

I see, I see
In court, this is called 'bullshit that isn't evidence'
>A stipend means he was technically a samurai
no it doesn't you stupid fucking retard, it means he was paid as a servant which he was.
A stipend was paid to most servants you disingenuous commie fuck.
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uhh /pol/sissies, our response?
So the source everyone uses is just a Portuguese guy who heard about some black guy in Japan? lmao
Name one non-samurai (aside from Yasuke, in your deranged mind) that was allowed to carry his own sword and paid a stipend
>i-i-it doesn't count!
like usual.
During the Sengoku period, even farmers carried katanas until Hideyoshi's katanagari
You are trying so hard lmao, it's ok bro Yusuke can be a samurai in your heart, nobody can take this away from you
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Funny how English speaking people who think they know better than Japanese people are trying to picture Yasuke as samurai this hard when Japanese people cannot even be bothered to update their Wikipedia page.
my favorite gaslighting tactic is when leftoids pretend it's not supposed to be a big deal what skin color a character in a video game has, but will then spend every waking minute on twitter e-sleuthing to prove that this random historical character most people have never heard of was a black samurai
i have no horse in this race but it always makes me wonder why something that isn't supposed matter much actually matters so much to them
If he was a moor, is it certain he was black and not more like your average Moroccan?
He didn't hear of him, silly, he saw him and told the story.
And yes, back when only a few people could write, this is how history gets recorded, silly billy.
Those letters constitute a good amount of our knowledge of Feudal Japan.

And as I said, Yasuke is mentioned in four brief lines total throughout the bible-length compillation of the letters.
there were probably hundreds of thousands but they weren't recorded because they weren't niggers in 1500s japan.
So this explains why the chuds stopped making threads. I was wondering why the threads mysteriously stopped when their used to be one about their manufactured drama every day. They got absolutely DESTROYED LMAO.
He works for NHK and Pony Canyon so he is not even a real academic historian. Just a random media guy that Ubisoft bribed.
Anyone could carry a sword until Hideyoshi banned them
I just don't want to play as a nigmurai lol that's all dey is 2 it bby.
It wasn’t until the Edo period where the Shogunate disarmed the populace
>emotional /pol/cel still butthurt that his shitty ad hominem was called out
>seething and coping the post
He didn't walk it back. He doubled down on it. The fact that you fucking retards are still in denial even after a Japanese historian debunked you speaks volumes to how retarded you are. Total incel destruction.
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>Not Ranmaru Mori
Assassin's Creed genuinely fucked up sengoku threads.
>Japanese historian
He isn’t a historian though
so he says he carried a sword and was paid, but doesn't call him a warrior or anything.
just how unremarkable was this nigger?
> western political discourse dictating the history of another culture and people
He was black, the Portuguese just called everyone that were blacker than them moors
One of the few stories that he shared about Yasuke was explicitly about how he was black as coal and Oda couldn't believe it so he told his servants to wash him down to no avail.

Another of the few stories about Yasuke is that when he got defeated during the burning of the city, he was just sent to India because he was black instead of being executed, as a disrespect to Oda. He got BTFO hard.

It's funny, there's like 4 lines total about him, and the only "positive" things you could take from them is precisely that he was a black samurai. Of course that's all people talk about now.
Are people really this obsessed with mediocre Ubisoft garbage because it's in japland now?
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>ad hominem
all servants had a stipend, doesn't mean Yasuke was a samurai.
>fat ugly white incel on 4chan trying to argue with people who have PhDs in Japanese history, and Japanese historians, because he can't accept that a heckin black man is in his video game
KYS in Minecraft. Yasuke will always be a samurai and there's nothing you can do about it.
i can cite a academics for all kinds of things though you stupid faggot.
there are psychologists who think there is no genetic basis for IQ differences between the races. are they right?
Nobody in Japan could read or write? No wonder they’re so retarded.
I'm just interested in the fallout. Japan rarely bans games so it's always interesting when someone gets in their crosshairs. Last time this happened was Callisto Protocol.
>KYS in Minecraft
are you 12?
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Nothing is in their "crosshairs". You get fed fake news by failed alt-right grifters, and it worked on you because you're low IQ.
Ubisoft *clap* apologized *clap*
Then why didn't he kill himself when nobunaga was killed?
i can cite stephen jay gould, a famous academic who didn't believe there was a genetic basis for intellectual differences between whites and niggers. does my citing this retard make it true? of course not
and this jap isn't even a historian according to the posters here
Based, fuck chuds
He is, and the source is the same regardless so any attacks on him are meaningless, Yasuke was given a stipend, he was given a home, he carried a sword for his lord, and he had a sword of his own. No way around it, he was a Samurai. If he wasn't a Samurai he would be the first non-Samurai to enjoy those honors.
All this drama just because some French game developers wanted some ESG good boy points.
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They think that by fighting culture wars they help promote "the message" and advocate for "the cause". Since Ubisoft games sell a lot they probably think that this hill is worthy dying for. What they don't realize is that Ubisoft just makes goyslop these days and that being so condescending to Japanese people is transparently racist on their part.
kek it's funny people would rather pretend is some ultra special black guy that got special amenities rather than what he actually was, a completely irrelevant samurai that probably just got the job because he was tall and black
Because he's smart. There are reports that he carried his head though.
>according to the posters here
The average poster on /v/ eats glue.
>He is
Where’s his doctorate? What research has he done? What papers has he published?
>cries about 'cultural imperialism'
>but leftism worming its way into positions of power and using powerful NGOs and other organizations to influence and corrupt foreign nations into adopting leftist doctrine doesn't count as forcing your nation upon others
I say without irony that all leftists an everyone who enables their societosuicidal behavior needs to be exterminated to the last for the continued survival of the species
Good morning to you sar.
if negroes vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?
can you cite some of the stuff this jap historian has written?
He's a suit and commie party member like >>683846702 described. Yasuke was never a samurai.
>Thomas Lockley defense force thread

Stay in hiding, tom.
>black samurai
black retainer*
Leftists didn't invent Yasuke you conspiracy prone retard.
The Jap historian? He's credentialed and has written several books on the Sengoku period.
>that probably just got the job because he was tall and black
To be fair, wanting big strong men to be your body guards is hardly unique
what are his credentials you fucking retard?
Not all servants had a stipend, a sword, and a residence.
Is this the argument now? I never thought that was in question, but getting payment didn't make one a "samurai". I thought the bigger issue was the difference in that he was never as far as we know given the right to carry a longsword / katana as part of a daisho. His only status as far as we were aware was of "kosho", which could equate to more of a "squire" or servant than a full 'samurai", as opposed to something like hatamoto / "bannerman" which was far more specifically what people think of as a samurai. Aside from this if you instead say anyone in a feudal hierarchy and allowed to carry any weapon in the service of his lord (especially when literally everyone was in the service of a lord except for a handful of specifics including foreigners, ronin, outcasts or thieves etc. Farmers and artisans served their lord as well ) were all "samurai" that's stretching it. In any case, I thought Yasuke was only granted the right to wear a short sword (likely a wakazashi or tanto, not sure what the missionaries knew to make the distinction of the time, but in either case that's a bit different from say, even William Adams who was ceremonially given a daisho as part of his office; he was also made a hatamoto as I recall).
So he wasn't a samurai if he didn't commit seppuku.
Why did his university fire him, scrubbed all references to ever working with him and why did he delete his online accounts then?
Yasuke will always be a samurai, just like you will always be an incel. The only difference is that no one will remember you.
damn you whites are so fucking racist no wonder white genocide is happening and ppl support it.
>difference in that he was never as far as we know given the right to carry a longsword / katana as part of a daisho
He was. That's one of the few things that Luis Frois talked about.
He gave up his katana (Literally, it says right in the letters "catana") when he lost during the burning and that's when he was sent to India cause he was black instead of executed.
His university didn't fire him. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You chuds will believe ANY fake news you're fed. It's impossible to have a conversation with people who are this stupid and easily duped.
That doesn't mean it won't get banned. They said the same thing about Dead Space before that caught a ban back in the day.
*0.01 rupees were deposited into your Bank of India account*
his being a samurai is so certain, wiki cites three articles, all of which were written by diversity hire non-white women in the last three years and which all cite thomas lockley's discredited book?
The portuguese did not have the habit of calling blacks moors, that was a thing in european countries that never saw actual moors, the iberians spent over 200 years fighting the actual moors
He isn't, he works admin at a nursing school.
i don't think anybody is arguing that point. Like of course he got the job because his a big black nigger, it's just the fact that he was indeed a samurai.
the whole point is that he's a historical figure that's mysterious enough and out of place in the setting to base a AC protagonist on
>He's credentialed
So he doesn’t have a doctorate, got it
>has written several books on the Sengoku period.
Plenty of non-historians have written books on history. So many that it has its own sub-genre called called pop history, and it is wholly irrelevant to academic discussion.
>His university didn't fire him
Proof? They deleted any mentions to him and his program, all ties cut
>given a sword (or knife?)
>granted a fief

He was a token black dude with a sponsor - so he's being spun into being a samurai
You don't understand, foreigners are a monolith, it's only my country that has different opinions
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>Yasuke will always be a samura
is there ONE primary source that refers to him as a samurai?
there isn't. people deriving it from a single sentence written about him by some portuguese faggot
Ok, my bad, he was called a "Cafre", which is I believe a term used by the moors to use for black people but that I believe the Portuguese also used for moors. I may be wrong about that.
Either ways, he was black.
1. Lockley's book hasn't been discredited. No one cares about incel seethe.
2. Vera and Atkins independently came to the same conclusion as Lockley, as well as the Jap historian as well. There's a clear consensus that Yasuke was a samurai among historians and subject matter experts.
quick google search shows plenty of sources saying hes fired. got one to disprove it?
>Lockley's book hasn't been discredited
Its so over for you KEK
>clear consensus
no there isn't you disingenuous faggot.
i was checking the yasuke article on wiki months ago and it specifically said there's no proof he was a samurai.
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is just a video game, i dont get why people are so upset about it, nobody gave a shit when japan portrayed king arthur as some girls with an armor dress, or when they presented world war 2 as some high school drama

hell if its such a big issue for some people, they can just, not play the game
>They deleted any mentions to him and his program, all ties cut
Proof? I'm thinking that if you independently come to the conclusion that you're an easily manipulated retard who is completely wrong you'll be slightly more likely to accept it, as opposed to me telling you it again.
The Portuguese guy didn't call anyone samurais because that wasn't a word in Portuguese
He said he had a stipend, his own house, and a katana. The fuck more do you want lol
He was Oda's sword bearer and he had his own sword on top of that, one which he gave up when he got defeated. Seriously, even in the very infinitesimal chance that he was not considered a Samurai, we are really splitting hairs here.
Umm you don't need to disprove a claim someone else is making, they need to prove it themselves chud.
the fact that you are doing this for free is so fucking funny to me
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Dagger. He had a watashi.
But anon, if you cancel leftists, you'll be just as bad as leftists, they win.
Is that actually his? There is a direct quote from another (possibly the same) missionary
>He was given the right to carry a SHORT sword, along with some comfortable stuff for his guesthouse/local clothing , and he also does some stuff and talks to Oda and they seem to enjoy talking together

The quote after Nobunaga's death at the siege was something spoken by another Japanese guy
>Put down that sword, and he did so. He was then also sent to India because he's not one of us the missionaries will know what to do with him there.
There is a question if the guy was being kind and wanted to save his life vs the execution or forced suicide that would have been accepted of a local samurai for a defeated lord, or if he really though Yasuke was a beastly quasi-human, but the sword/katana he's holding at the very end and is told to put down, is different than the earlier reporting of him being granted the one to wear which as far as I can recall was only a shortsword. Its not inconceivable that he just grabbed some random katana during the siege , expecting a bunch of enemies to come in and kill him as unless there's an update of which I forgot, I didn't recall it being documented that he was granted swords plural / a daisho or that one of them was a katana even, only that he was given the right to wear a shortsword by Oda.
Its the comfort women thing all over again LMAO

japs are right about western leftist revisionism
counter claims require proof
If anyone knows Portuguese, the letters talking about Yasuke having a stipend, his own katana, being black and getting BTFO and sent to India cause he was black, are all here:


Thank you, Coimbra library
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I was actually reading the original portuguese letters earlier (https://purl.pt/15229) and the portuguese only refer to him a "cafre" (old way to say black person) and they say Nobunaga made him some kind of servant because he got impressed by his physique. It's old portuguese but quite understandable
This part in special was funny, Akechi seems to be the guy that murdered Nobunaga
"A servant of Akechi got near him and asked for his katana, said that shouldn't fear, and he gave it to him, the other asked Akechi what they should do to him, he told them: the nigger is a beast (animal?), he doesn't know anything, he's not even from Japan, don't kill him, send him to the Church of the priests of India"
are there any jap primary sources that corroborate the portuguese account?
>Lockley's book hasn't been discredited
This is by far the most outrageous thing you’ve said so far.
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So Yasuke was a samurai, obviously. Of that there can be no doubt at all ever because somehow being a retainer rather than a samurai makes all the difference for some reason

Why is it that Ubisoft, after literal decades of begging for an Asscreed:Japan, saw fit to have a foreigner as the co-protagonist? Have they ever done that before?
Lockley edited the article himself.

>Lockley was an associate professor at Nihon University. In the book, he presents certain details as "definitive," despite previously labeling them as "speculative" in an earlier Japanese edition.

>Lockley portrays Yasuke as a legendary hero. Yet the book also contains the contradictory claim that "a Black man brought by missionaries as a bodyguard was made a slave by the Japanese." These inaccuracies have been widely accepted as historical facts internationally. And many in Japan have also come to partially believe them.

>This misunderstanding was further fueled by repeated additions to Yasuke's Wikipedia entry since 2015. The edits claim that "Yasuke was a samurai." Citing Lockley's unpublished works as references, they sparked suspicions about "tottoritom" who was identified as the editor. Some believed that "tottritom" might actually be Lockley himself. He previously taught Japanese in Tottori Prefecture.

>Lockley has consistently refrained from labeling his work as fiction. Instead, he gained recognition as an expert on Yasuke by presenting his interpretations as historical facts. Consequently, the image of Yasuke as the "legendary samurai" was largely crafted by Lockley in the 21st century

Link one.
>Umm you don't need to disprove a claim someone else is making
The claim being made is that Lockley got fired. Not one chud has proven this. I'm going to entertain it and ask for a source, because I think these cultist retards will be more likely to accept that they're total fucking retards if they check and realize it themselves.
That's also where the story about Oda trying to wash him down before realizing he was actually black for real is
>I'm thinking that if you independently come to the conclusion that you're an easily manipulated retard who is completely wrong you'll be slightly more likely to accept it, as opposed to me telling you it again.
Try again, this time in english, rajeesh
How did the Portuguese guy figure all that out?
after the 'scholar' they rallied behind as proof he wuz samoorye and shiet got outed as a fraud, they are DESPERATELY grasping towards any cope they can muster to keep grip on a narrative that has already slipped from their greasy liar's palms.
The tweet is not a source you fucking retard. Where is your source? You're not dumb enough to believe everything you read on "X", right?
The other way around, mate.
A good amount of what we know about feudal Japan are Japanese books that are just translations of those very same Portuguese letters.
Again, Yasuke is mentioned in 4 lines total in the whole thing, and it's fucking bible sized.
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>>but leftism worming its way into positions of power...

you reek of retarded fucking american, i mean, holy shit motherfucker i dont know if you realize this, but leftism for the most part varies from country to country, same with ring wing politics

i mean, it was so jarring when i saw poltards throwing around the world "neoliberal" after growing up under a literal commie regime, and hearing those commies repeat that exact same term ad nauseum, because, newsflash, calling anything you dont like "neoliberalism" has been in the latin american leftist manual for literal decades
This isn't controversial and no one cares. Wikipedia actually wants subject matter experts to contribute in their area of expertise.
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Here's how he was portrayed in Onimusha
The post is in Japanese and it includes an article in Japanese so it has way more credibility than your endless coping.
>Andrii Rusanov
Sounds like a propoganda machine to me
You have to go back.
yeah but he's been embarrassed and the only reason he wasn't embarrassed earlier is because jap historians never gave a fuck about this nigger yasuke and don't speak english.
can I see the proof to the contrary now?
>cuckley fired and discredited
>parliament may start investigating
>entire Wiki page is fraudulent
Yasukefags got BTFO in their own thread again KEK KEK KEK
I wish you should shoot people through the internet so these fucking morons choosing these idiotic hills such as "YASOOKAY WUZ A SAMOORYE N SHIET" actually did die on them, for real, of being shot in their shit-filled heads for being fucking morons.
do all the yasuke fans know that the wiki article on him mere months ago said that there's no proof he was a samurai?
lmao that’s like using the CIA agent as a primary source about 1950-2000 Middle Eastern history
>have they done that before
No. Also they've never had playable historical main character, partially because it avoids this sort of bullshit nonsense. AC games always had made up protags that were typical to the settings of each title, who typically MET some sort of historical famous person who was of course adjusted a bit to fit their continuity with Templars/Assassins etc.

>There was no Ezio Auditore in Renaissance Italy
>There were Borgias, including one who was Pope, but as far was we know he didn't have an ancient aliens conspiracy staff unlock a super secret vault under the vatican. There was also Leonardo DaVinci, but as far as we know he never built his "tank" or "flying machines" that he sketched out, to be used in wars against templars seeking ancient relics.
>So Yasuke was a samurai, obviously
Citation needed.
>the only source about yusuke being a samurai is from 1 (one) portuguese guy
>The same people that thought sea monsters were real
>the same people that thought brazil and india was full of mythical creatures
>the same people that literally always exaggerated/lied in their descriptions of places/people
Sorry, but I don't walk around with proof that some guy didn't get fired on me.
You can’t be as picky the farther back in history you get. Many primary sources have long been lost.
If it weren’t for that Jesuit no one would ever even know Yasuke was ever a thing.

check it for youself.
nigs on suicide watch
>Anon only learned today that there were very few history recorders until recently
you have all the information in the world at the tip of your dalit fingers, prove him wrong or be BTFO forever like cuckley
the portuguese guy doesn't even call him a samurai.
he just saw a nigger with a sword
Rewriting history has always been part of their modus operandi.
>fake news website that cites Twitter
This is what I'm talking about. There's no source because it's fake. Lockley never got fired, nothing was erased, and his page is still up (https://researcher-web.nihon-u.ac.jp/search/detail?systemId=b821967215ac2300740660f458cd5cad&lang=ja). The source of the myth is that some glue eating Jap retard searched for Lockley's name on the Nihon university website in Katakana instead of English, and then said on X that it didn't exist because they didn't get a result. Retards on X then retweeted him, and then one of the failed alt-right outrage grifters tweeted it out in English to the western incels. A few fake news sites like the one you linked talked about the tweet, but that's it. It's completely fake. People who aren't <= 100 IQ can IMMEDIATELY spot bullshit like this because they have critical thinking skills. Chuds are REALLY fucking dumb.
why did he delete his facebook page? lol
>japs and ruskis
were these drawings based off the Russo-Japanese War?
The hat makes me think that
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>>cuckley fired and discredited

i dont know if he was fired

>>parliament may start investigating

no they wont, they already concluded is a fucking video game who fucking cares?

from the very few, and possibly biased or inaccurate info i got it seems Lockley wanted to push this version of Yasuke real hard

the thing is, this isnt particularly rare about historians, with very obscure topics that hardly that few people have investigated you do get some weird fucks pushing some strange narrative

for instance i remember a long time ago, there was this particular pro-nazi schizo who wrote some weird books about nazi super weapons, all bullshit, but it included shit like jetpacks, and this book, or rather the myth it created inspired dice to add jetpacks in the Battlefield 1942 expansion about secret weapons of WW2
>the only source about yusuke being a samurai is from 1 (one) portuguese guy
Only thing he mentions is Nobunaga gives him a stipend, home and a wakizashi. Usually upkeep associated with Samurai but Nobunaga also gifted the same things to merchants.
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>alt-right outrage grifters
You certainly can be picky if you know who the source worked for.
He was still a fiction writer who fabricated the entire thing and edited the wiki page using himself as source
Gamingcirclejerk discord raid thread
can I see the article that says lockley didnt get fired
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It doesn't confirm he was a samurai as other historians and researchers have pointed out with Hirayama's statement.
After JP Twitter anally reamed him for a few days he got his colleague to come on and say that he was wrong and there is doubt and contention as to whether he was a samurai or not.
It's interesting because Yasuke got a shortsword which does not make him a samurai. If he had been given a katana that would have been different. Nobunaga also gave swords, lands and stipends to a lot of people including a bunch of sumo wrestlers who were not samurai.
In reality there is so little written about Yasuke it's impossible to tell if he was a samurai or not.
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It just means you have to take old sources with a grain of salt. Worth consideration certainly but not to be taken at face value as fact.
And since it’s highly unlikely that any new documentation will ever be uncovered, as some is for other historical periods occasionally, this is all we’ll ever get. Personally I don’t think it’s nearly enough to justify making Yasuke the protagonist but maybe that’s the intent. There’s so little info about him it lets Ubisoft do whatever retarded shit they want.
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He gave land and money to Alessandro Valignano too. No one calls him a Samurai.
It’s just ironic the only source for Yasuke would be an in universe Templar agent kek
Yasuke being a samurai was subject matter expert consensus long before Lockley said it. This is either bait or you're too stupid for me to have a conversation with you.
can I see the article that says Lockley didnt get fired?
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>muh fake news
Rope yourself immediately.
>was subject matter expert consensus
Funny the only sources used on Wikipedia are Lockley's then.
this has to be bait.
>Yasuke being a samurai was subject matter expert consensus
It wasn’t. The only consensus was that Yasuke did exist. His actual role is entirely guesswork.
it wasnt just and your skin is too dark for anyone to be too dumb to talk down to ye
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if it's bait it's fucking shit, I think this is unironically a real troon/leftoid, they are too emotionally invested
>be incel with below average IQ
>believe alt-right grifters
>historians and subject matter experts disagree with you but you're not deterred
>"w-well based heckin anime land japan will save me, konnicha. I love the based gaps!"
>jap historian debunks you too and unequivocally says Yasuke is a samurai
>the shock is so hard that you got into denial and start screencapping random literallywhos on Twitter with 10 followers
You're literally more delusional than a fat feminist. Take the L and stop being a fucking retard.
the source isnt twitter, the source is the video and the investigation contained within but you are a liar and you chose to omit this in a cope atempt to dismiss the article
God damn, you're a fucking retard.
Oh shit guys...
Some clever Jappie should make a Japanese localisation company that tailors this game to fit to a Japanese audience.
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your beloved nigger was a glorified mule, Sorry
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Nobunaga was a very generous ruler. He gave away a lot of things.
The important pieces to note are:
The type of sword given. A dagger or short sword would be like a gift. However a long sword or Tachi would be a symbol of status as a samurai. However this is also blurred because Nobunaga had expanded the citizen army considerably allowing peasants to carry swords.
Second and probably most important, all samurai are given family names. William Adams the English samurai was given the name Miura as his family name when he became a samurai.
Yasuke however has no recorded family name. This is really the big sticking point. Even Hirayama acknowledges this. His rebuttal is that Nobunaga would have eventually given Yasuke his family name if Nobunaga had not been killed, but Yasuke was a samurai in every other aspect leading up to his death.
Of course as he states, he doesn't know. No one does. Yasuke is a man who has around 4 sentences written about him in passing in a story about one of the most written about leaders in Japanese history.
A historian, colleague and close friend of Hirayama is in that image clearly stating they don't know if Yasuke was or wasn't a samurai and Hirayama doesn't know either but they choose to believe he was even though there isn't evidence available to support it. He also notes there is no consensus among Japanese historians as to Yasuke's samurai status.
Not sure what else you're looking for in regards to the subject at hand.
Not true.
Shouting "bait" when you lack a rebuttal just highlights that you're a retard. I have no horse in this race I just hate stupid people. Yasuke was a samurai according to historians, and you will ALWAYS be an incel. Seethe.
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inbred pajeets are hard at work while munching their feces riddled panipuri as usual
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>This is why the right always loses
Say this again in November.
Yasuke was a samurai, and he will still be one after you kill yourself for being an incel.
>Not true.
Actually you're right! They source the CNN article citing Lockley too.
>Shouting "bait" when you lack a rebuttal just highlights that you're a retard
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence :3
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Wow let's see if this was posted on r/gamingcirclejerk...
And who would've guessed it's an abject subhuman? God, I fucking hate redditors
>Source? I made it up.
They cite Vera and Atkins.
Like the debunked claim that Lockley was "discredited" or "fired" :3. Fucking retard >>683849110
im married, mr imax 4K projector
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False, see: >>683849829
Your parasocial relation with a vtuber doesn't count unfortunately.
>Personally I don’t think it’s nearly enough to justify making Yasuke the protagonist but maybe that’s the intent. There’s so little info about him it lets Ubisoft do whatever retarded shit they want.

Supposedly they're going to make him in-game a former slave and/or had a slave family who died before. I hope that's not the case. In any case though, this is all the more reason that he should not have been the protag. He should have been a side character. AC games have a HUGE tradition of having both well and not well known historical characters worked into the story somehow, he would have fit perfectly. I agree with you though that he should not have been the protag specifically because

>All former AC protags are fictitious
>All former AC protags are typical to the settings they inhabit.
They should have gone with the old planned protag instead. Even his name was out there. I don't thinkit was necessary woke bullshit or whatever that resulting in the change, but rather that Ghost of Tsushima came out and basically did open world AC style gameplay in Japan and did it so well, Ubi was left grabbing at ways to differentiate themselves.

I do think there were a couple of lower creatives notably around the past few games who are REALLY pissed that people played Alexios instead of Kassandra in AC Odyssey, or Male Eivor/Havi instead of Female Eivor in Valhalla, so after the GoT shit spooked the execs, I would not be surprised if those handful decided to exploit this
>Oh well you either need to play a black guy or a woman!
but that's all secondary to the exec fear of GoT.
I love how you can tell it’s just one guy in this thread defending this shit lel
False, see >>683850104
8K 35mm IMAX THX soundsystem projection
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And remember that most of the time these fags are literal redditors that spend all their time seething in culture war brainrot subs like this fag here >>683850064
The chuds in this thread are mindbroken after suffering such a devastating defeat. They got humiliated kek.
>get caught lying about the source of the article
>starts having a pajeet meltdown
Lmao, the video BTFO you
Unironic kino.
>They cite Vera and Atkins.
Who also use Lockley's work as their source.
>congress may investigate this falsehood
ts NOT looking good for yasukecel redditors... YIKES
the fix is already in. Kamala is already your president, you just don't know it yet
lock key was a top tier grifter. i have to hand it to him. he capitalized spectacularly on the west's obsession with niggers, the lack of it among japs, and the fact that japs dont speak english
Why is /v/ so pozzed these days?
>yasucuck coping niggerlovers are OP quotting newfags
who knew
I haven’t played AC since Black Flag but do they modern ones still have blend in and trail missions? Can’t imagine they’ll do it for this game.
This is false. Neither Vera or Atkins cite Lockley.
You need to stop believing everything you read on social media.
>[ ] Thread deleted
>[ ] Moved to /pol/
>[X] Autosage
Just give up already janny.
>Neither Vera or Atkins cite Lockley
post their actual sources and a screenshot then
A Youtube video is not a source you fucking retard. This has to be bait.
>thinks autosage is sneaky and will prevent retaliatory reposting
>people notice it instantly and it just encourages even hard reposting to spite him for trying to be sneaky about FOR FREEing it
what was his plan here
I understand this is one of the last copes for chuds but it was already debunked >>683847196

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