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>Favorite new character?
>Favorite moment in the new trailer?


Well, at least Noob's design is better than 11's. They'll never reach the peak that was 9's though. Coolest design in any fighting game, ever.
>>Favorite new character?
>>Favorite moment in the new trailer?
Ghostface reveal
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dangerously based
How did they come up with the CLEANEST fit you've ever seen a ninja have and then never once reuse it?
MK9 was based but lightning in a bottle. Every MK game after that has been a downgrade.
>crossover slop
wow neat, never seen this before
what's with that random cop?
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She’s gonna end up being Johnny’s new girlfriend
Why is there a random policeman in MK? WTF is this gay shit. ACAB
that's a man
I didnt like MK11 but this series has been on the decline X onward
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>mk9 girls are hot guys
>THIS will sell our game, bros.
I'll never understand this, so many studios go under doing this shit.
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Conan The Adventurer
Conan warrior without fear
He's more powerful than any man
Whose legend ever crossed the land or sea

>Conan, the mightiest warrior ever! His quest, to undo the spell of living stone cast upon his family by driving the evil serpent men back into another dimension and vanquishing their leader, the cruel wizard Wrath-A-Mon!

Conan The Adventurer
Conan man of bravery
With his mighty sword
Protecting the mightiest
Of warriors is he

Their big booba distracted me enough that their faces were a non-issue.
>complain about 11skarlets lame and shitty gameplay for subhumans
>trannies start spamming pictures of the models
Zoners = troons, confirmed
You're like 45, go back.
And that's unironically a good thing
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Looks like shit
is that derek chauvin? I wonder what kind of moves he will have....
I miss MK9 so much

Something about it just feels so good in a way NRS has never replicated for me
The only /pol/ thing is that picture, bro, but alas, chase that modern audience, one day you'll find them, I'm sure.
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We really peaked with 11
Can someone make an AI voice cover of this and add it to the original mk theme? I’m not creating a google or apple account to sign up for that shit.

They made MK into a marvel multiverse capeshit lmaoooo
MK sucks all around, the only good characters have busted zoning or someone at NRS thought itd be revolutionary to make strings that feed into other strings. Its absolutely nuts seeing other fighting games debate "what can we add without changing the core of the game" while MK is still struggling with "How do I make a fullscreen fireball not broken?"
Why? Black women are ugly and don’t like white men anyway. This appeals to no one
Mk has always been marvel multiverse shit. You’re just a zoomer with brain rot trying to fit in.
We peaked at 9 and X, don't let MK1 being dogshit trick you into thinking MK11 was passable
There was already a thread and it hadn't reach bump limit, you faggot
Yeah, it's the equivalent of 45 year old self hating old white basedboys screaming poggers, this franchise is hilariously fucked.
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Youve never been nice to a black woman. if you kill their bitchy attitude with kindness, they will stick to your hip like a hungry lost puppy.
Because Sonya sucks and always has
No point in reporting these threads, they got /v/ rented out for two days.
nigger i played MK 2 and 3 on the SNES
this is not cheesy violence its pure cringe
>the shiny metallic goop-like transformation
Khrome is finally in, fellas!
the faces are fin in mk1 no amount of getting images of characters mouths open yelling will change that you did the same shit when mk11 shut hte fuck up and fuck off
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Won’t happen. Cassie is still white.
scary movie has ruined ghostface for me, all i can think of when i see him now is him running down the stairs with the piano behind him
>Hating on cheesy yet fun animated intros
11 faces on 9 bodies is a place we'll never reach
>defending crossover slop
wow neat, never seen this before
do you idiots think outworld and every other realm is the same as erthrelm?
>Cyrax and Sektor are women now
It’s all so tiresome.
>lost the FGC
>lost the normies because they couldn't stop backwashing the cast and making them all ugly

Good riddance. I never thought mk was a good fighting game to begin with. It has always relied too heavily on shock value over quality. Now that they're fully woke and broke we can safely forget they ever existed.
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Scream is one of my favorite movie franchises of all time, but i genuinely don't find the point of adding Ghostface, it's not a supernatural killer like Myers or Jason, it's almost always some scrawny teenager who gets his ass kicked a lot, he doesn't really have any gimmicks that would translate well into vidya, specially MK of all things, he's just a guy with a knife at the end of the day, so might as well have added Kano.
triborg was fucking cool and I'm tired of pretending he wasn't
>9 bodies
hell no the body's where dogshit the only think you fools liked where the boobs
>''let TRUE warriors handle this''
You have never interacted with a black woman.
You treat them nice, they will roll over your ass and not in the way you fantasize about
9s outfits then
>lost the FGC
who gives a fuck waht the fgc thinks
Based. Cyborgfags didn't know how could they had things back then. They had the gall to bitch about Trichad and now look what's happened. Thye reap what they sow.
Give these NAFO shills IPs to the Russians.
nah, I had 3 black chicks at work all about me, dont put them on a pedestal and gently remind them that you arent their enemy and theyll swoon
I can't believe they gave the red and yellow robots a personality. I hate women.
>different worlds != timelines
dumb fucking shill
Mortal Kombat used to have cool lore between the realms before all this timeline shit was introduced in 11. You could argue it started at 9 but if they had just stuck with the bed they made through X they could have preserved at least some of the old MK's feel
>make fighting game
>dont appeal to a community of fighting game players
>game is ded
yeah who gives a fuck!
fond a new word faggot
>lost the FGC
good, mortal combat should be a fighting game you play drunk with the boy at a party and nothing more, none of that esports shit
fellate a shotgun, shill
the game is doing just fine without them and there 12 thousand prize pools
>3/6 guest characters
>2/3 of returning MK characters are gender swapped for whatever reason
they somehow managed to pull a worse season pass than SF6 season 2
If you dont pull out the mario kart at a party, you arent getting any pussy.
>I am an evil red cyborg, I have great ambitions to take over reform my ninja clan into the greatest assassin clan on Earth
>I am the yellow cyborg, I regained my morality after being forcibly turned into a machine and want to atone
>We are... le ironman women! We are true warriors! step aside, MOID
yep, real upgrade
>play drunk with the boy at a party
I really don't think hitting the whole 50 year old homosexual white male demographic is doing it for your company, bud.
Why is Mortal Kombat collabwhoring so hard?
And those guest characters suck and don't fit MK
The feel of Kombat Kids, a destroyed world, and most of the kharacters people like being zombie slaves?
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muh fgc guys
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Hating stuff because it's popular isn't a personality

Neither are true
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Very delighted every woman looks like a bland 41 year old Asian cleaner
WB owns MK. They put characters from their movies in them.
All these gores and topless men and yet not a single women tits in sight.
Not marketed towards me, so I will decline to purchase your product marketer-kun.
The bodies in 9 were terrible. Square linebacker shoulders, zero hips, fridgey bodies. All they had was tits bolted on.
I wonder how Ed feels about WB zoggifying his baby like this
I think a non arnold Conan would be great.
Terminator AGAIN is a bad pick
Ghostface is 2 games too late.
make conan look like this and have all of his moves absolutely brutalize his enemies, when he wins have big titty blondes run out and start rubbing up on him.
Defending stuff because it's popular isn't a personality
OK. Every new thread you troons make is another 50 shells.
You seem quite mad.
>guy guys if io get bad shots of the characters i win
no and i still wont find mk9 girls cute fuck off kid
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>movie slop
>monster energy ninja
>female and obviously black sector/cyrax
>movie slop
>movie slop
holy shit i'm glad i'm not a current gen mk fan
None of you have never interacted with black women.
Just give her some hot Cheetos and she'll suck your dick so hard you'll think Shang's eating your soul.
Bad shots? I took those from their character page on the Mortal Kombat website, bar the unmasked Kitana and Sektor from the trailer
i really miss my ninjas being ninjas, man

ermac being a gay mummy and rain being whatever the fuck he is is a tragedy
55 shells. Keep it up, going to be taking requests for messages signed soon.
Both are correct, you are wrong
Marketers mad
Lmao of course Dario is back with his ESL shilling. Been a while since I've seen him doing damage control.
>post says nothing about MK9
MK might be a woke franchise now, but Cyrax has ALWAYS been black as a human since MK4.

you arent even an original MK fan.
Don't know, i think MK used up all characters that could fit the tone of the games, and even in X there was the odd character like Leatherface. This is just desperate in a "Batman vs Predator" kind of way
I don't think this Russian artillery guy likes them very much.
Yes and they ended up kill half the kombat kids anyway
You forgot about the hot dill pickle
those female robots are kind of hot.
Do they know Scream is literally just some regular guy?
Maybe in your fantasies lmao
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Somehow even Nitara manages to look similar despite ostensibly being the "hot character". What a drop from 11's varied facial shapes and races.
Who the fuck shells hohols at 3 in the morning? Go sleep, vatnik.
>guy going off about his random twitter account boogeyman
It's almost like /mkg/ never left
God damn Jade was so fucking beautiful.
>Use Ghostface just when the Scream renaissance died out and the new movie is in production hell after losing its director and its two leads
Cyrax was literally always a black dude
Warner brothers owns Captain Planet. Why is he not in?
oh I fully agree. MK is trying very hard to be fighting game fortnite, but their picks are gay and not directed at anyone who likes fighting games. Fucking Terry and Heihachi got a bigger pop off than T1000 and Ghostface
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For me it's Sareena
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What's the number one thing that comes to mind when you think of Ashrah from the 3D era? Bigass hat.

Naturally when she returns to MK for the first time since Armageddon...no hat.
I bet Scream could easily kill everyone on /v/.
Her alternate costume has the hat, you dumb retard.
Why are you faggots so mad holy shit the seethe in this thread.
She does on her alt skin
modern audience isn't real, shills are reduced to talk to eachother because nobody cares.
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Not even the Kameos were safe.
killers don't kill other psychopaths, anon
I am safe
>big reveal of characters
>yawn, this sucks
youre about 15 years late for that meme, trannyshill
There's a Russian shelling Ukranians because of this thread, it's wild.
it's a me dario
Why are the cyborg girls now?
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No you retard, someone like Jason fits in MK, but fags like Rambo and fucking Conan?
can you AT LEAST have the decency to play A MK game before spouting shit?

Female Khameleon is from MK Trilogy for the N64, Male Chameleon is the one of the PSX version.
>it's canon that Sindel has received a cunnilingus
>muh mk9 manjaw! skarlet looks better!
>Talkin bout your stepchild he buckwild
>talkin bout you're flipwild, you flipchild
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Frost a kute in MK11
it's johnny cage
Someone ask the Russian to write "MODERN AUDIENCE" in English on the round and take a picture, want to send it to Ed Boon.
yeah, from me
Man just take all the horror movie characters and make a separate game. Same with action movie characters. I'd buy them both but fuck having them nickle and dime them into each mk game here and there.
I know who Khameleon is, anon. I'm pointing out her lantern jaw under the mask.
>it's canon that Sindel has received analingus
>conan and terminator is movie slop
>>muh mk9 manjaw! skarlet looks better!
We're talking about Mortal Kombat 1, which Skarlet is not in, and no one is comparing favorably to MK11. Try to keep up.
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>wow, these face scans are ugly, is NRS woke and forcing ugly women on me?
>look them up
>they all look totally normal or even attractive IRL
>realize NRS is just incompetent, and probably staffed by homosexuals
From who
Uhhh anon, what do you think Multiversus is for?
as long as you get away from the default hair
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Li Mei is for kute JUSTICE!
how is Arnie Conan and the T-1000 not movie slop? edumacate me
>still no crossplay
Yeah fuck off shill
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Sonya actually looks fine however.
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>it's canon that Sindel has a dick
Muh dick
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Here, anon. Here's a (you). I felt bad no one was paying attention to your sad LARP.
MK9 girls have horrendous manjaws. So does Khameleon in MK1. Both things can be true at the same time.
>"It is I! The Lightbringer!"
ypoдливaя кopoвa
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What's she thinking /v/?
a bunch of fucking trannies
this is true, but anyone who tries to talk shit about MK9 in favor of any MK game that came after it is undeniably a tranny on the verge of selftermination. I dont think its a controversial statement that MK9 onward is ugly bitches with a couple exceptions, but poorly drawn bimbos will always mog ugly flat lesbians. And 9 is the better MK by far
You’re probably too young to remember, but he’s a character from the older MK games.
Terminator is like the greatest action movie to exist. Succeeded only by it's sequel.
the T-1000 is from T2 you fucking moronsky, also no.
Female Sektor and female Cyrax? Cute.
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i bought this game a few months ago because I love MK but I could never get into it much, it and SF6 (which I didn't play either) are probably the only AAA titles I've bought in half a decade or more

what the fuck is all this DLC, didn't I pay seventy dollars for the base game?
You're a sweaty poser.
kill yourself
I don't even know what that means Anon.
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your parents just want their son back
It's a f2p smash clone with WB characters
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can only get them mugging at the camera?
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What went so wrong bros?
No, the faces were somewhat better in MKX, and vastly better in MK11, since that followed IJ2 where they finally overhauled how they made faces, because NRS can't model for shit.

MK1 has crap looking faces because everyone looks bland and average, and all the looks are too similar.
that trash is supposed to be noob?
>megan fox
>megan fox's voice
>no black hair
>no weird pirate-y look with the eyepatch
These are unironic resetera boomers, anon, parents are all probably mercifully dead, the anguish of raising gigantic faggots must have been rough.
It's amazing how they can make the cutscenes in a video game, a medium where you aren't bound by the limitations of reality, look as cheap in their choreography as modern film. The jumps look like they're being hoisted up with wires, the punches look fake, and their movements look as stiff as a mo-cap actor trying to move around in invisible armor.
>can only get them mugging at the camera?
can I get 11 mileena but with the fiery eyes of 9
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Megan Fox isn't attractive and isn't a good actress, and their new Nitara is the same bland looking chick but with wings.
Megan Fox can't voice act.
I get it. She was good in Jennifer's Body and she says she likes the games, but they needed to learn from Rousey that they can't just put any random celebs in.
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>We'll never see Nitara in a game after this
So this is what suffering feels like
Yeah, if it weren't for the brand having a bit of value left, this shit would be a solid 4/10.

Hope they don't close down, though, it would be sad if MK went down, even if it is incredibly gay these days.
Ashrah looks terrible even here.
How is any of the gore going to work with the T-1000? It has no organs or anything similar, it's just liquid metal
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noooooo you have to get the image of her mugging at the camera
Who is this? Outworld's ultimate Karen?
Liquid metal organs
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>I'm the only person who liked ferra/torr and kollector
She wants to talk to the Tranager
so you going to tell us how she is bad?
The most literal who nu mk character
Stop sharing your fantasies with us, homo. Go back to your shemale threads on /gif/.
I'm sure that dead whore of a mother you had is smiling down on you, sad faggot.
Fox me it's X art style
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Turns himself into a pufferfish, funniest shit I've ever seen
its so funny how this faggot was yelling at everybody how mk9 shit was good then gets told to fuck off then he starts crying about the jaws in other games and they still look better then the mk9 trash
It's okay, bro. I liked Ferra and Kollector, too.
I hated Kotal, though.
Ed Boon sure loves ESG money
>mortal kombat sexiness peaked at 9 which release around 2009
>occupy wallstreet happened around 2012

Crazy how you can literally just pinpoint how everything went to shit around this time.
what in the fuck does this even mean
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i loved kotal, too, him and goro were my most played in X
What ESG money? WBG is in shit.
MK11 was just peak character design in this series. Nu-MK just pales in comparison to it and everyone from Outworld looks Filipino for some reason.

If you're not mentally retarded, you can figure that answer out on your own.
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What's your issue with movies?
Competency crisis strikes again

The golden years of gaming are past us thanks to (((Blackrock))) ESG DEI woke shit
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So what Kutetile turn into for his animality?I'm hoping for monkey again.
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Aliens is better.
ew no looks like they tried to make the face look bad on purpose
insanely ugly
ugly as fuck
eh in the middle, would, WOULD, ugly as fuck, zoro, ugly, would, ugly
insanely ugly
she was cute and im sick of people saying she wasnt
ugly nogbot, sektor ugly too
means your faggot dad shouldn't have blown his load in your whore mother you fucking gay excuse for a human
dude says some random shit and thinks i am supposed to know
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In light of these new ugly female ogres they are parading around. Here's 50 year old Sonya Blade.
nevermind.... i thought they were robots....
wait, how is she an adult in this? MKX established Torr is the adult form of their species, she's a juvenile, when she matures she'll take his place as the adult form with a new juvenile riding them
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I liked Ferra/Torr. Kollector was whatever.
mortal kombat has never had sexy women, only jiggly ones
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>the game is doing just fine
It was back on track earlier this year and they're pumping the big bucks into get Neve back.
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What's the difference?
She's intentionally ugly?
it's just common sense for people who are not chronically online in Resetera and Reddit all day long, touch grass
I'd buy this just for the T-1000.
and how is it not you are about to spam some steam number in my face or go on about some evo number that dont matter?
We have to....fuck gilfs?
You're acting like those are cherrypicked, they're literally their renders on the official MK1 site
black women come up to me and pat my head because i have dog hair
>who are not chronically online
Self-awareness low
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>when the piano hits the grandma
and they don't, go away.
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>peaked at 9
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yeah probably
good question
I think they had higher sex appeal despite much worse models because they flaunted it more
they were shamelessly jiggly and fun to watch
mk1's are very hit-miss for me
Tekken 8
>Barely any women
>All the women are ugly/look like men

Is this genre for homosex?
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Peak Sindel is MK9
Thank god he doesn't have that shit voice filter from MK11.
Post your MK1 playtime.
Who are not chronically online IN RESETERA AND REDDIT. Learn to read, ESL-kun.
It's wild how hag sindel is by far the hottest character in mk1 even up against literal princesses like kitana. Like it's not even close, sindel actual looks like a human and not some ugly caricature, why couldn't they just make every female character attractive
the mk9 faggot is assblasted as fuck
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>"dam, those female cyborgs look hot"
>watch trailer
>generic strong woman one liners, not even using robot voice filter
that's a man
3 hours
so yes?
i don't play these games. just an observation.
screenshot it, fag, so we know you aren't just a shill
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That's just straight up wrong
Way too old
Why do you only have MK1?
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Yeah they were a good idea for a fighter and should have been in MK 11
9 and X are on my playstations
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I miss her so much bros it hurts
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So are all Sindelfags just fags with mommy issues?
>Neve back
Oof, they're really desperate
no it's because she's the only hot character in the damn game. only one that looks like a female too,
who's your mk1 best girl?
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>Sektor and Cyrax transformed into womyn
>UGLY womyn
>not even real cyborgs, they're just wearing Iron Man suits
>let the REAL warriors take care of this!
>make no mistake, we are here because of your -mumbles-

oh my fucking god I HATE girlboss characters SO MUCH

why not make new characters? why ruin the existing ones?
the ONLY good thing I've seen from these two is that the Cyrax cyber-net became some sort of expanding foam thing, I liked the idea (though ingame, visually it looks like shit)
Why is half the cast just movie characters
Unironically feel sorry for you.

Just leave these fags to their thread.
>he likes bolt ons, nohips and abs on women
uber faggot
is this the only thing you faggots are going to talk about?
who is fun to play in mk1
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>Mk1 Sindel
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meanwhile, actual ingame Jade
They're not cyborgs. In this timeline, they're just wearing power-armor.
I hate when this place makes me feel old
>harumi relegated to being a kameo
>we instead get genderswapped bots
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you faggots tried so hard to foce this image to be a thing
Go back where? 4chan hasn't updated it's UI in two decades. This is a boomer site. Stick to tiktok zoomzoom
is that the actual Ghostface, or Funworld Ghostface Costume Guy like in DBD
her voice does not match her face being so young; do all african women sound middle-aged?
You tell me, look at this guy's steam account, they're little hub of mattress on the floor tier cat piss smelling schizoids. I feel bad for being mean to them.
Supposedly guest characters sold better than the MK DLC ones when they were sold separately in previous games.
why are half the Smash characters not from Nintendo
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Fuck off. We need Jade, Sareena, Sonya, Kira playable before her
Where the white women at?
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No one who plays MK past MKX, plays it for gameplay. Let's be honest here: THE MORTAL KOMBAT FRANCHISE IS FOR BESTGORE.COOOMERS.
Is this a fucking joke?

Shitty movie Cameo characters over the game characters AGAIN and not only that but the retarded rumours of cyrax now being a black wohman turned out to not only be true but they also made sektor a woman as well??
Fuck mk1
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Absolutely. Does Kahn look like the type of OUTworld ruler who'd mess with nasty roasties?
Don't be a dick, it's all these guys have.
his steam account is cool, actually
He asked about scary movies
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Mon Dieu!
Let the internet know, /v/ is not without empathy, enjoy your threads, guys. Your game looks very nice.
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I want to live in the timeline where this bratty whore gets dolled up in cute costumes for my uoooh-ing pleasure
yes it's very nice, have a nice weekend.
stop talking about my steam account
Why the fuck are cyrax and sektor now both black women?
And WHY can we see their human faces since there meant to be robots now? Is this just more dei crap?

Why is noob even there! Bi-han didn't die. Why is he monster energy drink ninja?
sektor is japanese
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>I'll never understand this, so many studios go under doing this shit.
Because picrel are the consultants and writers in western corporations.
THATS meant to be a japanese woman? Working with cyrax that's a black woman? Really.......
>most conventionally cute character is a crazy warpainted savage
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I for one am ready for the Sheborgs
that is a lie but go on being retarded as always
is it just me or ghostfaces mask huge?
Suppose you're right, oh well, nothing we can do about it, it's their money.
Batman vs Predator was a good comic
you never read it.
I did.
which one of you did?
is /pol/ In the room with you right now anon?
please understand, mk1 is so shit that they rather talk about something else despite being the thread topic
>The First Supper
technically, you didn't, that probably happened back when you were a male, you can't really carry those things with you now. So, y'know, do better and stuff.
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it's actually one single very crazy schizoid flipping its lid whenever something happens in MK. He's probably taking a shit or something now "they" will be back shortly.
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Follow me anons, Raiden has asked me to lead you to the hot MK women
The ones funded by the bad guys are designed heavily to subvert people who traditionally like the genre. It's a target due to how traditionally straight male focused these games were. Indie and AA fightan all have beautiful women in fun outfits.

I want to fuck nu Tanya and r63 Cyrax regardless and am glad I got the game on PC for mods.
Will Li Mei be his waifu again?
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It's over anons, M1K is dead, Street Fighter won. You're coming back with me.
I like this skin.
I haven't followed MK's story after X, is Raiden still the blunder god jobber or did he managed to achieve some wins?
> No wai pee poh the game.
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They're planning on it
I don't think it's very normal to play a game for 3 hours but post about it for days on end pretending to be multiple people.
Will MK ever experiment with it's story mode like during the ps2 era?
Deception Konquest was pure kino despite being unfinished and unpolished.
Exactly. What the fuck do horror villains have to do with mortal kombat? Nothing. Not a god damned thing.
Look at the photos of the people involved in western gaming and media companies, I am not making this up from "sjw cringe compilation xD" shit from 2015, corporations are now very open about how dyed-hair white women are now their writers, just look up their Twitter and other social media posts, picrel has just recently joined CD Projekt Red.
Bring me Shinnok or bring me death.

Bring me Jade or bring me death.

Bring me Kotal or bring me death.

Bring me Kabal or bring me death.

Bring me Goro or bring me death.

Bring me Sareena or bring me death.
I can feel the DEI being forced into this game through the preview. I wonder if they will have a Gayality? Wrap someone up in a trans flag or something? What a weird timeline..
I tried to upload the picrel but this fucking shithole of a website is now no longer permitting file upload from incognito, here is the post: https://x.com/TPPNewsNetwork/status/1810739473732489683
It's over for AAA gaming. Every game will have this shit now.
I get it, anon, but it's completely out of my control what executives do with their investors money, if they do dumb shit, well you simply move on. Fixating on dead or dying franchises isn't good for you. There's a lot of other shit out there.
God damn she is still fine as fuck.
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>get Arnie's likeness twice
>can't get Arnie himself to voice them and have to hire impersonators
That's very cool, anon, we're all happy for you.
Were Sector and Cyrax always women?
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my ambiguously brown ethnicity bloodwife
People change, be more open minded.
Raiden is now the annoyingly nice and humble mortal Chosen One. He doesn't really do much memorable stuff really. The Outworlders and the Johnny+Kenshi bromance were the SOVL in the campaign.
Liu doesn't really blunder as Earthrealm's new god, though, which is a plus.
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If Boon would have known what were to become of MK, would he have left as early as Tobias did?
>remember Conan?
>Remember masculine action movies?
>Remember fantasy with hot naked babes?
>Remember how this exact thing literally couldnt be made today? Including in the Mortal Kombat games?
>Okay well pay us for the nostalgia!!!
Will you chill the fuck out with your veiled racism, please?
I would fuck nu-Kitana silly, sue me.
>Conan without the sexy babes
uh oh
A thread died for this woke tranny bullshit?
Are they even robots in this one? They look like they're just wearing Iron Man But Ninja suits.
The fantasy with a mostly naked muscular man in fur undies?
Totally hetero, bro.
It's a long story, the MK schizo is one of the mods brothers, he's harmless, so just deal with it.
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Eat shit Muslim Wokebat pigs
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>Guest characters
I don't even know why they bother with Mortal Kombat anymore, it's clear NRS would be better off making a horror fighting game.
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why do the women in these games always have flat chests and asses?
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I wonder what the kondiment twins think of the borgs being female and not borgs anymore.
I wonder if they all seem proportionally similar because they can't handle animating fatalities on different face shapes for whatever reason? as long as there's eyegouging or mouth related fatalities at least (which im pretty sure this game does have) then introducing more diverse proportions could introduce issues that the animation team isn't prepared for, and we all know the NRS animators are shit
So being a black guy isn't good enough? They just HAD to make Cyrax into an African woman?
Who is the mohawk guy with the energy blasts who was beaten up by both Noob and Havik?
Robutts looking rather zesty. Who's the nigga in black?
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remember that thing on MTV about the sexy videogame characters?

and Jade was one of them?
she had that whole thing where she slapped her ass
this was back in the PS2 era

which goes to show:
You would have preferred an African man? Is that what you're saying? You wanted a big, beefy, meaty, dark African man instead of a woman? Huh?
>all season passes MUST be 50% guest slop
>Cyrax and Sektor are scrawny women in power armor now
I hate this shit
>the only playable black male in MK1 is literally a servant in the story
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Look at what they took from you.
Jade, Kung Jin and Cassie have been datamined. It's unknown if they've been scrapped or just coming later.
WOULD fill frost with my ice cream if you know what I mean...
>multiverse crap
>Noob’s design ruined by ugly random green parts
>needlessly sex-swapped Cyrax and Sektor
>more Shirai Ryu wank if the leak of Cyrax switching sides is also true
>boring guests with no apparent connection besides being in violent films
Only the Animalities excite me.
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>People on Twitter complaining at no female guests
Guess they don't realize this is the designated "Gay" fighter
Bring back Shinnok or GET THE FUCK OUT.
Good one you fucking faggot. You're right drag queens and trannies and dykes in all our media is so much better.
Bet they did that on purpose so people would pre-order for the classic costume.
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>Horror character that isnt Ash Williams
>Noon Saibot with a retarded redesign
>Worst version of Conan the Barbarian
>ANOTHER Terminator character
Its unironically shit. Its somehow worse than the first pass, and that turd was loaded with capeshit characters. Fuck you, Ed.
Who is a female guest whose owners would be willing to see fatalitied? I can't really think of any tbdesu
>first ermac
>now noob
but sextor lol! the robot head stays on during sex. lol!
Didn't they already have ghost face in 10 or something?

I actually cannot believe they don't have Judge Dredd in this franchise yet. Along with Judge Death. It just doesn't make sense. Unless they're keeping him for the next Injustice game
Black men
We need to go back to video game crossovers, like fuck all the Jp Fighting Games are crossing over, hit up the KI team and get Hisako into MK, or fucking Doomguy or something. There's a ton of western games that could work for getting people outside of MK fans to check out the games. Certainly more than fucking Scream.
Ghostface & Terminator are the only ones I want, so thanks for saving me some money, Boon.
Take your HRT meds, tranny wokey
mk1 is woke thoughever
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Maybe Selene from Underworld? The Bride from Kill Bill? Selma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn..the Fem Terminator, the chick from Planet Terror with the gun leg, I feel like the problem is I doubt any of them would get pop offs
what racism, i want to make fuck with her
No kameo???
why these shitty new redesigns look somehow MORE like random people in costumes than the classic original games?
How is noob there if subzero is alive. Why does noob look like an advert for monster energy drink
Would be funny if they kept reptile's old animality.
Queen of the Damned, since we're going with cult movies that haven't been relevant in years.
Yeah fuck trannies, thats why I buy corporate DEI ESG SweetbabyInc niggerworship games like Mortal Kombat from the very Jewish Warner Bros
That is subzero after he was dared to drink a 36 pack of monster energy in one sitting by Havik.
Cyrax and Sektor haven't been in a main game since MK9. And not I don't count MKX when they were a variation and MK11 when they weren't playable outside of PC mods. And T-1000 is scratching that long awaited liquid metal ninja. Ghostface is fucking weird though, but they had Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface in the past.
i used to laugh at other M. I don't even care that much for MK, so why do i feel so sad looking at it?
Nigga go astroturf this pozzed shit on redit.
>cult movies that haven't been relevant in years
Not a chick, but give me fucking Billy Zane from Demon Knight
He can be a summoner guy
Dead franchise.
That's the point you dumb tranny fuck
No, unfortunately.
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It's men o'clock post hot MK men
>How is noob there if subzero is alive. Why does noob look like an advert for monster energy drink

Don't think about it too much, just consoom your Mattel action figurines.
I think with this we should just put MK to bed. They threw it all away after mk11 and now we have this...
Its become the equivalent of drinking your own piss with a smile on your face
How do I stop being attracted to black/brown women
>I want to fuck ______
Bot posts are so boring.
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She's not brown in the least
Fucking KEK
I want to have soft, sensual marital relations with Syzoth
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>Make Mileena into a 5 year old in a grown woman's body in MK9
>Cassie defeats Shinnok in MKX
>Frost a borg in MK11
>Sindel always evil in MK11
>Borgs are now female in M1K
>Sisterhood of Shadow in M1K
The future is female MKbros, anyone states otherwise is sexist
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>t. Ashrah
Seconding this
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This first post is literally making MK woke DEI trannies seethe. BASED POST OF THE DAY! OP BTFO
She can't even have a massive hat anymore
t. eceleb/tranny fucker
Fuck off to your Assmongoloid thread
The only major goons Crunchy's BoS has ever had are the Miserable Sluts
The Sil from Species.... honestly now that I think about it I'm amazed they haven't done or attempted Chucky
What the fuck are those Cyrax and Sektor?
>/v/ cant enjoy games if the girls doesnt make their weak peepees hard

Thank god I am gay and dont have to deal with shit like that
They've been shitting on Cyrax and Sektor fans for 3 fucking games straight. WHY. They are the fucking OGs. Not only did they relegate them to fucking kameos on launch BUT NOW THIS WHY YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKERS
Kill yourself zoom zoom
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Movie Conan isn't Conan at all. Its extremely bad fan faction
Cope x6
>They are the fucking OGs
>weren't around until MK3
Stryker and Nightwolf came out in the same game
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Okay if you guys are such big MK fans, tell me your favorite MK character right now.
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MKX was my favorite just because he finally got to be playable again. Punch walking fags online was fun.
>see OP image
>saw cop uniform at a glance and thought my man was finally back
>realize it’s just some guest character trash
>go back to having zero interest in MK1
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Best girl coming through
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My nigga smoke
I love futa so fucking much lads
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All of them
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The one who just needs love.
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I loved Triborg. Loved the design, the idea when bringing the borgs to MKX since it had the variation system it'd make more sense to bundle them up, making the variationless actually a "secret character", Cyber Subzero, I loved the moveset and kombos of all 4 variations. Sektor's air charge, his vertical missiles bullshit setup, Smoke's bullshit resets, I think this is Cyrax's most balanced and coolest looking combos in the series, and oh my god Cyber Subzero has the most stylish moves and kombos in the entire game, and the power up system, and the kombos using divekicks to land and continue komboing fast as fuck. Cyber Subzero needed a bit of a damage buff though, I think if they just removed the damage scaling from the divekicks in the middle of the kombos that didn't even hit the opponent and only were used for mobility I think he'd be perfect.
Kung lao
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Why, the most popular MK female, Kitana, of course
Can't wait to watch the story and fatalities on youtube, without having to pay a single cent.
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They're part of his harem now. Based LiuCHAD.
In his defense he thought they were just robots and did the asian thing where he designed an inanimate object into a waifu. But Shang Tsung meddled in the process.
>In his defense he thought they were just robots

I know that you're joking but this can't even be the case, this is Mortal Kombat 9 Part 2 Liu Kang, which means he has seen their human form

It's impossible. MK11 was when the men of MK were at their peak sexiness. MK1 is a major downgrade by comparison.
Looks like shit
>Cyrax and Sektor
>Not even robots or cyborgs, just wearing Iron-Man armor

These fucking devs I swear
>Schizo who hates MK9 is in the thread
Imagine being a shill for MK11 and MK1.
It goes down like this:
Sonya MK9 >>> Sonya MK11 (not even that good, but MK11's Sonya design even got mocked by the girl that performed as Sonya back in MK3)
Skarlet MK9 > Skarlet MK11
JadeMK9 << JadeMK11
KitanaMK9 < KitanaMK11
SindelMK9 > SindelMK11
MileenaMK9 >>>>>>>>> MileenaMK11
Everyone on this list gets mogged by MKX Mileena either way so I dont know what's with the cherrypicking on this picture. Go see if anyone finds that terrible Mileena with dreadlocks design in MK11 attractive.
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>more crossover slop instead of making a good game for once
Ermac (deception) is my fav edgykino
Johnny Cage when performed by Linden Ashby followed by Johnny Cage on the first two games of the netherrealm era
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
Shang Tsung
Kung Lao
Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang)
Shao Kahn
Quan Chi
Bo Rai Cho
Hsu Hao
Li Mei
>MK (2011)
Cassie Cage
Erron Black
Ferra + Torr
Kung Jin

No new kombatants were introduced to the mainline series in MK1
>sektor and cyrax turned into nigger women
Are you blind?
Are the robots supossed to be Ketchup and Mustard?
If so, why do they look so... Anorexic? I dont know but something feels incredibly weird about that design.
Noob as well, but at least he's recognizable for anyone
So why are people pretending to care about MK?
Sektor's japanese, you dumb blind retard. Niggers have mind broken you.
Ah Mr Swords & Sorcery himself
>maybe if I double down on being retarded I’ll win the argument
Sorry but no
>>Sindel MK9 > MK11
you are a fucking imbecile
None of the new characters appeal to me that much. Ghost Face is kinda cool for the hype but I’m not even a casual fan, only seen 2 films.

I don’t even know what Conan is
Fuck Terminator and T2.
JadeMK9 << JadeMK11
KitanaMK9 < KitanaMK11

I'm going to cut off your left ear and it eat in front of you
Conan is the progenitor of Swords & Sorcery subgenre.
Fun Fact: Both Cthulhu and Conan originated from the same magazine which was Weird Tales.
literally a testosterone enhancer.

Weird that cartoon has such a small fanbase. Much better than most 80s and 90s slop.
Sorry but I dont find backstabbers to be that appealing
I am sorry that you have such a bad taste, ESL-kun.
Howard only wrote Conan stuff for like 3 years before he got bored and moved to westerns
Howard and Lovecraft were also friends until Howard killed himself when his mom went into a coma
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Oh yeah his death is just incredibly sad
fighting game players and the FGC are two different things

Fighting game players play their fighting games MK included.

The FGC is a bunch of fat tranny weebs who would rather spout garbage on twitter than actually pick up the animu game they love talking about.
Heard from the nurse she wasn't coming out of the coma and was dying and he just went out to his car and shot himself
He'd been dropping hints to his dad, too, but his dad didn't catch on until he was dead
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He was the Jade destroyer and he will be missed.
God I feel bad for the dad in that situation.
>sf6 and tk8 were both pretty normal
>mk1 went full retard with 100 gig size
not touching that game anytime soon
Another morbid fact?
Howard shot himself in June of 1936
Lovecraft died of cancer less than a year later in March of 1937
>bought MK1 premium edition
>can't play it because I don't have an SSD
Does premium edition include this shit?
And Clark Ashton Smith (the lesser known of weird tales trio) stopped writing fiction after Lovecraft's death
>stryker hasn’t been playable since mk9

It’s so fucking over.
>he thinks they will make standard white cop guy playable again in modern times

I'm glad they realized the malfunctioning robot quest was bullshit and toned it down.
Why are these types of threads always filled with low iq spics who don’t even play games?
Probably my strat when my mom dies, this world ain't worth it without her.
But let's be real here, when am I going to get some REAL competition?
>On October 18, 2022, Hoskins posted a video to Instagram revealing that her psychologist concluded that she may be on the autism spectrum.
wow shes literally perfect
You ever think about all the thousands of letters that circle sent among themselves and how many are long lost?
It's one my silliest dreams that I wish I could just read all their correspondence
I love how /v/irgins are losing their chimpanzee shit over two hot robot women. Imagine the absolute brain-devouring shitfit of fury if someone made a fighting game that was nothing but women characters. I've never seen a group of people who despise the fact women exist more than the incels here, and they're all so weak and cowardly they will never do anything about their psychoses.
it's derek chauvin
>mods it out
They fucked up the first time, and Bruce Campbell is now acting like a dork, so Ash is unfortunately a never ever these days.
Don't bother, that guy is more obsessed with and triggered by crossovers than ACfag is by everything Metroid or Zelda.
>Bruce Campbell is now acting like a dork
how so?
How fucking DARE you mock and attack the only thing that keeps fighting games alive and relevant.
Crossovers are the future. Better get used to it sadly
Myers, Pinhead, Ash Williams or Mat Cordell would have made more sense to name a few but this isnt exactly new given the leatherface crossover back in MKX whose canonically a deformed overweight retard.
I assume it's nostalgia bait + each and every one of them are slasher antagonists which are known for committing many acts of gruesome killing.
That said, like the other anon said, I cannot really think of anything Ghostface could do that Kano cannot.
I love how someone mentions the word "slop" on /v/ and all the /v/irgins instantly start spamming it like three-year-olds when they learn a new word.
Exactly, those are the only people who play fighting games, no self-respecting white man would be caught dead playing such a woke tranny faggot liberal communist capitalist girl power genre.
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I guess Bloodrayne bur she's really not that popular and oh maybe Bayonetta considering Hideki wants to see that
>generic strong woman one liners
As opposed to the generic strong man one liners all the men say?
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with all you faggots shitposing about girls faces seems like you didn't remember all the ninjas are back in one game
Except for Tremor. Kameos don’t count.
Being more restrictive of the character and the IP.
Reptile, Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Ermac, ???, Rain, Sub-Zero

who the fuck is the brown ninja
You people gonna do something about it, or are we just going to listen to your piss your pants and scream in impotent rage until you finally die?
He's your prom date, you ugly sack of shit!
Chameleon and Tremor arent playable.
Everyone forgets about Chameleon
who the fuck gives a shit about them the ones that matter are in
Why do female characters frighten you? Are you gay?
Rain and Ermac aren’t even ninjas anymore. And Noob looks like a warlock.
Speaking of Matt Cordell I'm shocked he isn't in DBD considering his backstory sounds like something along the lines DBD would make
I do care about Chameleon and I am certain Reptile would do as well if he had ever found out that he existed

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