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This game is painfully mediocre, I don't understand why it hasn't been critiqued as much as it deserves.
skill issue
It's garbage for normalfags, women, and feminized men.
Naturally, it was popular on /v/.
Has the tencent psycho finally been banned or bored? Haven't seen him in a while.
maybe because one has to buy the game once and nothing else to get the full experience, i know, the bare minimum. games got shit over time because muh investors
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No one has ever cared about this game but you Tencent shills. And no, you can't ban anyone. You're a powerless Chinese game shill doing it likely for free.
Your schizo ramblings aren't even worth calling out anymore. The whole board knows this game is a Tencent scam now.
We did find out Tencent has a plant on the mod team. That alone was worth it. We also made him so paranoid about keeping his poohbearbux, he rangebanned half a country. lmao retard
Because not enough people actually care about it to do so. You are in a post capitalism world where it doesn't matter whether anyone buys it or not, its subsidized by competing corporations trying to groom you into a transexual or something. I don't know what their goal behind all this really is, but that's how it works now. You pay for the games already through your taxes and it they use roundabout financing to make it seem like they haven't nationalized these companies. In Larian's case, you're dealing with chinky business. Its a CCP product.
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1: every /v/tard claims it's the worst game ever (most of them never played it) and some normalfags also dislike it because of turn based
2: it's basically the first turn-based AAA iso/classic RPG we've had in... Ever. A lot of people don't want to trash it because we WANT more games like this.
3:Plenty of people criticized the story and characters.

That being said, calling it mediocre is just being deliberately retarded. I can guarantee you it has better gameplay and visuals than whatever other iso CRPG you can name and that by itself makes calling it mediocre disingenuous.
It has flaws, mainly narrative ones, but compared to other crpgs like it's predecessors or NWN, it might as well be a fucking masterpiece because those are awful.
Its AAA and not even half the game Wasteland 3 was? Common man. Just because its chugs 300 watts from the wall on your 4090 doesn't mean its AAA. Its borderline slavjank.
It's definitely jank, but nonetheless, it's the closest we have to a crpg with Naughty Dog/Rockstar production levels.

And Wasteland 3? Come on now. I like W3, unlike most people, but even comparing it to BG3 is dumb.
>some normalfags also dislike it because of turn based
Keep in mind that the first two BG games weren't turn based but RTwP, changing it to a generic turn based system was a dick move for OG fans of the series.
You talking about jank and then bring up W3? Did you know its so broken and Inxile is so up their own asses that they closed the Steam forum pages? There’s even a game breaking up of a skill “Chain ambush” (best skill in the game) can softlock your game??
This. Even if the gameplay/rpg mechanics are good it's unplayable for me because of repulsive characters and tone of the game.
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because it's an astroturfed faggot game for faggots
>OG Fans

So no one.
What's garbage about this game is the writing, cliche characters and an uninteresting main story. Only interesting side character is aunt Ethel.

But the possibilities in builds is fun and that's what keeps people playing it. I don't know of any game released recently that compares in build variety.
Anon don't be like that there's 3 of them, although they are all stuck in a retirement home
It's not just the builds. It's also the visuals and the interactivity in general, it blows most other crpgs out of the water with things like verticality, being able to break/move almost everything, spells like speak to dead, disguises, the fact you can kill absolutely everyone you meet and it doesn't break the game.

There's a lot of really interesting stuff about the game, the build variety is honestly pretty weak imo, and I like 5E.
99% of the reviews are when it admitted it was a demo of a game in the alphe development state
Mods alone make up for more than 75% of the content
literal kike propaganda to push their dogshit fetishes
Just the usual millennials pretending like the games were good because they don't like modern games. BG1 and 2 are barebones as fuck. They're like Owlcat games with none of the good things about Owlcat games.
No RPG with quest markers is worth playing. Simple as.
is there a point to a low speed factor past a certain threshold?
>mods make up more than 75% of the content
the game doesn't have a single mod worth talking about yet
why do you talk about a game you've obviously never touched
It’s you who ought to be criticized. Your opinions are quite retarded
Kids these days
it's a slightly above average game with many flaws. it's truly a mystery why everywhere you go online if you give any constructive criticism of the game the fanboys come out the woodworks to tell you no it's actually a 10/10 masterpiece and the best RPG ever made. It's something about Larian games in general that attracts these kinds of losers
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I pirated it and am having fun. It feels like mass effect story telling mixed with Xcom combat, fucking every female party member like shepherd is pretty novel. The freedom of choice is also pretty cool but some of the RNG can be shit at times, demanding saves every five minutes. Voice is acting is also not bad and the story telling is decent. Its a solid 6.5/10, pretty good but I'm not replaying.
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lmao /v/ is still the saddest place on the www. Worse than the fucking bron shit at this point kek.
>post overall praising the game
>gives 1 critique
sounds like you like the game more than you're letting on anon
I never had any issues with it. Not a single bug. Probably because I didn't play it on a windows 10 prebuilt meme machine with McAfee, Avast and tons of other brand name malware installed on it. Problems with offline games directly correlate with how much of a clueless retard the user is. With online games its usually just wifi packet loss causing cache corruption but the game takes the blame.
Because act 1, which is the part of the game most people will spend the most amount of time in, is extremely good. The game only starts to decrease in quality after act 1, and only gets significantly worse in act 3, which many people barely touch because most people don't complete games that are this long.
Its AA, not AAA
It was good but once it became popular I realized just how incredibly r*ddit the game is and that it’s for fags
leftoids claimed it as a 'culture war' game so criticism is illegal and threads about it get hijacked by schizos talking about discord drama.
Because it does a lot right, the voice acting isn't the same old generic American anime voice actor crap you hear everywhere. The gameplay actually is an RPG's gameplay unlike the Farcry skill tree openworld dialogue wheel games that pretend to be RPGs.

And because of that it does get deserved praise but said praise also comes at the cost of normies and those that want to appeal to them defaulting to a "game good" mindset. It simply won't get any of the critique it might deserve because of this social aspect to it's fame.

Expect anything that Larian does next to forego what really made BG3 impressive in favour of memes, waifu faggotry and yet again a narrative that shits itself after the set up when boredom and lack of motivation hits the writers.
Larian has roughly the same amount of employees as Bethesda. Now obviously Bethesda has a larger budget than Larian, but in the main way that measuring this kind of stuff matters (the actual development manpower) it would be silly to say that BG3 isn't AAA. That being said, it should still be praised for being so good when it's Larian's first attempt at a AAA game.
This, if the game could somehow maintain the multi threaded mystery and exploratory narrative of the first act it would have been a contender for the top with the other classics.
As it stands it's just a really good framework for inspiration on what can make a modern RPG stand out.
>I don't understand why it hasn't been critiqued as much as it deserves.
Because the popularity in 99% about the gay vampire having sex with the bear. It went viral and the sheep are that up. Thats it. It became a thing that is just accepted as "good" by the brain dead normies that bought it because lol gay bear sex.
>the voice acting isn't the same old generic American anime voice actor crap you hear everywhere
the voice acting sucked, what the fuck is this meme? what the fuck is supposed to be good about it? everyone sound like they're a bored smirking redditor. Shart's voice in particular is like nails on a chalkboard, the fucking barbarian lady trying to sound tough is cringe as hell, and Gale literally just sounds like some random dude who's never acted before.

it's not even that the game is that bad, it's that every single thing people try to highlight as the game's strengths is total shit.
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These posts are just sad.
/v/ is just sad in general nowadays.

I have never seen this ammount of delusion coming from anywhere on the internet this past decade. Either this or it's the biggest tranny falseflag from discord since ER.
Fuck hiroshimoot for disabling the IP counter.
>i have no argument you guys are sad tho
wow you really showed us anon
Tell me why the game is good.
>answers this quick
It's a bot
>10/10 masterpiece
Definite no.
>the best RPG ever made
It absolutely is, people who disagree either have not played very many computer RPGs or lack the knowledge to properly evaluate them.
Tell me why the game is good.
I guess it depends on what you value in an RPG?
There are RPG's with more engaging combat, Larian games at that.
There are RPGs with better writing as well
It's the fact that the acting is more thespian in nature, although I do have to agree that Karlachs anger sounds really cringe and forced, Gale has a similar issue to Wyll where he's an incredibly boring character that doesn't have much to say outside of his predefined character, so basically no one could cultivate an interesting performance with what's given.
Absolutely unparalleled interactivity by the standards of the genre, it's as simple as that.
It's the whole package really, chiefly just how interactive and mechanics-driven it is compared to every other game in the genre.
>There are RPG's with more engaging combat, Larian games at that.
Yes and no, the combat system in itself is excellent, again chiefly due to just how much interactivity there is. The one knock is that I personally I didn't find it challenging enough, but that's more an issue of my familiarity with these kinds of games and systems.
>There are RPGs with better writing as well
This is very true, I understand the game had a rather large number of rewrites and it becomes more apparent as the game goes on, and I think trying to make virtually everything a part of the grand conspiracy is not the best approach.
its the most complete roleplaying experience, in a package thats quite nice to look at. other rpgs may have better combat systems, writing, voice-acting etc. but this game does all of that quite well and offers great freedom in ways to complete each quest. even the order in which you complete these quests can be completely different.
>more than 100k people daily are still playing it a year later because of one 60-second bear sex scene
The game is honestly amazing but it literally starts falling apart at the end of Act 2. The peformance starts tanking, but sure it's still playable.
Then you get to Act 3 and it's full of random no name NPCs and half baked cutscenes, and the duct tape holding the game together explodes.
The felogyr's fireworks quest is the absolute worst shit I've ever done in a game.
Literally waiting 60 seconds between NPC turns, not having an actual resolution, it was so bad it almost made me stop playing the game.
Other insanely buggy quests like the ghosts in the artist's house (remember that random guy from act 1?) and fighting on the way to Gortash (my game softlocked because NPCs wouldn't move to a different floor).
The fact that it's still getting patches because the game wasn't fucking finished when it came out is embarassing, but fans look the other way because they spend 80 hours in Act 1 before replaying it 15 times.
It's freedom I think stems from them deliberately designing it in a way that doesn't really change much of anything until a handful of breakpoints.
The absolute tower infiltration is to my mind the best example where things are really linear/binary, that's not bad perse but I do think you overstate how much freedom there actually is in progression.
It's ok if you're not a games target demographic. No one's gonna make you play it.
Just recently did an honor mode playthrough and these issues seem to be fixed as of now, though I did not take that approach to the Gortash fight.
>The absolute tower infiltration is to my mind the best example where things are really linear/binary
I really don't see how that's the case, it functions almost exactly the same as the goblin camp.
>Absolutely unparalleled interactivity
If I wanted pure freedom and interactivity I'd play Minecraft. I play RPGs for:
>tactical combat
>character writing
BG3 is weak on all of that.
>I didn't find it challenging enough
this is gonna be a big one for me though. I can't get any enjoyment out of steamrolling my way through a game, hence me calling the combat unengaging. not to mention, the enemies waiting for 20 seconds to not do anything seems to happen to me more than anyone else. this makes the game fucking annoying to play even if i have some difficulty mods installed to get more out of it
The difference here is that the interactivity exists to fuel narrative decisions, tactical options and is fundamentally mechanics-driven, this is how roleplaying games are supposed to work.
Against what?
i do agree, if you play through the game more than once it doesn't take long for you to start to see through the illusion of its design, both in quest and dialogue. such as with how unique dialogue choices and reactivity, which may seem distinctive at first are usually funneled into the exact same responses depending on the content. the game is still a massive milestone in the crpg genre, but unfortunately, it's still just a game and can't feasibly account for everything like a ttrpg
That's true but the gobbo camp is smaller and has a bit more freedom when it comes to the initial approach. So it's much more difficult to notice how things are running on a track there.
>tactical combat
it literally has the best encounter design of any crpg on the market
>character writing
it's really good for some character, okay for others and not great for a few of them.
I don't know exactly what you mean by this
>I can't get any enjoyment out of steamrolling my way through a game
Well, this is what every RPG is like once you've played enough of them, not really an issue inherent to this game.
>the enemies waiting for 20 seconds to not do anything
Yeah, that happens if they can't find any beneficial action to do. Usually they do a good job of designing encounters so that you can't break the AI too hard, but there's some notable spots like the goblin camp exterior and Gortash's keep where good positioning really fucks over the AI.
>has a bit more freedom when it comes to the initial approach
Not really, there's nothing that says you have to pretend to be a cultist or enter through the front door.
Yeah, the illusion is one of the biggest design concepts when it comes to Crpgs, and while BG3 does an impressive and exemplary job at it, I think the titans of the genre hide this to much better extent by providing you with a greater amount of world/character altering moments to make you feel like you really did something.
With a different narrative and a more personal ending I think it could have really gone the distance and earned itself a badge of honour.
Act 3 sucks
maybe that's the case for you. there are still games that can challenge me, or at the very least make me think. BG3 isn't one of them, and someone doesn't require any extensive expertise in the genre to get to the point of finding the game a cakewalk
>it literally has the best encounter design of any crpg on the market
and this is why you should never listen to a BG3fag's opinion on anything.
I don't understand what point you're attempting to make with that video.
>"BG3 has the best encounters of any rpg on the market"
>"wait what do you mean it's bad that you can one-shot a boss with a meme weapon?"
yet more evidence why nobody should ever listen to a BG3fag's opinion on anything.
I just finished it last night. It's such a slog.
anon i don't think that's what he means by encounter design
>the encounter design is great
>just ignore the most important encounters in the game
continuing the lesson on why nobody should ever respect a BG3fag's opinion on anything.
Yes, what do you mean it's bad? I don't understand how that's bad. A niche strategy that almost no one will know about or resort to without looking it up online is not a sign that the encounter design is bad. If anything, it showcases the freedom the game allows in how you approach combat, which is a good thing. You are being very strange.
>"no it's unironically a good thing that this is designed as baby's first video game with even the highest difficulty levels being called out as piss easy by people who are even moderately familiar with the genre"
just in case anyone thought we were running low, we now have yet further proof why you should never listen to a BG3fag's opinion on literally anything ever.
>video about some random guy saying the damage is too high
I genuinely have no idea what you're even trying to say. First you use a niche skill that requires you to save up absurd amounts of money to one-shot bosses (and the money is deleted when you use the skill) and now just a random ass video with effectively no relevancy? Again, how does any of this explain why you think the encounter design is bad?
Outside of turn based combat what’s mediocre about it?
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I wouldn't say that it being easy is the problem, tons of great games and RPGs are very easy. It's moreso the way combat starts to play out when you figure out the quirks that leads to a very boring and at times time consuming experience.
Certain companions are mediocre (Wyll, Minthara, Jaheira) or bad (Minsc, Halsin) and the story falls apart in act 3. Otherwise, it's great.
It's funny that if this was in an old game like Morrowind you'd be praising it nonstop, all I see is clever use of game mechanics.
Because the baseline quality of games has gone down so low that this is pearl in a sea of shit.
>I think the titans of the genre hide this to much better extent by providing you with a greater amount of world/character altering moments to make you feel like you really did something.
I can't think of a better one outside of Arcanum, most CRPGs are not that good.
If you've actually figured out the game, combat should be 1-2 turns MAX.
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Everything about this game is garbage, but there is no denying that it is a very intricate WEG (Western Erotic Game). So of course trannies and feminized men love it.
It's also a clever use of game mechanics that is extremely risky without save scumming and requires you to basically save every bit of the gold you make in a playthrough for this one purpose. I usually only have maybe 30k gold midway through act 3 if I'm spending it like normal in act 1 and 2, which wouldn't be enough to one-shot Raphael. In that video you'll also notice that he only had a 51% chance to even land that attack, so if he had missed and was on honor mode for example, he'd be in a ton of trouble.
>you can't judge the game unless you complete all encounters in 1-2 turns
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Oh boy another riveting thread where 4chan users who only play games they can jerk off to pretend to be the arbiters of taste. What's bad about this game? Why it caters to certain groups I don't like so it's awful! Let me take some talking points I cribbed off a Youtube critic to prove why this game is for trann-I mean why it's objectively not good.
RPG's had been in a slump for a decade. It gets praised because zoomers have honestly never seen a good RPG release. It's a shame this is the best we'll get: a solid game ruined by it's early access model.
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>Thread criticizing BG3
>Another thread shilling new Dragon Age
It also gets praise by anyone that's not a braindead culture war faggot, because it is objectively a very, very well-made and expansive RPG.
Sure, a well made game. Very good. Not even close to 'the best RPG ever made' or anything of the like though, I consider it pretty deeply flawed at it's core, and I don't think this is the game we'll all be talking about in ten years (outside mods or stuff running away with it).
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>I genuinely have no idea what you're even trying to say.
My point exactly.
You are too stupid to understand that being able to easily and consistently trivialize all encounters in a game, against endgame bosses no less, is a sign of bad design.
This illustrates that you (and BG3fags in general) not only have any idea what makes a good Baldur's Gate game, but a good RPG, or any video game for that matter.
>just a random ass video with effectively no relevancy
A guy who is far better at the game than anyone in this thread explaining a fundamental flaw with the game design... isn't relevant in a conversation about game design.
You're clearly just the kind of faggot to move goalposts, lowering the bar of what makes a good game until even something as half-assed as BG3 can clear it, then turn a blind eye to games that have done the exact same things much better many years ago. You aren't able to argue in good faith, so there's no point in arguing with the likes of you. You're a lolcow.
>being able to easily and consistently trivialize all encounters in a game, against endgame bosses no less, is a sign of bad design.
That is literally all RPGs. Again, your point might as well be gibberish.
>Not even close to 'the best RPG ever made' or anything of the like though
Nonsense, it is objectively the best crpg made so far, any notion to the contrary is blind nostalgia.
>"b-b-b-but an infamously buggy game from TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING TWO is just as bad as a hundred million dollar game released in 2023!"
Do you have any fucking idea how pathetic that sounds, shill?
You can't use that strategy consistently thoughever.
>What's bad about this game?
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>One of the most popular and well-regarded CRPG series from the genre's "golden era".
>"Nobody was a fan of these old games, actually."
You faggots are ridiculous.
>That is literally all RPGs.
Try again. Maybe play something besides bethesda/larian slop.
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The combat is fucking normie garbage. Boring, shallow, repetitive and slow as shit.

What now, culture war faggot?
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Feminist zoomers just love virtual gay pornos and tentacle sex.
Not an issue unique to this game, and even in that regard it's in the absolute top tier of creativity.
DnD is turn based, it always has been. BG1 was made into RTWP to appeal to the Diablo 1 fanbase, but even then the game is still technically divided into turns, each round is 6 seconds and each turn is 1 minute.
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>2 minutes to take out three fucking jellies

Yeah, I think I will replay Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 instead of this WEG abomination.
>Boring, shallow, repetitive and slow as shit.
Just like BG1+2
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>turn-based is just as slow as real-time combat
>"reeeeeee noooooooooo the original was never good!!!!!!"
zoomers don't have anything good, all the slop they're served is rotten leftovers of gen x/millennial nostalgia, and they melt down when you reveal the truth.
the camera sucks
writing is horny as fuck on an almost subconscious level, the tone shifts too rapidly and too often
unwieldy inventory
uncompelling characters with epic backstories that needed a poorly shoehorned explanation for why the game starts as a lvl 1 goblin slaying romp
act 3 in general
5e is a pretty boring system
total dedication to having every line of dialogue voiced means descriptive text and narrative dialogue is stripped down to barebones leaving a lot of conversations and establishing text lacking
reliance on awkward facial mocap instead of descriptive text about characters reactions leads to more confusion, tying into the above point
music is nothing special and the one decent battle track gets annoying after dozens of hours

1, 2, 6, and 7 are my biggest issues with the game.
Very rarely does the interactivity fuel narrative decisions in interesting ways (if it effects the narrative at all). Not that I blame them, it's very difficult to make that happen in a fully voiced game like BG3, but that's the reality.
This is hilariously poor gameplay to be fair, whomever is playing clearly does not have very good builds nor know how to use his abilities efficiently.
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>I will replay Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 instead
Why would you want to play shitty games where you can't sodomize bears and tentacle people with your girl cock?
>old highly regarded thing was actually never good!
>no i'm not a fan of the genre i'm just a fan of baldur's gay 3!
and why exactly did you think this would get us to value your opinion?
BG2 > BG3 > BG1
Do you really think so? By the end of BG3 it just feels like you got thrown from one plot point to the other the moment the writers got bored with them. The ending and character arcs dont really feel like anything you influenced barring participation as a spectator.
i think the point of the webm was that you could do the bare minimum in combat and get by just fine
It has, but shills have a way of shouting out opposition. Not effectively, just loudly.
Idk man, some of those later fights feel like formalities where you just wait for enemies to make movements, it's time consuming because you still have to wait for them to slowly plod here and there.
>muh shills
Is there a boogeyman any bigger than this?
They don't care if you respect them, they just need to find some inane justification to pretend that their generation isn't trapped in a declining culture.
They won't make any movements if you kill them all before they get a turn.
>writing is horny as fuck on an almost subconscious level, the tone shifts too rapidly and too often
The cardinal sin of BG3. It was like playing a contemporary dating sim half the time, but one that got periodically broken up by people telling you how important their mission was. The Sword Coast sure has changed since I last visited, I didn't know it was now modern day Portland.
You can have something that's well made like a super cat but that hardly means it will ever have the influence or appeal of an everyday driver. BG3 is great testbed of ideas but the discussion surrounding it is hardly about it's quality objectively, it's the subjective that matters here.
That looks like proper RPG combat, the other games in the genre that get praised here have much lower depth when it comes to terrain interactivity, positioning and builds than this.
BG1+2 is so boring, shallow, and repetitive that you've got to install SCS and mod the shit out of it just to add some depth to the combat.
>"nooooooooo taking an hour to kill basic bitch enemies is proper rpg combat!!"
If it's so good, then why does the game regress from RTWP combat which the two previous games used to great success?
Popular thing bad, unique snowflake good!
You can't do that every fight and arguing for alpha striking is honestly a weird point of view considering you're trying to argue that a time consuming process of nuking and exploits is the definitive counter argument.
Nigga what? I've heard people say it's boring because they couldn't get into it, but to say anything 2nd ed is shallow is just completely wrong, and so is the claim that it's repetitive.
>Popular thing bad
this but unironically
Anime is more disgusting than homosexuality
warlockracy saying it was good btfo's any anti-shill on /v/. the game is kino, deal with it.
I just wish the combat wasn't so shit
>You can't do that every fight
There's literally like one fight you can't reliably win initiative in if you know what you're doing. It's also not time consuming at all and requires no particular preparation, you just have to know how to manage action economy and make/buy good items whenever you see them.
what about gay anime?
>but to say anything 2nd ed is shallow is just completely wrong
It's really not, character building and spell effects in 2e is objectively far more straight-forward than any later edition of D&D.
Because it was faggot centric and made for giga coomers, even by larians standards this was too fucking much
This game was clearly designed for simpletons.

I wonder how well it would have performed if it were just a virtual porn novel and didn't have this crappy combat tacked on
>literally who has an opinion
keep coping. you lost.
>even by larians standards this was too fucking much
DOS3 in complete shambles before it even releases
Oh, I get it. You're trying to saul alinsky off of this post.
lost what? what are you trying to say?
Of course you can win most initiatives due to the team based initiative and 1d4+Dex system they used. But many fights have enemy numbers and positions as well as reinforcement mechanics that mean you often will spend quite some time waiting, it's not so bad on a per encounter basis but cumulatively it gets grating.
Yeah I have no hopes for DOS3 even if they ever make another one.
As much shit people gave DOS2 it was leagues better than this fucking disaster of a game, in DOS2 you have actual romance and sensible developments.
BG3 was just a fucking trainwreck from both Larians side and it being based on Shadow Isles which is tranny/coomer central in DnD universe didn't help either
forgotten realms* also 5e edition which is the worst so far
Dos2 has a generic story but it wraps up the various threads much more neatly while having a more interesting choice of final outcome.
The gameplay to my mind was much better, combat and character progression is much more fun even when considering moments like the burning gallows.
>in DOS2 you have actual romance and sensible developments
i'm surprised more people haven't brought this up. i remember in my first run i wasn't even halfway through act 1 and shart was telling me how i was one of the most special person she'd ever met and how i'd changed her for the better lmao. i don't even like this bitch nor was she the character i romanced and apparently i had already had such a profound impact on her
I really don't see them making another DOS game unless they try to restart the plot again, even though that would be undeniably retarded considering the shit you had to pull during OS2 to even get an ending.
this conspiracy doesn't even make sense. surely if le tencent botting was real and somehow only tencent could make a game popular they would bot the shit out of a game with microtransactions.
>the voice acting sucked
> everyone sound like they're a bored smirking redditor
>Shart's voice in particular is like nails on a chalkboard,
> the fucking barbarian lady trying to sound tough is cringe as hell,
true but still less embarrassing than the kingmaker soft voice but you had to pretend she was scary barb girl
>Gale literally just sounds like some random dude who's never acted before.
why did bg3 buckbreak /v/ this hard. lol you niggers just say stupid shit to epic own some game, is it because you can't run the game or something?
I don't think we need another game in the divinity verse considering it's had it's pantheon built up and torn down multiple times at this point, I might be up for another ego draconis but that's just because I want to see Larian tackle something other than turn based for a change of pace.

TB sci-fi with imm-sim elements might be fun but I genuinely don't trust their writers with the genre.
It has tencent investment so it gets bumped.
Btw Fallout and Starfield won
Fascinating analysis.
I honestly think next turn based game should be shadowrun but I don't trust larian anymore after BG3, they let their coomerism in too deep and their writers cannot be trusted anymore.
It's a fucking shame because I've been hoping for someone to pick up that IP after the disaster cybercoom was.
Imagine something like DOS but it's Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall/Honk Kong 1:1
>make subjective blatantly wrong blanket statement
>that's not true
>errmm evidence
use your ears dipshit?
Karlachs moments do detract from BG3 and BG3 alone, you don't have to try and drag Amiri into this as an attempt to deflect.
I won't suddenly try to defend say new Vegas' voice acting by pointing to Andromeda.
This is the most passive aggressive and pathetic post I've seen on /v/ in a long time, no wonder you like BG3 you have the personality of a tiktok addicted 16 year old girl. Good luck on your transition.
>blatantly wrong
ok faggot
Eh, shadowrun is already very pozzed so it might be worth a try at least.
But yeah those guys are gonna way far up their own asses after BG3, I don't see them making anything but an embarrassing bunch of theater kids that ham up the scene.

I do hope they vary the age and race of their characters dramatically so that they're so incompatible as "mates" that they just roll as bros of settled differences though. More Legolas and Gimli less Halsin and Shadow heart.
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Why are trannies like this?
true except no. if this general wants to attack bg3 and suck off pathfinder cock. its only fair to look at pathfinder fault which boy isn't it crazy how both games feature half/orc couples one lesbian 5 mins into the game, or furry rick and morty fox, or shitty combat or several black companions a piece or how wotr only refer to the abilities with the default "she" pronouns, or retarded pathfinder rules like casters needing to use dex to shoot magic, or boring ass mash these dozens of uninteresting stat block encounters to the dirt with basic bitch pre buffing or how the romances are far more embarrassing waifu bait shit like "actually im the prettiest girl of all time" but like nobody knows that because i cut my hair so you have no competition haha lucky you" "I'm a good natured trad wifey succubus teehee no nothing interesting will happen just experience this basic bitch babies first hentai game story" or how the combat as a whole feels incredibly janky with ever changing movement/turn rates, or outside of the mythic paths every quest is really really really uninteresting fluff including the main quests or the awful sim city kingdom/crusade management systems that the games literally let you turn off because its so shit or how even though theres 100s of options in relatively there's like 5 real ones and everything else is just alternatives of those or how the games are still presented like its 2000's and the assets are reused even to rouge trader 8 years later, or how elevation and maps are basically a flat plane, or how you barely can interact with the world in anyway.
My theory is that pathfinder is seen as a more hardcore alternative and gamers being retarded faggots that care way to much about stupid shit care about being le hardcore so ignore all this shit. i never in my life played more overrated games than owlcuck shit.
nigga I'm being full aggressive. fuck you. you're retarded.
To be fair all games like this are pozzed as fuck.
Kingmaker had the cuck orc, WotR had the fag elf and others.
Then you have Tyranny which also had a lot of faggotry and pronouns.
And then you had PoE which is also faggotshit.
Only ones that weren't turboshit were the shadowrun ones.
The voice acting did kind of suck for BG3, everyone having the same accent was really off putting for what was allegedly such a diverse realm. Nothing compared to the actual diversity of bg1/2 voice acting.
List of actually good voice acting in BG3:
Actually sounds like an old and sad person using thrills to stave off suicide.
Top tier catty aristocratic faggots, no other notes required.
Sounds appropriately disgusted at everything, you can basically hear the spit coming out of your speakers whenever she calls you a faggot in Githspeak.
Sounds like the huge dork he is.
>potion vendor in the circus
Sounds like the absolute cretinous freak he is.
The thing about Jaheira that stands out is just how well she impersonates the original VA's work, I honestly did almost think it was the same woman for a moment.
Anon, you can't just use Pathfinder as a shield when it comes to BG3. The game has it's flaws all on its own and rarely do I see people compare them earnestly, the same way people pick fun at the tranny elf in Wrath or the tranny in DAI, people pick fun at various parts of BG3.
Throw in Ketheric as well. Dude did a great job sounding like a depressed father who doesn’t give a shit anymore
Nah, I forget the actors name but J.Joana was the most phoned in performance in the entire game. Sounded like he thought the script was a joke.
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Yeah we know. BG3 doesn't have a single DLC or sequel planned because it was a Tencent sham. LMFAO
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> surely if le tencent botting was real and somehow only tencent could make a game popular they would bot the shit out of a game with microtransactions.
Congrats. You just discovered how Genshit and Honcuck Starail works.
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True turn-based CRPGs don't really get the sort of production values that this game got, and most studios have been moving away from traditional CRPGs, so it was the perfect niche for them to fill when it's mostly abandoned by most AAA studios at this point.
Outside of this, you get some really good AA budgeted CRPGs.
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>open (((public voting)))
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>full experience
Boy I do love visiting the upper city at night to finally finish Karlachs companion quest
>borderline slavjank
Because Liarian outsources development to eastern European sweat shop studios, its why the game was never finished: sanctions against Russia killed the development.
This another thread from an OP who doesn't even play CRPGs?
>open bg3 thread
>it's the tencent schizo seething and posting the same shit for 4+ hours again
every single time
>Pajeet seething because brits doesn’t give a shit about some some gay space game
>Vatnik seething because he can’t use his bot army to rig the results
Its on console and the official modding tools were gimped to work on console
I immediately hated the fact that all of the player character voices were British or whatever. Wanted to play a dwarf and all the voices made you sound like a posh fag. There was a complete lack of range.

Auntie Ethel was great too.
t. genshin player that squeals when he gets the new loli
Doubling HP has the same effect as halfing all damage duh
BG1 and 2 are on console, as well as the Pathfinder CRPGs. Torment as well.
The official modding tools aren't as robust because almost nobody used the ones for DOS2.
The originals werent on consoles you dumbass
>compute role playing... on consoles
lmao gtfo you dork
... you fucking moron, the point is you idea of "if it appears on a console, it's not a CRPG" is retarded.
jesus fucking christ, dude...
>BG1 and 2 are on console
Average BG3 tard. May as well call them mobile games because shitdog ported them to android.
CRPG is a subgenre of RPG anon.
It's a style that originated from old-school computer RPGs, it being on an actual computer is not a criteria.
Anyone who's actually a fan of the genre understands that. Are you just shitposting in here?
>spell is called “inflict wounds”
>”Why does it inflict so many wounds? Nerf all damage!”
So glad Larian never listened to this kind of feedback.
don't samefag dude. it's especially obvious when you out yourself barely over a minute with the same mistake over misunderstanding what a CRPG is in the exact same erroneous way
1. Bioware games are not old school rpgs
2. It was called crpg because it was made for computers, unlike gookslop that was made for consoles
Whats wrong with it?
I literally just told you that's how it originated, and you regurgitated it back like you were saying something new.
In addition to your other idiotic comment.
So you don't actually play CRPGs like was said elsewhere. At least that much is obvious now.
Look I really dont care about your self important, special snowflake definition of a "crpg".
Calling something computer role playing is laughable when its gimped for console compatibility, Bioware game design has nothing to do with that.
Sorry you are no special and just another rpg fag.
Anon, that's like being told that a sandwich is two pieces of bread with meat and other condiments in between it, and you saying you don't care about "that special snowflake definition". It's just the definition. Not anything special.
>go to McDonalds
>one Hamburger sandwich please
This is you
It takes a special minded person to say that a Hamburger isn't a sandwich so confidently, and think they won some imaginary point. I'll give you that much...
Look at this retard and laugh
...Jesus Christ dude
I don't think I've ever seen an anon self-own themselves like you have in the manner you did. I'm not sure how to even reply honestly.
>one vegetarian hamburger please
I honestly can't tell if the shitposter either

1. Do this shit because they think they have to be cool and edgy to fit in on an anonymous Mexican taco filling forum
2. They are doing it to farm (you)s thinking they are being le epic trooools
3. They are doing it became they are autistic /pol/ tards who are seething because of Chinese Tencent men and woke shit living in their head rent free
4. They are fanboys of some other devs and just want shit on Larian
5. They are just mentally ill
>everybody who calls out my half finished slop is le shitposter!!!!
That's the weird thing. They're only making themselves sound retarded. I'm not sure how it's working out in their mind that it's supposedly meant to make another person mad when they're confidently fumbling simple basic definitions.
Did anyone else play through act 1 and enjoy it a lot but have zero motivation to continue playing?
>boy I feel like playing a computer role playing game today
>boots up gookstation
...does Tencent schizo not know what a CRPG actually is?
It’s actually one of my bots. I decided to let it learn about human interaction solely through /v/. I don’t why it obsesses this much over bg3 specifically, but I wanna see if a new GOTY makes it change its behavior
It was the Skyrim of CRPGs.
This. DLC is a scam and its jarring to me how people just eat that shit up. They're purposefully making an incomplete game in order to milk more money out of you later.
Kinda I guess
Its not a bioware clone
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Imagine lacking this much self awareness.
I had that. It starts out strong but then kinda falls flat. I guess i got filtered. I just got bored and started playing other stuff and kinda forgot about the game.
Not with BG3, but with Elden Ring. I know not technically "acts", but I think I prefer that style of game in a more contained environment like Dark Souls or Sekiro rather as a very lengthy open world game.

I imagine BG3 might be that way with a lot of people who'd prefer a more contained and less open CRPG. It's really damn long.
>player is shit
>this somehow means the game is bad
I remember back in the day we had a saying on /v/: git gud.
it's a crpg that normies can play and release in a playable state instead of needing a year of patches to work
i hope it brings more people into the crpg genre
I haven't seen a single screenshot, a single design from this game that looks even remotely interesting.
I think the main issue is if they try to look for another BG3, they might have severely misplaced expectations since it had much bigger production values than would be typical.

I'm actual curious what WOULD be a good "next RPG" for someone who was new to the genre and got in due to BG3.
Returning to this game after WotR made me miss my 70 AC monk. this game AC is too low and you still can be hit normally
If he's bad i think i blame larian, JK simmons is good but he voiced jaded and tired of all this shit-type character hence the performance
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>Oh my God, you can have steamy gay bear sex!?? OH MY GOOOOOOOD!!! This game is the game of the century! You can sex everything! So unique and brave and inclusive!
it's a game for NPCs so I'm not surprised it's so popular
Need to tighten up that post with a few more buzzwords I think
>gay sex is now a buzzworld for bg3 trannies
More succinct, well done.
I think you can do better though. This time with more oomph.
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To critique something is neutral. You meant to use criticized.
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it was fixed by modders a long time ago
They literally had to walk back the romance a bit because a lot of people were getting gay sex option for just talking to the NPC in a friendly way.
>hey do you want to see my cool magic trick?
>im glad you want gay sex with me!
its a game where i am free to do anything. i can finally kill all the niggers
It's clear that sven realized too late that he hasn't finished like half the game, so they shipped a mvp and moved on.
Initially the shadow lands were but an episode before you reach bg and the second half of the game starts.
Shar storyline was completely scrapped and therefore selune's quest line, too.
Ketheric was sharks chosen and had shit to do with the absolute.
It's clear they wanted dichotomy in all major quest lines, but totally misjudged the scope of the game.
Boomer detected
Among the worst va in the game.
He totally just rapped his lines in one go and moved on.
Except not.
Minsc and jaheira are cartoon versions of their former representations in bg2
Can i play bg3 without having to partake in any degeneracy and can i murder degenerates?
Yes, you can kill literally anyone. There's one person you need Shadowheart in your party to kill, though, so don't kill her until you're done with that.
The entire game feels like it's DMed and the PCs played by a bunch of zoomer tiktokers with little in the way of actual genuineness, everything has to be wink wink nudge nudge with a dab of irreverent humour. In short it's exactly what people like nowadays. No reason for it to be criticized when the writing hits all their right spots and all the encounters can be easily bypassed by looking up the solutions online. This is THE CRPG for the modern gamer.
Yeah good luck killing Gale, the main gay rapist
Gale is probably the easiest to kill
>don’t drag him out of the portal/chop off his hand
>don’t feed him magic
>let Orin kill him
You can even get an early win by sending him on a jihad against the brain
BG3 was never finished you retard, you payed 70 dollars for half a game.
They wanted the CriticalRole audience
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The game is 100+ hours long, has a shit ton of content, and can be completed from start to finish. If you consider cut content a sign of an "unfinished" game, then no piece of media that ever existed is finished by your asinine standards.
Also, you """payed""" 10000 rupees for half an education.
You can kill him as DURGE at the beginning of the game, as a bonus you take down Waterdeep which is like the San Francisco of Faerun
Meant for
Also, yeah, if you don't give him any magic items he leaves to go die somewhere away from people.
Shit game, cuckold cat poster.
>whites are dying out and appease illiterate latinos
>has a shit ton of content
Yeah and most of it is fucking garbage. Act 2 is garbage. Act 3 is just nonsense.
This isnt about cutting overly ambitious content, but entire chunks of the game.
Only Indians here are the BG3 shills lmao
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>bg3 hater
>thinks he's making a point by shitting out inane /pol/turd babble that nobody but him can understand
Every time.

>fucking garbage
Stellar argumentation. Might have as well wrote "gaem bad", would've been the same.
I love this game but the amount of forced gayshits is baffling, Alfira and Lakrissa, the iron gnome lesbians, Aylin and Isobel, the emperor and Ansur, Halsin etc
>Act 1
>Cazadors mansion is a gothic mansion overlooking the lower city
>Act 3
>Cazadors mansion is inside the outer wall
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There are a few articles saying that thetwo games shouldn't be compared.
It's pretty funny seeing them scramble to defend Bioware's honor.
>have to climb up a watchtower and go along the wall to get to Cazador’s mansion
>can see the entire lower city from the entrance
I already know you didn’t play the game. You don’t need to prove it
You just know Veilguard will have a day 1 dlc
>This isnt about cutting overly ambitious content
Fully explorable upper city is LITERALLY just that, you disingenuous retard.
Lower city is already gigantic by itself, while also having the largest quest density in the entire game. Plus, an average player is going to be way above 100 hour mark at that point, likely having fatigue setting in. Having yet another 50~80+ hour zone after lower city is guaranteeing barely anybody will finish the game.
>inb4 but they dun haev to maek it le 50 hour long
Then you would just shitpost about how the game is """unfinished""" by the virtue of upper city not being a grand long act. As if nobody knows how you disingenuous contrarian clowns operate.
It's big and ugly as shit, and broken and unfinished. Great job larian
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of all the games to say that lmfao
>i'll just repeat myself again tee-hee it'll be so funny and cute XD
As if we needed any more proof that fervorous BG3 haters are disingenuous shitposters with nothing of substance to say past the few regurgitated """arguments""" they picked up from other clowns like themselves.
It's my diary part in the thread, so if multiple people are saying it then...
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>That being said, calling it mediocre is just being deliberately retarded.
calling it anything but mediocre is being deliberately retarded. Acquire a personality and stop getting butthurt when your favorite bing bing wahoo doesn't get it's dick sucked by every single person
rtwp is better, larian games are ass
Codextrannies still seething over this game I see. Haven't seen them this bad since Skyrim released.
BG2 had stars like Jim Cummings and Maurice LaMarche
pirated it, had fun with it, will come back after the big patch to play as Dark Tav + mods + fuck Laezel
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>he's still crying to this day
Thought you'd move on to new hot popular thing to be contrarian about.
>>683881554 -> >>683881343
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I doubt any game you like is better than mediocre.
Selfies aren't allowed outside of /soc/.
>same filename
lmfao that really is him
imagine hating on a game so much it lives rent free in your head for a year
Playing real DnD with normies is worse.
Larian games are still ass after a year
*cough cough* Elden Ring
Because it's a Dungeons and Dragons game, and DnD is a sacred cow to a huge amount of people present on this board. They will excuse literally anything with the DnD brand on it.
>range attacking with karlach, a barbarian
>being level 6 and still having to read icon tooltips
>fumbling around spells like you haven't been playing for at least 10 hours at this point
Have you considered your problem is that you just suck at video games?
Then why did Dark Alliance flop hard then?

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