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New art, player-designed characters and a new playable character. Thoughts?
would've been a neat free update. not worth paying money for
It's not 2005 anymore. Can't say I'm excited
too little too late
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I wish they made a sequel instead.
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Finaly my time to shine
Maybe they’ll make one and this is a sign.
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They just wasted full redesign that should happen for a sequel, to a simple dlc you will play in the same map and boss
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Best theme coming through.

Looks solid, I was thinking of coming back, guess this gives me a reason
No new content, no real reason to pick up the game again
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I think they spent a long-ass time on invasion and I'm not sure it did super well. They probably don't have the funds to go straight into developing some new IP which is why they're laying out a path for themselves that includes updating their older popular titles.
Also there's no way they get Stamper back for the new Battleblock content, right? It's going to either be old unused recordings or they'll introduce a new narrator I assume.
we might get more pink knight gay porn this time
They used a new guy in the trailer, Stamper is gone
Is Stamper living under a bridge somewhere now?
Ehhhhhhhh, nah. Sad part is I'd be more excited to play a "remaster" with the new art style, some new levels, and maybe some new mechanics or something
It probably took Dan only a week tops to draw all of the characters
That new guy was just the voice of Dan Paladin, wasn't it? And Stamper's voice was still in it so they didn't do something stupid like completely remove him.
could they not have added more levels or something? Like straying across the map. Would be much better
I've just already played it so many times already I don't think I could come back it. A totally new Castle Crashers 2 could be great but og Castle Crashers for the 100th time featuring hand drawn Glorp Shitto from the Steam Workshop doesn't do it for me
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Are they trying to get new sales so they can start on making Pit People 2?
He's apparently active on Instagram but I haven't bothered checking. He's probably just a normie working as a plumber or something these days.
It's honestly surprising they didn't do something like this sooner, their method of making characters lends itself well to modding.
the heads are too big in the updated version
looks too bobble head like
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This is my chance to become a mod creator without having to learn anything too hard
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Which characters do you predict will be in the workshop on day one?
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Why are they trying to revive a dead ancient game completely out of the blue?
The head size is fine for me, it's the swaying from side to side that makes it look weird, like a bobblehead like you said
I wish they took a page from invasion and added a mode with randomly generated waves of enemies with different upgrades and objectives; new characters are fun but at the end of the day you're playing the same levels.
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Hank, maybe even Sanford and Deimos
or it could be a test run to see how people react to the possible design style they have in mind for a sequel before they full commit
Bethesda is floundering because zoomers don't know who they are and invasion flopped
They did say they had more things coming, many things in development, my guess is a CC sequel is one of those things. Maybe a stretch, but with how many have been asking for it it'd be really stupid not to do it eventually
I better see your XJ9 mod on the workshop shortly after release.
yeah true ive actually warmed up to it a bit, but its the head size on the custom characters that looks off, theyre packing some necc, unless of course thats a variable that can be edited
Am I retarded for buying Castle Crushers even though I have no one to play with?
I assume magic will just be picking from existing spells
Nah. It's the same as any beat em up. it's best with friends but it's still totally playable by yourself
not gonna lie, that looks very cool.
wish they would make more games
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all their proposals are correct, but let's be realistic for a second and accept that all of them are going to be dethroned by this one character who will dominate the market and be top one forever.
yeah they could have made a whole ass sequel out of it.
>implying zoomers will care about a game that's older than them
zoomers are 28 years old anon
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>that guy who never levels defense and expects you to revive him 14 times per level
If we're lucky they'll let us change up the animations, but it probably is just from all extant spells.
28 year olds arent watching skibidi toilet
theres literally no overlap between zoomer culture and castle crashers newgrounds shit
youre either really reaching (and wrong) or baiting, i say its the latter
>That guy who always picks the blue knight so he can freeze people during the duels
I'm moderately interested, probably gonna wait a month to see what gets put on the workshop, and then decide if I want it.
I haven't played castle crashers in years and have no one to play it with though so I might decide against just for that reason.
You're using zoomer as shorthand for kid. But Gen Z aren't kids anymore. Skibidi toilet is a Generation Alpha phenomenon.
nobody cares zoomer it's all the same kind of subhuman
This game was never good
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I hope your wife's boyfriend lets you play the switch next time
It's only zoomers that seethe about skibidi toilet, i've been around before gmod idiot box and montage parodies and zoomers seem to only seethe about skibidi toilet, it's the same shit as before but with more views because literally everyone over the age of 2 is on the internet now
but there is no new content
and the gameplay is too simple for 2024
huge waste of ressource
layoff soon
it's literally just Dan drawing pictures, this update took him like 2 days.
the programmers are still scratching their head for their next game since AH Invasion flopped hard and Dan needs shit to do in the meantime
They are desperate after that shitty ass alien hominid game
>He chooses to play with faggots like him
No one to blame but yourself
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If not then the old newgrounds community has truly died.
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The new style is picrel for me
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I love Castle Crashers!

I'm modelling the Pink Knight :3
Post more you little slut
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The real question is how are they going to deal with all the dick shaped characters.
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I vow to make one character with utmost quality
It's a WIP I havent touched in months
Also I'm not a slut...
good work anon. will masturbate to her tits later
Pico is more popular than ever with Friday Night Funkin'
"redrawn" characters lose their very essence.
do you have a side profile?
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W-Wow, thanks...

thanks but i meant a side profile of the pink knight
Not buying it
DLC because CC was their last relevant game.
He's living with Garbage and the rest of the rabies ridden foxes in an urban area full of minorities. Basically it's over
So the workshop updates means new fan made characters? So basically truly making the game endlessly replayable since the appeal of CC was always going through the game with new characters to max them to level 99.
Unless there's just one level that applies to all workshop characters
>So basically truly making the game endlessly replayable

Swapping out a few .pngs
>endlessly replayable
you must be the same kind of Low IQ, who falls for rogueslop "content".
Unless you actually get some freedom with the magic system I see the CC characters being super samey. They didn't touch upon how stuff like magic hitboxes are gonna work for creators.
DLC for this game after all these years? WTF are they thinking? Are that many still playing this game?
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Do the universe a favor and give her black skin and her nipples neon pink. You have lightning in a bottle with this
Castle Crashers is one of the most replayable indie games ever made and it isn't rogueslop. Cope seethe mald piss shit
I will buy day one. This game revived the beat 'em up genre and deserves all the praise in the world for that alone.
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>pure kino design
>shit magic
I'll never forgive Dan or Tom.
The redrawn characters can be toggled on or off.
Well there was 4k players last I checked, and that was just a few hours ago, there's usually a consistent few hundred when there's not a sale going on. Many games hope to even get that much daily
I kinda want the mercs. They crossed over so damn much in that era.
>invasion flopped
*counteroffensyiv flopped
Did they finally update the Steam version to be the new version that's on modern consoles?
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I have hope
The newgrounds artstyle fucking sucks and beat em ups are one of the shittiest genres out there. I don't understand why people are trying to astroturf a 20 year old flash game.
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>last game flops
>return to the old, good shit
>remembering now how edgy and cool newgrounds seemed when I found it in mid 2000's
This game is great and hopefully this is building up towards a sequel like others have said. Games try too hard now, this was easy and fun. I'm glad they shit the bed. Desperation can lead to great things, sometimes.
Same reason that you're trying to pretend it wasn't good 20 years later.
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>Castle Crashers is 16 years old
They should have just made a CC2, not because I dislike the idea of new DLC but so I wouldn't be reminded of how long it's been since the game came out
The version on modern consoles IS the Steam version you silly nigger.
Nah, Invasion buckbroke them, they wont even try a sequel now, CC is their skyrim now and they will just shill yearly remasters instead of making new games.
Behemoth is indie bethesda now basically
You're on /v/ instead of playing it because it sucks.
You never know, they could be trying to buy back some goodwill with fans before shoving another new game on them and expecting them to pay for it. I know it's expecting a lot but them doing this for CC shows they at least know how to bring people back.
You're fucking idiot.
every playthrough is the same. the characters are glorified skins with slightly different magic, which is rarely different in any tangible way.
Pico is very popular among gay teenagers
The fans never left, they just didn’t want a shitty rts or a rougeshit from them.
Anything but making insane mode not ass
Thisnis why pink is my favorite knigh kek
Castle crashers was always carried by its soundtrack which was just random newgrounds composers wasn't it?
Based if true
Alien Hominid 2 was so ass bro. Still can’t believe they thought that shit was good.
>ice magic
>frozen frog shield
>advent cirno sword or her soku ice one
>just advent cirno as a concept again
Dunno how her wings can be recreated but it would be kino
Right, why didn’t they just make a normal 4 hour campaign with cool soundtrack and locations, it would sell more than what they did.
Im worried about CC2 if they decide to go the same route with it, they have made 2 shit games already
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>Not using The Painter's TTS voice
They had one job.
No custom magic is a big shame, hope they back pedal on it even if it """breaks""" the game.
Idk why they are pretending the main campaign isnt a joke once you have enough levels with any character.
It’s still TTS, just the modern version.
think they will let us customize enemies and sfx?
A lot of games with workshop support are brainless to mod.
But I guess this is going the next level as an implemented feature in-game, kind of like battleblock's custom levels.
I think it's just going to be the knights.
Invasion is worth a playthrough
It kicked my ass until I finally lucked into a vampire laser sword build that nearly gave me infinite hp as long as I kept attacking
Mixing CC with Sailor Moon is the most schizokino fanwork idea one could possibly imagine.
Dunno how to feel about the weird yaoi tho
If you don't have an account you probably can't see how she's also drawn a ton of A-rated gay smut between them all.
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Well making shit like that is how you lose fans it sounds like. They wanted to try something different and failed, can't blame them. Designers always seem to want to do more when fans usually just happy with sequels and gameplay improvements.
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this is my favorite kind of autism
How can one woman be so based
we're so back

what knight are you, anons?
Red lightning enjoyers, report.
>towards a sequel
The Behemoth have a strict no sequels policy so that is highly unlikely
But muh necromancer....
>takes damage
I can't tell if the lukewarm reception to invasion is going to drive them further towards or further away from direct sequels desu
they should have had the Painter speak how he normally does only to immediately be drowned out by the modern TTS like it's an interpreter
they just made a sequel
What was their last game? Battleblock Theater was pretty good, desu
>just replace the head
Oh, so it's like how Battleblock Theater worked. I remember replacing heads in the files to make custom characters in that game, too. I suppose the new art style is supposed to make it look more natural with a custom head.
so do you think they're going to redo the painter boss' fight voicelines with that new VA from the trailer, or will they keep him using that robotic synthesized voice?
could be cool if they have it be that he uses the original robo-voice if you're playing with the original artstyle, and the new VA if you're using the redone style.
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actually is his new voice even a VA? it might just be some modern TTS or something now that i relisten to it.
they stated the new voice was just for the trailer
think they stated they just used an ai voice for the painter boss in the trailer
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what in the...
Pretty sure it's a free DLC, some game mix the term update and DLC.
It would be a horrible and stupid move to block the whole steam workshop behind a paywall, no one would want to pay for it
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nta but you're a slut for posting THIS and nearly making me ruin my nofap streak
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>want to mod something
>Realizes i'm that fucking lazy to even retexture an ennemi in Pizza tower
The random 2000s fujo porn is funny but the true cringekino comes from the FULLY VOICE ACTED and ANIMATED fan made OVA series.
I am not seeking that out on purpose, I need my fractured soul to recover
I liked Battleblock Theater and Pit People.
yeah its definitely a lot to swallow in unironically compared the porn stuff she is done somehow
Fujos need rape correction
He destroyed you and this is all you can say in response? Jesus millennial are so cucked
Description says it's paid. Did you even click the link?
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I'm partial to Blue Knight since I like the element more, but the main lightening spell from Red is awesome.
This trailer couldn't get enough of its own farts
I think its the strongest since it can deal continuous damage to a high amount of enemies if they all line up in front of you.
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Red probably has the most unique and damage dealing splash magic in the game.
I really wish pink's(my personal favorite) splash was as competent as his....
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with beefies.
This will be easier, even the most basic pizza tower enemies had like 20 frames of animation to replace.
I always thought the painter boss had rabbit ears, why am I only just now realizing it's a white ballcap?
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Of course I did you retarded tranny. It says free. Did YOU click the link?
Damn blown the fuck out
What's the most meta possible magic set? Industrialist splash attack + blue knight light attack?
I could put Gerome in Castle Crashers
That's sick
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NTA, but...
Wait wait, so is it free or is it paid?
Maybe the character is paid since that's how DLC works?
I plan on making a mod for at least one merc
yeah something like that, Snakey/Brute Splash even
The Meta is the one that makes you the most happy.
The trailer they animated for the road map was cute
Man fellas I can't wait to make some stupid fucking custom characters.
I wonder how the automatic animation they reference actually works
Probably just slightly stretches it back and forth to simulate a shaking head I guess
I hope Painter Jr. Comes to consoles at least.... i can live without the workshop... but a new official character is always nice.
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He's so fucking cool bros, how does he do it?
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>cool edgelord design
>cool magic
>cool sword
>hyped up throughout the story
>badass boss theme
>best boss fight in the game
>still alive
He’s just cool.
Necromancer is simply too based
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Since Paint Jr is shown wielding a pencil rather than a paintbrush, I bet his magic will be to summon those drawings above him to fight with him.
Meh who cares, replayed it a few weeks ago and it really didn't age well. Gave lost castle 2 a try and it pretty much wipes the floor with it.
CC needs a proper sequel, roguelite or not. Only thing it has going for it is nostalgia at this point.
He’d be a perfect main villain for a sequel. He’s much more fondly remembered than the actual main villain
Oh, you're the dude that made the Cheese princess model. Cool running into you again
>People will use AI art to spam the community catalog
>No option to customize magic art and animations

It's not gonna turn out well.
Based Fujo
So, first they release a free HD update for the game, and now they're revamping the graphics a third time? Why don't they make a new game instead?
If they make a sequel, they’d better let us use the custom characters from this DLC.
straightup dont care

ill amend my comment then, "generation alpha" dont care about castle crashers or newgrounds shit

youre still wrong
Headcanon he sounds like Invader Zim.
New style looks so incosequencial that it might as well not exist. Hope it can be turned off.
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Reminder Adventure time stole Ice King from Castle Crashers so to make things even the sequel antagonist should be a Lich.
Literally got super fucking excited when they said dlc for this game
It's a cool idea but I already 100%'d the game on 360 back in the day and on PC.

Not really looking to jump back into CC just to play through it as someones OC sentient cock character. Why the fuck didn't they make more levels?
>beat painter
>go back to the port level
>painter is there with his own ship
>hop on
>sails you to an island in the south
Not hard to imagine up a premise.
Did people even watch the Announcement?
They had updates and releases planned for all games, plus a new game is in the works.

I imagine this entire update is just to garner some attention again for the release of the actual new game.
Yeah but there’s no guarantee that the new game is CC2.
No fucking way.
I love the painte-
>it's about making OC not having the Painter as playable
Too bad, still neat thou-
>we DO get to play Painter
>it's not a DLC actually it's just an announcement about workshop
Double based.
Now make Pit People not shit.
I'm a 22 zoomer, man.
I've known about Castle Crashers since I was a kid, played it a solid 6-7 times and I think I got every character, pet and weapon. And I also do watch Skibidi Toilet. It's pretty cool.
After they spent a century making Alien Hominid Invasion and it not performing super well they're probably hurting for money. They'd basically be committing suicide if their new game isn't Castle Crashers 2.
is it 2010
I still have never been able to beat this game in extreme mode or whatever it's called. either the Necromancer or the final boss filtered me into giving up
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To this day, I have no idea why they thought making the new AH game to be NOT a Metal Slug like game. That formula is already perfect. Just add some cool shit on top and you're good to go. Who OK'd the new stupid gameplay?
are you a girl (male)?
Unless you're using one of the top tier characters don't bother with extreme.
The enemies have absolutely bloated health pools and tank like gods, and hit like trucks.
I think Troll Mama in the first few levels probably filtered 90% of people who even dared to try extreme because she just spawns 23782147 kids who will take 50% of your hp if they hit you even once.
The hell are you talking about? I'm just a dude.
I couldn't possibly care less. I'm never gonna play castle crashers again
For me it's maxing magic and stunlocking with red knight
Honestly I just want a sequel with actually different movesets for weapons and magic that isn't just arrow rain for 90% of characters
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I remember when me and a friend did insane mode we just ran into someone online who had a finished save and skipped Necro
I'm not going to be a cynical cunt. I am excited for this. I actually got so excited I listened to the full soundtrack after I saw.

I wonder if she’ll do Paint Jr.
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>Boot up game
>This was my old save I beat the game with

I hope the custom knights update will mean you'll be able to play the game with any build, lots of builds that make the game way harder.
then you are the exception, not the rule, prove me wrong when skibidi toilet is the most subscribed custom character, im waiting
>Trick Room build
He is still addicted to crack. He was on a small comeback arch making new vids and when the fans didn’t come back (because his channel was dead for years so the algorithm didn’t send subs an update and also kept discovery flat) he nuked it with metal gear porn and fell off the wagon.

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