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a thread made by somebody who isn't insane
Okay got XI all set up. Are there any good mods?
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potato power
i like this one better than the alisae thread
The other one seems to have more retards per capita than people
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>where blizz idea of "new content" that takes 4 months of development is just a "boss" reusing the pyroblast model
>this is played as a secret super hype boss despite having less mechanics than BFD bosses

SoD is dead, murdered by blizzard
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Oh yeah no fucking way, other one is already like 4chan tinnitus, same noise as before.

Who up getting blasted by Mountain Fire
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Wuk is dogshit, trannies are men, DT sucks ass, Viper was a mistake, behead Hiroi.
I like Viper the rest is correct THOUGH
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Y'shtola sex.
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Fuck every bit of iq out of her brain and then cuddle her until she recovers.
>somebody who isn't insane
Isnt being insane a requirement to play FFXIV?
If you want to see insane people that don't play the game but still need to post about it, there's another thread on the catalog. It's all ritual-posts and crying about cope and trannies.
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windower maybe lua. been a long time I played. distance display mod, recast timers, stuff like that. if you can find clipper (movement speed and wall hacks) it is really helpful for ffxi
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A noble effort, cute lalas
I've been ragging on Viper, but it's not THAT bad...
The rest is very based and true, however
Y'shtoler if she fish
if you look at party finder 90% of it is tranny and lgbt prostitution posts. 95% of free companies only talk through discord. all raiders use mods that make the game easier. you could fit all the sane people playing ffxiv into one alliance raid
That's just her using 100% of her brainpower.
sanity = not using mods and not using nu-skype
true and real
why is the OK thread dead and the super shitty one populated
a /vg/ discord runs /v/ threads
Not everybody is a bitch who needs a circlejerk thread.
some day /v/ will learn that arguing about everything is not fun for everyone
No one's arguing about anything everyone agrees DT is dogshit and moved on to meme about it or talk about the game.
In fact aren't you arguing yourselves right now by stating the opposite.
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>an OP lalafel thread
>isn't insane
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>no one's arguing it's just fukkin dogshit and
man shut up you really have got to learn when you're the only guy in the room that thinks you're funny
Thank you for proving my point.
a thread by a lalatard
what a huge difference
I, too, prefer the screeching of third worlders and meth heads to lalafells.
Die avatarnigger
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You finally woke up I see
Ready to dedicate another whole day to getting angry about me?
zoom out more pls
Who? Consult this first:
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>deletes his post talking about the game and posts it instead in a thread full of retards and bait
considering most posts are exactly the same as last time, I'll safely say that it's a bot.
both sameposts and very blatantly the same guy on his phone agreeing with himself for some "arguments" in there

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This thread will be the new warzone after the other one dies
Prepare yourself, I've already dug trenches and set up HMGs
>Buffing BLM
>To be over any melee
opinion discarded
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>they don't know pablo
real schizo hours in here.
While it last I just want to say that the trials, raids and dungeons have been very fun so far and I'm looking forward to next week.
you should see the other thread
>m-my class should be #1!
Please hang yourself.
Honestly playing as VPR in the EX fight made me wish for a self mit button so fucking much.
How the fuck DRGbros have done it all these years?
Only one person in our static even bothered to install ACT last xpac, but Ive heard horror stories about how braindead retarded TOP is now with splatoon or whatever cheat things PF uses these days. Our BRD even said that you can't find a TOP clear group without installing it.
I haven't been paying much attention lately because I got so sick of DT I decided to do SB ng+ but what's the current vibe like? IS the general agreement still that DT was a huge disappointment or have the gaslighters been successful to the point everyone's worshipping Yoshi P for giving them slop?
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I think you should skibidi slit your wrists, no cap.
More and more slow-paced casuals are finishing the story and getting upset.
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i was mulling this over in my head earlier. what if wuk didn't exist and we were zoraal ja's bodyguard/mentor/whatever instead, but he kept making stupid mistakes for his ego, including the same at mamook

cute lala because posts with pictures get more attention
for me it's the potato boys and the squishy bodies
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Are the replicas tied to the achievement? Can I just delete my 665 manderville weaps?
you really should change your hair back.
I'm conflicted because I enjoy this game but the player base makes this game really unfun to play with how shitty their performance is. Wish my job allowed me to join a static.
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yes you can repurchase all of the tiers once you complete a weapon.
Yeah the replicas are tied to the achievement, you can buy replicas after deleting the Mandervillous weapons.
Throw them in your retainer because they might be best in slot for some ultimate later on. Also if you have ARR relics don't throw them away because the weapon is required to grab the relics.
Has Yoshi acknowledged its shittiness yet or no? Once I finished it I wanted a 1.0 tier apology press conference.
No, but you can buy them back with poetics.
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ty bros, deleting them right now.
don't plan on doing ultimates. and yeah, read about how finnicky the ARR ones were. Like, in order to get replicas without actually carrying the relic, you'd have to gave it aways with the first step of the HW one. Probably cause the devs didn't make an achievement for each one, so the system doesn't have a condition for the replcas to be purchaseable. So fucking dumb
>has the producer denounced his game yet?
were your parents brother and sister?
Viper was the best thing they ever added.
don't bother. I already deleted one and I'm able to buy replicas
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>everyone but tanks dead in phase transition on interphos
>it's another unlosable victory lap where Wuk will just deal 10% of the bosses hp every minute so 6 people just get to sit there scattered on the floor while they heal through the same aoes being spammed over and over
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I'm time traveling back to 2004 to fix SE (somehow), who's coming with me?
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And it would've been better if they added COR instead, VPR has ranged abilities that could have been pistol-based skills.
Elden ring ruined ffxiv for me. A good story told without hundreds of bloated exposition dump cutscenes. Meaningful gear choices. Actual challenging content not only at end game. RPG mechanics. Everything in ffxiv feels hallow and half assed now that I’ve experienced a game that does it all right.
Viper could've been a million fucking things
It could've been a job we learned from Raubahn
i'm considering it. i feel as if i need to lean harder into the secret loli thing if i'm gonna pull it off
The only way to fix SE is to kill final fantasy at 7. Once they got hooked FMV cutscenes it was like crack for them.
Yeah no shit go play Trails if you want XIV but fun, this game is a retirement home for fgc trannies and a withdrawal treatment for gacha enjoyers
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and reaper was supposed to be a staring dps class that turned into dark knight, a still dos job. But instead they split them into 2 different jobs. Things change anon.
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But then we wouldn't have STAABUUST STREEEEEMUUU
>elden ring
Just execute yourself you are hopeless. Obnoxious hackanslash casuals need to perish
Cute? Hardly! With an avatar? Absolutely!
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>It's just whack a mole the job
Honestly surprised how dumb this design is, feels like a WoW class
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Sword Art Online is so gay
Go figure, the expansion where they release a Kirito job is the worst rated one
COR doesn't have an easy path to getting added, most of what it does is already handled by another job, both gameplay and aesthetics. Viper feels more like an apology for not having a true thief or rogue job in the same way that Reaper was an apology for DRK being what it was.
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this guy looks bad in his cyber gear
his aztec outfit was better
Was Elden Ring your first Fromsoft game?
this but also put Oda back in training wheels with Maehiro behind him, they need to work together to fix the game if Ishikawa is too busy writing Extra Record or whatever's going on
Apologies are not denouncing. I'm not sure if you're esl but those words mean different things.
reaper who gives a shit
this was the XI expansion
It's better on controller. I'll tell you how I have it set up.

On the right side, i have Serpent's Tail, the dagger mode attack, and your two main weaponskills. On the right side, i have the dagger mode weaponskills, twinblood, and twinfang, arranged such that you just make a clockwise and then counterclockwise motion on the face buttons. Almost like a fighting game.

Then all the AOE attacks are arranged similarly on RT+LT.
I just switched to BLM for the first time since DT and I have no idea what's even going on right now. What did they do to my boy? MNK was fucked too.
There's like 4 fucking flavors of pirate jobs in FF including like 3 different confirmed pirates in XIV all with different weapons.
It doesn't have to be a 1:1 of 11, I don't think a single job is.
this pasta would be tastier with gruel and cactus needles in it so its more cinematic and gross
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I declare a thumb war
>good story
fromslop stories dont exist, the stories come from youtubers that try to scrape from lore bits in the game into some form of narrative
monk is the same as it was before just with no timers.
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We don't tolerate Reaper slander in this hosuehold
It's Dragoon's autistic, yet fun, brother
I wanted to see Corsair too
you'd do well in a senior or juniorish level philosophy class. saying something that is sorta kinda correct but completely and utterly useless
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>they couldn't include the corn nigga getting stomped during the 9/11 montage because some people might not have done that quest
>b-but casuals might feel left out




Monk is just gain balls then drain your balls then gain balls again
>roll slop ruined an mmo
Nice joke faggot, go back to twitter.
elden mid was a mistake, open world slop was a mistake
DS3 map layout and storytelling format is leagues better
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Why cant she be real bros?
yeah but where's the SOVL? dots and damage buffs add flavor and occasionally make you think about switching up your rotation unlike flat bonus potency
Very nice Viper setup anon
Dude, look how this game's writing took a massive nosedive once EW ended and the patch story started. Every single patch has atrocious dogshit anime moments and increasingly worse writing at a deep fundamental level. Just compare how characters speak from right now to heavensward, it is a massive fucking incredible difference. The writing is just masquerading as a cheap knockoff imitation to what the game used to do with no problem. It's so fucking bad. Even the set up for the expansion is a toss "i want to win the throne because bad dude wants war!" line that was delivered atrociously in english because the tranny voice actor can't maintain a consistent accent between a female, male, and fake spaniard voice.
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She is real
You're just wasting your time posting here instead of finding her
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Predict next the expansion new jobs
beast master
>female, male, and fake spaniard
The three genders.
And a lot of it doesn't work well in XIV with how it's gameplay is setup, MCH poses the biggest wall obviously and I suppose they weren't ready to deal with trying to make room for it as a phys ranged.

We will be getting another Pranged next expansion so who knows, I wouldn't bet on a gun user but anything can happen.
>la hag
wowbros are deathly afraid of being associated with anything tiny and cute for the objectively incorrect fear that lala players like and are children. gnomes get a similar assessment even though they have asses and tits
is this why the lala shutdown began around the time the 3rd wave of wowbros came over in mid shadowbringers?
We know it's bad dude. Say something new.
Why are you so mad? FFXIV should aspire to be like better games rather than ignore what could be improved.
Demolish was ruined and now it's just press the glowet button.
This guy gets it
la hag is that fake mom wuk lamat had right
Don’t forget fake Texan
>MCH poses the biggest wall obviously
>I wouldn't bet on a gun user but anything can happen.

Yoshida has said multiple times that MCH is about machinery, not guns, and you can see that in their gameplay.
Just by having two guns or a gun + saber would make it visually distinct, both of which are already confirmed pirate weapons in XIV.
>not following my false sense of understanding means you're bad at video games
>muh tacos
EW had retarded food bits too
I don't want ffxiv taking anything from souls slop because those games are shit. Literal lowest common denominator normie tier.
t minus less than 1 week until they SURELY fix blm
No new jobs.
Instead all existing jobs get sphere grids
Was Elden Ring your first Fromsoft game?
ah yes I remember the scene where g'raha tia solved a 500 year blood feud by eating burgers with the combatants
EW at least had the tiniest plotpoint with Sharlayan food being fucking garbage except for that single restaurant that makes good food
no that's a streamer
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You have no self awareness of what game you are playing lol.
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Transfer to Excalibur.
The song, Smile is dog shit
This is objectively the correct take.
Yeah but they didn't only have fish and chips to eat.
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>Verification not required.
Chemist (could be ranged dps, caster, or healer)
Some type of rune knight/fencer - tank
*cums on ya face*
get cumd on nigga
Shadow of the Erdtree story was better than Dawntrail story
Yeah and now it is played out. Not to mention an entire zone storyline in DT was food wank and the EW interlude was just a moment for the scions to connect before confronting the apocalypse
based long ear enjoyer
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fuck you, was going to post this lol
Get windower and look through the plugins.
will you let me into your FC or will you bully me in your private discord with all your clique friends again
Outside of patch week, this game is primarily used as a vector for masturbation and porn. During dead times there are more mare users than steam users.
>the game has an ginormous amount of technical issues that is starting to rear it's ugly head
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>still haven't even tried Extremes because no friends/fc
>savage will come out and the same thing will happen despite being a solid player
>starting to
Most people are too retarded to notice. It took until fall guys for people to finally fucking accept the netcode in the game is a joke.
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Thancred and Uri should have been dressed like that during the part where they're saving the cat injuns
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>Treasure islands expansion: Meracydia bogaloo:
Ranged Phys: Corsair/Bucaneer/Swashbuckler or whatever they wanna call it/do with it
Tank: Mystic Knight
Limited job: Blitzballer

>Obligatory reflection expansion:
Melee: Berserker
Healer: Alchemist

>A realm remixed expansion where reflections rush in and change the world or some shit
Melee: OC
Caster: OC
Limited job: Puppetmaster
This wouldn’t have happened in elden ring
My first prac party of zarool ja with randos got to 50% in two pulls, cleared in 30 minutes. They're fucking easy anon, just queue.
it is really obvious that yoshi p isn't aware of EN's issues with the game's latency
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>a solid player
>never done ex
>never done savage
>probably only does duty roulettes with other sprouts
sorry pal the only solid thing you are is a solid shitter
riot shitting themselves gave this game 5 more years to live
>Having a nice dinner with your friends (and Krile) while you still can
>Using tacos to solve a blood feud
>Wuk Trancers hate Elden Ring
Let me guess, you probably think BG3 is 'woke' as well?
and yet here you sit, in another ffxiv thread.
>with the game's latency
You don't know how far the game's latency has come since the 1.0 days.
wuk lamat's VA is the greatest of many things people are pretending to get upset about. its preeetttty bad but we've had awful performance problems before and its absolutely an issue of voice acting direction.
And that rolls us back around to the point of it not working well within the gameplay systems of FFXIV. Clearly the dev team thought it wouldn't work as a melee job so they passed on that idea for Viper instead, we will see in 2 years if they are willing to make it work as a phys ranged.
He's "aware" because people have told him during the media tour multiple times
The answer is always Works on My Machine, Filthy Gaijin
According to him they test the game up to 200 ping, which is obviously utter bullshit if you ever experience the game at anything close to that ping
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3 days until PCT nerfs.
lol no
nice mastectomy scar tranny
>xivver has never played FF7
Same as it ever was
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Nigga have you seen their fighting game?
That shit has been in development for around 7-8 years and they have like 7 characters and still ways off from release and it's not doing anything impressive or new or time consuming.

The MMO is not coming out until 2030 at the absolute best case scenario
Making it a gun job would be tough, but I think it would be easy and fun to just ape XI COR in a couple ways
>roll dice for job gauge to show your target pair + current pair
>your random target is say 4 + 6 (in that order)
>GCDs are all same potency gun shots but can do shit like reroll, add 1, swap dice, flip die (1 to 6, 2 to 5, 3 to 4)
>get dice target to do big damage (boring but likely) or buff self (or others)
They can even make the CD on the dice long enough that RNG isn't something people complain about (though it would be more fun to be doing them 24/7 for some real skill ceiling shit)
I think at this point it should just be gambler, not COR though
The fact is that this game makes tons of money but gets shafted for budget and talent by square enix, with the dev team getting smaller every expansion starting in shb.
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give the people what they want
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>absolutely nothing to discuss
>absolutely nothing to do
>everyone I know cannot even bring themselves to do roulettes
It's a direction issue in the sense that a guy who can't maintain an accent or emote properly because he's already pushing himself into a falsetto should have been replaced by the director, sure.
Just use noclippy plugin or xivalexander so the game plays how it's supposed to.
Is NIN fun?
When are we really gonna stop talking about Wuk Lamat I'm so sick of it
anon its a character who makes up like 65% of all voiced dialogue
either you do it good or you dont
That's why PVP exists.
You've botted all your mats to 999 for savage release, right?
>Zoomer doesn't know what a cesarean scar is
Your generation is fucking doomed.
Why do you think yoshipiss can get away with endlessly recycling old ff enemies and plots? Xivtroons eat it up because this is the only ff title they've ever played. There have been dozens of surveys and polls which have confirmed this.
MNK aoe in lvl100 dungeons is real JOHN FUCKING MADDEN energy, I'll brave the expert queue for that. Fuck alliance roulette though, full of braindead retards spamming aglaia.
Yes. Hate em both. I don't like Wuk though.
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Fuck that I like her short and cute.
I dont like that theres no solo duty like In From The Cold
that shit was kino even though nothing came out of it
there wasnt even a thancred solo duty too
when she is permanently removed from the game, and retconned to have never existed
You have some options
>Don't talk about Wuk and instead talk about something else
>Filter your trigger words
>Go away
For 30 seconds every two minutes.
I hate all this talk about Wuk Lamat this Wuk Lamat that
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Sadly, DRK exists.
what bot do i use
>>Zoomer doesn't know what a cesarean scar is
>Your generation is fucking doomed.

please tell me this is bait you fucking moron
that is NOT a cesarean scar, it's like a whole foot too high up for that. a scar from a cesarean would be below the navel
Tifa doesn't have a c-section scar you tard. That's where Sephiroth slashed her during the Nibelheim incident.
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3 days until Dragoon buffs
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There's a very clear lack of actual adventuring and discovery on DT, in fact there's not a single sea beyond the shitty little beach on the capital, the fact that they already teased the existence of treasure islands which we know nothing of yet gives us a big hints towards pirates.
Not much but a small nod towards Limsa too despite Merlwyb and her crew being setup as important through past lore including voiced stuff.

Not to mention Viper was downright mean, it obviously came off as a pirate from every angle you looked at it and they knew it, I can't believe that the jp devs would be that abusive towards their players specially not Yoshi.
what do you want to talk about instead? given that wuk is 80% of the MSQ (and 70% of 7.0 in total) its kinda understandable why she's talked about so much
Don't worry, I'm sure in 8.0 Fire IV will refresh AF and be touted as a "QoL change" :)
Maybe if you're lucky they'll even call it Fire V so it's some retarded justification for it even though it'll be retroactively applied to Fire IV too
People were arguing about Venat for years lmao you're fucked
>95% of free companies only talk through discord
This is why I've been ignoring all the invites I've been getting
Maybe I should look around to try and find one that doesn't
lol there is a very real chance dragoon doesnt get buffed bro, the only buffs that are happening FOR SURE are blm and pct nerfs. I'd say maybe some pld potency buffs as well.
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You know you can be a DRK, right?
I haven't even done the normal raids yet I hated DT so much
Can't wait til this game shuts down
What do you mean anon, you didn't like the shitty follow missions with the broken turn indicator? You didn't like playing as god-queen wuk lamat as she finds her inner strength and your character stands just off-screen?
you have to reach deep down in your heart. forsake all other things and desire. reach out toward the light and claim your goal. even if you have to commit a crime in the process
I hate that people are calling it character growth now that she's stopped being rash and is unironically turning into Red Alphi.
this game kinda sucks ngl
The west has fallen. Because of Wuk.
good news, the ONLY good thing about DT is the raids, their music, and their story
you do know discord was created FOR xiv right? its as much a part of the game as xivlauncer is
Credit where it's due, I did appreciate the fight with Gulool Ja. It was the first time we actually got to DO anything in our skill set and it felt like the adults were talking away from the children.
This wasn't a problem in FF11 and it's an easy to avoid problem in FF14. I do feel they need to focus on the current jobs before adding new ones, but I know part of the big marketing appeal for expansions is new jobs/level caps, and Square will milk this cow as dry as it can.
the truth can't hear you, doom all you like trancer
I only switched to BLM for the first time about 15 minutes ago and after spending that much time at a striking dummy I still have no idea what the hell this is. Why do I not have sharpcast?
guildwork was a great site for the thunder done. everyone trolling and shit flinging and to this day, stanslav is still a shitty jew.
dummy, go unlock and do them right now.
It's seriously a good raid.
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>use azem cum chalice
>can only go by ourselves with azem crystal
>need to journey into new shard because of reasons
>alone on new shard
>travelling alone and meeting new people along the way
>wol leads the way by themselves and learns about a new world through unabashed exploration on their own
>meet new people on the way and learn about the world around you
>azem crystal is your emergency "oh fuck" button for serious moments but every other moment is you recruiting adventurers for smaller scale adventure
Think of the opening of Shadowbringers where you land in Lakeland but you have a whole expansion based off of that premise
Maybe we get a minor timeskip on the source too

Would this make it up to you for Dawntrail, Anon?
who are you talking to? use the reply function
Why would I want to be the scum that killed frontlines? Besides, it looks boring as sin. Engage, salted earth, LB, run away.
Don't know if I can do it. After I geared SMN, SCH, and RDM I left Tural and I haven't been back since.
lmao PCT only has a couple more days of being viable
Reaper hands typed this post
It's not bad, but the output doesn't match the fuckhuge burst windows
you guys should really talk about the game more
it doesn't matter how much shard hopping and ancient-meeting we do if the character writing is still horrible
giving the wol agency and having him be the main character again would help tho
Eh..I'll do them when I finish the ng+ I'm doing. I really, really hated DT. I don't even want to look at the zones right now.
i'm quite content actually
Sorry SARS I only glanced at the thumbnail as I am not pornbrained enough to obsessively open and analyze every coombait pic that gets posted like you fine SARS I will do better next time SARS I promise
If they had any balls they would have Alphi on Koana's smartass team and Alisaie on Wuk's airhead team. Maybe then we would have had some meaningful scion conflict beyond "oh no we find ourselves on opposing sides but we're still friends hohoho"
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I pray that they revert her to the hot head
Thanks for the secondhand embarrassment.
Then be a DRK killer.
Do the needful
Dawntrail could have been exactly this but you just want to check out the city of gold because you're an Adventurer (TM)
It was suck a slam dunk for party members too each with their own reasons for wanting to find it
>BLU featherhead schizo hears its full of powerful monsters
>MCH cowboy just wants money
>aztec WAR wants glory
>aztec WHM wants to go for some religious reason
FF11 is a vastly different type of game, comparing things that worked and didn't work between titles is going to get you nowhere. XIV has far more limitations because of how strict and balanced everything is, jobs have clearly defined lines to stay within and content is not as open ended as 11.
10 years of hubris finally catch up to BLMfags
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>Pay box copy price for expansion and separate for subscription
>So I can play third fiddle to a character who takes over as the main character with no set up and hasn't earned it the right.
>I'm paying for this
Why? Beating me over the head with "you're not the main character get over it" isn't going to work when I'm paying for the privilege to do so I'll just unsub and go play something else that respects my time and my character within the narrative.

That would be like having Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3 be a side character to a new character and everyone treating that new character with love and reverence, in awe wherever he went. Commander Shepard can only respond by nodding his head in the background.
It is not interesting to play, it's not fun and I do not like it.
I don't want it to die, I just want shit players to not be rewarded with high dps for playing like shit. Not only that, but it'll attract all the shitters on promise of easy clears and the other casters will be muscled out of parties.
it's part of the class fantasy of tanking the floor
I used to be, then they nerfed silent nocturne so that you have to be within murderball distance to do literally anything.
There is none, that's the problem. People get tired of dealing with DRK premades, the mode is a bore until they rebalance the few individual problems.
Intact Reflections are too big. It's an absurd amount of lore and culture to write unless you're planning to spend 2-3 expansions there.
They should start off small with brief visits to Rejoined reflections since DT seems to suggest that they still exist as ruins.
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Valigarmanda EX and Zoraal Ja EX feel like they were made by completely different teams
VEX is fun as fuck and dynamic to fight, lots of movement, split timelines to shake things up a bit and Mountain Fire is the best mechanic of the expansion so far
ZEX is so fucking boring where he stands there 95% of the fight doing nothing and fucking loops half way through like they ran out of ideas, so it feels a goddamm Stormblood boss design
YoshiP is a Picto main now
you're getting the pleb job designer like the rest of us from now on instead of the special snowflake
LB shouldn't fill automatically in frontlines because it doesn't account for all the downtime. Every engagement becomes salty earth LB spam retreat.
Only done the Valigarmanda Ex fight, don't really have the motivation to do Zoraal Ex right now, going through PF is pain enough.
i am in fact a reaper player but dont act like that's why your job is going to be ignored by square again
>BLMs actually coping that picto is gonna get gutted any second now like it's not the most popular job release since samurai
If it's as homogenized as you say, then it would be even easier to add a new class; just clone a current one. The only difference would be the flavor of style and attacks.
It's real funny because I'd say ZJ is the more technically demanding fight in terms of movement and rotation.
The insane DR they gave melee, including tanks, is a huge issue. If you play Rival Wings you'll see how easy it is to kill a DRK but in Frontlines good fucking luck.
>end of EW fighting zenos
>have to use all our power to finally put him in the grave
>world is saved but we lost it all, blessing of light, echo etc etc
>retire from the scions and just be a regular adventurer with grounded stakes
All I want is to be normal. It's impossible to take things seriously when some lizard bitch is threatening the guy who traveled to the end of the universe and killed beings beyond his imagination.
End FF at 10-2 and make dragonquest 10 but in english and with all of FF11s funds
>nooooo I don't want to level up faster!
you should kill yourself
Honestly vali is not that fun. I miss ex hydaelin and ex zodiark. The fight is just not very exciting. The music is not great either.
It's a weird case because I find Zoraal Ja way easier since you just have to go through the motions.
In Valimarganda it's both dynamic with lots of telegraphed stuff and teamwork.
Nigger you shut your whore mouth Vali is top tier and endwalker ex trials sucked ass with like 3 exceptions.
Yoshida cultivated 10 years worth of coddled BLM mains, they're not going to go quietly.
Why are all FFXIV content creators and streamers leftist faggots, this one, Rinon is still having melties over Brexit.
Are any of the ffxiv right wing or politically neutral? They all, all seem to be left wing and some flavor of LGBT.
>"I have to level up everything in the first patch or I'll fall behind!! How else will I pretend that there's nothing to do by 7.1!!!"
Whatever you have, it's terminal.
XIV is called a tranny game for a reason.
jeathe :)
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>leveling is considered a chore standing in the way of endgame
Where did we go so wrong
at this point, that by itself is the issue
Blame level sync.
the one who threw a bitchfit over lolorito investing in ala mhigo? lol
It's just a sad reality of MMO's, especially themepark ones. The leveling is waiting in line, the raids and boss battles are the rides.
plap(non consensual) all femlalafells
Yeah no ex hydaelin is still one of the best trials in the game with absolutely top music and voice (jp) and hype.
Say what you will, but whenever I get to use LB3 now I hear "MINE IS THE POWER" in my head.
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>chasing the lil autistic nigga through thunder and lightning
>he just wants to eat hobo slop with his robot bro
fucking based
You have to be mentally ill to play this game year round without breaks
Even Yoshida tells the playerbase to take breaks
>Can't have all the undead artificial intelligence thingies summoned all at the same time
>Several thoroughfares and streets are overrun with hostile creatures and elementals

The lights are fucking flickering on and off in this place
Just put these fuckers out of their misery
What is the worst expac in your opinion? Is it DT or SB?
>How else will I pretend that there's nothing to do by 7.1
It's called playing a different game or doing irl shit. I still also have to do past Ultimates and I'm not wasting 2-3 hours babysitting casual retards every day in roulettes faggot.

>>leveling is considered a chore standing in the way of endgame
I don't want to play with mouth breathers or sprouts.
It's designed that way, especially when you have a period of 5 levels where your only rewards are slightly improved potencies on existing skills and +5 seconds on your mit ability.
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Almost all streamers or youtubers/content creators are some flavor of leftist because the platforms that host them enforce that ideology through their rules and punishments
The punishment for not promoting the establishment's ideals is your paycheck or your ability to participate

The term "grifter" didn't appear out of thin air
I had a good laugh at Zepla rightfully criticizing the story, but then she was pretending that Wuk's voice acting is "fine" because it's no no territory to ever suggest a TIM is in the wrong
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are levels an outdated concept? would you feel better if you could do FATEs as your favorite class instead of one that still needs exp?
Good morning sir!
The entirety of the fates, overworld and leveling system needs to be reworked to be more like bozja/eureka with special mini bosses and little discoveries around the world and what not.
DT, easily.
EW, no contest.
>Job design
ShB, so much broken.

ARR was pretty mid all around, HW had meteoric highs and lows, SB was never fantastic but also never offensively bad.
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>get to Krile meeting her parents
>don't even have a real scene of them bonding

what the fuck? Meanwhile they made multiple useless scenes of wuk lamat yelling peace peace peace
sigma BAWLS
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Insane to me as well that Preach has no problem with the voice acting, we're all supposed to pretend reality doesn't exist.
To me it seems even more patronizing they're treating these people like children, by saying everything they do is great and wonderful. That's not treating someone equal that's treating them like a child, say the performance was bad like you would judge any other performance in the game and have done so.
It's why people are so fed up with this political shit, because it's bringing down the quality we've come to expect and we're meant to say it's wonderful.
Don't forget her actual parents are actually dead and buried anyways.
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>because it's no no territory to ever suggest a TIM is in the wrong
about the same chance as you suggesting a TIM is ever in the right
You can already do this with Frontlines, but I have mixed feelings about it
Imagine getting that tank that leveled from 1-100 by playing another job, that's not fun to deal with
It also would enforce some autistic meta for some people, they would only bring the best jobs in every single piece of content(Picto/Viper for dungeons is a big one right now)
They weren't her real parents, if they had given more time to the concept than 1/4 of a zone then they'd be able to explore Krile's feelings toward AI manifestations of parents who died never knowing her.
heavensward far and away
>member-berry EX primal trio
>one (1) original primal, ravana, and he's still a vagrant story reference
>MSQ blends uninteresting church politics with a crap version of FF6's outline and a total dropping of nanamo's assassination, makes little or no mention of jobs that should feature pretty prominently like FUCKING DRAGOONS or even the dark knights as self-appointed cops of ishgard
>diadem was repeatedly remade and eventually scrapped into GATHERER content
>alexander blew ass on release and was overcomplicated for its own sake in savage
>job design for pretty much all jobs either planted the seeds of things that infest them now like warrior's FELL CLEAVE ABOVE ALL ELSE philosophy or began the community obsession with timer based job mechanics in BLM, DRG, NIN and MNK's case
>job balance was outright bad, no i am not going to list each and every single thing wrong with every job
>ominous prognosticks sucks ass
>maehiro repeats his sins from ARR and kills ysayle by sucking her through a jet engine intake very similarly to moenbryda being taken out back and killed shortly after introduction (translator's note it was ishikawa that introduced both these characters to MSQ and maehiro that killed both of them)
>p a t c h d e l a y s
We're literally going to unexplored islands in the eureka content
What idea are you even trying to convey with your post?
Please conversate like an adult if you're going to reply to me
if they're in living memory at all then it's the closest she's gonna get, was the whole point of krile's exchange with her parents
Some people aren't autistic about voice acting and feel the need to have life long vendettas over it. You are not the person in this situation who is right, you are just as much of a problem as anyone else.

Video games, I want to play video games, not deal with you or your arguments fuck off.
I just want to hang out with Alphinaud again without Allisae being in tow
>They didn't build in an extra sidestep after the last beams to condition themselves on the timing to not move in early
voice acting has been a net negative for vidya
me when i make up people in my head to get mad at
The point is that it's entirely self-serving, it's like speaking to a gravestone knowing that the person is gone and will never hear your words. They really didn't go into the horror of speaking to a dead person and having a machine respond in their voice enough.
And some people aren't uncaring retard faggots about quality control. Let people who actually care about games being good with talented people instead of your shit eating faggot little bitch ass being okay with literal trash being fed to you.
Fucking idiot.
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Both of these grifters visibly cringe and laugh at (not with) the terrible voice "acting" but then turn around and say there's absolutely nothing wrong with it guys, tee hee.
Also every time I watch Zepla, I cannot take anything she is doing seriously.
Nothing she says or does feels genuine. Her tone of voice is completely off for almost everything she says and she purposefully over animates her expressions.
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>my tribe has been in constant war with your tribe for 500 years, 6000 months, 182,500+ days
>twenty generations of our ancestors have slaughtered each other
>but this annoying lion fed us tacos, so lets have peace
Video games are not the place for you to have your political hissy fits, get out of my hobby. I would love if every video game was made without voice acting if only to keep retards like yourself out.
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Why are all FFXIV content creators and streamers leftist faggots, this one, Rinon is still having melties over Brexit.
Are any of the ffxiv right wing or politically neutral? They all, all seem to be left wing and some flavor of LGBT.
>saying someone is a bad voice actor is a "political hissy fit"
The real message was that sharing culture brings people together but oops! That's cultural appropriation sweaty! You can't do that!
How unhinged do you have to be to put yourself out as an e-celeb. Now consider what kind of politics that person would have
Zepla talks and acts like someone who is completely dead inside but is hard pretending not to be for the sake of appearances.
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How unhinged do you have to be to put yourself out as an e-celeb. Now consider what kind of politics that person would have
>patch delays
Only happened for 3.1, EW had them for every patch and still had nothing to show for it
>member-berry EX primal quartet for EW and ShB is fine though
>job design
What? The whole point of fell cleave back then was to build up ways to use them; now they're just fucking handed to you on CD and insanely spammable
Fell cleave was memed but no other job had a big potency move back then
There is nothing even remotely like HW BRD/MCH/DRG/MNK/SCH/AST/NIN/BLM/SMN/DRK in the game anymore because they actively reworked jobs to not be like those iterations
Midas is still the pinnacle of raiding, and A3S is one of the most well-designed fights in the game
It's not even more difficult than ultimates at this point, honestly

This has to be bait
A normal adult thing to do is accept that you dislike something and to either stop interacting with it or provide meaningful, reasonable, and informative feedback to the people who can make a difference. What you are doing is having a temper tantrum, shitting all over a public space, and going mental at the fact that not everyone chooses to act like an animal like you over the subject at hand. Not only are you in effect preaching to the choir but you are doing so in a way that would NEVER get anything changed, you are unhinged.

Your actions would only serve to create more problems, never to get the thing you want fixed dealt with.
>Now consider what kind of politics
No LOL. Fuck do I care?
You quoted the wrong person you silly billy
You didn't quote me!
Grifters gonna grift
I think she gets stoned to ham up her performance, she seems air headed
I don't know how people watch performers like this
>What you are doing is having a temper tantrum, shitting all over a public space, and going mental at the fact that not everyone chooses to act like an animal like you over the subject at hand.
can you point out when anything like that happened?
Having schizo theories why other people don't agree with you isn't a simple "i don't like it". People are fed up with YOU.
What melds you want for warrior? Been running my gnb melds which gives 2.4 gcd but idk if i warrior needs it. Just go for crit / direct hit?
DH > all for now but that might change a little on tuesday. Supposedly 2.4, 2.45, and 2.5 are all OK and relatively equal on damage.
>saying a voice actor is bad is now a "schizo theory"
I'm pretty sure Warrior just goes full crit and det
Crit is obv important for every job but Warrior gets guaranteed free crits quite frequently
Det multiplicatively stacks better than DH because DH does nothing when your hit is guaranteed to
crit/det, dhit is a loss on your dcrits because they don't raise the scaling like crit does. You probably still want some, but both crit and det makes your cleaves bigger.
We were also going to the new world full of adventure, blue skyes and blue seas on a boat and look at what happened.
One or two islands do not automatically imply treasure islands, adventure, seas, sailing, etc, they could do something as lame as just teleporting you there through a device.
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remember what kate took from you
How is the music in the expansion? Is Soken san sama still the master?
do that shit unsynced you trog. fuck off.
fuck that nigger that made me play HSR for living memory
I'm just gonna play nikke
How do "people" farm an EX trial 99 times for a mount? My sanity is already leaving me just from farming for the weapon and accessories.
Smile is disagreeable (some like it but most hate it) but there's good stuff elsewhere.
You get on it early so you don't get left behind with the retards
Anon, you got left behind with the retards
What else is there to do?
Pretty good, more range than he's shown in previous expansions, at least comparing the base expansion. I think he did a much better job with zone BGM this time around. My only complaint is the FF9 tunes didn't get a makeover, maybe in the patches?
what does alisaie's butthole taste like
just do a couple runs a day
you cant even trade totems for the mount now anyways
i've skipped all the alliance and normal raid cutscenes. I didn't know I was supposed to care about graha when the reveal happened. who are the twelve
Fantastic, but don't forget about Ishikawa and Imamura for being the real MVPs behind the scenes.
How many totems for the mount?
It ranges from solid to great, music is still strong
The normal raids are a highlight
Smile is the one stinker, a true travesty of a song
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You do it like 15 times for your main jobs weapons and then you say "well might as well run it again in case mount drops".
Before you realize you're now 40-50 totems in and you say "well shit now I HAVE to get it."
But now you're one mount in and well kinda have to go for the big mount since I already got one no?
Trust me when I say, not only will you never be a woman, you're a man and always will be a man but people ARE tired of you and don't care what you have to say because they see you're ruining everything they loved for your own political ideology.
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Thanks lads
I got mine from EX1 clear 30 while farming for my weapons
now that theyve have embraced 0 downtime melee designs, any fight where a blm is able to stand still it should be the strongest, if you disagree you have double digit iq
The mount trade isn't available yet, people are just insane.
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>99 totems
Videogames anon, it's that fucking simple, get out.
>I think he did a much better job with zone BGM this time around
disagree, i think most of the zone themes are really forgettable compared to Kholusia, Amh Araeng, or Elpis
The Arcadion music is really good, already better than Scream, and each fight having its own theme is really appreciated.
I'm excited for all the side content as it will give Soken more room to show more range, as you said.
Quite literally, it doesn't matter. Not even kidding.
Glad to hear it. I'm starting Dtrail tonight finallg.
Gulool did it first why is she getting the heat for this one
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>thinks DT zone themes are forgettable
>dislikes scream
Yes we're talking about ffxiv here a video game that has a trans voice actor as the main character for the English dubbing of Dawntrail who gave a poor performance which negatively affected the enjoyment of the game.
You do care about the game don't you, why does this bother you so much we're talking about the game?
when did I say I disliked Scream?
That's barely one zone per expansion that was good while the rest were literal jokes. In DT every zone comes with BGM that works well and doesn't ruin the scene.

I'm going to pull my hair out if they let him work on the XI raid.
Every zone's music mogs elpis
The first two zones are awful, it does pick up after that but just be aware. If you find yourself disliking the wukster, you're not alone
have fun anon. i enjoyed it.
This shit happens in Isekai all the time.
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It's goodish but nothing incredible, the trial themes are good (particularly the final trial which is 11/10 before poochie comes in) but it doesn't hit the highs of other expansions, smile is really bad and they REALLY force the DT motif on every little single fucking tune.
Yeah they always did it but now it's fucking crazy.
The zone themes are not particularly memorable sans a couple and it's mostly just the raid and the trials carrying all the weight.
Isn't it a 1/8 drop anyways or something, getting to 99 seems like shit luck
Any bets on the savage mount? Did it get datamined?
>politics politics politics please talk about politics with me please lets talk politics hey did you hear politics
Cahciua's pits
You posting here is an outdated concept
When are you killing yourself? Four years has been long enough hasn't it?
never played this, what NA data center should I play on?
I really can't think of anything, none of the boss models make for good mounts and we didn't deal with anything in the questline like the titan car that would make sense.
If it's anything like the XII raid or BA, they'll just port the music straight in. Looking forward to zoning in to this.
It's a inflatable doll in the shape of Wuk Lamat that periodically says her various quips from the EN voice actor
>Kozama'uka and Urqopacha are servicable, but extremely predictable and boring, I forgot them as soon as I left the zone
>Yak'tel has a good melody but the production is kinda weird, i think the orchestra doesn't work for the vibe they were going for and they should've tried something else for its production. Night theme is really good tho
>Shaaloani is also fine i guess but I personally really dislike the guitar they used. it just grates my ears
>Heritage Found sounds way too 'epic' for a zone theme, I like the 'electric chaos' sounds in the night theme tho
>I actually really like the Living Memory theme before it gets distorted, the orchestration is done well and reminds me of FF9
crystal has the largest population. aether is the 'raiding' datacenter. dynamis is all new so you get an exp bonus and other goodies for playing on it
They actively reworked jobs to not be like their Heavensward counterparts because most players fucking hated them, depending on job
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I'm done with vali. Time for jotaro.
They were the first EXs I ever did and I found Zoraal Ja to be way easier
Damn potatos need correction
>mount music is smile
I'm not too sure that would work, XI has great music but it's mostly slower and not really well suited for the XIV atmosphere.
gave me a laff
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>SB that low
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You seem mind broken by the fact that the performance of the Main character of the expansion was bad, I don't care about the voice actor being trans but you clearly do otherwise you wouldn't be having this meltdown and trying to pretend the performance was good when it was not. But here, you don't need to believe me. Listen for yourself and you judge, say with a straight face the performance of the English voice actor for the main character of Dawntrail is good after watching and listening to this comparison.

tranny post.
I'm going to mount the zebra
Become a Primal chad.
Don't roll on Behemoth unless you speak Portuguese tho.
the car thats on display in the nexus arcade
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Because Gulool actually makes sense.
>Beats the ever living shit of BOTH sides
>Forces them to stand down and calm the fuck down for a bit
>Through their battle and the sharing they start to bond and the lizards see they can finally get some new food, not like the war was going anywhere
>Despite this, a lot of resentment remains, a ton of these lizards do not like Gulool Ja Ja and most of them are plotting against him and the so called peace
Meanwhile Wuk just comes in, suddenly goes from getting one shot and not even being able to get close to Bakool Ja Ja to now fucking him up.
Then she does the talk no jutsu and suddenly the maniacal, diabolical villain that was crackling at the possible deaths of thousands is suddenly crying, depressed and instantly follows her after hating her for like 20+? years.
You are wasting your life
i liked stormblood
i liked zenos
i liked everything before and after it too, really
i love ffxiv :D
What the fuck are you playing video games for mr hypocrite?
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These people are just being wilfully ignorant at this point.
so do you use Six-sided Dice when you got full chakra?
We can count on one song being confirmed, original or remastered.
Playing MMOS are already lifewasting
stormblood zone themes suck, in fact most 4.0 music is pretty bad, its only with the patch content that the music started getting better
Please keep twitter on twitter, you need to stay there.
I love Wuk Lamat 10 pels.... in the thousands column!
Shut up tranny
Those lallafels are making me mad.
Give It All would be S tier if it had a good story backing up the lyrics.
No, that's just a consolation prize. If you're big brained and exactly 2 GCDs behind optimal rotation (opo RoF) you can use it to adjust.
I forgot when the exarch united Kholusia with some tacos and talking, made Vauthry turn a new leaf and then came in and kill stole emet while everyone sucks him off and says how amazing the exarch is.
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looks fine to me famalam. try not playing on retard servers
They can go harder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rki4M7rZ9KI
so you're really supposed to use that shitty Enlightenment AoE when you got a full chakra? Its only like what 200 potency?
If any of those characters had stolen the majority of the screentime they would have been just as hated
First raid to have a 0% completion
Which one of us is willfully searching for and posting that content? Not me that's for sure.

Stay on twitter.
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Feels good to appreciate Gyr Abanian zone themes and not be a tasteless hack.
>cafe chulo
>japs also deal with venue niggers
c'est fini
I'll let you think this one through then. Try to connect the dots and see how utterly stupid your "wasting life" post was.
Look at the flag in the profile and the name
Rainbow flag and XIV after the name, this is a person who is completely unable to be objectively critical towards the game anymore as they've made it their personality.
I'm saying this as someone who has played since 2.0 and put in over 3.5k hours of my life into the game on a single character another 2k hours on my alt. Dawntrail is the worst story in the entirety of the game and pretending it's not, putting your head in the sand and trying to shit on people who did not enjoy the story and are questioning what happened to the writing quality we've come to expect from FFXIV is just a disservice to the game, they couldn't care less about the game is how I see it when I read comments like that.
Every SoD mechanic is just Blizzard seeping retail into classic for all the classic retards who say they hate retail but they lap up season of slop.
the only one i like is the peaks
the fringes has an annoying melody
the lochs is just generic orchestra theme
Anon... you learn forbidden chakra before enlightenment how did you miss it?
The raiding one. I don't remember which but there's a DC everyone will world visit in order to find parties in the party finder and you want to be on that one in order to not be a 2nd class citizen.
We have to go all the way back to Stormblood for a final zone where you fight shit. Tempet, Ultima Thule and Living Memory are just cutscenes and info dumps.
Farming 99 totems is anything but fun you idiot
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>reddit spacing
I know it must hurt you to see your kind being made fun of but at least try to hide it
I don't remember haurchefant or aymeric travelling to the aery with us, finding shiva, or finding hraesvelgar
COR could've been Ninja 2.0 with some RDM thrown in where a dice determined their special moves while they closed in for melee and jumped back for ranged attacks.
Can you explain to the rest of us what this "reddit spacing" thing is? You seem to know a lot about it.

Maybe go back, yeah, go back.
reddit spacing straight up does not exist, you are complaining about markdown message-box format
>ARR and SB used to be the two great filters for new people coming into this game
>Now another great filter that will be around for years to come in Dawntrail's MSQ.
I would tell people to just stick with it, it's setting up the other expansions, it's worth it in the long run. Dawntrail I'll be telling people to skip and go right to the dungeons and trials.
Most underrated theme in the entire game.
For you.
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Avoid Dynamis.
The rest should be good.
Aether is the more "raidfag" DC but that reputation has brought a lot of atrocious players lately and will probably get worse.
Crystal is a mix of both raidfags and RP fags.
Primal is a mix of both same as crystal.

Dynamis is dead as fuck and they're desperate for players, giving some eh boosts to try to bait people into going there, most of the people here will be travelers and queue times are BAD.
HOWEVER if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want a house, Dynamis basically guarantees you one.
However most of the fun of having a house is seeing your neighbors, afking on it and showing it off, which you can't really do in dynamis because like 95% of the plots are empty.
>reddit spacing
Don't make me post it
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where's my femhroth wife?
guess I forgot to bind it after the update because it got changed to something else
I have that one playing in my house, most of the night themes are good because they are calm, which matches the vibe of most zones
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>Why is anyone talking about Wuk Lamat, you chuds are obsessed!
Yeah, it's a mystery why we keep talking about the character, completely out of left field.
cringe ass dead tranny game
To be fair, they were pretty retarded and made like 6 different meditation buttons for some reason.
Don't play on NA servers, they're filled with faggots and trannies. Go play on Elemental, either Tonberry or Kujata.
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wrong. is this orchestrion in the game?
I don't want you to respond to me, I just want you to think to yourself about how many times you've posted that image. Reflect on that thought.
Skibidi yawnfail
>Crystal is a mix of both raidfags and RP fags.
Most of the raidfags on Crystal have their own statics so you'll mostly find trash in pubs. This gets even more obvious when Savage drops because the kill time for bosses are noticeably longer on Crystal than on Aether.
i never did the wyrlet or whatever forced echo raids. can i wife fordola or not?
>COR doesn't have an easy path to getting added
You fucking what mate? You have an entire city-state that is basically filled with nothing but COR's.
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That image seems to have upset you, here's another one relying the same information. Don't worry, the Wuk Lamat conversation isn't going away, remember you pushed for this.
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>sphene only in the final third of the game
>second highest word count
>not even half of wuk
>it's your fault i post about it all the time every day for a month
>image md5 posting
do you really wanna play this game again?
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Based, I was just listening to that.

But the most underrated theme is
Electrope mount that's a cube on the ground and turns into wings when you fly
7.1 when?
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Here's another in more detail explaining why the conversation around Wuk Lamat is not going to stop.
You said the same thing last thread.
Well no shit, that's why I said it's a mix and aether is the raid DC.
But like I said, lots of shitters on aether lately.
yeah my bind had turned into Meditation because ???
wanna answer this time?
They should make NIN LB kill DRK if he's under 50% even if he has his shitty fucking LB up.
Completely overshadowed by Unchanging, Everchanging.
Il mheg and rak'tika are both ass though, day and night. La hee fucking grates on me now, I hope the Xak Tural theme doesn't have the same effect in a few years.
>Get called out
>Thinks doubling down will somehow avoid being laughed at

oh brother this image >>683861715 REALLY set you off huh
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>Krile 8th on the list when she's so prominant in marketing
Kek it was supposed to be her turn, guess Yoshida really hates her after all
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That sounds so fucking lame and you just made me realize that's exactly what's gonna happen.
Ozma cube on ground and reused wings skeleton for air.
Does NG+ change the zone appearance with Light sky in ShB, Living Memory in DT,etc?
yeah I couldn't stand la hee after like 5 times
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Been trying to level my cul to 100 but have to go back and do all the job quests i skipped via firmament. Im currently at 90. Ngl, seeing that all my gear gets insta replaced by crafted gear in a week is kinda disheartening but whatever, Also trying to find a static on crystal has been annoying, i just want to raid
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>Il mheg and rak'tika are both ass though
I will stab you faggot
the day theme makes me cry
>less views
you all have no taste
You just described all of yawntail.
I guess it's because they merged them all into single buttons, but only 2 skills can be merged at once so they all needed different meditates, which is fucking stupid why not just have basic meditate turn into TFC and enlightenment only be usable at full chakra.
ay ay ay pablito seethe ay ay ay
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Ay caramba!
is this 'pablito' in the room with us right now?
the savage mount isn't gonna be a reskin of the ex trial mount skeleton you fucking donut
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I'm sorry il mheg puts me to fucking sleep, and even rak'tika night can't escape the LA HEE
honestly this one is good too. I might like this one better, but I didn't remember exactly how the song went and just went with the first kholusia one I found
Oh no it won't, only half of it!
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b my honey :)
Im going to make this bitch my baby doll and make her smile
try zero of it because that's beyond retarded to even assume or go hmmm *scratches chin* thinky think about
i like the day version better because the mt. gulg melody is more pronounced, and mt. gulg is so fucking peak. just good memories.
Holy shit you really pissed them off with this one.
you always say this
I prefer the default one, it captures that feeling of broken, hopeless world perfectly.
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>that's beyond retarded to even assume
why? its not like they don't reuse things elsewhere in the game
Best bet is to go to aether to find a raiding group since crystal is known as the erp server and aether is the raiding one.
>ummmm stormblood, the worst expansion, made me cry
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Name a single Savage mount reused from an EX trial mount.
yes but the day one captures the "broken, hopeless world has no finally found hope and is attempting to rebuild" feeling perfectly, and being an optimist i vibe more with that one
They already reused skeletons several times (and models in p8s), I don't see why you think this is so farfetched.
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DT had absolutely NOTHING like this.
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But where's the erection?
also helps that that final pull is so fucking fun if you decide to do it all like a man
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It has
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You got the lamppost at the bottom legit, right Anon?
You didn't cheat by getting rezzed on it, right?
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Name a single Savage mount reused from an EX trial mount.
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This right here shot me through the heart when I saw it
What a moment
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Technically not an EX mount but Air Force was a reused Whisper-Go.
Isn't the Lahabrea flying mount a reskinned firebird?
this 1 random faceless NPC invokes a bigger emotional response than all of DT
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can someone buy me sub. im broke! frown!
Ishgard... HOME...
That's one of those cases where it would be really stupid to *not* reuse a skeleton for something of similar shape and function.
P8S's mount is a reskin of both Alte Roite and Phoenix's boss skeletons.
Get a job
Dawntrail is better than Heavensward, even without the extra patches taken into account.
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We need to go back.
>can't afford 15 bucks a month
you should be filling out job applications instead of playing video games
This wasn't in Heavensward secondaries
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Gonna need an edit of HELLO HUMAN RESOURCES with Bakool Ja Ja and Vauthry.
its referencing heavensward, hence the reaction, silly
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>and Phoenix's boss skeletons.
Demi Phoenix has 3 heads, P8S mount is firebird from heavensward extremes with some light touch ups.
Content is better, music is about the same, job design is demonstrably worse, job balance is better, story is absolute dogshit don't even compare them.
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>I'm going to mount the zebra
I want to taste Wicked Thunder's wicked thundussy
You got a New World expansion, both South and North America. You want a Sailing and Discovery expansion, which is completely different
all of a sudden the unemployed board disapproves of unemployed people
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I miss the REAL finaru fanutasi fourteenu
not that good, but underrated song
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>P8S mount is firebird from heavensward extremes with some light touch ups.
this is because firebird also uses phoenix's skeleton from binding coils, something its description also lampshades with the "not a phoenix" joke
phoinix having three heads doesn't mean it's not using the boss skeleton
God if I stood underneath her I wouldn't even reach
>almost saves your shitty expansion

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If they made her the mount I would instantly retract all criticism of dawntrail
/v/ turns into the biggest corporate bootlickers you've ever seen in your entire life if the opportunity to do it ironically comes up
Time for my yearly replay of the DRK questline to remind myself of the potential this game has.
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>You got a New World expansion, both South and North America.

Where's the massive native civilizations?
Where's the wars and sacrifices?
Where's the elite warriors wearing furry costumes?
Where's the invading force?
Where's the adventure?
Where's the discovery?
Where's the ancient massive god beasts?
Where's the ancient megalithic art and structures?
Where's the expeditions and crazed wild life?

The closest we had was the one singular Shaaloani dungeon with the north american native ruins and that's it.
You will pay for your sub yourself, neets
You don't play the game
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I see we are at the bargaining stage of grief
same though lmao
your parents are going to die one day or kick you out before that
ruhhhh why doesn't it fit my impossibly specific criteria and why do i suddenly develop glaucoma when something does fit them
is that a wift in weality?
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Okay, we need to go back to Stormblood.
Even that once maligned expansion completely mogs Dawntrail.
Why is everyone that plays this game so........ weird?
Player base is mostly faggots and trannies
>We came in peacetime
>The elite warriors are literally furries
>We literally adventured all over the continent
>Discover what? People live here. We did go to another reflection though.
>Yok Huy architecture
people enjoying themselves? yeah, definitely strange and alien to the miserable faggots on this board and elsewhere.
I liked SB and i love Lyse and i'm tired of pretending otherwise!
The violin part during phase 2 using the motif of the battle theme was absolute 100% kino in a vacuum.
Terminally online people are rarely sane
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>phase 2
post hidden
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I'm perfectly normal.
Because Preach and everyone else has managed to stay in showbiz for so long by not inviting disaster. It's easy when you are an anonymous user on a Bangladesh baking board, but when you have a face and a name you are trying to sell you need to see where the wind is blowing and giving in to people like you would open a can of disgusting worms he'd never get back in again.
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>he said calmly on 4chan
Paranoid delusional chud alert.
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>tfw on caster or ranged and the tank does the full pull and the LB is up
You know the thing that 99% of the thread isn't doing that you are?
That's it.
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>always do ranged LB on the "big pack" in dungeons
>do it when I was traveling on aether
>fag healer types a manifesto on me "wasting the LB"
And thats when I stopped LBing packs.
anon learns what line breaks for readability are, declares them redditor behavior; completely silent on pre-2011 4chan screencaps that display the dreaded reddit space, including 2004-2005 era screencaps from before reddit existed
And immediately after the violin it gets just crunchy. How sad
>Done the EXs nit still not super confident about them
>Decide to join an A2C Everkeep party to help out and get more confident
>Almost every person here is a mouth breather
>Finally get a good run going
>Tank doesn't grab tether, RPR dives the AOE directly into the rest of the party killing almost everyone
>Party disbands
I am now confident about the EX trials
Is it currently pre-2011?
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So we're all in agreement that lalafells won?
I had some massive fag do this in Shadowbringers and then wait to kick me at the end of the dungeon, I really hate power tripping tanks with egos
depends, are you still obsessed with reddit
It's 2024 and you're both still acting like it's 2015/16
It's been nearly a decade, move on
it's been *over* a decade since 4chan's large boards became obsessed with reddit
based lalaboy
I feel Chemist would be a more ideal fit for a NIN clone, mixing ingredients like you do tool magic. With how they treated AST and their cards I'm not sure what RNG they will allow like it was in FF11
Healers are fucking stuck-up cunts. At least it's getting used instead of going to waste. Even if not optimally, it's best to use the LB asap so it can keep building, and you potentially get more than one in the run. The only time LB should ever be held is for 8-man content where either the tank LB3 is essential, or things may be going south and the healer LB3 might be needed.
he has such an innocent, corruptible face...
If you still play this trash you're either a faggot or a tranny
>Even if not optimally
But it is optimal for ranged to use LB on packs, it's literally the main point of their LBs and packs are the biggest time blocks in dungeons anyways.
It's just healers being retarded as usual.
whenver my monk uses four point fury i get to look up her skirt
Yo mods can you send someone to moderate the /vg/ threads? So much off topic pedophilia gooning going over there.
Better yet, follow the rules and ban all avatarfags
would you prefer on-topic pedophilia?
too busy leaving up BBC threads for three hours and deleting threads and posts complaining about them
>follow the rules
Sure. No trolling or racism outside of /b/, for starters. When we enforce that rule we can enforce the others.
If the mods actually enforced the avatar rule, 75% of /vg/ would be banned
God this cannot happen soon enough
vg threads are containment zones like /soc/, /r9k/, /mlp/, etc.
90% of the generals on /vg/ are complete and utter garbage filled with circle jerkers, sometimes literally.
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>So much off topic pedophilia gooning going over there.
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>But it is optimal
Of course, but I think you get my point. There are actually places where I break that rule anyway, like I prefer to LB the very last pull on Troia and Lunar Subterrane even if it's up for the one before, because they're just bigger and more satisfying.
normal people keep to themselves, I literally dont type to anyone but static members and rl friends, only people typing have legitimate autism
imagine taking a sniff of a sweaty monkgirl's upskirt taco
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I heard the faggots over there actually liked dawntrail and praised wuk lamat's voice acting too!
this is precisely what dawntrail should've been. No other scions, aside from maybe Krile. Send Yshtola, Thancred and Urianger back to the First, let the twins resolve their geopolitical autism, and maybe Graha can stick around.

hopefully they truly cut the scions off for good and let us get emersed in a genuinely new world.
You're posting on 4chan in a video game thread about FFXIV. You're not normal.
Seraph is active but the rest are not. Cuchulainn is a complete ghost town.

If you have to be on Dynamis, try to get into Seraph off-hours and never leave
I miss her so much bros, I was so wrong about her and stormblood.
>and maybe Graha can stick around.
Opinion discarded
Tell that to my cis female wife you dumb niggerfaggot. Go back to the actual tranny game, WoW. Have fun with your wheelchair bound and trans dragons.

Halicarnassus, Maduin, Marilith, and Seraph are the original Dynamis world servers. All of them are well-populated. Cuchulainn is about a month old, along with Golem, Kraken, and Rafflesia.
Dilate for Sena, tranny. And that's a man in a dress. So are you.
ishikawa wrote us into a corner with him. He can't possibly go back to the First, he abandoned his city and his daughter-captain just to go adventuringTM with us
I'll make you wear a dress just like I do for my WoL when I'm jerking off.
>He can't give an honest opinion because trannies are so afraid of the truth they have to shut anyone down
At least you admit it.
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my two lalafell edater orbiter girlfriends posing next to me in uldah to show off my exorbitant wealth
>has a wife
>still jerks off to his online game character
You are a man in a dress.
His wife is a landwhale, you'll find a lot of people who find sex away from their wife, it's because they're really fat.
>is a virgin
>thinks having a wife means you never masturbate again
Don't worry anon, I heard when you hit age 40 you become a wizard. Maybe you'll kill yourself before then.
I'm sorry your wife is unable to satisfy your needs, but at least her bf is content
I didn't marry your mom, anon
>absolutely seething virgin assumes I'm cucked
Damn, you blizzdrones are really pathetic.
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No you married a fat bitch
>I'm losing the fight I picked
>time to post pepe
Why do you continue to waste your parents' food? Just end it so they can turn your room back into a sex dungeon
>Maduin is well-populated
What ghost town of an MMO were you playing before this one?
Your wife will leave you when she realizes the man she loved is dying and crackly-voiced moonfaced speedrunner is taking his place
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