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I just tried the demo
Kami, I wish such a beautiful game wasn't a fucking tower defense
yeah I wish was gacha slop or souls slop
how dare they use any other genre
Is that a boy, or a girl?
does it even matter? a hole is a hole
Yeah man, how dare devs try to something new or uncommon, should have made a rollslop game.
Sad this game isn't getting enough attention. Normies hate trying new things because they get easily confused.
>The Seethe
fwiw the tower defense aspect is done in a unique way
feel like its more of a blurred line between rts and tower defense. Not really utilized in the early levels but later you gotta adapt your positioning to the situation
I finished ng+ and my opinion remains that this should have been developped as a roguelite.
Cool game though, definitely happy to see capcom try something more risky again. Still a shame that they didn't go pve only for exoprimal.
>this should have been developped as a roguelite
fuck off, do all the challenges instead, you faggot
will never not be funny how much of a pussy /v/ becomes when it comes to multiplayer.
sound like he wants to play a completely different game
It's the same girl twice
Normalfags and casuals were never going to pick this one up.
But I am disappointed that it's getting so little love from press. The same people foretelling the doom of bloated AAA gaming aren't giving the spotlight to a modestly scoped polished AA release, at the $50 price point that new video games should've been at all along.
The fact that you can command your guys to, for example, hit the bell guys from the back really makes it feel very different from a static defensive thing.
yea and just the way stages progress. Gates change and yoshino changes position. So you always gotta take in the new environment to account.
>Devs try something different
>Want it to be like something else on that market instead
I will never understand this.
someone should make a program that just reskins existing games
My only hope is that it did well enough to earn an expansion or a sequel down the line
Rather than a sequel, I just hope that the team behind it keeps getting to make whatever they want.
It's a unit.
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The fuck.
Tried the demo and liked it. Too bad it's got denuvo, I'll wait till they get rid of it to pick it up.
Are there good tower defense games with high production values?
>bamboo village break all the pots
>missing some
>realize there’s a teleport arrow target with pots on that side

I wouldn’t try to do both of those at the same time
I’m so fucking sick of the roguelite bandwagon
How long can I expect spamming matchlocks to last me? I just got the cart for the miko.
Ninja doesn’t seem TOO overpowered as a final role to unlock but goddamn having at least one makes any given mission just a bit easier to manage
They hold up in nearly every mission but there’s some coming up where their firepower might not be able to keep up with the amount of enemies coming. I usually only brought two Marksmen at most for later missions. I liked bringing a Cannoneer in place of one of them especially if there’s a good tower to park them on because they get a really good range increase on them. Helps clear groups and wear down anything that doesn’t die outright with their lingering sparks
I did it. Wasn't too bad actually. I forgot that the first boat layout's actually pretty compact.
Right the way up until the penultimate mission, where terrible sightlines and very close spawns make matchlocks very risky.
Having 12 gunners on Moegi Ridge was pretty awesome.
What was your build?
Faster bow, crystal damage, Soh damage up villager damage down, agility up, increased damage. Explosive bow shot clears out the boarders with ease and the rest is just spamming arrows.
Also I'm realizing that the damage up talismans all suck, the crystal damage up one dwarfs the effect of the other ones as long as you have over 900-ish crystals.
I find that I usually don’t have that many crystals on hand unless I’m either running nearly all woodcutters/archers or it’s one of the gimmick stages like Great Cherry Tree or Burial Grounds where you aren’t spending much and get back a ton. But that said, yeah it’s fucking ridiculous how much stronger it is on its own than every other attack up talisman when pumped like crazy. I was ripping through the back end of the boss rush because they throw so many crystals at you
I think Sorcerer is kinda broken, they are pretty much another one of your special moves that have a cooldown but they hit the entire map instead, and they also do a lot of damage to bosses and stuns them
It's insane that you can stack them.
Are you spending all of your stocked crystals every level? I can't help but hoard them, I unconsciously spend only the crystals I'll get back over the course of the stage.
i only use ascetics
Tried the demo. The extra stage kicked my ass. The multiple paths caught me off guard. Do you unlock things to make the going easier by the time you actually reach that stage in the full game or am I just bad?
You actually have less stuff unlocked in the full game at that stage.

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