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remnant 2 is on sale. is it worth buying? i played the first one and hated the enemy scaling (enemies got stronger when you upgraded your weapon)
same shit enemy scaling but still fun
>(enemies got stronger when you upgraded your weapon)
it works the same way now, kek. enemies scale based on your highest weapon and archetype even if ur not using them.
Great game regardless. Was in my top 3 for its year, but that year was unfairly stacked with RE4 and LoP.
it's really boring
It's fun until you reroll the campaign like 12 times and play for 2 hours each run just to get a single item also there is a new DLC dropping on September
beat it with a friend, base game plus first DLC
holy fuck what a fucking bland boring game
Too many rings
Better in every way than the first game except level design (the actual kind and not visuals). 10/10 final boss, genuinely couldn't have made a better one. All the DLC is good, but ultimately just more of the same in similar areas so not worth it unless you enjoy the repeating levels for items stuff.
Didn't like the game overall and it performed like absolute ass when I played. However it has one of the best final bosses of all time, you can tell that they really wanted to get that right.
>10/10 final boss
really nigger?
did we really play the same game lmao?
Yeah, it's like dark souls with guns. It's actually pretty fun and challenging at times.
I couldn't know what game you played, but the one I did had a boss that fit in every way that matters.
>the perfect final boss for the narrative and a satisfying close for lorefags
>a culmination of every bit of gameplay you've learned up to that point
>final encounter is the hardest, but also 100% fair with clear tells for every single action
>introduces a new, interesting gimmick seamlessly into the gameplay
What happens after the boss is not great, but that's got nothing to do with him.
It is actual garbage. Do NOT listen to reviewers, I will never forgive skill up for this.
nta, I love this game, but Venom was A LOT more fucking bullshit than the final boss was
Venom is hard because he's a terrible fight with shitty hitboxes and hurtboxes in a bad arena, Annihilation is hard because he's just hard.
>a generic dragon and a generic cybernetic nigger
>in a game that feels like an asset flip with boring builds and feels like a fucking chore
>story is so retarded and so badly put together it may as well not exist
>95% of the game is just shooting at trash mobs and looting the bullets you used
ebin game
Honestly a good game. Not perfect, but fun to play and replay (to a point.)
Gameplay is solid, just don't go for a meme melee character, its not actually viable. Plenty of stuff to get, plenty of stuff hidden. May take you multiple runs to get an item you want depending. You will find some, even a lot by yourself, but at some point you'll need to look up guides and use the save guardian to see whatever the fuck spawned in your current campaign otherwise you'll waste your time.
Also multiple classes, weapons, and plenty of rings to make your meme build.
Put around 100 hours in, played both DLC, waiting for the third.
>generic dragon
Weak bait, shitposter-kun. Try to at least google the game you're shitposting about next time.
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second part of my post
>every map looks the same for hours
>you've seen one room, you've seen the entire map already, and maps are big
>lots of unexplained things
>characters are the most uninteresting niggers ever with almost no personality or story behind them
>protag lines are just forced "trying to be tough"
>almost all starting guns are fucking awful, you need to stick to one for 80% of the game if you're lucky
>some skills look fun but most of them are also completely worthless
>you want to be a guy with a dog? here, have this generic fucking dog that is exactly the same as your friend's but with a different colour on his cloth (this one may not be that important but I just really disliked it)
I slightly liked N'Erud aesthetically but still had a lot of missed opportunities
I'm probably missing more points but I just can't understand how a really good idea can turn into this uninspired, pasion-less video game

ok bro
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forgot to add, the cube boss fight was fun
good night
>I don't pay attention to anything and that means nothing is there
Very good post, bro.
Fun game, okay puzzles/exploration, enjoyable combat with variable enough character progression, itemisation is better than most games where you might find yourself switching things up with either one or more items on your character. Bosses are kinda meh but they try to give you some variety at least.
Does it work as a single player thing? The trailer makes it look like one of those live service things
I liked it but I also played it with a friend. Final boss kind of sucks, I didn't bother with the DLC.
It works perfectly fine in single player, one or two puzzles requires coop but that's about it.
>That level that's like a massive starship with a black hole or whatever
>say to my friend damn this is really cool this spaceship is so big it's like being on the surface of a planet
>my friend thinks we're just in a desert level
I don't know how you miss every cue that this was a gigantic fucking spaceship but i definitely knew they were retarded then and there.
The scaling is ultra aids too it's bad enough to deal with on your own then you have a complete retard who can't figure it out even when it's explained. I had a terrible time.
Loved remnant 1 tho, didn't play any of the dlcs
Don't buy it if you have no one to play multiplayer with.

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