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>guns are a thing in the setting
>most characters still use melee weapons

And don't say "magic", cause that's just admitting it makes no sense.
There's not enough guns for everyone.
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Guns literally cuck you out of the murder.
The gun does all the work, you just prep the bull by pulling his trigger.
And if you don't properly clean the bull, it will explode in your face.

Guns are incredibly gay.
>guns have been around since at least the 1200s
>Swords still used till the early 1900s
Reality is dumb
For most of the hundreds of years guns have existed their very low accuracy, slow reload time, lack of lethality due to low bullet velocity, expense, and difficulty of manufacture meant they were situational weapons. You have to be able to reliably drop a guy further than 30 feet out if you don’t want him to be able to charge up and hit you and even with modern pistols you generally have to shoot some one 5+ times to fully incapacitate them, imagine if you are using a musket with 1 shot and it’s velocity is so low it sometimes literally bounces off people
>Swords literally cuck you out of the murder.
>The sword does all the work, you just prep the bull by making it swing.
>And if you don't properly clean the bull, it will get rusty and fail to cut.
>Swords are incredibly gay.
Stop being a pretentious moron.

In the case of real life history, guns took awhile before the technology stopped being crap. Clearly that is not the case of FF's firearms tech, since the time period the game takes place in is roughly analogous to "Go fuck yourself AD".
>And don't say "magic"
>what's 2+2
>no, don't say 4
That's literally how the game's universe functions retard
Every combat job the player can play, even the physical ones like MNK, uses aether (magic equivalent)
Even if you're literally just swinging your sword at a nigga, you're using magic in the setting
The same goes for guns, you use aether ammunition

The only ones in the setting who can't do the above are Garleans and they have to use normal weaponry, and yes most of their foot soldiers do use guns
ah sweet, /tg/ garbage leaking into /v/
Garleans use magitek
Listen you little noodle-armed twerp. The only thing you're doing with that sword is dropping it after trying to pick it up.
>ooh but guns can be heavy too
Yeah but you've got a derringer.
Like a woman.

Ah sweet a cuckolded faggot
>wave your gay little katana around your motel six like a retard and ignore cops when told to stop
>get dropped like the limp dick sack of shit you are
Unironically, blatantly and verifiably
>Clearly that is not the case of FF's firearms tech
It clearly is have seen how shot machinist are?
Magic doesn't exist, anon. Give me realistic solution.
Rule of Cool, homo.
Didn't have to announce yourself like that
When's Elder Scrolls adding in Guns, anyway?

High Elves make great Target Practice.
Catgirls don't exist either. Stop being a retard.
the true answer is brass knuckles. every single time.
unarmed is second best but also means that you cant have any fancy gauntlets and shit which is why brass knuckles is still better
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Sorry not sorry flexing on you cucks is a hobby o mine
Or, I could pull my piece and actually, y'know, win.
Women with accessories exist IRL. Magic does not exist IRL.
Fantasy has gun control because thats the only kind of reality where it would work.
with enough physical training a dude can become so strong/fast they can easily dodge or tank bullets.
at that point the only thing that can physically harm them are melee weapons being swung by a dude with as much as or more physical conditioning than they have.
there's your cool fantasy game combat, have fun
This is unrealistic. You can't train yourself to "dodge or tank" bullets.
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Ur…..saying I can dodge bullets?
>He doesn't know
Why are westoids obsessed with shoehorning reality into fiction?
This >>683850668. That is not how physics works. You can't just "git gud" against firearms.
Your mind is so rotten by video games you think magic is real.
Don't worry, it'll correct itself soon.
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Because people really hate Guns in Fantasy and always use "realism" arguments to try and convince others why they shouldn't be added.
>can jump several feet in the air
>can swing massive swords as if they were as light as feathers
But no, tanking or dodging bullets is a tad too much.
Why are gaijin twats so desperate to defend when fiction is being retarded?
It's much worse, /k/. Yuck.
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Guns are cool, wish more games had them.
>dune gives idea as to why everyone uses swords and meele instead of guns with the shields
>people don't use any similar mechanic in any game
The Garleans have to wear magitek power armor and use aether infused ammunition to even fight Eorzeans.
Imagine attacking some random dude and he tanks a full magazine to the head then bisects your mate with his pocket knife because his DBZ power level is just higher.
MCH's weapons too are entirely based around their weapons being directly fed with an aether infuser on your belt.
How the Limsan firearms work isn't really elaborated on but they probably also load them with magic bullets.
You can't jump several feet in the air.
You can't swing a sword like that.
You are delusional.
Avowed is basically TES with guns.
What are you talking about.
This is not how reality works.
Everyone in this thread is retarded but me. I'm talking to an insane asylum.
Dunes logic is also retarded. You could defeat the entire enemy army by hopping one guy up on spice, giving him a laser and telling him to shoot toward the bad guys
>Because people really hate Guns in Fantasy
Speak for yourself. Every time I end up engaging with a fantasy story, I always think "This generic story I've seen a thousand times would be over already if the chosen one just plugged the dark lord in the face with a 22.".

Neither of those things should be happening either. Again, why do you feel the need to defend stupid shit?
The characters in the setting can, that's what's relevant.
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Dune is cringe and guns are cool.
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Please tell me he eventually shot his leg with .223 hahahahaha
No they can't. It is not realistic. I reject unrealistic fairy tales.
Yeah, but Avowed.....doesn't look very good, right now.
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Oh you sly cunt.
This kind of thing reeks of teen wish fulfillment. Straight up chuuni shit. Fucking disgusting is what it is.

Then the setting is shit and the writing is bad.
final fantasy isn't real life, shut the hell up and suck my dick.
I'm saying something something you won't have to
Unironically golemification. People literally cannot conceive a setting where laws of reality are even slightly different from our own. Game of Thrones gets a free pass because dragons appear in dramatic enough moments that a golem brain produces a soipog reaction, but don't stay for long enough for it to start questioning their existence.
Guns do 5 damage
Sword does 500 damage
Guns are worthless when everyone teleports behind you.
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I just think shooting Fantasy Monsters is fun.
It should be. Games should be realistic. >>683851371
decades of kike brainwashing left them spiritually crippled
though this is not even a realism issue when japanese fantasy has approached autism levels comparable to hard scifi since the late 00s with every single series explaining their own type of body enhancement system and powerlevel system
too bad trannylations never let you see that however
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>games should be realistic
What makes you think a bullet is useful in a world with metals and alloys capable of surviving all sorts of magical attacks?
I would feel bad for westoids if it wasn't for their constant attacks on japan since WW2.
Id feel bad for Japan, except for their perfidious attack on pearl harbor
>every single series explaining their own type of body enhancement system and powerlevel system
I thought it was Chinese fantasy thing?
If it can be damaged, build a gun that shoots the thing that can damage it.
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not really, they have been autistic as shit ever since yuyu hakusho and part 3 jojo, especially in vns and lns, and this got doubled the fuck down once people saw autism sells with HxH's nen
you just dont see it because anime adaptations are made for the cognitively impaired and skip all that, plus trannylation butchering replacing any worldbuilding and powerlevel depth with goyslop
Fiction is useless and harmful. Baseless fairy tales that create disturbed minds. Humans should stop fantasizing at 5, otherwise their brain develops wrong (as shown in this thread).
This anon is going to off himself before 40.
/v/ may not be the place for you. The CCP sounds more your speed.
>guns are a thing in the setting
>most characters still use melee weapons
just like in real life. plus in fantasy you can just dodge a bullet or cut it.
dont suck israel cock that hard goylem bro
>And don't say "magic", cause that's just admitting it makes no sense
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It's in their programming, please understand.
Guns are loud, stabbing someone properly is quiet. What if we put a gun on your sword or sword on your gun? Would your autism be satisfied then?
Oh, not, it's more I don't really find Japanese stuff THAT autistic, most of the time it's fairly surface level or "your mind makes it real".
Meanwhile cultivation stuff WILL have you know how huwang and fufung work, what do they do to your shushung and what meridians they hupuhutate.
>stroking your sword blade with oil and oiling your leather wrap around the handle

much gayer imho.
You really need to stop watching only generic shounenslop bro.
Even FF7's materia lore and worldbulding has more depth than even the most shilled chinkslop.
the time period where guns and metal armor coexisted was kino but most americans don't think it existed
Because Melee weapons do more damage than guns
KotOR does something similar, vibroblades become common usage because of personal shields. They just don’t go nuclear when your shoot them.
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There are plenty of good reasons, depending on the setting. A big one is that guns in pre-modern times are not the most accurate things, nor are they fast-firing, so they're impractical for a lot of things unless you have a lot of guns. But it can be hard to get a lot of guns because they also require a certain amount of both industry and skill, since they are precision instruments. That means they'd be relatively expensive, even moreso depending on the industrial abilities of your setting. If there are only a few big cities (or none), then guns are going to be hard to come by, and crazy expensive.
When it comes down to small-party (or solo) adventuring, like in many game, guns start looking a lot less good compared to a bow or crossbow, or any number of melee weapons. When your average (pc) rogue makes Robin Hood look like a scrub, the advantages of guns go down substantially. And that's before you add magic to the mix.
Because you're a fatherless incel, OP.
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rule of cool, OP is a faget NEXT bait thread please
I really dont know how humanity got past the 1700s with how dumb we were as a species
>rule of cool
Fairy tales again. If you haven't grown out of them, you are not old enough to be on 4chan.
You will troon out and hang yourself before 30.
Pretty sure warriors don't use aether, besides the whole mothercrystal hero thing. All their skills are either physical or self-persuasion like infuriate and bloodwhetting.
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Most of the stupidity of humans is greatly exaggerated due to kike brainwashing.
The average IQ of a human without kike sabotaging or nigger racemixing is surprisingly high, add those two to the average person on top of giving femoids human rights, on top of actively suppressing creatives while promoting diversity hires, and that's when you get a recipe for retard disaster.
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pike and shot era is so underated. It's got (not)knights with guns.
>Why do these inequal weapons coexist in a fantasy setting?
Happy to help, retard
Even physical skills use aether, it's just consumed internally to superjuice your strikes.
Fantasy is just term for alternate history. It still should be realistic.
The only really good explanation would be price or rarity
If mass production isn't a thing and every gun is a hand-crafted weapon made by a skilled artisan, then it would make sense that they're rare and probably VERY expensive
Plate armor was super rare and expensive for that exact reason

Otherwise it would just be down to the unreliability of early firearms, but from OP's pic that's clearly not the case
Say that out loud to yourself right now.

>depending on the setting

>muh rule of cool
You must be 18+ to post on 4chan.
>Fairy tales again. If you haven't grown out of them, you are not old enough to be on 4chan.
Said anon on the video game board.
>Say that out loud to yourself right now.
You used a a picture from ff14, melee jobs do more damage than physical range dps jobs in ff14. You might not like it but that's your answer
>the answer is that the game is shit
Divergent evolution
I don't understand how you even live in a developed nation being illiterate. The most basic shit you need to do to get by in life comes in writing. And even if you skipped the entire public school system, you would think you would learn naturally just by osmosis. Like I get that blacks are fucking unevolved but it seems like the desire to read twitter with their peers would outweigh their disdain for education.
we reached the point where nogs can literally steal cars, crash them utterly, sometimes running over people, and they still have no consequences whatsoever thanks to kike influence
they also make good money out of stolen cars too
not even making shit up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJA7jDF7bLE
nothing fucking matters anymore, nogs and pajeets could be literally not even able to speak any language on top of violently assaulting people and they would still get jobs

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