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I'm about to start playing this game.
I know it's slow as shit.
I know the animations look childish and stupid.
I know it's a game made for babies.

But does it get FUN? WHEN does it get fun?..
No it does not
It never gets fun.
its a pretty mid ass platformer if you're playing it you're playing it for the fact that naoto ohshima did the art and hes a really fucking good artist, the game looks great and the environments have that same early sonic/nights surrealism. i found myself getting secondhand embarassment at points from how "kiddy" the game was at times though.
the only "fun" thing.. are th character designs... to an extent.

So the moment you look at a png, the fun ends.
>But does it get FUN? WHEN does it get fun?
In the boss fights.

Making a game capitalizing Nights into Dreams' nostalgia (i.e. attracting mostly over 30yo gamers) and making the challenge for 90% of the game nonexistant was a terrible mistake.
Even Nights offered a decent challenge despite being a game marketed to children in the 90s, and forced you to git gud if you wanted to beat the game.
The game's main problem is that it was originally planned as a mobile phone game (i.e. slop that could be played by the bottom of humanity with a touch screen) but the devs forgot (or were too lazy or incompetent) to upgrade its formula and challenge so it works as a proper game for people over the age of 5.
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At best it is a mild amusement, and at worst frustratingly annoying in how lacking it is for quality of life things. You buy it because you like the style of the game rather than the game itself. Like >>683849876 said it's a mid-platformer that's the kind of game you wouldn't want you father walking in on you playing for the sheer embarrassment of playing something so kiddy. There's also a Chao Garden which is developed nicely. $15 at most.
is there a source for this? nothing about it plays like a mobile game its just yuji naka's 1 button autism
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I'm honestly curious as to how bad this game really is. I'll probably pick it up some day during a deep sale for a dollar.
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Hell yeah Balan thread
You can unlock the Balan costume by doing tim activities, does it get fun? no
I've thought about buying a Switch copy for the novelty ticket that comes with it. Is the book any good? I know it's the actual way you learn about the lore of each character and I never bought it.
Based Balan chad.

It takes a real man to endure this slop.
It gets fun when you finish the game and unlock the 3rd levels of each world
Combining costumes in coop is also super fun
The levels tend to get better as you progress in the game, the first one being god awful
It's not only bad, but painfully boring to complete. Your character is painfully slow and the majority of the costumes you obtain does one thing and ONLY one thing since that action is tied to every button. If you collect a costume that can't jump, pray that you have something else or you're going to backtrack to find another crystal with a costume with a jumping ability.
nta but honestly it looks like a switch game, playing it on PC got me nostalgic for those early switch days and got me wanting a switch copy
honestly if you're getting hit that much in fucking balan wonderworld that you're regularly without the ability to jump i think you may just be too stupid for video games. did you fail kindergarten? is sonic the only game youve ever played?
It feels more like a Switch game than anything else, but I barely use my Switch and the demo was on Steam (which gave an exclusive costume) so I played that. Turned out I never got the exclusive costume and they removed the demo prior to the game coming out because everyone was dunking on it.
why does the nights clone only exist in the "time the button" minigame?
Besides my biased Balan autism it's a standard novel you'll find in a elementary school library
I'm also biased to Balan so it'll be something I probably pirate if anyone bothered to upload it somewhere.
Balan Wonderland is such an awkward game. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a cult meme game some day.
When the storm approaches
I'm almost annoyed that you reminded me about it. The game isn't "fucking terrible" but if you had low expectations and just wanted to enjoy the art and atmosphere, the game really managed to test what it could get away with in terms of being such an ass awkward disappointment
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It’s just silly fun
balan lives on through this meme
About a quarter of the way into the game, the strong art direction will make up for the lackluster gameplay.
Some of the late game and postgame content is somewhat challenging, but I wouldn't necessarily call it fun.
Think the most fun I had was post-game going back to collect all the stuff I missed since I had all the costumes that made getting over shit easy.
>Go back to collect what I missed
>Remember I still hade to redo some Balan Bouts
That was the most annoying part of it. I'd get everything right, fuck up one, then I'd just quit out of the game because it was just faster to reload the game than to do the world boss to reset it.
Honestly I had some fun when I got the Double Jumper costume so I could skip most of the puzzles.

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