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Play Fighting Games
Discuss Fighting Games
Post Fighting Games waifus!
1st for blazblue
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>Fatal Fury Special
>Fatal Fury 3
>Real Bout 1
>Real Bout 2
Anyone wanna play
I like Cham Cham.
And in a way, I havee grown to like Tam Tam as well.
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There's something about old SNK games that I find very summery and I like it
name 3 blazblue games
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What fightan game I should get for my PS5 GBFV, SF6 or Under Night In Birth 2?
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Andy is focused on training to improve himself and finally beat his brother Terry.
Stop asking him to deflower Mai, not to mention marriage.
He's a busy man.
I really wish SNK games were more popular. I don't understand what's with the American FGC and their fucking allergy to KOF but I hope COTW being more grounded helps it.
this one at least is "free" if you wan to try it... but gotta pick the rising version
Those gay little flames on his costume look DUMB
C'mon anon, it's not like I'm Master. Everyone who plays this game is dogshit under Master anyways.

SF6 games?
I hear UNI is dead on console and it doesn’t have crossplay, if that’s important to you.
does sf6 look choppy and stiff or is it just me?
The American FGC is riding the SF and Tekken bucks. Don't use them as a gauge for anything. The whole thing is pure BS.
part of me believes it would have been a lot healthier now if kof 13 had released with decent netcode
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Maybe the American FGC gave SNK games a fair shake and didn't care for them.
I mean it's not like they make particularly great games. They're the B-movies of the genre.
I've only played the first Granblue, not the recent one. I liked it but probably SF6 is a more solid game experience...i'll wait to buy the new GB when the physical copy will be released (probably with more 2-3 seasons characters).
Fighting games are an inaccessible genre for normal people.
>Opponent throws a punch
>Based on the punch, positioning and all the conditions like life, distance, frame, meter, etcetera you have to choose the proper response form a wide array of possible actions
>Once you choose your answer to said punch, you have to carefully input a complex input
>All of the above took 1/60 of a second

It's simply impossible if you have normal person reflexes.
Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
fighting games are the rap music of video games
With the input buffer, you have like 10 times as much time to actually do something than 1 frame
Nah; desperate people like you are dangerous and are better avoided.
fighting games are a crucible where mutual respect is forged from people of every walk of life. even the heels if they got the goods
female character outfits are not sexy and revealing enough. that's why sf6 and t8 are a downgrade.
Yet people like soulslop games where you do a slash and then boss reads your inputs and slams you for 80% of your hp
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Just done gooning to the mugen vore
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I'm a hardcore gamer!
oh that's what he's been saying in between MUCH LIKE SUFFOCATINGs
Well, Soulslike games allow people with normal reflexes to dodge that slam. Of course they're more popular.

Why are fighting game fans so butthurt over Soulslikes existing? I can see the DMC / NG / Bayo people being mad due to that genre kind of taking over that niche, but fighting games and Soulslikes have absolutely no overlap.
id play some bbcf if you make a lobby
I think the point is people love to pretend they love hard games ie souls but then fighting games are apparently too much
>Well, Soulslike games allow people with normal reflexes to dodge that slam.
Kinda true for older fromslop but since DS3 they dont really care about giving you tells anymore, players just know they have to eat shit a bunch of times before they'll be able to avoid certain attacks
BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War
BlazBlue Entropy Effect
Jackie Chan
It's literally the only thing he has going for him. He's basically the Akira Yuki of the series, and it's fitting his costume now looks similar to Akira's VF5 one.
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I think his KoF 2002 costume was literally perfect: simple, elegant, functional.
Remember mai has big tits and ass for comedy and ridiculousness purposes according to the designers you can't really find girl looking that silly attractive
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Just because somethings funny doesn't mean it can't be sexy too. You absolute luddite.
Shut the fuck up Sybb.
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I'm glad they brought Chizuru back she is cool and deserved better than she got
i cant connect
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My waifu of 20+ years got a weird face and that makes me sad
Fortunately i barely have to look at her face
Oh, I thought that was you that joined the room.
I'll remake it.
Still mad her theme didn't get remixed
Your wife only fucks shotas btw
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What's the downside
New room is up
SNK always had the best jams
she just looks like a white woman now
Well I'm afraid you aren't a cute shota so she won't fuck you
>SNK always had the best jams
She has a remixed ver in KoF XV.
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My main got nerfed and now i don't feel like playing
That's what you get for not playing decade old discord fighters
It's not working, b0ss
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Failed; why not make a normal 8 man lobby, let other people spectate?
What the fuck!? That's a new track right? It's listed as being from the second soundtrack (https://vgmdb.net/album/134640) and i swear to god there was no Chizuru vs Benimaru destiny battle on release
Also just posting the best destiny battle theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p1SGW4qRpc
Sure, I'll just do that. Sorry about that.
I didn't know more people wanted to play BBCF.
Alright, I made a new 8 person BBCF lobby.
Hopefully more people will get to enjoy CF now
>about to go to bed
>people hosting lobby's
Fuck you guys
We love (or pretend to love) hard games for normal people, like Soulslikes. Games that no matter how challenging are still accessible, playable and enjoyable for the average Joe.
Fighting games are on a completely different dimension, inaccessible for 99.99% of human beings.
sf4 was the last real fighting game
sf was always mid
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Who are some low execution characters in KoF XV? Preferably cute girls.
I am not actually a beginner, I played a lot of the older KoF games on the arcade, but I'm going to play XV on a pad and I have brittle, old man hands that WILL hurt if I strain them too much.
Literaly every whore in your pic maybe not angel
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Fuck, I've been playing other fightans and now my senses are messed up/need to warm up again
kek yeah, I've heard playing Angel is quite busy. I was expecting Yuri to be very straightforward yes, and Athena to a lesser extent but is Blue Mary also simple? I haven't messed around with her in training mode yet.
To be fair, Carl is pretty hard
I like how she looks but it's true that it's completely out of character. She's always looked younger and mischevious.
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I suck at KoF but i found this hag's xbox hueg combos to be somewhat comfortable to perform, she also got some nice reach going
Also the same Kula shit that she's got since her conception still works if you ever played her
Saigon whore
It's crazy, I used to see her EVERYWHERE during the first year of KoF XV but then literally nothing, I guess she got nerfed hard but I still want to try her out, thanks for the suggestion.
>Also the same Kula shit that she's got since her conception still works if you ever played her
Neat. Yeah I'm somewhat familiar with her.
Remember Mai actually had a smaller bust size than Chun-Li and it was raised later just to make her win.
I haven't played Strive since launch. Is it much better now? I know there's a new mechanic in wild assault but I have no idea what it does. I heard some characters got new special moves too. I'm not into sf6 or t8 so I need something to play.
Okay there's a full room, can we not have it as King of the Hill?
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god damn blazblue lobby is almost full
Good point, I should have thought of that. I'll adjust it after this match.
I had no idea there were still so many CF players here.
Then years later Capcom turned Chun into an absolute titty monster for SFV
Only to nerf her again for 6 because that's just not appropriate these days.
I've been playing too much CP, no Belial edge is fucking with me.
>sf6 thread is schizos and crapcom drones screeching at eachother
>this thread is fighting game SCHOLARS playing the game
Umm bro?
I of course mean hit game Blazblue Chronophantasm.
It’s nice that they brought it back, but holy shit SVC fucking sucks to play. Everything feels off and just moving around and pressing buttons on a basic level feels like shit.
I played old garou for the first time yesterday and that game is really weird. I wish I liked the character designs more, but I only seem to like the titty monsters in snk's games
1. They never know how to get with the times. Their peak was when America were rejecting 2d games in general.

2. SNK are very prideful, which their pride has lead to their downfall several time.

3. Their netcode is always trash.

4. You have to learn 3 characters lol.
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Are there any good fighting game documentary?
KoF XV feels like a fighting game made and released last decade. I say that as the highest form of compliment I can give to a fighting game; modern fighters fucking SUCK, but that is also the biggest reason it was not successful in the US.
XV's netcode was always great. The matchmaking was the problem.
All the code mystics releases have excellent netcode too.
the smash brothers
noclip's documentary on the spookster is good
they are too salty to admit the mexicans will clean the floor with them in fightcade, so they go with the usual excuss that if isn´t capcom slop they wouldn´t play it
How old is that pic?
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I forgot that Throw Reject Miss exists and just kept mashing throw escape there....
>10pm is too late for this guy when the undernight degens start at 12am
as a newbie where should I start? i played tekken fair bit casually as a kid but the selection of fighters in 8 seems shit.
ggs blazblue peeps
I swear everyone but me knows how to do these purple throw loops.
SNK trying anything “risky” or “modern” would lead to yet another use of their “ABBA” code a decade later.

Don’t think 16 is coming any time soon. If it did.

1. 3 game arcs aren’t possible anymore. So probably best to have 1 game get updated with more content. Also great time to start a new saga, as the Verse creatures were kinda lame, and there is not a single Verse saga newcomer I’d really care about getting shafted.

2. Change up some of the team and have some Surprises.

3. Come up with new mechanics and not just rip-off 2002.

4. Have more content than just the usual. This isn’t the arcade days.
which fighting games currently have a non-dead noob population?
Actual purple throw loops or trm set ups?
all of them do. you have to pretty much play nthe first few weeks of release then give up.
Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 are basically guaranteed to be alive and have new players for at least 5 years.
Strive too if you like anime fighters.
Granblue's fate will be decided next month.
I feel like it's the second most popular game played on /v/ with first being Undernight.
anything that regularly gets 100+ concurrent players will have plenty of noobs you just might have to find them in lobbies or whatever, depends on the game.
if you want matchmaking to find them for you your options are SF, Strive, Tekken, maybe GBVS. Uni for now but you've got a month or so before it fades off again
About to use fightcade for the first time, any controller configuration guide some kind anon can share?
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my cousin came over yesterday, and we played MvC2 for the first time in a few months. God i fucking love that game
I've been playing the shitty ps3 version for more than a decade now, do you guys know if the remaster thats coming out is going to be the 6 button version? Because if it is I have to buy it immediately
GGs Blazbros, I'ma go eat
Go into a room, press the test game button on the top right then go to Input>Map Game Inputs or press F5
Can confirm, PC Under Night is where everyone plays. Nobody pays the snoyim tax.
What's funny is that KOFXV is modernized for all intents and purposes but it did it right.
>tager guardpoint tanks super
>got excited for KoF15
>played it for about a month and dropped it
>came back for the first few DLCs for a couple days but couldn’t stick with it
>got excited for UNIST2
>played it for about a month and dropped it
>came back to try the new character but not sure how long I’ll continue playing
>getting excited for City of the Wolves
I can tell I’m going to waste my money again but it’s fine
I need the MvC collection since I never properly played 2, but no release date. I bought UMvC3 on sale but Im not feeling it.
I'm surprised, too. I had no idea that worked
Buying a game isn't like buying a house anon. Play until you stop having fun and move on
What exactly made you lose interest in those 2 games?
Posting non-fighting game music
Try KoF XV, Street Fighter 6 or Granblue Fantasy Vs
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sorry i was afk
i'm down for a few games but i'm only gold 4 or 5 and pretty shit
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2004 BC
So let's ask this here. In KOF, what is exactly the difference between jumping at an opponent in the corner and hopping at them? What exactly is the advantage there? Why do they sometimes do a hop into a jump and vice versa?
Check the 1993 SF2 Turbo (super famicom) japanese tournament, either the footage alone or Justin Wong's video about it
GGs lobby
My thumb hurts after playing a charge character again.
Thank you to everyone that joined the BBCF lobby.
But I have to go now.
Perhaps I'll play more another day. I need to seriously relearn some stuff, as I kind of forgot how to Tager altogether.
Buy the SF 30th anniversary collection, and try those games while learning some fundamentals
Genuinely wish I understood why I'm stupid with charge characters.
Hops are shorter, faster and harder to react to. Jumps are normal jumps and are used the same as you would use them in any other fighting game
GGs Blazbros.
Use the training mode feature on the menu and then use that to quick set buttons
Oh, so you use it to stop an opponent from trying to antiair and then it opens them up for a jump in which is probably more plus? Oooooh.

Wait that's fucking godlike
Is SVC Chaos censored in anyway aside of the cover? I don't wanna waste money
I don't want to give money to people making shitty games.
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who do (you) main?

>implying anyone here plays REAL fighting games
Mario like a sensible person.
they've said nothing is censored in the actual game itself
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degenerate choice my man.
Jesus christ nigger just make a lobby with a password
I don't recall if CF even has a password lobby system
It doesn't.
You can do that in Plus R, but not in CF....
It's more like you use it to reset and continue your offense, go over lows, or use an air normal as a poke in neutral.

This video explains it better than I can.
B. Jenet
Ky Kiske
Kung Fu Man
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That's retarded
Plus R didn't have a lobby so it was made from the ground up for the rollback update so it's a lot better than CF's ancient lobby which was there from the beginning
Freeman. I hope he's in CotW since it looks like his stage is in based on the new Billy trailer.
sounds good, might buy it later
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this fucking unit
American FGC follows the crowd like how people still use Facebook even though there are better social media sites out there.
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Mai's tits bounce and Balrog is a rapey asshole, I think the game itself is 100% accurate.
That's one way to go about it, yes. You can use hops to bait a fast anti air like standing jab, then use J.CD to send the opponent into a juggle counter hit state which can be used to do some serious damage.

The alternative is also true, you can use jump attacks like CD to scare your opponent into not pressing buttons in fear of counter hit so it opens them up to hop shenanigans like meaty hop 2C from kyo or isla jump b for example.

Take that bandana off you fucking liar
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She's like in her mid 20's.
Absolutely ancient by fighting game standards.
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Do you know how long you have to live for to reach your 20's in KoF's timeline?
Yeah Luong got nerfed quite a while ago. The biggest thing being her CD which moved her forward a good amount and was used tons in her gameplan being neutered in the forward movement department. iirc it was left with less range than her sweep. I don't remember what else they actually nerfed for her but that was definitely what killed her usage amongst the pros. She's not even remotely close to being unusable so if one wants to play her they can.
king of china town.
the mike roos one.
what did he mean by shiranui style? did he train under the same dojo as mai?
be careful with what you wish, fren
I also hoped guilty gear was more popular during the rev 2 days and in return the monkey paw fistfucked me to hell and back
This is the only video you need.

>did he train under the same dojo as mai?
They did. They have the same master (Jubei), which is how Mai came to know him.
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>Absolutely ancient by fighting game standards
So you're all about Momoko?
you didn't have to do him like that, anon
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>Fuck working. Who wants to work?
Real nigga shit right there. Its crazy that I used to go to that very arcade as a kid, but not for fightan, just because I used to have family dinners down the block once in a while. Its like practicing guitar in Carnegie Hall or some shit, I was in hallowed ground and didn't know it. Its still there (confirmed it myself a month ago) but its a shell of itself, arcades are pretty much dead in this city
I'm pretty sure I could smoke anyone itt in any game.
Play me in AACC
so he's actually mai's childhood crush
based and moral
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Thats not what luddite means, retard-kun.
When are you joining the under night thread that's going up in about an hour?
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This is where Mai got her genes from, say something nice about him
New-ish to fighting games, mostly just play very casually online and once a week with friends. I have a really hard time doing consistent inputs like 180s/360s or (half circles?) 426, on pad. Debating between getting an arcade stick or a lever less generic hitbox to switch to, any thoughts as to which to get? If it matters, typically playing SF6/Strive/Soon to be mvc2 and Tekken later
My bad, missed your reply. Figure you're gone by now, but room is pic related.
Anybody who wants to play come on in, gonna take a piss and then be right back.
Why is kof 15 main menu so generic and soulless?
What are some underrated ways to be toxic in these games?
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hit em with the controller drop
If you feel like you absolutely must buy a device for motions like 360 and 720, then yeah, a stick technically makes them easier to perform, more than hitbox even. For newbs people usually recommend the mayflash f500 or the qanba drone.
But do remember that several grappler players like snakeeyez and idom use the regular ass PS controller so only spend money if you feel like you absolutely have to
I assume you play exclusively grapplers, do you know about input shortcuts? If you don't, you should probably learn those before putting money into a stick or hitbox.

If you're going to get stick or hitbox the best options are qanba obsidian 2 and Haute42M16+ respectively
To not distract you and keep you focused on the match.
I made it to S rank in grubble today
Yes...Andy see her as a lil sister...Mai wet her panties everytime he's around.
Thanks anons. I did not know about shortcuts so I'll try that out first thanks for the heads up. Also yeah grapplers for SF (Gief/Manon) but I also just basically cannot do the Strive supers that are 62426 consistently at all which has made me limited to Testament and Baiken if I want to do them without wiffing, hopefully the shortcuts help with that so I can actually use the full moveset for the rest of the roster.
That's probably because every summer a KoF was released.
Remember when Cham Cham was a guest in queens blade ova, products and games?
Spam the same move over and over
For Cham Cham appreciators
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Do i?
I always hated how due to some copyright issue they couldn't include Kasumi from DOA into the Queen's Blade/Gate games.
if someone's struggling to beat you and you have the life lead, just take your hands off the controller for a little. guaranteed to make them even more miserable than they already were
>I also hoped guilty gear was more popular during the rev 2 days and in return the monkey paw fistfucked me to hell and back
Oh fuck I take it back
why did her game die..
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Very disrespectful and NOT kino.
the question was how to be toxic. i just revealed a dark art
Is this NA only? I can join
Go for it.
We shouldn't teach zoomers how to be assholes, they are already very annoying in their current state.
/v/tards be like
Alrighty if it's too laggy you can just kick me out
Unironically a skill issue.
It released as an epic exclusive without rollback or crossplay
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Do you guys think Vice and Mature are going to be the last DLC characters for KOFXV?
It's over. The game isn't giving dsp any inputs
No rollback on day one. Sold well btw, simply doesnt had legs for online.
Well I can't see it, funnily enough.
Maybe it feels like they don't want to support the game anymore but enough people complained that they said fuck it.
The best way to improve himself would be to become a family man.
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
Hopefully boss battle Orochi
Make sure you have it set to be able to see password lobbies.

GGs Kyonne, if you punished a lot of my scissors you probably would be fucking me up. I only went back to lobby to help this other anon.
>Releasing 2 characters instead of a team
>Not even a full season
>Right before their next big game
Yeah, I'm thinking its done. Did they say if there was going to be a balance update or just characters? I can see them releasing another update down the line.
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The big problem is the lack of releases on the "winning" consoles at the time of 5th Gen because SNK had the Neo Geo and so was seen as the lesser because for whatever reason, America writes history (I say this as an American). We've not really moved on from franchises since then like what was done prior. Sure we have some franchises that are popular now and weren't there in 5th gen, but they are exceptions and happens vice versa.
It's 1997 and what are the major franchises? Mario, Pokemon, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, & Final Fantasy. It's 2024 and what are the major franchises? Mario, Pokemon, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, & Final Fantasy.

I love Fatal Fury lore, love SNK games, but that's just how it goes man. You'd have to have essentially SNK firing on cylinders it's never fired before, with a bigger workforce than it's ever had to keep up with Nintendo's or Capcom's foothold. It's best for it to do it's own thing and just keep up with consistency. Being one of the few companies that still does booba jiggle is a start, just keep up with the releases. Appreciate the niche you do have, etc.
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Well, there's fighting involved at least.
I mean the fact that they're out in December and CoTW probably being early mid 2025 I can't imagine them putting in more effort.
This fucking debate over whether or not marvel3 is bad is killing me.

Sold well enough but the netcode is shit. I don’t know if they ever fixed it but I think the damage was done
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Well, closing the lobby, gotta do something. Thanks for the games to the one anon who showed.
>Show set in the 80s but everyone talks and acts like a modern gamer
Yeah fuck out of here with that shit.
God KOFXV is so fucking ugly
What makes you think its set in the 80s? Theres a SF2 cab right there. I dont know if Mikado GeCen still charges 50 yen per game, that might be the most asynchronystic thing about it.
Meant to type 90s. Still waiting on new glasses so my typing is not terrific atm.
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>talks and acts like a modern gamer
Do they?
I don't know Japanese so I can't tell if they were using any words or mannerisms I wouldn't expect from 90s kids.
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I complained about spamming in tekken during the last thread and now fighting these fucking victors and eddys my opinion only solidifies
it's fucking gay you can just barrage your opponent with endless strings in this game. even if heat burst and rage art exist, that still doesnt fix the problem. once i got into yellow ranks everyone is hyper aggressive and i realized oh the whole game is like this huh
i will still play it but damn
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No crossplay and rollback killed it in the long run.
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Imagine releasing a fighting game genre which low input delay is important, exclusively for a streaming console
Likely that's it. They're busy with CotW, AOF4 and Samurai Shodown action game.
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This fucking OVA, man...
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This was the movie. it played in theaters.
Kek, based.
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Every single fighting game needs a WIFI indicator. That should be the fucking norm.
all this week it felt like i was playing bbcf against wifi people with random fluctuations in frame delay showing up on the screen
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>4. You have to learn 3 characters lol.
I don't want to hear that bullshit when both games in pic are major sellers in the US and games like fucking Skullgirls can hit a million sales.
What are your thoughts on Vice and Mature unexpectedly being in KoF XV?
I'm not brown so I don't care about SNK games.
Every game you listed is far better than FF and KOF, that's why they sell. SNK are literally only loved by poorfags.
Game is still going to be a discord fighter.
crazy how fightans are becoming more popular than ever now...finally.
sfv era were some dark times besides tekken 7
For me it's because KoF limit your 2nd and 3rd characters resources while MVC3 and DBFZ don't
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Where is it?!
Is it because of coomers? It's probably because of coomers.
Guaranteed pre-orders from every black guy in America.
Multiplayer in Fighting Games sucks. The internet wasn't made for the required low latency at long distances and no one likes playing fighting games on PC. Why? I don't fucking know. Every time I look at guilty gear, kof or sf, I think of buying one of those, then I realize, who the fuck am I even gonna play this with? It's going to be either a discord server or some pro whose only joy in life is pummeling people that are new to the game, like me.

I think it'd be interesting if they made one of the street fighter or kof games free to play.
Is this from Fatal Fury 2 OVA or the third one?
What do you mean, PC is the main platform for 2 of these 3 games, and all of them have crossplay
>Kyo is 17 something
>School drop out because people otherwise would ask too much.

That's rough. But is funny as fuck when everyone pokes that, same for Athena being too old for idol job.
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The true dark era was the 2000s, there a couple of really good fighters that came out in that era, but outside of that
>Arcades died, so a lot of companies just stopped making fighting games as any franchise not named Mortal Kombat or Tekken wasn't doing nearly as well with home sales
>Console online gaming was still in it's infancy
>Journos and publishers were pushing hard for 3D and were convinced that sprites were obsolete shit only for poorfags (which would also explain why KOF never really caught on in the west) which resulted in a ton of 2D franchises getting jank 3D entries that nobody remembers fondly
>Franchises that kept chugging through the darkness ended up turning to shit or dying like VF5 or KOFXII
>Even the franchises that were immune to the dark age still took a major step back from where they were previously, like Tekken 4 and all the MK games of this era
You know shit is bad when the game that has to pull the genre out of the dark is god damn Street Fighter IV.
Yeah, all it took was for developers to water them down and deform them to the point where they are palatable enough for modern audiences.
Ive seen clips of the first OVA, its drawn differently. I think that pic is from the theatrical movie.
OVA stands for Original Video Animation, is in anime that was first sold on VHS or DVD.

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>Come back because someone is tampering with orochi shit.
>team up with Iori despite whole crap in 96
>Stop giving a shit because his dick is better than dealing with whole crap all over again.
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play Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai - Version 3
This explains everything.
100% this is the end, I honestly don't mind either since CotW is going to be right around the corner when they come out, 3-4 years of support post launch is all a fighter needs imo and Vice and Mature are good characters to send the game off with. Outside of those two I can't think of many other highly requested characters people still want in, it starts spreading out between all the niche characters.

I may be biased because Vice is on my main team.
It really need due movement, teleports also keep screen stuck for a while making them more punishable.

I still don't know why people complain when anime fighters have far more bullshit.
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I'm not complaining. I just found the reason why I struggle against people that tend to run away.
At this point just give her a taimanin suit or something.

People still would bitch hard.
I wanted Saisyu...
If he was in the game it would have literally, unironically, shattered all my expectations.
bros how do I fight dalsim as guile
She is his girlfriend now well at least in the kof timeline as of xv they are a canon couple
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yes also mai and dizzy were there too
here's a reality check
it isn't the gameplay
kof is just
nobody gives a shit about kof because nobody gives a shit about kof
unless you're mexican/chink and on fightcade
then you're really just about free stuff anyway which is about the market value of snk
0 fucking dollars
you are thinking of something else my dude, samsho 2019 came to everything on release date except for steam and switch
...that is even fucking dumber than the "b-but I have to learn 3 characters!" answer.
What exactly did you set out to do with this post?
It looks fun, but will it get rollback in the future?
it's reality
if that's a problem with you then either you're a retard or a retard and either way there's no helping you
real reasons, cry me a river
wahhhh nobody plays kof but they'll play mvc wahhhhhh bitch
????? what makes retards online give their ignorant opinions on situations they have zero knowledge about
OK retard.
you mean such as yourself? whoops i don't know why you do such things
sorry you signed your post
????? and he keeps proving his retardation
???? and he keeps going wow
wahhhh kof's honol was insulted
You faggots are gonna eventually get so old you will no longer be able to compete with anyone

sure but man it would suck to have never been good at anything before that happens
Just... like you? And literally everyone else?
>sf6 out of nowhere
brazilians and other south american rats do that constantly
Sinlge player games don't have that problem but I guess single player content in fighting games is a waste of resources right? LMAO
what makes you think people don't play single player games here?
>but I guess single player content in fighting games is a waste of resources right? LMAO
It absolutely is but developers know they must cater to retards and they are now spending more and more time and money into making that.
I am genuinely confused here, what is this epic troll about? What is the goal?
I only play mortal kombat 11 (didnt buy mk1 for several reasons) which "real" fighting game should I buy? I like the graphics of tekken but it's 3d and seems complicared, sf6 is the 2d like mk but looks ugly
all i can say is out of every fighting game fag there is in existence
snk fags rank very high on the sensitive bitch ass list
like top 3 at least
i want to rank vf there but like
where are they
killer instinct
>new Billy trailer
I just saw this. What did they do to Billy?
which games do you like anon?
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>I like the graphics of tekken but it's 3d and seems complicared
For better or worse, Tekken 8 is by far the simplest, most straightforward Tekken to date. If you like how the characters look it might be a good entry point.
What exactly would you like to get from a "real" fighting game?
rise of the robots, it's the best
Except a Taimanin suit would be infinitely more lewd with the whole skin-tight boob sock thing, she'd wobble and jiggle more than ever before which is why they should do it
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>What did they do to Billy?
Actually they just changed his look from a mid-90's punk to a mid 2000's punk/eurodance DJ.
wow the pig keeps squealing
>Jeff Jarrett is in a fighting game
Well mk is considered shit so I guess I just want to try a real fighting game to what the fuss is about
Well, SF6 is more similar to MK than Tekken, but I agree with you: it is incredibly fucking ugly and it's not even a good Street Fighter game so I can't recommend it as an entry point.
sorry to hear that about you are self lmao 9k sales
Sorry, I won't lie, but new Billy is hot.
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>40ms ping
>8 frames rollback
How the fuck do you spend your time playing a game like this?
Do you just go online and decide yeah this powerpoint presentation is fine.
I hope COTW gives her back her muscles. Preecha and Jenet seems to be good in that regard.
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Did Mai ever have muscles? I know Blue Mary did, but I don't remember Mai having them.
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The only muscles Mai needs are her BIG, gluteus maximus
I'm gonna buy Tekken 8 unless someone changes my mind.
>UNI players pretending their discord fighter isn't completely dead on all platforms
I've only played Tekken 3 back in the arcade days. Never understood the appeal of the franchise...characters are so bland and charisma vacuum.
I wish more people played this game
Mai wasn't a muscle mommy for sure, but she was still athletic.
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NO you cheating faggot, "all 3" is not an option. Make a choice.
Felicia. If I pick one of the other two, I either die or get cheated on.
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The only thing competitive games seem to produce is an unholy amount of porn
scragy is such a good 3d artist and makes the most retarded shit
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I choose two.
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What did I JUST fucking say?
You saying it like it's a bad thing.
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I didn't say "all 3"
...you know what, you got me there.
Also sauce pls, sauceNAO is not helping.
Get your ai slop the FUCK out of here.
No sauce, it's my sloppa as the other anon said.
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Strive elphelt's design is so peak I can't even. Has me in an absolute chokehold
>Goku vs Ryu
>Gohan/great saiyaman vs Viewtiful Joe
>Beerus/Broly vs Asura
>Demon King Piccolo vs Dante?
What other match-ups could happen?
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I will always love her original design, and in some ways I prefer it but yes, they did a fantastic fucking job with this one.
The fact that her actual in-game model DOES have those big, fat thighs is what truly gets me.
Still playing Luke [M] and having a blast, no one rematches now after I beat them
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I'd say there is a decent chance around 60% for another DLC season.
SNK did a poll around the release of XV where people voted for the most wanted DLC characters to end up in XV and SNK has been slowly adding them over the years.
They can still do another season of highly requested characters like.
Shen, Oswald, Kasumi, Jhun or May lee and another boss mode character.
>using Moron controls
>Lucky higher than Brian or Heavy D
I have hopes he'll make it into the next game.
pan vs roll
They're probably going to save characters like Shen and Oswald for KOFXVI while Kasumi, Eiji and Duck King will be DLC in AoF4/CotW.
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Obviously being over-the-top is kind of the point of GG designs, but the more streamlined wedding/metal/pop-star get up is just so amazing and as you said her sex appeal is super efficient. Just big, fat thighs and enough side boob to let you know she's still stacked.

I like A.B.A.s new design more too desu, strive is a big glow-up for most characters imo
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Anon, the USA team was killed in KOF '97 when Orochi team attacked them and stole their invitations to the tournament. They're not coming back.
I thought everyone got resurrected during the Verse saga though?
She fucks niggers
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Well, you do have a point there, SNK could just add them and say they were inside Verse all along. But from what we know not everyone in the series was resurrected, some still stay dead like Saiki and his clan.
They are literally the same person, stupid. This isn't some kind of twin shit.
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lol they didn't die, it's actually a running gag that the USA Sports Team keeps getting invitations, but some other team ends up beating their asses and stealing their letters.

Another thing that's funny is that SNK publicly asked if people were being serious about their requests for them to return, because they just assumed nobody gave a fuck about them.
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What characters can command grab you
More like "Team Athena & Frens with benefits"
Athena and yuri have the same face
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Mandatory reading for true KoF fans
The lore is important.
What's with the red X's? What's stopping Adelheid from ever showing up again? And holy shit I forgot Daimon's not in XV.
Only kids play fighting games anymore, they have been made so easy
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It's over for GranTROONS!
I seriously cannot think of a gayer fighting game. Don't even bother saying Strive, because Granblue is worse.
>ArcSys could have partnered with any gacha
>Chose DNF and Granblue instead
Imagine if we had an Azur Lane or Nikke fighting game instead
I'm back home what did i miss out bros?
the only thing audible in that trailer was terry's hit sounds playing over and over again. this is shaping up to be the type of game you gotta play on mute.
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Probably the opposite, in the Cygames approached Arcsys and asked them to make a Granblue fighter
we have more webms with her right?
>City of the Yuri gym friends
New dojin when?
guys and gals in strive and granblue are attractive
street fighter is the male chin tranny granny safe horny mommy dom game with queer promoters and sonic fox as announcer.
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Its time for men
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would terry really have his own rape dungeon?
Why did she unzip
To generate sales.
Doesn't Joe have Lilly?
Billy is a proud anglican I'm sure incest is wrong there
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I want to Continuum Shift Extend my dick into Bullet's ass.
What the fuck is his problem?
butt floss
No one asked, faggot.
Fuck Morrigan, Marry Felicia, Kill Lilith and all her fans.
QRD on Ash and Chizuru?
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>Always has been extra protective of Lilly since she was the only family he had left after their parents were gone, she's also the sweetest most innocent girl in the world
>Along comes this loud idiot that runs around South Town in his undies, gets into fights daily to prove he's the world's strongest and keeps hitting on her
>He's also best friends with the guy who killed Geese, the guy who saved you and your sister from the streets and was the closest thing to a father figure

I wouldn't let my sister date a guy like that either.
can i have a sniff
yeah after i cummed in her anal
Ah, but Mai wears the same costume in SF6 and she has a burka now
I just watched the 10 minute British essayist footsy video, the trick is you have to learn how to stop his neutral skips if you want to force him to play neutral. It's called respect. Only press lights, parry and anti air and stuff until he realizes he can't dragon lash anymore because you'll hit him when he does it.
Faggot fantasy rising.
Imagine the next evo GFs
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How many hours do you usually spend in a game before finding your main?
I don't even buy FGs unless I like a character before playing them.
i usually identify them on character select the first or second go, and even then, i still tend to like my first. designs tend to tell you the gist, and i know my habits enough to know what i'm looking for

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