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What kind of game would be best for something like Supernatural? Not the main angel plot thing, but the monster hunting
Isn't that what the dude in Kill Bill 2 shot Uma with?
That pic is such a cool niche, especially near halloween time. Imagine buying that, showing your kids, and going "hunting" at night for ghosts with them with your salt shot. I feel like it might be a bitch to clean after though.
Yes. They're pretty common.
>I feel like it might be a bitch to clean after though.
just use a 60 dollar single shot, shotgun originally from sears, it wont matter if its accurate or not, its not like we're even out there, plus its probably already pitted to hell and back so its not like youre damaging anything worthwhile
Hunter: The Reckoning
Those games were great with friends
>salty DOG
>doesnt work on werewolves
fucking scam
anon go back to your grave you're not allowed to be on-line when you're dead
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>get shot
>now there's salt in your wounds
>Salt on werewolves
Look at this fucking idiot
It would be a decent distraction at least. Here's salt in your eyes. And ears. And nose. And mouth. And ASSHOLE.
Does it at least make them stop and clean themselves? Trying to capture a werewolf gf
It'd probably feel like getting scratched on the back
Gamebryo games are literally made for monster hunting and those are always the best parts of 3D Fallouts and Elder Scrolls. You go in some dungeon and there's something fucky going on, maybe in the neighboring town too.
But it's always like 5 semi good dungeons in the entire game. They should just go all in.
Farmers used to keep rock salt shells with subsonic loads of gunpowder to "sting" trespassers, including local kids. Which is obviously not what these are for, because they're full power cartridges with a full load of salt each.
Does this really need an exclaimer not to use it on people? Especially considering it doesn’t even have gunpowder in it?
There’s no gunpowder in them, retard.
It's to distinguish it from actual salt shells intended for non-lethal use against humans.
Salt doesn't work on spooks, iron and copper are the way to go.
instead of salt use meth
Underworld already made kino ammo

>UV ammo + River Jordan bathwater for bloodsuckers
>Silver ammo for werewolves, strigoi, ghouls and other monsters
There's no reason to believe there isn't. There's definitely no wad, but that doesn't mean there's no powder.
Expensive ammo but hilarious. Except you're buffing far targets with gap close and melee dmg.
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>0 results
Just replace the ghosts with the monsters they fought and you've basically recreated most of the episodes, what the fuck /v/?
meth is cheap as shit dude
you got psyopped by breaking bad because they're selling hundreds of keys at a time
an eightball is like 30 bucks lol vs 180 for coke
t. knower
the problem is if you get chased by a meth addict it just makes them more powerful
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Finally you don't have to fight ghosts up close and personal with your hands covered in salt!
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I get ghosts and demons but in what mythology is salt effective against zombies?
it wasnt about stopping anyone
itd be a great partyfavor at a bonfire
>bro this party sucks
>ill get the shotgun
salt rings supposedly protect the summoner from the raised corpse in voodoo belief
Anon, the entire shell is transparent and you can visibly see that there’s no gunpowder in the shell. Please quit being a fucking retard because you have to compulsively argue about everything instead of admitting you were wrong for fuck’s sake
so if i want something good against werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons, AND zombies, what are my options?
I think an official Supernatural gamed styled after Phasmophobia could be really cool. Different rituals and items to defend against the different monster types.
Theres a ghost hunting game like phasmo where you have to identify the ghost correctly so you know what ammo to make. Then during the hunt you start blastin
it aint sugar, its not gonna melt in your barrel
it would be fine, hell might even clear out some carbon buildup if you've been shooting a lot lately and haven't cleaned it
>filling gunpowder past the top of the base
so you're the guy selling Bubba's Pissin' Hot Handloads
silverblade with a wooden stake crossguard in the shape of a crucifix covered in salt and an iron spike pommel
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Pre-angels? You're going to need the Colt. It can kill anything except for 5 beings if I remember correctly. Bullets are finite though, so it's basically the megalixir of the Supernatural world.
Post-angels? An angel blade kills anything lol lmao who gives a shit about the lore?
In the later seasons after the quality totally died? They stopped giving a shit about monster types and weaknesses and now ordinary humans can beat the shit out of gods with their bare hands. No weapon needed.
Phasmophobia was always missing the part of the mission where you figured out the ghost type and went on the offensive. Would've been so cool. A Supernatural version could be great.
Salt will absolutely fuck up a gun barrel
No more than anything particularly corrosive, but salt shot is definitely not something you shoot and then not clean
Where's the gay angst and characters flip flopping their stances on things at the drop of a hat tho?
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Perfect job for these babies. Made 'em myself. Holy water, clover leaf, silver shavings, white oak... the works
In theory a shotgun with a large enough bore, with shot full of basically everything that monsters hate would fuck up anything you hit with it
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A molotov that's been blessed by a priest.
>works as good as holy water on creatures weak to it
>can burn werewolves because they are weak to fire but resistant to holy damage
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It's peculiar how certain, very specific things keep popping up, seemingly independently, in so many religions.
>salt wards off evil
>gigantic world trees
>third eye (which we now know is the pineal gland)
>refined metal defeats demons and evil spirits
A lot of it must be pre-flood stuff. Anyone got some more to add to the list?
please post your guns
a corrosive slavshit primer will do 10x more damage than some salt would ever
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>get shot
>now I'm yummy
What's the purpose of this honestly? Birdshots just do the job well.
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I'm not going to my other room to take pics of my other stuff, especially since my SKS is in pieces while I wait for my new stock to come in, but here's my S&W K38
>American Specialty Ammo
>Shoot amerilard
>Instant heart failure due to high blood pressure
Take your own advise and check how much gunpowder a normal shotgun shell has.
Thanks for the rec mate, love dollies
There's something so fucking hot about raping someone that's evil it's like you're morally justified to do it because they're bad
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H....HAHAha imagine thinking that this would work against actual supernatural beings. D-dont waste your money people! i-it's definitely a scam! trust me.
Seasons the meat
too early retard wait until october to come out
>the entire shell is transparent
Anon, what's that brass bit?
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thanks Mr. Garrison!
serious question : if I fire this on a person who is under demonic possession wouldn't it just straight out kill them before exorcizing the demon ?
Salt shots are a real less lethal option.
They're not exactly great, especially compared to more modern options, but they (probably) won't kill you
They'll hurt like a bitch I'm sure though
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it already exists
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>They'll hurt like a bitch I'm sure though
I'll try to fire it on their limbs then. hope it works.
Wouldn't it be salty buckshot? I don't know much about guns.
3 hours later and this is still the most retarded post in this entire thread. Congratulations
Don't they fuck like every second monster they "hunt"?
So probably still a dating sim.
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Autistic spergs trying to be know-it-alls while failing spectacularly at simple trivia always make me laugh.
this nigga shoots his salty dog extra singed
I love shotguns.
I hate gunshots.
Death Grips, full blast
>Novelty use only
But they said it could be used against ghosts, zombies and demons?
Novelty use only is simply there for government regulation
Kills flies, duh
I love shotguns, but I hate current ammo selection. It's Either:

>piss cheap micro bird shot that is good for nothing but clays
>copper and gold plated X-TREME giga turkey lowlands blaster 3 1/2 ultra magnums that's $38.99 for 5 rounds

I just want cheap, usable, military style buckshot for fucks sake. It's almost like they don't even make it.
>get shot
>now i'm cooked
why is there blood on the L on the SALTY?
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Hush now, Doctor Scienceberg has assured us that demons and ghosts don't exist. There is nothing spiritual you need protection from, goyim
then why dr.scienceberg still sacrifice chickens and smear its blood on his doors?
Looks like handloading your own shells is the only viable option for you.
Dong status : Salty
>huli jing = piss filled shot
>jangshi = shredded peach wood and pressed into a wad with a side of piss for good measure
>distilled from the father's own batch of hooch prior to blessing
Two birds with one stone desu
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Spend a day with Styx going demon hunting or spend a day with some anon on /x/ and go demon hunting.

You'll probably end up in the psych ward either way.
i couldn't own a gun because i'd probably shoot myself with it
>last thing going through your head is a pinch of oregano and sage with a hint of mint
Shooting ghosts. It literally says so.
>half the people into guns are zombie apocalypse retards that think it will actually happen
>the other half are tacticool larpers who either had 0 mllitary experience or were desk jockeys, both larp as special ops badasses
>only a handful are autists like me
do you think the brass part is solid
>not just handloading your own with stainless ball bearings or rocks if you are a poorfag
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Get into the military AR cloning community. At a certain level you need to be turbo sperging in order to mimic the proper decals and markings or track down salty and heavily used discontinued parts. It's very fun.
like the other /k/ommandos pointed out; handload.
having the tools for it and the knowledge is useful anyway for SHTF larp
Unironic answer: you ever heard the phrase "salt in the wound"? It's agonizingly painful, and basically your entire torso. Less lethal potential, and just as if not more incapacitating. It's like if tasers also shot bear spray into the suspect's eyes.
Burgers fill me in on this:
What exactly do you do after you buy a bunch of these?
Do you go to some special event where there are targets made for these at some range or something? Because I am led to believe, and correct me if I am wrong, that you go out at night and just shoot these in the woods just scaring and maybe up some critters while you pretend you are retarded.
this but unironically. it’s so damn load.
t. already have tinnitus
You shoot at people that you don't want to maim, don't want to kill, and don't want the coming back.
fairies being on the moon and being weak to iron are both also quite common
fuck ya mudda.
also, build yourselves a block II and call it a day.
>no game about playing a human mageblade employed as a Masquerade enforcer in an urban fantasy setting
Why live?
what if you happen to make them really angry though?
they might come back with guns too and delete you
They're bringing guns onto my property after I gave them a proper warning?
i want more than a pinchilinio, my broberino!
These are, of course, retarded in their presentation. That being said, shells loaded with rock salt are a time-honored tradition for shooting idiots trespassing on your farm when you want to cause them lingering pain but not kill or maim them.
Braindead nigger.
The typology of supernatural beings is shared by many if not all countries. Demons are all hybrids of men and animals, often have horns. Ghosts are semi-transparent or invisible souls of the dead. There are bloodsucking/flesh eating undead in many cultures too. Possessions. Exorcism consists in calling upon stronger but more benevolent spirits, gods, or God.
Can't help but wonder if sone of this was real at some point.
Several religions around the world have a "sky-father" type figure
Honestly a shotgun with different ammo types as your primary weapon would be really fun
>Iron for fae
>Wood for vampires
>Silver for werewolves
>Salt for Ghosts
And so on
Sauce me, these crops are worthless for reverse image search.
Tajimasan the Templeborn.
Anon I have shot a gun once at a range and know jack shit and even I know you're wrong.
Why are you like this?
You ever get salt in a cut, that shit hurts, now imagine being a zombie covered with open wounds.
I got some laughs sharing this, thanks fag.
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inventory tetris blunderbuss
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idk what you mean
first result on ammoseek for 12ga 00 buck is normal 2 3/4 shells for 50c each with free shipping
>Tajimasan the Templeborn.
thank you, anon.
Obvious bait and obviously successful
Hell yeah
Someone post that infamous Crossed panel
anyone who tastes buckshot of any kind is more likely to immediately leave than anything else. Assuming you're not blind or incapacitated already.

Im surprised rock salt isnt immediately turned into a molten slag but maybe its treated with something.
Is novelty ammo safe?
As long as the game stays "arcadey", yeah.Otherwise having to unload the wrong ammo and load in the right one every time you face a different enemy would get real annoying real fast.
Great bait anono
So would lead pellets. I'd much rather have salt in my eyes than lead if I were a werewolf.

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