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Name a 1 (one) single good video game since the 2020s began.
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Elden Ring
Shadow of the Erdtree
vampire survivor
Armored Core 6
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Total War Warhammer 3, easy.
risk of rain 2
the remake of pharaoh was pretty good. fixed a lot of shit like labor pools requiring you to be a slum lord and the dancer glitch
I could name most japanese games that have come out since then but your kike ass is too racist to not move the goalposts.
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined! This game is really fun.
>tranny colors
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I liked Signalis. It's not as good as classic RE/SH but it's better than all the shit ones, for what it's worth.
blasphemous 2, although the cutscenes were shit and the bosses were retarded
Anger Foot
Yea easy its uhhhhh-ACK
>retard post
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More images like OP?
The astrobot demo
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Unicorn Overlord
Armored Core 6
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
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Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
p3 reload
The Citadel
Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
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Shin Megami Tensei V
chrono ark
Here senpai. Now go play it
Jack's game. I concede that it's actually bad in several ways but it's in ways that appeal to me making it even better.
I wish I had somebody to play this with. Game looks so fun but it's clearly intended to be a co-op experience.
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Weird West
Good lord at the average game mentioned so far. OP just might be onto something.
This game is fucking great
Dominions 6
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I liked Atomic Heart.
Deep Rock Galactic
Risk of Rain 2
Fight Knight

I think people conflate “good” with “perfect”. There have been a few good games within the last 4 years, people have just been playing games for so long their standards have gotten way to high on what they can call fun.
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I liked Zortch and Hrot.
Terrible compared to arcade TMNT1 and SNES TiT.
the end was 2014-16 OP
Loop hero.
Read your own post. You proved OP quite correct.
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That was not what the OP was about. It's a good game released in the 2020s
Gravity Circuit
Bakery Girl
SMT V (Vengeance)
Strangers in Paradise
doom eternal
ready or not
trepang 2
>Name a 1 (one) single good video game since the 2020s began.
Super Mario 64
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I Wani Hug That Gator
the OP doesn't say the game has to be made after 2020. go ahead and point out where it says 'made'
smt5 is slop lol
Armored Core 6 if you run a missile boat and forget the stun meter exists
Who would have guessed?
It turns out there's a lot of good games after 2020, and OP has a bowl full of dick.
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also he obviously doesn't play VR
the index has made me smile uncontrollably in a way vidya hasn't done in 20 years
Are we really calling a furfag dating simulator a game?
Gaming is dead. Not a single good game mentioned so far. AC6 was the only decent one mentioned, but decent isn't good enough. The rest range between mediocre and trash.
it's a scalefag game, and you're on the website that has had over 4000 Katawa Shoujo generals, so yes
>Demakes and mediocre sequels
Dumb Erikaposter.
the coffin of andy and leyley
Does it being a scalefag game make him wrong? Same degenerate filth
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holy shit i almost posted a real reply in an phonefag filename thread
what a close one
here's a post suited for the OP instead
Crow Country
Make him wrong about what?
Sonic Frontiers
Pikmin 4
Pizza Tower
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Fire emblem engage for the nintendo switch
based i was going to say sakuna too
and this one
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I loved Ruina. The casul filters were only a matter of looking up some guide online and speedrunning decks.
how would you rank it against the sonic adventure games?
The First Descendant
Stellar Blade
impossible mode: no indie or japanese games
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Custer's Revenge
I’d unironically buy a plane ticket to whatever shithole city you live in just to play co-op pocky and rocky with someone.
baldur's gay 3.
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Damn straight
Streets of Rage 4
Nioh 2
>ywn have an autistic weeaboo dinosaur gf
I like Fang but Anon clearly missed out on best girl
>Name a good game
>But it can't be a good game
No shit it's impossible.
>(say something positive, say something positive) "THESE GAMES ARE TERRIBLE!!"
Try to have some fun you dicentric middling fuck
Are remakes/remasters cheating?
A little bit.
then stop playing only aaa games.
as always there is a bunch of quality indie titles.
recent AA titles just makes me realize AAA is just money sinkhole, should've just limit the budget so dev can think ways to make the gameplay fun
People arguing that games are art was a catastrophic mistake, studios are now full of fags trying to make something important and it's always boring crap
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My man.
Pikmin 4
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>Elden Ring
>Doom Eternal
>Helldivers 2
>Lies of P
>Severed Steel
>Superhot: Mind Control Delete

>FFVII Remake
>Shadow Warrior 3
>Deep Rock Galatic
>Baldur's Gate 3
Unicorn Overlord
All these

Rest should be ashamed of themselves
Playing Wo Long made me appreciate it more but I'd still rather replay TN games from before 2020
Lies of P
Rain Code
FF7 Remake
Strangers of Paradise
Elden Ring
Shin Megami Tensei V
The one that came out after you started being poor
Hi-Fi Rush.

I am not joking when I say that will likely have been the last good non-indie video game made for at least an entire generation.
OOOOOOOHHHHH gonna need some ice for that burn LOL
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Genshin Impact
Last Call BBS
Factorio if early access doesn't count
t. never played other Total War games
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Reverse Collapse
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Nine Sols
Armored Core 6
Library of Ruina
Technically Factorio
My man
Holy fuck that's some bad taste.
>gutted tsuki
>full priced resale of game but with content it should have had on release - except it still isn't a full game because the devs are retards
>full priced resale of a game but with critical content excluded and fanfiction now made official despite it never standing up to scrutiny
And that's just the first three. I am enjoying games myself, OP is a fag, but fuck buddy.
There's not enough gum tape in the world to fix your taste.
Baldi's Basics Plus
I don't like the way she is looking at me
Baldur's Gay 3
>The end was just before video games exited their death spiral
7th gen kiddie
>gutted tsuki
It's literally Tsukihime's original version but beefed up, you complete retard.
Skyrim Anniversary Edition
These are goyslop dogshit
Try again
Like Dreamer
He's correct in that they sold 2/5 routes (2/6 if you include the promised Satsuki route) for full retail price, despite promising the game well over a decade ago, arguably longer.
Against the Storm
He's incorrect because Tsukihime was originally released as just Arc and Ciel routes. Akiha, Hisui and Kohaku were added on the second release of the game. Calling this a "gutted remake" when it's the original release but far better while also getting rid of the copy-paste shit is disingenuous at best, ignorant retardation at worst.

It isn't gutted. Nasu's just slow as balls.
OP said good
Now say humiliation ritual
Elden Ring
System Shock Remake
RE4 Remake
Hogwarts Legacy
Armored Core 6
Atomic Heart
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Doom Eternal and the eternal seething it created
Elden Ring. Finished it a week ago and legitimately cried because I hated it so much and wish I refunded it.
Did you wipe your eyes before reading the OP?
No, like everyone on /v/ I look at the pic and base the entirety of the thread around it. Whatever OP says is irrelevant.
Are you sure you weren't crying because your dilator hurt your frankenstein hole too much?
dam not even one game mentioned
Zoom Eternal
13 Sentinels
Unicorn Overlord

People nostalgiafagging over 7th gen are insane/retarded children, 2012-2016 was absolutely dire, 2012 and 2014 alone are easily some of the worst years for video games ever
Is Hollow Knight 2020..
Dark Souls
>inb4 b-but!
Shut up
2020s top ten so far in no order:
>Factorio (inb4 early access)
>HL Alyx
>Talos Principle 2
>Turbo Overkill
>Manifold Garden
>Hitman TM 3 and WoA
>Neon White
>SMT VV (or even the og release)
Other honorable mentions:
>Supehot: MCD
>Hi-Fi Rush
>Armored Core 6
>Doom eternal
>Streets of Rage 4
>Pathfinder Wrath
>Persona 3 Reload if you accept remakes
>System Shock remake too then
Early access that will properly release in the 2020s but already confirmed good:
>Fallen Aces
>Nova Drift
>Shadow of Doubt

OP may now cope and seethe.
Doom Eternal
no thanks ESLfag
I wish it had a post game stuff, like infinite ammo or ridiculous outfit. Just to make it more replayable
>Persona 3 Reload if you accept remakes
>System Shock remake too then
These are both worse than the game they remade.
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Tell me with a straight face that the original 2 route release was full retail price even by doujinsoft standards of the era. You can't because there's literally no chance that's fucking true.
>Nasu's just slow as balls.
That's a whole other issue but also inexcusable.
trepang2 was fun
System Shock I would agree is worse than the og (with the enhanced edition) although it's good for a replay which is fair enough 30 years after the original, but P3R suplexes FES into irrelevance (and I cried at the ending of FES back in 2008 or so).
In any case I only mentioned them at the end because remakes only half counts on such a list.
Oshi no Ko spin-off game about detective/investigator Akane when?
>Tell me with a straight face that the original 2 route release was full retail price
Type-Moon/Aniplex are greedy fags.
This doesn't change that TsukiR isn't "gutted." At worst you can argue they've taken way too long to put out both halves and they're overcharging/being cunts about the PC release.
All I wanted was an inexhaustable melee weapon like every SH, it didn't seem like much to ask for. Even classic RE had knives of varying levels of shittiness but it was better than nothing, hell the CVX knife was actually really good because of its multi-connect glitch.
All it made me think about was how I wanted a FEAR 2 that wasn't dogshit
In that regard, it was a bit disappointing
At the end of the day the game is still incomplete and claiming that a massively delayed remake of a 2000s VN qualifies as a "good" 2020s game even if most of the content wasn't missing is pretty fucking absurd.
>P3R suplexes FES into irrelevance

>Worse idle animations than an ugly ass, low budget PS2 game.
>AI battle is still gimped from Portable.
>Script is still fucked from Portable.
>Still missing content and features.
>What little balance is left is utterly destroyed by Theurgys.
>Almost every re-recorded song is strictly inferior.
>Presentation in most fights is worse.
>Animated cutscenes are somehow worse.
>Ending is completely fucking butchered to hammer the point in for brainless retards.

The QoL stuff like not being forced to pass time if you check your options and manual skill inheritance are nice.
The new songs are great.
The new models look good.
Otherwise it's a downgrade.
Was Fate Samurai Remnant any good?
>People nostalgiafagging over 7th gen are insane/retarded children, 2012-2016 was absolutely dire, 2012 and 2014 alone are easily some of the worst years for video games ever
>claiming that a massively delayed remake of a 2000s VN qualifies as a "good" 2020s game even if most of the content wasn't missing is pretty fucking absurd.
I agree.
All I'm arguing is TsukiR is a really good remake. Nasu's just a lazy bitch. Calling it "gutted" is dishonest.
Lies of PP.
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Gonna keep it more to indies since AAA only really had ER.
The use of life
Tormented souls
There is prolly more, but these are the ones that i remember liking quite a bit.
>Calling it "gutted" is dishonest.
But calling incomplete is not, as there's no fucking excuse for releasing 2/5s of what the full release of the VN was after 10-20 years of "development" (read: they weren't doing jack shit). His terminology may have been imperfect, but his intent most certainly was not.
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kek no way does anyone actually like that turd
You are delusional if you think the chibi models randomly shaking were some secret masterful animation. On this front P3 was on the cheap side even for 2006. The remake has considerably higher production values.
There is no missing content of any worth (the answer is coming btw, but please complain about the missing tranny). Some of the others points are just bizarre. In any case it is pointless to argue about it ITT which is not about P3R. The only people claiming FES is still somehow better must forget it's a videogame and the videogame part is straight better in every way in the remake.
You're saying this to someone who agrees with you, anon.

Fuck Nasu. I wish TsukiR was shit just to spite him.
Nioh 2
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Me too, only for the hot (lesbian) twins.
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>2007, The Peak
The last legendary year, before shit started getting bad with microtransactions, online passes, etc
>2012, The Beginning of the End
Smart phone use showed massive money in microtransactions, and companies were desperate to shove it in.
>2013 to 2016, The Fucking Desert
Most games found that being live services made more money. These four years are some of the most stagnant wastes of time out of video game history as a whole
>2017, False Hope (followed by endless remakes)
Good releases this year, but nothing like this would happen again. Frankly I think 2023 is overhyped from most years just being dogshit. Fear of not catching an audience in the most saturated fucking market on the planet, outside of music, leads to playing it safe, and just remaking things from the days people actually were excited for upcoming titles.
Peak vidya is 1997 to 2007.
We have eternity ahead of us. It will get better.
This is only referring to AAA, btw. There's shit tons of AA and indie, where about 5% is fantastic, and the exploitative and mediocre slop 95% makes it very hard to find.
I think some large game companies will have to die first, but yes, it should get better in the future.
>The 5th and 6th gen were the best
Literally everyone knows this.
Coincidentally this is also the year that Valve peaked as a video game studio.
elden ring
armored core 6
kunitsu gami
dragons dogma 2
wanted dead
NEO twewy
stranger of paradise
hi fi rush
metal hellsinger
I will quote every post that has a good game, and if a post has multiple games, I'll only greentext the good ones. I won't quote posts that mention already previous games in older posts, so don't cry if I didn't quote your post, you pussy.
>Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon
>The Citadel
>Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
>Gravity Circuit
>Bakery Girl

Okay, not that I checked every single post ITT, I'll post my own.
>Ender Lilies
>Cruelty Squad
>Forzo Polp
>Granblue Fantasy: Relink
>Hylics 2
>The Eternal Cylinder
>The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors
>Path of the Midnight Sun
>Path of Wuxia
>Project Wingman
There are many more games I enjoyed but I'm too lazy to check my pirated copies. Even with all the insufferable tranny shit going on right now, I enjoyed the 2020s more than the 2010s.
>You are delusional if you think the chibi models randomly shaking
t. Guy who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. There's a lot of small, subtle animations and posing work that Reload skips over across the game.

>On this front P3 was on the cheap side even for 2006. The remake has considerably higher production values.
IE, "WOOOAW, GWAFFIX" > design and style. All Reload has going for it is raw poly count and res. The presentation on the whole is far worse.

>There is no missing content of any worth (the answer is coming btw
The Answer was always dogshit.

Kys, nigger. I don't give a shit about the girl MC, but you've outed yourself as a disingenuous faggot.

>Some of the others points are just bizarre.
Let me translate. "If I engage with these points, I'll either have to admit I'm wrong or acknowledge I have no idea what you mean and ask about it, and I'm NOT interested in sincere discussion!"

>The only people claiming FES is still somehow better must forget it's a videogame and the videogame part is straight better in every way in the remake.
Yeah, butchering the AI battle system that the game's director called integral to the ENTIRE POINT of the game, removing player weapon options, and adding flashy limit breaks where you watch a cutscene and shit gets nuked really spices up the gameplay! God, I LOVE having a ton of missing Personas for no reason!

Do you fucking hear yourself? But no, go ahead, hide behind this being "off topic," as if anyone cares.
>The Eternal Cylinder

But also, you're a fucking nigger.
People who think 2018 and onward don't have good games fear anything without a 50 million dollar marketing budget.
Not ONE single good game posted ITT.
Name a 1 (one) single good video game since the 2010s began.
Jackie Chan
>video games were best when I was a child
Viewed entirely in a vaccuum, Dark Souls 1 is a glaringly flawed but nonetheless good game.
fuck you, piece of shit, i got this game because /v/ kept saying how good it was and what a return to old platformers should look like. it's a goddamn piece of garbage with terrible level layouts that look like shit/were made in 30 mins. you all just want to fuck the goat and recommend it on that alone. FUCK im so mad.
>a lot of people say Armored Core 6
I'm glad
I hope we will see more mecha kino in the future
Yellow Taxi goes Vroom
an actual good 3D platformer with retro art style
Mount and Blade: Bannerlord
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Code Ve--
oh wait, that was 2019. nevermind OP.
Book of Hours
you didn't play AC6
Chrono ark. Don't play it and suffer
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trannies seething
>One pierogi
Subhuman anglo speakers, it's one "pierog”, pierogi is plural
reverse collapse operation bakery
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Rogue Trader
Jack’s game
I can name 8 great video games released just this year alone.
>Dominions 6
>Unicorn Overlord
>Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery
>The First Descendant
>Frontier Hunter: Erza’s Wheel of Fortune
>Shadow of the Erdtree
>Earth Defense Force 6
It's been a radical year for games so far, at least compared to the past decade.
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Void Stranger
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
True. There's more than one, and several are better than good.
I know what you actually meant, but you're just being a fag
Crystal Project.
Damn bro. You really are obsessed
Baldurs Gate 3.

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