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Dogshit gen comprised mostly of cookie cutter yearly FPS/TPS/Sports game releases for nigger kneeling normie slaves.
>Nintendo made their worst console ever..., a family-centric waggle machine for 40 year old soccer moms and grandparents to play with their retarded autistic kids
>Sony made the most disappointing console release ever with barely any standout games and lots of fake hype for franchise plants like "Sony's Gears of War" (Unsharted) or "Sony's Halo" (Shillzone and Gayze)
>Kikesoft popularized paid online and low effort microtransactions with crap like Bethesda's horse armor, useless avatar (their Mii copy) items, and then Valve took it even further with gambling lootboxes
>Many revered classic PS1/2 franchises like MGS and Silent Hill started to decay and Japanese games stopped playing a factor in the console wars (at least when it comes to anyone other than Nintendo)
>Dealt a huge blow to Nintendo since the Wii set the Wii U up for failure which could've ruined Nintendo had the Switch not BTFO all the Nintendo consoles since GCN
>Filled with rereleases, ports
>games with the worst influence on the industry dropped like Shartrim, Fartout 3, Oblivion, CoD, Gears of War, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2, etc
7th gen blows dicks and if you ignore PS, Xbox and woke westoid games our current gen is much much better. Not a single game of the 7th gen matches the sheer quality of Elden Ring.
>Kikes strongarm snoy out of japan.
>Snoy goes to shit.
The Wii was near indestructible and had a great library and backwards compatibility. It was a great time to be a Nintendo fan.
The 360 brought it some of the best 3D games we had seen up until that point. So much so they're getting remaster left and right because the absolute lack of good games out today. The red ring was definitely the biggest con to the console, but hardware refreshes remedied most premature failures.
The PS3 had the hardest uphill battle after a disastrous launch, but still had many benefits such as free online. PS1 backwards compatibility on every console revision was great, and the lack of PS2 back comp on. getting want as big of a deal since most great PS2 games ended up getting a modern port. My only complaint is that these consoles are dying now. Even the super slims are dying out.
At the end of the day it was a solid generation, despite the shittiness it introduced like DLC and Kinect. A lot of great games came out during that time. I think you're being unrealistic with the drop in quality from some franchises, the consoles themselves and not the developers who were out of ideas and the publishers forcing them to make another game for the ip.
>>Nintendo made their worst console ever..., a family-centric waggle machine for 40 year old soccer moms and grandparents to play with their retarded autistic kids
funny how kikes are still desperate to downplay nintendo winning that generation with the wii and the 3ds
>and Japanese games stopped playing a factor in the console wars (at least when it comes to anyone other than Nintendo)
Translation: The kikes at sony and valve tried to kill the japanese vidya industry by banning everything that wasn't goyslop and failed.
Wireless Vr paired with pc is the current "console" this gen. It's heavily reliant on user created mods and adhoc solutions so legacy "consoles" can't keep up with the pace so they're just letting a whole generation of kids go full vr without ever being exposed to their aaa bs and ips.
How many times did we have this thread?

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