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Doom demands a key to the Marvel Rivals closed beta!
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Fuck this game
does mantis ult lag the game for anyone else? i used it twice and both times after about 2 seconds the game lagged really hard until i either died or the ult ended
Did Punisher always have a shotgun? I swear I never noticed that you can switch until I watched a teammate's highlight
>up arrows
Damn right I'm up
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She cute
>actually made her shapely
>and didn't cover her up
what is this magic/
On one hand
>Chinese devs
On the other hand
>She's black and they didn't even bothered lightening her skin
How the fuck
Yeah, and it's stupidly broken. I'm pretty sure I two-tapped a tank with it before.
Oh shit is Doom in the game?
Is NetEase trustworthy? its chinkdevs but ive heard nothing but good from DBD mobile and how much better it is from actual dbd.
this game still looks awesome and I can't wait
>She's black and they didn't even bother lightening her skin
Do you honestly think Disney are going to let them do that?
any steam codes?
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I've become what I feared the most. The spiderman instalocker. He's so fucking fun
i just play penny every game. is that cool with you guys?
i keep getting 4 dps games so yes
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He's the main villain, along with a Doom 2099 he's fighting with.
I can't wait for the porn with Movie Peni and Rivals Peni together
>10 minute queue
it's over
They're shit but not AS shit as they could realistically be.
When are they nerfing scarlet bitch I'm tired of her
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Go cry about it like you did over 9/11
>not good enough to solo carry with hela
I'm never getting the mystery gold prize
That was dumb
Kingpin is the only one of the 3 that would care at all
I have a steam key on me so if you're the first one to answer me on Discord I'll give it to ya. My Discord is kamp1595
>Still mourn the random death of innocents

Both Doom and Magneto did like 1000 different 9/11 in their lifetime
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>ult gives her as much HP as a tank
>if you kill her in it she doesn't even die, it just ends the ult
Yep. New main.
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Who's up franking their franks?
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Mantis is ______
>invest your dicks into africa
wtf china is based
She’s ruined by her old ass voice
That'd be cp
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Hell yeah dude
For me its instalocking Starlord
Im fucking trash at this game so im sorry if your stuck with me on your team.
don't worry, I'm good so I'll make up for it
That's pretty cool. I haven't seen any gameplay with him but I'm guessing he'll be in the full release
Is she Arab now?
She's Romani like she always has been
I don't know which feels worse, your team not having enough damage to ever kill their tank, or your team never checking your flanks and getting your backline deleted every 30 seconds by their Spider-man/Magick.
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Peni breasts have in game jiggle like in the CGI trailer. That's wild.
What time does Thor and Jeff get added? I assume game gets updated at 2 AM CST?
I hope Disney doesn't interfere with the game
She was always meant to be slightly swarthy, as a Romani. Elizabeth Olsen's film version is a little whitewashed really.
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I require evidence
Watch the trailer, Peni tits bounce.
Probably a few hours after the morning shift starts at wherever the devs are located.
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>Good Peni design
>They're going to make her at least 18 years old to avoid loli/hebe porn
How does Magik play? Melee focused I'm assuming. Does she have her portals?
>playing dps
>can't get kills because your tanks are being retards not going for the objective so you get locked down and instakilled
>tanks get mad because you aren't magically carrying
overwatch ruined an entire generation of gamers
Shes a melee sword dps, her portal is a dash that makes her invulnerable.
Potato aim desu
Literally me
Very short ranged portals that are mainly used to get around enemies or fit a bit of invulnerability. Can summon a demon out of one. Can turn into a demon herself. Uses a big fuckoff sword as her main attack.
I mean in-game
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Guess again
penis parker
Healing? Why would I need healing?
If Magik can front line while Spiderman goes for backline, is BP the same as Spiderman? Or does BP just fucking suck compared to the rest of the melee?
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nah she's described as a young teenager in the game, same as her comic counterpart
https://x.com/rivalsbrmarvel/status/1788405136886276356 Peni Parker breasts physics in-game.
He fucking sucks. You have to play him basically perfectly with his resets in order to just do what Spider-man or Magik do normally.
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>4 AM for me
I don't see any jiggle. Only visible jiggle I have seen is Storm's tits.
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based fellow CST bro
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How did Peni take Gwen's spot? And how does Peni Parker also pack a better feminine figure the Sony movie Gwen?
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>may be young
>teen prodigy

Could still be 18 years old, but I want to believe that the Devs went full based
>she's young, a teen genius
>now also check out her shapely navel and hips!
not a fan of the face
too close to looking like a Chinese boy
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He literally destroyed the twin towers himself
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These are the best designs for X-Men's Storm and Peni Parker and they're in a Chinese game.
Her face in this art is a little... off, I prefer her 3D Model's face >>683863049
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How did Disney let the devs be this based?
This looks like shit
Something about their faces in this specific artstyle scratches an itch in my brain and my pants
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Are beta key drops over the site says keys are out of stock.
Hopefully this is a sign that Disney has finally learned that ugly bitches don't sell
Because they agreed to make a slop game for them
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there's a reason for that, i think
>TLDR: The closer you are to your target, aim more to the right as you have a higher chance of hitting your target, even if you aren't even aiming directly at the target.
They seem to have had to be conservative with tits in the game, but they've upped everyone's asses to compensate.
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Meanwhile at DC
so 12:00 for eufags, cool
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And thighs
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>mfw punisher is my favorite comics book character
>mfw heard he's op as hell in the beta
>mfw he's gonna be useless on 1.0 release
post the faggot skin
>play peni parker
>the way she apologizes to ironman after you eliminate him

i think my heart skipped a beat. she's too cute.
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there are rumors she fucks _____ ____
indeed, I imagine if the devs made this game even 8 years ago Scarlet Witch, Hela and Storm would have have major tits/cleavage
At least he's IN the game
For a while it looked like he'd be on ice for years
I think they're both the 3D model, she has a very round face, which can look odd at some angles, and sexo at other angles. She has personality though, not just "anime moe" while being very stylized. So I'll take it.
>The movie made her popular
>Rivals might make her even more popular

Make her a mainstay, give Peter another addition to his deserved harem
The film was very loose in adapting her though, which probably creates some disconnection
You're right, every version of Peni should become a mainstay, that will make everything right
can I run this game with a Ryzen 5 7600 and a RX 6600?
I don't normally do this but fuck Hela needs to be toned down. Was she this absurd in the alpha?
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>svp in every game
>consistently losing
>Want to play Magik
>Only pair with nigpanther
God who voices Peni in this? It's the cutest thing I've ever heard I swear.
Somehow tryhard and low effort at once
Peni and the purple slut sound the same
This thing is gonna Hulk out into an actual killer great white isn't he?
At least she's not as bad as a good Scarlet Witch
god i hope this is Doom's Q
Same chick that voices Kiriko in OW
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>No Miles "ImmaDoMyThingMan" Shilling
>No Mary Jane with superhuman powers in the roster
>No forest slow walking stages
>No ugly women
>Venom's ass brutally mogs MJ
>Developed in China, far away from the eyes of Sony California
Guess Sony had nothing to do with Marvel Rivals and these iterations of SpiderMan and Peni Parker. I mean this is a F2P game with people willing to buy $80 reseller keys for a beta while Sony's Concord's $40 beta competed with Titanfall 2's 1,000 average player count in a widely regarded abandoned EA project left to hackers.
>No Miles "ImmaDoMyThingMan" Shilling
>No Mary Jane with superhuman powers in the roster
Yet. I can see at least Miles being added in the future.
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it gets worse
DCkeks... it's over...
If they add him in the future it's fine, but starting the game with Peter, Venom (Eddie) and Peni as the first Spider-Man characters is based
Sex with Galacta
magneto would care if even one mutant died but he could've also just stopped the planes
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I mean, this might sell their game to at least 2 more trannies since they know no sane person will buy it now
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Shoulda been Green Goblin over Peni
Is he in?
>Literal Overwatch clone/rip-off

Jesus, they're not even trying to make it somewhat unique/different looking. It's straight up Overwatch with Marvel characters, and that's it.
I agree that the game could've used the addition of Green Goblin or Doc Ock, but Peni is a pretty good pic if they wanted to include some Multiverse stuff
Not in the leaks, the leaks so far show Hawkeye, Widow, Cloack & Dagger, Ultron, Mr Fantastic and Torch.
Too big
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>variable weight
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I'd fuck her alright.
>Dr. Strange has a special ability that just lets the entire team travel through a portal to where he sets the exit
>Right at the team's base

Kek, how fucking unbalanced and broken.
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So how exactly do you target specific players if you're already far away and the aim in this game is confirmed to be fucked? Do I start flanking on some Valorant bullshit?
Cable when
>It's straight up Overwatch with Marvel characters, and that's it.
Good. The only thing that would make me not like this game is if I log in on release and they pull a multiversus where only 5/39 planned roster is available.
Eh, fine
>Black Widow
Eh, fine
>Cloak & Dagger
Huh, pretty ok
>Mr. Fantastic
>Human Torch
Absolutely based
>18 years old
If they did, I thought pixels didn't have age anon? So why would it matter?
If doom isn't playable I'm gonna throw the devs into the gulag
theres more
Human Torch
Captain America
Cloak and Dagger
Moon Knight
Squirrel Girl
Black Widow
Mr. Fantastic
Winter Soldier
Adam Warlock
Jeff the Landshark
Invisible Woman
The Thing
Iron Fist (Lin Lie)
So, melee in general needs a buff right?
>it’s a “no one ever looks up while the enemy team has iron man and storm” episode
man i wish this was a pure dota like and not a dota like lite people are going to realize in the future this game is much better then overwatch the game is actually dynamic its on par with deadlock gameplay wise sadly it seems like blizz is just behind in everything they could always go back to hots
Absolutely not
>Moon Knight
>Squirrel Girl
>Winter Soldier
It's ok
>Adam Warlock
>Invisible Woman
Welcome Back Spy TF2
>The Thing
>Iron Fist

Now these are pretty good characters, HOWEVER, where are the villains? We could really use more villains in the game
why is the roster so dogshit?
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Hulk needs a rework
Parker boys
Can any comic readers tell me if Magik has a boyfriend or not
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I think the reason why we haven't seen Sue leaked yet is that they don't know what to do with her.
She cant be a tank because both Reed and Ben are tanks, her abilities dont really fit DPS, and there are no non-healing supports in both in-game and leaks.
Kinda worried honestly, if every support HAS to heal, its going to limit the amount of characters they can put in. They already forced Ultron in a healing support role, where it doesnt fit his character.
i bet jeff is going to be busted
yeah, it's me
>No Iron Fist
>Probably isn't going to come until like six months after the game goes live

I will not be playing
Yes I am the boyfriend
>Squirrel Girl
OP and busted, and I don't even know what her kit will be.
SG is a terror with buck teeth and a chipper attitude.
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>DCuck or Concord developer tears
Someone edit SMT4 smirk to Peni.
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Why does Hawkeye look like an edgelord
this is the coolest hawkeye i'd ever seen
>Teenager Johnny Storm joined his sister on the crew of an experimental space mission in hopes of visiting the stars.
>Instead, he became one.

Already shitting on all Overwatch character's bios with this starting line alone
I like the edgelord designs, don't even care if that is cringe or immature to say. I think they look cooler than anything Overwatch has. I think every Marvel Hero in the game should just have a default edgelord futuristic edgelord design.
Peni is too old
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>unlock more battlepass levels
>galacta eating noises
There needs to be more maps and not just ones copying Overwatch
>I like the edgelord designs, don't even care if that is cringe or immature to say.

Honestly based, sometimes they try too hard tho
>we will never get true Kino cause Chinese devs can't add skeletons
How about I kill you, pedo?
Apparently they made another Marvel game and Ghost Rider was in it.
They could make two different models, a Chinese model where the head is just flames and a different model with the skull
That game was Korean.
Playable Galacta
I wish, but unlikely
>Two Venoms fighting
God it's so hot watching them go at it, imagine if they just had their way with you
>Jeff the Landshark
Fuck the hell off, Marvel.
What would Reed Richards be like? Have an ultimate where he basically goes Luffy and pummel enemies with a rapid stretchy arms beatdown?
He's been datamined already
>I think the reason why we haven't seen Sue leaked yet is that they don't know what to do with her.
He just does this and the enemies all shit their pants
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I really just want Marvel heroes back. Between a bullshit hero shooter and a bullshit whatever the fuck that Avengers game was I just want this game back more thane ever.
It would be nice if Venom's web swing didn't feel like ass on 2/3 of each map. You should be able to tap it grapple where he is aiming or hold it to do the full swing
Wood gun ultimate
Peni's design is sex and her gameplay is fun.
Peni is too old
You've already said this, Larry. Mad you didn't get any (yous)? Alright here ya go, now move along.
What character would you like added in?
He's not wrong
she's a hag
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Silver Sable
What's the Thing then? I would assume a Vanguard too?
Fuck off.
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Yeah some recent issues gave her a love interest randomly in pic related
Squirrel girl better get her GLA costume. It's the only thing I bought in marvel heroes
Red Skull
Calm down Miles self inserter.
beast iceman or rogue
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If they have Jeff then I want Gwenpool too
Playable Doom?
Probably. He hasn't been datamined yet. Moon Knight has tho
Playable Doctor Doom
Green Goblin
Doc Ock
Kraven the Hunter
Professor X (Yes, on the wheelchair)
Ghost Rider
You know, Reed's actual superpower isn't being stretchy. Being stretchy is basically a gimmick he got from the rays. Reed's moves should revolve around him making more and more universe breaking devices until he starts throwing black holes
Kamala Khan
Very likely I would guess
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No but she's had crushes. Also she's bi.
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Songbird would actually be cool
Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Cable
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nightcrawler would be dope teleporting everywhere sounds like fun in this gameplay environment
Wasp, but her Q skill is Giant Girl. Or put in Stature.
Apparently there's an easy swing option that you can turn off
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One Above All announcer pack
How many people naming crap characters here actually even read comics?
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With this as a skin
I don't know the context, but this is legitimately pretty funny.
meant for >>683866697
Wish granted, but you'll get MCU Brainchip female Taskmaster
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Basically the aliens are breaking into a ship to rob it or some shit and Magik is there to stop them.
This is the previous page
He's black in this, isn't he?
Modern X-men comics are so shit.
Modern comics are so shit.
Hm, still decent.
The current Fantastic Four book is mostly aright. A bit vacuous but mostly alright.
New Ultimate universe also looks pretty ok for now, but I'll wait for more issues before talking
Fucking hate key entry betas, like I'm supposed to he checking daily some obscure news articles to see whether some game is having a closed beta, I don't want to see shit on a game that I can't actually play till like a year later. Not a fan of being teased like that
war machine
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I miss my Marvel universe before the MCU
Gdi typo
I managed to get lucky and yoink a key from a stream but normally I'd just ignore shit like this for my own sanity
Every single character on that box had an upcoming movie to shill, or one that released within the last two or three years. Don't pretend that 6th and 7th gen was any different with its superhero games.
Perhaps but the game still leaned heavily on the comic book. At most it took some design cues from the Ultimates but it was very much a very comic focused game. The movies weren't the money factory they'd become yet so it was still a risk to focus on those specifically.
>Ultimate X-Men
>All mutants are now cute anime schoolgirls

I think comics are back
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I mean I'll certainly take that over them and their ethnostate race war bullshit.
>Drrrr why you no save genosha
>Gee I dunno Emma why did you save the world from Ultron or Kang!?
The X-men are the worst people in the universe.
He's rocking the Jimmy Neutron haircut
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I miss that 2000s cartoon
why can't DC do anything right? every fucking time, it's hot garbage attempts, and I guess this is the current steaming pile of shit. Why is it so hard to make a good DC game now?
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oh shi
I remember really liking the designs in this one
What they say is true, you really need to be a fucking retard to give Doom a bad design
>Nu-Ultimate Storm is not black

How did they get away with this in 2024?
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Slightly banged up combat armor is the best live action capeshit aesthetic
Edgelord anime is the best 2d capeshit aesthetic.
Design-wise this game looks outstanding. It has the OW screen vomit problem, but that style is great
Probably by the fact that it's a totally different character
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Movement feels kinda shit, bros.
I wish Hawkeye had his pre-MCU costume back.
Yes, but I still consider strange how nobody is crying about this, normally people would still scream that Black Storm got replaced by a non-black character.

Well, I guess those people just don't actually read comics
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What could've been
i left feedback about that. Swinging around w/ venom and spiderman is garbo.
>that era of cartoons where they had bloom for some dumbass reason
hated it
Warlock guy is fun, but i have zero mobility and die to any flanker
why are you trying to make it weird?
Remember watching that show when I was hospitalized as a kid
>dev is chinese
no wonder females look cute
Why wouldn't I?
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>Slightly banged up combat armor is the best live action capeshit aesthetic
Even the notoriously goofy Avengers 1 outfit for Cap looks pretty decent in the film when he's banged up and has lost his helmet
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It's a very nice take on the uniform

Snu snu?
Turn off automatic swinging
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How utterly repugnant.
>That time Doom was voiced by Kane
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wtf is that bro?
Disney is surprisingly hands off when it comes to eastern devs it seems, MUA3 also had some good T&A,
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She's probably destroy your pelvis btw
DC games are now forever cursed to be GAAS slop since WB Games are mandated to monetize everything and treat its studios as complete garbage.
That's what we want
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Oh man. My Gen X babies deserved so much better.
Husk from Generation X. They were supposed to be the next big thing. The new new mutants of the 90s. But then their book got side swiped by an event comic (Age of Apocalypse) and theyhad a hard time finding footing. The book ran a while but the team sort of splintered off so many of it's characters got killed or drifted off. She survived but her power to rip off her skin to some shape shifted form underneath (like stone or steel) went haywire and then she became Angel and Toad's quasi legal cum dump and then Kitty the bitch cunt fired her.
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Except the series is bad
Got one of Crystal
Compared to the main series it's solid gold.
>lolicons are not pedos I swear
I mean, in context of them being young schoolgirls I don't see what's bad with this page, if you don't like the fact that they are schoolgirls then that's fine, it's a pretty big change
I feel like a lot of the criticisms of this book seem to hinge directly on it being called X-men and not something like Runaways. Which would probably be a more apt title but less profitable. In any case I think the book has been mostly okay if a bit slow paced. And in terms of quality it is a thousand times better than what the 616 books are doing with the mutants.
Her power is she can shed her skin off and and undernearth is any material she wants which is apparently broad enough to also be like fire. She also turned into wood to kill a bunch of vampires one time. She's also Cannonball's sister who is another character who should get added.
X-Men in general post 90s is pretty much all wasted potential. Banshee gets fucked over, Iceman never gets to do anything cool, they gave up on Mirage, etc
>Cast Richards in
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Seems to me that pretty much everything they're doing with the New Ultimate universe is leagues better than what they're doing in the 616 books, the art is also fucking amazing
so she's nightmare fuel version of ben 10. got it
>no playable doom
I'm going to kill myself
Punisher is lame faggot and a waste of a slot.
We should've gotten Bucky instead.
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What do you guys think Thor will be? Tank or DPS?
They're probably going to make playable Doom a big post-launch event since he seems to be the main bad guy
winter soldier is in
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M.O.D.O.K. Status?
Incidentally Raziel's voice actor actually did play Bruce Banner in the 80s Hulk cartoon.
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Already confirmed to be a tank
>Dr. Doom does not fail.
Doom your schemes fail every other week
They gave her some pretty good hips in this game
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There's a bunch of weird mutants
>we'll be the X-men!
>because we all get bad grades!
It's just not good dialogue. Maybe it's because the series is aimed at women and teenagers and I'm neither but it just comes off as cringe to me.
Also race swapping Storm is bad. Being African is central to her character. Race swaps are bad regardless of what race is being swapped.
>Also race swapping Storm is bad.
May Storm is actually a different character. Real Storm is gonna be somewhere else.
Based as usual
>Also race swapping Storm is bad.

Oh there it is, I was getting worried
when is this shit finally going to release, so i can uninstall overwatch 2?
No she's a solid virgin and never had any boyfriend
>It's just not good dialogue.
Look, buddy. I'm not defending everything in the book but you have absolutely no idea just how bad the current status of comic writing is. This? This right here? It's a bit forced. But that's all it is. It's not them talking about food. It's not them trying to PWN THE BIGOTS. It's not them saying stuff that would justify every bad thing that ever happens to them while whining about bad stuff that happens to them. This is just a somewhat forced name drop.
Invisible tank. No damage, no bulk but she has big shield that can block most damage and she’s invisible. The challenge is figuring out where she is at any given time.

Ult makes the entire team invisible.
magik is one of my favourite comic characters, i'm still annoyed she's purely a flanker. with characters like that i have to have a comp that supports it. i cannot pull off solo flanking most of the time.
Has to be his skill
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She was trapped in hell and raped by demons for years.
Maybe AI, ain't so bad
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Elsa. Right now, this is just a pvp game, right? I feel like a mode that's like L4D2 could be cool.
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now i will play your game
I can see a Survival Waves mode with normal zombies and every like 5 wave a couple of Super Zombies spawn in, honestly doesn't sound too bad
How many spider girls are there? feels like there is quite a bit of them
Okay? Other comics being worse doesn't make this one better.
This is reassuring. Maybe I can fix her
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Only 1 matters. Everyone else is just some shit meme waifu bait who can't carry a book.
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How could they potentially kill the game in the future?
They ruined her
And one eye rolling bit of dialogue doesn't devalue the entire rest of the book.
The monetization will eventually will
If we include multiverse stuff then there's a fuckton of them

>Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
>Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)
>Peni Parker
>Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker)

And a lot more
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They did for everyone really
Nah, both Peni can coexist
Marvel demons may be evil but not sick fucks. Plus they pretty much have no dick
This physically hurts me. These comics are so bad. This is like watching your kids grow up to be drug addicts sucking cock behind a 711 for meth.
>Marvel demons may be evil but not sick fucks.

I don't know about that Anon, Mephisto could like, just kill Spider-Man, instead he loves watching him while he gets cucked
Dude, that's a minor
Even better
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The movie took major liberties with the character. It's the game's version that's actually close to the comic version.
Do you think Not-Shinji beats his dick while thinking about Peni?
Neither the movie nor the comic have enough material to quantify as a "character." Peni is a shit.
A SHIT. A vapid, low effort, no personality, no depth, no comic carrying, no purpose shit.
I bet you would get mad if they based one of the characters on their MCU depiction
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Tips for Scarlet Witch mains?
go to hell
That's not the only thing it's just something I picked out. It's paced like a weekly manga despite being not weekly. In 5 issues we've had very little plot development. They introduced 5 characters and the idea of a mutant cult with a few mediocre action scenes. Clairemont could've done all that in 2 issues and it would've been better written.
On top of all that it reads like a manga that they just slapped X-men names on. I don't really know how to explain it but it just doesn't feel like X-men at all. It, again, feels like a completely different story with X-men names slapped on.
Why are you so rude?
Kill the enemy team
No that's Magik
Fuck off, X-fag.
Ok, I've gone to the nearest Hela player, now what?
>it just doesn't feel like X-men

I mean. yeah, I get you, they're basically totally different characters and in some cases they're just straight up different characters so I would say that it's perfectly fine to not like that, I personally enjoy this change but I am me and you're you
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Ich habe 99 Probleme, aber eine Schlampe ist keines
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Mephistobros, our time has come
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Count your days, Widow.
>It, again, feels like a completely different story with X-men names slapped on.
By design. It's not trying to be traditional X-men. Taken by it's own merits it's fine.
She will break you
this bitch needs to be in the game, NOW. Sick of ironman flying around and nobody does shit about it
God I hate Quire.
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Armor would be cool.
chat, is this real?
I feel like I'm the only one checking if he's overhead
people get easily distracted by dive tanks like venom
Are these new? I feel so out of touch
Ok, but will she have a russian accent?
I mean, far from new but also far from being "old" characters
scarlet witch has a Romani accent
Yeah but why i would play Rivals over TF2
They're all decade+ at this point, just aren't super popular. And Husk is from the 80s.
No, chud, she'll have a ukranian one
Husk has been around since the 90s at least. She might have made a few cameos in the 80s as she's the little sister of an older character but I can't be assed to look. Armor was early 2000s. Elsa dito. Everyone else is post 2010.
No hidden tranny flag at the moment
Storm seems really good
Scarlet witch seems really good
Hela seems fine but nothing special
Magik just feels bad with how tanky characters can be
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Black Widow better have a fat ass as well, I'm talking something that would make Widowmaker blush.
will deadpool be in this game?
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Why THE FUCK isn't the Hulk wearing purple pants?
Honestly it's strange how he isn't in the starting roster, you just know he's going to be in it
Fuck off.
Very likely, Magik has one and Scarlet Witch sounds Balkan
>No hidden tranny flag at the moment
I mean, gameplay related
Absolutely. But they'll hold off a few major names for future updates.
No Pyro
No news so far. I wonder if Nolan North will voice him, considering he's already voicing Rocket in the game.
So what characters need hard nerfs?
But pyro is easy to counter
Not if I'm shitass at the game
Magneto. On the other end, Panther needs serious help.
Chat, is this real?
Venom with his shield gain, Hela's damage overall, Punisher's shotgun damage, Wanda's damage.
scarlet, venom, and some counter character for flying fags
I've been in games where characters are immortal from the amount of healing going out. Don't know who it is but one of the supports is busted as fuck.
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>Roasts (you) every time you get him killed
Would be mildly funny
The Punisher's shotgun is either gonna be deleted from the main release or nerfed to oblivion. I solo'd a Venom with that thing alone earlier.
>Just had an Iron Man use 4 ults within 2 minutes
>Can't report him as there's nothing that says infinite abilities
lmao they used the marvel snap art
>Also she's bi
I don't read comic books past the year 2012. There's no LGBT whatsoever in comic books as far as I'm concerned.
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Damnit, Wade!
Really surprised they are adding squirrel girl before gwenpool
Too big
thor in 10min bros
What would they even do for all the other Spider characters? Like, for Miles you can give him his shitty electric powers, but Gwen? Silk? Probably just turn them into skins with different voice actors and voice lines
her ult is fucking wild
with most characters if you pop ult at a bad time you can still insta-die
with hela you become a raidboss who can shit out damage
also anyone who can click heads with her is a menance
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Imagine dating Galacta and she invites you to dinner and you have to meet her father
I wonder if making her able to be CC'd out of it will ruin it too much.
I'm not a fag like that guy
Why the fuck would doom care
Magneto wouldn't either but at least he could fuckin magnets all the jet fuel melted steel beams out of the way
I've seen enough
Thor is fun as fuck
you dont blow your load all at once

they'll save him when they need a resurgance
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>Storm seals MvP once again
I'm fucking tired of this chick
I've seen enough
Jeff is cute as fuck
Post Thor and Jeff’s abilities
Sex with magik
Not too big enough
I haven't played the game, but I'm so fucking happy to see Galacta get some love.
Storm gets chain lightning from Thor
Ultimate Spiderman is happily married with kids. MJ fully supporting her husband's role as Spidey. No deal with the devil bullshit in sight.
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Wrong. 99% of "chinese" censorship in the West is self-censorship because the western devs don't want to deal with legal bullshit. CCP really does not give a fuck unless you are out there screaming about killing commies in your game. All the censorship right now is due to random activist groups or people filing a report to the government. Yes, all those recent gachas being censored is due to the feminist groups that are slowly gaining power in China right now.
Jeff's ult might be really good
>designs all look great
Alright, whats the catch.
>play Magneto
>can't crush Tony like a soda can
You can't get Galtica pregnant
Peni is a confirmed teenager
Play magneto with scarlet team up. Pop your shield and sword and walk up to their backline and 2 shot them.
>Literally at the last objective
>Lose because no one won't play a second healer
is this a joe mad game? didn't expect hawkeye to look cool
my edge wife
How does one get a key?
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forgot pic
God, how the fuck did they think the key distribution was a good marketing move is beyond me. All it does is give the nobody streamers who have drops enabled a small stream of randoms watching them for an hour who'll fuck off the second the drop pops. Then, it's a nightmare scramble for every single person interested to bottleneck Twitch and the giveaway site on the minute, only to lose all the keys to bots who'll then start scalping them on ebay.
Jeff's ult is hilarious

Likes became hidded on X right after that.

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>Olivia Munn fought to have this costume in Apocalypse
Pretty based desu
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high level spidey is insane
bro that """broken""" ability has like 3 minutes of cooldown and lasts maybe 20 seconds
you are really lucky if you manage to use it twice in a match
>gold rank reward is just a Jeff and Thor spray

At least people aren't missing out on two skins
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bad shark
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I sure hope they don't nerf every high movement high skillcap character into the ground
I sure hope they won't make healing and tanks so powerfull every fight will be just sponges hitting each other forever
I really fucking hope it won't be just GOATS again
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is this better
>He isn't Gold rank so he can get his exclusive spray

where do you even see the reward
where's Hercules?
surprisingly neither he nor wolverine is in the game
would expect them to promote the movie with those two
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Thor is super underwhelming, holy shit.
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It's another live service hero shooter
Yep, my personal slut built exclusively for me
Never thought I'd be excited for a hero shooter. This will be my first
He's a frontline brawler, only real problem is how slow he is.
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why are people begging for codes when you can just watch for an hour on twitch
>watch an hour of our slop and we'll spare you a key
>oops, no actually we ran out somehow
There was a time when this was referred to a "false advertising"
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The fact that using literally any single ability sets all off his cooldowns is a massive problem.
Global cooldowns have been a thing since the dawn of gaming
Bots are basically slurping up keys the moment a new 'round' of distribution begins, then they resell those keys for about the same price as an average modern shooter.
You cant beat the bots, because their site literally explodes the moment the turnover happens, best you can hope for is a friend manages to nab a key when they level their account up enough, but apparently even that's subject to the same scarcity.
It's complete garbage that Twitch drops are only distributing a pseudo-lottery ticket.
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They could make them into ranged characters with different cc than a pull. Like someone webs people on the spot they're standing or make people stick to walls? Spiderman kinda plays like a melee assassin in his current form
Doom's just crying all his attacks on new york failed and some terrorists showed all it took was a airplane.
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>You cant beat the bots
I did just that though
More Street level villains.
Batroc the leaper, Shocker, Vulture, Rhino, Silver Samurai, Kingpin, Bullseye etc
Then you have a far greater luck than I. I tried last night and the moment I refreshed the page, I got logged out of Twitch, logging in again threw errors a few times and their gateway site failed to load. By the time everything was back to normal, 3 minutes later, the keys were all gone.
Hating everything isn't a personality
Psylocke but apparently she was datamined so
Ghost Rider
Sentinel with a mango recolor skin
>I tried last night and the moment I refreshed the page, I got logged out of Twitch, logging in again threw errors a few times and their gateway site failed to load. By the time everything was back to normal, 3 minutes later, the keys were all gone.
I thought that happened to me but then I refreshed the page again and I was able to grab a key.
I did keep refreshing for a little while after but it just kept giving me the out of stock message so I knew I'd lost at that point.
I finally figured out how to play Black Panther:
>All enemy is grouped together
>Throw Javelin
>Dash towards the enemy to reset the dash
>Dash to each target with a mark
>Throw another mark
>Keep dashing back and forth one another
Is it a fact that everyone would want a Storm gf?
Counter-magnetic alloys or nanomachines with a self-rearranging algorithm.
Scarlet Witch needs a fucking nerf badly
>I sure hope they don't nerf every high movement high skillcap character into the ground
Kill yourself genji main cancer faggot, that garbage hero caused me to hate that game every game there is some tranny like you tinking high burst high mobility is high skill when it's literally baby mode you literally can't fuck it up
>Anti-Magnetism: The armor Tony has to negate the effects of magnetism on it. This skill is used often to be immune to the powers of Magneto.[371] This skill can be triggered when the armor picks next wave magnetism.
Not really, no
holy shit you suck
does anyone have a key? bots crashed the website yesterday and they were all gone by the time it was back up

why did they make Galactus a hot girl
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>liking things = bot
People like Marvel. Deadpool and Wolverine was good. This game will be carried by it's IP. Is that so hard to understand or should I larp and say "capeshit" and call you a nigger?
That's his clone daughter thingy.
But the real answer is because they are based
hagsisters? our response?
she's his daughter, and cause there's no Sweet Baby in China to tell them Galactus should be a black man and his daughter should be a pansexual half-dominican with a prosthetic arm from the elbow down.
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>can vore both allies and enemies alike in a huge AoE
>they can't act for 6s
>while Jeff can carry them anywhere during that time AND pick whether to spit allies or enemies at what time
You can vore most grounded Ulting people, you can ambush groups and toss them into nearby death pits, it's also effectively a better Transcendence since allies will be immune to any Ult for 6s. It's also an instant overtime ender.

6s long hard CC that also moves your character for you though, I wonder if this makes it to launch. I kinda dig it but also that's singularly the most powerful CC in the game by far.
Because China is based
Storm is nice, but I'd rather have a Wasp gf
>Star of David
Uh oh.
>rest of his abilities are healbot with 0 damage potential
they'll probably lower it to like 4.5 seconds
but Miles is cool :(
I can see this game having a huge boom on release and then dying out a few months later, but god I hope that's not the case, this is the first time in my life I've given a shit about marvel
He was alright in the first Spiderverse movie and that's it. In everything else he's an unnecessary gary stu.
Yall can have Storm. Real niggas waiting for black widow and Psylocke.
>Doom 2099
Holy fuck yeah, can't wait for Doom with crazy looking electrict futuro armor, I dunno about the others, but I liked the 2099 doom line, loved seeing Doom as a protagonist.
Thats a kino character design actually.

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