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/v/ - Video Games

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Have you had ever a wrong opinion about video games?
I liked vampire rain.
How did this guy manage to be wrong about four different things being fads in one paragraph?
he was unironically right
Never really had particularly important and wrong enough opinions on gayming to remember.
On gaymers, however, I was wrong on multiple occasions.
One particular example being CP2077 and its popularity amongst normies despite all the butthurt and drama, and that CDPR surviving the shitstorm at all to the point developing a sequel for 2077.
i mean he's probably talking about the lame ass handheld single games they had like mattel football right? no body is buying game and watches today
Ai is a fad
The atari and arcades.
He was right in the short term though. The market crashed so hard in '83 that the NES had to market itself as an 'entertainment system' years later.
Computer and arcade games did just fine during the crash, tho. Same with Europe as a whole.
>Milton Bradley
>Parker Brothers
Fucking Hasbro
lol were stereos and cameras considered a fad in the late 70's?
>It was acquired by Hasbro in 1984
That one anon who said that MLP would not have a lot of porn because the older generations didn't have much porn
maybe if we take the context in that most video games get boring after playing them a month
The only game i remember from them was Heroquest and even that was mostly Games Workshop.
just by this guy
his issue is he'd seen so many fads come and go he stopped being able to recognize genuine change
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Even more rudimentary
pong machines
Video Games will never catch on, if my name isn't John Betamax
Like with most things executives say this isnt the opinion he has. He isn't sharing what he thinks. He is saying what he wants the market to think.

He runs a company that sells board games. His competitors sell video games to the same audience. He is not anymore 'wrong' than when the xyz company says their widgets are better than the abc company.
I thought consoles were better than PCs for the longest time. I wish now I grew up on a PC instead of xbox
So you can enjoy paying 2x the price as last time every time you need a new computer? No, you were right the first time.
>implying I don't just upgrade parts individually
I learned and you should too
>paying 2x the price as last time every time you need a new computer?
Holy shit people like you should not be allowed online.
This.. no one likes modern games. Nigga was actually right
I overestimated what games would be in terms of content several times, but I never made any true blunders, that I recall at least.
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I can't wait in 20 years to look back and read all about how anons thought AI was also an fad.
It's gonna be a fad and will never grow to be something that actually has an impact on people's lives (i.e. acting as a automated teacher for others; making videogame features by just proompting, and various other things that are actually impressive).

Screenshot this.
almost the same thing is happening now though, PC Gaming is more popular then ever while Sony and Microsoft cant do shit to attract new auidences to their consoles
only person who understands the world in this thread
Prompters have had years to finetune things, why are they still unable to get skin right? It was the most obvious thing to fix (yes, even moreso than the finger issue which most have solved)
Screenshot what a fucking dumbshit you are?
So you can look at the screenshot in the next twenty years and see how wrong your faggot ass was.
That's cause consoles are just shit PCs now. The Switch is kind of it's own thing but even then it's carried by Nintendo
I would only screenshot it if I could staple it to your dumb, retard face. Adopt a tripcode, dipshit. THEN we can follow you around with your stupid-ass post. Put your money where your mouth is, motherfucker. ha ha ha you won't.
This guy was unironically right. The entire video games industry in America crashed in 1983. Japan brought video games back with the NES, they had seen what happened in America because the Famicom released the same year as the crash.
An American video game console wouldn't be successful again until the Xbox in 2001.
Okay contrarian super retard.
>The entire video games industry in America crashed in 1983.
Electronic Arts was founded in 1982, and it started selling exclusively computer games because Trip saw the writing on the wall. That's just the most iconic example.
Learn some history, first gen video game consoles were a shitshow, it was the wild west
Alright, super retard.
Tell me again how video games no longer exist, because they were a fad in the early 1980's.
Oh shit, you must be some sort of super retard
I thought Apex would win the BR market
>The industry experienced difficulties, therefor video games, a multibillion dollar industry with titles being produced with budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars is a confirmed passing fad
Do you know what "passing fad" even means?
It's the only one worth playing so you were sorta right
They were, American video game consoles and developer industry crashed incredibly hard, then Japanese companies took over the industry.
How is this so hard for you retards to understand?
I thought VR would take off and be where the medium grows. I expected we'd have a new era of cool VR experimental games like the early 3D years.
I thought game AI would continue improving and most games would feel like you're playing against humans.
I thought basic problems like seeing characters clipping through geometry would've been solved 20 years ago.
It sort of did. In Japan, of all places.
He's right. Gaming crashed and was really fucking good for like 10-15 years and its been a shit show ever since.
He's right about what?
People don't play video games anymore?
or are you saying people don't play video games as much as they used to?
Oh wait.... MAYBE... he's trying to say... no.
He's just a fucking retard and so are you.
On his defense, they were churning new gadgets left and right.
Pretty fucking based. Just notice that only faggot losers care about vudeogames nowadays.
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I played Human Revolution before OG Deus Ex. So when I played the original, I thought it was worse, it was clunky to control and looked too aged. Took me a while to give it a fair shot and appreciate its incredible depth and superior writing.
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>I thought VR would take off
Similarly, I thought 3D displays would take off. I really thought I'd eventually buy one. But by the time I finally needed a new monitor, the fad was over and they were not sold anymore.
Its not that difficult, its just that none of the companies involved want to do what they have to do.

>Lower prices
>Increase quality
>Make this happen by dramatically downsizing your workforce and trimming old studios
>Sell off non-productive IPs to new studios who might be able to do something with them
>Hire new generations of people with new ideas and allow them to excel
>Foster those new ideas by not being hook-nosed about it and allowing the people who make them to take credit and own their own ideas

Simple as.
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The way people talk about the crash of '83 can be misleading. It's easy to be dramatic and say the market for video games as a whole collapsed, but it's more accurate to say the market for *consoles* collapsed, while computer games kept chugging along.
He was right about the videogames of the time, hence the videogame crash.
I thought Dawntrail was ok.
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I was gaslit into thinking the SNES was better than the Genesis but it wasn't. Genesis had a better sound chip, better first party games, and a better controller.
Yes, but it was dedicated videogame consoles the toy executive was talking about.
Additionally, the market for computer games in the US was pretty small. It was a major factor in Europe, but until later in the 80's and the golden age of PC compatibles they were never that big in the US. They never had the breadth of cheaper options that were available across the pond which meant PCs were relatively more business focused in general.
>Genesis had a better sound chip
False. A truly skilled composer could make better music for the Genesis but that was a rarity; at the end of the day the majority of Genesis games had mediocre to bad music whereas bad music on the SNES was downright rare.
The sample-based approach of the SNES was more technically complex and resulted in better music the majority of the time.
Literally a skill issue.
I'm not making 4th gen console games anon.
Neither are you.
The games on the SNES have better music because it has a better sound chip. No revisionism.
>the NES had to market itself as an 'entertainment system
Consoles were much better than computers until the 6th gen, by the 7th everything fell apart so there is not much difference between the two
>whereas bad music on the SNES was downright rare

If anything bad OSTs were about as common on the SNES, pretty much every western game sans Plok or Donkey Kong had one, the bad Genesis OSTs were pretty much always western too
>so there is not much difference between the two

Affordability, convenience. There's a world of difference.
It's the most profitable entertainment medium rofl what are you talking about
That is still the opinion that many shareholders in the vidya industry have. To them videogames may as well be NFTs.
He's still right in the longterm, the investment bubble for videogames popped in 2006. I don't think you can say that development of new videogames was taken seriously as a means of making money off of videogames after ~2012.
Even now studios are being axed if they can't keep a stable holding pattern even if they do put out games that aren't complete shit.
Consumers still like videogames, but they will always be a passing fad for the stockmarket.
It is being massively overvalued and most people have a heavily skewed perception of what it is actually good at or capable of. There are flaws to it that just can't be ironed out because they are the direct result of how an LLM functions. It will never not hallucinate and it will never not have issues with completing ambiguous patterns.
VR just launched into shit market conditions. Cooperation was sabotaged out of the gate, the vidya industry was pivoting from AAA into mobileshit and live service slop and all of the people interested in investing into VR invested into the exact wrong things because they were all stockmarket junkies.
>He is saying what he wants the market to think
Skill issue, that's what he wants the market to think because that is what he really thinks.
But is it?
It is sure the most grossing entertainment medium by the numbers but it seems FAR from profitable.
Everyone seems to close studios left&right and major consolemakers are throwing themselves on the floor and assuming the position business-wise.
/v/ is literally "wrong opinion" on video games
He unironically would be if video games never became more complex than they were back in 1977. But they did.
People don't enjoy what games have become not what they once were, the issue is they're being made by people that either hate the games, the source material, simply treat it like a 9-5 and are directed by jews in suits that are happy to take ESGbucks to make the game as lame as possible. Some of the best franchises of yesteryear would be equally shit if a pink haired consultant game in and demolished their premise to make it less offensive. For any form of entertainment to be interesting it has to risk offense. Not be an amorphous grey blob.
Playstation 5 is one of the most popular consoles in history, retarded piece of shit
Bro you are dumber than me when I was a kid and I thought touch screens were gonna be just a fad. Now they're so common that I've seen people randomly touching tv screens assuming it much have a touch interface.
people who "don't like modern games" still play video games in general, which proves that it is not a fad, and therefore, both him and you are retarded
To be fair the resistive touch screens from our youths sucked balls, I'm sure most people who interacted with a touch screen before capacitive touch screen became common thought it was a gimmicky technology.
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>Consumers still like videogames, but they will always be a passing fad for the stockmarket.
Yeah, reminds me of pic related.

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