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>kino aesthetics
>injects soul into your vidya
>elevates games into pure ludo

Ancient Egypt vidya thread
couldnt save ass creed thoughever
If you add 1,000 to -9,999 you end up with --8,999.
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They are only good for coombaits, because most people lack the mental capacity to appreciate ancient and Ptolemaic Egypt as a world setting without degrading down to nigger shit or having a mental meltdown over orientalism.
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This picture needs yugioh and sphinx and the cursed mummy added to it, but you get the idea.
soulful on the western side since we'll get a nice dungeon adventure
eastern side is just "what if we add big titty girl, but black?"
The egypt floor in luigi's mansion 3 was kino as hell.
I wouldn't mind anime titties if they had proper world building and gameplay. Actually, it's a plus.
But Asians stopped caring about those.
I get filtered by this game every time I try playing it
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There, NOW it's art!
Yeah as long as it's fun gameplay with an story immersive bonus, I don't mind either
>eastern side is just "what if we add big titty girl, but black?"
It work on me
>even has the Egyptology book
Feeling kind of attacked here.
I still have my copy
>enslave the jews
>doom mankind for the rest of time
thanks a lot retard egyptians
Play Cleopatra's Fortune
That was Ptolemaic Egypt, when it was already fake and gay. Real ancient Egypt was as long ago to the romans as the romans are to us now.
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Don't mind if I do
my queen! i kneel...
The fact that Greeks weren't being murdered in the streets shows how far gone it was. They didn't even get Cleopatra right. Her objective was to create acceptance of other nations, not flood the place with foreigners.
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I once compared the pottery of Ptolemaic Egypt to ancient Egypt and laughed my ass off. It completely changed my worldview and makes me laugh when people talk about Greece and Rome as ancient super powers. At the time yeah, but they were like babies in the grand scheme.
what's the cartoon in the middle, I swear I've seen it somewhere before
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>tfw ancient Egyptian music probably didn't sound like what we think it sounded like because all the music we hear from the middle east today is Arab
I wonder how they jammed 3,000+ years ago.
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And all mine

are there any findings of remains of specific instruments from 3000 years ago?
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I'm not sure. I think I've heard some songs that were supposedly from back then but by "back then" it's probably Greek/Roman Egypt which was already very diluted. I wonder if Sudanese/Nubians have some time old songs they still preform, they probably do.
In my research I don't recall seeing anything music related though, aside from harps and stuff depicted.
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For me it was Mighty Max.
Nobody who grew up with that shit would say "hit different"
not true
I've been kicked out of my home through no fault of my own!
I wonder what happened to all the treasures
>The fact that Greeks weren't being murdered in the streets shows how far gone it was
did that happen back then? or what?
french, jews and anglos stole most of them
Post some good Egypt vidya
Was there some period where people just became obsessed with busting noses off old shit?
Do you think we could get an assasin creed game set in ancient rome?
I wish the new God of War games would have gone for the Ancient Egyptian pantheon rather than the Old Norse one. Maybe next time.
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There's no consensus on why people did that but I like to blame Jews for it because I think it only happened in countries that had Jews. You can't say Arabs did it because they were racist to blacks or something because European artifacts also had their noses broken off. In places Arabs never visited.
Some argue that erosion is to blame but no, they're often smashed off and some stone doesn't erode that quuickly. Or at all, tons of granite statues wouldn't break like that.
Some argue it had to do with some schizo idea that you would kill the spirit of a statue if you removed the nose(how they breath), but obviously few believe that. But there could be a secret society that is behind it, holding those beliefs.
There could be more hidden reasons for it but I dunno, I just blame Jews.
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I am amazed by how well those games have aged visually. 2D is indeed timeless, even though I'm not a big fan of Caesar's brown and grey.
Wow, I had that toy as a kid.
Also its more /co/ but pic related.
I kinda figured most of it was stolen imagine what it would've a looked like the day it was placed in the tomb
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Also this isn't pertinent to your question but the reason a lot of big statues are in pieces is because Arabs would soak them with water and then head them up which would cause them to blow up. I think that's how it went anyway, I don't understand physics that well.
Is there a way to play those with modern PCs?
what coincidence, op
you forgot
>invents haber process and accidentally curses humanity millenia into the future.
It would be if anyone would give a shit about this rancid turd, you are the first one to even mention it
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A lot of tombs were cleaned out before those people got to them too, by Egyptians and Arabs etc. But those 3 finished the job in recent centuries.
The reason that Tutankhamun is a household name was because the tombs they found then were untouched because the Egyptians hated that dynasty and tried to cover them up. And successfully hid the burial tombs very well. There are photographs of them untouched and lots of artifacts in pristine condition.

But yeah the temples would have been insane to see in their heyday, same with Aztec stuff. Gold EVERYWHERE. All your bros would have been covered in gold.
India too, gold was so plentiful at one point that it was basically worthless to the people. The British and their handlers fixed that.
Such a bizarre update for a dead as fuck game.
How does the production of ammonia cursed humanity?
over population due to synthetic fertilizer making agriculture hyper productive
it sure is awful that we aren't hungry all the time
Don't be like me don't fall for this game, its shit.
more mouths to feed creates more hunger actually. we're living in pharaoh's curse.
>more mouths to feed creates more hunger actually
No that's how life was before agriculture got good. Since then we've mostly been overproducing meaning people aren't hungry.
crazy how that red is nothing but sub-saharan african countries
decolonisation has been a total disaster
(this post is a moderate shitpost)
There's something so kino about the ancient egyptian aesthetic I can't get over it
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I know these, haven't buyed yet
Hieroglyphika apparently has a painfully slow enemy turn speed though
Tutenstein, it was a fun show as a kid. Typical 'mummy comes alive in a museum and does shenanigans' bit.
sadly they're far too few
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There's a lot of funny and weird stuff.
The fuck they did with the statue in these 11 years.
Powerslave is a great shooter. A little unconventional, but great.
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Might be related to the arab spring, as usual arabs are assholes.
Fucking sandnigger i tell you.
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If you want to get really angry, watch this
Maybe later I'm still lying in bed. But i have it open in another tab.
It's a great youtube channel too. But that video is infuriating. I hate Arabs so much it's unreal.
I don't know why you draw the line at arabs. It's all muslims and their archaic, destructive faith.
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Well without Arabs there would be no Islam and even before Islam I think they were boogers.
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>subjugate millions through proto feudal intimidation and die out because cleopatra's ass was just that phat
>refuse to elaborate
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There is just something about Ancient Egyptian art and artifacts that just get under my skin and instantly puts fear into my soul. Makes me believe in the idea of past lives because I have no idea why this culture in particular just fills me with dread.
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Glory to Ancient Egyptians for inspiring my favorite game ever.
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>nobody will post kino ancient egypt architecture
>everyone will post the hot scantly clad bitches thats it
time to replay serious sam, yet again
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considering christians (jewish religion) destroyed the noses off of greco/roman statues and carved a crucifix into their forehead, i'd have to agree with you on the point that was most likey jews
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>and carved a crucifix into their forehead
I've never seen that before, sounds like something a Jew would do. Like how they paint swastikas everywhere.
>"those damn Christians were behind this!"
Did Christians really do that though, why? Got any sources? I ask because there are Christian artifacts with noses broken off.
are you a sandnigger doing taqiyya (lying to fool us)? sandniggers are known to be like this and do this. They hate idols. Statues and shit. Because everything must be mosques and shit.

Anyway either sandnigger or nigger due to low IQ. Post skin.

this up scaled like in Sonic Adventure 2 would make for good level design. The Eggman Egyptian levels were really good.
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>leftists and sandnigs will deny this
is that you finngol?
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holy funk
nah, he's too coherent, saarhunter's mental state is far gone
Interesting, what leftists were denying that this happened?
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>tutankhamen's mask shows up as a boss
Instant kino.
Idolatry is wrong. Good riddance to those statues
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I prefer the aesthetics of egyptian girls.
Thread theme
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>wait a minute that stance

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kill yourself, thats why europe is high culture and yours isnt also we got better genetics while you are inbred and subhuman post face
God is jealous, and you will feel His wrath degenerate faggot.
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stfu go fuck your jealous deformed demon god he is a faggot and an slaver he may die, we will kill it by killing muslims when eveyrone stops thinking about that sub human atrocity that is allah that demon thing will finally be dead.
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>retards pretending to be religious to hurl slurs at each other
Shut up and post more Egypt-core
we wuz kangs~ we wuz kangs~ we wuz kang~
For vidya, you can play Serious Sam and Talos Principle, their pyramid aesthetics are breddy gud. Pharaoh is a must play if you like civ builders, Pharaoh Rebirth+ is a fun kind of-metroidvania, the egypt levels in Dread Templar(chapter 4) has some sick music but only a couple of levels out of the five don't take places in underground mines or sandy dunes. Sphinx and the Cursed mummy is an alright 3d platformer.
There's a chinese TBT series called Warriors of the Nile, I believe they're roguelite but I've heard they're fun.
There's one last game at the back of my mind that I can't remember right now.
Powerslave is gud. DDDD is a one man soulslike so go in with low expectations, and I think it's too expensive for what it is.
No idea about the rest.
I really wish I had my photos from when I went on a Luxor trip. There were these traces of color on the top of columns such as these and it looked amazing.
Yeah like these, pretty sure there were traces of red in my images too. I wish I could remember why some panels were wood, I was told the explanation but I must have forgotten it. Were these panels specifically gilded and stripped from gold? I don't recall.
Basically, incompetence. I remember during that time there was a very popular news article about one of these statues falling apart because restoration was just putting superglue on the limbs and it melting because Egypt is fucking hot, plus at the time the power grid was even worse than it currently is
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me irl
Same. Huge potential for bosses and general enemies. Setting would've been beautiful too.
I think GoW in general would've done better with this, and if Kratos' story were left ended at 3, with someone else finding his discarded blades of exile and heading off to egypt. Maybe someone from egypt who felt the effects of Kratos' rage devastate the shores of his homeland and lusted for the source of this power to try and exact vengeance against a king who wronged him, but ends up cursing himself as egyptian gods take interest in his ambition; could've even been the sacrifice paid to learn of the blades' location, a sort of trick to get the protagonist to bring these relics to the gods for some nefarious reason. Reason being is because GoW just ain't the same without those blades of whatever, so they'd have to be a focal point: especially if made like the proper action games of the pre-norse games.
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You can find several examples by googling it, blaming jews for shit that happened all over the late Roman empire is pretty funny though
It's not like medieval Christians were known for their tolerance of paganism
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I blame them for the fall of the Roman empire too.
>It's not like medieval Christians were known for their tolerance of paganism
But like I said there are Christian statues with broken noses too. I'll google it but I would appreciate some sources since you'd know where to look.
The only Pharaoh game worth talking about.
Yeah search for augustus mod for caesar 3, zeus and pharaoh have widescreen HD hacks as well. All work well.
I remember grizzling through this kino as a kid that didnt know english only to get filtered by the puzzle that required you to steer the exploding frogs
I'm positively surprised this thread didn't devolve into the usual group masturbation session to ancient egyptian sluts.
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Amazing that some cultures still haven't caught up to them
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i still have this. all the smells have merged together though. do they still make scratch and sniff books?
Hope they are in a western country because that behaviour will only end with them being beheaded and raped.
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Be humble.
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Christianity is also against idolatry, you silly goose.
Why do you think it's possible to feed an infinite amount of people? That's a stupid believe to hold.
I didn't say anything about infinite.
The thing about Egyptian art and statues is how different it hits when you see them in real life. The precision, the cleaniness and the timeless design really capture you; when you look at Raj India stuff in a museum, you see it's old, outdated and the craftmanship is not up to par; but Ancient Egypt things are eternally beautiful.
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until now
i have never been a foot enjoyer so I dont necessarily know what constitutes bad and good feet through the lens of a fetishist, but upon going to inspect her butthole i have determined she would be better off not showing feet.
Anon is that legal?
Yes she is almost past her expiration date
Did Egypt really exist?
where is hole?
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what's up with her right foot? Any MD here?
are you blind
I will make it legal
it was mid but better than clankers cavern.
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Tomb Kings are my favorite Warhammer faction for a good reason.

The rats being a fair second
>Cleopatra was born closer to the invention of the iphone than the construction of the pyramids
Still throws me for a fucking loop
It was back when pagans were enough of a threat to christians that were really into the whole destroying idols thing.
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>You now remember people complaining about Rami Malek being cast to play Ankmenrah in Night at the Museum 3, calling it a whitewash.
Last year i made vacation in Egypt. When i wanted to leave the hotel the dude at the gate strongly advised me against it, especially at night. And when a car tried to enter the lot some para military looking guy i spected the car with a mirror and shit. Surreal shit. But it was fun driving through the desert on a quad.
Never cared about that series beyond the first one
Fucking kek really?
>made vacation in egypt
I want to fuck her face so badly.
Eastern europe, actually.
A hundred and ten times!?
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Kino game, really liked the prerendered backgrounds at a time
Vacation is something you take, not something you make or create. Just like you take a day off, it's an existing option you are choosing not something you can "make" unless you "make a vacation plan" or vacation package
>first time you cross the ancient mummified weirdos in tomb raider
>the one closest to you already turns his head towards you when you enter the room

I don't think anyone is going to argue that ISIS isn't horrible
Thanks I will try to remember that next time.
Wario took everything
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i mean...
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>nooooooooo how dare those fanatics with their desert fairy tale books dare to destroy priceless ancient artifacts!
>christians destroying ancient european artifacts though? heckin based, that's what they get for being heckin pagan idol worshippers!
I like the Egyptian setting but I don't get why it is so absurdly popular compared to other settings. Especially in gambling, where I work.
ancient egypt is considered excotic, exciting and rich, also its an vegas thing.
>one of the oldest groups to leave their marks that survive the test of time and change
>that proof of their existence is probably half the reason why anyone can see and understand ancients werent fucking just mindless apes
>their tombs alone show that some guys can just command legions of people to build and build and worship them truly as King
just look like calluses to me, especially considering their place, maybe her shoe didn't fit her, or she recently started exercising that includes running, causing her skin to get blistered, or maybe she was walking around barefoot again causing blisters that then hardened
The historical significance of this civilization is awesome, but honestly I really really dislike desert levels, they're not fun nor pretty.
Hot women and hot men
A game like soulash 2 but with an ancient egyptian theme would be so great.
Cute as fuck.
But it also looks like one of those games where you have to plan 30 moves ahead and minmax every pattern.
Savage. Your puny mind reels at the idea of art and thinks everything carved is meant to be worshipped. Go back to fucking your goats.
Nah, it's less complex than something like Puyo Puyo where you're expected to chain. I'm not exactly good at it, the main things I keep in mind while playing are
1. Don't place any horizontal stones in multiple columns if doing so would leave an air pocket after the treasure/mummies get removed
2. Pair mummies and treasure as early as possible
The strategy is simple, the hard part is execution since the game gets really fast at parts, I've only beaten it on slow mode. That 5-combo vid is just something you can do at the start for more points, otherwise it's an easy section and not representative of normal play
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