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Does it truly deserve to be called one of the best video games of all time?
No. Turned kino fixed camera horror into boring slop 'em up gameplay with too much escorting
No. No RE game does, they all suck.
I'd say so. It's memorable as fuck. Leon and the big baddies casually talking to each other on the phone was something i missed in the remake.
Most replayable action game ever made. It never gets old. Impeccable pacing, and game design.
>Most replayable action game ever made. It never gets old. Impeccable pacing, and game design.

Other than good level design, they create a weapon system that effectively creates "builds" like an RPG and almost all of them are viable. One of the reasons Dark Souls is so popular is someone will be at work and think "I wonder what a polearm is like?" and then go beat the game for the 5th time with a new item. Likewise, you can try some new combo that is nothing like what you did in past Re4 playthroughs.

I for one, found how great early game TMP only with no pistol is. One of the coolest parts is the swamp where you can bait entire squads of Ganados into the trip wires. Use the TMP to hit the legs and knock down the most forward ones until they all bunch up. I used like 5 rounds and took out nearly 10 of them.
>extra modes
buy an ad
i think so. Funny how there were many of these in the late-90s to mid-2000s, the best era of all time.
The original and not the shitty remake? Absolutely it is. Perhaps the best RE game. Before the island the game is truly a masterpiece. It drags on a bit too much by the island although the regenerator monsters is a great surprise and new threat. Although once you know how to fight them they are simple to fight. They should have changed it up a lot more for the island part to make the game less repetitive by that point. Still though even with it in the game is a masterpiece.
Well yeah, I hate the tank controls, but it's absolutely a fantastic game.
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>inb4 rem4kefags
Resident Evil 4 (OG) is one of those few titles where the piss filter actually enhances the game, it just fits the setting and the atmosphere perfectly. Getting rid of it in the rem4ke and changing it for the blue grey cold generic filter was a HUGE mistake, but it is understandable, new games (even remakes!) are not allowed to have any personality.
Ye, best Survival Horror ever
Fuck of demake schizo, RE4 is garbage. Both original and remake. The only reason you thought they were good is because you were 12 years old.
Only RE games worth giving a shit is the original trilogy; yes, that excludes all the remakes including REmake that is fellated only because you lost your shit at the crimson heads and Lisa Trevor when you were 8.
OGRE4 English
>Leon!. Small world, eh? Well, I see that the President's equipped his daughter with ballistics too.
OGRE4 Japanese
>(See you again)
>(Is that the girl?)
>(She has huge boobs for the president's daughter.)
What did they mean by this?
Came here to post this. Flawed and all it was damn well executed.
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>re4 dark, grimy, Hunk needs to kill quick and get moving
>demake4 is colorful and Hunk does silly little faggy jazz hands after he snaps their neck
the fuck went wrong here?
The parrying looks fucking stupid. This isn't some magic fantasy land rpg, and worse they added that feature when otherwise they attempted to take the game more seriously. So leon can use a small knife to parry a fucking chainsaw but then the game doesn't want to drop the ballistics line or have him turn Ashley down for sex. I guess parrying chainsaws and pitchforks with a knife in one swift gesture doesn't break immersion, but being propositioned for sex or making a boobies joke totally takes you out of the epic survival horror experience.
You just CANT take this dark gritty reboot seriously when theyre's funny banter but back flipping knife fights and chainsaw duels? That's fine!
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Do RE4 enjoyers like Dead Space?
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Yes. But they lost their way after 2.
I was more triggered by the worse visuals and gen z type of visual appeal (spamming big numbers and colors on the screen)
Jokes in the Original:
>Ashley and Leon fall down a trash compactor*
>Leon looks over at ashley and says: "I knew you would be fine if you landed on your butt"
Jokes in the Remake:
>Leon is fighting a group of animated Knights, when he wins he says
>Nighty night, Knights
That basically sums up the difference between the original and the remake. Before the remake there was a bunch of internet articles about how the original is offensive to women and someone needs to remake the game with a more Politically correct script. The RE4 Remake is that game.
They are the same in that regard, the only difference is that Remake has it pop up overhead instead of on the left and right side of the HUD. That is probably the only "faithful" portion I'm seeing in that webm.
It's the best RE4 sequel we will ever get. 2 is a masterpiece as well.
>Nighty night, Knights
That's a good one though. On brand with "Your right hand comes off?"
But Leon talking up Ashley and acting like she don't need no man (after being pulled out of hell by one) in place of her offering "overtime" will never not make me pissed. Fuck Wokecom.
Yes. People nowadays have no concept for games with unorthodox controls intentionally built around them and how good those games can be. Now every gun game has to play the way everyone thinks a gun game is supposed to or else it's wrong. Hell, that was already creeping in when this game first came out.
Yeah, and I never played 2 because I only had it on Origin and fuck that
First time I played it, I despised Dead Space because it felt like they desperately wanted to be RE4, but in space. Having played it again after I calmed the fuck down, it's pretty good. I don't like 2 though, it fell into the 'sequel to horror game is bombastic action bullshit' trap everything else does.
He was rizzing her up as the zoomers say, but in a nice way of basically telling her "no way fag". Also she doesn't ask for overtime in the Remake. She wants Leon to be her permanent body guard (so she can ride his cock).
>Also she doesn't ask for overtime in the Remake.
That's literally the problem. Asking him to be a permanent guard is sugar coating it for feminists. If she meant the same thing, she should have fucking said it. Don't make excuses for corporate safe rewrites.
I'm not but the original has a completely different tone altogether. I don't get the constant choice between the original or remake. Just play both. The original hasn't aged a day and the Remake is great in it's own right. It's an argument over what 10/10 is better than the other.
I suppose it would be extreme contrarianism to think that the original looks better than the remake but even on it's own I feel like the remake is pretty ugly to look at. It is also extremely cluttered to the point of absurdity. It's as if they just decided to throw every single asset they have from the previous remakes in because they could and then called it "art direction"
I like re4 and re4 remake because im not a faggot.
You are making the assertion that the remakes existence is value neutral and does not change whether people will play the original or not, which is untrue
All of the shill professionals have come out of the woodwork to preach that the remake supposedly replaces the original, and Capcom will effectively treat the situation as such. We have already seen this with how they have stolen the name "Resident Evil 4" from the original game on Steam and falsely attributed it to Rem4ke.
>They are the same in that regard
Literally changed stuff from it and has new assets lmao
what? dont they do that in the remake? what the fuck is the point, then? the cheesekino of the original is what makes it.
Didn't you get the memo? Remakes now are lesser versions of the original game and have cut content
Except the Remake has more content.
GC? Yeah but that wasn't the dark age of remaster and remakes
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I played it for the first time about a year ago and yes. The only problem is it's easy as fuck and one of the boss fights was slightly annoying. Monkey Ashley is peak RE girl.
>boring slop 'em up gameplay
gameplay that literally had not existed yet
>Contrarian faggots the thread
yes, but you had to play it at launch...in other words you must be 18 to post your bad opinions here
It's really funny how the only arguments that rem4kefags can come up with always involve appeal to popularity in some way.

As oppose to the nonsense arguments against the remake?
>as oppose
What ESL country are you from and why did Capcom decide to hire you to shill for their games on 4chan? You're clearly not doing a good job in making persuasive posts.
Anyway, I have posted my arguments against the rem4ke hundreds of thousands of times in many thread. You only need to search "re4vsrere43.webm" by filename in b4k if you'd like to see my arguments. I've also posted many in this thread.
>delusion and ad hom
Shame she has Amy Rose's horrifically grating and terrible voice.

Oh wow i.made a grammatical error! I guess that means im wrong then, huh?! Shut your mouth to stupid nigger. There are no hood arguments against the remake.

>muh ada voice
>muh codec scenes
I only dislike the remake because i try to fit in around here.
She did great in Sonic Boom and RE4
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>deranged demake schizo is literally pretending to be other people and making typos as them to make them look silly
You couldn't make it up, lmao
it's not even the best game in the series.
>contrarian post
Anon, it's ok to admit you like opposite stuff. No need to demonize or save face about it
>RE4 was controversial and hated by oldschool fans when it first launched
>Saying you hate it now makes you a contrarian
Nobody on this site knows what words mean, fucking hell
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>anti-demakeschizo schizo is doing the bit where he pretends to be demake schizo again

Why not just post them here? Stop being lazy.
It's got incredibly dynamic gameplay with a very wide decision space available at any given moment.
The campaign is incredibly well paced.
The weapons/upgrade variety is pretty good and your different options are very well balanced, with almost if not every weapon having valid reasons to go for them.
The game has genuine replay value despite being nearly completely linear.

What more could you want?
No need for me to repost them for you to see. You'd just call me a schizo for putting in the effort for you either way. Fuck off.
Remake's gameplay puts re4 classic to shame. And gameplay is the most important part of any game.
Almost like 20 years have passed or something and the common view these days is that it's great.
"Oldschool RE fans" are very much a minority compared to people who appreciate one of the best action games ever made.

Typical lazy nigger, you don't even know why you dislike the remake. You're just a drone.
The game kind of created it's own genre like Dark Souls
re4make has absurdly sluggish movement and some thigns just do not make sense and can only be found with experimentation that doesn't even make any logical sense. You can easily not know simple things like punches can be parried for an entire playthrough because you are conditioned to see unarmed enemies as more dangerous for close quarters, because you can not parry grabs. So somehow, Leon can parry a punch so hard the enemys arms fly off but if they grab him with an open hand he's totally defenseless. The mechanics don't even make sense half the time, how can he parry a punch but not a grab? How the fuck are you supposed to know he can parry a fucking jab but not the same fucking arm when its grabbing him instead?
>dude just hit le cinematic dodge button lmao
It absolutely doesn't, and I like the remake generally. The original's more limited character control makes you weigh your options more intentionally, and the game has more direct responses to almost everything you do (for example by not having the randomness on enemy reactions to being shot that the remake has).
Pretending that either invalidates the other in gameplay is retarded.
Time proved it was a great game just like old school resident evil. It's not that hard to understand, you can like both of them easily but apparently I'm too much of a patrician myself, it seems
I like her voice and pretty much everything about her, really. I'd never looked much into other peoples' thoughts on the game because I like to stay blind on things I haven't played. After beating it a year ago, I was surprised to find people think she's annoying.
>baiting this hard

>i need to the game explain every lottle detail to me.
>I'm incapable of learning everything on my own
>please hold my hand capcom
>this one negative aspect means the whole game is bad

And you can parry lunge grabs btw

Oh your argument against the remake is my favorite!

>i can't abuse easy stuns against the ganados and trivialize the game anymore!
>that means the remake is a bad game!

Skill issue.

Re4 classic had way more qte's though...
Being a contrarian means hating something for the sake of being contrary to the popular consensus, it's not inherently contrarian to hate something that is popular. I brought up oldschool fans because the reason they didn't like RE4 at the time wasn't because it was popular, what they disliked was the design of the game and it's departure from the standard formula, which is still a valid reason to not like it today, no matter how many people DO like it.
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>you don't even know why
To put it short, a few of the main reasons are:
>removing tank controls to appeal to retarded normalfags who cant adapt and think every game ever needs to play exactly the same
>adding parrying to trivialize enemy spacing
>overall sluggish movement, see webmrel
>all animations are slower and are too weighty because everything needs to be le realistic
>politically incorrect jokes are removed because male sexuality is illegal nowadays
>general polish is removed, the village houses don't have exhaust pipes for their chimneys anymore, you can't shoot through wooden doors
>enemies take multiple headshots to even stagger, have basically no response to shots at all until the guns are upgraded to the max
Where did I say that, you retard?
I think both are good games. There are definitely flaws to the original's gameplay, it's not perfect, but there's also shit it clearly does better than remake too.
Enemies reacting in reliable and predictable ways to what you do is a good thing. Managing the enemies via how, when and where you shoot them is engaging and dynamic gameplay.
I like both.
woooah crazy
In the OG game your only means of defense were to position yourself properly and to shoot stagger points. If an enemy closed the gap, you took damage because you failed to crowd control.
In the remake, your means of defense are 4 different types of single button invincibility staes. You have a magical wayto go INVINCIBLE for literaly every single attack in the game because expecting the player to aim a fucking gun is too mean and skill intensive, and because enemies do not react to bullets, and they don't because the retards who made this remake removed tank controls
The game is a badly designed piece of shit.
very few games have managed to capture such a pure sense of unpretentious adventure like RE4 did
it was fun, exciting, goofy, tense, immersive and soulful
I'm sad Luis didn't call Mendez the Big Cheese in the remake.
In OGRE4, you can survive with just a few bullets and your knife without getting hit because the game mechanics interplay with each other perfectly.
In the REmake, you can't do that, because everything is badly designed and shit and inconsistent.
The controversy is due to the game being good by accident, it's the best resident evil and some people just can't swallow that
You STUPID fucking chud!

>crying about tank controls (lol)
>implying parrying on pro is easy
>angry about losing easy stuns.
>angry about some missing jokes
>angry about small details like a fucking chimney

Jesus lmao
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Presented without comment.

That is such a fucking lie. Its impossible to get hit in re4 classic if you have a half functioning brain. You have stuns on demand in re4 classic
>two great games
Holy shit... REsisters... not like this
tranny brains are so thoroughly nuked by the meds they need to exist that they don't have the ability to evaluate anything for its worth
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>RE4make hasn't been discussed by anyone who isn't trans since the month of its release
Holy shit...

You can do the same in remake if you have good timing.
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I didn't even attempt the final challenge. god that game was dogshit
>shoot enemy 4 times in the head
>no response at all
The whole game is a fucking mess, same with re2make where it's allegedly a good idea to kneecap zombies but past normal difficulty it takes so many shots and so much time you barely spare yourself any real effort as opposed to just shooting them in the fucking head. Unless you're a speedrunning tranny, in which case, you have bigger problems.

>4 invincibility states

Just making shit up.
i don't need a parry in og re4 nor do i even need staggering. good positioning and dodging do the job just fine and any moron with average reflexes can get by with that alone.
on the other hand, having a parry button basically makes the game easier for every moron who didn't understand you shouldn't get close to a guy charging at you with a chainsaw
"Remake". Yeah it adds next to nothing new to the original. Leon can shot while moving but he moves like a brick now, better graphics?? I mean what are the chances that a 2023 game has worse graphics than a 2005 one? I expected improved island, make it longer, verdugo fight with sper, saddler brief ecounter after he kills luis, a harder difficulty that removes the RPG to not chesse the bosses, improved separate ways, Luis campaign, luis in mercenaries, giant salvador in main campaign. But no, take the original, give it a new paint and call it a day. All these shills without any standars, expectations will buy it and call it "masterpiece". Sad state of affairs.


the more i interrogate anti remake fags the more i learn of their of horrific skill issues.
Every Capcom remake after RE2make has been fuckawful. As a boomer having played all RE4 variants and as the owner of a RE4 chainsaw controller, it goes OG>RE4VR>>>RE4make
Even ignoring every complaint about the new designs, removal of every joke or line even slightly demeaning women (Leon can't even fucking go HEH, WOMEN at the start of the island lmao), Ada and Krauser's atrocious voice acting, and the atmosphere being worse, the combat feels like dogshit since they decided to make ganados take multiple headshots to trigger QTE attacks. To make it more confusing, Mercs in RE4make has them immediately respond which makes combat infinitely more satisfying compared to the main game. Idiots love their epic parry button though and will onions out for every low effort remake they churn out with the next being DR not even doing zombie collision correctly
the one main flaw for me with RE2make was how reliant on animation shit the gameplay was. led to lots of jank and bullshit, but the overall experience was great
RE4make doubled down on animations being the lynchpin of the gameplay flow, increased the chaos and removed all the soul. what resulted was a janky, soulless display of mediocrity
I have replayed it probably 20 times. Usually I beat it 2-3 times back to back because as soon as it ends I just want more. It's fucking amazing, and I only first played it a few years ago.
RE4 is an arcadey game about knocking down hoards of enemies in cathartic explosions of bodies.
In RE4make this is impossible and instead the game veers closer to the rhythm game genre by having 90% of your desired enemy engagement be done through parrying, and now melee attacks are only consistent when you parry more than anything else. It's asinine and requires zero skill beyond pressing a button at the correct time (hence, rhythm game).
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it is quite easily an nearly perfect game.it has come to my attention that the PS2 versions and onward had not used the same adjustable difficulty based on how long you stay alive/number of game overs affecting the enemy spawns and item drop chances. I need to research and see if this was true. As far as one of the best absolutely. It was the first non fixed camera angle resident evil which left a very strange aftertaste in most peoples expectations against what they were experiencing. The trade off however was the fact that the game was unbelievably well executed in delivering what it did. The shit it did was very gamey and satisfying. I hate to use this mean nothing terminology but I don't know how many people would even argue with it, the game was "crunchy" managing the attaché, upgrading the weapons and experimenting with them, the stop to aim and shoot, the economy of "should I shoot and hope for a stagger melee or should I shoot for the higher damage possible one shot."

I do not say this lightly Capcom had made with RE4 the gameplay, scenario, writing, and performance: a nearly perfect game.
A lot of zoomers hate linear games, the open world meme wave is all they have ever known. And zoomers live in dynamic movement land where everything strafes, vaults, and nothing has graphic collision.
Zoomers cannot handle ammo scarcity, most new games pretend to have ammo scarcity but really don't. In res4 you can't even carry all the guns at the same time and that really upsets zoomers.
Zoomers hate hard saves, the life in progression only engagement based bubble where no matter how badly you perform you will not regress, even game that pride themselves on being "hard" are really just grinds, and nobody actually regresses on permadeath either, zoomers never have to own their failures.

Res4c has very strong gender archetypes and that upsets zoomers. The game doesn't let players Jane doe, you play as Leon and do things that Leon would do. Ada does what Ada does, you can't act like a troon.
>skill issues
the remake was retardproof jank-slop. even hard mode was mindless if you parried. sedation brains are the only ones capable of not seeing how bland the game was to its core. shiny graphics are all such creatures need
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Almost everytime i ask why for details for why people seethe about remake its because the ganados are no longer push overs. People here really are ass hurt that they need make to 3 or 4 consecutive headshots... When did /v/ become so shit at video games?
Yeah, you have more defensive options, because the game is faster pace and your methods of controlling enemies are not as reliable.
>and because enemies do not react to bullets
They do, just less. It's an unreliability which forces you to react to how the fight is progressing. Compared to the original where the vast majority of fights are the same and can be handled with pistol/knife alone with little threat.
>reductio ad absurdum
Obviously the enemies are a threat in the original. Are you trying to make the argument that in any game where the enemies react to your attacks, they are "not threats"?
Not really Dead Space 2's fault. Everything in that era had to be a brown and grey palette cover super cereal shooter,
>rem4keshill is still trying to push his retarded meme
It's not working and what you describe NEVER happened "everytime"

They aren't, retard. Re4 classic is piss easy to the point of boredom.
>Quick snappy aiming straight onto the head
>Direct stun with fluid animation, snappy deaiming and forward movement
>Fluid transition into melee animation
>A literal snap, move onto the next thing
>Player's position in the game world is constant and aim points exactly to where it was before melee
>Stiff aiming
>Terrible transition into movement, cursor stays on-screen for way too many frames
>Terrible stun animation
>Melee animation warps both the player and the enemy into a different part of the game world and rotates them an arbitrary amount of degrees, like they're posing FOR the camera
>Animation takes too many frames, to the point the animators themselves didn't know what the fuck to do in order to extend it
>Resumes in the new position, disorienting just about anyone paying attention
whew what the fuck
It's like they made the remake with zero communication and no consistent vision.

Most jewish post on /v/ right here.
He's right though, the game was equally remade and rebranded for a younger, gayer noobier audience.

They don't even know what a noob is, I called some 12 year old out on open mic and I had to rephrase and call him a "timmy" before he understood that he was shit at the game. Timmies with their fucking smart phone engagement based gaming. Total timmy death when?
>re4 is piss easy to the point of boredom
Here we see the rem4keshills real argument come out. When he isn't trying to gaslight you into accepting the rem4ke by saying "BOTH are good, you stupid fucking chud!" he actually tells you what he really believes, that is, that Resident Evil 4, one of the greatest games of the modern age, was actually always garbage. Before the Rem4ke came out, he was utterly blinded to this supposed fact, and he probably even loved playing Resident Evil 4 during that time, until the new programming came in and then he came to believe in this delusion.

You're brown
This is perhaps the most meaningless post I've read on this accursed website, you're literally just posting random insults to miscredit me because you have no argument other than logical fallacies, in this case Ad hominem. What's next? "Tranny"?

I still like re4 classic, you dumb nigger. If you actually played it as much as you claim to love it then you would agree that the game is trivial as fuck.

Sorry i couldn't come up with a better way to say that you're post was dishonest as fuck.
Flat design claims another victim
all accurate, but you're forgetting the glue that held it all together: the story and characters.
the game had this pitch-perfect tonality the entire time. it did cartwheels and backflips along the surrealist tightrope, being simultaneously campy, cool and serious all at once. RE4 was like Metal Gear and Ace Combat's estranged, hyper-wealthy jock sibling
The cabin defense with Luis, the goofiness of salazar contrasted with the genuine terror of the sewer boss-fight, the vague backstory unfurled during the knife fight between Krauser and Leon... every step the game took was iconic.
Looks like a smoothing issue, relates to the physical controller
>you're post
It's really a shame that Capcom has to resort to hiring third worlders for a lower hourly rate than they could for real humans who can actually speak English.

Not an argument, tranny.
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I think this webm says it all honestly. They couldn't even pretend to bother with a big cheese transformation.
trannies LOVE RE4make though

They love the classics even more though.
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Ah, there we go! I was waiting for you to do that!
It is unfortunately very ironic for you. The youtuber who has done the most shilling for the rem4ke is a tranny himself.... (GOLEM GET YE GONE!)
It has secured a permanent place on my hard drive. One of the highest honors I can bestow.

I didn't know this because i just play the games...Why are you so up to date on trannies and their business? What the fuck do you do in your free time? Very strange.
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This is one of the worst changes. Shit was revolutionary at the time. I thought all games would have shooting through doors tech or pushing furniture in front of doors stuff.

>tranny remake hater has trannies saved on his pc.

Not surprising at all.
meanwhile posts
betraying an obsessive knowledge of what trannies like and dislike
nta but you're a faggot, bro
they lost the technology for destructible doors like nasa lost the technology to go to the moon

You know you're arguing with more than one person, right? Jesus christ you're dumb as a brick
Absolutely fucking owned. It's over faggot. Pack it up and get the fuck out of here.
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>you're forgetting the glue that held it all together: the story and characters.
>the game had this pitch-perfect tonality the entire time. it did cartwheels and backflips along the surrealist tightrope, being simultaneously campy, cool and serious all at once.
I tried to keep as objective as possible but yes these things are undeniable. I guess you could say I
them when I mentioned "the gameplay, scenario, writing, and performance" because I have to be honest some people simply wont accept the appeal of campy horror movie gold no matter how great it may be.

The difficulty curve to this day continues to astound me because like another anon said each gun and the upgrades allowed different playstyles but then there was the fucking RAWKET LAWNCHAIR

>oh man I really want to play RE4 again
>that one part/boss
problem solved at nearly every part of the game you can buy the Rocket Launcher while expensive is rarely ever out of question. You'd have to sell off your off hand weapon or some very precious incomplete optional sales items but in exchange? Don't like plantlazar fuck that midget nigga one rocket launcher my seller.
>walk in room watch cutscene
>fire rocket
>another cutscene
glad that's over.

I just wish RE3 remake gets another remake to have the love and attention given it deserves I heard terrible things about it and got it on sale but found myself simply never turning it back on when it should have been another easy great title if they stuck to what made 4OG and 2 remake so good.

I still haven't played 4 remake and really feel no desire to when the original is simply so fucking good. Much like the FF7 remakes I'm sure every step of the way will simply be a reminder of
>hey remember that really really good game? this is like it right? transitive property this is really good too right? RIGHT!?
>central antagonists are literally the illuminati
tranny freemason game

>/v/ is one person

Take a good look everyone, this the high level of intelligence and discourse you get from the tranny remake haters.
>A lot of zoomers hate linear games
How? Did no one like bing bing wahoo. Non linear would make sense since I prefer linear over non-linear since it can either be a hit or miss.
>the tranny remake haters.
oh anon... sweetie... no...

>resorting to samefagging

I also have pictures of anime girls in orientalist arabian dress on my computer. Only trannies confuse the perceived object with the self, which is what you are doing. You are basically equivalent to those bots who post "Why do you play as female characters?" threads 24/7
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what are you even talking about? you sound like someone that constantly took damage and so the game put you on hidden baby journalist mode.
Get fucked samefag + its blatantly obvious the two posts that guy was quoting are you lmao
meds now schizo

Anon, your 10 mb anime girl folder doesn't make up for your 5 tb tranny folder. No need to put a up front with me. If you're trans that's ok. I accept you for who you are.
I like resident evil series a lot overall but pretty much none of the games are good let's be real. The remakes are even worse

Did you even read my post? Goddamn you are so dumb.
Disgusting. This is what you get when you hand a beloved classic to some pajeets to churn out. A bunch of HD textures and zero care.
This is such a specific accusation that it almost feels suspicious. It is almost as if you are projecting yourself onto me.
>/v/ is one person
Yes, redditspacing. Now behave and contain that tantrum
I know you're the same samefag but you do realize it's very easy to edit pictures right? That didn't prove shit, retard. Go back to pleddit and stay there
The illuminati are ancient parasites inhabiting human bodies, after their spores were accidentally unearthed by poor rural miners? Now I know.

Calm down, tranny. No need to get so worked up.
>plebbit spacing retard projects heavily

>n-no u!!

Lmao pathetic.
Hey retard, make an argument instead of "uh gamebad amirite?"
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An assertion made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
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lil bro literally gave up drank some wogan pauw pwime hydration gamer fluid and said
>I will reply with name calling
my mans actually wrote out a full effort post I can tell they played both games to completion and you basically have no argument other than ??? he's a jew because ??? you didn't understand anything he was talking about? Man Capcom needs to hire some better pajeet shills if they want to push additional sales for REM4KE.

You need to read my entire post as well and take notes because I am a significant stakeholder in Capcom stock and you're affecting my fucking equity ranshit cumdrinkar fuckhammad.
No. Also, kill yourself.

>Brown tranny resorting to mass replying.

This just keeps getting better and better! What will he do next, folks?!
>Did you even read my post?
did you even read any of the good posts in the thread? no one said anything like you allude to. I know your job is to drive engagement but god damn I might need to short some stocks.
>I have to be honest some people simply wont accept the appeal of campy horror movie gold no matter how great it may be
>I still haven't played 4 remake and really feel no desire to when the original is simply so fucking good
just don't. it'll poison your soul with resentment
gameplay and soullessness aside, my main reason for despising the remake was how it desperately tried to recreate that campy/cool magic from the first. all it needed to do was not try and it would've come closer than it did.

His entire post was based on his personal feelings rather then any objective facts. So he got a low effort post in reply.
Couldn't resist replying could ya retard. Checkmate. Retard.
the los illuminados you fucking moron
Everything he said was objectively true, except for the end sentence which is technically a opinion.
Everyone knows you're the same person over and over again because you don't know how to operate this site.
It just means "Enlightened" you dipshit.
Samefag retard is wrong again
you think I screenshotted the post, photoshopped out the top (you), resized the picture for file limit and posted it in a minute and 10 seconds? cope you absolute retarded fucking faggot lmao
No need to tell everyone how you did it, we know.
>demake schizo is faking being another person who agrees with him by putting on fake ebonics speech
lmao even
samefag guy fell off
>His entire post was based on his personal feelings rather then any objective facts
??? have you not played either game? I'm not going to do your homework for you. You can go on youtube and see everything outside of
>It's like they made the remake with zero communication and no consistent vision
can be confirmed.

I really wish Japan was the kind of place where people would write tell all behinds the scenes shit about the games that are made because god damn would it be so interesting. A lot of both shit titles and huge successes often have some weird inter corporate nonsense that no one could imagine occur that affects a bunch of outcomes.
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I've been here longer than you've been alive. Which isn't necessarily something worth bragging about but regardless im right. There aro no good arguments against remake 4. Almost every complaint of the remake comes down to actual skill issues, personal feelings or people to trying to fit in with board "culture".
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it's literally not possible tho????
>The samefag attempts to blend in by accusing others of his samefag tactics
>unfortunately he's too mentally retarded to pull it off
Many such cases
>everyone who disagrees with me is (insert retarded narrative I made up about them)
You are incapable of psychoanalyzing me, or any other person for that matter.
I don't know what the fuck is happening in this thread but the remake is fucking dogshit and if you like it you are objectively a tranny. I do know that.
>demake schizo
what does this even mean? are you making fun of the remake or are you trying to make fun of the original release? do you really think the remake has a greater quantity of fans and/or fans with more enthusiasm than the original? if so then you clearly are underaged compared to the actual human beings posting in this thread.
Re4 classic is a bit over rated to be honest.
>retard redditor comes to shit post
>thinks he doesn't stick out like a sore thumb
>he does
>he can't resist doubling down on an anonymous image board
>he could just stop replying and disappear but he even replies to posts that didn't tag him
Because RE4 is garbage, both original and remake. The only reason you thought they were good is because you were 12 years old.
Only RE games worth giving a shit is the original trilogy; yes, that excludes all the remakes including REmake that is fellated only because you lost your shit at the crimson heads and Lisa Trevor when you were 8.
I have never ever experienced this, a dead woman cannot have your children which means that getting a boner over a dead woman is against nature. The whole purpose for getting boners is to procreate. You should be getting sexually attracted to healthy woman of a child-bearing age, whether you want children or not.
Any form of arousal outside of this is due to something going wrong in your internal/biological mechanisms.
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Based seems like all the non-samefags agree that the remakes are shit
that's a ridiculous assumption. I grew up poor and only got enough money to buy a PS2 slim and a swap disk around 2008 when I was in college. I knew friends who had it on gamecube but I never got to play it until I macguyvered my PS2 mini to use the swap disk. I played something like 12 runs of the game because it was so goddamn good. Eventually paid money to play it with waggle on the wii years later. I don't even get the lisa trevor reference because I didn't get to play every title in the series as much as 4
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... I've never seen anyone move that fast
Can we please stop pretending that the classic isn't a clunky piece of shit? Not image it had several dei characters before dei wasn't even a thing.
>Samefag got so mad he left
My work here is done. Expect a reply to this post when his mom is finished calming him down with chickie nuggie
Really ironic coming from the re4make schizo who has been pretending to be like 8 different people in this thread at once lmao
The rem4keshills are getting desperate, kek
Did Capcom threaten to fire you a few minutes ago after seeing your dogshit performance here?
>he thinks i left

Lmao, trannies never learn.
You got it in 2008 (4 years after it came out) because you were a little kid.
Insane to me how normalfags will complain about tank controls but then praise the Demake to heavens. despite it being 10 times clunkier than the original game. Leon moves slow as molasses.

He's literally faster in the remake though
I said the remakes are shit try to read fag
He's right here >>683867639
they honestly believe that controls should all be the same in every game and they have been perfected. they're completely fucking retarded
Nope. He's slow as shit and only moves faster when in water for some reason.
And here

Just making shit up
just like in real life?
I avoided Rem4ke threads and still because it always devolves Intl Demake shit or whatever.
I played the demo and it was fun enough but some stuff were definite downgrades over the original, namely the atmosphere, Leon's movements, the enemies' tanky nature
>that result screen
Grim. That was one of my favorite parts of the original.
It's true.
You move faster when walking in water? Reality is literally warped for re4makefags, lmao
And here
also the shooting and the aiming, and the environments, and the melee combat and the art direction and the responsiveness of the controls but there's stealth just like the last of us!!!!!!!!!!!
>we've gotten so far into the thread that re4make schizo is pretending to be other anons responding to the retarded images he posted
>You move faster when walking in water?
Yes? Everyone does. Walking in water requires a lot less effort thank walking on land, the water carries you. it's like you're walking on zero gravity. are you fucking retarded?
The difference between Resident Evil 4/5/6 and the modern demakes is that the former actually stand out among third person shooters. 4 redefined the genre. 5 is an excellent coop shooter. Everything in that game is designed around coop. It also has one of the most unique (and the best of its series!) inventory systems. Both 5 and 6 integrate melee combat better than most third person shooters, full stop: 6... are you retards really gonna tell me that it isn't in the same league as games like Vanquish and the like. There very few, AND I REPEAT! very few TPS which are this mechanically deep, and very few games at all that will go this hard in terms of content and sheer scale. It isn't perfect for sure, but I'd rather have innovation and effort over stagnation and mediocrity, and anyone with more than 2 brain cells will agree with me on that.
>b-but the remakes are le better!
Way to out yourself as a retard. They don't stand out from other TPS. They take the skeletons of the original gmaes and graft modern homogenous design trends onto them, like stealth and crafting. I swear, if they put crafting into RE5make, I will scream. They are soulless, and anyone who is a fan of them participated in Resident Evil's downfall. Shills can tongue my anus.

>the water carries you
No, you have to exercise more force to walk through water because you need to counteract the water pushing against you, retard.
best post I've ever read on /v/ suck my fucking dick remake faggots
RE4make was literally made for normalfags and secondaries who complained that the OG was too "le clunky", "le cheesy", and "le problematic".
Also, Crowbcats channel got raided because Sphere Hunter (GOLEM GET YE GONE) got assmad that someone had the gaul to harm the "RE4make is a flawless 10/10 masterpiece" narrative.
not if you're walking with the current you fucking mongoloid retard
>remake4schizo is still pretending to be other people acting amazed about his shallow word salad copypastas
>walking with the current
This NEVER happens. Stop being schizophrenic.
then kys because it's over
The only one you got right was the one that was clearly me typing and here twice. LOL now would be a good time to kill yourself
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Presented without comment.
I conclude from this thread that resident evil remakes SUCK ASS
look faggot, give me like a waist high river flowing in a direction I'm looking to go, and I'll show you faster walking than you'll EVER fucking see me do on land. You lost buddy. You were proven wrong. Shut the fuck up. You do walk faster in water.
Saying theres no comment is a comment checkmate kid
I think its funny how people think re4 og is a good game now. What the fuck happened to this place?
NTA, but you just said that you only walk faster when you walk with the current. The rivers in resi4make would literally need to be constantly shifting their current around Leon's position for your argument to make sense.
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see >>683865530
I'm not saying it makes sense in the game. This all stemmed from
>because you walk faster in water for some reason
to which I replied
>just like in real life
because in real life, you both can and do walk faster in water. sure there are certain circumstances you'll need to achieve this, but it is a true statement of undeniable fact. I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills
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>i love the taste of shit

I wouldn't brag about that if i were you.
What did they mean by this?
they didn't want to offend the tranny hypebeast so they took it out
>everything was ALWAYS shit you stupid fucking chud! STOP NOTICING
Redditspacingsamefag-kun, I....
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In This Thread
>muh reddit spacing
Seeing og fags get upset when their shit game gets called out too is hilarious. You're no better than the remake trannies.
It's so entertaining to watch you people squirm around when called out. First it was "BOTH RE4MAKE AND OG ARE GOOD, YOU STUPID FUCKING CHUD!", then it was "RE4 ALWAYS SUCKED YOU STUPID FUCKING CHUD!", and now it's "BOTH RE4 AND DEMAKE SUCK, YOU STUPID FUCKING CHUD!" Hilarious.
That's right, schizo. RE4 is garbage, both original and remake. The only reason you thought they were good is because you were 12 years old.
Only RE games worth giving a shit is the original trilogy; yes, that excludes all the remakes including REmake that is fellated only because you lost your shit at the crimson heads and Lisa Trevor when you were 8.

>/v/ is one person

Re4 og fans have got to be the dumbest people on this board by far.
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>redditsamefag is still pretending we don't know he's behind every single anti-RE4 post in this thread
remake4 adds a lot of woke bullshit. ada's voice actress being hired for "authentic representation" even though she's absolute dogshit. ashley's outfit, no overtime line at the end, luis is literally gay for leon, etc etc
Who says this? Its a great thid person shooter but its not some sort of ground breaking miracle of gameplay and design.
>luis is literally gay for leon
this one shouldn't have surprised me but it did
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It really sux that there are 2 shizos arguing about the remake when the thread was never about the remake to begin with. They should both shut up so people can actually discuss the original game.
Fully upgraded starter shotty is a work of art, nothing like clothes lining an entire room.
The remake is so much better since it's actually scary and dark.

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