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>boomers had to buy separate accessories if they wanted to save their progress
What the fuck
>zoomers have to buy their unlocks with mom's credit card if they wanted customization
Fucking insane
>zoomers will never know the feeling of leaving your console on for days or even weeks so you didn't lose your progress
good times
Real boomers had the saves included in the cart
i fucking love memory cards. the feel of clicking them in... its just so good
I’m a 25 year old zoomer and had a ps2 memory card
im an 18 year old zoomer and had a ps2 memory card
>zoomers don't know what gender they are
>zoomers get to have access to their $130 game plus tip revoked for saying something slightly milquetoast towards a protected minority class
yeah this was a reality shocker when I started on GameCube. I imagine a lot of friendships were lost and family rivalries started for people overwriting save files.
It was 15 bucks you retarded zoomer
As annoying as these tiny things were, it was pretty nice being able to bring a game to your friends house and sharing whatever your current save was. That isn't really a thing anymore so much as I am aware. Wouldn't want anyone cheating any achievements or anything, I guess.
>have cheap ass parents
>get 3rd party shit cards
>save files constantly corrupting
I swear the reason I never managed to beat half of the epic JRPGs of the 1990s was because of this.
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>paying any amount of money to save
I didn't realize how retarded this was when I was a child. I'm surprised that you haven't grown up in all that time though.
>Boomers and zoomers have to pay extra to use their own internet on consoles
>post christmas/birthday
>crushing dread and awkwardness of having to bring it up to your parents that they need to spend even more money on you for basic functionality of the fuckoff expensive electronic toy that one of the parents never wanted you to have in the first place
Real Boomers played games so short they didnt need saves
progress being saved to a drive (that you payed for) doesn't magically make it free
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>that one kid who didn't own a memory card and played every game from the beginning every time he turned on the console
You can buy a 32GB stick for 5 USD/EURO.
>spend months arguing and convincing parents to let me buy a gamecube with chore money
>an uphill battle that would make even Hercules throw in the towel like a bitch
>finally convince them after 3-hour long pleading session including a powerpoint presentation
>because rarted and sheltered, didn’t even know you’d need to get a memory card too
>”what?? You just wasted all your money on that thing! Now you want to spend even more? I knew this was a terrible idea”
>no more GameCube and never got my money back
This is why my parents are going straight to the retirement home ASAP
Pay $15 for a memory card
Pay $15 extra for the console because the save memory is built-in
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>If boomers got stuck in a game they could call a hotline and have someone walk them through it over the phone
Memory card is actually based because it is much easier to bring your save over to a friend’s house that has the same game
My gamecube came with a card, so I guess my parents weren't retards and knew you'd need a memory card to save it. I'm sorry for you anon.
I did this with MGS back in the day. Looking back, it’s crazy that I could possibly get lost in such a tight game but back then it felt absolutely ginormous.
PS1 is not a boomer console. A boomer console would be Pong, Atari 2600, or Coleco Vision.
The youngest boomer would've been 30 - 31 years old when PS1 launched.
People forget that most true boomers were born in the 40's and 50's.
PS1 was be targeting Gen X and Millennials.
Yea you'd rather pay 15 bucks for your new tranny skin ever other week, zoomer
Memory cards were kino only has a kid. Until you realized how expensive these pieces of shit actually were.
The idea was you could take your memory card to your friends house, or vice versa, and continue your save while hanging out with your friends. Zoomers only know sitting alone in a room wearing a headset
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Vidya magazines were sony cocksuckers that refused to criticize sony having 0 internal save ram despite every cd console up to that point having enough for at least one game, including the very first cd console released in the 80s.
Yeah, boomers had it so much better. You have to buy an entire data storage media to save a handful of games and their updates now.

>didn't use the patrician password system
Now that's how you spot a real vidya boomer
Real boomers, born roughly around the 1950s, didn't have a concept of save games, only high scores in shit like Space Invaders, Asteroids and Pac Man.
The only problem with this is they didn’t include one with the condole
At least my games didn't "update" without my consent
Real boomers were born in March 2024.
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>their face when your parents gift you a ps2 for christmas
>ps2 memory card not included
>"but you already have one for the psx anon"
damn right i played the tutorial over and over again and jerked off to kiera until the stores opened again
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My parents were very kind to us growing up and my brother rewards them by being into brown and black chicks…
Damn, and their other kid is a fag. That’s gotta hurt
fucking shit ass generation of vidya
Nah I’m into white chicks. My brother is a baboon chasing faggot
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I prefer them to white chicks, especially since they went even more retarded in 2016.
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>mfw I've collected several memory cards from these playstation cafes because kids forgot to pull them out
I remember leaving my PS2 memory card at my grandparent's, in Arkansas when I was living in Illinois, so I basically got screwed out of saving for a while- which coincided with renting Jak 2 at the worst possible time. So I straight up went through as much of the game as I possibly could and tried to keep it up in the background, but I think my attention span cut off at around the point Kiera realized she was talking to Jak through the curtain.
I hate that kind of mentality. Like buying cheap crap that breaks down easily so you end up just spending more money down the line.
you got bigger problems; if you want to be able to download more than 5 modern games at once, you still do lol
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>anon spends his time stealing memory cards because one time his dad forgot to pull out
zoomers had to do this too
my mom would have killed me for that, so I just kept replaying the first 1-2 hours of the games I had except the ones that were deserving of a slot in my one memory card
This applies to ps2 and gamecube era zoomers too though retard
Recursive time loops don't exist
most games had password features
skill issue
This was some jewish bullshit. Why didn't the console come bundled with a memory card?
How'd that work?
I was always too scared it would start a house fire to do that
copy the password on a paper and use it to continue later(?)
Where is it getting saved tough?
Clicking the mem card into the console just feels so fucking good
Passwords aren't really saved, that's why the last longer than internal baterry in cartridges
thats what you said last time
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>be me
>be 8 years old kid
>have Rayman on PS1
>have a memory card
>"what you'll you like to use, save file or password?"
>pick password option because it allowed you to farm infinite times all the extra lives on the first levels
>feel really smart about my choice
>beat space bitch and the scorpion boss
>leave the game for a while because fuck finding all the cages by yourself
>2-3 years latter read on a magazine where all the jailed electoons where
>"yeah motherfucker, let's finally beat this piece of shit for good"
>the paper where I wrote the password wasn’t ever found
My parents were the opposite but still confusing
>Get a job as an early teen and save up a lot of money
>PS4 just came out
>On the day I was going to buy it, realize I was the prime age to start planning for the future and now's the perfect time to pick up an actual productive hobby instead
>Spend the 400 of so bucks on a Wacom tablet because I loved digital art and had been using a half broken 2004 one for the last 2 years
>Bring it home, show parents excitedly
>"Whaaa, anon you already have a drawing tablet! Do you even like digital art? Alright whatever, it's your money.... Actually give it to us, we'll give it to you on your birthday as a present."
That same tablet is sitting in front of me right now so idk wtf they were on about.
Nothing's being saved, the passwords are generated before the game is released. Crash bandicoot 1 for instance had 8.3 million different passwords each representing a different possible game state such as which levels are cleared, and which collectibles are collected.
That's just a lesson on how wives work.
My friend was without an expensive PS2 memory card for a whole month. He would run back and forward between our houses borrowing my memory card whenever he needed to save/reload GTA3.
I had to do this for Mystical Ninja Goemon
Nigga what the fuck do you think a hard drive is? Do you think your PC/PS5/XbonX just throws electrons into the air?
>game asks you to save and switch disks
Modern day equivalent to hdd, ssd, or m.2. So?
Consoles don't make you buy a hard drive separately just so you have the ability to save your game.
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>have favourite rental from the store
>only rent it when having a stay over at my house or friends house
>bro and friends can keep our progress even if we rent the game months apart.
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I still have my PS1 memory cards backed up on my PC because a friend let me borrow this. He gave me a gameshark ff7 save file where you could have sephiroth in your party.
>>zoomers have to buy their unlocks with mom's credit card
oy veyyyyyyy, delete this post!
I dont get it
Nigga I'm 24 and everyone I know including me grew up with the PS2
>zoomers laugh at memory cards
>instead they need to shell out for SD cards or SSDs for the privilege of fitting only 2 or 3 games
sounds like you're getting cucked
Skating was worse.
>did you really already destroy your new shoes that were for school????
>you already need a new skateboard??? you just got one last month, how are breaking them this fast?
They were supportive because it was something I was really good at but goddamn did it suck having to hear the same line every time I needed a new part, board or shoes.
it's possible to glitch the game to let Aerith live. It was just found a couple of months ago. Ur welcome
You'd be surprised. I've seen a few people here who's first gaming experience was on the ps5. Unless of course they were trolling to call me old,
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This makes me think of something. Am I able to upload my openemu game saves? I would like to upload my silent hill save to an actual ps1 memory card.
>doing those 24 real life hours races in Gran Turismo 4
That's just an arcade port
A lot of n64 games for me like Tonic trouble. Idk why we never bought an n64 memory card.
>zoomers have to pay for content that boomers could simply unlock by being good at game
Or writing down your save file on a piece of paper.
I always wondered why other systems didn't do like the Saturn and have an internal save space. Guess Sony have always been jewish with their accessories.
Snoy has been soulless since day once. Sega and Nintendo have always and will always have more soul.
I only had two games on the 64 that required a memory card tonic trouble and quest 64. My parents would not let me keep the consoles on all night. I can't say i enjoyed quest 64 but I did play it enough to be able to be easily be able beat it in a day. I liked Tonic trouble it took a bit longer to get good enough to beat it because of lategame filler and having less time to play it but I did 100% it.
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I would rather have a separate memory that i can buy and have my saves on it and have them easily transferrable to any other console by literally plugging the card in the slot than have a locked down encrypted trannyshit that you can't even back up without hacking the console and have to pay to sort of back up them (can't for every game that matters btw lol because think of the cheaters* it's totally not to rip off more money bro)
*cheaters can easily bypass this shit with no effort whatsoever

and it literally only started happening when zoomtards went in full force and kike realised they can fuck them in the ass in any pose imaginable and zooms will just ask for more
quest 64 is grim. console warring bullshit aside I really do hate how certain genres are essentially non-existent on the n64. It sucks that the SNES had basically everything and then you have a substantial drop off for the N64 (and really gamecube too) because of the third parties being pissed off and format limitations. I know all the reasons why that happened, like I said it just sucked. It really did feel like SNES/Genesis was those two companies bringing out the absolute best in each other, you never saw that level of shit talking dog fight where both companies were on equal footing again in the console space. PS1 really did wipe the floor in a sales perspective even though the N64 did well in America and the Saturn in Japan, it wasn't the same.
That's not what I said.
they did up to vita
I suppose you could argue that by having that instead of internal memory you could bring your card and saves over to a friend. But I've had a friend with whom I played all the games I could and I don't think this was useful even once. So really it's just a shitty cash grab.
But I didn't get one after getting psx for several weeks because as a kid I'd rather get more pirated games for that money. I played the first 2 hours of Soul Reaver and Tomb Rider IV like 20 times because of that.
tbf the Saturn's internal storage was complete garbage, like 32KB or something, while the PS1's memory cards were 1MB each
>internal memory
>not a cashgrab to sell you the same amount of memory for 2-3x the price like with phones
To be fair, parts are pretty expensive and if you're going through one board a month you aren't looking after your equipment properly.
The saturn also had a save cart. Every single CD console did the same thing except for sony, they jewed out and decided to not include any internal memory at all to force you to buy an accessory that was optional for every other cd console.
aren't most skateboarders breaking their shit constantly because they just can't stop abusing the piece of wood by basically constantly slamming on it with their weight for hours during tricks?
I'm a 3 years old alpha and I have a ps1 memory card.
Only people breaking their boards are fat fucks, retards who think slamming guitars into amps is cool, and poorfags who buy $20 piece of shit boards from the kids section in Walmart.
can a piece of wood really take some fag jumping on it and slamming it intoi environment for hours a day?
could never get into skateboards
peak sovl

Zoomers will never know what it is to go buy the latest PlayStation Magazine for the latest demos to play.
I miss demo discs, now i just pirate instead.. What a fucked up world.
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>be me
>own Melee
>unlock almost everyone
>be playing game with brothers
>Mewtwo challenges me when I win
>call up best friend and tell him I unlocked Mewtwo
>"Anon you're lying Mewtwo isn't in the game."
>take Memcard over and show him
>he's both shocked and hyped
Zoomers and Gen Alphas will literally never understand.
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>you now remember Arcade xbox 360
>360's memory cards
Who the fuck designed those memcards?!

>save 50mb game on 256mb card
>External memory is full, please delete some content to make space
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Someone actually bought my old 360 memory card on ebay recently. No idea why the fuck anybody would want one.

Some of the best gaming memories I have with friends is when we played PS1 demos that came with the magazines. Magical times are gone my friend.
These threads are not made by zoomers. They're made by boomers who want a nostalgia thread. zoomers don't give a shit about what the oldies gamed on.
Real boomers had agonizingly long passwords that they would fuck up writing down because several of the characters looked too much the same and then they would have to start over.
>be broccoli head
>spend 500 USD on a console
>download two multiplayer games
>SSD runs out of space
>forced to spend hundreds upgrading SSD
Can CoD players fit more than two games in their consoles?
>>upgrading SSD
why do that when you can just delete a game and redownload it whenever? it's not like they charge you per download
mutts unironically have datacaps in 2024 and 2010 tier speeds so they in fact get charged per download
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Good times
>password system
I kneel. It's easy to understand the "casual" insult when you compare games by decade.
>downloading cia propaganda of duty 2024 goy golem edition gonna cost you 14.99$ plus tip
what would you ever need more than 1 memory card for a console for?
>Downloading 2 multiplayer games maxes out storage
Are they using a 128 Gb ssd or something?

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