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call of duty zombies and multiplayer peaked in this game
Kino is mid
>call of the dead
>all of the world at war maps but better

nah the maps in this game were great and not overdone with easter eggs and OP weapons minus the thundergun. Plus the easter egg songs on every map were some of the best in zombies
What about Mob of the Dead in BO2 tho?
Based and true.
BO2 was the last good CoD game and it's not even remotely close. Bo1 still mogs it to death.
I was never THAT good at cod but for whatever reason when I went back to play black ops 1 online I was consistently getting 10+ kill streaks against all the people that were still playing. It just clicked
mob of the dead, origins and buried were all great, but the other maps like die rise and tranzit weren't as good and decreased the zombies experience in that game
BO3 clears
Fuck my brain actively repressed Tranzit because it was so bad lmao. Unironically the best out of the box map that wasn’t dlc was town and that was it
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>I am forgotten
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Picked up BO3 recently just for the zombies since it's still pretty active online (I only play the ZC remakes because I'm a stubborn boomer). Holy shit do people suck balls at zombies nowadays. It's so obvious when one of your teammates is somebody who played the older games because they actually know how to train and can hold their own without me babysitting them. The other 99% just use gobblegums to skip to round 15 without killing a zombie, down instantly, then quit and end the game for everybody because they were hosting. Why bother playing?
>down instantly, then quit and end the game for everybody because they were hosting
kek, people still dashboard? I gave up on playing with people and became a solo player.
The soundtrack did, as well
some baller tracks in there
I never liked Zombies a lot, but sticks and stones was the funniest shit and it was at its peak in black ops 1
fuck zoombies and no this was definitely not the best multiplayer, you're probably thinking about cod4
DESU I think Call of Duty as a whole peaked with this game.
nah, cod4 was great but bo1 improved it in many aspects
If you dashboard before a game ends, you get all the gobblegums you used back. That's why everybody does it. It's cancerous.
Black Ops 2 had the better multiplayer, probably the best multiplayer (it was a nice balance between them trying to make the game competitively viable while still keeping a lot of the fun things).
BO1 still had the better Zombies maps though
cod4 was the true peak, if you don't see why you are part of the cancer that is killing vidya today.
Wish bo1 had more hardcore modes.
>better multiplayer
multiplayer was ruined when they removed dedicated servers you consolecuck retard.
Five was the peak, most fun Zombie map but not too over the top. After that they started leaning into bloatware, too much going on and losing the original concept. Although ascension was still pretty good. Black Ops 2 zombies was ass, that stupid bus map was beginning of the end.
Too bad the ice wonder weapon feels so weak
MW3 multiplayer was such a piece of shit especially when coming off of black ops.
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>some geneic dudebro CODslop already reached nostalgia status
Why doesn't zombie have separate releases like the meme game warzone did? It's by far the best thing COD has to offer
>and multiplayer
Nope, MW2 is the eternal king.
The multiplayer was ass and mw2 shat all over it
because most normies actually hate good games, I'm not even joking.
multiplayer was dogshit compared to 4 though.
oh fuck off, it has arguably one of the most kino campaigns ever made, besides maybe cod4 or waw
>spawn trapping
>noob tubing
>op weapons everyone uses
>harrier - attack helicopter - nuke combo for easy camping nukes
nah that game was plagued with unbalanced shit
Literally improved upon it in every way though
Noob tubes are the only serious balance issue after all the patches. People did not actually use the same weapons because aside from 4 or 5 guns everything is good with attachments and Stopping Power.
Kinda crazy how they had 4 banger campaigns in a row

>COD 4

Then it just fell off, like I can't remember shit from the MW3 campaign. People praise BO2 but I can't remember wtf happened in that campaign either, just the multiplayer.
All the weapons were viable
zoom zoom
Netcode felt worse in BO than MW2.
Zombies didn't really get good until Ascension.
BO2 was overall a better game.
>soap dies
>eiffel tower
>gassing the African guy
>hanging makarov
I can remember it clearly and I last played it over 10 years ago, it was a good sendoff
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>here’s your peak zombie experience bro
They literally rehashed WaWs maps in moon DLC I think it was and it played ten times better than black ops earlier maps
Most praise from the BO2 campaign comes from the fact that it had actual variety and freedom in how you approached/engaged enemies.
There's also the fact that you make decisions throughout the campaign that have actual impact and affect the ending. I remember seeing an image chart of all the outcomes and choices.
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>24/7 Nuketown S&D
It's gaming time.
All the choices are gay and are best used as small achievements like they did at the end of WaW.
Shangri la was still better than many of the maps that preceded and succeeded it. Even though it was the weakest map, it was still much better than jetpack cods zombies and bo2 zombies
I miss wager mode matches
except the dogshit matchmaking system that not only completely takes control from you but also leaves your machine completely open to hackers.
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>ghost pro
>second chance pro
>suppressed famas
>find a nice corner

Yep, it's gaming time.
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Black ops 7 is going to be interesting. There’s rumors of it being set after 5 years after ops II. The game is also set 7 years after the newest modern warfare, which means it may have some crossovers with the MW games. MWZ already had a black ops character interacting with full modern warfare characters
Die Rise and Buried arent bad, change my mind
nobody says buried is bad thoughever
and die rise is a good map, zoomers just follow the trend of shitting on it
I loved the weapon unlock system the game had (instead of weapons/gear unlock at a certain rank, you can unlock any weapon of your choice at any rank).
It was my last CoD game, really liked it.
both mog tranzit easily
bo2 maps could have been a lot better if consoles didnt hold back development
Die Rise is ruined by RNG
100% right
the 8th gen consoles released a year later too.
It's been more than 10 years man get over yourself

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