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How is it?
Dude who cares, you’re still ultimately playing Fallout 4
Buggy and crashes all of the time. On par with modern Bethesda basically.
>fallout 4 but with british accents
no thanks
It's actually not that b-Fallout4.exe has stopped responding
like, 5, maybe 6 out of 10.
really average. Surprisingly good for a mod, a TC at that, in modern bethesda engines, but still average.
I'd recommend it if you want more fallout.
Expect lots of weird story shit that doesnt' make sense, lots of loose ends, shit VA, shit UX, etc, but the core of it is fine, gameplay's good, stat balancing choices are weird (guns are nerfed to high fuck), but it's fine.
it's not a complete abomination and that's a first.
What makes the writing bad?
I thought you'd have to do the introductionary quests for both the starting factions to cure all your afflictions but I still have one. No idea how to cure my second one.
Crashes a lot and I've already had a questline brick itself for no reason by just not having the dialogue option to hand something in.
I'm honestly impressed this even came out

British people wrote it
I got rid of the train crash debuff at some woman in the vagabonds but still have the testtube one.
>OI u got a loiscence furvat plasmer?

shit bros

what do i say?
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>only realised 3 hours in that tickets are the currency
The best Fallout? I mean, look at the competition
>FO1: Shallow shootbang combat where you just level guns and speech in a 4-6 hour game
>FO2: Shallow shootbang combat where you just level guns and speech and encounters take forever
>FO3: Shallow shootbang combat where you just level guns and speech but now 3D
>FNV: Shallow shootbang combat where you just level guns and speech but now you're trans
>FO4: Shallow shootbang combat but the shootbang is actually serviceable, and you just level gun and speech perks
>F76: Shallow shootbang combat where you pay for MTX while the HUD breaks
I can't beat the tutorial, 7950X and 4090. Crashes every 30 seconds or so.
>british people wrote it

idk if this is even true because it's actually americanised as fuck.

Lots of weird phraseology and words british people don't use, especially in terminal entries and shit
when did /v/ become more fragile than /pol/
Mostly Reddit trash. Fallout has really gone down hill since zoomer normies and trannies discovered the series.
>stat balancing choices are weird (guns are nerfed to high fuck)
it's probably that bug with one of the perk coasters, meant to give you better melee damage but actually makes you do like 10% damage with guns
Player.removeperk 0827E475 fixes it
So what you’re saying is that it’s decent overall but runs like absolute ass so I should prolly wait a month or so
How is it compared to Starflop?
>got my first gun
>it's a semi auto rifle with bullet spread
>it's actually americanised as fuck.
Frontier 2.0
Starflop is an enormous snoozefest in which nothing matters, it’s not a good measuring stick
Still not as good as cyberpunk or BG3.
is it so bad it's funny? or just completely boring?
> Breaks original Fallout 4 install for no reason at all. Just zero.
> If you don’t have the GOG version (lol) you need to jump through hoops to install it
>Manages to be buggier and jankier than anything Beshitsda has ever released.

Nice ‘mod’ you have there bro.
The latter, if it was a bad and memey like The Frontier, at least people will make fun of it

But this is just plain boring
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>"Speak to the Tommy guard."
>you can jump over a two foot wall just to the right of him instead
BRUH. i realised it at the toll gates and its the best fucking thing about the mod.
The artstyle is unconsumable and until a mod fixes that it will never be playable.
They're all equally terrible
Why the fuck is it stuttery and low performance? I'm getting terrible FPS despite it running Next Gen Vanilla Fallout 4 just fine.
The game keeps crashing every time at the loading screen after I get on the train at the end of the tutorial. Maybe I did something wrong when I downgraded the game or installed the mod.

Then again, the tutorial was enough to remind me how much I don't enjoy Fallout 4's basic gameplay so I'm not sure if I'll even bother trying to fix it.
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if bethesda is so bad then why can't anyone do better?
People underestimate how hard it is to make an open world rpg like the bethesda ones.
No other game is as moddable. That's it. even skyrim's normie modding community is openly fuck Bethesda now.

4 fags are deranged cultists
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After visiting a couple years back, I had my fill of post-apoc Bonganistan.
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It sucks because im too retarded to mod and somehow fucked up my app_377160 file
>t. Call of Duty Player
Wow these loading times are long
doesn't everyone jerk off that Enderal mod
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Videogames are completely over run by trannies at this point, they infest every company, project and even mods.
Decent, make sure to download all the recommended mods. Doesn't seem like it doesn't work with def_ui, i dont really like the ui
Yeah bro I bet you could make better games. You just won't try because of meaningless excuses.
No idea, had to tinker with it all day to get past the train scene and now im crashing back to back anyways
Turned off weapon debris and it's still not helping me
I think this is just fucked in general
>it's not a complete abomination

Not the worst thing ever/10 sounds like a bad mod to me. Good review, anon. I won't waste my time with it.
You expect to be able to play any games on that archaic tech? Jeez anon, I think it's time for an upgrade.
it CTDd twice in 5 minutes after the train crash so i'm putting it on hold
or should i install some mods that increase the stability? do they work on separated mods too?
Dumbass mindset. If a world class chef served you literal shit, you can still criticise the meal.
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Good morning sir
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Kingdom Come Deliverance has a way more immersive open world as well as way better writing and questing.
So there was multiculturalism in this retrofuturistic conservative society? Why isn't everyone just brown?
yeah but the gameplay sucks and the game is as buggy as any bethesda game
I dont know what the fuck is going on
>Go outside
>Load an older save
>Start a new game
The fucking walls and floors are missing
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They did better, multiple times, both game companies and modders
install buffout 4. Both in the mod folder and the main game
You forgot
as a developer i sincerely hope we finish making dlc to FOLON just in spite of you
Sirs please do not put the blaming on me
do you know who owned india for years you dumb bastard? He's literally in the war outfit.
Watching paint dry is more entertaining than playing Starfield
Some ASMRtist I want to fuck is in it.

Other than that I don't care.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but normal indians don't wear that style of turban. Sikhs are their own ethnicity and are only part of India because of the whole "Pakistan" mistake.
>Some ASMRtist I want to fuck is in it.
If something like rdr2 was more of a traditional RPG it would be perfect.
Correct Sikhs also seem to have basic hygiene unlike Hindus.
Why are americans so obsessed with bongs? Literally any other european capital would've fit the cold war aesthetic better.
It was created by bongs
Because in the lore of fallout all of mainland Europe has been in a constant civil war with the not EU so England makes sense because it's an island that was still somewhat functioning prior to the 2077 nuclear holocaust.
Cloth is way too thick it looks silly.
yeah but it's not nearly as replayable or moddable as a Bethesda game. it's more akin to Witcher 3 than Skyrim.
also that game manages to have worse combat than Bethesda games somehow.
Archolos is great, but Gothic and TES are very different kinds of open world RPG, scratching different itches.
It's why not every Gothic 2 fan is a Morrowind fan and vice versa.
i realized this once every single thing i looted had them
the early game is brutal. the flintlock pistol always misses and the 38 guns do no damage
>try to fast travel
>stuck in loading screen
>try to walk
>crash in 10 seconds
Been like this for 5 attempts rn
Is this a beta or something?
The flintlock is stupidly accurate just don't use vats or hip fire.
With iron sights it's more accurate than some of the scoped guns.
There's a mod called Buffout that's fixed nearly every crash for me.
Can't be a cute girl so I don't care
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holy fuck, no wonder all guns feel like peashoters
pic related same gun, before and after disabling the perk
That's the ticket, cheers
Is it better than the Frontier, at least?
is this the one found in the mushroom bar?
NTA yet there are literally hundreds of texture mods. Sure, the games lighting engine is still mid but do not pretend like you cannot replace all of the meshes and textures
i only played a bit and yeah it's much better. But it's also way too "safe". The frontier was funny as fuck sometimes when it wasn't frustrating
>no news for a whole year
Is it over, bros?
nah its great mate only thin i dont like is the men/women bathroom and the pajeet who is in love with the fascist

not giving those niggas my steam login
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It's a laser rifle.
Played for like a hour outside of some fps issues walking around the city and the first dog you get not following you when asked.
Is there a faction where you lead?
bloody fuck you dalit
idk yet im just walking everywhere like i do in all fallout games
As a mod it is very impressive and really cool. As an actual game I'm finding it okay so far. As a former Londoner it is really neat but the writing has been pretty meh so far.
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Let's hear your jokes about Africans now, tranny.
So does it actually have any of the feel of 50s Britain as a setting or is it all Americana optimism with Skiffle and Ted instead of greasers?
All the Starfield hate comes from Sony fanboys who are angry they can't play it on their dead console.
Suffice it to say, they did not dot their i's or cross their t's.
does cbbe work with it?
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Any fixes for the crashes yet? It doesn't last longer than ten seconds out in the wasteland for me.
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Fallout is uniquely American. It's one of those games that will NOT WORK in any other country except maybe Canada.

Hence, I will not play any Fallout game outside the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Mod or not.
>The feeling of 50s Britain
>Bombed to shit and poor
Yeah I think the setting provides that
You can, but she has gameplay of the whole game and I think the devs added that part as a joke
100% certified retard take.
After I updated my drivers and put the Buffout4 mod in bothering the fallout4 directory AND the London directory I haven't had problems
>b-but you took your opinion from youtu-
No, and any other opinion than mine on this particular topic is shit. This is 100% a fact.
Yeah well, you should see Fallout Cascadia. I don't think there's been update for years now.
Just kidding I'm a HUGE faggot and a retard.
there aren't many good mods that overhaul every vanilla weapon which is a primary issue aesthetically. It's not really an RPG in the same ways either games are 1-2 you're highly specialized to a certain build. 3 is very loosely an RPG but it does consider morality as it's biggest thing for roleplaying and does have builds. NV has similar issues to 3 but the major difference is the flowchart like narrative it has which does let you affect endings and how you approach/start/finish quests. 4 is legitimately a shooting gallery kind of game where it's also a very poorly executed survival craft "settlement builder". There's not much choice but to engage with the settlement building it's not really something the game is designed for otherwise.
Look faggot, you obviously have a stake in this shit (I suspect you're one of the creators or somethin) but this is just simple facts.

Like how Persona is uniquely Japanese, Fallout is uniquely American.
neither of these statements are true
Oh no forgot to take my meds! These estrogen pills have really been messing me up recently, my wall of Funkpops are starting to talk to me!
After spending around 10 minutes yesterday actively setting it up (not counting the hour or so of waiting for everything to download) i am now convinced that everyone here, on reddit and on their discord are the most retarded of braindead idiots unable to follow the simplest of instructions.
Downgrading it on steam was piss easy, getting the additional mods was piss easy, putting it all together correctly was piss easy.
I haven’t had a single ctd and it runs more stable than my handcrafted optimised skyrim modlist.

The setting works surprisingly well and some of the references like horse meat at Fesco are funny if you lived through that

QRD: if setting this up is giving you trouble you’re a retarded shitter who should go back to playing weebshit on his switch
I briefly had a modest amount of fun roleplaying a space texas ranger.

But you aren't wrong.

In ten years time when the modders bring out their firefly full conversion mod it' might actually be good.
>ummm guns would be rare in europe, that's why we made them weak as fuck
in what fucking world would guns being uncommon translate to hitting like wet farts?
and how in the world are they rare if redneck muttistani can nigger rig pipe rifles that kind-of work?
god I hate bullshit like that\]
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Gonna do a fresh install of the mod. Anything else I should do to ensure better performance?
Bethesda left a sour taste in my mouth
It will take years before I play any of their old games again if ever
Not even all the mods will get me back
Unironically back to modded Minecraft
Why not just go to real life London bro?
Works on my AMD GPU
Better create another falseflag thread nvidia-kun
Most modern PC gamers are consolefags in denial
Does anyone else get super long loading times with this mod? It's installed on my ssd but going to the overworld feels like it takes minutes.
I don't hate it, my main issues are the frequent crashes and the load times, which can be alleviated with the accelerator, also messing Vsync made the game more stable for me in general, its ok i guess, it's free at least.
i dont know, i dont own all the dlcs to install it
Crashes too much to be fun, even after patching it with buffout.
Install buffout after the mod. It will still crash, but only every few hours apposed to every ten minutes.
That's a feature of Fallout 4. Small indie studio, please understand. I don't know why the fuck the mod doesn't come with the loading times fix as default.

What were they THIIINKING?!
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Get the “long loading time fix” mod. Was having 2+ minute load times but the mod fixed the problem.
i think whoever wrote the vagabond guys watches too much guy ritchie films. kept seeing lock stock / snatch lines every now and then. even one of the npc is named based on a line in lock stock.
We should make a list of necessary mods for fallout London. So far I have

>Buffout4 (for crashes)
>Long load time fix (for loading)
Anything else? I noticed I get the black face bug quite a bit. Isn't there a fix for that as well?
>bro you need to install a mod for your mod so the mod isn't broken
>I noticed I get the black face bug quite a bit. Isn't there a fix for that as well?
race change menu
being black is normal in london tho
Welcome to creation engine.

Got it. Thanks
I'll give it a try once they release a separate game for it on Steam ala Enderal.
Anyone know if there’s a way to get into the other rooms of the German U-boat with the ghoul SS officers? They need key cards but I’m not sure if they’re any more on the boat or if it’s even possible to go into the locked rooms.
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My biggest issue is that it's kinda wonky on a timeline thing. One quest in particular confused me.
>Find a tree dude near an airport who says that he and his lover accidentally detonated a G.E.C.K device they were experimenting with for the government
>he says he's been like this for centuries, implying it definitely wasn't recent
>his boyfriend was caught in the blast and never seen again, he thinks it might've been sabotage
>says that he worked under Smythe, the guy we see from the intro who put us in a tube so it couldn't have been that long ago actually?
>his boyfriend is still alive and turned into a tree tree inside the facility right next door
>they never really say what happened, only give some retarded dialogue about love
>the two go to have sex in the bunker forever and they never elaborate on the one dude we'd be interested in knowing about nor whether it was actually sabotage
There's also a pub in London itself where the owner locked himself in the fridge as the bombs fell but he has full knowledge of ghouls directly referencing ghoulification in the holotape he made for himself, while locked in a fridge for what he also describes centuries, complaining about no more food despite it being full of food when you find him. Similarly you can find Alistair Tenpenny apparently, so this isn't a FO76 shortly after the war story either. There's more than this even, but it's hard to articulate a lot of it.
Ok zoomer
were protectrons always this bullet-spongey?
Compared to enderal?
yes, but also the guns you get are fucking garbage
the entire mod feels like playing dead money, in that melee trivializes the experience even if your build has fuck all to do with melee
hot take: enderal fucking sucked, the crafting/combat skill split and the rhyming merchant were probably the only high points of the mod
oh, and I guess the map was pretty decent
Sounds no worse than Fallout 4 and there are people that consider that game's writing the best in the series.
>pirated Fallout 4
>didn't get fucked by auto updates
>still own, no need to downgrade
Feels fucking good man. Buyfags get the rope for delaying the release of the mod for 3 months. Fuck you
Can't nail them on not being accurate now can you?

Just kidding, it's not enough of a shithole
you're bragging about being mud country tier poor, brother
They got it right by having you die of rad poisoning if you jump into the Thymes for 4 seconds.
Enjoy downgrading and having your mods break nigger
but it doesnt have dragons or robots
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as someone who has played starfield, sony fanboys should be GRATEFUL they can't play it.
playing as a britbong slag with literally titanic sized udders and having sex with every black npc i find
is this an accurate representation of your country britbongs?
bro there is no other game
actually delusional schizo brainrot
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>Bought f4 on release
>Pirated dlc later
>Game works fine with any other mods
>Can't use downgrader without error
>Can't manually downgrade because i don't "have" the dlc on steam
Maybe i dodged a bullet but i was somewhat looking forward to this
sounds like london yeah
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Why does everything deal so much fucking damage?
The only sex happening in london is 12 year old slags trading their bodies for drugs (or being raped by pakis) and homosexual orgies of moneyed russian refugees
There are some exceptions to the rule, like the guns you can use

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