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>PC gaming
Just don't buy overpriced intel garbage
it's over
I have an i9 13900k and have never once had my pc crash.
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>my pc sometimes getting blue screen while gaming or our of nowhere is actually my 13700k fault

please tell me this is not true
But they need my money to put bullets into Palestinian children.
What, are you poor? Just buy more goyim, hollywood and AAA gayming is collapsing and israel needs the money.
if you live in amerimuttistan you can just pay taxes and that'll go towards dead palestinians
This. (((Intel-aviv))) gets away with too much shit with politicians cause of their ties with Israel. Always get AMD for processors.
You laughed at me for buying ryzen. Well, who's laughing now?
why would you buy intel after 14nm+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++? they clearly lost the plot ages ago.
what a fucking scam PC gaming is.
I bought a ryzen 7950x3d thoughever
lol you’re so fucked you don’t even know
alder lake and amd chads stay winning
Unfortunately anon it is, just go to google.
Better than being a console cuck who needs to buy a new console every 4 year and pay 100usd per year of online.
How can I check for it, I don't think mine did crash dat way
Only morons bought that shit for playing vidya.
Smart money was buying the 7800x3D or 7600x.
>win the silicon lottery
>use the chip within reasonable clocks and voltage with a good psu and cooling
>chip does fine
Most people arent as lucky & smart.
And most youtube tards are definitively tech illiterate and treeat components like niggers.
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*laughs in 12th gen
>CPUs are so broken you have to learn about it from popular youtubers.
This sounds like another covid blag to me.
I have a launch 13900k and launch 14900k and never once had a crash. If this was as widespread as what is being claimed you'd be reading about it all over the internet since the launch of the 13900, but it only started appearing a couple of months ago with the 13th gen and 14th gen at the exact same time.
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Boeing has the same problem.

Everything just goes to shit once you hit critical mass.
There's probably 1000s of higher ups at intel and they're the DEI who are hired for these photoshoot posters
>VP of social impact
>chief legal officer
>strategy officer
>compliance officer
>relation affairs
>supply chain
>health and safety

see , they don't allow them near the actual computer parts
Is this why my system with a 13700k processor is crashing when I play certain games?
No 14nm for all it's faults was extremly stable. That's what you get when you make 7 cpu generations using that process. 14900K uses intel's 10nm.
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Im here laughing still using a 6th gen CPU from fucking 8-9 years ago that JUST WERKS.
Why the fuck do people even buy these 13th and 14th gens that keep coming out almost yearly. Consoooomer cucks
because we can.
AMD and Nvidia hire slant-eyes relatives, why didn't Intel do the same?
I have a 12th gen Intel, I don't care.
Still so damn happy I went from an 8700k to a 7800x3D instead of an intel housefire.
>because i have money
A fool and his money , yadi yada, you know the rest.. faggot.
You're such a good goy
>I don't have money and I think I dictate how you spend yours
third worlders are all the same. The price of a CPU is fuck all. The fact you make computer parts out to be some extreme investment shows you live in a shared village mud hut with a water well 2 miles away
Little bitch ass nigger, just because i refuse to be a retarded consooooomer like (you), doesnt mean im a brokie.
Im willing to bet you 1 GRAND that my networth is multiple times bigger than yours. I'd wipe my ass with 500 bucks and feed it to your mother while she begs me to hand them to her clean.
Shut your ass up pleb.
The rich get richer cause they are WISE with their cash
I have a 13gen and it runs perfectly.
Maybe you should stop overclocking shit when you don't need to
>i'm not poor i'm not poor i'm not poor
you seem to be making a lot of noise about it so I think you are
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>he can't afford to spend a couple thousand on a hobby every year
i hope you are not actually a first world fag
that would be even more embarrassing
only tim sweeney's UE5 shitcode makes my 13900 crash, and that's fixed by underclocking it.
Just bought a new pc and went AMD for this reason alone.
That's a little too old, but yeah, basically. There's not much of a reason to buy the best of the best CPU anymore unless you're working with something like Blender.
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There's no reason not to get AMD now that they're good at emulation.
I went AMD CPU/GPU, to minimize the amount of jewing.
Yeah either RMA and hope to get a good one or try to get your money back.
I almost upgraded but now am glad I stuck with 12th gen. It still does everything just fine.
Yes it's entirely possible. The problem with these crashes and why it's taken so long to notice is the errors they give are all over the place. Even ones saying your GPU is out of VRAM. There's no real smoking gun error you get.
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>got my first actually decent pc in my whole life this year with has a 6 core I5
>no issues

Did I get lucky or am I living on borrowed time?
This is a very different CPU, not the ol' reliable 2500k nor is it the Pentium 4 from the days when PC building was cool. species is a 14th gen Intel CPU and nationality is Israeli, but something separate and different. This Intel CPU has become Foreverial Burned-up 14900k and he was fully cooked with his silicone and pins and literally his whole ALU changed into a permanent burning oxidized version with permanent burning oxidized silicone and insides and a permanent burning lid, scorched and incinerated pins. cache is a permanently burned cache and has 8 permanent oxidized P-cores and 16 permanent rusted and E-cores. Fully burned up like a piece of firewood, burned this way to remain and always crashing with a permanent rust on his case and an oxidized permanent fried MMU sparking constantly ready to set the house ablaze of anyone or anything with his permanent burned, oxidized and power-inefficient silicone. The 'Intel Searing Research And Endurance Lab' version of i9 the 14900k. there are other Intel CPUs i have done besides this and the 14th gen. This is defanitely not the competitive Intel CPU people with more money than sense boast as this doesnt exist at all in that series that I do, this is in the genre of fully permanent burning CPU and full permanent oxidized products. This also is defanitely not the CPU from a worth-the-price hardware company as this doesnt happen to actual good cpu's either, just a different character whom becomes Foreverial burned-up i9.
>clock to the moon to beat zen 4
>deep fries itself
Run Y cruncher for an hour.
Intel said the issue was addressed in 2023, though they refuse to especify when, so you might be ok
based degraded cpu user
I know I'm getting lured in by this shitty bait but it's not like consoles haven't had their fumbles. Remember when literally all the fucking xboxes died due to shitty solder for example?
>still on my geriatric Haswell i5
>it just works
>doesn't even struggle much in newer games because they just rape my new GPU anyway
>plenty of power to emulate anything that doesn't have a port
>never crashed
It is holding my PC hostage. Now I know how infrastructure developers feel about that old couple that doesn't want to leave.
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>modern CPUs are designed to run at the peak of their capacity within thermal and voltage limits
>it runs great at the performance levels we’ve never thought possible
>”no I MUST change the settings because the YouTube man told me so”
>it crashes
It’s like those people who spread negativity about perfectly fine games reiterating what their favorite streamer told them. PC gaming is a herd of fucking NPC imbeciles.
There's no way you can emulate a switch game, SMT 5 ran at 25fps on my 6500
Haswell only supports DDR3, that's fucking insane
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Post YFW AMD CPU owner
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Some mobo BIOS default to overclocking the things anyway.
Not that that is the issue, but it doesn't help.
>No issues so far
It is at its limit (though I don't have it overclocked), but it manages fine if the game isn't a horrible mess. I do also have a hacked Switch, so it's not like I need to emulate.

The games that I emulated that actually functioned at the time and aren't obviously low usage games are the usual tendie shit, Detective Pikachu Returns, Luigi's Mansion 3, Sparks of Hope (it did struggle there) and all the Mario shit (Strikers, Golf, Tennis, Party, Kart 8, Origami King, 3D world+bowser is a furry, Smash, Warioware, etc) and all the Pokéslop (only gen 9 performed shittily).

So aside from emulation issues preventing some games from running at the time, it only struggled with 2 games that were known to be so badly optimized that it needed some patches to run properly on Switch. I forgot if Luigi's Mansion 3 is the one where you had to use the variable resolution fix, if it is you can count that as well even if it seems like an emu issue.
Too young to remember RRoD or YLoD, zoomie?
look up who the top stock holders are for both intel and amd
spoiler: they are both owned by the same people
just like coca cola and pepsi
but retarded goyim think they are in competition with each other and will always support one of them
I hope he's African
i had that with mine and it stopped when i turned off xmp
never crashes now
>Red ring of death
>Yellow light of death
Different board of directors, different COO, different RnD, different workforce, different formulas and so on
You dont understand how company ownership works
I'm curious why there's even fanboyism for Intel, Nvidia or AMD. Don't all of you just pick the best hardware in that generation regardless of brand?
the issue mostly affected i7s and i9s
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thank god I didn't shill out for a i9
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>you bought Intel
Bro, you were warned about Intel CPUs multiple times by people everywhere on the internet. You KNEW it was unstable garbage. Intel shit runs so fucking hot, you can't even air cool that shit anymore. It was clear that they're pushing everything to the limit without any regard for safety measures just to keep up with AMD CPUs.

If I put a piece of shit on my store, and you buy it, how is that my fault? Stop buying this fucking garbage and getting yourself played.
>Don't all of you just pick the best hardware in that generation regardless of brand?
Why yes, I always get an Nvidia GPU and an AMD CPU

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