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Which vidya fanbase is suffering the most right now? I would say f-zero, but I'm going to say Pokemon. I would rather have no games than have my franchise driven into the ground like an airplane crashing
>I would rather have no games than have my franchise driven into the ground like an airplane crashing
Well if we are going by this logic, then I guess Endless Ocean. Tbh, they are the worst of both worlds.
They got the worst of both worlds*
my bad
I rather have bad games like Pokemon than fucking nothing.
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Be careful what you wish for, anon
>mass effect
they know the next dragon age will suck hard and EA will finally old yeller bioware and the franchise will be shelved for good, but there's still some hope
just assfucked for a decade by 343i's incompetency. everyone who worked for that company should be blacklisted by the industry. the chances of a new halo game, much less a good one, is pretty much zero, but it's still "the face of xbox" somewhat so as long as microsoft stays in the race hardcore fans will cling
respawn has basically been reduced to a slop wars studio, but there's still a chance i guess
>half life
>I would say f-zero
A new game just came out last year.
Asscreedbros stuck with cultural wars between retarded right wingers and retarded leftoids, a fate worse than death
arceus was really good tho
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>Stuck in mobile hell
>Legends team is gone
>Ancel is gone
>Soliani is gone
>Most recent action involves being part of a DLC side mode in a Mario + Rabbids game, once again playing second fiddle to the things that usurped him from his main hero role for so long, and some edgy Netflix fanfic
>Gets a fucking board game although the figures look cool and I won't write it off yet
Rayman has not only been killed but also had his soul effectively erased like a fucking Kirby villain in the sense that the two men listed above were the only ones remaining that gave a shit about him at Ubisoft. The only bright side is that the community is as passionate as ever in the discoveries made about the OG Raving Rabbids and Redemption's creator going on to make another game even if the MC's design sucks.
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people who want an old school rpg's fantasy game with no negros/fags/trannies everywhere
PC fps fans.
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Nintendo please stop trying. Just take Old Yeller out back.
>I would say f-zero
fuck off you fucking baby, you literally just got a new, very popular and well-loved game last year.
Botw killed zelda
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Tell Tiny Tim I won't be coming home for Christmas. Tell Scott that I do give a damn!
Silent hill
Eh, I'm happy that ZA is coming, FZero has nothing besides 99 on the switch.
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>I'm going to say Pokemon. I would rather have no games than have my franchise driven into the ground like an airplane crashing
you dont understand how depraved and twisted pokemon fans are. they bought both copies of scarlet and violet. they spend all of their time, months even, just shiny hunting. and it has to have the right rng nature. competitive pokemon is legitimately a full time job with overtime.
pokemon fans love the stinking load of shit on their plate. they are eating good and hungry for more. it takes all of nintendo's games just to match the profit of one pokemon game in a fiscal year.
Paper Mario. Four shit games and a demake to boot. That series needs to die.
>Which vidya fanbase is suffering the most right now?

There is no equal
how about having your franchise subverted and turned into something radically different and worse, but also significantly more popular,
while the lead developer says he doesn't get why people liked the older games?
Worse still, due to the massive popularity of the newer stuff, you have droves of people saying they like the thing, while actually they just like the new shit and stare at you in confusion when you try to talk about the old stuff.
Need for speed, easily
bring back playstyles like carbon or undercover
id venture to say Oddworld fans, as well as final fantasy
really any new release for a franchise with no new release in over a 5 to 7 years is dead on announcement
>Bought both copies
Retarded meme. People buy packs to split with friends and family, probably not even 1 out of every 10,000 people buy multiple copies of the same generation to own.
>They shiny hunt for months
Grinding Autsim isn't unique to Pokemon and its in everything. People who play Factorio for hundreds of hours, people who grind in MMO's and Gacha as a time waster, people who replay old games dozens or hundreds of times. its all the same grinding autism; a repetitive task that you are familiar and comfortable with that helps you relax. For some Normies its a TV show or a habit they repeat but its in a lot of people, and its just the weirdest shit.
christ almighty this
also rogue squadron series, that shit peaked in gamecube and nose dived instantly
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Crash Bandicoot
>"Le dark souls of platformers" Crash iAT
>Autorunner mobile game
>Live service multiplayer battle arena game
Thanks! I hate it
Asscreed Shadows is such an embarrassment all around that it's hardly a right vs left thing. Anyone with a brain can see that Ubisoft and its defenders/shills are just in the wrong.
The series was in dire straits before that game anyway.
Fucking THIS! Zelda 2 was sidescroller Kino with true challenge and danger. Ocarina of Time is cinematic harem slop that appeals to only retards and they hijacked the entire series to make bland rehashes of it for over a decade. I can't believe those freaks say they like Zelda when what they mean is they like Ocarina of Time and haven't played anything that came before it.
I'm glad the series is getting back to its roots. First time I've enjoyed a game in it for nearly 35 years now.
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Maybe you should try playing more than one ip so you're never disappointed.
from what i understand 343 has been fucking them pretty good the last 15 years or so
>and it has to have the right rng nature
you can buy mints that change natures for like 20k in a game where money grows on trees
sv are by no means perfect and have plenty of flaws but that is not one of them
Try to list something other than dead franchises because there's a fucing lot of dead franchises. Real suffering was, for a time, titles like Donkey Kong going from extremely tight platformers to whatever the fuck DK64 was, to gimmick fests like the bongo game, or Halo which went from the big break for online (console) shooters to now being a game that can barely get deathmatch working correctly. Severe dips in quality but still existing.
Crash sucks so you deserve it for having bad taste in games.
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>got a 3rd game that was a rushed-to-hell disaster, went 6 years without a new one, came back with a slow generic mario 3d world clone with no level editor that underperformed on ps5 and bombed horribly when it later got brought to steam
>old games' online servers were abruptly shut down because of hackers, over 10 million community levels wiped in an instant
>the original developer of the series abandoned it to make a game that served roughly the same purpose but was worse in almost every way (dreams), now they've had layoffs and are working on an unrevealed new IP live-service game that will inevitably fail and lead sony to shutter them for good
Pokemon fans deserve their suffering though. I can't imagine being so entirely enslaved by nostalgia that I would have to compulsively purchase every single game from a developer that hates me despite every single game being dogshit.
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Rayfaggot was lucky to get Origins and Legends.
When was the last good RTS? I'd say RTS fans.
Skullgirls. And that's saiying a lot considering what's been happening to the Counterstrike community during the last 3 years.
Edf for sure
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>Which vidya fanbase is suffering the most right now?
apparently I am because most of the games in the thread were series I really liked...
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but pokemon received one of their best games recently?
I don't want them to kill Star Fox, I want them to realise its potential.
Fuck man, I hadn't thought about rogue squadron in so long. Why doesn't Nintendo look at rogue squadron and do that but furry? Literally perfect for what people want.
I really really want them to look at stuff like freelancer, Star link and a fox in space and build something like that. An arcade-y open world flight Sim with on rails and open stages as missions you can pick up, as well as side missions and stuff you can choose to engage with when you come across them.
I also want them to make it 4 player co op, since star Fox is literally perfect for it, but they just don't do it.
Oh and I want them to give it to a competent developer who knows what they're doing.
Planetside maybe? Game constantly fucked over several years by the most hilariously incompetent dev team, with no other games in the market that come close to matching the experience
Sonic. Being a Sonic fan is suffering and has been suffering for 17 of the last 20 years.
Wrong picture
The worst that can happen is that a series never sees a revival or is stored in an IP vault never to be seen.
For example: 90s Shooters and franchises like Deus Ex.

However, if I would have to pick I guess it would come down to Stalker and Halo.
Stalker, I cannot even talk about it here without invoking rabid vodka niggers.
Halo, I never seen a much more miserable bunch than Halo fans. Even when Disney rapes SW they give it a time to rest and release something like Mandalorian or Andor before they give it another reach around. The most Halo fans have gotten is a strategy game and a fortnite crossover. They cannot even take refuge playing Destiny anymore.
>8cuck ribbon
Not my Vivian
Sounds like the usual Nexon experience
Forgot the picture*
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There are a lot of fan tribute games that are in development right now, GX modding is now a thing, and F-zero 99 was released last year.

I don't think we are suffering that bad.

Frankly Pokemon's biggest problem is having a retarded fandom made up of manchildren and femcels who genuinely think Game Freak will go bankrupt within a single financial quarter if they don't buy the next slop game that they release, basically giving Game Freak zero reasons to make the games to be complete, run good, and look good. This has resulted in your average Pokemon game post 2020 looking like Pajeet slop.

Also, lets not ignore the fact that the Pokemon fandom is about as bad as bronies for having pedophiles and groomers.

Be glad that /vp/ is effectively a containment board and all that we really see on /v/ are Hex Maniac waifu posting.
For what I understood the hackers were fans and wanted the LBP team to do something but the problem with autists is that they cannot take a clue, so the developer did not want to play with mean spirited spergs and just shut it all down.

Basically the fuckers should had tone their faggotry down a notch.
He even eats off of a Cow's ass these days.

>the actual FF13 never happened, when it became FF15, the game was nothing like the trailers were selling out and everyone was disappointed
>FF16 was even more unremarkable
>FF7 remake is full of bullshit like time jannies
>No announcement of Final Fantasy projects since then, not even any shitty spin-off
>Kingdom hearts only exist in vaporware form
>Basically all the people that made Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest are dead
>California disease infecting them further and further with bullshit like Body Type-A/Type B

Gotta be Square-Enix fans
What can you realistically do to make F-Zero relevant again? The series went and did everything they could accomplish. Even games like Wipeout could not improve on the formula and simultaneously there is nothing else to do but improve the graphics.

I cannot think of anything that would make F-Zero fresh again without leaning into MegaRace or Burnout.
Yeah, as someone who loves the pokemon franchise but exclusively plays romhacks, every new game is a new chance for the community to mod it into something good. We've already successfully modded Brilliant Diamond into the incredible "Luminescent Platinum", and that's literally the only good thing that came out of BDSP.

No games at all is much worse.
RPG fags have it pretty bad with this Owltranny, Liarian and gook slop dominating the genre rn

The real issue with F-Zero is that Mario Kart is more popular, so there's no reason to bother making a fun and unique racing game when they can just shit Elephant Mario in Mario Kart and call it a day
Well that is the market but I have seen Indie games trying to be like F-Zero so there is a small demand. Recently there was one F-Zero clone during the last Demo Fest but it has Tumblr art and also runs into the same issue as every other Indie revival of a classic game, it sticks so close to the source material the developers forgot to actually make it anything more than a carbon copy.
>What can you realistically do to make F-Zero relevant again?
Develop a game with a budget of an A title. That's it.
F-zero doesn't need to be inventive. X and GX nailed the formula perfectly.

Nintendo's desire for trying to needlessly innovate for the sake of it is how we got Star Fox Zero's awful control scheme. It is literally just a waste of development time and isn't that likely to attract players.
Also the majority of Nintendo's IPs really haven't evolved much since the Game Cube and Wii era, beyond getting slightly more in depth, quality of life improvements, and online interactions which nearly every game made since the mid 2000s has anyway.

Its a completely different genre. As far as non-sim/realistic racers go both are basically the polar opposites of each other.
Honestly I think its more Nintendo doesn't want to put down the money to develop a new title when re-hashing Mario Kart for the Switch worked really well for them, and most of their other sci-fi IPs are kind of dead anyway.
ARE pokemon fans suffering? To me it looks like the casuals are griping but the hardcore fans can't stop shovelling shit into their gaping maws and bursting into gratitude because they're so grateful. They genuinely love it. I know a couope of hardcore pokemon fans and they don't see a fucking problem with anything.

They're happy in their own little bizarro world where they don't care about the qualiry lf pokemon content as all. They just want content. One of my friends ks working lvertime hours to buy more pokemon shit, its crazy.

The only thing that upsets pokemon fans is Palworld.
Exactly, I can't fucking stand them.
They would literally eat shit if it had Gamefreak's logo on it.
Definitely not the most, but Ace Attorney is in rerelease hell right now.
Speaking of gamefreak, I'm so pissed about Gigawrecker. Its an action/puzzle game by Gamefreak, which surprised me and I didn't realise until I had already bought the game and saw the logo later. It was early access at the time but hey, its Game Freak so they're not likely to fuck us over right?

Anyway they shit the game out of early access on Steam as-is and then released the "real" version of the game on console at a higher price. Everyone on Steam was basically paying to beta test an early build, even the story went through massive changes for console. What the absolute fuck?
First person shooters. The whole genre. It's all fucking slop now
Pokenigs have fanworks and low enough standards to think those games are good.
New dlc for Trepang2 just came out like yesterday though, you tasteless faggot
>left his daughter to rot cuz "r-redit" then now complains when someone gives her the time of the day
Get daughter cucked son
late reply but basically >>683870461 and I'm a sonicfag so I speak with experience.
I meant multiplayer
why the fuck would you interact with fanbases? I just play a game and move on with my life
Zelda or Final Fantasy. Both series got turned into open world Ubishit that appeals to normalfags and hasn't released a real new game in over 10 years. Both directors say they don't understand what people liked about the old format so there's 0 hope for the future either.
What happened with Titanfall is suffering for me. My little microcosmic look into what hell might be like is watching them focus on Gaypex Legends while Titanfall rots and never gets the sequel it deserved. I can’t even go back and enjoy the multiplayer for TF2 now because cheatfags and supersweats have overrun the game.
>oh wow, Halo 4’s coming! they’re going to follow up on that weird cliffhanger from the end of 3! i can’t wait to— nvm, it’s garbage that relies on multimedia consumption to really understand the story, the shift to a more cereal tone makes the mood not as fun, and the multiplayer is trying too hard to be CoD
>oh wow, Halo 5 is coming! they’re making Master Chief into a rogue character that’s in conflict with the UNSC! i can’t wait to hunt the tru— nvm, they outright lied about the game’s premise and it’s another story that you can’t understand unless you consume halo multimedia, AND the multiplayer is trying to be weird esports cancer, AND the campaign is forced co-op, which makes it feel not like halo at all
>oh wow, halo 6 is coming and they have a new engine and artstyle that calls back to bungie halo! oh its also open world! i can’t wait to see how they take advantage of halo’s sandbox combat to make a cool open world ga— nvm, its a worse farcry game with halo stuff in it and its another story where you need to consume halo multimedia to understand what the hell is going on, AND the multiplayer still has no idea what it wants to do, AND they graphics are not what they promised, AND they got rid of couch multiplayer to sell more xboxs even though modders proved you can add couch multiplayer and co-op just fine

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well you just can’t get fooled again!
Final Fantasy wasn't that huge of a blow since there's a plethora of turn based games that satisfy that itch, but I'll never forgive Aonuma for what he did to Zelda since there was no other series that replicated what it did well, so that itch for a new game will never be satisfied if nothing turns up. Disingenuous faggots saying it's "faithful" to the original just because BotW is full of exploration (and is very different to the form of exploration that the original offers) doesn't help. I'd rather have a much smaller map that feels alive and serves a purpose than what BotW offers. It's ironic that zoomers shit on Hyrule Field in OoT, because that's 95% of the experience in NuZelda.
>It's ironic that zoomers
It’s not just zoomers. OoT was my first Zelda in the 90s and I became a big fan since then, but I was ready for something different by the time BotW came out. I know people love dungeons, but my favorite aspect of Zelda was exploring the game world, so BotW and TotK was the answer I was looking for. There’s much room for improvement going forward, but the gated “exploration” of the previous games wasn’t satisfying and made the world feel more like a theme park than a real place you could believe exists in some alternate universe.
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That's an easy one. Artifact's fanbase suffers the most by a longshot.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
Too many dropped frames to be good
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Star Fox.

We -STILL- don't have a fucking game where you are actually MERCENARY UNIT STAR FOX and go around the Lylat collecting bounties and doing shady / noble / evil shit as a legitimate "mercenary unit."

Super fucking simple concept. Star Fox team. Morality system. Missions based on if you're a good guy, bad guy, profit guy, or noble guy.

Please, fucking Christ, the game literally makes itself.
I thought I was the only one in this position from the way people here talk about Zelda. I had zero discretion in what I played when I was little and bought every 3D Zelda bar Skyward Sword despite finding all of them disappointing and far too mechanically restrictive to be engaging even as a kid, then BOTW and (especially) TOTK come along and legitimately are the games I'd always imagined when reading people hype up the "classic" ones online. Their shtick of solving problems in ways that would organically make sense if you were really in those situations to me feels like a completely natural progression of the older games' arbitrary need for items to do everything for you, and I imagine is what Aonuma meant when he referred to the latter as limited (as opposed to the malice people go out of their way to interpret into that interview).
The only fun I had exploring in that game was Hyrule Castle. If they had stuff like that put around the map instead of the shitty shrines, then the exploration aspect would've been a real treat. Even the Divine Beasts were shitty because it felt like just one dungeon divided up into parts, and it wasn't a particularly well designed one either aesthetically or fun to mess around with either. If shrines are going to still be a thing in the next installment I'll probably scream. TotK just being more of the same turned me off from ever trying it out.
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One problem there: That's literally not how Star Fox functions as a unit at all, just ask their creator.


>Like Star Wolf, they don't pick and choose their jobs and only do what their clients ask them to do. That would make them, indeed, not exactly hitmen, although I believe that to be what true mercenaries are all about. However, while Fox calls his unit a squadron for hire, he is greatly conflicted about this. He would never participate in any obvious wrongdoing. But because they choose their jobs, their workload gradually decreases (laughs).

It's basically the same shit with Samus, Nintendo doesn't see her as a "bounty hunter" in the traditional sense, they just went with that label cuz it sounded cool.

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vampire fans
or anyone who is a fan of an rpg currently getting a sequel
>nintendo series
I think it's silly for Star Fox to go the actual bounty hunter route but I think Metroid could work.
>Land on planet
>Get info that there's a notorious space pirate on the planet
>Secret boss fight behind some platforming area that really tests the player
I feel like they could retcon Star-Fox to be a part of the Cornerian Army instead of a hired gun. You even have Peppy acting as general, and Slippy workibg for their tech department iirc. Bounty hunters are usually anti-heroes at best, and Fox and his crew are too much of a goody two shoes to be that. Falco maybe, but he's just a single member.

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