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I’m still not sure how I feel about this game

Looks good. Maybe not a good Doom, but a good shooter.
>Doom, but medieval
Why not just make another Quake like the first game?
probably that's what they wanted to make, but bethesda said doom is a more recognizable brand so they have to stick with it
If what hugo said about it being more grounded and based on dodging projectiles like classic doom then I'm all for it
>I want the one unique fps to be less unique and more like everything else
Shut the fuck up faggot, before it was announced you were whining and bitching about nu-Doom being too different
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are you just gonna make shit up on the spot like this?
We know from leaks that “Doom Year Zero” was in the works since before Eternal even launched.
>soulslike doom

would be kino
Would you like it better if it was called hexen?
2016 was great but Eternal was shit. This looks more like Eternal so I have no interest in it.
>the one unique fps
call it heretic, but unironically yes
Lots of slop in a single image.
I hope it ends with killing the titan champion in one of those mechs so redditors can shut the fuck up about "le doom slayer le rip apart le unkillable colossus with le bare hands!"
this is the image that will save /v/
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>a modern doom game should be around 20 gig
>dark ages is bold and aims for 100 gig
Looks great, but arena shooters aren't my thing and I hated 2016 and Eternal for the Glory kills breaking all momentum. Not for me.
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heck yes
>>Doom, but medieval
Neat, I love Heretic and Hexen
There were reinventions before? Making your game a Painkiller clone doesn't count.
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>Painkiller but shit
No thanks.
>furfaggot cape from God of daddy issues
>marvel portals
>ironman mech
Faggot reddit shit
because no played quake for the single player and no one who likes it even remembers the first game.
>Hi, I'm a faggot. Please rape my face.
It's common-sense retard.
truth nukes
the old doom games weren't even in 3d and you didn't have to aim in them. no left and right isn't real aiming.
Our guy likes it
Not one single good game in a whole series. The only good thing to come out of id was Rage.
Those the fags that tried to scam mick gordon?
If it doesn't play like Doom and Doom II, I wish them well I suppose, but I don't care about it.
what wad are you working on
Doom 3 is pretty great
Honestly Doom Eternal is probably the best FPS ever made, real shit. Only Ultrakill and Serious Sam come close.
It's going to be shit just like the other two reboot games.
The flechette-ish gun using ground up skulls for ammo is a bit fucking ridiculous in a good way
would rather have a new Duke Nukem
curious to what the original titan looks like
i wonder what happened to those fucking oblivion and fo3 remasters
As soon as they introduced the stake gun, I knew people would compare it to Painkiller.
Looks like Doom 2016
Lame if true because I finally played Quake half a year ago and it fucking rocks
Quake was always a lame tech demo.
reminder that he's a femboy lover
we sure are in the dark ages and regressing into a state of third world shit
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>boldest reinvention
Shut up
Shut the fuck up
Shut your dumb bitch ASS up
You don't need to "subvert" or "reinvent" it, people just want to kill demons. And you seemed to get it at first but then you started forcing in "lore", marvel quotes, epix cutscenes, Doomguy wank and retarded gimmicks like platforming and enemies requiring you to do stupid bullshit before you kill them.
People just want to go and kill. They don't need anything fucking else. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
t. lazy WADs slop eater
The old doom games were mid af. I’m excited.
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>boldest reinvention yet
>it’s DOOM Eternal but with Medieval elements

This looks more like a dlc for DOOM Eternal. I still prefer DOOM II and DOOM 64
not DOOM. dont care.
>fps but medieval
>except there's still guns and it's still sci fi

what's the point
borderlands did the exact same shit
lmao at the retards crying about fantasy and dragons when Quake had the exact same shit.
Covid happened, everything is +3 or +4 years and some plans might have been abandoned entirely.
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Just give us lots of beefy enemies. I hated the fucking fodder system in 2016 and Eternal and how you'd only have a couple of powerful enemies spawn in at a time.
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it will still have
>cutscenes mid combat
>shit waiting game bossfights
>M1->swap->M1->swap->M1 being the peak of the skill ceiling
>boring movement
>dogshit fart mick gordon ost with no melody 1/2 the time
just play the superior retard-zoomer-shooter
I like 2016 and eternal a lot. I don't want eternal 2 though, one game of extreme simon says was enough.
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>more encapeshittification
Hugo claimed in an interview that they remade the combat from scratch and the OG game was their biggest point of inspiration. I hope they show off some gameplay at gamescom next month so we can verify his lofty claims.
>lets take a sci fi setting and turn into a weird medieval ages thing
it's a pretty retarded idea and I don't like it
It’s shit
Maybe because they want money?
From the info with the amount of enemies and shit, it seems like he's turning the gameplay into glorified Slaughter maps.
Why do they keep pushing the narrative that Doom is a power fantasy? I just want to shoot demons, not watch cutscenes or read text logs of how awesome I am.
you stupid faggots are still saying shit like this huh? That's crazy people were making fun of you for this in 2015
Why do people read obvious marketing articles?
The entire FPS community has been creaming over Quake since its rebirth around 2017 and everyone wants a Quake 1 reboot
That was Quake's thing. Quake's thing since day 1 was mixing fantasy edlritch shit with the FPS formula. Why the fuck are we forcing Doom into it?????
Quake sucks ass. Doom was always better.
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omg hugo is cooking another masterpiece??!!!
The original leak said it was going to be a DOOM1/2 retelling not a medieval prequel
Eh, fuck 'em. Reboots are gay. Play Quake or shut the fuck up.
>OG game was their point of inspiration
They've been saying this shit since Eternal was announced and look where this got us.
>Bro doom is all about jumping and weapon switching lmao
>Bro doom is about completely linear levels with near zero exploration lmao
>Bro doom is about story and lore lmao
>Bro you don't understand Doom monsters were cartoony too see just like in the pic see?
The day Hugo leaves ID will be a great day for humanity... Until a newborn Eternalslopper takes his place.
Looks fucking cool
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>entire article just to say: doom hasn't been fully medieval yet, that's kind of neat!
>the entire fps community...everyone wants a Quake 1 reboot
lmfao. Do you seriously believe cod players would give a single fuck about a reboot of some ancient game? You need to face the fact that your favorite franchise has become almost completely irrelevant.
The jackhammer is probably the coolest "melee" weapon in shooters
Is he wrong, though?
I hope they show some raw gameplay at Quakecon, but I'm starting to have doubts because it's less than a month out and they haven't said anything.

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