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What's the angriest a video game has ever made you?
Dota 2, back ten years ago or so I used to slam my table often because of either my team or my own incompetency.
You know people in his position would've reacted the same way.
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I don't care
In terms of deserved prodding in the lolcow world, how much does Wings actually deserve it? In my opinion, he's much lower on the scale in comparison to Boogie or Danial Larson, but not quite blameless.
lol no. He deserves all of it.
Overwatch. I have a Giant wood console and I roundhouse kicked a panel supporting it in half once.
When I was playing Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force and I got stuck on some puzzle and threw my DS across the room
DOA5 is the only game that made me intentionally break a controller
i got so angry when i was 10 i kissed my sister
this was 20 years ago, we were playing mario kart 9 for the nintendo wii u

>how much does Wings actually deserve it?
0% basically. DSP, Boog and LTG absolutely deserve it and two of them seek it. Wingo is just a depressed retard. LCL has revitalised his sense of self.
He typically doesn't engage the way someone like Fatrick would and he doesn't do terrible things like Boog or LTG. He's more like DSP in that there's some unidentifiable attraction - though in many cases people tend to come around on Richard.
I got frustrated because my wireless mouse was clicking extra and making me drink pots as I was withdrawing them from my bank when I was learning Vorkath a few days ago. Made me smack the mouse and reseat the batteries.

Still got my assembler in 22 kills, suck it Vorkath
Yeah the constant invitation noise even in the video was frustrating for me to hear and I wasn't getting my ass kicked in front of thousands after talking mad shit.

In terms of lolcows I think he would benefit from getting off the internet but he's not nearly as evil as the others.
Flipped a couch a punched it a couple times after a bullshit int to a lb jumping 20 feet in madden
I smashed my chair after losing at Gunz. Not my proudest moment.
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pretty fucking mad, so mad I wanted to fuckin- dude, fuck dude
I had a friend who got so mad at Smash 4 that he would constantly scream and slam his table. Blocked me on skype several times and would message another friend we had in common to get me to respond to them. It was crazy shit man. I once beat him with Cloud and it ruined Final Fantasy as a whole for him, he hates anything related to FF. He then would say that anyone who played the character I was currently playing as should kill themselves and broke his controller several times.
DSP doesn't seem like a bad guy, he just seems like kind of a jerk. Has he ever done anything bad?
The worst he's done is say"when I was in high school I knew girls who were 13 or 14 fucking on the regular and thatsvwhy the age of consent should be lowered."
That doesn't make him a pedo. It makes him fucking retarded and irresponsible. But thats no reason to go after him as hard as they do. Someone shouldve sat him down and told him thats precicsley why the age of consent SHOULDN'T be fucked with.
He also technically scammed his audience into paying for a cosmetic weight loss surgery and ended up not following through. I mean he got the surgery but he put all the weight back on. Personally I would feel upset if I'd contributed to paying that. Still. Not a huge reason.

Really the only reason people still go after him is because they want to recreate that moment in OP.
He's just fat loser who attracts even bigger losers that bully him for internet clout, he's a saint compared to other losers like boogie
Did he turn trans?
Based. It's not healthy to bottle up your anger.
sounds like a beta male
He's a retarded narcissist. He's greedy as fuck and wants ALL the money but he also wants all the acolades. He wants to be known as something other than a lolcow and will spend most of his stream grandstanding and yapping about topics he knows nothing about. Try and tell him this and he will berate you and mislead you and feign ignorance.
Really it just boils down to him pretending to be something he's not and doing everything he can do to give the appearence of being a busy guy. A gentle soul, who is well informed, full of integrity/honesty, and level-headed. Really he goes out his way to make himself be a victim, has nothing going on, and thinks he can treat his audience like money piñatas.
smashed a controller and broke a headset. Not even sure what I was playing, maybe apex legends or something gay like that
Imagine being so bitchmade that you hate a series because you lose to a character.
I don't remember the game, but I remember squeezing my mouse and lifting it up then slamming it down once while yelling "Fuck". That is the most mad I've been at vidya and I've not come remotely close outside of that one time. It broke the scroll wheel where it'd freely spin (like it had minimal friction/resistance) but wasn't an annoyance, was sometimes a plus. Mouse otherwise still lasted years later.
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some dude tankbusting me over and over in a tribes ascend game at a lan party. like yeah its 3v3 yeah the entire point of the game is to ski and shoot exploding discs at each other. but i CAN buy tanks. and flying vehicles. stop metagaming

also wow arena because my teammates were retards and didn't heal me while getting chain cycloned or whatever
Fuck wings libral piece of shit
I hope he's okay, he sounds like he was dealing with some serious issues on his end and was taking them out on the game.
I don't know. I barely play multiplayer games. I've been mostly bored and sometimes I try and mash the skip button as fast as I can. I guess my go-to is ragequitting if I'm getting bodied but I usually go back after 20 minutes.
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mgr made me unreasonably mad back on the 360
>me when no tranny BBC
He thinks the age of consent should be 12, defended child pornography and just last week got caught looking at transexual bbc porn.
He’s a 2/10 I’d say. In his heyday he was a bit of a cunt to people he saw as below him, and his antics were pretty pathetic but that’s about it.
He’s nowhere near a 10/10 deserved it like fatrick
FF14. Scholar job had kept my autism in check for six years, when they removed everything good about the job in 2019 it was like all my limiters were removed: I was no longer shy, I was loud with my opinions, I argued with strangers on the internet until the small hours, tried to raise awareness that they would do the same for the other jobs. Ive never gotten angry or emotional over any videogame until they removed the most fun Ive ever had playing.
For the most part, I don't really ever get mad at games. Whenever I start to lose at a game or a game starts to get irritating, I turn it off and I go for a walk, usually thinking about my strategy then come back and try again or play something else. (And then usually after a period of not trying, I'll beat whatever was stopping me on the first try, oddly enough.)

Sorry this isn't a more exciting answer.
One of the more interesting answers personally, as it shows experience and wisdom. I've learned the same and similar with varying life circumstances, particularly from my uni' degree. It's great to see/hear people's bits of wisdom. Even just changing your location (e.g. different room, or going to your backyard etc) is a big help when it comes to cooling off and changing your perspective (literally and psychologically).
Wings really did have a redemption after beating up boogie and hes fun on the lolcow podcast.
Lots and lots of yelling growing up, mom kicked me out after HS cause all I did was yell at friends in comp cs 1.6 and source on vent and smoke weed. I ruined a lot of friendships I’m sure. Constantly describing the way I died and how I got ‘gayed’ by the game. I couldn’t help it, it was like a verbal tic like fuckin Tourette’s or something. I don’t want to think about what online friends said about how I acted behind my back, thankfully I was pretty good at cs so it was never really brought up other than a stfu or mm2 or whatever. Grew out of shooters after like 2 years of csgo or or whatever it’s called now and I’m crazy for lasting even that long idk how you fucks play that dogshit, worst version of cs and it’s not even close yes even cz clears it. Anyway that’s my blogpost, I play strategy games now and I’m a boring fucking family dad millennial.
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Blood Bowl 2, one of my highest leveled and most expensive characters got killed in a league game, I rerolled using my apothecary and both options resulted in their death.
The game also gave my MVP to that unit
Wisdom? Experience? Everyone should grow out of throwing temper tantrums over a video game, by their teen years at the latest.
He is BMJ if BMJ could hide his powerlevel and was targeting his dono drives at children. Yes the government completely fucked the inquiry up but DSP defrauded his credit companies out of ooooooodles of dollars.
Like actually look into how much cash he put into WWE, lmao. He deserves it least (other than wingo) but there's something about him that fascinates so it's not like it's going to stop just like that.
>getting angry at videogames
>not having friends that support you
Keyword, anon.
That's true though, it was the same in my high school. People just deny it due to political correctness.
I don't think the AOC should be lowered though but 14 year olds did fuck.
>jordie will never crack your head like a pepsi
My high school had so many damn teen moms, there was a daycare/nursery on campus. Abstinence only sex ed, go figure
cod mw2(2011)
i remember banging the controller against the dresser at 6am and waking up family
>got caught looking at transexual bbc porn.
i said nigger one time cause of wow
That is how I felt at the time, years later he was still doing the same stuff and ended up trying to get all my friends to turn against me for some reason. Last thing I told him was that getting a therapist in his situation was easy, since he had a loving family that was well off. I hope he got the help he needed, but sadly I never want to see him again. We were really close too.
oh my god I can't believe I lost it all again

Between League and CS2, League used to get me pretty pissed off at the bullshit I used to see but it was a little less common, more of a buildup thing, now CS2 just gets me pissed off 24/7 because of all the bullshit that happens with it. I still play for the case or for fun sometimes though
The worst he's done is turning against his friends, he's pretty low and most people just fuck with him for reaction rather than some moral crusade. Everytime wings promises to try and get better there's a ton of people hoping he actually does (even if they know he probably won't) like that fat removal surgery few years back or the keemstar boxing match when he trained for it. That sort of empathy in trolls is rarely a thing, DSP for example has people that hate him as a person simply for being a streamer (scamming kids and retards out of their money IS a streamer's job, DSP is just more blatant about it)
Kiwichads rise up
Could Richard beat DSP in a fight?
Splatoon 2
Been playing competitive games since the 90's, never ge too excited.
Got spaltoon 2 thinking it would be a silly fun game like garden warfare. But it's the most frustrating fucking shit i've ever played in my entrire life. Got so angry I took the cartridge out and threw it away. Never experienced something like that before. There isn't even taunts or ways to communicate. Just get my ass handed to me over and over, lol.
I broke the screen on my PSP because I kept fucking something up as Dante in Viewtiful Joe.
only that game that has ever made rage/almost make me want to break a controller Ninja gaiden black/sigma
I was a dumb child playing that game but holy shit, if you do not know what you are doing you get filtered FAST
To add to this, I even bought the network adapter, thinking it was from being on wifi. Did not help, there's a lag where i see i'm hitting these little fuckers but they will get me in 1/4th the time, somehow, everytime
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I broke my PS4 controller by throwing it because I was playing The Last of Us multiplayer and I had a couple bad matches in a row, which took away a lot of my unlocks.
But since controllers started to cost $60 +tip, I made sure to never be retarded enough to do that again.
>used to get pissed all the time playing multiplayer games
>one day decide to just quit multiplayer games forever cold turkey
>life has been way more enjoyable
I realized I just hate people and want nothing to do with them. They frustrate me. I haven't had a meltdown from video games in over a decade.
This is not real dude
He slapped Boogie around a bit, so I say his chances are pretty gud.
To me the game was pretty easy after I learned how to parry
He's in jail
Shoutout Sean Ranklin
i don't get angry. i usually just turn it off if i feel the game is screwing me or being unfair. then i might return an hour or so later and try a different approach and if nothing works i just uninstall and never touch it again.
>using your streaming computer also for pornography

bro just get yourself a cheap ass notebook or even a tablet if you're like me and enjoy fapping in bed
world of tanks
i even quit playing it from my rage
every match was the same shit:
>theres 3 "lanes"
>the entire team picks 1 usually top or bottom
>everyone get flanked and raped by the enemy team
this retardation was so common back then that there was even a name for it
I’ve never been angry because of a video game. Only disappointed.
Nah, modern multiplayer games are just garbage. Back in the day of dedicated servers you could just leave in the middle of a match if you didn't feel like playing anymore.

Nowadays with matchmaking trying to influence the outcomes of games and being punished for abandoning it's only natural to become even more toxic. A good analogy would be waiting in line for something only to realize there won't be any left by the time it's your turn but if you leave the line you'll lose your membership. So you have to stand there and waste your time.
I once played Elden Ring and got so angry I Alt+F4'd
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I understand people fucking with DSP but Wings is so boring in comparison
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Peruvians did not play Dota 2 way way back then.
If you pay attention, you'll notice fast food restaurants have been designing their drive thru so that you get closed in once in line.
I don't really get angry at games apart from fighting games. for some reason they really make me rage when I lose, so I don't play them
Dude WHY is this so common now? Even Alex Jones caught watching this shit.
DSP literally scams people you fucking braindead retards.
>DSP for example has people that hate him as a person simply for being a streamer (scamming kids and retards out of their money IS a streamer's job, DSP is just more blatant about it)
Kek, you're a disingenuous and hypocritical moron.
>wings beat the shit out of boogie in the ring and also dunks on him constantly on the lolcow podcast

pretty based to be honest
I wouldn't say he deserves it that much.

In terms of internet fatties, ReviewTech and Boogie are far worse, with the former being quite malevolent with some stuff he's done lately (or tried to do.)
Wings is alright.
It's funny Boogie's bullshit has made Wings look much better
Getting t-bagged by camping Japs on Titanfall 2, or worse, baka gaijin faggots playing niggerliciously with the Spitfire, camping and beaming those not worthy of fastman status 'cause Respawn was too retarded to make bullets projectiles in a movement shooter. Worked with Titanfall 1 because every gun had significant recoil, but that's pretty much non-existent in Titanfall 2. That faggot titanjanny can't do much of anything either since he doesn't have dev-tier jurisdiction, he's just a token faggot Respawn keep around to keep the original fans from seething and chimping out towards Apex.
I'm not bad at games so I don't get angry
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zoomers will never know true rage...
wing is a chad compared to boogie
And most /v/tards desu
How is wings doing these days? Boogie is beyond done.
still a lolcow but he can handle his own now. he just accepted it he is the butt of the joke and uses it to his advantage, at least on the podcast.
It's easy you just jump on the rope
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what did DSP do to deserve the hate besides be kinda bad at high level video games (I'm pretty sure he's like mid master rank in sf6 which shits on 98% of players), rage in the comfort of his own home on stream, and have like 1 or 2 rage moments at irl tournaments.

With the amount of dislikes his videos get you'd think he's a pedo or something
From what I understand he's just a tame fat retard, honestly if you put anyone from here under a cam then you'd get a similar result so its weird he's considered a lowcow.
There is no such thing as a lolcow. Only your sociopathy. Your continued criminal harassment of these people is why your lives are already over, children. Enjoy prison.
the calculator and school and college
Its always funny to me how Keemstar is almost entirely responsible for Wings's controversies because of targetting him during his shitty halo podcast (where Keem aldo advocated for murdering and raping women btw) but everyone choose to ignore that.
I Embarssingly died to Sahelanthropus in MGSV like 12 times in a row, i don't fucking know how it's not even hard. Got so mad I punched my couch but managed to hit the center where there's a metal support bar and seriously fucked up my hand. I also rage wuit a SF6 game once after I died to a wake up level 3 from an annoying opponent that kept back spamming jump and DI, i still feel bad about it
There was this shitty buy kinda fun multiplayer combat game called Happy Wars on the 360 that was based around building shit to kill people and building shit got u abilities to use. Anyway the game's combat was full of weapons that stunned you and if you didn't began hitting first it was impossible to fight back. One time I raged at it so badly that I threw my controller at the wall and it snapped in half.
the only things he sad 100% seriously around the topic is that people should leave horny highschool teens to do their shit in peace and not send them to jail for being horndogs, and that treating anyone over 15 as an actual kid is retarded. Both are 100% true and based things to say openly.

He said as a joke some more extreme stuff but the fact he got beaten over it when meme tubers are treated as sweethearts for talking about raping kids is absurd.
When I was a kid playing sonic unleashed on the 360 I kept dying in one of those shitty warehog platforming sections and i got up walked over to my tv and bit it really hard, top 3 most autistic moments
>why do they deserve people being mean to them on the internet they were only cunts to all their fans and everyone around them :(
I don't take part in the shitting on lolcows but what do fucking expect? Of course when you foster a fanbase entirely through negativity and direct it at them, some of them are going to turn it back on you.
he jacks it to bbc shemale blowjob pov
Ultimately once he exploded his Cock of doody career by being a manchild and exploding at people for not rimming his ego he brings all of the negative attention on himself by not letting go and moving on. Even now his ego is still huge given he's kicked people from premades for performing better than him and exploded at his friends for having bad rounds when he himself can perform poorly often. He's infinitely better than Boogie though, that's for sure and it's annoying all of them are basically grifters now with Cuckstar on lolcowlive.
Got extreme heart palpitations and randomly started doing pushups after losing in league
>what did DSP do to deserve the hate besides be kinda bad at high level video games
Well, you gotta keep in mind that he constantly insulted his legitimate fans when he was playing like absolute garbage and would flood their Youtube pages with his LPs while doing so. He never edited his videos or did reshoots which led to his legendary unboxing video and 20+ part series full playthroughs of him doing nothing. In addition to this he genuinely was awful at every single game he played. While being absolutely terrible at the games he would bitch and moan about every basic thing being bad or unfair despite it obviously being his fault or on him.

Once he started streaming that's when he really kicked off because now his opinions were out there for the world to see even more unfiltered, he constantly fed the trolls, he's constantly being hard carried by people and then bitching and moaning about how everyone is unfair to him or other stuff, he's constantly complaining and begging for subs and donations because he's poor just to even turn on his webcam or other things but then people found out he's not poor at all and spent like $200k on a WWE gacha, and in general he's just an asshole to everyone who talks to him even when they're nice to him.

So, with all that being said, a lot of the stuff you're seeing nowadays is because a lot of the people who "troll" him are the same situation Chris was in where they genuinely want to see him suffer just because they legitimately hate him as a person. They don't have a reason for this and if they ever give a reason it's either never consistent or blowing something out of proportion. They just hate him because they hate him. So because they hate him because they hate him they find other people who do the same and form a community just to harass him. Wings is int he same boat where, he's not a good person and neither is DSP, but they absolutely don't deserve the level of harassment and stalking they get on a daily basis.
this, i only look at porn on my previous phone
Playing overwatch back when. I think it's just the gaslighting of the match making causing you to think you're either really good or absolutely useless depending on who they group you with. Get a team filled with bots that won't do the objective and you feel absolutely worthless. Not a fun experience. Deleted it and never looked back.
Ban anyone trying to give me advice
I broke Smackdown vs Raw 2007 and put a hole in my wall.
He's just a cunt but without any of the redeeming qualities. He would talk about beating up children in arcades to force them to let him play, tried to organise fights in the FGC with people he hated (only to back down when anyone accepted), spends every waking moment of his online gaming career claiming that everyone else is worse than him, their wins aren't legitimate and only his wins count, he's a cunt to his streaming audience too always trying to get them to donate out of pity and often chastising them for talking in chat amongst themselves while he's playing.

He's just one of those miserable, miserable people that makes everyone else's lives worse.
I punched a hole in a shitty cardboard bathroom door because I was finally going to win at Smash 4 and the connection gave out at just such a time where my game winning spike ended up being an SD at low percent.
About four years ago, I think it was Dragonball FighterZ, I was on a bad losing streak and went from my yellow square to blue. Not very good at fighting games but I really liked that one. I ended up punching the doorframe next to me and nearly fucked up my hand. Have since calmed way the absolute fuck down.
Wings really isn't a bad guy. Out of all the lolcows he's the least malicious and the most redeemable
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eceleb board when
He has been out on bail for like 2 weeks, but he is most likely going to fail his first piss test because there is no way he isn't back on crack.
You don't have a 10+ year addiction and go clean because you were locked up for 11 days.
not vidya games but it's /v/ so
>going to work one morning and pick up employee on the way
>she sees mcdonalds has buy one get one chicken biscuits on big ass fucking posters at each corner of their lot and asks if we can swing through there
>sure why not
>specifically ask for two bogo specials on them
>get the bag and it's just two of them
>ah niggers
>walk back in and tell them they left out the "free" biscuits
>tells me i didn't ask for the special
>alright thats cool and all buts its plastered in like 5 different places
>just keeps telling me i didnt order it
>start laughing
>yell stupid fucking niggers as i throw the sack into the kitchen as hard as possible
>w-where's our bis-
He didn't deserve it back then, I always feel sorry for him whenever I see the infamous clip of him throwing the controller and crying afterwards. He probably believes he was put here on this Earth just to be walking joke.
So far he hasn't done anything that's outright evil, and he's basically a jester for people like Keemstar to forever have peanuts thrown at him until a heartattack puts him out of his misery.
He's just pathetic, and I pity him for that.
McDonalds employees are the very bottom of the barrel no one with any self awareness or respect would work there. You have to come into the mindset that you are speaking to a toddler when you order anything from them.
He says some stupid shit like with the age of consent or whatever it was.
The only evil thing I can recall is him telling a story how he trapped a cat under a bucket and it died, but it's hard to tell if it's a real story or it's him trying to be edgy and stupid.
Wings was a cunt back in the day and he did do some pretty shitty things to people who honestly did want the best for him and were willing to help him with that, but I don't really think he has been a cunt to his general audience really ever and was outright honest that he only did this shit for money.
It's also hard to say how much of current Wing's opinion or the shemale thing was actually him or Keemstar pulling Wing's strings because Wing needs to have some kind of drama after the Boogie blow up, and Wings will obviously do it because Keemstar is his boss and pays him.
I wouldn't say he deserves all of it, but he definetely never helped his own case. At this point he should have known better and quit working as an internet personality for good. But he's also a lazy fatass who doesn't want to work a normal job, so it's kind of hard to feel pity for someone who willingly eats shit from random people online out of pure laziness.
I've ate a lot of fast food(especially there when i was younger) and I've never seen such a pants on head retarded display. closest thing would probably be when a gf didnt get any chicken on her chicken sandwich from arby's. Nothing makes me flip my shit like the dumbest simple things like that.
When I saw a person of color in my game. It was never like this before 2016.
the little ive seen flopspoken talked about no one ever bitches it's political
Heeeeh a nigger *spit*
>no one will get i'm being disingenuous
Gamers hate games with marginalized groups in them for being "political"
Proved my point. No one loves you.
I'm being 100% sincere. More so than the conservatives who dogwhistle.
geo politics good
identity politics bad
>forced Boogie to admit he has faked cancer to take attention away from his BBC tranny porn addiction
he was working a real job for a while (Uber I think) which is more commendable than the majority of lolcows.

then his trolls got him fired.
You’re not, because you post that image all the time, you get proven wrong all the time yet you keep doing it, therefore you’re just pretending.
Alpha move
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>threw my ps2 controller at the wall when getting filtered by the learning to fly missions in gtasa, this is when i discovered the satisfaction of releasing my rage
>smashed 2 mice and chucked one at my monitor playing cod4 and css
>bang fists in a fit of rage on keyboard playing 2hu several times
>spiked 2 gamecube controllers playing melee
>spiked several ps1/ps2 controllers speedrunning crash 2, lost count of how many
>spiked ps4 controller playing gbvs multiple times until it broke
yeah, i'm a gamer, how could you tell?
How do act like this in public and feel no shame?
Aaaaaaaannnnd, it's gone. Fuck my life, dude. I'm done.
I'm tired of the contrarian narrative around faggots like dsp or wings that they're deserving of any kind of sympathy for the situation they created for themselves. They're complete cunts with no redeeming factors whatsoever and they will never change or mature in any of way. The audience reflects the streamer and the shit they get is a direct result of the way they choose to be. They'd make a complete mockery of your attempt to show any kind of sympathy towards them so why waste it on them? Direct your empathy towards someone that isn't a complete waste of oxygen.
Wings is honestly not that bad. Recently he was caught looking up tranny porn and instead of lying and denying he just fucking owned it. Seems like he is figured out how to milk his lolcow status. Also he makes pretty good money now since the whole Boogie faking cancer stuff.
This motherfucking game.
>Gamers hate games with marginalized groups in them for being "political"
like Halo, right chud?
Same as why DSP is the second biggest lolcow ever despite just being some retard, there's a specific type of neurotic turbosperg online who can't stand how they don't have "real" jobs but still make money.
>Threw bottles around my room, putting dents in the walls (not full holes)
>Punched keyboard on a regular basis, eventually keys got stuck and some fell off.
>Bit my phone.

Calmed down now that I am older and realized none of it matters so I dont really get too angry at games anymore, at most now it is just a yell and I move on.
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How is he supposed to win?
For me? It's LTG.
Was he a slav? I used to be friends with a pole and afaik they all just act like this.
He's right about balrogs
He's literally coping and insecure.
>lives in section 8 housing
>120k in debt
>has a daughter
>pays alimony
They have actual, unironic autism. Notice his anime glasses push at the end. He's doing what he's learned from anime, because he doesn't have a grasp on actual social interaction because of his brain wiring.
this is a dsp board
He's literally one
I thought he would vibrate through the floor.
I've gotten more angry at Monopoly with my immediate family than any of my years playing competitive games like CS or League. That game is evil. Even Mario Party and other party games only make me depressed when the tables turn and I'm on the backfoot.
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He leveled up
not the game itself but the community, I did a low level low weapon upgrade challenge in elden ring, recorded it when I finally beat it and everything, and just got shit from EVERYONE the whole time and after, compared to past challenges it made the whole thing seem pointless in fact less than pointless like I had been wasting my time for the benefit of no one because they're all assholes.

I haven't felt the same about random people I don't know since , I fucking hate them all. I hope the elite DO depopulate the planet now. shouldn't have like insulted me the entire time, I was never like that before.

as for games themselves I think gtaV took the cake, just grind for a literal month for A car or have my hacker friend throw 10 BILLION video game bucks at me while I go for a walk, option B please and rest in shit rockstar.
I've never been angry at a game, I've always been angry at my peripherals misbehaving, which haven't been an issue for years, but like 15 years ago, mouses had this issue where they won't work properly on my computer, which made so you couldn't move the cursor past certain part of the screen, this made me be killed at fps games constantly.
this, real men create art for that character getting cucked
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>What's the angriest a video game has ever made you?
I fucking hate these goddamn fucking birds
i wonder what youtube video he's watching on his phone.
Oh fuck. I already know he's playing his boss theme.
years ago playing red orchestra 2 i got in an argument with some guy who was calling me a bad squad leader.
i got so mad that shit was visually starting to change for me. i dont really know what happened, whether it was like a rush of adrenaline or something, but i was fucking seeing red. level of physical anger i had never really felt before. i felt absolutely exhausted afterwards and decided i needed to give that game a break for awhile after that.

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