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The Doom movie is interesting. Its primary sin is being a bit plodding and boring, but overall it's more good than bad. They took Doom 3, which was inspired by Event Horizon and Resident Evil 2002, and proceeded to align with those influences even more closely. As far as attempts at adaptation go, it's a reasonably decent one, and I think that a lot of ideas for adapting Doom are really stupid, and the 2005 team's ideas were generally sensible. Focus on atmosphere and intensity and try to make us care about the characters. Make us sympathize with them. Make us hate them. They took paper thin, super derivative source material and made something semi-watchable and quite visually innovative from it.
I'm not reading all that.
This is a movies that I kind of sort of liked, but never tell anyone that I liked
I can't stop looking at that hairline
I was pleasantly surprised when I watched this. I could get through the whole thing. It feels like a John Carpenter movie borrowing some Paul WS Anderson aesthetics. I really liked The Rock in this playing an evil guy.

It's okay now if you call it "vulgar auterism". Say that and all of the letterboxd trannies will think you're really cool.

MY PRESIDENT is going to send you back.
This is AI slop writing, I refuse to believe any living human on this planet has put that much thought into the fucking shitty Doom movie from 2005.
I really like the Doom movie and give it a rewatch every few years
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Its primary sin is having the Rock in it. The man is bizarro Arnold, him being the lead is a guarantor of mediocrity
Rock is much more interesting actor as a villain than a hero.
>reaper becomes doomguy once he gets the super solider mutation
>its goes FPS mode
>full chainsaw fight with a pinky
it took too long to get there, but it was great once it did
It's better than Apocalypse, which used the classic demon designs but it's absolutely awful. Dr. McCoy Dredd Doom is much better. Plus the FPS sequence is very memorable if you've seen it.
The Rock is great in the film. He's completely against type. The audience initially thinks he's the cool badass, but he's actually a monster. He was great in those sorta roles, and it sucks how much he has become a self-parody since.
Ye, he forgot how cool he was. Actual cool, not bought cool. And him turning heel in the WWE for a bit was great, he's good at leaning into it. I think the Scorpion King may have soured him a bit LOL
the rock is a great character actor if he's not acting as the stereotyped tough guy
he did a few movies early in his career that showcased this
SEMPER FI, MOTHERFUCKER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSeI7Imlj8o
I hate vulgar auteurism because it's a refusal to commit. It's like calling something a "guilty pleasure". There was a time when Arnie told an interviewer that he was wearing these boots because he was about to shoot some piece of shit called Terminator where he played a robot. We don't have to couch liking Terminator with "Oh, it's trash and objectively not good, but I think James Cameron is a vulgar auteur".

Just own it. Say that you like a director. Say that you like a movie. Appreciate things sincerely. None of this wheedling where we pretend that The Island isn't a really well shot movie because some assholes have a bee in their bonnet about Michael Bay and refuse to accept that he's a very talented director with a very identifiable style.
>but overall it's more good than bad
no, it's shit. The Rock has never been convincing as an actor, the plot is ridiculous, the attempts at being 'awesome' are hilarious, and none of the characters are memorable.

there hasn't been a single good video game adaptation into tv/film.
If it wasn't called 'Doom' it wouldn't have had so many panties in bunches. As a stand-alone SciFi action flick it does great.
I think the hate for Doom as a movie is partially linked to hate for Doom 3. People often talk about faithfulness to source material. Well, aside from changing the demons to genetic freaks, the movie is obsessively based on Doom 3. It is really, really, really trying to capture the atmosphere and visual design and vibes of Doom 3, and the cast of characters are all based on Doom 3. Of all the Doom media released since Doom 3, that movie is the closest. But unfortunately some people hate Doom 3, and I find that people who hate Doom 3 tend to hate the movie, and people who hate the movie tend to hate Doom 3.

This is situation has gotten murkier over time because the OG Doom fans have ended up having to band together with Doom 3 and Doom movie fans because they've been overwhelmed by nu-Doom fans who think Doom is all about rip and tear. Doom 3, and the Doom film, are based on the very insightful observation that the original Doom game is trying to be horror. It's meant to be scary and intense and not some kind of power fantasy like fans have retroactively projected onto it. The first imp in Doom was absolutely terrifying to new players back in the early 90s.
that's the most annoying thing with him, his different heel runs have shown he's a capable actor. He also used to be a cool guy willing to "look weak" against a few jobbers like hurricane before he became a huge mark
To be fair to Doom Annihilation, that's a movie trying to do far too much with too little. I think there's some good material in that film, but it's way, way, way too low budget to realize any of it, and it just feels goofy as fuck.
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Worst thing about the Doom movie is they didn't give Karl Urban a helmet. The man has an exclusive collection going, and they gipped him out of a video game icon.
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Yeah that's why I specifically said he's shit when he's the lead. He's been okay in supporting roles because then the whole movie doesn't have to be built around him and his bland four quadrant persona. I guess he decided he'd rather make schlock and be a billionaire than be a "that guy" on steroids and it's not exactly the wrong choice, but I remain baffled how it even got to that. Like why is he a huge star? Who are his fans? Who are these people that go to see Jungle Cruise or San Andreas? it's the most sanitized, middle of the road C-plus shit imaginable. He somehow built an empire off zero good movies. It makes no sense
Speaking of super soldier mutations, it reminds me a bit of how for all its problems, one thing that the Max Payne film was 100% faithful about was the Valykrie drug. In the games it's a supersoldier serum. For some reason, a huge portion of the game fanbase never understood that, possibly because the game has no supersoldiers in it, and all the V users you meet are addled junkies. But it gives you super strength and super endurance and basically makes you unstoppable. In the movie, Max almost dies and drinks the liquid (it's injected in the games, I know), and goes on a rampage. And people got really angry about that.

Which makes me think about the perils of adaptation where the people adapting the material have a very impassive view of it, and they don't have the same headcanons as game fans. The things fans think are important don't stand out to them. They study the material closely, and V is a supersoldier serum. So they "respect the source material" and show that. But it backfires. Of course the Max Payne film has a swathe of pacing and structural issues, but that bit always stood out to me.
>corporate security elite soldier men squad
>All mentally insane
>Except super nervous stuttering newbie
It always seemed like a team composition you'd see in a Vietnam movie to me.
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>We don't have to couch liking Terminator with "Oh, it's trash and objectively not good

But Terminator is, given its budget and the time it was made, a technically very impressive film that also has better performances than 80's action schlock normally would. It's a legitimately good film, despite committing hard to the trappings of its genre
Not the best but infinitely more interesting and better executed than what doom eternal tried to do with the story.
mark wahlberg just couldn't do noir properly
that's really the biggest problem, i hardly heard people complain about the drug compared to all the complaint about mark
bruce willis should've been Max
>Event Horizon mixed with a bit of Ghosts of Mars
Mars being the designated source of hell is great.
Fair point. He's not a very convincing noir protagonist.
>full chainsaw fight with a pinky
Ah yes good ole Pinky. He went one way and his ass went another.
say hello to your mutha for me
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>All mentally insane
Portman wasn't insane he was just an asshole.
One of the best video game movies
I seem to recall there was some controversy over perceived supernatural elements in the Max Payne film. When he's on V he hallucinates Vaklyrie in the skies over New York. The world tears apart around him.

What is odd is that was very controversial back in 2008, but modern Remedy games are full of that shit, and it's implied that Alex Casey, who is their legally distinct version of Max Payne, is a fictional character who also exists in other realities. And I think that's a curious case of when you adapt material and you accidentally hone in on something that is around the corner. With the benefit of hindsight the hallucinations in Max Payne 2008 are super normal Remedy stuff, but at the time people were not ready for that.

I guess that happened to Doom, but perhaps not for the better. The Doom comic book is really stupid, but the new games are fixated on its "RIP AND TEAR! RIP AND TEAR!" thing. The 2016 soft reboot basically rebooted Doom to be derivative of that comic book and not really any of the games. The fact Doom used to be horror has been forgotten. And hey, it's your franchise you can do what you want, but it is interesting to me because looking back, the Doom movie is tonally like the early Doom games. Modern Doom is nothing like that movie, and also nothing like the early games. There's a whole generation of Doom fans who don't know Doom as anything other than "Rip and tear!"
It's pretty boring from start to finish. I get that it was trying to be more horror oriented like Doom 3 was but it's no Alien. It's a lot of waiting around for anything to happen. The FPS section is the one memorable moment when it goes full Doom and even then it could've been a lot more chaotic.
>that subtle incest plotline involving Reaper and his lil sis
Couldn't get away with stuff like that anymore.
>Doom used to be horror has been forgotten
really? the only time i thought that was Doom 3
every other Doom has you going on a rampage against demons for killing your pet bunny.
It definitely gave off "old flame energy," like a last minute rewrite of a basic love plot.
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>and none of the characters are memorable.
Urban, Pike, Dwayne, The Preacher, Big black silent guy who was fighting with Hellknight, Little black le funny guy, Judas guy, new nerdy guy, China Mac guy. So you are wrong
Zack Snyder would/could do it. There's brother-sister incest in Rebel Moon. But you're right that almost no modern action movie like this would.
"the rock is a forgettable scumbag and all the characters had too much poopy background story"
3 was full of forgettable scumbags and poopy character background story. they even had kat cressida and steve blum voicing some of them. steve fucking blum. the meme space cowboy and toonami robot guy.
doom 1 was full of sloggy filler levels after the first episode which HAD to be good because shareware advertising.
the movie slog is nothing.

the one and only thing wrong with the movie is switching the hell portal explanation for the monsters to martian genetic engineering.
everything visual-wise except their body armor is a prodigal mashup of 1 and 3's aesthetics that doom 2016 should have had if it wasn't made by and for funko pop tumblr capeshit whales, which are all irrelevant now just like 2016.
it's carried almost entirely by the short first person segment which should have been used way more in the movie.
>It's pretty boring from start to finish. I get that it was trying to be more horror oriented like Doom 3 was but it's no Alien. It's a lot of waiting around for anything to happen.
This is EXACTLY the problem with the film. It's inspired by Event Horizon, but Event Horizon is more exciting. The movie has a whole lot of nothing really going on for long stretches. And it's atmospheric but it's the sort of film where you needed some kind of B plot with more action.
Hes just the modern Arnold except his personality only works in lowbrow wrestling settings.
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I defend Doom 2016 as having taken a gamble with trying to "legitimize" the rip and tear meme into some actual slogan for the series, which I think worked pretty well. Nowadays it's no longer associated with a funny comic panel that people edit with other characters. 2016 in general did a good job bringing in a lot of those community jokes like Doomguy being Hell's boogeyman and made it work. Eternal was the one that went too far and veered right off the cliff into cringe tier.
I liked the movie, even bought on dvd back then and it had the Doom 3 demo or something iirc. But the movie suffered from having the characters go through the same damn corridors and areas over and over and over again. Its like they go to this big facility, but 3/4 of the movie is the characters is spent securing and area and then going back to it when a new monster appears.
This is probably shitty thing to admit but DOOM 3 was my first DOOM game i ever played. Hell, i think it was the first one i ever saw, i remember watching my big brother playing it when i was younger but would leave the room pretty quickly because of how scary it looked, it still manages to scare the shit out of me there and here a bit. When i finally at some point looked info about how well the game was received, i was surprised to see that despite all the good reviews and it sold well, there was also a lot of people who sounded very disappointed by it and even hated it and i was wondering why? It looked really good for a game that came out in 2004, i think it still holds up pretty well to this day too. Then i decided to look at the previous DOOM games and realized why so many DOOM fans were disappointed: it looked completely different compared to those games and it wasn't even fast paced movement either anymore. Despite all that, i still think DOOM 3 is a great fucking game and still play it a lot but it makes me wonder, would it have been better received if they hadn't named it as DOOM 3 and instead name it as DOOM Marines or some shit like that and say that it's a spin-off?
Yes, I really can't stand those people. I do think the meme is winding down. People are on the whole realising that a lot of "prestige" film was actually shit propaganda all along. John Carpenter was always a better filmmaker than Alan Pakula. Kikes can go cry about that one. The White Man Marches On.
Arnie was an unwilling memelord while the Rock would be insulted if he was reduced to that level.
Duke, Mac, Kid and Destroyer were normal.
Portman was just a major asshole.
Sarge and Goat were the only nutcases, and Goat at least had the decency to off himself when he was turning.
>every other Doom has you going on a rampage against demons for killing your pet bunny.
The idea of Doom as a fast paced FPS game is largely a modern thing. A by-product of modern control schemes. The original Doom was largely played with just the keyboard, So you walked and turned with the same keys. Mobility was limited. The PS1 port of Doom and Doom 64 also go further down this road, stripping out the rock soundtrack for eerie groaning and wailing, and the horror underneath it becomes apparent. Not to mention, OG Doom had a lot of tracks that were not rock.


Doom scared people shitless back in 1993. What has happened is that Doom's fanbase over time decided it was a super fast paced action game, and the modern Doom games are more based on what people THINK the original Doom games were than how they actually played or were designed.
>none of the characters are memorable
Portman and Goat were fun characters.
saw bad boys 4 last weekend in theaters and had to stop myself from giggling cause there's a fight scene in the middle of the movie that's largely in first person, gave me flashbacks to this
Doom 3 is very good, but I hate the BFG Edition because it fundamentally compromises the game's design and fucks all the balancing and ammo counts and stuff.

Doom 3 was the end product of several years of more horror focused iteration over PS1 Doom, Doom 64, and also looking back at the Doom Bible. A lot of design ideas in Doom 3 came from that document.
was "at doom gate" not in the original doom?
i've never played the DOS version, only the ports
it gave me more action vibes
I suspect the Doom film is quite influential. Like, I've no doubt Dredd 2012 looked at it, Hardcore Henry, and others. But one problem is that the Doom film is so derivative of Event Horizon and Resident Evil that it's hard to tell if a movie is nodding at Doom or nodding at the movies Doom ripped off.
That bloke on the right looks like a right old wanker.
yea ausfags are usually like that
I always thought Pandorum was just as much inspired by Doom as it was Event Horizon.
I think the "Doom was horror" is largely exaggerated. As time went on it certainly became known for full blown action, specially with the wads bringing in thousands of enemies and whatnot, as well as others games going far deeper into giving a horror experience so Doom was tame in comparison, but it wasn't some survival horror type experience. Even the keyboard aspect, this footage looks like it's using a mouse.
It's really not that deep, dude, it's a surface-level observation (which is exactly what the Doom movie calls for). The movie was pretty decent, all things considered, it just wasn't what people expected from a Doom movie at the time. It was never winning any major awards.
I didn't like that they also changed some of the guns sounds like the machine gun for example. And while adding the flashlight on the marine's suit instead of having it on your hand made the game less frustrating, it also reduced the fear and threat and didn't feel as exciting anymore and you still have the duct tape mod anyway for original DOOM 3 if you wan't to. Though i gotta, i still find it funny that in a future where humans have made a whole buildings on Mars planet, teleport's, plasma guns, space ships etc. they have to use a fucking flashlight on their hand. I don't remember there having any explanation on why that's the case unlike all the chainsaws you find in some places and even get one for yourself. Used to wonder those too until i actually started reading the PDA's.
holy shit is that billy butcher from the hit amazon prime tv show the boys????
That's right friendo!
Watch Season 4 exclusively on Amazon Prime!
I think it's a hybrid. It's action, but horror. Different takes on Doom have different mixtures.
>he did a few movies early in his career that showcased this
Like what?
haha bfg goes woosh
Are you actually a real person? I'm sorry but there's just too many long posts in this thread for me to believe you aren't an AI or something.

Why are so many people writing essays about an old videogame movie? Is OP just copy pasting reddit posts or something?
Be Cool
Get Smart
Race to Witch Mountain
>Race to Witch Mountain
Hahahahahahahaha! Oh man, that movie sucked.
I just really enjoy DOOM 3.
I kind of liked this movie back in the day, I'm sure this isn't an uncommon opinion but the best part was the first person sequence. I love the idea of a first person action movie and it would've been cool to see more of. We really don't see enough of the "higher level" demons in the movie and so the enemy forces just feel wimpy. Also "bioforce gun" fuck you, the movie has a problem with trying to be taken too seriously. Doom's charm is in how over the top and goofy it is, you can be badass and campy at the same time.
If you just think of it as a sci-fi action flick and don't care about the Doom brand, it's a fun romp.
I liked the Whitley streiber reference
T./x/ -man
I mean, I suppose. That just isn't what people expect or want from a movie called "Doom" that uses the doom intellectual property. I don't think it makes a movie irredeemable but there's definitely a case to be made that faithfulness matters a lot in an adaptation of any sort.
So uhh why were the demons turned into generic zombies/mutants? I remember the movie had a stupid reason for people turning into zombies (alien bacteria or whatever) so a portal to hell didn't seem that much more ridiculous in comparison
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Nah Arnold was mostly in on the joke. The dude had a great sense of humor and was cocky enough not to be as sensitive about how he was perceived as Dwayne is.

I wonder if the Rock made Predator if he'd allow himself to get beaten up by it and win by trickery like Arnold did or if he'd insist on beating it hand-to-hand
It's primary sin is not having sin at all. Apparently stopping an invasion by Hellspawn in a universe where the Nazis won is offensive to the [Hellspawn] producing the film so naturally they had to switch it to ayy lmaos instead.
>Apparently stopping an invasion by Hellspawn in a universe where the Nazis won
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oi 'ell knight
I know jack shit about it but was this the first film to do the modern gimbal mounted first person camera rig? It was the big meme about this movie when it was new.
Because 'Demons on the Moons of Mars' sounds like pure b-movie schlock that no one would take seriously
The fact that I know that I know this guy's name and yet cannot remember it is bemusing to me. What was it now? I know he played Judge Dredd. He was also supposed to play Faramir before that kiwi guy got the spot. He's supposed to play Jonny Cage in the next Mortal Kombat film. I remember him in The Bourne Supremacy. And of course he's in The Boys as the 2nd villain. Hmmmm, the fuck is his bloody name? Dammit. I can't remember and I don't want to spoil it by googling.
Karl Urban
>He's supposed to play Jonny Cage in the next Mortal Kombat film
The biggest mistake
Even bigger than making Goro a jobber and inserting Cole Young
>unironically praising dogshit vidya movie from early 00s
Die zoomer
The new Doom games are profoundly cringe.
Kyle Rural
>You are the BADASS ULTRAKILLER D00M SL4Y4 and you will RIP and TEAR all the demons!
>And not just the demons, but the angels, too!
>And even God!
>You are UNSTOPPABLE! You are what THEY FEAR!
*shitty metal music*
>Event Horizon and Resident Evil 2002
Is it actually as good as you're describing?
First one was good. I liked how melee actually did something. Also it was cool how the MC didn't take any shit. The 2nd one dampered that somewhat by having Doomguy knelt to a random ghost of a king. I found it hard to respect that king when demons were running all over his castle.
The only parts I remember was the FPS section and the dead naked woman
With the current cinema fad being biopics, how long until we get a "Masters of Doom" movie? I always thought the book would adapt well, Romeo and Carmack are interesting characters and their Lennon/McCartney relationship is primed for kino.
Yeah it's not bad from what I remember.
Wait a minute, how is the ancient Martian civilization capable of turning humans into super beings meaningfully different to the ancient civilization turning the DOOM SLAYER (TM) into an enhanced badass using their super duper machine?
The set design is on paper fantastic, but the repetition kills it. I mean it feels like almost half the movie takes place in the same corridor. If you compare it to the original Resident Evil film, that film had location limitations but it really leveraged the hell out of them to offer a variety throughout the film. And they tried to make them look distinct. Doom's sets end up feeling like you're on a movie set.
and then there's the borderlands movie
Something that made me realize a lot of Doom fans are really stupid is they don't understand that Karl Urban's Reaper is the Doom Guy. They somehow think that the guy who refuses to kill civilians is not Doom Guy and the guy who starts killing civilians (The Rock) is Doom Guy.
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>being so bored and contrarian you'll unironically praise the 'Doom' movie based on the shit game that was made for that time's modern audiences and not doom fans

It's alright 6/10 scifi schlock. But it's not Doom.
Why is it so hard to give any doom movie character the fuckhuge green armor? Why is it always the tacticool vest? I'm tired of seeing "muh realism" in Doom.
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Yes, sir. But where is Witch Mountain?
Doom 3 was the last interesting Doom game, though.
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>But it's not Doom.
But it's literally called Doom
>But it's not Doom.
How is it not Doom? It's an adaptation of Doom 3. It's not possible to view it as anything else.
>Judge Dredd
>Star Trek
Does Urban like science fiction or is he just stuck with those roles? I wonder the same about Keanu Reeves.
No, it was literally "we want the modern audience".
Saints Row reboot has the name too but it's more like Grand Theft Big Bang Theory.
And doom 3 was not doom. It's the same with how "Fallout" 3 and everything after is not Fallout.
Huh? Karl Urban plays Doom Guy in the movie.
I once saw an explanation that Doom is basically a European film made in the American studio system where everyone except Americans understood that Karl Urban was the main character, but because The Rock is a famous American wrestler American audiences thought he was the protagonist.
>not mentioning his best role in the Star Trek movies
He likes sci fi action and regularly takes on projects that can't pay him what he would normally require purely because he likes the role. For example Dredd was a tiny budget and he took a pay cut before production began so that the movie could happen.
The Doom Slayer fucking sucks as a character, and he has attracted the worst people into the Doom fanbase and the franchise has basically turned into a self-parody. I can't believe that people actually think the story and characters in the new Doom games are good. They're shit. The writing is shit. Everything is so masturbatory. It's like reading a 13 year old's Doom fan-fic.
Based of him.
>Its primary sin is being a bit plodding and boring
and, y'know, not having demons.
does it matter if they're called demons or mutants
In the movie, they are humans infected with alien DNA. Basically, there was a civilization on Mars with superpowers, and if humans are infected with their genes, they become superhuman. This is not particularly different to the modern Doom games, and I feel like people haven't paid attention to the de-demonification of modern Doom. They got rid of backwards jointed legs, goat hooves, etc.
He's amazing in this movie.
I dunno, I just don't remember a lot of fireballs, horns or floating burning skulls.
Had a similar feeling watching paramount's 'Halo' show.

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