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This will sell our video game.
>Xir Freeze
There has been 2, maybe 3, good video game released in the past 15 years. Why do we still pretend to be shocked when the industry continues to suck? Your hobby is a walking corpse and the faster you realize that the better off you'll be.
Video game?
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Fuck yeah Megamind cross over
Suicide Squad: Kill Rocksteady Studios
>what if we made it....unpleasant?
>We want the Mei audience but don't understand why she's popular and our fat azn ice bitch isn't
Is that meant to be Nora Vries?
No, it's multiverse lady Victor. Nora is still her wife.
You don't dig on multiverses? They're SO hot right now!
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In an alt timeline, the game was good and instead of that abomination we got pic related. This timeline sucks.
No, it's an alternate universe female Victor, still married to Nora.
>nobody likes our game
>nobody likes our take on the Joker
>maybe they’ll like our take on Mr. Freeze as a fat black lesbian!
did they already spoil who is next? Deathstroke right? I wonder how they’ll fuck that up. Probably have him doing Fortnite dances while dressed in alphabet flag colors
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I think there’s a world where it could have been good. Actually having super villains with super powers and not Borderlands-lite. But ah well. Maybe whatever studio WB gives the reigns to after shutting down Rocksteady will make something worth note.
>alternate universe lesbian Mr Freeze
top kek
Can they not even just copy the talent that did In From The Cold or Cold, Cold Heart?

I've been ignoring these threads because I thought it was Starfield lol
They'll make him a smoking hot young female assassin with a big ass and a skin tight suit then shut the game down a week later.
In a good timeline this wouldn't even exist, or it would have been made by WB Studios while Rocksteady made a Superman/Justice League game.
Never, EVER trust women bros
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>while Rocksteady made a Superman/Justice League game
Change that to a Red Hood game and I'm on board.
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At this point I'm convinced they know their game is an ireedeemable piece of dogshit but instead of pulling the plug they double down just for the esg good goy points
>Ok what flag are using?
>clown world but unironically
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I used to be indifferent about LGBTQ+ people but each year they make me hate them more and more
I refuse to believe any effort was put into this skin. Some intern shat this out in 20 minutes and you can't convince me otherwise.
Same with me with any minority desu
Non autistic trannies and women have a very bad work ethic. 20 minutes of work takes months.
It's not them that are doing this.
It's straight whiteoids trying to show everyone how progressive they are.
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what happened to mr. freeze?
You think an actual gay person would be happy with that lazy, piece of garbage clown suit pride skin?
>you will never have sexo Killer Frost again
>you will never have sexo Harley Quinn again
>you will never have sexo Catwoman again
>you will never have sexo Poison Ivy again
It's over
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This is a genderbent Freeze from another universe who is a lesbian. It's not Mr. Freeze's wife or anything like that.
Xhe levelled up ...
Yes. Go to your nearest Pride Parade. The half-naked (or outright naked) degenerates you see prancing around in bondage gear are what the average homosexual is like. The normal looking ones you see on TV are almost as rare as a unicorn.
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Who wore it better?
Female Freeze trying to cure her husband Norman would have actually been more interesting and even more subversive with flipping the gender roles, but no. They had to pander.
ah ok i thought it was his wife
I don’t like OP but stop shilling that freemium Korean garbage like it’s good. It’s bad just in a different direction.
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I can't speak for the others but there's not a force on this planet that will ever stop Timm from drawing lewds of the only Harley that matters.
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Because not even japanese games have designs like that anymore.
Both are looter shooter games with paid cosmetics. Why shouldnt they be compared?
Don't you get it? They don't need it to sell, it's just to piss off everyone that buys and plays video games and to push their envelope. Their company is already subsidized by the Canadian government and BlackRock to try demoralize and anger you.
It's a fraction of divisive content and gay, anti-woman propaganda.
Can't tell if lesbian chink or just a gay chink not that theres much of a difference really.
Doesn't stop the game being a shitty cash grab.
Why would the Canadian government subsidise an English studio?
Arkham Origins and Gotham Knights were made by Warner Bros. Montreal so he's probably confused Rocksteady as Canadian.
Even the shittiest Mr. Freeze design would still be miles better than whatever that Mrs. Freeze is
As opposed to the game in the OP? Nobody compares an mmo to a single player rpg or a hero arena shooter to cover shooter story game like uncharted
You know both of them can be dogshit, right?
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Hey, how does she put her goggles down?
If they just made her outfit more like bulky armor instead of a weird spandex suit or knock off captain cold and made her face slightly more feminine while keeping her bald she would have been a decent looking Female version of victor freeze. Fuck the original outfit though that looks like captain cold with mr freezes helmet on and the hair makes its just dumb.
Rapid back and forth head movements.
The game having coom doesn't make it good. Better than Suicide Squad? Sure. But it's still a garbage dogshit game made by fucking Nexon of all people
One can be dogshit with ugly shit and the other one can be dogshit with sexo, that fact alone makes the second one far better
And we are making fun of character designs here. Nobody is talking about suicide squad's gameplay because nobody played it.
Is she Asian?
I think it's insulting that they even attempted to recreate this old design at all
Sure, but that's still comparing solid shit to diarrhea.
>they both have visible bellybuttons
What a weird detail
>it's still a garbage dogshit game
It's pretty good, better than SS and Nexon has done a pretty good job so far as patches gp.
Plenty people played it out of curiosity after they desperately gave it away for free.
Spoiler: It's bad
It is not even remotely good and you have no fucking standards at all if you think so lol
what the fuck are these proportions? nothing even makes sense. the head is too small, the mid section is way too wide based on that stomach, even for a fridge built bitch, and what the fuck are those tits?
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What matters is that it has several tens of thousands more players than all these western looter shootee games combined pc alone.
In fact fuck it, I'm hijacking this thread. This is a tfd thread now. You can make fun of western tranny characters in another thread.
At least he's wearing the goggles properly. What's the point of forehead goggles when your head's stuck in a fishbowl?
Valby is sex but her game is shit. Get out of here.
Blender porn when?
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Some games, like some animes, deserve to exist just for the porn
who cares? games dead
Who cares, hundreds of thousands of people play dogshit like LoL and DotA and CS. People will get tired of Nexon's antics soon and the game will die. It's not like I want the game to fail, the characters are sexy and I love looter shooters. But I've dealt with Nexon before and you're crazy if you think the game will last under them.
Maplestory and Vindictus is still somehow alive. Most games that usually die under nexon were games that never had a solid footing in the first place like hyper universe.
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go to any pride parade and you will see that the fags also make their identity acting as insufferable and inflammatory as possible.
are you really looking forward to Mrs. Fries getting her fat plapped?
Maplestory and Vindictus are also egregiously monetized and hated by literally everyone that isn't 5,000 hours or 5,000 dollars deep into sunk cost.

t. Maplestory player
And what metric does /v/ use when shitposting about the success of a game here again? The fact of the matter is that this shit game sold more money on this generic sexy girl than all these other DEI approved games combined.
Nobody said TFD wasn't successful. They're saying it's shit.
That's the reality of any live service game. Even people grew to hate ff14 and wow.
This game is just following warframe's footsteps and despite that game having a massive following, anyone here on /v/ will also tell you that they hate it to their core despite playing it for so long.
This is an affront to beauty
Oh my god no, don't even joke about that, I was talking about the Korean shit
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Oh fuck off, my standards are high, and it costs nothing to simply play First Descendant whether I liked it or not. This one game alone has more players than all the DEI trash combined so clearly they're doing something right. And for the record, I've never spent any money on this game.
that movie rocket my cock
I only wish Catwoman had played a role in it as well. The Arkham City Version is pure sex
yeah how does mr freeze and nora shit this fuckin thing out what the fuck
>I'm hijacking this thread. This is a tfd thread now. You can make fun of western tranny characters in another thread.
kek, what is tranny gonna do about that?
Timm sold out and turned Harley into a fat asian girlboss for the new woke Batman Cartoon
Sad thing is, all the people you used to like will turn into the biggest wokiest on the planet if given enough money or fame in exchanges
>turn Harley Quinn into a Chinese girl
>her costume is now part yellow instead of red

What did he mean by this
There's no intention to make this shit sell. It's an obvious money laundering scheme to recoup BlackRock's blunderous investment in Ukraine.
It costs you your time.
Time you could be spending playing good games.
>my standards are high
>the first descendant is good
Look bro I don't give a fuck about DEI, SBI, ESG, blackrock, trannies, or whatever your boogeyman is (or whatever games you hate, they probably suck too). But TFD is fucking ass too and you're just being a dumb contrarian
>or whatever your boogeyman is
Bot post
>mx. Freeze
I liked warframe and I like tfd too because I like the character designs better. Unless you can point me to another game that looks and plays like this, this is my only option and stellar blade isnt on pc.
I almost felt the same way, and while I like the actual waifus more than the framefus, the actual kits of the descendants are so horrible. I'd rather be forced to main Octavia forever and gain carpal tunnel than play more bunny or freyna or gley. TFD needs some serious upgrades in terms of skills, synergy, and unique guns badly.
Opposite for me. I prefer the coop part. I am not a fan of how busted high MR players can be in warframe so much that if you built your mods wrong you feel just like deadweight while everyone nukes everything in the room. Right now in tfd only bunny is an issue and even then more and more people are trying out other characters. So far the coop aspect is at least more fun than in warframe, even if a lot of randos are retarded. Warframe also puts too much emphasis on going forward, primarily due to the melee focus. You go fast but mostly just going forward. Even in combat. I enjoy strafing around and going in circles in TFD.
The flag thing is so lazy. No one actually uses them.
On the other hand I do agree that the skillsets could be a more inspired and unique like in warframe. With some frames having a unique mechanic that only exists for them so spending plat on them actually feels rewarding.
Mx. Freeze's Anti-Braniac Armor
Kill yourself, Nexon employee. No one even cares about this trash anymore.
86k players right now. Cope
The game is already dead, and this garbage has probably been finished for months. They might as well release it and attempt to recoup some of the labor.
Mr. French Fries
>Mr. French Fries

Fat Dumpy Lesbians joined game companies to change beauty standards and told us that... fat dumpy lesbians are the apex of beauty. Isn't that a little coincidental?
This feels like a parody of what the right wings think of the left wing
Balance doesn't bother me, I play warframe almost completely solo so it makes no impact on my experience. I just think TFD's descendants feel awful to play. Bunny is by far the best designed kit in the game and she's.. not particularly interesting to begin with
Does anyone actually pay money for this?
Has anyone?
Like, at least 4 trannies and 7 ragebait youtubers
>They're saying it's shit
And they're wrong and also faggots
>Video game?
It tries to be one, yes.
Larry Fink paid a lot for it.
Good lord this is fucking lazy I think they told some poor unpaid intern quick we need something for pride month and they shat this out in like 2-3 days to make a quickbuck fuck they didn't even get the texture mapping on the arm right Its honestly impressive how low effort this shit is. I know they can do better then this because the other skins I have seen have a obvious texture issue. Honestly no one working on this game gives a fuck anymore and it shows.
If you just made it more like the original maybe more heavily armored and have her wear the goggles with slight facial adjustments it would not be a bad design for a female victor freeze.
That's what I'm talking about. I want to play coop because it's fun. In warframe its a pain because everyone is a show off trying to nuke rooms faster than each other. In tfd an ajax putting up a shield while someone tries to res a downed player is fun and feels more like an mmo.
Imagine still playing or giving a shit about video games at this point.
I haven't played a single game since February and I don't miss them at all.
I've come here maybe 3 times since then just to take a look, and I haven't seen a single thing that makes me want to start playing them again.
>This will sell our video game
They don't want to sell anything, they just want to push their ideology at your expense and you just happily let them get away with it every single time by giving them the ammunition they need to perpetuate it. If you actually want things to get better "gamers" need to stop reacting like this to these people or insulting them directly and just highlight all the horrible things they're physically unable to stop doing for the world to see.
>Giving up on gaming entirely because some AAA games are bad
>Not playing all the great retro game from your preferred era
>Not even at least playing some good old pure gameplay arcade
>millions, no, billions of dollars are spent making products that exist to make progressives feel good about themselves
The good old white boys are gone. The companies aren't even hiring them anymore, so how would they even be responsible besides the odd straggler going along with it to survive the layoffs for just 1 more week.
All management and consulting positions are being held by the swarm of DEI hires who are now abusing their power to strongarm the consumers to accept their collective mental illness.
please just go back
>Insecure Joker failed to save our game, surely Kim Jong Un in a spacesuit will!
All they had to do was redesign the Arkham combat to fit in a 4 player environment. Give each character a unique fighting style (some can't counter, stun, or move as fast). They should know this since Robin, Nightwing, Harley, Joker, Red Hood, and Deathstroke got their own.
actually it's loans, he expects them to "pay back" with interest
>New show starts off saying due to licensing problems he's not allowed to be called Minion anymore
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Man I just want a 3D tacticool vigilante game starring Red Hood or Punisher or anyone with gunz.
Is that too much to ask?
Their merch is gonna sell less and less. No matter what some retarded DEI shills try to push, not only do guys want to see sexy women, women want to cosplay as sexy women.

No woman is gonna cosplay this. Not only will they look ugly, they won't get the validation they want from cosplaying. They certainly won't cosplay these shitty characters because they like them.
Let me guess, do not redeem?
Parody is borderline impossible now.
>doesn't appeal to me
>doesn't change my "taste" over time
>makes me frustrated against these people trying to manipulate me into thinking like them
>Instead of "winning me over" makes me dislike them
>Where I couldn't care in the slightest before now I'm actively getting anoyed and eventually angered by these people
What a great fad this has been, everyone comes out worse. Normal people like me get forced crap down their throat for years and the mentally challenged wokies don't get nornalised like they wanted but only more reviled. A step back for everyone.
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>sign of the times
>everyone is a show off trying to nuke rooms faster than each other
The same will happen in TFD when everyone figured out the best builds and farmspots.
Why did they turn Freeze into a fat asian dyke?
You just outed yourself, faggot
It's how we all start anon. Pitiful gaslighting like
Just fuels it on too
What's the sign with the sun that looks like it was done by a 5 year old on the floor, pro pedos?
Kek is THAT what it's ment to be???
Only for bunny and there's a reason people hate her. I play in hard mode and everyone still has to shoot a gun and contribute to the team.
not even progressives like it
Mrs. Fridge
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Progressives have no will or inner thoughts.
They would like it if the concept was paraded around by the masses. This retarded design is like 5 years too late, when the pendulum was already swinging in full force because progressives actually included pedophile eunuchs into their movement.
The only reason why progressives don't like this shit anymore is because it's too on the nose. It can't be digested by even the most turbonormie whose thought doesn't exist outside of the mainstream media.
Because humans have an innate attraction towards aestheticism and this is the exact opposite of it.
Unintentional parody
I genuinely wonder how the two dudes who founded Rocksteady feel like seeing their studio devolve into... this.
Is this thing even attractive to trannies and lesbians?
it's not supposed to be
it's about making people accept really ugly things as the new normal
Now that I’m looking at them side by side I’m realizing that they could have somewhat salvaged this suit by making the helmet actually look like the original and not a tiny fishbowl. Without the front armor covering up her flabby man bosoms the costume becomes entirely fat woman torso with random armor bits
Absolutely no one:
Suicide Squad: Hey what if Mr Freeze was an obese asian bulldyke?
They had so many cool characters to choose from too
I wonder if this was the idea of a few higher ups who pushed it onto everyone else
You can't tell she's supposed to be a chink unless you can see her eyes,they're diversity points would take a hit if they only mentioned her ethnicity ot showed it in a flashback.
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>you will never have sexo Harley Quinn again
You can still have sexo Harley, but it needs to be outsourced to the asians.
I am fucking tired of thinking this at least once every 2 weeks at this point
You get a hot Harley but a Leto Joker.
Woo we're saved
you just blew my mind
that is some next level thinking
most dc designs are cool
if it had been just a straight up batman anime i would have watched it
they put slopjak in my videogame

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