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Why was gen 4 so shit?
Platinum is the GOAT though. Would have been a shit gen without it however.
My major complaint was battle speed. Platinum increased the speed and made several minor improvements which made it much better. Gen.5 took everything from Gen.4 and improved upon it. Granted B/W tried to make a fresh start which was a bumo in the road. However, the rest of the DS games to follow were some of the best Pokemon games imo.
WHAT the fuck are you talking about, Sinnoh was comfykino and has top tier designs like um... like um... deli deli deli woop
Don't you dare talk shit about Kricketune. He'll deedeliwhoop your ass.
The speed in general was the only real problem. Also no fire types.
Platinum fixed enough of the problems to make it great.
It was the last good gen. I had 400 hours in Pearl before they shut down the GTS
I know right? there's so much garbage like tangrowth, lickylicky, magmortar, the burmy line, the kicket line and so on. most new Pokemon have garbage cries, the great marsh sucks ass, despite me liking hms the region is super convoluted, it has a very underwhelming e4 and an overrated champion, a more than usual retarded evil team and much more

only thing I can praise is the ost that despite being borderline lethargic it has a few bangers like route 209 and the Pokemon league night time theme
On the contrary, why was gen 4 so great?
Platinum and HGSS are the peak of the series
gen 4 was literally the peak of the franchise
they fumbled the football with DiaPer, but platinum fixed that
then you had the GOAT gen 2 remakes, explorers of the sky, conquest, the ranger games, gamefreak in general just trying new things in general that actually work

yes, it did start slow and I would even count pokémon dash as part of gen 4, which is objectively the worst pokémon game, but it really peaked by the end of it
because it made zoomers like you piss and shit and cum in their pants from how slow the default speed was.
You need to bait better, try something like

Why was gen 2 so shit?
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>it made u brap n pee! SEETHE EVEN....because it's bad (even compared to earlier gens)
>Why was gen 4 so shit?
Slow health bars
That's really all I know about gen 4.
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alll 3 starters are kino, staraptor, shinx, garchomp, toxicroak, weavile, froslass, gallade, lopunny, lucario, gliscor etc

dilate nigger

>most new Pokemon have garbage cries
lol what a fucking cope, gen 4 has the best cries in the series, sinnohs elite 4 mogs gens1-3, 6, and 8s all day, and cynthia's the GOAT
b-but the heckin epic cynthia piano! she's the first female champion you know. hot, right? don't you like her? don't you like garchomp? please like her. look, she has a garchomp, that's almost as good as a personality trait
Tangrowth, Yanmega, Honchkrow, Gliscor, and Mamoswine are great though. you're right about the rest being kind of shit. well i don't hate Electivire either.
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>hot, right
Her team's iconic, theme is kino, and she's sexy.
>implying anyone likes pokemon characters for their "personality"
>all 3 starters
stopped reading there
Conquest is Gen 5
Rhyperior still makes me mad. Hes not superior its trash and ruined my favorite pokeguy
They are. Only the Kanto and Hoenn starters are better than Gen 4s. Only contrarian faggots will pretend otherwise.
She may be cardboard but at least she's hot. The gen 9 champ whose name I forget has zero redeeming qualities.
>cynthia's the GOAT
Most overrated trash champion
Sorry, you need HM54 in order to talk to me.
i don't particularly like cynthia but there's no way in hell I'm ranking her below leon and geeta
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Nah, she's the best. Even got a Miku recently kek
2001 zoomer myself... and seeing the 2007 marker makes me feel dead inside
nta but I can name at least one who is liked mainly for her character.
Except she is manga-only and nobody reads that
Why were people so autistic over gen 5 pokemon designs in hindsight?
I swear enemy status effect rates and crit rates were higher in gen 4
unironic skill issue
>only one genuinely new fire type
>it's the starter monkey
>only other one in the entire game pre-Platinum is Ponyta/Rapidash
shouldn't you be in bed little nigga
>Route 209
I don't like Sceptile because I can't imagine it moving as fast as it's said to with its posture and its big dumb tree tail, and I'm overall kind of mixed on Swampert. Blaziken wax cool, but Infernape managed to be so much cooler with the Sun Wukong inspiration and easier to recognize animal inspiration. Even though I now recognize what Blaziken is based on, I wouldn't call it obvious to a kid, even with the chick-based prior evolutions. Like why does Blaziken have claw hands if it's a chicken? It resembles some sort of Muppet more than an animal. Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut were cool moves though.
because bw1 forced you to use only new pokemon until you beat the game and people got really REALLY mad they had to play a game where they capture new creatures instead of using the same shit for the umpteenth time
Magmortar was also introduced in Gen4
Lopunny's cry was literally just sex noises. Young me kept one on my team for that reason.
Rhyperior does have one thing going for him, and that is letting Rhydon hold Eviolite for +50% to his defenses
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I like all the starters gens 1-4, 5 is good too but emboar is pure shit and drags the group down
I get this as a criticism but personally there are 5 fire types I even like, it might be my least favorite type overall since most of the designs are just "X, but orange/red"
To be fair it's also because all the cooler ones had absurd evo level requirements and honestly vast majority of the designs is still shit compared to both older and newer ones.
I couldn't even make a full team with new designs I liked
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The only one I dislike is Lickilicky, but who in their right mind liked Lickitung to begin with?
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Only young you?
I decided to try that Platqol romhack and Lopunny made it to the hall of fame.
Steven still better sorry
You can get
In DP's post-game though. And if you have the GBA games inserted, you can also find
>Vulpix/Ninetales (with LeafGreen)
>Growlithe/Arcanine (with FireRed)
>Magby/Magmar/Magmortar (with LeafGreen)
as wild Pokémon in certain locations.
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Rhyperior, Ambipom, Licky, and Magmortar are the only ones I don't like. Fags cherrypick the bad ones and pretend the whole group is bad
Glaceon's is also pure sex
and magby cannot be caught until you beat the game
no i have all night to stay up being suicidal and writing disgusting disgusting things
Because the last good game was Crystal.
What other Pokemon cry sounds are just sex for the ears?
Why are you so fucking retarded?
I fucking love gen 4's route tracks
Staraptor of course
Platinum is my second favorite.
cozy ass music single handedly makes eating shit through the snow worth it
right, let's pretend Lance had a personality for a second or something.
I mean first game had the rival doubling as the final boss and you can't say he doesn't get a personality.
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what did they mean by this

gen 4 has the worst starters. everyone always picks the fire one because it was the only fire type. god damn gen 4 was shit
Reminder that Platinum and HGSS didn't fix the HP bar speed.

Gen 2's starters are gay and ugly as fuck. Meganium is the worst in the series, kek.
Reminder that we don't spend all our day hunting Blisseys so it doesn't matter.
No one actually cares. I almost never see HGSS being called "slow", despite having the same HP scrolling problem as Platinum. It's a meme people only use for the Sinnoh games.

I also rank legends above black
It made Battle Frontier a drag.
>everyone always picks the fire one because it was the only fire type
Speak for yourself, I never use that type for flaming homos
I only ever pick water or grass for starters
Weavile improves on Sneasel so much I completely forget he wasn't in Gen 2. It's the only one that feels completely natural and like it was always there.
I'm just sad that they were never given proper remakes besides that fucking unityshit
there's a recompilation project so that (You) can fix it yourself
Yeah, but the thought they put into it was cool.
>Elekid can only be found with FireRed inserted because Electabuzz was exclusive to Red/FireRed
>Magby can only be found with LeafGreen inserted because Magmar was exclusive to Green/LeafGreen
>Both lines have always been treated as counterparts, being next to each other in the Pokédex, receiving babies at the same time, and receiving evolutions with similar evolution methods at rhe same time
>Elekid is found at the Valley Windworks where power is generated. You'll also find Pokémon like Shinx, Pachirisu, Electrike, and Mareep here. It has a chance of holding an Electirizer which you can have Electabuzz hold while trading to get Electivire
>Magby is found at Stark Mountain, an active volcano with a lot of Fire-type Pokémon. It may be holding a Magmarizer which Magmar can hold while being traded to get Magmortar

I like that so much more than when they litter a bunch of random Pokémon in one area.
You know, being made in Unity is actually the best thing about BDSP.
It means people can go crazy with mods, and somebody is working to add in PBR animations to it.
I find it poetic that the worst generation got the worst remakes
How can a human being hate Froslass, Tangrowth, Mamoswine, Roserade, or Mismagius?
HGSS wasn't that bad, and nobody made a Gen 9 remake yet
Black and White still don't have them though
They started all the problems with modern pokemon
Yeah but Battle Frontier has always been a drag. Doing an RNG fest for a hundred hours isn't my idea of engaging gameplay.
Do you mean let's go pikachu?
My wrist still hurts from swinging my controller...
Lance was champion for 2 gens though, even with all that time he never developed more of a personality than Cynthia or any of the other champions not named Iris.
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They haven't remade Gen 7 or 8, nigger.

Plus Sinnoh got Legends kino kek.
Gen 6 is when all the major issues started through, 5 was the last decent generation
b caws
That was XY. BW only added good QoL features, but didn't force you to play with party exp share(which doesn't even exist) nor was open world
isn't there like, an entire fucking board for questions like this?
I don't hate them, they were just clearly added later and done by a different designer.
Weavile is the only one that feels like it fits perfectly as an evolution.
Because it wasn't gen 3.
Everyone who played since the beginning was already disappointed when the GBA games didn't move the franchise forward much. DS games were just embarassing at that point.
If you are doing it legit, then it's hours of RNG only to prepare you for more hours of RNG.
If you gen the team it ain't so bad, but still RNG
>didn't move the franchise forward much
Aren't abilities and the physical/special split the two biggest changes to pokemon?
I was checked out by gen 3. bought it, didn't finish it. pokemon as a fad was largely gone at schools by this point
HGSS would be goat if they fixed battle speed and level curve
Yes, he's an asshurt boomer mad he couldn't transfer up his CHARIZARD
gen 3 is more shit than 4 though
Gen V is end of the beginning, beginning of the end. A lot of issues really became noticeable then, like the more straightforward region and route design, or the story becoming overly intrusive. Game Freak themselves acknowledge it too, and say that Unova was designed from the ground up to be like this for newer players because they figured that veteran players only cared about the post-game anyway.
Both meme complaints.
Johto games have real issues such as all the clock-based shit or making many new mons difficult to obtain/unpractical to use.
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PC port when?
Froslass has the same face as Glalie, they're just based on separate legends. Now Snorunt doesn't look related to either of them.
I'll give you BW cause being restricted to Gen 5's ugly dex is shit and the story really isn't all that good, but BW2 is honestly great. Easily the best postgame in the series with tons of great pokemon to use for the campaign.
which gen introduced the set of keys and the trashbag and ice cream cone pokemon? whatever that one was, that was the worst
Gen 5 has the best mons to actually play the game, in none other game I was shuffling my team so much, because every few areas there were new Pokemons that were actually viable and fun to use.
Keys are gen 6.
And if you can put up with Muk, you can handle Trubbish.
No defending the ice cream though, what a shit design.
Gotta love how the some of the new dark types are in Kanto for some fucking reason
*except for starters, the only generation I played where the starters were made redundant.
Muk is actually great you stupid son of a bitch
Cynthia is a shit champion. People bitch about Diantha's lack of purpose in the story, well, all this slut ever did was give you Magikarp medicine.
Hell no. It introduced the highest number of mons who will reach final evolution stage only right before the E4 or in post-game, and that's not just one pseudo like the previous games
I like the ice cream though...
It was the seed from which all modern problems started.
>no new battle mechanics like physical/special split, weather, items, or abilities causing battles to stagnate
>too much focus on story and cutscenes over just being an adventure
>bad animation for sprites/bad sprite work
>controversial (arguably terrible) dex
>tons of gimmicks they threw out the next gen like triple battles and pokestar instead of expanding on things like contests and battle frontier
>region doesn't even feel like the nation it is based on
>region feels like linear tour guides instead of sprawling, untamed wilderness with towns and cities on occasion
>biomes that feel less grounded (random desert in new york, magic floating rock cave, etc)
I could go on.
The only thing it did well imo was speeding up fight animation coming off of gen 4 but it comes with the monkey's paw of having to watch a shitty cinematic zoom for every attack animation and bad sprites
I agree that it is better than stuff after it, but it started a lot of the negative trends that have utterly taken root in the franchise now.
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Literally no one cares what she does in the story faggot, Diantha looks like a tranny and her team is dogshit
>Acemon is from fucking Hoenn
>Keys are gen 6.
the keys were the moment they completely stopped trying and decided to put out shit because their fans will buy anything
>bad animation for sprites/bad sprite work
Gen 5 sprites are peak though
>noo I cant use that pokemon look at its stats I need a pokemon that's in the competitive meta to beat the game designed for 8 year olds
God I can't be assed to deal with breeding autism. If I'm doing it, I'm doing it with RNG abuse, might save a couple hundred hours. But I don't find the battling to be particularly enjoyable when that's ALL I'm experiencing for so long in a row, and losing even once and ending a streak makes me beyond livid, especially when something like the Battle Tower only gives you its top rewards for a streak of 100. And the BP grind is a chore too. Like I enjoy all the new locations and Trainers and dialogue and music, but the endless battles with a team that needs so much optimization just take away whatever motivation I have. Not only that, but the Pokémon you see aren't even registered in your Pokédex. I remember playing Emerald as a kid and wondering just what was supposed to be fun about it. I got excited when I read that you could find all sorts of Pokémon in the Battle Pyramid and items like Sacred Ash, but you kept nothing, you didn't even gain experience, and a lot of locations had Pokémon equal to the level of your strongest, which for me was my starter while everything else fell way behind.
Piplup, Croagunk, and Lucario are all pretty popular. Most nugen gens can barely keep one mon relevant past their gen.
>bad sprite work
Stopped reading here. You have nothing worthwhile to say
I don't doubt they're good to use for the campaign, i just dont (subjectively) like their designs. BW2 is better because it has a good mix of all the previous gen mons, too.
All kino
For mainline games it was gen 2 even though I think that region is boring.
Mystery dungeon has the best sprites overall though.
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Gen I & II.
Every other region? Shit.
Oh yeah, another thing Gen 5 fucked up on
>lack of quality side games and movies
still dont know why they haven't done a 2DHD octopath style pokemon remake its like its begging for it to be done
Cyndaquil has way, way less moveset potential than Chimchar. Same for Totodile and Piplup. Chikorita can be pretty fun but it's mostly playing a support role. You picked a very bland set of starters for your shitpost.
real enlightenment is knowing that EVERY mainline pokemon game is shit and the only way to enjoy the series is outside media
pokemon snap, arceus, pokerogue, the anime and movies, etc
and in every generation there are cool and shit pokemon, no gen1 isnt perfect jinx, tangela, venomoth, golbat, etc compared to rad new shit like dragapult
Thank god, that style is garbage.
Not that SV looks any better
It's not like Farfetch'd naturally appeared in Kanto. One guy trades you one in Gen I, but you'll never find it in the wild while Johto does have them. Same with certain Pokémon that are considered exotic like in the Safari Zone. They're not native to Kanto, but you can find wild Exeggcute in Johto. Scyther and Pinsir too, but it makes you wonder if they capture some and release them for the Bug-Catching Competition or if they're actually native.

But Pikachu was native to Kanto. It's not in Johto or Unova, it's only in Hoenn's Safari Zone, and it's only in Mr. Backlot's garden full of imported Pokémon in Sinnoh. Then Gen VI+ happened and of course it's found naturally forever.
hot take
Scarlet/Violet > Black and White
>hating kricketune
>region doesn't even feel like the nation it is based on
It is funny how Sinnoh feels more like the US than Unova, and it even has an east/west split with mountains and east/west forms of stuff too
I remember somebody did an indepth video about which pokemon are native to which region based on stuff like that, was rather interesting and would change the Dex quite a bit
>post game
thats the problem, though you can technically just get around all of that issue if you trade with someone who has beaten the game but the argument is usually just playing alone or whatever
>it has a very underwhelming e4
Compared to?
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Emerald, Platinum, HGSS, Black2/White2 ARE the best mainline games.
The best Pokemon game in general is of course Explorers of Sky (gen4) and OP is a faggot
Kanto has Murkrow, Slugma, and Houndour specifically. You can't find wild Magcargo or Houndoom, and the Gen II evolutions/babies of Pokémon that can only be found in Kanto aren't exclusive to Kanto themselves. For example, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Elekid had to be bred in Johto and can be hatched anywhere. You can evolve Porygon2 and Chansey while in Johto. And even Misdreavus, Sneasel, and Larvitar are all obtained in Johto.

I never particularly minded what was and wasn't post-game. DP had brought back the Vs. Seeker which let you rematch any normal Trainer whenever you want in addition to the League, so it wasn't just grinding one place. And Platinum even upgraded the League and rival and added the Battleground rematches with the Gym Leaders and stat Trainers.
Only Kanto's and MAYBE Gen 5's Elite 4 are memorable at all.
>Kanto has Murkrow, Slugma, and Houndour specifically
It's bad enough that most people consider Slugma a gen 3 pokemon and not a gen 2 one, imagine being able to use Houndour in a normal gen 2 playthrough
Bruno with two Onix
Agatha's all Poison team with two Gengar and a Haunter
Lance with two Dragonaire and a Dragonite (later three Dragonite)
Phoebe with two Banette and two Dusclops
Glacia with two Glalie, two Sealeo, and a Walrein
Drake with two Flygon, a Shelgon, and a Salamence
>Slow as fuck in every possible way. Downgrading from Hoenn's 60fps to 30, walk speed for surfing and a weird thing during battles where if you turn off battle animations, you have to still wait as if they were there.
>Awful type variety: 2 fire types, 3 electric types, 2 ice types in a region that emphasizes snow and 1 of then makes it hail, hindering the rest of your team. Gym leader and elite 4 can't even have complete teams of their type

"A-actually, it's good that the type variety is really shit because it makes those gym leaders hard--"
>DP has brain dead AI; if you lost to Cynthia, you lost to the same AI for a wild level 3 Bidoof.
>Third of new mons are post game. Some like Tangrwoth and Regigigas requiring another game to obtain.
>Too many HMs. Somehow made a worse version of flash
>Presentation is awful. The UI is revolting and has great world design such as the ghost gym being purple rooms with slow moving elevators and easy maths sums.

Platinum fixes some issues, but then also creates others:
>Looker and Charon do nothing but add pointless text boxes to previous cutscene.
>The story gets worse as Cynthia; champion of the region comes with you to confront Cyrus and when the fate of the world is in the balance, she stands aside like a drooling retard and let's a child with 7 badges do it instead.

BDSP have obvious faults, yet they're better than original DP.
I don't remember any of them besides 4 and part of 2
1 and 2 have the same league
>Lance with two Dragonaire and a Dragonite (later three Dragonite)
I'm glad this is a game for babies. Going up against three Dragonites would be terrifying if the game knew how to utilize them.
>the region is super convoluted
please stop being brown and retarded, it's embarrassing.
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God RS teams are a fucking meme. Emerald really saved that gen
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Most of the shit you mentioned WAS fixed in Platinum, and you're the only person I've heard call the UI ugly. The problem is more so the bag scrolls slow. And Looker is cool, there's a reason he became a series' staple until the Shitch.

Gay post typed by a faggot.
Garbage region
Half of the dex is legendaries/cross gen evos
Boring evil team
Garbage gym leaders/elite 4
Retarded rival
sinnoh is comfy
legendaries and crossgen evos are mostly good
team galactic has mars, so automatically cool
candice is sexo, so nope
barry mogs your gay faggot that fucks off and doesn't evolve their starter in gen 3
>>no new battle mechanics like physical/special split, weather, items, or abilities causing battles to stagnate
it literally introduced the hidden ability mechanic, eviolite, rocky helmet, balloon, gems, and a bunch of other shit you mong
>Swinub uses Powder Snow!
Because of all the dumbass decisions
>seeing every pokemon in the dex to unlock the post games
>locking several new pokemon to the post game
>once a day transfers in DP
>seeing every form of unown to increase the encounter rate for hippopotas
>that ungodly slow speed and the drop to 30fps
>making literal pokegods
>all enemies have the same AI for example, Cynthia has the AI of a first route Bidoof
>all that fucking backtracking and my coronet's awful dungeon design
>input lag in the underground regardless of if you're playing with someone or not
That's just off the top of my head
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>survives first turn due to multiscale
>dragon dance
>earthquake/fire punch
Joke all you want but the Gen 3 trainers were objectively better purely because their AI wasn't straight fucking trash like gen 4's which basically used moves at random rather than focusing on SE moves first.
Not really, her team is still dogshit in Emerald and the AI isn’t the same between DP and Pt.
>and the AI isn’t the same between DP and Pt.
It is, dppt all have the same AI.
no they don’t
Man, they really saved the Piloswine line with Mamoswine
Also Honchcrow really needs a cigar in his mouth
Because Gamefreak tried to make it more appealing to more demographics. They tried to make the game more competitive with more evolutions. They tried to give more diversity with the physical/special split. They tried to make a good endgame with the battle frontier. They tried to increase broad appeal with Battle Revolution and other spinoffs like Rumble for the console.

And every time they tried something, you fuckers sperged out at them. Yes they fell short numerous times, and each time they tripped you made sure to mock them. So what did they do? They stopped trying. We got slop ever since then, all because the only demographic that didn't complain were literal toddlers. So now here we are, stuck with a franchise crafted exclusively for the lowest denominator. All because you guys got pissy that Blissey took too long to KO.
Yes anon, because we were supposed to just accept that gen 4 was leagues worse than gen 3.
gen 3 had no day night cycle so it sucks ass actually
>>seeing every pokemon in the dex to unlock the post games
meme complaint, why wouldn't you see all of the pokemon in the dex lol
>>locking several new pokemon to the post game
fixed in platinum
>>once a day transfers in DP
easily circumvented and better than 0 transfers
>>seeing every form of unown to increase the encounter rate for hippopotas
another meme complaint, nigga has a 5% chance no matter what and you can get ball seals for the unown
>>that ungodly slow speed and the drop to 30fps
>>making literal pokegods
>>all enemies have the same AI for example, Cynthia has the AI of a first route Bidoof
fixed in platinum
>>all that fucking backtracking and my coronet's awful dungeon design
based, way better than one and done areas like in the later regions
>>input lag in the underground regardless of if you're playing with someone or not
when you're running down the hallways to get to the next digging spot? who gives a shit
Cynthia has the AI of a route 1 shitmon in DP only, retard.
Because it was the start of handholdy tutorial nonsense that eats up several hours of the early game. There is a reason people only ever want to replay gens 1, 2, and 3.
platinum and hgss were fine. pokemon didn't have a truly bad generation until 6
Half of them are pretty fucking cool.
>why wouldn't you see all of the pokemon in the dex lol
Why do you think think xe cries about backtracking? Xe doesn't fight every trainer lol.
>It's your fault GameFreak is shit now
Fuck off, no it isn't. If you told people not at shit on Gen 5 at the time because Game Freak would go full retard after it (as opposed to the half retard they were in Gen 5) when you would have been laughed at. It isn't the fans' responsibility to make sure the devs don't make shit.
i liked 6 just for the online, 7 is when things really became borings on-rails gay garbage.
>why wouldn't you see all of the pokemon in the dex lol
Seeing every pokemon meant finding every single trainer in the game, not only will that lead you to being over levelled but it also means scouring the region for any trainers you missed along the way.
>fixed in platinum
It shouldn't have happened in the first place to need a fix.
>easily circumvented and better than 0 transfers
Every other generation other than 3 had infinite transfers anon, there's absolutely no excuse for it to be daily.
>nigga has a 5% chance no matter what
Which is wrong, it starts at 5%, then 10% and finally 20% once you've seen them all.
>and you can get ball seals for the unown
Right, that's another point for the list there was no reason for tedious grinding like that.
No, not based, poke gods elevated pokemon to level they weren't supposed to be.
>fixed in platinum
False, the AI still uses moves at random in Platinum.
>way better than one and done areas like in the later regions
That doesn't justify the extreme amount of backtracking. Also, later regions? Every game before and after was like that.
>when you're running down the hallways to get to the next digging spot?
You know it's a multiplayer area, right?

Honestly it doesn't matter, gen 4 is already viewed as a mediocre gen.
>You know it's a multiplayer area, right?
You're saying that like sinnohsperm had friends to play with.
Zoomers definitely played gen 4 multiplayer. There were shittons of NDSs sold, you didn't need a link cable, and WFC existed. It was way easier to find friends to play than gen 3.
u can do other shit down there tho
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Fake news.
However it's not necessarily a good thing, the AI is potentially more expoitable than clicking random moves. Here is an example webm just for fun.
>gen 4 is already viewed as a mediocre gen.
By who? It’s usually considered one of the best
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Sorry you couldn’t find a 5% Hippo, lol
>fake news
>uses a mod
AI is unchanged.
Both Platinum and HGSS "stronger" trainers use a basic damage calc, prioritize sure-hit moves and don't heal if they believe you cannot hit them. That's what the webm is expoiting.
>Seeing every pokemon meant finding every single trainer in the game, not only will that lead you to being over levelled
stopped reading there. trying not just using your starter, retarded fuck
>AI is unchanged
That's what they all say and then it turns out the mod fixed it.
>Is the difficulty increased?
>No, all trainer fights are the same as Vanilla.
Why are you denying shit you can easily google yourself, lol
Man I miss playing these 3 games with my friends whenever I went to their house on the week-end and we'd just go underground and try to find each other's base and walk on the other guy's traps.
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>they're still seething over PokeGOD
Hahahaha, faggots your god's from Sinnoh and you all have to suck his dick.

Also the best game in the series was never after Arceus ;)
gen 4 was what made me stop playing pokemon. the only redeemable parts about gen 4 onwards is the furry bait.
>trying not just using your starter, retarded fuck
NTA but your whole team would end up overleveled if you chase every trainer unless you're using more than six. The game isn't designed around fighting everyone.
this but gen 3 and gardevoir
I like the concept of Cynthia because it finally answers the question of "How the fuck aren't these 10 year olds getting fucking wrecked by competent adults?"
Platinum was a massive improvement over Diamond and Pearl, but those games were so poor in the first place that Platinum just ended up being okay
really doubt it, that's why they give you the vs seeker to grind shit
I like Piloswine and Swinburne better than Mamo but Mamo is such a fucking monster in gameplay you gotta use it
So, not going to share the mod you used huh?
As expected.
>"How the fuck aren't these 10 year olds getting fucking wrecked by competent adults?"
Because these adults including Cynthia think it's a good idea to just click Aura Sphere after knowing you can switch into Mismagius and straight up forget about sandstorm damage.
>RSEfags think Gen 3 has some super AI that turns Body Slam Sealeo into a horrifying threat
when magmortar first leaked I swore it was a fakemon
You can google that line. But also it's Following Platinum/PlatinumQoL, not the fairy type version ofc.
>battle factory
Nah, it's automatically one of the best.
2s league is way too easy due to the dogshit level scaling gold and silver has
slow surfing
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>gen 4 is already viewed as a mediocre gen.
That was fixed in PT/HGSS.
>Here is an example webm just for fun.
You just proved him right, in Platinum Cynthia's Lucario is also packing Shadow Ball but it instead of going for the SE like every other game it went for Stone miss.
Stone Edge is assumed to do more damage.
This isn't random, it's always guaranteed. No matter how many battles I do, Lucario ties to Stone Edge Mismagius, hence why I was very confident about these switches.
I vaguely remember blue being art on the guidebook for the gen 1 games. GF probably intended for her to be playable, but they were(are still) all dogshit at code, so they couldn't make a character select
2001 is 23 years ago anon
2 fucking decades
>Stone Edge is assumed to do more damage
That's not how the AI is supposed to work, it's supposed to prioritise super effective damage over everything else.
Also Shadow Ball does more damage anyway both because of the SE damage and the fact that Lucario has a higher base special stat.
You don't have to lie just to defend your favorite game.
You ignored the most important part of the post:
>No matter how many battles I do, Lucario ties to Stone Edge Mismagius
Always. 100% of the time. It literally NEVER went for any other move including Shadow Ball against Mismagius.
I suspect the reason is because it damage calcs against my real stats(otherwise even the 60Def/105SpD would not justify the choice here), and my SpD EV is making Stone Edge do slightly more damage.
>not only will that lead you to being over levelled but it also means scouring the region for any trainers you missed along the way.
What kind of idiocy is this? Not only do you hate that you have to do some exploration, but you think your pokemon getting stronger from all the battles is a bad thing? This is the anti-Sinnoh force? Just switch if it's such a big issue for you.
that faggot just hates pokemon in general; look how he acts over a 5% encounter or having to catch pokemon for optional ball stickers lol.
i doubt he acts like that when catching ralts in RSE.
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Can confirm
Lvl 60 0 SpA Lucario Shadow Ball vs. Lvl 54 32 HP / 72 SpD Mismagius: 80-96 (53.6 - 64.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Lvl 60 0 Atk Lucario Stone Edge vs. Lvl 54 32 HP / 0 Def 15 IVs Mismagius: 90-106 (60.4 - 71.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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>liking hms
did you sprinkle that bait in to ensure people knew you were joking?
slowest laggiest 2d gen, bad mon variety, new safari zone is garbage, the new evos that are mostly trade only are abominations to the eyes..
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the magmortar seethe is so strange to witness like magmar had any redeeming qualities in design, it's literally just fat golduck with an ass on its head
nothing of value was lost and nothing of value was improved
I don’t even like Gen 4 or Sinnoh, but seething about the designs of all things is a non-complaint.
Gen 4 introduced some top tier mons.
great marsh is the easiest safari to get everything from
> not only will that lead you to being over levelled
Huh? Even going out of your way to fight everyone in plat will still put you around 10 levels below the final boss.
Pretty bullshit when you think about it. Yeah players who are aware of how the AI picks moves can exploit it, but all the poor kids who went up against Cynthia effectively fought a damage calculator who knows your actual stats.
like the best starter trio the best pseudo legendary the best mystical the main main legend trio the best the best early route bird the best pikaclone
>barry poster
uh oh!
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Any good fangames that aren't autistic IV farming hard?
you've probably already heard of it but renegade platinum is good
all pokemon are catchable and there's an optional patch that improves the shitmons so you can use pretty much anything
it's hard but not emerald kaizo level hard
Plat/HGSS AI also learns which moves you use, however it does not know them in advance.

Example: Togekiss thinks it's safe against Hippowdon because I only revealed EQ, but my other attacking move is Stone Edge.
In my dealings with Cynthia, I also made Spiritomb switch out in two different mons(Milotic or Lucario) depending on whether my lead Houndoom spams Flamethrower or Dark Pulse. The latter is the optimal choice, because if the AI chooses to switch then I'm faster than Lucario and OHKO by revealing Flamethrower
it's certainly the only gen besides 1 where I like all 3 starters
gen 2 has the worst starters by far, all dogshit
Gen 8 has the worst for me, never played the games doe
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Emerald set the bar too high. Also I personally fucking hated all the new evolutions like Lickylicky and all those trashmons.
Mismagius and Weavile are extremely based.
probably true, I never played past gen 5
True. Togekiss too
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>dogshit HM distribution
>saving a lot of data
>rock climb animations
>saving a lot of data
>cross evolutions for pokemon that weren't even available in either game
>saving a lot of data
>2 (two) fire types, including the starter despite there being a fire specialist elite 4
>saving a lot of data
>excessively linear for no reason
>saving a lot of data
>taking all the optional stuff from Johto and making it mandatory because God forbid the player being incentivized to explore
>saving a lot of data
>not fixing the Kanto levels
>saving a lot of data
>Diamond and Pearl's dogshit speed
>saving a lot of data
>God awful cave designs, including Mt Coronet being a complete letdown
>can't use the pc without...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>saving a lot of data
Fuck gen 4 and fuck DS babies.
>>saving a lot of data
That was the fucking worst and somehow they made it trigger more often and take longer to save in Platinum than DP.
I don't think it changed much in Plat. It still shares the same common trigger for when you use the PC for sure, and I have no idea if any other trigger is known.
>I don't think it changed much in Plat
No it definitely took longer to save. Let me see if I can find a comparison.
nostalgiafags complained about not having their charizard in it so thats why gamefreak has to put him into every gen since then. what's the point of a new region if you want everything like some globalist wet dream? can't they figure out how to build new strategies with new tools?
gsc is shit
it still baffles me how game freak did not realize the lack of fire pokemon when one of the elite 4 is supposed ti be a fire-type specialist
>2/3 of the map is a shitty cave
>muh god pokemon
>awful evil team
>can't they figure out how to build new strategies with new tools?
Somehow, I don't think the issue is strategy. Especially since new mons tend to be better in terms of stats, learnsets and abilities to the point of having at least 2 or 3 instances of powercreep: the first was at gen 4, then I believe somewhere around gen 7-8 we got more minmaxed mons than ever along with ultrabeasts and some really good abilities, then gen 9 went full retard with it.
how retarded gen 9 went? i dropped it at gen 6
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>how retarded gen 9 went?
This thing has 550 BST, is immune to status moves(you read that right), has two great types(Steel/Ghost), and gets STAB off a 133 SpA with a 120 BP move.
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Don't check this thing stats or you might faint
This thing is an absolute fucking monster in pokerogue.
It's a monster everywhere really. Singles, Doubles, be it PvE or PvP.
And I didn't post straight up retarded shit like some of the paradox mons.
Wtf are you guys talking about even
Cynthia has the random AI, she picks moves at random like every non battle facility trainer
t. unovabortion
only in dp
Only in DP. Platinum updated the trainer AI and it does various things, most notably calculating damage accurately and remembering which moves you used.
Other quirks include not healing when it thinks you don't have a move to deal damage, occasionally switching out into something that takes not very effective damage and favoring sure-hit moves(as in, things like Aura Sphere, but not 100 accuracy for some reason) as long they are the same damage range.
I know there is a trainer AI that exists but I don’t think Cynthia has access to the intelligent version, it’s post game trainers only. Cynthia will make the wrong moves frequently.
Cynthia does have it and I have observed it myself, as certain choices that only make sense when damage calcs are involved become guaranteed.
For instance the Stone Edge in >>683878241 happened on every single try, it never goes Shadow Ball. The reason being >>683880567

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