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Wuk Lamat wasn't that annoying when playing with Japanese Dub.
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Yes, she is. It's not just about the voice, stupid.
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Based mentally impaired shit eater
Tranny game
you know it's bad when even the shills that were wined and dined by squeenix are shitting on the expansion
I mentally checked out of the game before I reached the Cyberpunk areas, I was not paying attention
Yeah, she also doesn't distract me from noticing the story would be objectively shit without her being present in it
Did anyone ever make graphs Luke this for the other expansions and compare it all side by side? Just so these trannylovers can get bent and choke on their own failure, for science of course
My only complaint is Wuk barging into the final boss raid like an attention whore
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fucking hate alphinaud
>can tell Sphene to shut the fuck up and that she's just a program after the last fight
>can't do this for literally any of the other nonsense in living memory
What did they mean by this?
>Did anyone ever make graphs Luke this for the other expansions and compare it all side by side?
I don't think anyone has ever graphed this for any other expac
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Post your rarest mount
skobidi dawnfail
Someone should. Could be funny to see the bars less skewed or skewed where some random npc nobody remembers gets over 3.2k words.
bros...war within will fucking destroy us....
tranny game vs tranny game, who will win?
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The final boss was the critical moment and it just so happened to be the very low point in the voice acting job overall
Just absolutely no power or emotion in the voice at all, and that's because Wuk Lmao would absolutely end up sounding like a man if there was power and emotion put into it

Complete fucking disaster
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Just how bad is the English VA? I only managed to deal with 2 voiced cutscenes with the voice and changed it immediately
Who cares about fujo opinions?
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Zoraal Ja chads are we not special?
Was good in the german dub. Loved her voice there. Maybe that's why I like her.
The scene is kind of shit regardless of the va work, and I don't really care about Wuk "interrupting" a fight with a lame automaton since the "final" phase is just another dodge orange victory lap for the third expac in a row. It turning back into Sphene so they can have an unearned lovers' quarrel or whatever was just lame
See for yourself

The voice isn't the issue, it's the character being a shitty mary sue who keeps injecting herself into everything in the most annoying way, and not giving anything room to breathe
You could have fucking Cate Blanchett voice her, and it'd still be a badly written and annoying ass character
Is that why the japs hate her as well?
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oh no no no no
Wuk Lamat is genuinely terrible all the way through, you can tell the actor is straining himself to maintain the falsetto alongside the fake accent and any time he tries to emphasize words or change the tone his voice cracks and reveals his male voice
I would have killed myself if I was the voice director trying and failing to get ONE good take out of him for literally any scene Wuk Lamat speaks.
there are some other rough spots of voice acting but Wuk Lamat's is easily by far the most egregious.
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>People point out the character is far too suffocating by using data
>Twitter faggot does the usual builds up ab argument no one is making to then blow it down
Every time, they have nothing to directly address because they know it's true deep down.
she smells like fish
It's her story. I was more annoyed by the Scions, especially Alphinaud, getting infected too many times.
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>Frontlines starts
>Everyone instantly splits up
>see easy kills
>everyone runs away
>get piled on
Huh?? Elene'shpya took off his backpack only in the fucking epilogue? I thought his stupid ass pack was fused to his character model for gods sake
Eceleb, gachashit, and vtuber posters automatically void any right to be taken seriously.
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Mihoyo games are better than Ziv and e-celebs are better than you. So there.
It's the first expansion that's ever driven me to look into the other languages, I tried French, German and JP, ended up sticking with JP in the end. But even that didn't stop the character from being so fucking overbearing, I was so done by Heritage found of her I skipped the rest of the story, they completely lost me. Solution 9 looked cool but having to tour guide with Wuk Lamat fuck me and those unskippable cutscenes, they put in unskippable cutscenes for when I'm playing through story quests specifically Solution 9 do you remember that part? Was it their goal to try and see how obnoxious they could be to people before they'd give up?

I'm glad the battle content is good, if the Arcadion and the Ex trials were dogshit that would have been me done with the game until at least the next expansion I'm that done with the MSQ and story content.
Liking Wuk Lamat automatically voids any right to be taken seriously.
>one guy trying to tardwrangle the team doing callouts
>entire team just off in the middle of bumfuckistan on the other side of the map getting deepdicked and feeding the other two battle high while 4 of us are actually trying to play the objective
>somehow win by a significant margin because the other two teams were too busy bullying our gluesniffers to play the objective
That match keeps me up at night wondering where humanity went so wrong
It's better yeah
Did I say I liked her? No, I just correctly addressed you and >>683868980 as subhumans that watch/play media for which the target audience is drooling retards.
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Yep. Yoshi-P personally inviting Preach to dinner did not stop Preach from saying things like, "that's the stupidest shit I've ever seen." That's the state of things.
>Drooling retards
Best not to make a mistake in your post like, not highlighting the correct post if you're trying to come across as the big brain here.
Actually going word by word sounds way too autistic but here's ARR by lines spoken for each main character
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I'm in hell.
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Favorite zone theme? For me, it's the dravanian forelands. It's the only time I had to stop what I was doing and ride around listening to the music
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It took me a whole month to get through this MSQ
For Shadowborkers and Endwalker im quite sure i didn't need more than a week and a half each..
Everyone look at this snobbish FF fan posting on /v/ at 3:30 in the morning with his very sophisticated tastes. He thinks he's better than us because of the differences in our Youtube habits. All self-awareness and introspection, this upper-class twit of the year.
yep. ff14 clicked with me when i did heavensward.
wow didn't Alphinaud only become prominent near the end?
although i guess the remembrance ceremonies would probably jack the count up
alphinaud was a literal spy and cia agent in arr. they all were then they became retards.
now hes a flanderized male getting yelled at by his sister all expansion
That's one of my biggest complaints but far from my only one
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Fealty from ARR Coerthas, just a beautiful song. It's the perfect vibe for the zone, especially back then then Ishgard was this closed off mysterious City State.
Second place goes to Night Lochs.
That's including patches.
Base ARR he has 264 which is still more than every Scion from 2.0 to 2.55
How did Zoraal Ja and Gulool Ja Ja reproduce? Was that ever actually talked about? Do they make offspring via asexual reproduction? Mitosis?
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You're not alone, I'm slowly going through and collecting all the FF14 Dawntrail MSQ reviews made not by shills but normal people, smaller channels people with a raw reaction and thought on the MSQ.
Here's a few.


I know that's a load of links but worth if you want to see the reaction of people outside of Twitter and you can see people are passionate about having their opinion and thoughts heard about Dawntrail, I don't remember Endwalker having anything like this reaction even if it was people wanting to make positive videos.
tell me your woes
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Meet a lalaboy on the streets of Ul'dah
Take a lalaboy out for dinner
Take a lalaboy to your apartment
Undress a lalaboy
Kiss a lalaboy on his smooth tummy
Tease a lalaboy with your lips
Make sweet love to a lalaboy
Marry a lalaboy
Impregnate a lalaboy
Live happily with a lalaboy
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Adding one more, this guy asks the perfect question
>Who is Final Fantasy even made for anymore?
He South American and should love Dawntrail and he said there are parts he did but hated the writing felt very child like aimed at children e.t.c.
Regular Mamool Ja just reproduce normally, Bakool has a mom and a dad you meet in the story and the Mamook arc talks about it.
Zoraal Ja's kid doesn't come up and is probably something they left for the .x patches but I bet he's just a straight up clone since there are no Mamool Ja in Solution Nine so it couldn't have happened normally
You need something better to do with your time then let this game live rent free in your head like this
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>in a thread talking about a game
>wants people to not talk about game
Patch series is 100% centered around Solution 9 and Gulool Ja. That whole part felt so undercooked and they set up a bunch of stuff that doesn't get answered or resolved, and it felt like originally planned launch MSQ that got cut to be repurposed as patch MSQ.
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This is from Quazi who was on the Media tour and even he admits Dawntrail has problems and two main things, how boring it is and Wuk Lamat. This is someone who is very much a shill and even he can't pretend Dawntrail's MSQ is well received.
Man, I've been looking at the Extreme trials today, and I think I'm too retarded to do these. Halfway through a video guide for Valigarmanda Ex, I just turned it off and took a shit instead.
People are overthinking it. Powerful corporations make baffling mistakes all the time — Square Enix genuinely believed people would like Wuk Lamat. I'm sure that there have been meetings where everyone involved with the story sat in a conference room and tried to figure out where they went wrong.
these things are much harder to comprehend if you only watch the video, just join a fresh prog group and give it a try, focus on only a few mechanics at a time instead of trying to retain all the shit you see in the video
Now "rent free" refers to simply being interested in a current event? In a subject? Go away, freak. We're having fun without you.
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Most of it's already been said before by others but
>has a negative character arc (starts off liking peace and tacos and friendship, ends liking peace and tacos and friendship)
>has nothing meaningful to say despite all her dialogue
>interrupts the WoL's naptime just to force him on YET ANOTHER tour of Tural so she can have her big character development moment where she....decides she STILL likes peace and tacos and friendship
>not a single person, friend or foe, calls her out on her bullshit
>is never meaningfully challenged on any of her ideals
>in Heritage Found she says she's siding with Oblivion because Sphene can't be trusted (this is treated as character growth), but she only discovers Oblivion at Sphene's direction and IMMEDIATELY gloms onto Sphene for YET ANOTHER shitty city tour with Wuk Lamat, this time in Solution 9
>every single WoL dialogue option tries to force you to glaze her furtranny balls
This is all just off the top of my head. The more I think about the MSQ the angrier I get at how stupid it is and how a ppt of that stupidity is in direct service of wanking off Wuk.
Start with Everkeep if you're overwhelmed. It is significantly easier
The only confusing part is the sword portals and even that's not too bad
Yeah, I'll def give it ago. Later tonight probably.
I try to brush up beforehand, though, since I never see people receptive to blind pugging past the first week.
I had a feeling Living Memory would be spooky as shit after the MSQ was cleared holy cow
>I'm deleting myself to become ruthless
>Oh that's kind of cool
>Miraculously comes back to life because of Wuk
>Doesn't actually change anything, she still fights us and we still kill her
>But now we have Wuk and an alive Sphene shitting up the ending
Didn't watch any guides for both and still cleared it ez.
Stormblood trials were much harder, especially Susanoo.
Maybe you should replay it since you obviously skipped cutscenes lol
Here's a recount for only 2.0, no patch MSQ included (also Hydaelyn is here now)

it's funny that all trailers and advertises, Wuk almost have no presence at all. like they know how atrocious and tried to hide it away.
I still want to know how Wuk Lamat showed up in that final fight after being booted out of the system. We weren't just fighting in another dimension, but inside the cybersoulspace matrix mainframe. She shouldn't have been able to barge in even with UH REEFT IN DEEMINSHUNS
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>every previous xpac
>get up to last dungeon
>unlock alexandria
>eh, I'll do it later.
>log out
That was 2 days ago.
Yeah, I really liked Living Memory.
It was also a really nice touch that you fight no one in LM. You're just talking to the AI ghosts before euthanizing them. It adds to the weirdly serene, but somber sad vibe to the zone.
Given that Wuk didn't actually come in of her own power based on the dialog, I bet it's something really faggy like Sphene subconsciously calling out to her and summoning her back
Playing on JP helps a lot, but the story around her and her interrupting the final trial is still unforgivably bad
People are annoyed because it's time potential lost, we only get a big MSQ once every two and a half years, three years so now we're stuck with this sorry state of an MSQ until 2026 at least. They can't really be making such amateur mistakes like this and it's not like there was no feedback, Wuk Lamat for example was in 6.55 back in January and the reception was very mixed. They could have taken that time and expand Kriles presence more and lessen Wuk Lamats aura in the story.
I truly believe if her story arc was over when she ascended the throne people, would be positive about Dawntrail's MSQ part two of Dawntrail with the Golden city, Heritage found, solution 9 should have been Krile's story.
Now that i'm thinking about it, I agree with you but I mentally tuned out off story, I was not paying much attention to Wuk's dumbassary and the only parts that interested me were the Cyberpunk sections.

I was hopingGulool would live till the end since he's my favorite.
I watched every single one, if only out of spite by the end. Try a new cope, troon.
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Yugiri was amazing on either EN or JP dub
>tfw talking to all the ghosts that were too stubborn to go poof
>frontline starts

Yep, comfy time.
You got me fucked up if you think I'm playing this awful pvp with awful netcode and now awfully done front lines with 30 gorillion people.
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Hey, that's my waifu you are posting.
But she'd still have to be plugged back into the soulmatrix. Queen Eternal wasn't a physical entity.
I think the real answer is the wroters forgot or just didn't care about their own setup for that fight
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She's the best girl
I went into Dawntrail ridden with a bevy of people negative opinions, and so I took the game on on it's own terms and I've been watching everything intently, in English. Wuk... Wuk fucking sucks, lol. And like, the only reason I feel like we're helping her is because of Alisaie, whom I don't care for also. I just got to the party where proto Google Ja Ja kills his dad Boogle Ja Ja while everyone there watches and does nothing. And then Wuk is like, I should have done something and I'm like... You dumb bitch of course you should have. The writing for the Americans is really poorly done too, there's very little character in the way the speak, I feel like this was done almost on purpose because of what we all know of modern videogame writers and translators. I was so happy to see Y'shtola again, then she goes "it's remarkable such a diverse group of people can work together in peace", bro, like, what?...

I dunno, it's just kinda trash, sometimes I think there's a case to be made that FFXIV is the best videogame of all time, but then I'm like no wait it's actually shit and you just like hanging out with people in your FC. So far it's like... A 5 out of 10, for me. Especially coming off of Rebirth which was fucking fantastic for me
I mean it still goes beyond that even, what with poor pacing, awkward/baffling character decisions, lack of development with the other claimants, Sphene being kind of lame etc. Ultimately they crammed two different MSQs together and ended with both sides feeling rushed.
Were they booted out of the system? Granted, I was pretty checked out by then, but I figured they were imprisoned within the system. Just locked away, to be dealt with after the WoL.
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Why even say this >>683866840
>Alexandria is left without a strong ruler
>All that is left is a boy king who is looked at skeptically by the populace, as he is the son of a murderous tyrant
>Obviously he can't properly wield executive power
>What's worse, his guardian is the head of state of another country, who will clearly have influence over Alexandrian affairs
>That foreign head of state isn't even related by blood, which calls into question how much authority she even has to take care of the boy king

Fucking Crusader Kings ass scenario right here
>It was also a really nice touch that you fight no one in LM
Uhh bro??? Your water kobolds you have to kill to get a dead elf's ghost ring back and win a gondola ride with G'raha??? Don't you remembird???
>Don't you remembird???
I try not to.
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JP said it best.
the fact that Sphene takes 30 years of Zoraal Ja saying he's going to kill his own countrymen indiscriminately, allows him to kill a bunch of her civilians with no built in oversight, and only when EL WUKKO LAMATCHI challenges her retarded "wait for someone else to kill people for you" approach to literally farming souls after getting Zoraal's corpse a little cleaned up, decides "hmmm yeah maybe a little princess personality isn't right for this kind of process, I should delete myself, now, so I can be a more consistently nonsensical universal entropy threat" kind of solidifies her as one of the worst villains in the game, like I don't think they could beat this even bringing back Asahi a third time
>the only reason I feel like we're helping her is because of Alisaie,
lolwut? The only character we would be doing this shit for is Krile.
Alisaie is so out of character in Dawnfail it is ridiculous. She gets bored easily and her idea of fun is being active, killing shit,etc. Not those boring as fuck feats.
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Now that I think about it, Gulool Ja Ja descendant ended up ruling a country but not his own.
Everyone in the bloodline ended up as a ruler.
Why was Zoraal so fucking upset then I just don't understand, this character was all over the place.
Most of S9 was wasted to make room for more Wuk moments. They completely wasted a bunch of amazing things they could've done with Otis since they had to kill him off ASAP for cheap drama and so Wuk could adopt Gulool Ja Jr.

Imagine taking Otis to Living Memory and he's forced to confront his idealized past self. Imagine him raising Gulool Ja to be a proper Alexandrian king.
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Who the fuck wrote the 2nd dialogue option and thought "YES, SURELY PEOPLE WILL PICK THIS ONE"
I've been going through duty support to learn Samurai in bits and I ran out of duty support at the stone vigil, I think i'm just about to go off to fight the third titan so it's tempting to take a samurai into that but I think I understand how to use the last few abilities anyway and it would only open up oka if that regardedless
Fuck it i'm gonna go challenge the master with what I already know.
Somebody who was poking fun at whoever wrote the bulk of wuk in the plot
>Were they booted out of the system?
QE literally announces its forcibly terminating their connection and only doesn't do the same for WoL because (you) are the biggest threat despite Wuk doing like three times your damage lmao
>people use factual evidence to back up the claims that black people and immigrants are ruining white countries
This is somehow a bad thing?
Alisaie is always the one bringing us to go back to Wuk, asking how Wuk is, where Wuk is, asking what Wuk said. Were it not for her constant pestering to pray for back to Wuk it seems like the whole party wouldn't care. Also another thing as an aside, there's one shot of a ronso womans legs, the train station one, and they just look so unnaturallynthick and gross. The female Ronso were a huge miss and I've seen almost no one Fantasia into it
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Here's your dt ultimate
Archduke of transphobia
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Dawntrail is fucking awful and the hilarious part is they will have to go back and trim a lot of the fat from it like they did ARR. Everything about Dawntrail screams the devs have no idea what to do next.
Which part of out of character did you fail to understand? Wuk Lamat is a god damn sue and everyone and everything exists to prop her up. Every character suffers from this, Alisaie just got hit the hardest.
Anyways, more to the point it's hard to call it "a nice touch" that LM was lacking on action when the entire fucking MSQ lacked action. I think we only kill all of two people across the entire MSQ, that being Zoraal Ja and his random human lieutenant in Vanguard. Three if you consider Sphene alive.
That's my title
>Why was Zoraal so fucking upset then I just don't understand
Inferiority complex gone too far.
Like. Take one of those rich kids who are pampered and told they are God's gift and having people kissing their ass from the day they are born. They get mentally fucked up. Now that kid believes the hype and shit people say about him, but he's also self-aware that he does not measure up to his father in any way. Throw in hard work, skill, strength, conviction and drive to prove himself. And he never measures up. Never succeeds.
Take all that, wrap it in a might-is-right warlord mindset, and you get Zoraal Ja.
Thats it, really.
If that's how they're choosing to write Alisaie henceforth then I'd rather leave her in Tural to be Wuks only friend. Total character assassination. Also it's crazy that Wuk wants for everyone's happiness so much but she has no god damn friends anywhere.
>QE literally announces its forcibly terminating their connection
Oh. Well, then. Yeah, her breaking in is retarded.
That would have been so cool.Damnit, now I wish Otis was actually around, it would have been peak seeing him confront himself in Living Memory!
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The amount of confidence they had on Wuk Lamat is insane. They even wrote in a character whose entire purpose is glazing her
if Preservation is supposed to be a big deal they are just setting up to make them a new evil-er techno-convocation, but they might be dropped even harder than the fucking zorn and thorn expies' disappearing bodies being rewritten in ShB
Wuk is a boring ass character, what more is there to say?
I don't trust the devs when it comes to building up villains over time now anyway. Garlemald got fucked over massively.
There's a part of me that wants to go through these choices in Japanese, to see what the options there were. Iirc, its not always the same dialogue choices.
Mablu is a kid. It never felt bad or wrong for this character to like Wuk Lamat.
>make a turret section on a train bomb
>it's a cutscene instead of an instance
It's baffling, you genuinely have to be a terrible writer to come up with Mablu. Even if you forget everything about Wuk, the voice, the screentime, even if the reception was excellent across the board, writing a character for the express purpose of stating that everyone loves her borders on self-insert fanfiction.
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Mablu isn't a child, did you read the PeluPelu lore? They're small by statute, she's inexperienced but she's in her late teens early 20s. You want to know why she's not a child, because one of the items she trades is alcohol, they're making in the PeluPelu village.
I read the lore and wondered around spending time learning what is there.

It could work but not in the same game that exists alongside Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Endwalker. There is a certain expectation of the quality of writing, of treating characters and the audience as adults. It went out the window with Dawntrail and what we got was a piece of media aimed at children.
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>Dawntroons say the dungeons are better but run Aglaia instead
But anon, if we had a scene where Otis was forced to confront his past self and cope with the questionable nature of the afterlife Alexandria is built around, then how would we learn Wuk Lamat's perspective on fountain shows?
I suddenly realized despite having finished 3 level 50 job quests none of them gave a title which I thought was odd
so I looked it up and saw they obviously realized that was a mistake and added titles to the expansion job quests but why not retroactively add some to the ARR ones as well
It's better exp, you still have to run the dungeons at least once
>They even wrote in a character whose entire purpose is glazing her
Theu wrote two: Mablu and Namikka. And arguably Koana.
I'm surprised they haven't gone back and made shared fates a thing in HW and Stormblood.
Then don't do it. Do dungeons. You get to mix it up, and DT dungeons are actually fun, unlike EW alliance raids.
People have been posting screenshots of some really cringe lines, but I legit do not remember reading them while going through the MSQ. I think browsing this website has made me way too adept at detecting when a piece of text won't be worth reading and skimming it.
Found my fun outside the text boxes and cutscenes -- a novel concept to a large part of the playerbase.
I mean I don't think those really show any confidence in the character
when i finished msq i didnt hate her, but the more im thinking about the worse she gets.
Wuk Lamat's only good scene was her seeing her mommy for the last time, and I need to see that Otis showdown now! FUck!
You don't, you can run Aglaia all the way to level 100 because the queues are faster
I was willing to give Namikka a pass because she's basically her mom

It has to be confidence, they expected people to like Wuk thus the lines would land. The alternative is them realizing people will hate her and writing the lines to soften the blow, which is beyond retarded because anyone with a brain knows that will have the opposite effect.
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This is the chart to use if you want to quote crime statistics for black people in Detroit (like >>683867147 put it). I think the base game ARR chart kind of misses the fact that we're talking to a lot of NPCs that aren't even on this chart. I feel like if you actually wanted a fair comparison between DT and other expansions, there should be an "other characters" column, and based on absolutely nothing except my gut I feel like the bar would be much bigger in other expansions, while in DT Wuk would still stand out.

Meanwhile ARR + patches clearly gives you two main characters, Minfilia and Alphinaud (>>683869318), and they're basically the two Wuks. Of course it's already less suffocating since you have two of them, and Alphinaud definitely used the time pretty well, or at least there was a payoff. I remember Minfilia getting more backstory stuff during the patches too. I guess they wanted to flesh her out before killing her. Either way I don't think anyone ever praises ARR patches for being interesting so maybe it's actually a good comparison with DT.
I can only hope post-MSQ is better, but in the mean time, I'll be doing EX trials and PVP.
We were fucking gyped out of Otis being a party member for Alexandria. It would have been kino to Trust with him there and see some cool PTSD/Nostalgia rambling.
stop baiting, subhuman
your "better" e-celebs are only out for the money, they got no backbone or real opinons
They had enough cutscene budget to put all that shit in the launch MSQ, they just... chose to slow the story to a snail's pace, even during Solution Nine and Living Memory barely anything notable happens.
This is actually just poor production planning at this point.
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Because nothing says "no backbone" like speaking to thousands of people and putting your reputation on the line, right? It's much braver to sit at your computer and criticize risk-taking people on anonymous message boards.

You don't have the world the least bit figured out, you zilch.
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Even if you look at that it's misleading comparing it against Dawntrail because Minfilia having the most lines still maxes out at 380 lines.
Cid had 268.

Wuk Lamat had 647 lines and the person with the next most amount of lines in Dawntrail was Sphene at 247
So Sphene has as many lines as Cid from ARR and Wuk Lamat is running at double Mnfilia had from ARR
Is that right?
How did we go from this
to THAT?
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Blud thinks people care about his, e-celeb kekkypow
Should clarify when I'm referring to Minfilia and Cid in ARR that is including ARR post patch as well, so based ARR + Post patch ARR 380 lines for Mnfilia
So that's the base game ARR plus all post patches.

Base Expansion for Dawntrail NOT including Post patch is 647 lines for Wuk Lamat and 7065 words spoken.
both suck desu
>Imagine taking Otis to Living Memory and he's forced to confront his idealized past self
This would have been a fucking perfect way to deeply explore the implications and reality of Living Memory and I'm now upset. I was already upset at the way they killed off Otis when it could have been defending Gulool Ja instead of a fuckin drone. They 100% could have replaced all of Wuk's presence in Living Memory with Otis since he has an actual connection with the real Sphene as well.

I'm so fuckin mad.
We were fucking robbed!
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>wut lamat is the one smelly kid who always followed you around and inserted himself into conversations with your friends

I knew there was a reason I hated that bitch
>Want to meld my shit before i get my crafters to lvl100
>Turns out i have to pay 1800 per meld
Are there actual peasants out there that have to do this regularly??
I hate that they always focus on the cotnext and people psoting and never adress the data presented. Sure, retards and racists or whatever psot it around. Is it wrong? Is it false? Is Wuk Lamat not talking that much?
let's all hold hands and dilate in troonyonyall like true amigxs! shit filled tacos on Woke Lemutt
Makes complete story sense why Gaia can do that, she's a Sundered Ascian, oracle of darkness the counter balance to Ryne the Oracle of Light and it's all explained in game with no handwave.
Meanwhile Wuk Lamat bursts through reality and the only thing people have attempted to give for that ridiculous powerup from being captured by low level Bakool Ja Ja bandits to being able to break through a dimensional barrier and lift up the arm of a God machine all on her own, the only explanation that has been half-heartedly given was "Dynamis".
What a load of horse shit this writing is now.
>Let me dial up the "i troll u" rhetoric to 11 to signal that I was pretending the entire time.
You weren't. You offered an ignorant bit of false widsom, born of your own hateful delusions, and were rightly told off. Acting like a monkey after the fact is your coping mechanism.
People hated the Gaia shit, the difference is it was optional content.
People still play this pozzed troonshit?
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Don't care about your e-celeb shit, bub.
sunk cost is hell of a drug
sure thing
it takes a lot of backbone to suck SE dick one day then go back to WoW/genshin then back to FFXIV when they get a paycheck and media tour
I'm sure you have it all figured out, not seeing through the obvious bullshit these people pull just for money, none of them are genuine
don't get me wrong, I'm not envious of their wealth but at the same time, their opinion is worthless, they are like whores you find on the street
>want Aglaia
>got Copied Factory, Tower of Paradigm, Rabanastre, or CT instead
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Powerlevel handwaving via dynamis that allows nobodies like Wuk to suddenly drop LB3's like 13 year olds crank 90s in fortnite is the dumbest shit. I never want to hear the word dynamis again. Fucking Endwalker.
speak for yourself I never had an issue with the Gaia thing
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>dilate with wuk lamat
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If you avoid getting hit during Leonogg he starts seething at you, based
I thought the Gaia shit was cute. CUTE.
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>frontlines 'commander' is horrifically bad at commanding
this might be worse than having no game plan at all
Yes, because it invalidates their feelings.
I really wonder if people will realise how bad Dawntrail's MSQ is when it keeps getting compared to the worst parts of the previous expansions to say
>See, it's not so bad this happened before!
For a Fresh start Dawntrail MSQ decided to take the worst parts of the previous expansions, make the pacing, writing and characters worse and somehow it's a mystery to people why it's not liked.
Not just Dynamis
But Dynamis at a level comparable to the strongest people on the shard praying from the opposite end of the universe
What a fucking fumble of a .0 finale
Where's all the Wicked Thunder fanart
Way to signal that you're not coping by posting an image of a manga character getting punched in the face. Very mature and sophisticated.

I'm hiding your posts. Go ahead and have the last word if it makes you feel better.
Reported for hateful or abusive content :^)
The person who said the VA screams in lowercase letters really hit it on the nose
skibidi yawnfail
Wuk Lament is literally only second behind emet selch. And I want her to breed me and cuddle with me and her tall muscular body.
NTA, but you sound like a faggot.
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Again, do not care about your e-celeb shit.
This is a reminder to switch to the JP voices when playing Dawntrail.
*shoots you with rubber bullets*
DEItrail is shit even without the tranny, tranny.
The gaia shit was awful and cringe too, just less bad than wuk lmao.
Anyone else think "Echo"'s world first race initiative is going to be a massive flop and some obscure static that doesn't even stream takes it? This isn't WoW where raids are massively overtuned at release for the exact purpose of esports wank.
you lost, no one is taking your e-celeb shit seriously
>when playing Dawntrail
I don't see why you wouldn't switch the moment you start ARR. The levels of the performance are night and day all the way through every expansion
What's wrong with rubber bullets?
That doesnt fix the bad writing
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>PF for EX1
>Minimum iLv 705
I immediately leveled up a crafter when I saw that price tag. Shit's expensive as hell and will add up a lot over time.
Yes retards actually mindless part with their gil like this.
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Because the point of using a duel to settle an argument is that it only leaves one side of the argument left. It completely misses the point.
>Minimum iLv 705
You shouldn't join these DESU, they're just doing it for parse runs rather than for gearing farming so it'll be a lot more faggoty if somebody fucks up for whatever reason.
The whole point is to get Wihute to pay for his crimes not to outright kill him. This is why you gathered evidence and tried to get him to confess before Zakowa dueled him.
It reeks of sensitivity bullshit
It just feels unnatural how ALL IN they bet on Wuk Lamat. Why did they do it?
That's how you end up with vengeful family/friends though. The other side of the argument isn't necessarily gone after a duel to the death.
The writer was that confident everyone would love her and find her incredibly charming, there's no other way to explain it.
>in the same plot line that features people getting visibly killed and soul sucked.
Also looking up a list of titles I'm surprised there's no sultansworn title anywhere, I get that lore wise the idea is meant to be sultansworn that's their whole life for life and it's not a a title fit for an adventurer but i'm surprised they didn't make one anyway
It isn't a perfect system. Just trying to explain the underlying purpose of the practice.
My thoughts on this is that they genuinely thought they had a Luffy/Naruto type character who could bring in a younger demographic. Dawntrail, especially the first half, is such a blatantly generic shounen manga arc with juvenile writing that it has to be deliberate.
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Is Hiroi a furry or something? Even with the shit writing, how could he have thought anyone was supposed to find some uncanny beast person with the face of a house cat relatable?
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>he boughted DEItrail
Young boys don't like ugly furries. They like strong male heroes.
I wonder if people would have accepted her more if she was a cute Mi'qote or middie instead of a hulking cat with a "can I haz chezburger" face.
What’s funnier is we’ve done this before with Lyse and it blew up in their faces. So they tried again and went way further this time only for the same result.
/v/ is a monster fucker board.
The 2 dye channel thing is very 50/50 though. Some of the options suck major ass, yes, but there's also plenty of pieces that can look amazing with it.
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I didn't
He wrote Zero, he's just an unskilled hack.
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I like the goofy jerk becomes a bro story, but Bakool Ja Ja poorly executed. Like everything else in this shit story.
An anthro is not a monster though.
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I wanna suck on wuk lamats feet so bad why cant she be real
Yes they are.
XIV's dogshit community has a subsect of very loud furries who were crying about adding female hrothgar for years. Devs probably thought they were more popular than they actually ended up being. Nobody likes Wuk and hardly anyone is playing as femhroth after the first week of novelty.
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Eh. Same probably applied for Shadowbringers and Endwalker. You just got to eventually kill Emet Selch and Varis.
The Warrior of Light said this.
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holy sexo
I can confirm I am the WoL
holy samefag
WoL canonically fucked Wuk, why do you think she wanted you to stay so badly?
I'm still fighting my addiction but my resolve is weakening, hold me bros.
I've never done EXs before DT, have "farm" parties always been this shit? Every one I've joined has been terrible
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holy retard
>Kidnaps wuk
>Lets out Valigarmanda which is supposedly an apocalyptic threat to the turali shithole (you kill it with 0 buildup lmao but that's besides the point)
>kidnaps wuks father
>All of this is forgiven and forgotten the second he says "I'm le sad"
I liked him up to the moment where they started to make him a good guy. Him being a cartoonishly huge asshole was actually funny but then they just completely waste the character. There's not even an arc it's just "now I'm good".
I knew from before launch they would be fucking ugly. I was hoping that maybe they'd at least look decent, but nah.
At least they don't have to deal with a fucking hunchback.
t. male hroth player
And I'm playing this race, because I get an abnormal amount of pets from both male and female miqos.
holy photoshop/coreldraw/gimp/element inspect
Yeah I also know how MSpaint works.
We both know if Wuk didn't exist and the entire expansion was "SPEAK WITH ERENVILLE" and nothing else she would only give it the highest praise.
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You don't even have to do that. Are you living under a rock?
I always muted the game and tabbed out at the end of E8 normal. Hated that part because not only did it completely stop the game for almost a minute, once the cutscene ended you still didn't get to play the game, you just had one person hit the LB button and called it a day.

But hey, at least back then the one hitting the LB button was a person.
>she would be less upset if the expansion forced her to interact with somebody she liked instead of somebody she didn't
Wow what a revelation. Any other pearls of wisdom you have for us anon?
It's a bit before the savage tier drops so its mostly late straglers
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It's a shitty video game
But will she now bear his children?
Savage is a couple days away
Like it seemed obvious they would be a low played race, like I imagine most people who swapped to them were formerly fem Roes, an already small population of players, or Mi'qote who wanted to be taller/buffer but quickly changed back when they realized they weren't cute no more.
I did my clears ages ago but didn't have time to farm until now. Fucks sakes
Everyone quit so the limsa trannies are the only ones left.
I doubt it. That wasn’t the problem. The problem is how perfect and drama free she is.

Of course the WoL manages to find the weaker underdog challenger with a heart of gold who’s secretly favoured by her father to win.

Of course her opponents had to be mostly Mega Hitlers because we can’t have anyone who might be more worthy for the throne.

Of course she ends up being the only one to earn all the keystones and never has to be seen as unworthy.

Of course she’s able to defeat the much stronger contender 1 on 1 even though he uses minions to help, despite her previously being shown as physically inferior.

Hell she’s even allowed to topple a version of her father at his peak.

Of course we wouldn’t be joined up with Zoraal or Bakool for the cooking challenge. Can’t have stakes.

Of course she’d easily coast to victory, solve every current crisis of her people with basic ideas like “hold your festival to be happy” and have all of Tural in love with her by the time her coronation happens.

And that’s just the first half of the Expac. There’s nothing challenging about Wuk. It’s all safe and boring and generic tropes dealing with a super perfect underdog that’s secretly the best ever and taking up every scene she’s in.

The only way a character like that can be entertaining is if she’d have been murdered by Zoraal Ja at the coronation and he took the throne as we escaped with Koana. Having a second half on the run with a guy who knows he’s unfit for the throne but needs to rise up and claim it and move out of his perfect sister’s shadow would haven compelling. Instead we got SPEEEEEN.
These farm parties are now full of shit casual late clearers, last week the farm parties were like 95% good and consistent, now I find myself kicking people or disbanding almost instantly because they keep fucking up mechanics or healers refuse to heal before raidwides
Farm parties have always and will generally always be shit.

>never did EX's prior to DT
You're most likely one of the shitters as well. A lot of people on /v/ suck ass at this game
She feels otherwise.
thought you fucked off
stop posting this crap here
>if Wuk didn't exist
then the story would've had a chance to be good
It absolutely could've been better. Hiroi was like "let's remake Lyse except fucking worse lmao"
>Bad story
>Bad characters
>Terrible ENG localization plagued with issues because Kate cares more about her political opinion that doing a professional job
>Tural feels like disneyland and unironically safer than Gridania everywhere you are so it's defined by being incredibly bland, clean and inoffensive like it was curated by a consultancy firm
>Good battle content
>Good raid
It's sad that to enjoy this game you have completely detach yourself from the story, the writing, anything Kate touches and basically ignore everything but the battle content. Inb4 the WoWfugees that helped wreck this game celebrate Wuk Lamat over twitter for the billionth time.
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ukrainian girls owe me sex
She's a mary sue voiced by a narcissistic transexual with a voice directed by a woman that spends her time seething on twitter about American politics. Wuk Lamat was doomed from the start even with out Hiroi's attrocious writing.
>>Good battle content
Sure, when battles actually happen. I've gone entire sessions of playing the MSQ without fighting ONE SINGLE MOB
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I like how they give you this when you say no thanks to alcohol.
Pretty thoughtful
I know I'm not great, but I'm competent enough that I'm not the one causing wipes.
You sound like a massive faggot though
does level 100 viper have less buttons than summoner?
What if Gulool Ja Ja actually never had any child and Galuf just gifted him a baby blue mamool ja from Eureka?
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That was uncalled for
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>entire sessions of playing the MSQ without fighting ONE SINGLE MOB
Come on, surely you stood in atleast one purple circle where two underpowered mobs spawn to fight you.
>raid mount is the toucan
Why even make up a dumb excuse to have monsters in Living Memory when you never have to fight one?
Great, another mount completely unrelated to the raids, how fun,
i keep getting Rabanastre and Lighthouse which is fine since at least they are fun
>get Paradigms Breach
>suffer 40 minutes of boredom or leave instantly
god i fucking hate the nier raids
DTs MSQ is fucking grim about that
>joke about how 4 hours in I've killed a total of 7 enemies and all of those are "enemy spawns then explodes from burst"
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>Failed to catch Whale even with an intuition reset
>Failed to catch Hypha in the window right after
>Next whale is in 4 days
I hate Big Fishing
She's the main character she can't be a mary sue in her own goddamn story that's not how mary sues work.
>Zoraal Ja and other Turali barely spend 24 Eorzean hours in the dome
>Time moves forward 30 years

>Krile spends 20 Eorzean years outside the dome
Did her parents die like two gorillion years ago?
I wanna go on a boat ride with G'raha and eat TACOS with him.
That IS how mary sues work, it'd more accurate to say thats it harder to label a character as one outside of fanfiction.
>AI shit
I swear to god you pajeets have to be subhuman to think this looks good.
I wanna go on a boat ride with Wuk Lamat and throw her overboard
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Finish the story before asking questions like this.
What do you think happened with the MSQ? Was it Hiroi, consultant DEI meddling, or both?
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Can't say I like where the story is going. Ignoring the filler garbage that was Dawntrail's plot, the implications for the future expacs don't fill me with hope.

Azem cum chalice to shard hop as we please.
Implying the shards that have rejoined still exist.
Making Azem the main thing now.
I don't like it.
I did, asshole, that's why i'm asking
They're in Living Memory but the time they got shoved in there probably predates even Otis going by these implications
It was 100% Hiroi, that dumb motherfucker couldn't write a good story if his retarded life depended on it
The fact that he wasn't fired after writing the fucking SB Bard quest was the biggest mistake they've done
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here's your patch msq cutscenes with Wuk Lamat
Bros, I think you guys should just Smile!
What's so bad about it? My bard is level 62 so haven't done it. Can't be worse than Paladin.
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>Removing the entire pantheon behind almost every major faith in your game for a shitty raid series
Don't get me started on that shit.
You know, for all her talk of tacos Wuk never actually gets the WoL tacos
>Aymeric gives the WoL a nice banquet
>Exarch gives WoL a sandwich
>even the Arcadion raidcat gives WoL some energy drinks
Now I'm not saying it would've made her instantly likeable, but the bare minimum she could've done was actual feed the WoL
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The writing was already on the wall post EW. They just have no idea what to do now.
You do fight once. See >>683870973.
>They just have no idea what to do now.
That's painfully obvious now.
I cant even buy any actual food from either Aunt Tii or the hrothgar guy
eating Wuk's hairy taco
She gives you some skibidi pibil after you finish the cooking contest
Post EW is same writer lol
The only emotionally resonant scene with Wuk was with her caretaker in Living Memory, but I didn't give a shit about her plotline throughout the game, so I just felt emotionally manipulated when that hit.
The questline ends with you literally covering up a major Ala Mhigan war crime by hiding a diary with the truth in order to keep the peace. Basically during the Mhigger-Gridania war there were going to be peace talks, but the Mhiggers poisoned the food and killed one of the major Gridanian generals. Also the antagonist wanted to release the story but you stop him because MUH ANTI-ALA MHIGGAN SENTIMENT
that shit was bussin fr fr
Don't worry, at least they've let the Elementals remain in power over Gridania this entire time.
I felt nothing. By that point I associated Wuk and all things Wuk related with apathy. All I wanted was for Meteion or Ra La to come forth and grant me the gentlest end.
>AI shit
Are you fucking retarded? It's official art posted on the twitter account, god I hate you fucking Jeets larping at being European.
If you want to get to the Elementals you'll have to go through Kan-E first, and that bitch wont suffer infidels or filthy fucking Duskwights denigrating the Guardians of the Twelveswood.
>Median Black Mage rDPS for Valigarmanda is lower than every other class, including dancer, but with a smaller lower bound as well
Holy fuck dude
Your response, chuds?
How much does materia/food effect parse?
blm is pretty undertuned relative to pct, but it doesnt help that that fight hates casters too
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What would he have to say about Wuk Lamat's policy of Peace and Happiness?
People hated Lyse
The rest aren't even close to being the same thing
When was the last time my wife appeared in the MSQ? I genuinely don't remember.
he would immediately acquiesce and give Garlemald to her
she just chills out in the Doman Enclave for the optional turn-in quests
He'd eat a taco and dismantle his empire while Smile plays
I don't remember Yugiri being part of doman restoration at all
changing voices to JP just to get away from Wuk Lamat being voiced by a crossdressing man doing a falsetto fake accent doesn't fix the more pertinent issues with writing and characterization
what is this retard talking about
He's a retard. None of those characters were the focus of the expansion like he claims, if you don't believe me go play NG+
>People hated Lyse
Daily reminder that this is troon propaganda and anons fucking loved Lyse and were cooming all over her. Normies are not people btw. Everyone that claims StB was "hated", "controversial", "not as good as HW" and so on are huffing glue, regurgitating streamer opinions and/or are shadobwbabies or endfetuses.
We killed the Twelves they're named after, how are they gonna stop us?

And next, we go to the aetherial sea and make it stop randomizing the afterlife on people. Absolutely fucked some memories get deleted, but some just stay ingrained on a soul up to and including every memory for no reason, and that some souls remain whole for reincarnation but others get torn apart and mashed with other bits and pieces.
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damn remember when all those characters were glued to you for 85% of the story and repeated a handful of lines over and over like they were a childrens toy???
My response is you've already posted that before and you've got no interest in discussing the game.
>anons fucking loved Lyse
No one liked her. Please seek help, whatever agenda you have has poisoned your mind and is ruining your life.
Lyse Sext
I don't hate DT as much as others but this is, as they say, false equivalence
>Implying the shards that have rejoined still exist.
this is a big one and breaks so much shit that it's retarded.
The entire POINT of a rejoining is to merge a reflection back to the source, there shouldn't be ANYTHING left
The only thing that really makes sense is that it was a digital recreation of what once existed, cause anything else breaks long-established lore regarding the reflections and rejoinings
Disingenous because it pretends that's the sole reason, people call Dawntrail DEItrail because it's a bland experience defined by how inoffensively bland it is. I think the rubber bullets meme on the forums really sums it up, Wuk Lamat being voiced by a narcissist and Kate doing the localization is really just the cherry on top.
big chunks of shit are coming out of my ass right now
Oh yeah, i remember how HW forced Aymeric on my ass - and him making weird comments on the moogles, the dragons, Nidhogg and the fucking bird people.
Oh wait. That never happend!
No, time is wonky in XIV and exists only for plot elements. Same shit as SHB where 100 years passed between 3.4 and 4.3/4.4 when graha starts nabbing people, but between 5.0 and now, it's perfectly lined up with the source.
>Giving us a key that presumably lets us break free of this boring shitty setting and go anywhere

Sign me the fuck up, they put all the old tired storylines to bed and now it's time to get out there and have a real adventure.
You KNEW this was coming, though. Everyone with a brain saw this coming with all the azemwank that has been happening since 5.3. Ancients aren't really gone, Emet isn't really gone, no one is ever really gone. Enjoy your slop, you should've prayed for SHB and EW to be failures if you wanted something interesting.
Oh no, a Japanese man writing in favor pf covering up war crimes? Imagine my shock...
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The EXes aren't going to be a great metric because they're easy enough to farm and that's what people are going to do for the mount, so you're going to get everyone that can finish the fight easily with no mistakes using picto for the grind. They use the same gear, just zero reason that if you're to the point you can do the fight well and are doing it 30+ times you would use blm.

Better idea of what blm is like is going to be the normal raid, because it'll at least vaguely be closer to what savage versions will be and has less farm parties going on right now. Definitely needs some pretty major buffs still, because even at 90th percentile BLM's behind picto+every single melee, but it is slightly ahead of all other ranged/casters.
We went from going on adventures that were fun with interesting side characters that support us to being with a poorly written mary sue that hogs the spotlight 24/7 while we watch from a distance as not to be a white saviour. This LGBT troon is making a false equivalence and he knows it.
Ok so the story is trash, the character writing is trash
But were FFIX fans treated well? I know fuck all about IX
We might get garnet again. they forshadowed shit with her crown.

they never once showed her in the alexandrian dungeon.

steiner was good. music was okay.
I simply cannot forgive how fucking UGLY they made femhroths
Unusable, unfixable race. We already had femroe, femlanders, and femezen for people who aren't interested in traditional beauty. Why make a fucking FOURTH unpopular race? They're already fucking extinct in-game and it's barely been a month. Retards.
>class whos sole offering is fat damage
>doesn't do fat damage
what were they thinking
The references are shallow at best and feel like most of them weren't even meant to be there in the first place and just got stapled on at the last minute. Most of the songs were just transplanted directly from the game instead of being arranged.
Both. Hiroi is bad writer but Tural is so squeaky clean it's blatant the first half of the story had a consultancy firm 'correct' it.
It's pretty easy, the key is to realize you don't need to move that much. For icicles you can stand on the arrow the whole time and do small steps to maintain 100% leyline uptime in the opener and ice phase if it's second.
uhh seems like he's talking about souls games
They're masculine to the point of genuinely feeling like they're hon-coded.
Both, plus probably some last minute rewrites.
Then yes, they did die ages and ages ago. They were the founders of Preservation and later Oblivion, so they died about 400 years ago, but after the war was over.

Otis was the very first soul to become Endless, as a test for Sphene.
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>But were FFIX fans treated well?
>A grand total of two remixes
>The rest of the tracks were ripped from the game verbatim as if it were one of those cheap event crossovers
>Two FF9 bosses, neither of them are interesting (Abadon and Feather Circle)
>One good reference character (Otis)
>Some vague themes and plot points are referenced from FFIX and all of them are changed for the worse
>Everything else is just them naming things but not showing them in the hopes that you get the reference
it was silly it should have just been the gods sending avatars to test our strength or something less OTT, very sad they decoded and demystified the lore
>soulsfag is retarded

every fucking time
At this point, I'm not sure which of the possible explanations for the Unlost World is worse. They all seem terrible for the story.
>The Azem key somehow sent the Milala back before the Rejoining and they accidentally pulled a G'Raha and saved the Twelfth by inventeing electrope engineering
>Somehow, parts of the "fully rejoined" 12th remained
>There just happened to be another shard with a Flood of Lightning completely unrelated to the 12th.
I think it's a bit deceiving because it has so few parses and a lot of them are just awful. It's not hard at all to be 80+ on normal as BLM if you've even gotten gray as it on any EW savage, at which point you're better than a 55 PCT or 70 NIN. But against "equally skilled" people, yeah it's undertuned and PCT is way overtuned.
>very sad they decoded and demystified the lore
Even more so knowing how much faith in their respective deities means to most of continent of Eorzea.
It's not something they needed to do but it fits their motives, if you haven't been paying attention they have been closing up storylines and loose ends since post ShB. While they haven't exactly started this supposed new arc off on the best foot it's clear they were actively trying to tidy up these old lingering questions and problems before moving on.

It's also why we won't be heading to Meracydia.
He's smart enough to know when to dip, while you're shoving buckets of shit down your gullet
after seeing this expansion you don't want a cum chalice that lets you ejaculate to a different reality?
I sure want one I'm tired of this real world but final fantasy bullshit they've been pulling
Come home, white man.
>claim its a vacation expansion
>instead its the WoL being a CIA glowie traveling to a lesser civilization to prop up a new puppet ruler
the only nigga having a fun adventure is Estinien.
You're here with us, you're even worse at least we enjoy the game and aspects of it you are such a pathetic cunt all you've got is us.
>He's smart enough to know when to dip

that dumb nigger played for 500+ hours and still doesn't know how to get a static going.
Meracydia is on the map now, it's going to be an expansion zone for sure, but its not going to be DA OUTBACK EXPANSION and instead have more of these crossrealm mergers.
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>Hiroi had no fucking idea how rejoinings work or their timelines in history and just vomited this out and no one even attempted to supervise him because they were hyperfocused on cultural sensitivity
I'm here to laugh at you
Jesus Christ what a disappointment this thing was. Just some lame antivirus likely based on a weapon in a war. Not even a cool boss.

Ra-La take me.
i feel like the summary could be made into a passable story so I'll just assume the actual writing behind it in the questline was really dogshit
I hated everything to do with her caretaker. Not only did she ruin any chance the Texas zone had at being interesting by sending you on a fetch quest to get her bracelet back (all while constantly mentioning that her bracelet is a gift from Wookie Lamat as if the writers were terrified you'd forget her), but they also gave her two fucking death scenes just for some cheap heartstring pulling.
They never claimed that, the general public assumed as much because the initial showings of the expansion didn't spoil everything.

>Retards out there actually thought the expansion would not have a FF storyline attached to it in some way
Xivcombo working yet? I can’t raid otherwise.
yeah okay lmao
You really didn't like Eliminatingway, anon? That's a shame
It's never going to be an expansion location because they tied up that loose end, we fixed the problem already.
>artwork is unique
>in game it's just Nald'Thal
>made it look like a fuckhuge trial boss
>it's a dungeon boss barely 3 times larger than my male highlander
This whole expansion was a rug pull.
That's what I'm doing reading the cope in these threads from sunk cost trannies
>The story leaves a few points unexplained, mysteries for the moment, to be explored in patches 1, 2, and 3
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He doesn't know...
>I love FF14 but what I want most is to get away from the entire setting!
Well, good for you. You got what you wanted in Dawnfail.
Hiroi is listed as story design lead while two others are listed as MSQ writers. The Werlyt and Pixie writers. You got two amateur writers being overlooked by someone who never added anything original to XIV besides MAYBE mhach lore.
just because wook la mat is bad doesnt mean erenville gets to skate. he was fucking boring and trash as well.
Who could forget the scene where G'raha jumps into the middle of your fight with Hades, and starts chaining LB3s, doing half the boss's HP in DPS? Or how every dungeon in Heavensward forces Aymeric into your Trust party? Or how Hien reclaimed his country by giving the Garleans some handmade tacos (that he didn't make himself)?
So you hated Shadowbringers?
>Finally go to mythical New World
>It's just shittier Eorzea
>Have to avoid even the slightest overtones of colonization and white savior complex, so we aren't allowed to learn about or help anyone ourselves
>Instead have to watch a native ooh and aah at learning the most surface level facets of her own culture despite being the daughter of the ruling king who united the continent
>Was only adopted by said king specifically because she was imperiled by how tenuous and fragile aforementioned unity actually was and the fact that he basically did nothing over the course of decades to address what he must surely have known was an ongoing problem
>bro, let's wait for them to explain absolute garbage
Nah. Introducing an item that would have solved the Ascian's goals in an instant is fucking idiot rubbish. Doubly so when it seems Emet may have known of it. Hydaelyn must have because she watched over everything.

Fuck you Hiroi.
okay sweaty very epic
>Injects his own headcanon because he is so perturbed by the story hanging a mystery over his head to be explained at a later date
Yes we know which is what makes you so pathetic that we've all you've got.
Shadowbringers doesn't get away from the setting. It explains and answers questions people had for years. Including what a shard is like and a rejoining is like.
He shoulda been a Viper
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The main dev of that plugin quit this shit game. Get the spin offs from it, XIV Combo Expanded (it isn't on the normal plugin list).
If you accepted all the lorebreaking retcons in SHB and EW, which I know you did, you can accept Azem's piss chalice.
He should be a beastmaster, he basically acts like one with the big manatee.
So then why do you hate the idea of going to other shards?
I already told you. Talking to stupid fucks like you is annoying.
Erenville gets a point from me for refusing to call the bitch Lamatyi
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I have never accepted Azem's fix all jollyrancher. It has been the laziest writer crutch sense it was introduced.
I think it's more along the lines of you have a really silly hate boner and when confronted with logical questions you don't know how to answer because your entire argument falls apart.

The "setting" isn't just Eorzea, it isn't just Hydaelyn, it's anything they fucking want it to be and your ass better believe the other shards are not only great locations for expansions (ShB was amazing) but they will probably be the locations of most future expansions.
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I am a nit-picky fuck, but couldn't they have wrote this better to acknowledge the inconsistency? They have done in the past so why not this time?
Bros, I got it. What if we copied The Stigma Dreamscape and made it the final dungeon.
Is there a single DT apologist who can defend it without overtly lying?
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Your Middie is so lovely! They'd bee even more lovely if you made them browner
The elementals will never really be addressed because they are remnants of 1.0's plot which was supposed to lead to some proto-Zodiark god named Gaia. Yoshida dropped that shit early, which is why the elementals went "quiet" in ARR so that he could let that thread die unresolved. The cave mural art of Hydaelyn and Zodiark resembling elementals is the most throwback you'll ever get to that.
>It explains and answers questions people had for years. Including what a shard is like and a rejoining is like.
Those were literally answered in 2.X and 3.X, it wasn't new info.
So why did they draw that artwork to make it look ten times bigger than it actually is in game? You can't tell me that was unintended, they evne have clouds in the background to emphasize its size.
why would you include erenville he doesnt do anything
I think I answered your question before you even asked it and you will eat up whatever garbage put on your plate. You've made up your own headcanon to argue against when I have clearly stated what I find disgusting about the implications Dawntrail made about rejoined shards.
The Azem crystal is stupid. They keep pulling it out and acting like it's a big deal, and it summons 7 other people where we use it in every major fight, then it proceeds to never be enough specifically in those fights and need other people to help anyway.

Hades with Ardbert, WoL with Emet, Endsinger with the Scions+Zenos, Sphene with Wuk Lamat. Then the normal raids for EW and DT both come up with different reasons we have 7 helpers, I sincerely don't get why we still have it.
Yeah but he's there isn't he? That could have been written better is I'm saying.
You paid for this humilation ritual, not me
Erenville doesn't fight baka
Who knows, it's weird but if you got mad every time concept art didn't match ingame material in a video game you'd not make it very far.
>an item that would have solved the Ascian's goals in an instant
How? The Unsundered could already travel between shards. It's also clear that Azem designed the key to be powered specifically by dynamis to prevent misuse, because very few Ancients even knew about it let alone had any clue how to manipulate it.
well you did say you were nit picky so fair enough
>Has been exploring the world for quite a while
>Somehow can't fight at all
That was so annoying, and the fact that this was blatantly done so that you wouldn't have enough party members to swap out Poochie in Trust duties makes it even worse.
Even someone who literally spent all her adult life sleeping can fight in the tank role quests, Erenville has no excuse.
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Before the Azem crystal it was implied WoL called up adventure friends on linkpearl to help.
In situations where that is impossible (like on a dragon's back at the end of the universe) the Azem crystal makes sense or you just say the Scions helped him fight.
>We know nothing about what really happened with the key
>Anon makes up his own headcanon explanation to get mad at
>Starts throwing a fit when that is pointed out

You people are fucking mental.
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It's a reference to the seven wedges thing. The Lifestream ouroboros is coming, and Galuf will be important to the upcoming plot, giving Krile a reason to stick around.
It's a video game anon, they used it as a fun way to explain why you go in and fight bosses with 7 other people. It's really not that serious.
Just remind these people that this game reduced all of latino culture across all countries to just tacos and ponchos, replaced any possible individual identity quirk with nonsensical fantasy ones that always invariably makes them come across as backwards, uncultured and ignorant of their own land like the boat or the eugenics program, and that they purposefully wrote out any kind of lore about colonialism from an outside power to delete real world history of the oppression of american people, not presenting a heroic tale of their own struggle but completely deleting it, and with any possible figures they could have had like Tupac Amaros or Simon Bolivar.
And then remind them that the ending is Wuk Lamat justifying genocide because mass murdering a civilian population in an effort to make their leader commit a mistake and show herself, even doing so slowly when there's both the option to just run past them or at least to just turn them all off at once, in truly sadistic manner. And the justification for this is that they're subhuman and nothing we do to them matters nor should weigh heavy on our conscience.
That Sena Bryer is just a shield to hide a bunch of propaganda that makes out latino people to be stupid and uncultured, denies the colonialism of european powers and their mistreatment of indigenous peoples on other continents, as well as justifying the genocide of palestinians while saying it's all to get at Hamas.
This non-character who abuses the letter 'r' like a battered wife only exists because he makes 35 year old cat moms vagina's tickle. He doesn't need depth, he actually serves his purpose.
Dawntrail made it clear YOU DON'T COUNT
shit flavored tacos
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Think we'll ever get a true time travel expansion?
Let's say promo artwork is done like a month before debut, meaning its commissioned a couple months before that at most since these artists work in-house. By this point, Eliminator is still a dungeon boss, because it was in the EU FF that Yoshida said "this guy isn't an 8-man fight like Valigarmanda". A couple months isn't fast enough for these devs to rig up and rewrite Zoraal Ja as the second trial. It was definitely pure marketing to make it look more imposing, nothing more
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>world serpent
>infecting lifestream
>mfw Azem is Sephiroth in 10.0
Don't see why not. We already have a canon link to the World Unsundered. We just haven't thought to fly off of Elpis.
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>more time travel
fuck no
>It's pretty easy, the key is to realize you don't need to move that much
yea obviously, but the point is your average shitter isnt gonna know that which is why blm is gonna look terrible on fflogs.
>Wuk Lamat justifying genocide because mass murdering a civilian population
They are AI chatbots, not people.
Probably. Either going off Elpis, going to G'raha's doomed timeline, or just about anything else because it's fucking time travel.
Despite being 13% of the named character population Wuk Lumat commits 52% of all dialogue.
>My face why I see a duskwight in my city
And if you kill innocent people while on crusade you aren't really comitting sins and you will still go to heaven!
>but muh genocide
You will never be Caramel, bro. Just stop, its getting sad watching you Lavos losers get BTFO for multiple expansions. You don't even have an imagination to string together conspiracy theories, you just post this same image again and again thinking this time it will come true (it won't).
10.0, they'll need all the fanservice they can muster and its a perfect excuse to bring back everyone who died one last time.
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He's been around
The fact that they have to name multiple people who are "forced" on us in the other expansions but only Wuk for DT is itself telling.
>everyone who died
So like 3 characters?
Then it's a good thing that there were no people in the Living Memory.
Do you also cry when dragging a file to the recycle bin on your computer?
Which of the six remaining shards of Azem has been around? We got 8.
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Out of context this name is a bit sus.
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>>There just happened to be another shard with a Flood of Lightning completely unrelated to the 12th.
That's the best of the three and makes plenty sense, as there are more shards than elements. So of course it'll instead be one of the other two.
I don't know who that is and I don't give a fuck about Chrono Trigger. There is no conspiracy, they've been gradually adding clear and obvious world serpent references. There is a literal fucking ouroboros in the background of Athena's second phase which takes place down in the Lifestream, and we just got a dungeon all about the Great Serpent being some important multidimensional entity.
>How does it feel to take a human live, anon?
>I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed Endless.

Totally not propaganda btw. Hiroi pulling every single trick out of the "justifying genocide 101" book.
webm related is how I wanted the graphics update to be, what a fucking joke
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Should I buy some SE stock? Any /biz/ WoL around?
I did like that Anabaseios had you bust out the crystal since you didn't have Elidibus or Lahabrea to spot you any buddies
You lost. You've been posting that image for three years, and nothing has come of it. Embarrassing.
It sure is convenient that Galuf et al just happened to have discovered the golden city at the same time Krile's parents just happened to pass through the gate to drop her off.
I mean, its guaranteed to spike in the lead up to the next expansion, so yeah. Buy it now, sell it right before an expansion drops.
Are Krile's parents stupid? Why didn't they just stay in the source
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>Things literally coming of it
>"Nothing has come of it"
Just like it is convenient a storm ruined the HanuHanu's float so Woke Lemutt could fix it otherwise she wouldn't have passed the feat
>Hiroi pulling every single trick out of the "justifying genocide 101" book.
Are you even surprised? This is a Japanese game, and Hiroi is also the dude who did the war crime denial special in the BRD story.
And yet women will tell you he is the most deep and interesting character in the game after G'raha. Can you even imagine being a straight male and having someone like that to drool over in this game that doesn't look like a boy or a furry ogre?
Yeah I too wanted the game to require two 5090s to run the game at 45 fps with both gpus at 114 degrees.
because ice cream
>woke lemutt has twice the lines Minfilia had in ARR and has defenders while subhumans endlessly memed Minfilia's "please return to the waking sands" even though you could just take a ferry toVesper Bay from Limsa, but the average FFXIV enjoyer is too retarded to look at the map and see where the boats go by the lines indicated
Fucking retards, they should all choke and die.
I'm just glad mankind is strong enough to hear, feel, and think on its own. To face the insurmountable... as long as you have the help of an Ancient's magic crystal.
Everything about Krile's story was 'convenient'. Down to having royalty with her earring OUTSIDE of the gate to get back in.
Imagine paying a monthly subscription to consume this utter joke of a game xD
Uhh time is convoluted uhhhh
Index funds. Don't think in the short term and don't try to time the market.
What are you babbling about, you could achieve this in 2016.
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We used to have so many hot girls.
The fuck happened May when it fell from over 6k to under 5k?
I'm calling you retarded, MMOs aren't supposed to be games that are graphically intensive, nor do people who play them want them to be.
probably a meeting where shareholders were mad debirth, 16 and flopspoken underperformed
Only your babbling schizo delusions.
I'm no surprised. I'm just upset that the community is defending it to the death because one side is too traumatized by Zodiark Trancers to want to discuss any sort of genocide plot anymore, and the other side is too invested on defending this expansion because one VA is trans.

Pure fucking shock doctrine dude. Take advantage of crisis to push any narrative or measure you want on the playerbase, no matter how controversial or questionable, because they'll be too distracted and distressed to respond adequately.
>game can't acknowledge the other players because it would lead to the obvious question of how anything is a threat when you have an army of primal immune powerful fighters
>tries to give light nods before going fuck it and making summoning magic a thing you can do casually to handwave
>only leads to more issues because now you have to justify why WoL doesn't just shit it out every single time which only leads to more handwaves because you've now made the presense of other players canon and can't uncanonize it.
I am already putting money into ETF, is there a big difference to index funds? And I am not looking to short stock, I just have a really soft spot for SE, despite it being seemingly horribly managed internally when DT is anything to go by.
eh it looks like max graphics settings mh world
Also is convenient how the storm blocked the path down to Mamook so that the only way to cook skibidi pibil was by listening to the history lesson and finding the conveniently hidden banana leaf box.
>story skippers
I skipped that shit. As soon as I saw cooking contest I just got mad.
>female characters
>get written out of the story forever once they serve their primary narrative purpose

>male characters
>keep being written into the story long after they've served their primary narrative purpose
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Wuk's super power truly is serendipity.
>Also is convenient how the storm blocked the path down to Mamook
Iirc, that was later revealed to be Bakool Ja. He collapsed the cave to stop the others from going through.
The latest victim is Wuk Lamat!
The number of conveniences in this expansion makes Star Wars having the droids end up in Luke's hands in particular out of anyone in the whole galaxy look logical and reasonable. At least that one coincidence was justified as just "The Force".
>He read all the dialogue in It's A Small World - South America
Women dropping G'raha in exchange for Erenville or fucking Zoral Ja just shows me barely anyone understands waifu/husbando concepts. Meanwhile that one faggot has been commissioning Y'shtola art for over 10 years no despite her getting constantly written out of the story.
>t. zooral ja
Yeah but now you pay for a tranny VA that voices a cringe big lion girl with manly abs.
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Call me a tranny but I unironically love parsing. It makes farming extremes so much more engaging.
>Y'shtola is written out of the story
shut the fuck up SHUT THE FUCK UP no she isn't you fucking retard
>Make snarky comment about story
>Snarky comment is actually wrong, because anon didn't read said story
>Continues to try and be snarky to save face
good one
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Sticking with Alisaie since I did coils. I don't normally go for the girl with flat chest and flat ass but I made my decision.
Nah, I'll call you retarded instead.
You had months nigger, how are you still working on EW fish? Just roll better RNG.
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>Only arrives at the last fourth of HW.
>Not in SB at all.
>Only arrives at the halfway point of ShB.
>Actually present through all of EW, holy shit.
>Only arrives at the halfway point of DT.
She's ALWAYS the Scion that's missing for the longest time.
To be fair who else is Y'shtola guy gonna get art of who has any presence at all left in the story? The few conventionally attractive females get killed off now. It's at a point where it was reliably called that Sphene would die/be dead based on nothing but that.
how do you change it from historical % to rdps
Square Enix restructuring and Kiryu outright cancellind all AA projects, even the ones far in dev, and writing off those dev costs as losses.
You see anon, there's a very simple explanation for that. They wanted to leave the organization they were part of and take their secrets with them, so the only logical move was to go back into the hands of that organization with memory reading technology instead of going through the door which they just ensured could never be opened from the other side by stealing the only key.
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>'shitola' faggot is having a melty someone mentions Y'shtola
Not really. Urianger would have less scenes than her.
Well, actually, correction, Thancred gets it even worse, save for ShB.
That view is from just clicking on a fight from your profile
Young and eager to please. A blank canvas to mold into your perfect giraffe wife.
Its 90% gear, though. I can roll up to the EX after Tuesday with pentamelds and raid drops and score easy 95+ while slipping up on my rotation compared to now where I cap at 70-80 because I'm too lazy to use pots or food that won't be relevant in a couple days and too lazy too waste XII melds on current tome gear. I'm using old raid food because I still have some but that's it.
>Before the Azem crystal it was implied WoL called up adventure friends on linkpearl to help
And to add to this this didn't make any since because through the whole story until shadowbringers, we were always left alone in trials because we were the only ones really able to fight primal and not be tempered. They TRIED TO confirm that other people like Arenvald have the Echo too they also can withstand tempering. But he's too much of a non existent character to even entertain that there are others like you who withstand tempering and have the experience to fight primals, all while through out the story You yourself are the one getting credit for the slayings. It makes much more sense to give players the power to summon heroes like simulacrons.
Got it, just had to choose a specific job
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Not really.
>ARR: Y'shtola gets the Titan questline in her favor, but Urianger gets to introduce all the primal extremes, making it about even slightly in favor of Y'shtola.
>HW: Urianger didn't "die" during the banquet, he gets to be your contact back in Eorzean soil and guarding the Waking Sands, not many scenes but at least he still exists for that period unlike Y'shtola, and then he gets to be protagonist of the whole Warriors of Darkness plotline.
>SB: They're both barely present there.
>ShB: Urianger is reintroduced a whole area before.
>EW: Only thing Urianger misses in comparison is Vanaspati.
>Urianger wasn't in Alexander while Y'shtola was, but also Urianger was in Eden while Y'shtola wasn't.
They're about even, actually. Which is pretty wild still considering Urianger didn't join the "field team" until ShB.
i heard that runar made the guy seethe, is that true?
All three are the "secondary scion" trio. They have bits here and there, primarily Thancred in ShB, but otherwise they tend to be pushed into the background a lot. Really you could have said that about anyone that isn't the twins, G'raha and sometimes Estinien who was also off doing his own thing for DT. It's just most prominent with Y'shtola because she's the only attractive adult woman left in the 'main' cast.
If by "seethe" you mean a bunch of people started harrassing him over it and he asked them to stop.
>Y'shtola getting her shit kicked in because a retarded blonde needed to play the hero PART 2
She usually gets one patch where she goes really strong. ARR was the Leviathan chapter, HW was dealing with the fallout of the church, SB was the steppes and solving the Burn (before getting knocked out so Alisaie could hog the WoL-Light), ShB the temple spelunking and EW 6.1 which was just in general great.
scoop poop from my poop chute
What happened to Krile in DT is literally what happened to Y'shtola in the past 10 years. It just hits you with a brick for Krile because in DT it was so condensed, so it is really obvious.
>We'll never get a lewd expansion with Aenor, Clemence, and Ocher because they are all white and that isn't the direction neu-CBU3 wants to go.
>Y'shtola: *starts to speak*

>Krile: *starts to speak*
Checks out.
Yeah I grey parse
lala jumpscare?!
Reminder most dubfags would take a whole cast of trannies before forcing themselves to play in JP
Y'Shtola and Alisaie have so few scenes and lines together I call bullshit. In fact I'd be surprised if you found more than 20 lines between them across the entire game.
Reminder you will never be japanese.
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Whitebros...we've lost.
Only 15% of this games story is voiced, if it got that bad I would just mute that. No reason to have some nip nong ping pong screaming at me.
stay mad
I'm not referring to scenes together, I'm referring to instances where they are both present. To be fair this goes for other scions as well with how Alisaie in ShB and EW always tries to hog the camera.
I Wuk up early from a Wukmare and wanted to share the terror
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You realize the character isn't alive and there is no camera. Ishikawa wrote the lines and I suppose she likes Alisaie.
why did she give him such a cool title
Well no shit she likes Alisaie. Y'know how people have been complaining about Wuk always hogging the screentime in DT? Alisaie used to do that to a lesser extent.
You must be fun at parties.
>play with JP voices
>have to read subtitles mid-combat to know what's going on

this alone makes the english dub worth it, just gotta fight against them hiring shit VAs
consultants said no to their original script so they had to redo it
Reminder you will never be a woman, “Sena”
And I repeat, I call bullshit. I don't remember her speaking over anyone in Shadowbringers other than maybe yelling at Ryne about making cheap promises. You tell the twins to fuck off in Ill Mheg, I don't remember them doing shit in Ratika either.
Well most dubfags are functionally illiterate so you can’t really hold that against them. Not to mention they really wish the game wasn’t Japanese
The expansion launched and it's still bleak.
It's pretty disingenuous to claim that the twins weren't focused on much more than the other scions save G'raha prior to DT. Alisaie inparticular got pretty bad about always needing to talk even when she had nothing of any real value to add.
>nooo don't call out my bullshit
You fags love to rewrite history. I believed the bullshit about Stormbood before I played it.
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Sorry to be the one to tell you that your waifu Alisaie was the prototype for Wuk Lamat in the "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE" department.
meh that's a really bad attempt being funny
Alisaie was a screeching cunt since stormblood. She stole so much cutscene time with her dogshit arcs.
She's not my waifu, I just know you are full of shit. Hence why you can't prove anything and didn't even deny that she and Alphinaud may aswell not even be in two whole zones of ShB.
>It just hits you with a brick for Krile because in DT it was so condensed,
I'd argue it's more because they gave Krile the biggest part to play in the trailer, just last expansion we had the "Holy shit we forgot to put Krile in the cover art" thing, and YoshiP has spent a long time now saying this would be an expansion about Krile and making up for that and the minimal role she's had in the MSQ so far. It hits with a brick because this was supposed to be about making up to her character, and somehow EW, the expansion that made YoshiP go "maybe we should give her a nice character arc", literally gave her more attention and agency.
I stopped believing anything he says years ago. I'm sure he hates doing LLs now.

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