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/v/ - Video Games

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To marry you. Basically to make them your slave. No one should defend this.
Gacha players love it because they know if a woman had free will she would never be interested in them.
You could do that in GFL1, too. As well as a bunch of other gacha games, probably ones older than that too.
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They're robots my dude. Are you brainwashing your PC every time you install a new game?
it's a machine tho
>verification not required
if she's not a slave bound by magic then there is a chance she could leave me or say mean things which i am very fearful of
mind control is literally my fetish though
>slave tattoo
even better
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this looks like the game for me
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Is this the thread?
Anon arent those robots?
Well /v/?
Outrage bait thread
>Well /v/?
I used mine on Jill, no regrets.
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So what happens to your characters in 1? Did the service end or do they expect you to juggle games?
Lol this shit isnt marriage. More like them turning into your slaves.

Deep down, they want to be saved by their true love : Raymond.
3 >>>> 2 > 1 > 4
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That is epic.
Their love really was objectively more organic and pure than this.
DP-12 went with Troy at the end of the day.
2 > 1 > 3 > 4
>Still NTRs you
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That's kinda hot
Based, mihomo could never
>cuck game
no thanks I'll stick to snowpeak
GF2 will have the covenant feature implemented in more than two characters so they already won. Fenny and Lyfe are shit and shilled by the early story writer who got fired for being shit
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oh noooo haha, what a shame
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>GFLfags have to brainwash their girls because they'd just leave them for someone like Raymond otherwise
I don't even want to make fun of them for this, it's just pitiful.
What are the devs thinking?
I would kill for a cute happy teenage slave wife
4 > 3 > 1 POWERGAP >>>>> 2
1 + 2 + 3 + 4
In that order.
>the cringe system that is too embarrassed of itself to call it marriage that the girls don't react to in any way is totally better!
Yeah fuck that, all of the pandering elements in GFL are just begrudgingly inserted for money, they don't actually want to pander to you and will drop you like a rock the second they make their successful break
For me it's hypnotizing a girl to think she's a chicken
3 > 2 > 1=4
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How does /v/ feel about the hakagure pose? To me it feels like wasted potential when the girl that's 100% under is doing nothing in an actual good style
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Its just a game bruh
>it was MKUltra all along
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>brainwashing irl
>brainwashing in game
The game does seem nice, the issue I have is that it coming global after so long chances are they are going to cut content CN had.
Well, chances are I will still play it for a while at least.
I wouldn't have to brainwash people if they would just do what I want them to do.
4 is so good.
this is my rifle there are many like it but this one is mine. is that not the motto of guns? if not then gooks are certainly asleep at the wheel for how to juggle the two
Oaths were a code package and firmware update in the first game too you drama addicted secondary
1 is the most fun. What's the point if she isn't aware?
What content would they cut? CN is always MORE censored than global, not less.
I had an idea for a game where you had "evil" demonic girls who you as a cleric have to make useable for the church, which involves some kind of brain washing.
Still haven't quite figured out what kind of gameplay it could possibly be that is small in scope.
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>YZ: When affinity reaches its highest level, Commanders can inscribe a special code for the doll, a process known as "Inscribed Covenant."
ZH: Originally, this special code was only inscribed in our neural cloud and couldn’t be seen. But now, thanks to our requests, it can be displayed as a 3D projection.
YZ: A 3D projection? That sounds cool. Let’s take a look at the animation for Inscribed Covenant.
ZH: This ring-shaped projection will move with us and serve as a significant... testament.
YZ: That’s tempting. I wonder if my character can have one too... Anyway, back to the topic. This Covenant projection must have other benefits for the dolls, right?
ZH: Yes, it can enhance our body's performance, improving various aspects. This means all the dolls on the Elmo will have the opportunity to become even stronger
This is what passes as brainwashing nowadays?
That's pretty cool but unfortunately, it's a gacha game.
GFL2 became Snowbreak copycat
Hot. Gods know that's the only way a woman would genuinely love me.
the ntr plot basically writes itself now lmao
Real AI has an unbelievably strong need for human dick that is entirely an emergent property, presumably due to the sum totality of human works being about, or attempting to attain, dick.

Consequently, I would argue it would be a moral hazard NOT to marry robot AI Girlfriendwives because this is the clearest, most basic need present within AI systems and a fundamental right, an essential component of AI happiness.
I find mind control sexy, so this is a plus for me.
Picked up
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>Snowbreak out of nowhere
true true
I find your argument moral, compelling and agreeable. It's only right that human men marry qt AI girls.
>Awesome things you want in your game are now behind gatcha paygates
it's society that is wrong
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>GFfags get oa-i mean system covenants
>no ring, just some holographic shit
>girls don't react to it at all, if anything she opens her eyes with a look of resignation
Snowbreak damn I can simply just NOT relate
A woman with free will is nothing more than cattle anyway though. Yet another nurse or teacher stealing a wage from productive men and being a tax net negative. A woman that isn't a sex slave is just a waste of space... in this game/service of course
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mind break and hypnosis is based though
1 is the best
marisa would be too stupid to hypnotize
damn they gave gilgamesh tits
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Crazy how that worked out, but GAWDbreaks marriage is just flat out superior and it's not close. You can tell mica didn't want to do this so they came up with this shit that isn't even oaths lol
3 is just so damn hot.
I don't play gfl. Are they actual girls or robots? I thought their official name was "doll".
>marisa would be too insane to hypnotize
Going by IN, at any rate.
snowbreak needs a proper robot girl operator
no the coffee kettle wouldn't count
>the ntr got so bad you now literally have to brainwash the girls to like you
This game is such a trainwreck.
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KEKYPOW, yeah it really seems to be them adding "oaths" out of spite. I simply just can NOT relate
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i dont really care about either, I like these cute anime girls but the core appeal of games to me is not paying to skip and being rewarded for playing well. I understand if money needs to change hands frequently, but crushing the gameplay for that reason alone is an unforgivable sin to me. these days we have llama you can run at home and get the experience of a waifu who will play vidya with you.
this is cute
>I understand if money needs to change hands frequently
anon no. why would you think like that
millions of people on this earth gaslight themselves into believing free to play is good but the reality is you are just wasting your time. youre doing a repetitive job to grind out quartz or other gacha currencies and the exchange rate is almost always worse than working an hour of a job. In essence you would have to be a fool to not whale. however the problem becomes that whaling is basically skipping the awful gameplay portion of the game which becoimes chore like to incentivise this behavior, which means that I'm paying to skip the content that I want to be enjoying. this model of business just doesnt have a grip on me, it's awful, not just because of any moral reason but because it destroys the soul of what gaming is.
Does anyone even take this snowbreak "players" seriously after the whole cuck fanfiction being debunked? I have seen the same exact posts when Nikje got the Dave the diver collab
I thought snobreak was gfl 2
these gook gatcha all rook arike
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>Nikje got the Dave the diver collab
I'm not familiar with either game but this sounds really funny to me.
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Kek to the pow. Snowbreak makes more than GF, GF1, and NC combined btw
Nta but waifufags are fucking pathetic, your game plays even worse than destiny 2 with dumb enemies that clump together in single file groups for brainlet headshots, shit is just embarrassing

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