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File: petal.jpg (282 KB, 940x1225)
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What do we think about Petal's game?
i dont think
literally who
literally Petal
it's on the wishlist, along with ~1000 other games because I'll wishlist anything that looks remotely interesting

Fallen Leaf
I think I might be a petalphile.
alright, porn when?
is this game even fun?
Can I uoohh in this game?
post her full portrait then
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The only one I could find besides the OP
i dont think this thread will last long but ill try to draw something for you anon
>generic retro platformer #375478
a "generic retro platformer" only shows up like two times a year
>skirt that short
Does she have shorts on or...
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2.21 MB WEBM
Commando confirmed.
Bumping the thread for that other anon. Besides, the game seems good
I'm a different draw anon. Whatchu want famalam?
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Game's name?
Fallen Leaves
Rising Sprouts
Game name?
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I had never heard about this game until this thread, and now I'm automatically interested because it has a cute girl. Is that cheating?
No, that's called having good taste
It's genuinely impressive how every single piece of music in this game sounds like absolute ear rape
Why can't devs hide their fetishes?

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