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fromsoft game design is outdated
>locked 60 fps in 2024
>still no easy mode option
>just three lines of code to modify damage and souls/runes gain
>would allow twice as many people to complete and experience the full game
>no way to refund weapon upgrade materials
>pay a smith 1k and get all shards back to use for a different weapon
this except everything you said.
FUCK rollslop
>locked 60 fps in 2024
>still no easy mode option
>just three lines of code to modify damage and souls/runes gain
>would allow twice as many people to complete and experience the full game
who cares
>no way to refund weapon upgrade materials
>pay a smith 1k and get all shards back to use for a different weapon

OP sucks cocks
From games has bunch of problems but easy mode is not it. Every from game has easy mode if you actually try the different weapons or armors you get. Elden ring even gives you summons.
>would allow twice as many people to complete and experience the full game
>tl;dr Line MUST go up at the expense of product
They can't even pretend to balance a single difficulty, and you expect them to add more?
>no easy mode option
Its there in-game (summons, OP equipment), you just don't select it in the options menu like most games.
Fromshit slop isn't even hard, most of the "difficultly" comes from retarded self imposing challenges, dev incompetence, and trail and error.
Why do millennials think having a yoga ball in your videos is the most hilarious quirky thing ever?
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spending hours gathering the right equipment is just wasting people's time
simply give people a mode that lowers damage taken and raise damage given, simple as
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>>still no easy mode option
Hang yourself.
>he doesn't use fps unlocker
>still no easy mode option
>level up your weapons
>level up your character
>blasphemous blade
>no easy mode
Good bait, I like it.
>easy mode
>game already has loads of options to make it easier
>literal braindead retards like DSP can beat it
>some porn actresses and niggers can beat it
Just play a different game normie
Don't forget the girl with a dance pad that was playing 2 ER at the same time
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>streamers and neets with all the time in the world can beat it, woah
>normal people who have shit to do get stuck halfway due to bullshit
>can we please have an easy mode? i paid for the game and would like to see it all
>lmao no fuck you
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It's important for zoomers to have an affect of not trying.
>lmao no fuck you
That's right.
>cowadooty pic
>le normal people
If you want to see the whole game without playing it as it was designed then go watch one of those gay streamers
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good arguments
All these ideas are bad and thats most likely intentional but I want to focus on the worst one. paying to refund weapon materials is dumb. you can already buy your way to almost max in Elden Ring if you explore and get the bells to do so. This idea hurts exploration and makes weapon upgrades feel less impactful It takes away a choice/risk and adds nothing in return. the entire game would have to be reworked around the mechanic and it would only make the game worse for having it.
The games are worse for having re-speccing but they still did it and people defend it
Fromsoft crits are always the same and I swear to god no one understands what they’re doing as they do it, but almost NONE of it would benefit the games. These games have always been about adventure. The thrill of exploring ancient secret places and defeating evil there. Not knowing what’s around each corner. the relief of finding powerful tools, or regretting your choices as they slip past you. Dying to something so close to progress that you see it behind them, and paying for that failure by having to make it all the way back to them.

It’s certainly not a survival game but there’s a similar design philosophy. Tedium is at some points NECESSARY to delay satisfaction and make the world feel threatening and immersive. Frankly the combat alone is not robust enough to support the franchise. They’re currently trying and more and more people are tired of it.

The combat, historically, is in service to the exploration, not the other way around. The run through blighttown swamp is part of your fight with quelaag. That environmental storytelling is part of what makes her so memorable. See if anyone gives a shit about romina in 6 months if you want to see the other side of that.
It's not cheating when I do it.
>easy mode
it's the easiest fromsoft game so far
all you have to do is not rush bosses
that's it
if you do the content thrown at you then every boss dies in a few hits and you will be overleveled
even my dumbass gf managed to beat this game and only asked help at malenia
you want autoplay or something? well you are in luck since phantoms also exist lmao
The game would be better with no summons and an easy mode for the shitters. Having 30% of all item pick ups be summon related feels awful when you don't use them (think getting the ghost flower after beating that shit ice dragon boss) and using them makes the fights lame as fuck.
I bullshit the bosses with spirit ashes since the bullshit me with stupid combos, a high-damage attack they pull out of their asses sometimes, or with 1v2 or more set ups. It brings me joy to fuck up a boss that tried to fuck me up with bullshit.
A no summons difficulty would make them rein in the bullshit spastic bosses to make it tolerable for those who don't want to use that garbage mechanic.
fukken based
>choice/risk and adds nothing in return
not like from cares about that, since you can freely respec your character after beating renala, it just removes tedium of going through god awful dungeons for titanite
>fromsoft game design is outdated
Okay? Who asked? People like it. I like it. Play something else shithead.
>locked 60 fps in 2024

I used to think this until I got a high refresh monitor myself.

Difference between 60hz and 120 or 165 is huge.
>try hacking to remove the ability to lose souls
>games become ps2 tier
crazy how one mechanic makes or breaks the entire game. people bitch about artificial difficulty but the real culprit is artificial suspense. without needing to nurse your souls to avoid losing them you can just big dick walk through everything and none of the tension is there. super weird.
>>still no easy mode option
weak bait
>locked 60 fps in 2024
>still no easy mode option
there are a million different things you van do to trivialize the game. half the weapons are busted, ashes of war are busted, magic is busted, bleed damage is busted, spirit ashes are busted et cetera. an easy mode setting is absolutely not required.
>no way to refund weapon upgrade materials
>pay a smith 1k and get all shards back to use for a different weapon
yeah agreed farming for upgrade mats is boring and pointless.
Respecing is limited to a item you have to go out and find its not free. They have stuff to remove having to go hun for shards of its called bell bearings their are ones that give every stone and wort but the last one if you hunt for them.
criticizing from software is like criticizing ...
no, i wont say it. ill get in trouble.
just know that Yuri Bezmenov was right.
you're a very bright 14 year old.
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>there are videos of literal 8yo autistic kids beating the game
>there are videos of a girl beating it playing it simultaneously on a game pad and on a dance mat
>there are retards who unironically want an easy mode
no. if you get beaten by women and children, there is something seriously wrong with you. you belong in a third world shithole together with other low IQ apes. you should never be able to afford devices capable of playing games. try dancing in the mud, that should be more up to your skill level.
Humiliation ritual thread so anons will bully dragonirian into suicide
dragonirian was never anything but some literal who PVPtuber the discord fags framed to misdirect blame.
kek see how it killed the thread though?
Anon knows.
Even better, give them an option to pass the game without playing it!!!
Fuck off retard, go watch youtube if you honestly that this would be a needed option
yep it's classic 70s and 80s DnD game style
>locked 60

mod it

>no easy mode


>extra rune gain

go get the talisman faggot

>no refunds

enemies respawn. stop asking for handouts nigger

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