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it's not even shilling anymore. you're just posting the steam page.
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don't forget to complete your dailys and battlepass on your 10 gatcha clones
Why not make a game about women playing soccer, instead? You can give them voluptuous bodies with good physics and it will sell just fine.
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in the game lore, soccer players become trash after 25 years old because they forget about fun and stop making progress
that is why you essentially see young players, but there are still some adults
I really enjoyed the og trilogy on the DS.
Plot was ofc very childish but I loved the whole militarized football state.

But Go! went too fantasy for my tastes and the whole stand/armor was unnecessary.
new gameplay is so good I can't play the DS games anymore
projection methinks
The mistake they made was not making the abilities as ridiculously stupid as captain tsubasa so you can't kickstart discussion with them
i hope there are shota mods
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>we will never get an official Go Galaxy release thanks to my retarded countries copyright laws
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I hope for a remake of the original games in victory road engine
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>play our game please
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Can you get other characters in the demo or are you stuck with your two teams?
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you can get 3 teams and beta
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Just fucking run, you lazy bum
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this game is cute :)
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>blantant shilling
>posts hags instead of the og trilogy version
you got it all wrong wagecuck
apply yourself
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Somebody stop that fucking midget
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press A to actually defend
it will turn your hands yellow
if you don't press it it's like if you didn't have hands

when you move left and right your hands get yellow for a few frames tho
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Okay but how are the cute girls related to soccer?
Loved the anime when I was a kid
no norika no buy
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all character will be in the full game
also checked
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they are soccer's club managers and supporters
also you can play with them
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beta sexo
why is beta so perfect bros? we need more fanart of her
How much grind do I need to do to unlock Beta?
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all *previous characters you mean, since this game will be 99% reused content
I imagine most of ares is in from the scrapped build but there's a good chance there is zero orion stuff
Is there a fix for my game stuttering horribly or did I just lose the compatible hardware lottery and I'm fucked for now?
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wtf is that quality bro
there will be orion stuff and everything
about 1500 char from the original trilogy
1500 from go
and 1500 from ares, orion and new ones
when is this game supposed to properly release if the beta doesn't end until october?
yeah there is a fix
in Windows 10, go to Settings > in the searchbar type this: Advanced system settings > Advanced > Performance > Advanced and then switch in Processor scheduling from programs to background services.
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not that much, you will get it easily if you play the story for 2-3 hours I think
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date will be announced in august/september tournament
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she is made for shota cock
>try the demo, only played the DS ones from 1 to 3
>breach/save shit and rather than having limited TP it seems its tied to tension using skills
i dunno, I prefer the old way of managing your TP
Is it worth doing the story in the beta or should I wait until the release?
For me it's the evil one eyed alien elf girl with magic electric hair that she uses to torture an ugly little fish alien girl
you'll get used to it
breach/save chance depends of the tension you have
they will prob lower it in the full game
yeah the story is nice you can do it in the beta
they'll change it a little for the release so you'll get a different one
superb taste
based, thanks
>They patched Sue in the beta to add her canonical tied shirt that shows off her stomach

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unlocked all the gallery
Why can't I put some equipment on players in competition mode?
you can
just make sure you are editing the correct team
you have all team twice
you can't edit the examples one
also buy equipment in the store before but I guess you did it already
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it would be cool to make your soccer club here
really hope we get to have her in game
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oh true my bad, i'm a big simp of her so the more i get of her the better
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enjoy her
again, the previeous two trilogies have like 10000 characters total, nothing in this indicates orion characters
it is literally the same game ares and orion were developped and became victory road
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