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Nice level curve. Grinding is really fun haha
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Might suck ass when you're playing it as a clueless kid who relies on his starter. But don't you think you should at least try SOME strategy, anon? It's not hard to beat mons a few levels above you with a couple stat boosts.
t. swept cynthia blind without losing one mon
What are you grinding for? Post-game? That's just like every pokemon game then.
>inb4 he can't beat the campaign
Oh nonono
Weren't common boost moves like Swords Dance and Calm Mind post-game only in DPPt? The TM versions anyway, guess you can use mons who learn some naturally.
You're an adult, stop playing these games that are designed for infants. Do you still binge watch Blues Clues episodes too? Embarrassing. Pry those fucking nostalgia goggles off and move on.
This, a real man would hire a dominatrix for cock and ball torture
>needs to grind to beat the game made for toddlers
Not op here.
The game is easy, but you are forced to use your starter and the red gyarados if you don't want to grind and play optimally.
And no, even for the post game (outside of battle frontier) you don't need to grind if you stick to your starter.
Pokémon is like the one game grinding is semi fun cuz you're bonding with your creature of ones and zeroes
It's even better when you know what youre doing and know how to min max your buddy to be the best it can be
I use the pokemon I like, not the ones that are the strongest
>meanwhile HGSS is the first game where I boxed my starter
Grinding is the funnest part of JRPGs
Maybe use strategy?
Better than finishing nu Pokemon and its DLC's at levels 90+.
Why are zoomers so bad at games?
There is literally no reason to grind in pokemon games.
what strategy? the only strategy here is use your strongest move. if my pokemon are underleveled and don't have any supereffective moves then what can I do besides grinding?
Post-game is one, but certainly not before that unless you are doing some sort of challenge run.
Honestly based response, I'll give you that exception.
I released my starter in Platinum and had a really bad time at the first gym.
Headbutt is a real punch in the dick
Don't you get Machop before Plat first gym
Honestly I've been thinking of replaying and just doing that
Not an excuse though. The pokemon you like can probably do a little more than clicking STABs
I can't remember but if I did have one it was probably the reason I eventually beat that fucker
In my experience starter shouldn't be necessary in Plat.
Hardest fight early on is Fantina, but they added Nosepass who can instantly evolve and tank Mismagius for a good while.
>red gyarados
You are genuinely retarded.
Not sure what you expected from overlevelled starterfags.
Not even a big fan of HGSS myself but I levelled evenly as usual and had no difficulty whatsoever.
>You're NOT supposed to level up battling wild pokemon

jesus what's wrong with zoomers
Idk but I was also under leveled by 3-5 levels the entire game even though I beat every trainer.
You can do that, but it's completely unnecessary as the game isn't hard enough. If you say you genuinely need it to progress then it's a genuine skill issue.
I hate that the campaign forces you to grind because they realized that they didn't put enough content into Johto naturally. Not in the sense that level ups are necessary, but in the sense that they throw a ridiculous number of battles with shitters at you in the back half.

Polished Crystal 9bit makes the game so much better by just making enemies more difficult.
I always thought that was normal, especially if you are using a full team while the opponent only has 2-4.
Now I can imagine zoomies having a mental breakdown everytime they see a higher number on the screen while my LV.29-30 shitters were dabbing on Wake's LV.37 Floatzel
>I hate that the campaign forces you to grind
And that's the skill issue we are taking about
Pokemon since Gen 6 forces you to completely curbstomp the Champion. It sucks, man.
Pokemon strategists are some of the lamest motherfuckers on the planet I sweat to god
I know what you mean but technically EXP share is optional in Gen6 and 7.
>He didn't finish reading the post.
I really don't want to fight 40 Rocket Grunts in a row just because the scenario designer realized Johto has like 4 dungeons before endgame.
>uhh the level curve is bad because you always have low levelled pokemon
>uhhh the level curve is bad because all the endgame trainers have low level pokemon
which one is it?
Not worth reading your post after you outted yourself as too retarded to play Pokemon.
Yeah, but even with it off the exp gain and team levels/comps are skewed way too far in the player's favor. Gen 9 in particular was depressing, where the champ has a good team but you are absolutely going to push her shit in effortlessly because you're probably 5 levels over her already.
My complaint is that the game is too repetitive, not that it's too hard, you fucking retard.
>My complaint is that the game is too repetitive
Bro that's every pokemon game. Generic trainers and wild battles were never really interesting, at best you get one new party member or a funny line from a NPC.
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At what point? GSC/HGSS' level curve sucks ass precisely because the player is naturally overleveled with no effort on their part for most of the game.
>"Hey, it sucks that the game grinds to a goddamn halt and throws a fuckload of Zubats at you all at once because the campaign was running a bit short and there was no time to fix it."
Ok faggot.
Im pretty sure that you can use whatever the fuck you want, and if you really need help the lv50 snorlax alone can sweep the remainder of the game.
>hey it sucks that [headcanon] and [headcanon] because [headcanon]
Gen 2 is like only above nu gens for me but you are still a clown.
>M-muh level curve
I used to think this too, but it's not true.
If you explore everything as you get the ability to, the level curve is great.
Most players don't really want to backtrack through every cave, but the ones who do are rewarded. It's a completionist game.
>The game stopping you at Mahogany for an extended Rocket detour is """headcanon"""
Anything to win an internet argument, huh?
I'd say less completionist and more a slow burn social game. You were meant to play it daily in small bursts and discuss secrets with friends.
Only retards spout this about HGSS. I played this and never had to grind, and leveling up your Pokemon to the upper levels is a painless experience because you have 16 gym leaders to choose from to rebate, and it's fast experience grinding unlike any games that came before it.
>b-but muh nuzlocke
Only retards actually find those challenging. If you have a Pokemon faint in those you deserve to be tortured.
Mahogany and radio tower combined is less average pokemon battles than mt coronet
Nah, because I grew up playing it like that and was always under-leveled.
Talking about it with friends doesn't matter, you actually have to explore everything.
>A forced shitter-gauntlet has less fights than the biggest dungeon in Pokemon up to that point, which the player entered ~five times across the story.
That's not really relevant to the point being made at all, even if it also isn't great.
The original is better than the remake. The remake didn't fix any of the problems the original had except dark being a special type for some retarded reason, and even then the phys/special split fucked over just as many mons as it helped.
The remake's only flaw is Gen4 handholding.
>in fucking Johto
how embarrassing
And all the additional plot they added, big negatives imo
A real hard game where you only use 1 Pokémon the entire run
That's not even the same game
A video of Werster only using Raikou for the entire game isn't any more interesting
Didn't know you could start the game with Raikou
>A video of Werster
I count the additional plot as handholding aside from the Giovanni event, because most of it is the game leading you by the nose.

Thank God modern hacking tools let you cut that shit out of the game.
Might as well be since you're like level 20 by the time you can catch Raikou
LV20 in Johto is like half of the game to be fair, not counting post-game.
In terms of time it's more like 1/3 to 1/4, the next 20 levels come really damn slow. And the game may as well be on rails until you hit Goldenrod.

This is why I continue to shill Polished Crystal. It really picks up the slack on early and late Johto instead of the "good part" just being levels 15-33.
Even the Giovanni event is shit because all it does is basically bring the game series' Giovanni's characterisation in line with anime Giovanni. Post HGSS, Giovanni is just a megalomaniac villain with plans for world domination, whereas before, you were working with so little that there was room for more interpretations for a more nuanced organised crime boss who after a crushing defeat went back to his roots.
This games literally made for children 5 and up, how are you fucking filtered by a pokemon game?
In my experience whenever somebody finds Pokemon difficult it's either because they are referencing a run they did as a small kid, or because they are currently doing some sort of challenge.
Both things are fair, but I think it should be specified if you want people to relate somehow. Personally whenever I play I do things like not using items, set mode, no legendaries, no overlevelling and I did struggle in some Gen 4 fights especially, but that's entirely on me wanting the challenge.
I meant it's the only new story segment that's not tutorializing/babysitting the player, not that it was good content. It took what was implied (He's either dead, isn't listening, or listened but refuses to return) and spells it out for no good reason.
>Nice level curve.
Explore more. There is nothing wrong with the fucking curve.
That's weird, I never needed to grind in HGSS.
>in pokemans
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I transferred all my pokemon over from pearl and use to bring my lucario out into a corner of ilex forest and masturbate while walking back and fourth through her repeatedly pretending we were having sex
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Doing a first run of this game currently, it's not really difficult but then again Gold was my first pokemon game. I have to force myself to not use my starter honestly, to have a shred of fun. If you don't get gastly at sprout tower for hypnosis to make catching mons easier, then what are you doing my guy

im in ilex forest btw
>needing to grinding in a pokemon game
bluds i beat HGSS on a zero exp patch... i cant believe /v/ is faggot now...
Hypnosis' accuracy sux, in all Pokemon games I vastly prefer grabbing any of the myriad Grass types with Sleep Powder instead.
Only pokemon game that was so boring I couldn't finish it.
>he never touched XY, LGPE, SWSH or PLA
Lucky bastard
Never had to grind once when playing this, nor Silver as a little kid. I think we have retards, probably nuzlockers and shit, who grind up to the 'level cap' or something stupid when you're supposed to just wing it.
It's only nuzlocke and other challenge fags who have an issue with the level curve.
If you play as intended and actually explore. Search for secrets and new pokemon to catch. Explore wide and give each path a chance as they are presented to you. Then it's fine.
XY and SS were passable because at least they give you really good selections of pokemon to use.
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I literally just spammed A as a kid against every single fight and rarely grinded. I managed to beat these games. They are literally designed with toddlers in mind.
If you can get trough Kanto without getting bored, then you can get trough Galar.
kanto at least has non linearity, dungeons, and actual antagonists galar has fucking nothing

At least Kanto had some charm, and I suppose you could call it density? I'll cut GF some slack because it was the first 3d pokemon but by the western town I was saddened that there wasn't more to each town.

I liked what SWSH was trying to do but it felt like a cop out compared to something like pokemon collosseum, which actually tried to differentiate itself through the all double battles gimmick + "darker" (i use that world lightly) tone.
It's just a shame GF doesn't pull more from their library of games more. Every pokemon game feels like its trying to reboot or reinvent the wheel, and just ends up being the same thing.

Pokemon stadium 1+2 =amazing and fun minigames, just chuck some of those into the mainline games as game corner mini games.
Weather,day/night/ day of the week, why is it so hard to have all 3?
Game's relativity to RBY = just put a fucking Red fight, or shit any of the previous protags.
Make the game harder. I don't care if it's for children, it doesn't have to be mature themes, just PUNISH them with difficulty for no reason. It's not like they can't just look shit up anyways.
No MMORPG elements, but maybe a Dark Souls like system where you see how other people in the game handled a scenario. You could see how well you rank.
>still locks johtomons to kanto
>doesn't fix any of gen 2's gyms
>all of the encounters are in kanto are 20 levels too low
>if my pokemon don't have any supereffective moves then what can I do besides grinding
Teach them supereffective moves you mongoloid retard
There is a department store in fucking goldenrod where you can buy 120 base power moves that are supereffective on all of the most common types that appear in the game, except poison which you can get Dig in the national park literally next door to deal with

You can also use:
>stat boosting moves
>status moves
>X items
>healing items
>keeping amulet coin / luck incense on your pokemon for more room to buy items
>playing the game with 3-4 pokemon instead of 6

Kill zoomers behead zoomers etc.
>>You can also use:
>>stat boosting moves
>>status moves
>>X items
>>healing items
>>keeping amulet coin / luck incense on your pokemon for more room to buy items
>>playing the game with 3-4 pokemon instead of 6
>The original is better than the remake
No it isn't, at least you can use larvitar in the remake
wow anon, you sound like a huge faggot
You can buy Swords Dance TMs from the Game Corner in Platinum.
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>in Platinum
>the first game where the Game Corner was neutered by age rating boards' meddling
>the game where nobody bothered to make a replacement minigame and the only way to earn the Coins for prizes is a few daily collectable invisible item drops on the Game Corner floor that maybe amount to a couple hundred coins per day
>all the decent prizes cost thousands of Coins
The game corner was only neutered in Europe and you can make pokebucks with the Amulet Coin and VSseeker to buy coins, silly.
The fact pokemon and nintendo STILL haven't released the older pokemon games but on eshop with stuff like 3x fast forward like square did with FF7-8-9 is baffling to me.
literally leaving $millions on the table.
Nuzlockefags were a mistake
Manchildren arguing over games that were easy to beat as a toddler
Just fucking emulate, why is that so hard?
you can do that but nintendo keeps shutting down the rom websites.
they legit want you to pull out a GBA and 4 batteries or a rechargable, get your old cartridge, and assuming the save battery isnt dead, play the game that way.
i mean. why are you sidetracking the issue?
you defending that?
>you can do that but nintendo keeps shutting down the rom websites
I have literally never had a problem googling "<Nintendo game> ROM download" and finding a ROM of the game I am looking for, despite all the takedowns.
for now
stuff I used to be able to google no problem is now just straight up gone
Grinding? The level curve is structured in such a way where you're constantly overleveled, since they had to cripple the gyms all the way up to the 7th to allow you to complete them in different orders.
A big perk of this game was the map notes feature allowed you to track a Nuzlocke run ingame, a feature I don't think they ever brought back.
skill issue. I nuzlocked it without grinding at all. git gud.
Actual skill issue, look at this list of GBA pokemon ROMs I found on the clearnet in 5 minutes
They replaced it with Voltorb Flip in all regions past gen 4 iirc. Great toilet game, but sometimes it just comes down to luck.
Voltorb Flip only exists in HeartGold/SoulSilver. The post you're replying to is talking about Platinum.
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Oh shit, you're right. My mistake.
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>muh pocketmen
>kill kill behead
ok, nintendo is le bad
what's next?
I never had to grind in this game, literally just keep playing. You don't always need to play in baby mode.
Where's Aurora Crystal?
Dray rom hack? Stuck in whatever personal modder hell as always with these things. What did he want to do with it anyway? I forgot the scope of it.
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Lyra cute
Most people seem to dislike her, probably for replacing Kris.
For me she is at least cute too

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