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Party finders ruined MMOs and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise
>muh parses
you tryhards ruined any group matching
party finder is fine but the automatic teleports directly into dungeons and general lack of a proper overworld is not
>urths font chocobo parties
MAN that is old
They deleted party finder for classic wow, and people made addons to add one back in.

People posting about this stuff are just looking for attention and sympathy when they get screened by party requirements. FF14's raiding community is actually more forgiving than others, and is based on a trust system that you know the phases they require you to know.
Party finders aren't the problem. Making the world less artificial is.
There's no difference between putting up a listing in XIV's party finder or just spamming a chat channel in a city.

The roulette or whatever they call it, which is just pure matchmaking with zero player communication, is what people complain about ruining MMOs. That and cross-server, and being teleported places automatically without having to travel.
People just spam LFG in the Discord servers, so why would an in-game party finder be a bad thing? At least you're keeping players in the game.
>"I have suffered trying to find a group, so you should too!"
Fuck old mmos they don’t get played for a reason. Biggest fucking pain in the ass and I’ve spent 20 years playing them for some reason
I hated spamming in-game chat to find a dungeon group. FFXIV party finder where you list a group is way better.
It didn’t because everyone used to shout outside of wine port to do first coil and any other content but they used to run it in df.
Dc travel killed pf on any dc that wasn’t the popular one.
Old MMO’s only worked because the tech was fucking primitive and they acted as interactive chat rooms. People can just share info on Twitter now to find anything so the genre is de facto dead
You never played mmos if you think that
>bbbbbut I heard that
No one cares, people always found fast ways to group, usually using chat and specific shard
>bbbbbbut classic wow i heard
No one cares
I'm gonna tell you a secret about MMO design.

A good MMO is a shit game. Convenient things like market boards, party finders, matchmaking, all make an MMO worse, because then people aren't using their social skills. Yeah the players WANT those things, because it makes playing the game easier, but it also makes the game less fun.

Same deal with grinding. The longer the grind, the cooler you feel when you finish. Back in ffxiv 1.0 when relic weapons took 3-6 grueling months to complete, people had whole ass parties to celebrate getting them. Nobody's going to show off their fucking manderville weapon.

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