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I heard ryza is casualized trash, so i bought rorona. What am i in for, and if i end up liking rorona, should i try out dusk games and sophie 2 as well?
>if i end up liking rorona, should i try out dusk games and sophie 2 as well?
What kind of random-ass play order is that? Just keep going in release order. Maybe check out Salburg at some point.
Tbh, only dusk games and sophie 2 likely would interest me in addition to arland games from the info i've collected.
A lot of newcomers seem to not look up or just not understand how the games are structured.
I've literally seen multiple people only question the order of the games after playing completely randomly 2-3 games in.
I can understand Dusk, but why Sophie 2 specifically?
To get the taste of a modern atelier game
only atelier game i played is Escha n logy i really like it what game should i play next?
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Shallie is the direct sequel to Escha, so maybe this one.
Also the assignment system of Rorona DX is copy pasted from Escha so if you liked it you should try this one too.
Marie remake - very first atelier game, pretty easy and short, so should be way cheaper, still worth a try, but won't make you a fan
Rorona - classic atelier sandbox game with lots endings, some character endings require you to FAIL the game
Totori - less endings, but great map exploration and fun to play again and again
Meruru - first taste of modern atelier, no character endings, streamlined gameplay with lots of downtime where you have nothing to do
Ayesha - return to classic, you still need to beat game to get most of endings though. This and Totori are the atelier games I replayed the most
Esha - weird game with so much free time you would just rest until next month
Shallie - first game without timelimits. Back in the ps3 days I found nothing really wrong with it and still enjoyed and beat it. Actually just bought it again just this week because there big gust sale on eshop, and still enjoyed it, so guess lack of timelimits isn't a problem for me
Sophie - was so boring and dull, it was atelier game that killed my interest in franchise. Doesn't help that gust marketed it as "return to roots"
Firis - Never played it, but I heard it was pretty great gameplay wise outside of vita, but when I asked this week if I should give it a try, didn't hear anything good about it
kek'd hard desu
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>Meruru - first taste of modern atelier, no character endings, streamlined gameplay with lots of downtime where you have nothing to do

doesn't count
Anon, that's not "endings" but character events, you could do them all in single walkthrough
Actually shallie did the same
'casualized trash' already makes you sound like a dick. I played on the PC and used CE to stop time progression.

But for everyone else who is interested in the game:

Enjoyed playing it for the atmosphere. Liked the characters. The title song still brings a smile to my face.

If you want to see all of the endings, you will have to do a lot of grind. It is also easy to miss some crucial with the other characters. So I would strongly recommend a guide (e.g. GameFAQ, by Drache_the_Dork). eruciform has some great info as well.

About the alchemy system: It has two different paths. I think one for equipment, the other one for weapons. You transfer the properties into some universally used reagents (path 1 supplement, pure oil; path 2 tonic, nectar, elixir, red prism (late game), gold (late game)).
If you want to transfer properties between paths:

Transfer from Path 1 to Path 2
Supplement - Zettel - Nectar - Elixir
Supplement- Zettel - Magic Paint - Tonic
Pure Oil- Rainbow Oil - Magic Paint - Tonic

Transfer from Path 2 to Path 1
Junk - Supplement
Gold - Supplement
Commit suicide.
Doing all of the character events plus superbosses in an NG run is possible, but it is anything but 'lots of downtime where you have nothing to do'.
The endings literally change and you end up focused with different people
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Whats the point of atelier if you stop time progression?
You can just enjoy gameplay and crafting?
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That's all of the good games in the franchise

Rororna is really funky janky and it's just worse Escha. Only saving grace is that Rorona has brain damage
I have no idea what the fuck were they thinking with Dusk 3,
Ryza trilogy and Suelle are not atelier games, they're just generic JRPGs with a focus on crafting
Sophie 1 is soulless and I don't know if I can endure Sophie 2
Marie is criminally basic while Elie somehow managed to filter me

Gramnad translations fucking when? I can't shit on them if I can't play them
Sounds you dont actually like games but like just watching pixela while reading a guide and disabling one of the most important mechanics in the game that is supposed to give you direction and try make you use your own brain that the god gave you
This needs to be corrected, you cant get speed star on an ingot
t. literally just played and beat rorona overtime
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I'd rather just play DQ9 instead
Time limits are what make atelier games atelier games.
You can raise your relationship with everyone and do most of the events within a low number of playthroughs. I prefer to see most of the story but I would not like to play the same thing over and over again.
In this game, if you don't use a guide, it is extremely difficult to balance your relationship with the general population and your companions in a way that you can see all of the endings from a few late savegames.
who's pixela
My fat fingers as 4chan has been range banning my non mobile internet for 2 years now
I dont know why you fags like Totori so much. The game is fucking deceiving and it feels like you are never doing what you should be
>of fuck I need money so I should synth but fuck I need to explore but oh fuck there goes all my days oh cool there was a cart that wouldnt have wasted a month of time that would have been nice oh shit I need to get Levels Im getting fucked fuck Totori is such a weak piece of shit physically so I need items but god damn it thats now wasting more fucking time but I pulled through and oh fuck the endgame stuff requires you to synth for months and travel a fucking ocean for a months then you have to do it AGAIN because FUCK you
And you want to talk about jank with Rorona? In Totori, I missed a lot of the best money saving items and super bombs in the game because I didnt bake a pie... in Totori's house specifically. If you bake the pie at Rorona's it doesnt trigger the event even though its related to Rorona, and the game gives you very little incentive to stay at Totori's place as a hub over Rorona's except for very specific parts of the game. Yes, Im still fucking mad. Also you get more powerful party members way too fast, it feels like Im getting punished for trying to use Gino or Mimi because Rorona and Sterk are right fucking there.

I much, much enjoyed Rorona plus over Totori (I didnt play plus so maybe they tweaked it, I dont know), gameplay wise. Story was fine and I did have fun with it, but it just felt like I was never doing anything right even on "NG+" playthroughs. Meruru was fun but a bit too easy, and I really kind of hate what they did to Sterk's design and the fact that he was turbo knight autist mode when he had already "learned his lesson" on knighthood the last few games. I know it was a gag, but they shouldnt have made it 90% of his main events.

Looking forward to Lulula, heard it was very autistic in crafting
is sophie really that bad?
Boring shit with no challenge at all.
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Best character.
Firis completely botches the SoL aspects of the series, since you're canonically traveling it just ends up being really awkward when they try to have characters show up for events, and there's no situation where two characters other than Firis will naturally encounter each other, since all events just happen inside your traveling atelier tent. It really ruined the game for me.
Playing Atelier without time limits is like playing Dark Souls with infinite HP turned on. Like yes it's possible to enjoy it, but it isn't a very good experience.
Man i love Escha & Logy's cast, but you are absolutely delusional if you think its better at anything than Rorona. Escha & Logy fucks up the time aspect so bad you end up sleeping for a month every season. Like i swear they made the time limits so lenient just so they could point to their new game and go "see, time limits don't really matter at all, so just let us cut them out".
Totori and meruru don't have filter option when looking at item box. Prepare for a major pain.
>Sophie - was so boring and dull, it was atelier game that killed my interest in franchise.
Same. And i played this series from Iris 1. I even played Atelier Annie on DS.
I played both and I prefer E&L. Suck my dick.
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Yeah. Time limits only worked to put a reasonable ceiling on activities and move the plot forward. This is exactly what Persona does and everybody loves it so damn much, but in Atelier it's apparently "anticomf" or some other lame non-argument.
I don't get why these people just wants to frolic around an area with thousands of gathering points, only to then sit in the atelier slowly synthesizing better equipment for 10 years. I don't get it.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but your opinion is retarded and wrong.
Nah, it's time to admit you have shit taste anon.
play ayesha, rorona is shit
Would she get mad if i came on her glasses?
Rorona was great but I dropped Totori might go back to finish the series cuz I want to play Meruru and lulua
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This is my favorite Atelier cast out of any game.
How come no one posted about Ryza and Resleriana?
I can understand liking E&L more if your favorite game mechanic is the "sleep" mechanic where you skip a bunch of days, but most people don't actually find that to be an especially interesting part of the game. Or is it the ass backwards restock system that actually pays you more money for each item you use instead of charging you for them like the tutorial says it will?
removing the vitroil from my point for a moment, i can understand liking the characters, but the gameplay of E&L is a hot mess.
Single player jrpg players don't like gacha
I'll never not be mad that this was just a Mysterious game parading around in an Arland skin like some horrifying skinwalker abomination. Even the plot is a 1:1 rehash of sophie. "novice alchemist finds a magical tome that leads her to becoming life partners with an ancient alchemical life form". Also the devs were absolute cowards making Lulua adopted instead of making her Rorona's Alchemy baby.
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True End autism almost ruined Totori for me, especially since it was just my second Atelier. I should replay it blind (well not exactly blind now, but I don't remember shit anyway) someday.
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>Also the devs were absolute cowards making Lulua adopted instead of making her Rorona's Alchemy baby
Biological baby*
Nah you're totally right, bunch of fucking cowards the lot of them. Still my favorite cast though.
Resleri is fine on it's own but the topic is the mainline games.
Also OP started with disregarding Ryza so there is no need to try to convince a retard to play it.
Welcome to Atelier Meruru! How may we be of service?
>Also the devs were absolute cowards making Lulua adopted instead of making her Rorona's Alchemy baby.
Rorona and Sterk's baby*
I only have respect for Ryza because it had the balls to officially pair its characters in the end.
And Resleriana is a gacha game.
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
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How about a nice Pie instead? Just ignore the screaming
I played both Totori and Rorona. I really liked the games, the main story at least. I'm not a fan of the post game.
Because you're a nigger.
Yes. The only good idea it has is the cauldrons for alchemy and they fuck it up by giving you the super god cauldron at the end so none of the restrictions matter anymore.

Yeah I really hated that, the party system being how it is means the game just assumes none of the optional party members are with you for 90% of the game's events and so they never show up outside of character events specifically. With Sophie and Firis it's like Gust just had no idea that the the character interactions were a big part of what made the games enjoyable before then.
I think most people just don't understand that the games aren't that long and you're meant to replay them to reach new outcomes and the NG+ carryovers facilitate that. People go into it with this attitude of wanting to see everything in one go and never miss anything (which is exactly what Ryza encourages) so they just throw a fit when it's actually somewhat difficult to do that.
I appreciate that it actually did most of the returning characters justice but the new characters were boring as fuck, the plot sucked, and Ficus' entire character story is such an absolute shitshow it's insulting to Totori's game.
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I fucking love Arland so much bros
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It is probably safe to blame completionism, but it has also turned the games into such an exhaustible grind. The old games knew you were on a timer and thus adjusted accordingly with better trait drops. All of the Ateliers with time limits with carry-over have better post games than something like, I dunno, Firis, which allows for zero calibration in neither normal play nor post game.

It's so fucking bizarre to me that people will praise this system for something they need to spend an entire week on just to grind the post game, where your reward will be some nondescript item whacked in your face to really hammer in the fact that you just wasted your life and the game has nothing but contempt for you having done so.
That's a 35 year old virgin christmas cake single mom.
Arland 5 soon.
>Alchemy baby
>Biological baby
>Rorona and Sterk's baby
why not all three?
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>Arland 5 soon.
Yes, i look forward to playing as Totori and Mimi's daughter.
>I heard ryza is casualized trash,
you heard right
Arland Dusk and Mysterious series are great
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>and Mysterious
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So they mixed their genes and then had the cauldron birth it?
Not even too outlandish for Arland.
Nah it's one of the best in terms of character interactions anon is buttblasted because Sophie spends too much time around men
>and dusk
Mimi doesn't want Totori's gross octupus juice.

>better than anything
opinion instantly discarded, you obviously hate atelier games and should play trash like neptunia instead
>it's one of the best in terms of character interactions
This is ironic because the characters are probably Sophie's single biggest failing.
Sterk will never ever put his penis in Rorona. They will be 70 years old traveling together for 40 years and Rorona will still be pissy about the money thing when she was 14
Considering he unironically think that Rorona, Totori and Ayesha don't have massive male cast?
none of the games are hard, it's all feelgood moe jrpgs with gay girls making friends and trying to run a business. sometimes there's a big bad too. they eventually realized the prospect of a time limit was scaring newcomers off and dropped it but that also took nearly all the strategic planning and stakes out so it's just a mindless grind now. still fun for a playthrough but from Shallie onwards every game is just a casual grind.
No, Rorona was making a Pie with a philosopher's stone baked into it, but sterk startled her when he came to visit unexpectedly, she tripped and almost fell, but Sterk caught her, crashing into a shelf in the process, she didn't notice he cut his hand and that his blood dripped into the cauldron. Afterwards Rorona ate the philosopher's pie that had Sterk's DNA in it and got pregnant, then she gave birth the natural way.
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she absolutely does. Mimi hunted down the Octopus that molested Totori just so she could lick its tentacles clean of totori's juices.
E&L has better character, better story, and better alchemy. The shit you need to do in order to get ultimate item is just obnoxious, not to mention all those archaic sorting/filtering you're forced to use like someone with ADHD. The dlc also offers more and the secret boss are better too.
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Good point
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Dusk's story is ruined by the fact that they totally drop the ball on all of its potential. it's all build up with no payoff at all. I never really cared much about superbosses so i can't comment on those, and bragging that your game has more DLC is silly to me, that's basically just saying "it's a good thing they cut out more content from the base game to sell back to us later".
Atelier Miruca
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i've always joked that Dusk 4 would drop the bullshit and just admit Wilbell is the main character, but i'd be all for a Miruca game.
I really should've played as Shallotte. Shallistera is far prettier but she's so fucking boring and so are the characters from her side of the story.
It's a trilogy you mong, they simply dropped the ball on the next game, I'm sorry if you were expecting self-contained moeshit like your game
>Implying a dlc can't be good

>never really cared much about superbosses

So you retard just admitted you just railroaded the game without exploring the full potential of game mechanics, gotcha.
E&L's story is literally just hanging around town doing nothing for 95% of the game and then you suddenly find out the world is ending and build an airship to stop it in the last 5%.
Her swimsuit in third game makes me want to have procreation sex with her from behind so much.
Lotte is my first pick. Prim and proper girl is boring.
This is both objectively and factually wrong you retard. Do you really want to win argument so much that you lie on a dead imageboard?
>the only part of a game that matters is the endgame bosses
don't you have a World of Warcraft thread to shit up with your retarded takes? maybe you should go back to there.
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It's objectively and factually right. Also the triggers to power up the final boss don't even fucking work in the Vita version because KT is incompetent.
I can't remember what her swimsuit looked like, you should post an image so i can properly judge your opinion on the topic.
Nice comprehension, ESL-kun.
No, it's not.
>Playing the worst version on dead handheld and complaining about bugs
>everyone loves Rorona
>everyone loves Totori
>literally no one gives a shit about Meruru
i just caved and started playing that a couple days ago. gameplay is just the usual gacha navigating tons of menus and currencies and trophy notifications and special deals until you get to the actual game which so far is a nice-looking all-star cast in a story on par with recent Atelier titles. but alchemy is basic as shit and you don't get to walk around yourself - it's just watching cutscenes and turn-based battles with less depth than any previous entry in the series. every character has two moves so the challenge is just to balance your team so you can progress past the next fight.

might be that i got lucky and pulled Ryza and also the recent event Ryza (despite being an Arland guy) along with a couple other 0,5% characters on my initial free rolls but i haven't needed to change my party at all in days. just rotating in some new ones to stop the monotony. game is harmless, but so were the last handful of mainline titles.
Being from the third game in a trilogy doesn't do her any favors. Meruru is plenty likable, but she's overshadowed by her teachers. the Shallies similarly don't get much love compared to Ayesha, Escha, and Wilbell.
Characters in her game were almost as bad as sophie cast, and returning characters were ruined for the sake of cheap otaku fanservice, like mimi not being married to some noble, sterk bastardization and shit
Best credits in franchise
Meruru is my favorite game of the trilogy, but my least favorite protagonist of the trilogy.
Which game should I start with considering I'm a lolicon?
>I even played Atelier Annie on DS.
Feel sad about 2 of her games never being translated
Gust should totally try to sell them on modern platforms, pcfags have no standards and buy anything anyway
Meruru is kind of a meh character. Shes a bit of an airhead, but not as much as Rorona. And shes a princess and... thats it. Theres just not a lot going on there.
They added genderbent Sterk from alternative universe to be Rorona's love interest, should tell enough about state of modern Gust.
Well there's only one game in the entire series with a loli protagonist so you don't have much choice.
which one is that?
Totori, not a good one to start with either.
alright anon
Rorona is fun but it is very hard to get into if you have never played the series. rorona is, in my opinion, for explicitly outside players going to feel like absolute shit to play.
I would have reccomended playing sophie first, even though that game is kinda super fucking boring.

The atelier games are kidna hard to get into because ryza is so casualized compared to the "good" games, but the good games are very niche and hard to get into comparatively.

My favorite of them all is ateleir firis.
IDK, you maybe should have just played ryza first as its a good stepping stone entry to the series
Do not under any circumstances play totori as your first time atelier game
Why are you playing gust games if you don't like fanservice?
Totori is not a loli. That's like saying Ryza is a loli.
>I don't know if I can endure Sophie 2
Sophie 2 is the best one so far. Pretty much everything about it is great. It's like an apology for how dull Sophie 1 was.
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alternate universe Rorona's love interest, to be specific.
It's a bit bullshit that Gust is still this scared of otaku outrage over a ship that pretty much everyone has long since accepted as being canon, including themselves, but it is what it is. Maybe it's part of the "Sterk eats shit and it's very funny" joke they've been playing at for the last fifteen years, holy shit.
You can also choose to look at it as no matter the place or gender, they'll just naturally gravitate towards each other, which is a nice thought.
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They fear the Gacha and don't realize how nicely the old characters actually figure into the story. Early chapters are also a bit slow in getting you to appreciate Resna's dorkiness.
You're right, thirteen is too old. I had this thought she was ten.
Guess that pretty much narrows it down then.
gacha's are shit
i can just watch the interesting stuff online
I dont get how come Stera route got so fucking shit
I'm not playing the gacha, fuck off.
>I heard ryza is casualized trash
You really need a timelimit fucking you right in the ass?
You cant autismmax and enjoy the with such
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Cowards. Play the gacha and love this dork's game.
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This. Best alchemy system ever and power creep
>Alchemy baby
>Biological baby*
Hes right. There were some theories Lulua was Rorons humunculi made with Sterk "male part"
But its likely shes Sterk and Astrid daughter since timeline matched her disappearance
Not doing it.
I wonder what they're going to do when this game EOS's, it's a mainline right? Maybe if they release an offline version with everything unlocked I'll do it. Barebones as it may be.
rare character trope of female yuri pedophile. very based game
Everyone hates Resleriana. atgg only plays it for being an Atelier game despite it will EOS just like Blue Reflection Sun/3
Also stop milking Ryza for fucks sake
>Do not under any circumstances play totori as your first time atelier game
That's what I did and I liked it and got a good ending on my first playthrough because I'm not fucking retarded.
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firis downblouse
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As if the gacha turning the alchemy into multiple layers of RNG based on the characters from the gacha you use in it wasn't bad enough already, it's also censored to shit. So fuck off.
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Why it wont let me post gacha characters art?
no one cares about dusk characters anyway
good for you, its still possible the worst one to play as your first atelier game.
its a sequel, so interactions and call backs will not be as meaningful
the time is the tightest of all the atelier games. its still generous enough to beat if you are a dumbass, but it has the potential to easilly get fucked over compared to any of the other games. and its really specifically because of just how much goddamn time that last map traversal takes.
and the pc port is bad too, it crashes the most out of all the atelier games.

as casualized as ryza is, the fact that its so casualized makes it a good stepping stone entry for the rest of the games. its that, rorona, or sophie. take it or leave it
For me, it's the brown girls.
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>Rorona unknowingly adopts Astrid & Sterk's child to live on as a depressed single mom
Astrid's ultimate troll. Keikaku doori as well.
I liked the homunculus theory, since Rorona has blue eyes, and Sterk has yellow eyes, and blue + yellow = green. It would have been deepest lore, but turns out it was nothing. Nothing? Nothing.
what this anon said. Totori looked the cutest so i picked her game first. it's the jankiest in the trilogy (considering Rorona Plus) so it was a good first experience and the other two were just refinements. even with the time constraint i still made it across the ocean for the "good" ending and then you're onto NG+ where it's really easy to progress past the point you were at in the last run. then i played the Dusk, Mysterious and Ryza trilogy and the quality dropoff is real, only i liked Sophie and Firis as characters.
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Where the fuck does this idea that people need a "stepping stone" even come from?
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nigga you are talking about totori's game they are not supposed to be hard in the first place the only thing that is supposed to be hard is my penis when i see totori absolute barren washboard
>A lot of newcomers seem to not look up or just not understand how the games are structured.
To be fair I get it. Many miss there are individual trilogies in the franchise.
because most rpg fags are use to derivite and non- innovative games like final fantasy or fire emblem that never change up the formula
going into an rpg that is, for better or worse, hyper autistic and asks far more from the player than the average rpg might be overwhelming.

if someone is trying to play a souls like game for the first time, you dont reccomend them playing demon souls first. hell, you might not even reccomend them play dark souls 1 first either. it'd either be dark souls 3 or elden ring. Similar story with monster hunter. There are TONS of stories of individuals being turned off by older monster hunter but loving world and rise. This series has been going on for decades at this point, the quality and even genre wavers around. Sometimes, a taste of the genre in a more casualized game can help people appreciate the older titles more.

for me explicitly, I would have never played monster hunter if I played generations ultimate first compared to world. I can recognize that GU is a far better game than world though, now seeing the differences of the games and experiencing them for myself. Some people just need stepping stone games to appreciate a series
>Iris 1
I own iris and played it some. I want to fucking kill Lita, what a cunt
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>final fantasy
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>going into an rpg that is, for better or worse, hyper autistic and asks far more from the player than the average rpg might be overwhelming.
Yeah it's called a filter.
There is some truth to that, but there are also times when you need baptism by fire in order to not become some disgusting mysterious/ryza babby who's too afraid to even look at the older entries if they're not wearing a diaper first.
>Rorona is fun but it is very hard to get into if you have never played the series
Rorona(DX) was my first game and I liked it a lot. Playing Totori afterwards was like going back 10 years but I ended up getting used to and liking that too.
>entire year passed without new atelier game released
>entire year passed without new atelier game even announced
mindless fanservice in meruru/sophie/ryza killed series for real
>There is some truth to that, but there are also times when you need baptism by fire
that's simply not most people. they will be perfectly happy in the entry kiddy pool and never move past that. nothing wrong with playing what you like, but at least be aware of it.
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Sophie was my introduction into Atelier and it's still my favourite.
it isnt
1-10 can all be boiled down to glorified Rock paper scissors. 5 is the single most innovative one of them all, and as a result is the best of them, but anything past 10? can you even call it final fantasy anymore? 12 is a single player mmo, and while i love it, its so far derived from the formula to the point that its really a completely different genre. 13 sucks ass. 11 and 14 are mmos, and 15 and 16 are action rpgs. There is innovation, and then there is genre jumping.

thats true because i hate ryza fags who insist that series is the best in entire atelier series. real time battles suck
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in what way?
Resleriana devs do
Lot of Dusk banners including >>683885574 Miruca and Jurie appearing on last chapters
no time limits
real time battles severely limits battle strategies that past games had
alchemy has been simplified a ton compared to past entries
gathering is simplified as well with limited traits you can obtain

as a result you cant really do all the goofy min maxing shit you could do in past entries. as it has been mentioned in the thread, the series really was built on min maxing autism and the fact that ryza pushed away from that, well its just seen as a casualized entry. its still fun, but it doesnt have as much meat in the min maxing aspect as past entries have had, and is also just missing the since of urgency a lot of the entries in general had. With the time limit, you had to figure things out and make do with what you had a lot. Now? not really, it doesnt really matter
Can you do this but with Suelle and Cordelia guns replaced with cuck knives?
It still shocks me just how much character development was locked behind entire optional crafter parts. When you think about it you can completely ignore non-story crafting as Mana Synthesis can carry you throughout.
what if cory was a corydora
on the other hand us P4/P5 niggas were never gonna get into P3 without the remake. also you really should play Suikoden 1, it's a solid 6/10 but it sets you up for a 11/10 sequel.
i saw suikoden 2 for like 200 dollars at a used game store

im gona emulate them one day, but holy FUCk i wonder why its so expensive
i respect everyone who's holding off but fact is the new Atelier is out and it's called Resleriana. don't know how far i'm in right now but it's just cutscenes and mindless battles. at least i'm not being forced to pay for anything yet.
>new Atelier is out and it's called Resleriana
>release: september 2023
Okay, we are 11 months without single new atelier game being announced or released, when usually we get two per year
im not playing gacha shit
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For me its Hanna
oh i guess that's why i caved in when it's been a year since Ryza 3 and the Marie remake. christ i hope Gust isn't wasting time on banners and events for this when they could be making another game instead
used her constantly up until sterk joined and then i was absolutely baffled by how fucking good he is in that game
Sterk is a high level jrpg protagonist trapped in a world that is constantly fucking him over even when he does everything right
>Marie remake - very first atelier game, pretty easy and short, so should be way cheaper, still worth a try, but won't make you a fan
I really wonder how many modern fans enjoyed Marie. Perhaps enough to check out the fan translated PS2 compilation.
She'd just be glad she makes another hom to pretend is her and Rorona's child.
There isn't a single game where Sterk isn't based.
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>Even though he's a bit reclusive with people, he shares a special bond with pigeons.
oof, someone on the team was shlicking off to sterk for sure
Sterk was extra motivated in Meruru because he got to serve an actual princess.
i always thought sterk was just always autistically waving around a wand until i used him in my party and found out that was a sword
Sophie is a divisive game as older fans hate it for introducing a lot of the new concepts that new Atelier games have. Of course, said changes is how it brought in a bunch of new fans to the series and basically saved the franchise. But compared to the newer stuff, Sophie is still very much rough around the edges as it was basically a testbed instead of a complete overhaul. With that being said, it is the only game where it has the unique create your own puppet gimmick that has never been replicated by the franchise. Worth at least a try if it's your intro to the series.
I'm convinced all atelier posts are bot bait, the entirety of this franchise is garbage
I started with Ryza and I enjoyed it. But I did end up pretty much doing everything I could before the end of the game and ended up having to wait like 3 or 4 weeks for the games deadline.

It was pretty easy. But it was a multiend game so I'm gonna assume it was meant to be a short game.
I'm a newer fan (started with and enjoyed the Ryza trilogy) and I didn't enjoy Sophie. Arland was great though. Gonna try Dusk soon enough.
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it was a very strange but cool mechanic
the fact that we never had this replicated at any point and expanded upon is really disapointing
My gf at the time fucking loved sterk. He's peak female fap bait
Really disliked how Meruru portrayed him, felt really disrespectful to the character.
>dedicates his life to being the coolest and strongest royal knight ever
>ends up being a town guard in some little random shithole
>lusts after alchemussy his whole life
>only ever gets to fuck pigeons
Sterk has it rough.
What's the Japanese equivalent of "I can fix him?"
This. His support skills kill half the monsters in Lulua
By far best character from Meruru
Im still waiting for the offline patched version anons were devloping. It happened with Blue Reflection which is basically the same game
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>plachta has dress up for big stat changes
>firis has dress up for small effects in the field (or just ng+ and ignore it)
>they stop making a bunch of free costumes after that
I was really hoping they would keep doing it. Dress up makes every game better
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>no cunny customization
This is why I would never consider Sophie 2 as a true sequel. Like, what even was the point of that pointless sequel?
>one costume explicitly browns her
holy shit
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>lusts after alchemussy his whole life
Not all of them.
He needs a timelimit just like britishfags need to be spanked by their babysitter
Ryza games/Secret series allows you to minmax at the point DLC boss fights take 10 seconds on max difficult while on Lulua it takes a whopping 30 seconds... Machina of God on Meruru takes about 10min btw
is the iris trilogy even recognizable as atelier titles?
>rapes a man so she can have a make believe alchemy child with a teenage girl
>then turns that girl 9 after she becomes an adult
>all of this without asking permission from anyone
It's hilarious how much of a cartoony scumbag Astrid is.
Ryza feels like your normal rpg that SE releases every year.
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Some of you are alright. Don't go to school tomorrow.

>mindless battles
You're not touching the EX battles are you? Then again the recent ones have been quite doable and I don't think that's just due to rolling new banner units.
>You cant autismmax
Skill issue, unironically. Get more efficient and better at planning ahead
If you stick with it, the battle system (once you figure out what's going on and the fights get challenging) is better than in any of the mainline games. The alchemy is absolute shit though and that's what atelier is supposed to be all about.
i'm convinced you are a nigger
Sorry your soijak thread got bumped off, faggot
Sophie was the most popular Atelier. at least she was before Ryza fucked everything up.
i did pick the lot of them up but still haven't got around to playing them. from what i hear it's more standard JRPG fair, saving the world and all that. probably inspired by the success of Final Fantasy the previous console gen.
I played 3 and I liked it. Was pretty standard JRPG stuff with alchemy attached, but the character designs were good. I remember Pamela was in it, she was doing her thing even back then.
>The alchemy is absolute shit though and that's what atelier is supposed to be all about.
How should they have implemented the system given how tightly they designed the combat though? You need some way to drain mana regularly enough and incentivize further alchemy while also making sure that players can't just autismo their way to brokenhood like usual.

Take out the RNG and you'll have optimal gear to swap around within the first week.

Tack on durability and it becomes a chore to replenish synths you've already done.

Make the battle items more impactful than they already are and they'll render units moot. Same goes for having customizable materials like supplements around since they'll render future ingredients useless.
>Take out the RNG and you'll have optimal gear to swap around within the first week.
that's not true at all if you do what normal atelier games do, and have quality and traits that you have to find from gathering. especially since your ability to do harder dungeons ramps up slowly over time, getting max quality early on would be almost impossible.
>some character endings require you to FAIL the game
is it really that brutal
Maybe if you played games outside of meruru...
The problem is Resleriana is more like Mana Khemia as it is than it is Atelier. I understand that the alchemy mechanics has to be very surface level and basic, it is a gacha game after all, but whenever I see the characters lined up in the synthesis screen, I just feel more compelled to play those characters' games again than this.
Sounds based. I'm still mad we never got Atelier Astrid where you just walk around imposing your will and the township just gotta deal with it.
Would've made a better 4th Arland game than Lulua.
make gear specific to characters, that would keep people doing synths even without RNG. There are lots of ways they could go about it, I'm not a game designer. But the current system sucks.
>I'm still mad we never got Atelier Astrid
3ds atelier rorona had that as bonus scenario
Of course that was before meruru ruined Astrid's and others characters
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Lulua deserved so much better... I can't fucking believe Resleriana Ryza is on her, what, fifth alter? And Lulua still isn't in the game. What the fuck.
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>not mentioning Mana Khemia (the best Atelier game)
no sane person counts iris and mk as atelier games, newfriend.
>Iris is literally called Atelier Iris
>''it's not an Atelier game because............uuuhhmmmmmmmmm IT'S JUST ISN'T OK????''
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You have to consider the longevity of the game. To achieve that same flow you'd have to scale up traits and units with new content in a way that progression becomes very vertically linear. The current available traits in the game max out in terms of potency like 2 tiers below what would be in a regular game and that keeps traits other than "skill power" viable allowing for horizontal progression and experimentation with gear sets that help keep battles interesting. You allow the usual degree of alchemy autism and you're going to hit OP traits that kill all challenge far earlier than you'll have planned to because it only takes one autist to figure out the strat that makes everyone complacent.

That leads me to idea of shifting the RNG to super materials like Sophie 2. That'll cause players to give up on regular synths and they'll just end up hoarding mana for when they get the super mats instead and still leads to early optimal equips.

>make gear specific to characters
That only shifts the flow to making the designated optimal tier gears for each character. You're not going to make them for characters you're not interested in like say Tess so you'll end up quickly running out of reasons to synth. You're also not going to have the same degree of experimentation the game has currently. For example the way it is now I have multiple gear setups for Sophie. I could either specialize her for taking on single attacks, with Patty's sword, self recovery on hit with Herbal shirt and a bolt ring, or I could spec her to reduce damage for others using Bolt Ayesha's staff and earring.

RNG synths aside, they've actually done well with the equipment system by classing them out by unit roles. It makes me look forward to new recipes and keeps me experimenting.
in Totori, your first party member throws a shitfit if you at any point outlevel him in a battle. pursue that questline and get him back and you are 100% locked into his ending no matter what you do for the rest of the game. luckily Totori is the only time they pull this shit, Meruru lets you pick out of every possibility you've unlocked at the very end. so does Rorona Plus fuck you Gino
You're a clown, so of course anything slightly under 18 goes for your pedo standard.
Damn man, firis opening is soulless as hell
Can I get a QRD on the series' broad strokes?
Is it simply a JRPG w/ a heavy emphasis on its crafting system?
I personally really liked Sophie's.
The music was cozy (and the "music box" remix for her fight in Firis was my home theme in Lydie/Suelle) and well-composed.
With character bonding.
But in the simplest definition, pretty much.
The series focused on the crafting system right from the start that other games/media learned from and used.
I love the scene where meruru runs from the castle down to the atelier and this plays, it's top tier comfy
Every sentence in this post is wrong
Yeah I tried other games but Sophie is just the cutest
Sophie 2 is the best atelier game I've played
Modern atelier? Yeah, neptunia level of fanservice trash, with zero redeeming qualities
Ps3 age games? Raisings sims sandboxes with big focus on alchemy, where ending depends on your actions
I'll add that the games are really well crafted. They don't have the best graphics or design but there's a lot of soul. You can tell the people working on the games still love video games. It's kind of a throwback in that regard. It's miles away from slop like Neptunia.
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They're borderline shoujo games where you play as a cute girl in frilly clothes surrounded by other cute girls and bishonen males. The emphasis lies heavily on crafting where a big bulk of the game is discovering what combination of items and traits breaks the game the fastest. They're very SoL and low-key, there isn't a lot of tension and if there is, every issue is something Alchemy will invariable fix in the end.
Is there a gameplay 'loop' along the lines of:
kill enemies/farm mats > cook up potions in shop > rinse&repeat ?
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Fourth actually. Resna's the one who's on her fifth.

Lighthearted JRPG with coming of age stories of usually cute girls with a focus on SoL and item crafting. Several of them go on to become terrorists after the game end.

>Yeah, neptunia level of fanservice trash, with zero redeeming qualities
Why you gotta be like that? None of the games have battle systems as bad as the Nep games and it's just the gacha and the Ryza games that dip on the alchemy.
>None of the games have battle systems as bad as the Nep games
sophie sends her regards
Yes, I've actually compared them to a slice of life anime Monster Hunter. The gameplay isn't similar and the emphasis is different (hunting so you can craft instead of crafting so you can hunt) but the general idea is the same, make better gear so you can gather better resources so you can make better gear so you can gather better resources, etc.
Even the most streamlined Nep battle system is more frustrating and more braindead to play than Sophie's.
Don't forget turn-based battles.
At least until Ryza made them real-time and feel kind of weird.
when will they fuck?
>He say this as all ps3 games featured sexual innuendos and sexual costumes like swimsuit or bikini
Oh you sweet summer child
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Never. Sterk's life was doomed the second he stepped into that workshop.
He should've just gone after the cute secretary superior who actually wanted to get married.
You mean STD?
Thank you that's very good to know. What would be a good entry point in the series? Particularly regarding the aforementioned gameplay loop and crafting.

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