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Apologize. Now.
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You first.
The least fun souls game.
The most fun souls game.
Gomenesorry, dude!
dark souls 2 is the worst game ever made
what weapon is that?
>dark souls 2 is the worst game ever made
if you're a faggot
Whats with that overhaul mod? When is the release?
i am sorry that your mother smoked and drank alcohol when she was pregnant with you, OP
Bewitched Alonne Sword
preciate ya anon
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>fair boss fights designed around solo play, with finite stamina and no 50-hit combos
>very interconnected world similar to Dark Souls 1
>lamp mechanism adds a whole new layer to the world altering maps and adding secret passages
>passionate development team that listens to the community feedback, fixing almost all the issues at launch, adding tons of free dlc and finishing their roadmap
Fuck off
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If time can be convoluted in Lordran, space can be convoluted in Drangleic.
I'm sorry DS2 turned out the way that it did.
Not him but I did use that weapon for the other 2 DLCs. Super fun it’s got like a seppuku ability
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I've often wondered about this and whether it was intentional or not. Like it would have been easy to have a teleporter or other fade-to-black style connection, so why the elevator? Was it *intended* to be a mindfuck? If so the fact everyone is still talking about it makes it successful i guess? Was it just such a last minute change they didnt have time to knock out even the simplest transition? If so *how*? In game dev time something like that would take no time at all.

Despite that and similar weirdness, am i weird for saying it's world still felt more real and connected to me than DS3s did. DS3 just feels like teleporting around completely random disconnected chunks of a world despite on paper being actually very good about it's locations in relation to one another.
Part of that might be though that it's aesthetic is so fucking dogshit, when almost every level is beige and filled with randomly facing tombstones so that everywhere you look huts your eyes and anywhere could be anywhere. The areas you navigate even in lore have nothign to do with one another too. DS3s lore is literally 'a bunch of completely disconnected places have been smushed together into a big uninteresting hard to look at pile' in the middle of who knows where?

Meanwhile Drangleic is an actual country by the sea that you are navigating. You can see things in the distance you go to (albeit with faked distance), but also actual liminal / connecting areas exist, and the places, people and figures you encounter all actually mean something to Drangleic rather than just having their own separate histories until the Big Crunch happened.
>Slides 5 meters right up your face
Nothing personnel
I don't need to apologize, I've been defending it since day 1. That said
>very interconnected world similar to Dark Souls 1
It's specifically unlike DS1, because the interconnected world was designed to accommodate an earlier version for the game without fast travel. It's likely that playtesters whined that this was too different from FromSoft games, fast travel was added, and the connections were rendered more or less useless because all of them lead back to the game's central hub (which was important because you can't upgrade at vestiges).
>passionate development team that listens to the community feedback
Unfortunately, they're a little too attentive to community feedback because this is their first project as a team and they're not confident enough to tell Reddit to fuck off. Meanwhile they ignore legitimately good feedback like too many weapons having too much momentum on their animations even though the game plays extremely well with weapons that don't like halberds and claws.
The entire game is a last minute change. The original concept for the game was wildly different and Tanimura had to piece together something resembling a game from the assets they'd developed after the other director (whose career was ended by this, by the way) was fired. Every FromSoft game is full of revisions and cut content, but DS2 is on another level. It's a game made of cut content.

I will once they remove ADP
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>Straight men
DS2, Sekiro, Fallout 3, Oblivion, San Andreas
DS3, Elden Shit, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, GTA V
Yeah but that screenshot comparison is disingenuous. DS2's is a flat background while DS3's is fully rendered.
Prove it.
Why do people keep saying FNV is troonshit?
I dont play anything bethesda but im curious
Am I supposed to play the original DS2 or the tranny SotFS?
I'd say get whatever's easiest to get out of pure practicality but I had a lot more fun in the OG.
sotfs with the dynamic lighting mod
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Playing DS2 last made me realise how much worse DS3 and Elden ring are than actual souls games
So its just the people the game attracts?
I thought it was something the devs did like body type a/b shit or something
lorewise there is a long tunnel but the game obviously skipped it
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Probably some of it is just the usual 'this media has good, complex writing and is therefore a left-wing plot' shit. But I can see why it'd be popular with the LGB part of that crowd; it has current year levels of gay representation (i.e. they exist) despite a release in the ancient decrepit time of 2014.
Well actually that's kind of a lie. A current year game would shout about it's gay characters as an event, or have them introduce themselves as gay first sentence. New Vegas is just matter of fact that sex is a thing that exists in their world.

There are a few characters that are openly gay. But New Vegas also introduced specific male/female perks ('Confirmed Bachelor' vs 'Cherchez La Femme') that unlock dialogue with characters you might not otherwise realize are gay, so as far as roleplaying goes you can actually make a confirmed gay character which is presumably appreciated, and they probably also appreciate that there are gay characters just going about the world being gay without it being an issue or important; that someone who didn't pick that perk woulnd't have even known that about them.

As far as trans specifically I'd guess it's more piggybacking on the greater LGBT acceptance. I don't think anyone in New Vegas is trans? The closest I can think of is pic related, Lily, who looks like a six foot tall blue bodybuilder despite (apparently) being an elderly grandmother complete with a bad memory and assuming you are her grandkid. But 1) that's how supermutants work, male or female end up looking the same and lose secondary sex characteristics and 2) she's fucking insane like every other nightkin (blue) supermutant. One gets orders from a cow skull.

Incidentally you've no excuse for not playing New Vegas. Shit is good. Even if you're a far right mongoloid you can join Caesars Legion who explicitely rape/enslave women and kill gays.
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Apologize? For what?
>Aggro everyone in the room
>"why am I being attacked by everyone?!"
For your mother giving birth to you.
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What for, exactly?
360 version as well. OG's remember pre-patch console Shrine of Vietnam
I don't hate DS2 but I can not stand the NPC AI, every single one will cancel hitstun with an iframe it is such a shitty cheap way to make them more difficult.
Are you pretending to be retarded and blind
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But it's my favorite game of all time.
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>being so much of a gangsta you emulate a game with a native PC port and a decent one at that
>dude pixels are pixelier
dude one clearly looks better than the other
DS2 faggots always coping because they know the game looks like dog shit beyond Majula
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uh huh
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Are you ds2 apologists gonna get your shit arguments engraved on your tombstone? It's been 11 years, fuck off already.
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Fallout 3 fanboys were made fun of on /v/ for years and years, nonstop. Until very recently FNV was held as one of the best games ever made on /v/. It just happens that Fallout 3 retards started to spam troon accusations at FNV and FNV being the much more popular game by a very wide margin it did have a bunch of troons who are autistic about it so they latched onto the meme. The truth is FNV is still a much better game than any Bethesda game, the game was hastily put together in less than a year as what is essentially a mod for FO3 and it still mogs the shit out of every single Bethesda game so the drones are still butthurt about it.
I'm sorry DS2 is so DOGSHIT
I went back and beat The Rotten after ER and man that was a breath of fresh air.
>super basic boss moveset but feels completely natural, just observe and react accordingly, obvious when you're meant to punish
>not braindead still because you have to manage your stamina and position (rollspam won't always save you if you're in the wrong spot)
>also firepits that can kill you quickly so you have to be mindful of where you roll
>walkback part of the challenge, dangerous enough that you probably start the boss with one or two less flasks, but brief enough that you aren't condemning the devs, very clearly there so they can make bosses neither too easy nor too hard
>biggest enemy is your own adhd
I finally get it.
>>683877597 (OP)
I'm sorry DS2 is so GOOD
You can also chop both arms, the one without the butcher knife drops a corpse with a human effigy iirc. Eventually the arms regrow but in NG+ and beyond it's a good strategy to remove the butcher knife arm to reduce it's reach.
>favela gutter
What are you attempting to communicate with this extremely cropped frame?
Its unfortunate that these unique behaviors never came back due to most people who summon being absolute mouthbreathers who can't pay attention to shit to save their lives.
That this is an extremely cropped video and the fact that you were hit at the same time your enemy was is nothing more than a coincidence and it proves nothing regarding the 'AI cancelling hitstun with an iframe' matter (or whatever the fuck 3tards will make up to justify their retardation)
The webm is unrelated to the comment. I would have thought you could piece that together yourself. Elite Giants don't have iframes, they aren't NPCs. That's just an old webm I have showing that enemies in DS2 deal damage multiple frames before they even swing their weapons.
1. Mobs are NPCs.
2. He clearly hits you.
3. If you want to post webms that are not related to your comment, don't. Just ask yourself why would you ever do that.
Why would I apologize? Loved Best Souls 2 since the start.
It and Sekiro > Dks1= DeS > ....> Shit > Roll Slop 3 > dogshit > ER.
>Game looks bad
>Mwah gwaphix
>Gwame unplayable
Retard speak basically. Safely ignored.
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Friend this is the damage frame. The attack it is winding up is the overhead left hand club slam it has a right club horizontal follow up. Please tell me where the left club is hitting my character in this frame? You can't because it literally isn't visible in frame let alone near the character yet it is dealing damage because DS2 is not very good.
I get it I know you attached your personality to from's games but perhaps you should consider they have some flaws.
kind of related
in DSR i keep invading people that take almost no damage from me
is this a new glitch i'm not aware of or just a bug?
It's a psyop by soon to be mass shooters. Most likely Bethesda fans. Known to be around 1 IQ, give or take a few points. Everytime you see this ask them to point out the troons in NV and with any luck some will actually use that rope.
>Verification not required.
Damn straight.
We all know what shockwaves are, stop playing a dumb idiot.
nigga, fnv was released in 2010
Drangleic is a vast, expansive kingdom. There are many grand locations, all far apart from each other, and people are coming to this land from places even farther away.
To expect some sort of DaS-style interconnectedness between these areas is retarded. Just because the areas don't make sense spacially in navigating between them doesn't make the areas themselves any worse - this is a video game first, and it should be fun. And that's what DaS 2 is, a lot of fun. SotFS is quite a margin greater than DaS3 and Elden Ring, so it would appear that 'logical' navigation between levels doesn't matter all that much.
why were quest npcs so shit (Lucatiel etc)
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our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks
Holy based.
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>No more Holy Knight Aurheim
>No more Maldron the Ass
>Barely even any Jester Thomas emote/warmth trolling
DaS2 NPC invaders are still the gold standard when it comes to their behaviour. Literally every invader in the other games has basically the same AI, "go get this dude", and no flavor at all. Maldron alone BTFO's everyone else.
It was a pleasant surprise to see NPC phantoms have more dialogue in ER DLC though, i want more like that. But what they really need is more unique and fun behaviours
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Linear souls will always be better than open world Souls.
Lies of P being a better game than Elden Ring proved this, but if we're being honest with ourselves. Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne also being better is indicative of this.
I'm sorry you were the retarded black sheep of the series. I wish every game could be good and worth playing
>fair boss fights designed around solo play, with finite stamina and no 50-hit combos
Lords has dead phases where you just can't hit the boss instead leading to an overall worse fight.
>very interconnected world similar to Dark Souls 1
There's some connection and back paths but nothing great or convenient to DaSo's level.
>lamp mechanism adds a whole new layer to the world altering maps and adding secret passages
bruh i love going soul mode to explore the level covered in dry cum, incessant weak attacking enemies, instead of just experience a well thought out and beautiful level. This mechanic was pure garbage with zero redeeming qualities.
>passionate development team that listens to the community feedback, fixing almost all the issues at launch, adding tons of free dlc and finishing their roadmap
Haven't played since release, but I remember their first patch was nerfing everything fun
I'm playing it right now.
Doing coop in Huntsman Copse.
Spent the last few days killing shitters in the belltower.
>Spent the last few days killing shitters in the belltower.
they're fake AI opponents breh.
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But did you complete both?
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>sex is a thing that exists in their world.
and it just so happens to be... le every single one of your companions including josh sawyer's fag self insert
seeing screenshots of ds2 is like seeing crawling maggots
disgusting and vile
I'm sorry Tanimura is such a fucking hack and DaS2 was such dogshit.
rim my anus
Make a good thread for once
>muh ludo narrative interconnected dissonance

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